Jolien van Breen
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. J.A. van Breen
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9506
- 0000-0003-2776-7132
Jolien van Breen is Universitair Docent bij de onderzoeksgroep Violence and Violence Prevention. Ze heeft een achtergrond in Sociale Psychologie en promoveerde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Het onderzoek van Jolien richt zich op interpersoonlijk conflict en geweld, en in het bijzonder op de sociaal-structurele aspecten van interpersoonlijk geweld. Ook maakt ze deel uit van het interdisciplinaire programma Social Resilience and Security.
Meer informatie over Jolien van Breen
Nieuws en media
Mijn achtergrond is experimentele sociale psychologie. Mijn huidige onderzoek richt zich op intergroepsconflict en geweld. Ik ben specifiek geinteresseerd in hoe mensen geweld en conflicten begrijpen, en hoe ze ermee omgaan.
Ik heb gestudeerd aan de Universiteit van Edinburgh en de Universiteit van Amsterdam voordat ik mijn PhD in Sociale Psychologie behaalde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Tussen 2017 en 2020 was ik postdoc aan de Universiteit van Exeter (VK). Sinds september 2020 ben ik werkzaam bij de Universiteit Leiden, binnen het stimuleringsprogramma Social Resilience and Security.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Physical violence and public order
- Breen J.A. van, Voorde J.M. ten & Liem M.C.A. (2024), Understanding ethnic disparities in lethal police incidents in the Netherlands between 2016 and 2020, Homicide Studies : .
- Breen J.A. van & Liem M.C.A. (2023), When it rains it pours? : A time-series approach to the relationship between homicide and other adverse health phenomena, Journal of Public Health : .
- Rabolini A., Breen J.A. van & Liem M.C.A. (2023), Old habits die hard: assessing the validity of using homicide as an indicator of other violent crimes, European Journal of Criminology : .
- Breen J.A. van, Lemus S. de, Kuppens T., Barreto M. & Spears R. (2023), Extending the scope for resistance to gender-based devaluation, European Review of Social Psychology : 1-35.
- Breen J.A. van, Devarakonda S.K. & Liem M. (2023), Can homicide serve as an indicator of non-lethal crime? : A systematic literature review, International Criminology : .
- Rabolini A., Breen J. van & Liem M. (2022), Drug Related Homicides . In: Parker K.F., Mancik A.M. & Stansfield R. (red.), Taking Stock of Homicide: Trends, Emerging Themes, and the Challenges. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
- Barreto M., Breen J.A. van, Victor C., Hammond C., Eccles A., Ritchins M. & Qualter P. (2022), Exploring the nature and variation of the stigma associated with loneliness , Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 39(9): 2658-2679.
- Breen J.A. van & Barreto M. (2022), Mind the gap! Stereotype exposure discourages women from expressing the anger they feel about gender inequality, Emotion : .
- Begeny C.T., Breen J. van, Leach C.W., Zomeren M. van & Iyer A. (2022), The power of the Ingroup for promoting collective action: how distinctive treatment from fellow minority members motivates collective action, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 101: 104346.
- Begeny C.T., Breen J. van, Leach C.W., Zomeren M. van & Lyer A. (2022), The power of the ingroup for promoting collective action: how distinctive treatment from fellow minority members motivates collective action, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 101: 104346.
- Breen J.A. van & Liem M.C.A. (2022), Clustering of homicide with other adverse health outcomes in the Netherlands, Preventive Medicine Reports 30: 101988.
- Breen J.A. van & Liem M.C.A. (2022), Clustering of homicide with other adverse health outcomes in the Netherlands, Preventive Medicine Reports 30: 101988.
- Barsamian Kahn K., Breen J.A. van, Barreto M. & Kaiser C. (2021), When is women’s benevolent sexism associated with support for other women’s agentic responses to gender‐based threat?, British Journal of Social Psychology 60(3): 786-807.
- Breen Jolien A., Lemus Soledad de, Spears Russell & Kuppens Toon (2021), Counteracting subliminal cues that threaten national identity, British Journal of Social Psychology : bjso.12474.
- Breen J.A. van, Kutlaca M., Koc Y.,Jeronimus B., Reitsema A.M., Jovanovic V., the PsyCorona team & Pontus Leander N. (2021), Lockdown lives: A longitudinal study of inter-relationships among feelings of loneliness, social contacts, and solidarity during the COVID-19 Lockdown in early 2020, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin : .
- Sasse J., Breen J.A. van, Spears R. & Gordijn E.H. (2021), The rocky road from experience to expression of emotions—women’s anger about sexism, Affective Science 2(4): .
- Breen J.A., Goclowska M.A., Lemus S. de, Baas M., Kelleci B. & Spears R. (2020), Creativity for the Group: Distinctive Feminists Engage in Divergent Thinking When Acting on Behalf of Women, Social Psychological and Personality Science : .
- Ciftci E.E., Barreto M., Doyle D.M., Breen J. van & Darden S. (2020), Distancing or drawing together: sexism and organisational tolerance of sexism impact women's social relationships at work, European Journal of Social Psychology 50(6): .
- Breen J.A. van, Dreu C.K.W. de & Kret M.E. (2018), Pupil to pupil: the effect of a partner's pupil size on (dis)honest behavior, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 74(1): 231-245.
- Breen J.A. van, Spears R., Kuppens T. & Lemus S. de (2018), Subliminal Gender Stereotypes: Who Can Resist?, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44: 1648-1663.
- Breen J.A. van Spears R. Kuppens T. Lemus S. de (2017), A multiple identity approach to gender: Identification with women, identification with feminists, and their interaction, Frontiers in Psychology 8(1): 1019-1026.
- Leicht C. Gocłowska M.A. Van Breen J.A. Lemus S. de Randsley de Moura G. (2017), Counter-Stereotypes and Feminism Promote Leadership Aspirations in Highly Identified Women, Frontiers in Psychology 8: 883-899.