Johannes van Hilten
Emeritus hoogleraar Bewegingsstoornissen in de neurologie, waaronder de ziekte van Parkinson
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.J. van Hilten
- Telefoon
- 07152692111
- 0000-0002-7030-0362

Ik hou me bezig met de Ziekte van Parkinson en dystonie. Het SCOPA-PROPARK onderzoek ( is een prospectief cohort onderzoek van patiënten met de ziekte van Parkinson. Het onderzoek richt zich op fenotype karakterisatie, subtype identificatie, fenotype-genotype relaties, ontwikkeling van progressiemodellen en relaties tussen klachten/verschijnselen, beperkingen en kwaliteit van leven bij patiënten met de ziekte van Parkinson.
Via het Kennisconsortium Trauma RElated Neuronal Dysfunction ( wordt gebruikmakend van het complex regionaal pijn syndroom onderzoek gedaan naar de genese, evaluatie en behandeling van bewegingsstoornissen als dystonie die ontstaan na perifere weefsel beschadiging.
Emeritus hoogleraar Bewegingsstoornissen in de neurologie, waaronder de ziekte van Parkinson
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Neurologie
- Frequin, H.L.; Verschuur, C.V.M.; Suwijn, S.R.; Boel, J.A.; Post, B.; Bloem, B.R.; Hilten, J.J. van; Laar, T. van; Tissingh, G.; Munts, A.G.; Dijk, J.M.; Lang, A.E.; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.; Hoogland, J.; Bie, R.M.A. de & LEAP Study Grp (2024), Long-Term Follow-Up of the LEAP Study: Early Versus Delayed Levodopa in Early Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders 39(6): 975-982.
- Sosero, Y.L.; Bandres-Ciga, S.; Ferwerda, B.; Tocino, M.T.P.; Belloso, D.R.; Gómez-Garre, P.; Faouzi, J.; Taba, P.; Pavelka, L.; Marques, T.M.; Gomes, C.P.C.; Kolodkin, A.; May, P.; Milanowski, L.M.; Wszolek, Z.K.; Uitti, R.J.; Heutink, P.; Hilten, J.J. van; Simon, D.K.; Eberly, S.; Alvarez, I.; Krohn, L.; Yu, E.; Freeman, K.; Rudakou, U.; Ruskey, J.A.; Asayesh, F.; Menendez-Gonzalez, M.; Pastor, P.; Ross, O.A.; Krueger, R.; Corvol, J.C.; Koks, S.; Mir, P.; Bie, R.M.A. de; Iwaki, H.; Gan-Or, Z. & Int Parkinson's Dis Genomic Consortium (2024), Dopamine Pathway and Parkinson's Risk Variants Are Associated with Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia, Movement Disorders 39(10): 1773-1783.
- Marras, C.; Fereshtehnejad, S.M.; Berg, D.; Bohnen, N.I.; Dujardin, K.; Erro, R.; Espay, A.J.; Halliday, G.; Hilten, J.J. van; Hu, M.T.; Jeon, B.; Klein, C.; Leentjens, A.F.G.; Mollenhauer, B.; Postuma, R.B.; Rodriguez-Violante, M.; Simuni, T.; Weintraub, D.; Lawton, M. & Mestre, T.A. (2024), Transitioning from Subtyping to Precision Medicine in Parkinson's Disease: A Purpose-Driven Approach, Movement Disorders 39(3): 462-471.
- Frequin, H.L.; Schouten, J.; Verschuur, C.V.M.; Suwijn, S.R.; Boel, J.A.; Post, B.; Bloem, B.R.; Hilten, J.J. van; Laar, T. van; Tissingh, G.; Munts, A.G.; Dijk, J.M.; Deuschl, G.; Lang, A.; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.; Haan, R.J. de; Bie, R.M.A. de & LEAP Study Grp (2023), Levodopa response in patients with early Parkinson disease, Neurology 100(4): E367-E376.
- Chernova, V.O.; Terveer, E.M.; Prehn, J. van; Kuijper, E.J.; Keller, J.J.; Jong, A.E.V.; Bauer, M.P.; Hilten, J.J. van & Contarino, M.F. (2023), Fecal microbiota transplantation for Parkinson's disease using levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel percutaneous endoscopic gastro-jejunal tube.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Vugt, J.P.P. van; Marinus, J.; Kuiper, R.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Zutt, R.; Gaag, N.A. van der; Hoffmann, C.F.E.; Dorresteijn, L.D.A.; Hilten, J.J. van & Contarino, M.F. (2023), Predicting motor outcome and quality of life after subthalamic deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease, Journal of Parkinson's Disease 13(4): 575-588.
- Chernova, V.O.; Terveer, E.M.; Prehn, J. van; Kuijper, E.J.; Keller, J.J.; Jong, A.E.V.; Bauer, M.P.; Hilten, J.J. van & Contarino, M.F. (2023), Fecal microbiota transplantation for Parkinson's disease using levodopa - carbidopa intestinal gel percutaneous endoscopic gastro-jejeunal tube, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 111.
- Gaag, B. L. van der; Hepp, D. H.; Hoff, J. I.; Hilten, J. J. B. van; Darweesh, S. K. L.; Bloem, B. R. & Berg, W. D. J. van de (2023), Risicofactoren voor de ziekte van Parkinson, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 167(38).
- Vendrik, K.E.W.; Chernova, V.O.; Kuijper, E.J.; Terveer, E.M.; Hilten, J.J. van; Contarino, M.F. & FMT4PD Study Group (2023), Safety and feasibility of faecal microbiota transplantation for patients with Parkinson's disease, BMJ Open 13(10).
- Verschuur, C.V.M.; Suwijn, S.R.; Haan, R.J. de; Boel, J.A.; Post, B.; Bloem, B.R.; Hilten, J.J. van; Laar, T. van; Tissingh, G.; Munts, A.; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W. & Bie, R.M.A. de (2022), Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of early levodopa in Parkinson's disease, Journal of Parkinson's Disease 12(7): 2171-2178.
- Geerse, D.J.; Coolen, B.; Hilten, J.J. van & Roerdink, M. (2022), Holocue, Frontiers in Neurology 12.
- Liu, G.Q.; Ni, C.M.; Zhan, J.M.; Li, W.M.; Luo, J.F.; Liao, Z.X.; Locascio, J.J.; Xian, W.B.; Chen, L.; Pei, Z.; Corvol, J.C.; Maple-Grodem, J.; Campbell, M.C.; Elbaz, A.; Lesage, S.; Brice, A.; Hung, A.Y.; Schwarzschild, M.A.; Hayes, M.T.; Wills, A.M.; Ravina, B.; Shoulson, I.; Taba, P.; Koks, S.; Beach, T.G.; Cormier-Dequaire, F.; Alves, G.; Tysnes, O.B.; Perlmutter, J.S.; Heutink, P.; Hilten, J.J. van; Barker, R.A.; Williams-Gray, C.H.; Scherzer, C.R. & Int Genetics of Parkinson Disease Progression (IGPP) Consortium (2022), Mitochondrial haplogroups and cognitive progression in Parkinson's disease, Brain 146(1).
- Hienen, M.M. van; Kuiper, R.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Hilten, J.J. van; Contarino, M.F. & Geraedts, V.J. (2022), Patient-related factors influencing caregiver burden in Parkinson's disease patients, Journal of Parkinson's Disease 12(4): 1285-1293.
- Contarino, M.F.; Hilten, J.J. van & Kuijper, E.J. (2022), Targeting the gut-brain axis with fecal microbiota transplantation, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 10(S2).
- Contarino, M.F.; Hilten, J.J. van & Kuijper, E.J. (2022), Targeting the gut-brain axis with fecal microbiota transplantation, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 10(S2).
- Blauwendraat, C.; Iwaki, H.; Makarious, M.B.; Bandres-Ciga, S.; Leonard, H.L.; Grenn, F.P.; Lake, J.; Krohn, L.; Tan, M.; Kim, J.J.; Gibbs, J.R.; Hernandez, D.G.; Ruskey, J.A.; Pihlstrom, L.; Toft, M.; Hilten, J.J. van; Marinus, J.; Schulte, C.; Brockmann, K.; Sharma, M.; Siitonen, A.; Majamaa, K.; Eerola-Rautio, J.; Tienari, P.J.; Grosset, D.G.; Lesage, S.; Corvol, J.C.; Brice, A.; Wood, N.; Hardy, J.; Gan-Or, Z.; Heutink, P.; Gasser, T.; Morris, H.R.; Noyce, A.J.; Nalls, M.A.; Singleton, A.B. & Int Parkinsons Dis Genomics Consor (2021), Investigation of autosomal genetic sex differences in Parkinson's disease, Annals of Neurology 90(1): 35-42.
- Keo, A.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Grond, J. van der; Hafkemeijer, A.; Berg, W.D.J. van de; Hilten, J.J. van; Reinders, M.J.T. & Mahfouz, A. (2021), Cingulate networks associated with gray matter loss in Parkinson's disease show high expression of cholinergic genes in the healthy brain, European Journal of Neuroscience 53(11): 3727-3739.
- Liu, G.Q.; Peng, J.J.; Liao, Z.X.; Locascio, J.J.; Corvol, J.C.; Zhu, F.; Dong, X.J.; Maple-Grodem, J.; Campbell, M.C.; Elbaz, A.; Lesage, S.; Brice, A.; Mangone, G.; Growdon, J.H.; Hung, A.Y.; Schwarzschild, M.A.; Hayes, M.T.; Wills, A.M.; Herrington, T.M.; Ravina, B.; Shoulson, I.; Taba, P.; Koks, S.; Beach, T.G.; Cormier-Dequaire, F.; Alves, G.; Tysnes, O.B.; Perlmutter, J.S.; Heutink, P.; Amr, S.S.; Hilten, J.J. van; Kasten, M.; Mollenhauer, B.; Trenkwalder, C.; Klein, C.; Barker, R.A.; Williams-Gray, C.H.; Marinus, J.; Scherzer, C.R. & Int Genetics Parkinson Dis Progr (2021), Genome-wide survival study identifies a novel synaptic locus and polygenic score for cognitive progression in Parkinson's disease, Nature Genetics 53(6): 787-+.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Koch, M.; Contarino, M.F.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Wang, H.; Hilten, J.J. van; Back, T.H.W. & Tannemaat, M.R. (2021), Machine learning for automated EEG-based biomarkers of cognitive impairment during Deep Brain Stimulation screening in patients with Parkinson's Disease, Clinical Neurophysiology 132(5): 1041-1048.
- Mestre, T.A.; Fereshtehnejad, S.M.; Berg, D.; Bohnen, N.I.; Dujardin, K.; Erro, R.; Espay, A.J.; Halliday, G.; Hilten, J.J. van; Hu, M.T.; Jeon, B.; Klein, C.; Leentjens, A.F.G.; Marinus, J.; Mollenhauer, B.; Postuma, R.; Rajalingam, R.; Rodriguez-Violante, M.; Simuni, T.; Surmeier, D.J.; Weintraub, D.; McDermott, M.P.; Lawton, M. & Marras, C. (2021), Parkinson's disease subtypes: critical appraisal and recommendations, Journal of Parkinson's Disease 11(2): 395-404.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Koch, M.; Kuiper, R.; Kefalas, M.; Back, T.H.W.; Hilten, J.J. van; Wang, H.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Gaag, N.A. van der; Contarino, M.F. & Tannemaat, M.R. (2021), Preoperative electroencephalography-based machine learning predicts cognitive deterioration after subthalamic deep brain stimulation, Movement Disorders 36(10).
- Keo, A.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Grond, J. van der; Hilten, J.J. van; Reinders, M.J.T. & Mahfouz, A. (2021), Transcriptomic signatures associated with regional cortical thickness changes in Parkinson's disease, Frontiers in Neuroscience 15.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Ham, R.A.P. van; Hilten, J.J. van; Mosch, A.; Hoffmann, C.F.E.; Gaag, N.A. van der & Contarino, M.F. (2021), Intraoperative vs. postoperative side-effects-thresholds during pallidal and thalamic DBS, Frontiers in Neurology 12.
- Hienen, M.M. van; Contarino, M.F.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Hilten, J.J. van & Geraedts, V.J. (2020), Effect of deep brain stimulation on caregivers of patients with Parkinson's disease: a systematic review, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 81: 20-27.
- Heijer, J. den; Cullen, V.; Quadri, M.; Schmitz, A.; Hilt, D.; Lansbury, P.; Berendse, H.; Berg, W. de; Bie, R. de; Boertien, J.; Boon, A.; Contarino, M.; Hilten, J. van; Hoff, J.; Mierlo, T. van; Munts, A.; Plas, A.D.; Ponsen, M.; Baas, F.; Majoor-Krakauer, D.; Bonifati, V.; Laar, T. van & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), A large-scale full GBA1 gene screening in Parkinson's disease in the Netherlands: 18 novel and 1 'Dutch' variant, Movement Disorders 35: S197-S198.
- Pool, R.; Hagenbeek, F.A.; Hendriks, A.M.; Dongen, J. van; Willemsen, G.; Geus, E. de; Dijk, K.W. van; Verhoeven, A.; Suchiman, H.E.; Beekman, M.; Slagboom, P.E.; Harms, A.C.; Hankemeier, T.; Boomsma, D.I.; Beekman, M.; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Amin, N.; Beulens, J.W.; Bom, J.A. van der; Bomer, N.; Demirkan, A.; Hilten, J.A. van; Meessen, J.M.T.A.; Pool, R.; Moed, M.H.; Fu, J.; Onderwater, G.L.J.; Rutters, F.; So-Osman, C.; Flier, W.M. van der; Heijden, A.A.W.A. van der; Spek, A. van der; Asselbergs, F.W.; Boersma, E.; Elders, P.M.; Geleijnse, J.M.; Ikram, M.A.; Kloppenburg, M.; Meulenbelt, I.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Netea, M.G.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Stehouwer, C.D.A.; Teunissen, C.E.; Terwindt, G.M.; Hart, L.M. 't; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Harst, P. van der; Horst, I.C.C. van der; Kallen, C.J.H. van der; Greevenbroek, M.M.J. van; Spil, W.E. van; Wijmenga, C.; Zwinderman, A.H.; Zhernikova, A.; Jukema, J.W.; Wolf, J.J.H.B.; Cats, D.; Mei, H.; Slofstra, M.; Swertz, M.; Akker, E.B. van den; Deelen, J.; Reinders, M.J.T.; Boomsma, D.I.; Duijn, C.M. van; Slagboom, P.E. & BBMRI Metabol Consortium (2020), Genetics and not shared environment explains familial resemblance in adult metabolomics data, Twin Research and Human Genetics 23(3): 145-155.
- Hagenbeek, F.A.; Pool, R.; Dongen, J. van; Draisma, H.H.M.; Hottenga, J.J.; Willemsen, G.; Abdellaoui, A.; Fedko, I.O.; Braber, A. den; Visser, P.J.; Geus, E.J.C.N. de; Dijk, K.W. van; Verhoeven, A.; Suchiman, H.E.; Beekman, M.; Slagboom, P.E.; Duijn, C.M. van; Harms, A.C.; Hankemeier, T.; Bartels, M.; Nivard, M.G.; Boomsma, D.I.; Wolf, J.J.H.B.; Cats, D.; Amin, N.; Beulens, J.W.; Bom, J.A. van der; Bomer, N.; Demirkan, A.; Hilten, J.A. van; Meessen, J.M.T.A.; Moed, M.H.; Fu, J.; Onderwater, G.L.J.; Rutters, F.; So-Osman, C.; Flier, W.M. van der; Heijden, A.A.W.A. van der; Spek, A. van der; Asselbergs, F.W.; Boersma, E.; Elders, P.M.; Geleijnse, J.M.; Ikram, M.A.; Kloppenburg, M.; Meulenbelt, I.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Netea, M.G.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Stehouwer, C.D.A.; Teunissen, C.E.; Terwindt, G.M.; Hart, L.M. 't; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Harst, P. van der; Horst, I.C.C. van der; Kallen, C.J.H. van der; Greevenbroek, M.M.J. van; Spil, W.E. van; Wijmenga, C.; Zwinderman, A.H.; Zhernikova, A.; Jukema, J.W.; Mei, H.; Slofstra, M.; Swertz, M.; Akker, E.B. van den; Deelen, J.; Reinders, M.J.T. & BBMRI Metabolomics Consortium (2020), Heritability estimates for 361 blood metabolites across 40 genome-wide association studies, Nature Communications 11(1).
- Meessen, J.M.T.A.; Saberi-Hosnijeh, F.; Bomer, N.; Hollander, W. den; Bom, J.G. van der; Hilten, J.A. van; Spil, W.E. van; So-Osman, C.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Kloppenburg, M.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Duijn, C.M. van; Slagboom, P.E.; Meurs, J.B.J. van & Meulenbelt, I. (2020), Serum fatty acid chain length associates with prevalent symptomatic end-stage osteoarthritis, independent of BMI, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Keo, A.; Mahfouz, A.; Ingrassia, A.M.T.; Meneboo, J.P.; Villenet, C.; Mutez, E.; Comptdaer, T.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Figeac, M.; Chartier-Harlin, M.C.; Berg, W.D.J. van de; Hilten, J.J. van & Reinders, M.J.T. (2020), Transcriptomic signatures of brain regional vulnerability to Parkinson's disease, Communications Biology 3(1).
- Geraedts, V.J.; Feleus, S.; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Contarino, M.F. (2020), What predicts quality of life after subthalamic deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease? A systematic review, European Journal of Neurology 27(3): 419-428.
- Keo, A.; Mahfouz, A.; Ingrassia, A.M.T.; Meneboo, J.P.; Villenet, C.; Mutez, E.; Comptdaer, T.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Figeac, M.; Chartier-Harlin, M.C.; Berg, W.D.J. van de; Hilten, J.J. van & Reinders, M.J.T. (2020), Transcriptomic signatures of brain regional vulnerability to Parkinson’s disease, Communications Biology 3.
- Blauwendraat, C.; Reed, X.; Krohn, L.; Heilbron, K.; Bandres-Ciga, S.; Tan, M.; Gibbs, J.R.; Hernandez, D.G.; Kumaran, R.; Langston, R.; Bonet-Ponce, L.; Alcalay, R.N.; Hassin-Baer, S.; Greenbaum, L.; Iwaki, H.; Leonard, H.L.; Grenn, F.P.; Ruskey, J.A.; Sabir, M.; Ahmed, S.; Makarious, M.B.; Pihlstrom, L.; Toft, M.; Hilten, J.J. van; Marinus, J.; Schulte, C.; Brockmann, K.; Sharma, M.; Siitonen, A.; Majamaa, K.; Eerola-Rautio, J.; Tienari, P.J.; Pantelyat, A.; Hillis, A.E.; Dawson, T.M.; Rosenthal, L.S.; Albert, M.S.; Resnick, S.M.; Ferrucci, L.; Morris, C.M.; Pletnikova, O.; Troncoso, J.; Grosset, D.; Lesage, S.; Corvol, J.C.; Brice, A.; Noyce, A.J.; Masliah, E.; Wood, N.; Hardy, J.; Shulman, L.M.; Jankovic, J.; Shulman, J.M.; Heutink, P.; Gasser, T.; Cannon, P.; Scholz, S.W.; Morris, H.; Cookson, M.R.; Nalls, M.A.; Gan-Or, Z.; Singleton, A.B.; 23andMe Res Team & IPDGC (2020), Genetic modifiers of risk and age at onset in GBA associated Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementia, Brain 143: 234-248.
- Heaton, G.R.; Landeck, N.; Mamais, A.; Nalls, M.A.; Nixon-Abell, J.; Kumaran, R.; Beilina, A.; Pellegrini, L.; Li, Y.; Harvey, K.; Cookson, M.R. & IPDGC (2020), Sequential screening nominates the Parkinson's disease associated kinase LRRK2 as a regulator of Clathrin-mediated endocytosis, Neurobiology of Disease 141.
- Vendrik, K.E.W.; Ooijevaar, R.E.; Jong, P.R.C. de; Laman, J.D.; Oosten, B.W. van; Hilten, J.J. van; Ducarmon, Q.R.; Keller, J.J.; Kuijper, E.J. & Contarino, M.F. (2020), Fecal microbiota transplantation in neurological disorders, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 10.
- Heijer, J.M. den; Hilten, J.J. van; Kievit, A.J.A.; Bonifati, V. & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), Experience in genetic counseling for GBA1 variants in Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 8(1).
- Iwaki, H.; Blauwendraat, C.; Leonard, H.L.; Makarious, M.B.; Kim, J.J.; Liu, G.Q.; Maple-Grodem, J.; Corvol, J.C.; Pihlstrom, L.; Nimwegen, M. van; Smolensky, L.; Amondikar, N.; Hutten, S.J.; Frasier, M.; Nguyen, K.D.H.; Rick, J.; Eberly, S.; Faghri, F.; Auinger, P.; Scott, K.M.; Wijeyekoon, R.; Deerlin, V.M. van; Hernandez, D.G.; Gibbs, R.J.; Day-Williams, A.G.; Brice, A.; Alves, G.; Noyce, A.J.; Tysnes, O.B.; Evans, J.R.; Breen, D.P.; Estrada, K.; Wegel, C.E.; Danjou, F.; Simon, D.K.; Andreassen, O.A.; Ravina, B.; Toft, M.; Heutink, P.; Bloem, B.R.; Weintraub, D.; Barker, R.A.; Williams-Gray, C.H.; Warrenburg, B.P. van de; Hilten, J.J. van; Scherzer, C.R.; Singleton, A.B. & Nalls, M.A. (2020), Differences in the presentation and progression of Parkinson's disease by sex, Movement Disorders 36(1).
- Geerse, D.J.; Roerdink, M.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2020), Assessing walking adaptability in stroke patients, Disability and Rehabilitation 43(22).
- Heijer, J.M. den; Cullen, V.C.; Quadri, M.; Schmitz, A.; Hilt, D.C.; Lansbury, P.; Berendse, H.W.; Berg, W.D.J. van de; Bie, R.M.A. de; Boertien, J.M.; Boon, A.J.W.; Contarino, M.F.; Hilten, J.J. van; Hoff, J.I.; Mierlo, T. van; Munts, A.G.; Plas, A.A. van der; Ponsen, M.M.; Baas, F.; Majoor-Krakauer, D.; Bonifati, V.; Laar, T. van & Groeneveld, G.J. (2020), A large-scale full GBA1 gene screening in Parkinson's disease in the Netherlands., Movement Disorders 35(9): 1667-1674.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Ham, R.A.P. van; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Mosch, A.; Hoffmann, C.F.E.; Gaag, N.A. van der & Contarino, M.F. (2019), Intraoperative test stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus aids postoperative programming of chronic stimulation settings in Parkinson's disease., Parkinsonism and Related Disorders.
- Schipper, L.J. de; Hafkemeijer, A.; Grond, J. van der; Marinus, J.; Henselmans, J.M.L. & Hilten, J.J. van (2019), Regional Structural Hippocampal Differences Between Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson's Disease, Journal of Parkinson's Disease 9(4): 775-783.
- Iwaki, H.; Blauwendraat, C.; Leonard, H.L.; Liu, G.Q.; Maple-Grodem, J.; Corvol, J.C.; Pihlstrom, L.; Nimwegen, M. van; Hutten, S.J.; Nguyen, K.D.H.; Rick, J.; Eberly, S.; Faghri, F.; Auinger, P.; Scott, K.M.; Wijeyekoon, R.; Deerlin, V.M. van; Hernandez, D.G.; Day-Williams, A.G.; Brice, A.; Alves, G.; Noyce, A.J.; Tysnes, O.B.; Evans, J.R.; Breen, D.P.; Estrada, K.; Wegel, C.E.; Danjou, F.; Simon, D.K.; Ravina, B.; Toft, M.; Heutink, P.; Bloem, B.R.; Weintraub, D.; Barker, R.A.; Williams-Gray, C.H.; Warrenburg, B.P. van de; Hilten, J.J. van; Scherzer, C.R.; Singleton, A.B. & Nalls, M.A. (2019), Genetic risk of Parkinson disease and progression: An analysis of 13 longitudinal cohorts, Neurology Genetics 5(4).
- Nalls, M.A.; Blauwendraat, C.; Vallerga, C.L.; Heilbron, K.; Bandres-Ciga, S.; Chang, D.; Tan, M.; Kia, D.A.; Noyce, A.J.; Xue, A.; Bras, J.; Young, E.; Coelln, R. von; Simon-Sanchez, J.; Schulte, C.; Sharma, M.; Krohn, L.; Pihlstrom, L.; Siitonen, A.; Iwaki, H.; Leonard, H.; Faghri, F.; Gibbs, J.R.; Hernandez, D.G.; Scholz, S.W.; Botia, J.A.; Martinez, M.; Corvol, J.C.; Lesage, S.; Jankovic, J.; Shulman, L.M.; Sutherland, M.; Tienari, P.; Majamaa, K.; Toft, M.; Andreassen, O.A.; Bangale, T.; Brice, A.; Yang, J.; Gan-Or, Z.; Gasser, T.; Heutink, P.; Shulman, J.M.; Wood, N.W.; Hinds, D.A.; Hardy, J.A.; Morris, H.R.; Gratten, J.; Visscher, P.M.; Graham, R.R.; Singleton, A.B.; 23 Me Res Team; Syst Genomics Parkinson's Dis & Int Parkinson's Dis Genomics (2019), Identification of novel risk loci, causal insights, and heritable risk for Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies, The Lancet Neurology 18(12): 1091-1102.
- Fernandez-Santiago, R.; Martin-Flores, N.; Antonelli, F.; Cerquera, C.; Moreno, V.; Bandres-Ciga, S.; Manduchi, E.; Tolosa, E.; Singleton, A.B.; Moore, J.H.; Noyce, A.J.; Kaiyrzhanov, R.; Middlehurst, B.; Kia, D.A.; Tan, M.; Houlden, H.; Morris, H.R.; Plun-Favreau, H.; Holmans, P.; Hardy, J.; Trabzuni, D.; Bras, J.; Quinn, J.; Mok, K.Y.; Kinghorn, K.J.; Billingsley, K.; Wood, N.W.; Lewis, P.; Schreglmann, S.; Guerreiro, R.; Lovering, R.; R'Bibo, L.; Manzoni, C.; Rizig, M.; Ryten, M.; Guelfi, S.; Escott-Price, V.; Chelban, V.; Foltynie, T.; Williams, N.; Morrison, K.E.; Clarke, C.; Brice, A.; Danjou, F.; Lesage, S.; Corvol, J.C.; Martinez, M.; Schulte, C.; Brockmann, K.; Simoon-Saanchez, J.; Heutink, P.; Rizzu, P.; Sharma, M.; Gasser, T.; Nicolas, A.; Cookson, M.R.; Bandres-Ciga, S.; Blauwendraat, C.; Craig, D.W.; Faghri, F.; Gibbs, J.R.; Hernandez, D.G.; Keuren-Jensen, K. van; Shulman, J.M.; Iwaki, H.; Leonard, H.L.; Nalls, M.A.; Robak, L.; Lubbe, S.; Finkbeiner, S.; Mencacci, N.E.; Lungu, C.; Singleton, A.B.; Scholz, S.W.; Reed, X.; Alcalay, R.N.; Gan-Or, Z.; Rouleau, G.A.; Krohn, L.; Hilten, J.J. van; Marinus, J.; Adarmes-Goomez, A.D.; Aguilar, I.; Alvarez, I.; Alvarez, V.; Barrero, F.J.; Yarza, J.A.B.; Bernal-Bernal, I.; Blazquez, M.; Bonilla-Toribio, M.; Botia, J.A.; Boungiorno, M.T.; Buiza-Rueda, D.; Camara, A.; Carrillo, F.; Carrion-Claro, M.; Cerdan, D.; Clarimon, J.; Compta, Y.; Casa, B. de la; Diez-Fairen, M.; Dols-Icardo, O.; Duarte, J.; Duran, R.; Escamilla-Sevilla, F.; Ezquerra, M.; Feliz, C.; Fernandez, M.; Fernandez-Santiago, R.; Garcia, C.; Garcia-Ruiz, P.; Gomez-Garre, P.; Heredia, M.J.G.; Gonzalez-Aramburu, I.; Pagola, A.G.; Hoenicka, J.; Infante, J.; Jesus, S.; Jimenez-Escrig, A.; Kulisevsky, J.; Labrador-Espinosa, M.A.; Lopez-Sendon, J.L.; Arregui, A.L.D.; Macias, D.; Torres, I.M.; Marin, J.; Marti, M.J.; Martinez-Castrillo, C.; Mendez-del-Barrio, C.; Gonzalez, M.M.; Mata, M.; Minguez, A.; Mir, P.; Rezola, E.M.; Munoz, E.; Pagonabarraga, J.; Pascual-Sedano, B.; Pastor, P.; Errazquin, F.P.; Perinan-Tocino, T.; Ruiz-Martinez, J.; Ruz, C.; Rodriguez, A.S.; Sierra, M.; Suarez-Sanmartin, E.; Tabernero, C.; Tartari, J.P.; Tejera-Parrado, C.; Tolosa, E.; Valldeoriola, F.; Vargas-Gonzalez, L.; Vela, L.; Vives, F.; Zimprich, A.; Pihlstrom, L.; Toft, M.; Koks, S.; Taba, P.; Hassin-Baer, S.; Marti, M.J.; Ezquerra, M.; Malagelada, C. & Int Parkinson's Dis Genomics Conso (2019), SNCA and mTOR Pathway Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Interact to Modulate the Age at Onset of Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders 34(9): 1333-1344.
- Billingsley, K.J.; Barbosa, I.A.; Bandres-Ciga, S.; Quinn, J.P.; Bubb, V.J.; Deshpande, C.; Botia, J.A.; Reynolds, R.H.; Zhang, D.; Simpson, M.A.; Blauwendraat, C.; Gan-Or, Z.; Gibbs, J.R.; Nalls, M.A.; Singleton, A.; Ryten, M.; Koks, S.; Noyce, A.; Tucci, A.; Middlehurst, B.; Kia, D.; Tan, M.; Houlden, H.; Morris, H.R.; Plun-Favreau, H.; Holmans, P.; Hardy, J.; Trabzuni, D.; Bras, J.; Mok, K.; Kinghorn, K.; Wood, N.; Lewis, P.; Guerreiro, R.; Loverin, R.; R'Bibo, L.; Rizig, M.; Escott-Price, V.; Chelban, V.; Foltynie, T.; Williams, N.; Brice, A.; Danjou, F.; Lesage, S.; Martinez, M.; Giri, A.; Schulte, C.; Brockmann, K.; Simon-Sanchez, J.; Heutink, P.; Rizzu, P.; Sharma, M.; Gasser, T.; Nicolas, A.; Cookson, M.; Faghri, F.; Hernandez, D.; Shulman, J.; Robak, L.; Lubbe, S.; Finkbeiner, S.; Mencacci, N.; Lungu, C.; Scholz, S.; Reed, X.; Leonard, H.; Rouleau, G.; Krohan, L.; Hilten, J. van; Marinus, J.; Adarmes-Gomez, A.; Aguilar, M.; Alvarez, I.; Alvarez, V.; Barrero, F.J.; Yarza, J.B.; Bernal-Bernal, I.; Blazquez, M.; Bernal, M.B.T.; Boungiorne, M.; Buiza-Rueda, D.; Camara, A.; Carcel, M.; Carrillo, F.; Carrion-Claro, M.; Cerdan, D.; Clarimon, J.; Compta, Y.; Diez-Fairen, M.; Dols-Icardo, O.; Duarte, J.; Duran, R.I.; Escamilla-Sevilla, F.; Ezquerra, M.; Fernandez, M.; Fernandez-Santiago, R.; Garcia, C.; Garcia-Ruiz, P.; Gomez-Garre, P.; Heredia, M.G.; Gonzalez-Aramburu, I.; Pagola, A.G.; Hoenicka, J.; Infante, J.; Jesus, S.; Jimenez-Escrig, A.; Kulisevsky, J.; Labrador-Espinosa, M.; Lopez-Sendon, J.; Arregui, A.L.D.; Macias, D.; Torres, I.M.; Marin, J.; Marti, M.J.; Martinez-Castrillo, J.; Mendez-del-Barrio, C.; Gonzalez, M.M.; Minguez, A.; Mir, P.; Rezola, E.M.; Munoz, E.; Pagonabarraga, J.; Pastor, P.; Errazquin, F.P.; Perinan-Tocino, T.; Ruiz-Martinez, J.; Ruz, C.; Rodriguez, A.S.; Sierra, M.; Suarez-Sanmartin, E.; Tabernero, C.; Tartari, J.P.; Tejera-Parrado, C.; Tolosa, E.; Valldeoriola, F.; Vargas-Gonzalez, L.; Vela, L.; Vives, F.; Zimprich, A.; Pihlstrom, L.; Taba, P.; Majamaa, K.; Siitonen, A.; Okubadejo, N.; Ojo, O. & IPDGC (2019), Mitochondria function associated genes contribute to Parkinson's Disease risk and later age at onset, npj Parkinson's Disease 5.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Kuijf, M.L.; Hilten, J.J. van; Marinus, J.; Oosterloo, M. & Contarino, M.F. (2019), Selecting candidates for Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's disease: the role of patients' expectations., Parkinsonism and Related Disorders.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Marinus, J.; Mosch, A.; Naarding, K.J.; Hoffmann, C.F.E.; Gaag, N.A. van der & Contarino, M.F. (2019), Stimulation challenge test after STN DBS improves satisfaction in Parkinson's disease patients., Parkinsonism and Related Disorders.
- Reynolds, R.H.; Botia, J.; Nalls, M.A.; Hardy, J.; Taliun, S.A.G.; Ryten, M.; Noyce, A.J.; Nicolas, A.; Cookson, M.R.; Bandres-Ciga, S.; Gibbs, J.R.; Hernandez, D.G.; Singleton, A.B.; Reed, X.; Leonard, H.; Blauwendraat, C.; Faghri, F.; Bras, J.; Guerreiro, R.; Tucci, A.; Kia, D.A.; Houlden, H.; Plun-Favreau, H.; Mok, K.Y.; Wood, N.W.; Lovering, R.; R'Bibo, L.; Rizig, M.; Chelban, V.; Trabzuni, D.; Tan, M.; Morris, H.R.; Middlehurst, B.; Quinn, J.; Billingsley, K.; Holmans, P.; Kinghorn, K.J.; Lewis, P.; Escott-Price, V.; Williams, N.; Foltynie, T.; Brice, A.; Danjou, F.; Lesage, S.; Corvol, J.C.; Martinez, M.; Giri, A.; Schulte, C.; Brockmann, K.; Simon-Sanchez, J.; Heutink, P.; Gasser, T.; Rizzu, P.; Sharma, M.; Shulman, J.M.; Robak, L.; Lubbe, S.; Mencacci, N.E.; Finkbeiner, S.; Lungu, C.; Scholz, S.W.; Gan-Or, Z.; Rouleau, G.A.; Krohan, L.; Hilten, J.J. van; Marinus, J.; Adarmes-Gomez, A.D.; Bernal-Bernal, I.; Bonilla-Toribio, M.; Buiza-Rueda, D.; Carrillo, F.; Carrion-Claro, M.; Mir, P.; Gomez-Garre, P.; Jesus, S.; Labrador-Espinosa, M.A.; Macias, D.; Vargas-Gonzalez, L.; Mendez-del-Barrio, C.; Perinan-Tocino, T.; Tejera-Parrado, C.; Diez-Fairen, M.; Aguilar, M.; Alvarez, I.; Boungiorno, M.T.; Carcel, M.; Pastor, P.; Tartari, J.P.; Alvarez, V.; Gonzalez, M.M.; Blazquez, M.; Garcia, C.; Suarez-Sanmartin, E.; Barrero, F.J.; Rezola, E.M.; Yarza, J.A.B.; Pagola, A.G.; Arregui, A.L.D.; Ruiz-Martinez, J.; Cerdan, D.; Duarte, J.; Clarimon, J.; Dols-Icardo, O.; Infante, J.; Marin, J.; Kulisevsky, J.; Pagonabarraga, J.; Gonzalez-Aramburu, I.; Rodriguez, A.S.; Sierra, M.; Duran, R.; Ruz, C.; Vives, F.; Escamilla-Sevilla, F.; Minguez, A.; Camara, A.; Compta, Y.; Ezquerra, M.; Marti, M.J.; Fernandez, M.; Munoz, E.; Fernandez-Santiago, R.; Tolosa, E.; Valldeoriola, F.; Garcia-Ruiz, P.; Heredia, M.J.G.; Errazquin, F.P.; Hoenicka, J.; Jimenez-Escrig, A.; Martinez-Castrillo, J.C.; Lopez-Sendon, J.L.; Torres, I.M.; Tabernero, C.; Vela, L.; Zimprich, A.; Pihlstrom, L.; Koks, S.; Taba, P.; Majamaa, K.; Siitonen, A.; Okubadejo, N.U.; Ojo, O.O.; Pitcher, T.; Anderson, T.; Bentley, S.; Fowdar, J.; Mellick, G.; Dalrymple-Alford, J.; Henders, A.K.; Kassam, I.; Montgomery, G.; Sidorenko, J.; Zhang, F.T.; Xue, A.L.; Vallerga, C.L.; Wallace, L.; Wray, N.R.; Yang, J.; Visscher, P.M.; Gratten, J.; Silburn, P.A.; Halliday, G.; Hickie, I.; Kwok, J.; Lewis, S.; Kennedy, M.; Pearson, J.; Int Parkinsons Dis Genomics & Syst Genomics Parkinsons Dis (2019), Moving beyond neurons: the role of cell type-specific gene regulation in Parkinson's disease heritability, npj Parkinson's Disease 5.
- Rooden, S.M. van; Verbaan, D.; Jeukens-Visser, M. & Hilten, J.J. van (2019), Studying reproducibility of data-driven Parkinson's disease subtypes, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 62: 251-252.
- Blauwendraat, C.; Heilbron, K.; Vallerga, C.L.; Bandres-Ciga, S.; Coelln, R. von; Pihlstrom, L.; Simon-Sanchez, J.; Schulte, C.; Sharma, M.; Krohn, L.; Siitonen, A.; Iwaki, H.; Leonard, H.; Noyce, A.J.; Tan, M.; Gibbs, J.R.; Hernandez, D.G.; Scholz, S.W.; Jankovic, J.; Shulman, L.M.; Lesage, S.; Corvol, J.C.; Brice, A.; Hilten, J.J. van; Marinus, J.; Eerola-Rautio, J.; Tienari, P.; Majamaa, K.; Toft, M.; Grosset, D.G.; Gasser, T.; Heutink, P.; Shulman, J.M.; Wood, N.; Hardy, J.; Morris, H.R.; Hinds, D.A.; Gratten, J.; Visscher, P.M.; Gan-Or, Z.; Nalls, M.A.; Singleton, A.B.; 23andMe Res Team & IPDGC (2019), Parkinson's disease age at onset genome-wide association study: Defining heritability, genetic loci, and alpha-synuclein mechanisms, Movement Disorders 34(6): 866-875.
- Milanese, C.; Payan-Gomez, C.; Galvani, M.; Gonzalez, N.M.; Tresini, M.; Abdellah, S.N.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Figini, S.; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Mastroberardino, P.G. (2019), Peripheral mitochondrial function correlates with clinical severity in idiopathic Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 34(8): 1192-1202.
- Verschuur, C.V.M.; Suwijn, S.R.; Boel, J.A.; Post, B.; Bloem, B.R.; Hilten, J.J. van; Laar, T. van; Tissingh, G.; Munts, A.G.; Deuschl, G.; Lang, A.E.; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.; Haan, R.J. de; Bie, R.M.A. de & LEAP Study Grp (2019), Randomized Delayed-Start Trial of Levodopa in Parkinson's Disease, New England Journal of Medicine 380(4): 315-324.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Contarino, M.F. & Tannemaat, M.R. (2019), Unravelling the Parkinson's disease network: Taking the connectome beyond the brain, Clinical Neurophysiology 130(11): 2017-2018.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Kuijf, M.L.; Hilten, J.J. van; Marinus, J.; Oosterloo, M. & Contarino, M.F. (2019), Selecting candidates for Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's disease: the role of patients' expectations, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 66: 207-211.
- Velzen, G.A.J. van; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Kleef, M. van; Eijs, F.V. van; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2019), Sex matters in complex regional pain syndrome, European Journal of Pain 23(6): 1108-1116.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Marinus, J.; Mosch, A.; Naarding, K.J.; Hoffmann, C.F.E.; Gaag, N.A. van der & Contarino, M.F. (2019), Stimulation challenge test after STN DBS improves satisfaction in Parkinson's disease patients, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 69: 30-33.
- Geerse, D.J.; Roerdink, M.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2019), Walking adaptability for targeted fall-risk assessments, Gait and Posture 70: 203-210.
- Schipper, L.J. de; Hafkemeijer, A.; Bouts, M.J.R.J.; Grond, J. van der; Marinus, J.; Henselmans, J.M.L. & Hilten, J.J. van (2019), Age- and disease-related cerebral white matter changes in patients with Parkinson's disease, Neurobiology of Aging 80: 203-209.
- Alfradique-Dunham Isabel, Blauwendraat Cornelis, Al-Ouran Rami, von Coelln Rainer, Tan Manuela, Hill Emily, Luo Lan, Young Emily, Stillwell Amanda, Liu Zhandong, Brockman Kathrin, Schulte Claudia, Gasser Thomas, Pihlstrom Lasse, Marinus Johan, Van Hilten J. J., Heutink Peter, Shulman Lisa, Jankovic Joseph, Nalls Michael, Singleton Andrew, Morris Huw & Shulman Joshua (2019), Genome-Wide Associated Study Meta-Analysis For Parkinson Disease Motor Subtypes, Neurology 92(15).
- Iwaki, H.; Blauwendraat, C.; Leonard, H.L.; Kim, J.J.; Liu, G.Q.; Maple-Grodem, J.; Corvol, J.C.; Pihlstrom, L.; Nimwegen, M. van; Hutten, S.J.; Nguyen, K.D.H.; Rick, J.; Eberly, S.; Faghri, F.; Auinger, P.; Scott, K.M.; Wijeyekoon, R.; Deerlin, V.M. van; Hernandez, D.G.; Gibbs, J.R.; Chitrala, K.N.; Day-Williams, A.G.; Brice, A.; Alves, G.; Noyce, A.J.; Tysnes, O.B.; Evans, J.R.; Breen, D.P.; Estrada, K.; Wegel, C.E.; Danjou, F.; Simon, D.K.; Andreassen, O.; Ravina, B.; Toft, M.; Heutink, P.; Bloem, B.R.; Weintraub, D.; Barker, R.A.; Williams-Gray, C.H.; Warrenburg, B.P. van de; Hilten, J.J. van; Scherzer, C.R.; Singleton, A.B.; Nalls, M.A. & Int Parkinson's Dis Genomics Cons (2019), Genomewide association study of Parkinson's disease clinical biomarkers in 12 longitudinal patients' cohorts, Movement Disorders.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Ham, R.A.P. van; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Mosch, A.; Hoffmann, C.F.E.; Gaag, N.A. van der & Contarino, M.F. (2019), Intraoperative test stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus aids postoperative programming of chronic stimulation settings in Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 65: 62-66.
- Stiphout, M.A.E. van; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Lobbezoo, F. & Baat, C. de (2018), Oral Health of Parkinson's Disease Patients: A Case-Control Study, Parkinson's Disease.
- Bank, P.J.M.; Marinus, J.; Tol, R.M. van; Groeneveld, I.F.; Goossens, P.H.; Groot, J.H. de; Hilten, J.J. van & Meskers, C.G.M. (2018), Cognitive-motor interference during goal-directed upper-limb movements, European Journal of Neuroscience 48(10): 3146-3158.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Boon, L.I.; Marinus, J.; Gouw, A.A.; Hilten, J.J. van; Stam, C.J.; Tannemaat, M.R. & Contarino, M.F. (2018), Clinical correlates of quantitative EEG in Parkinson disease A systematic review, Neurology 91(19): 871-883.
- Geerse, D.J.; Roerdink, M.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2018), Assessing Walking Adaptability in Parkinson's Disease: "The Interactive Walkway", Frontiers in Neurology 9.
- Baatt, C. de; Stiphout, M.A.E. van; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2018), ORAL HEALTH OF PARKINSON'S DISEASE PATIENTS, A CASE-CONTROL STUDY, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 46: E13-E13.
- Schipper, L.J. de; Hafkemeijer, A.; Grond, J. van der; Marinus, J.; Henselmans, J.M.L. & Hilten, J.J. van (2018), Altered Whole-Brain and Network-Based Functional Connectivity in Parkinson's Disease, Frontiers in Neurology 9.
- Contarino, M.F.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2018), Does Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus Prolong Survival in Parkinson's Disease?, Movement Disorders 33(6): 947-949.
- Geraedts, V.J.; Marinus, J.; Gouw, A.A.; Mosch, A.; Stam, C.J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Contarino, M.F. & Tannemaat, M.R. (2018), Quantitative EEG reflects non-dopaminergic disease severity in Parkinson's disease, Clinical Neurophysiology 129(8): 1748-1755.
- Marinus, J.; Zhu, K.D.; Marras, C.; Aarsland, D. & Hilten, J.J. van (2018), Risk factors for non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease, The Lancet Neurology 17(6): 559-568.
- Harden, R.N.; Maihofner, C.; Abousaad, E.; Vatine, J.J.; Kirsling, A.; Perez, R.S.G.M.; Kuroda, M.; Brunner, F.; Stanton-Hicks, M.; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Mackey, S.; Birklein, F.; Schlereth, T.; Mailis-Gagnon, A.; Graciosa, J.; Connoly, S.B.; Dayanim, D.; Massey, M.; Frank, H.; Livshitz, A. & Bruehl, S. (2017), A prospective, multisite, international validation of the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Severity Score, PAIN 158(8): 1430-1436.
- Jansen, I.E.; Ye, H.; Heetveld, S.; Lechler, M.C.; Michels, H.; Seinstra, R.I.; Lubbe, S.J.; Drouet, V.; Lesage, S.; Majounie, E.; Gibbs, J.R.; Nalls, M.A.; Ryten, M.; Botia, J.A.; Vandrovcova, J.; Simon-Sanchez, J.; Castillo-Lizardo, M.; Rizzu, P.; Blauwendraat, C.; Chouhan, A.K.; Li, Y.R.; Yogi, P.; Amin, N.; Duijn, C.M. van; Morris, H.R.; Brice, A.; Singleton, A.B.; David, D.C.; Nollen, E.A.; Jain, S.; Shulman, J.M.; Heutink, P. & IPGDC (2017), Discovery and functional prioritization of Parkinson's disease candidate genes from large-scale whole exome sequencing, Genome Biology 18.
- Geissler, J.M.; Romanos, M.; Gerlach, M.; Berg, D.; Schulte, C. & Int Parkinson Dis Genomics (2017), No genetic association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson's disease in nine ADHD candidate SNPs, ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders 9(2): 121-127.
- Zhu, K.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2017), Onset and evolution of anxiety in Parkinson's disease, European Journal of Neurology 24(2): 404-411.
- Schipper, L.J. de; Grond, J. van der; Marinus, J.; Henselmans, J.M.L. & Hilten, J.J. van (2017), Loss of integrity and atrophy in cingulate structural covariance networks in Parkinson's disease, NeuroImage: Clinical 15: 587-593.
- Bank, P.J.M.; Marinus, J.; Meskers, C.G.M.; Groot, J.H. de & Hilten, J.J. van (2017), Optical Hand Tracking: A Novel Technique for the Assessment of Bradykinesia in Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 4(6): 875-883.
- Egmond, M.E. van; Lugtenberg, C.H.A.; Brouwer, O.F.; Contarino, M.F.; Fung, V.S.C.; Heiner-Fokkema, M.R.; Hilten, J.J. van; Hout, A.H. van der; Peall, K.J.; Sinke, R.J.; Roze, E.; Verschuuren-Bemelmans, C.C.; Willemsen, M.A.; Wolf, N.I.; Tijssen, M.A. & Koning, T.J. de (2017), A Post Hoc Study on Gene Panel Analysis for the Diagnosis of Dystonia, Movement Disorders 32(4): 569-575.
- Liu, G.Q.; Locascio, J.J.; Corvol, J.C.; Boot, B.; Liao, Z.X.; Page, K.; Franco, D.; Burke, K.; Jansen, I.E.; Trisini-Lipsanopoulos, A.; Winder-Rhodes, S.; Tanner, C.M.; Lang, A.E.; Eberly, S.; Elbaz, A.; Brice, A.; Mangone, G.; Ravina, B.; Shoulson, I.; Cormier-Dequaire, F.; Heutink, P.; Hilten, J.J. van; Barker, R.A.; Williams-Gray, C.H.; Marinus, J. & Scherzer, C.R. (2017), Prediction of cognition in Parkinson's disease with a clinical-genetic score: a longitudinal analysis of nine cohorts, The Lancet Neurology 16(8): 620-629.
- Schilder, J.C.M.; Overmars, S.S.; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Koehler, P.J. (2017), The terminology of akinesia, bradykinesia and hypokinesia: Past, present and future, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 37: 27-35.
- Robak, L.A.; Jansen, I.E.; Rooij, J. van; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Kraaij, R.; Jankovic, J.; Heutink, P.; Shulman, J.M. & IPDGC (2017), Excessive burden of lysosomal storage disorder gene variants in Parkinson's disease, Brain 140: 3191-3203.
- Rooden, S.M. van; Verbaan, D.; Stijnen, T.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2016), The influence of age and approaching death on the course of nondopaminergic symptoms in Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 24: 113-118.
- Zhu, K.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2016), The course of insomnia in Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 33: 51-57.
- Liu, G.Q.; Boot, B.; Locascio, J.J.; Jansen, I.E.; Winder-Rhodes, S.; Eberly, S.; Elbaz, A.; Brice, A.; Ravina, B.; Hilten, J.J. van; Cormier-Dequaire, F.; Corvol, J.C.; Barker, R.A.; Heutink, P.; Marinus, J.; Williams-Gray, C.H.; Scherzer, C.R. & Int Genetics Parkinson Dis (2016), Specifically neuropathic Gaucher's mutations accelerate cognitive decline in Parkinson's, Annals of Neurology 80(5): 674-685.
- Heeden, J.F. van der; Marinus, J.; Martinez-Martin, P.; Rodriguez-Blazquez, C.; Geraedts, V.J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2016), Postural instability and gait are associated with severity and prognosis of Parkinson disease, Neurology 86(24): 2243-2250.
- Mahlknecht, P.; Pechlaner, R.; Boesveldt, S.; Volc, D.; Pinter, B.; Reiter, E.; Muller, C.; Krismer, F.; Berendse, H.W.; Hilten, J.J. van; Wuschitz, A.; Schimetta, W.; Hogl, B.; Djamshidian, A.; Nocker, M.; Gobel, G.; Gasperi, A.; Kiechl, S.; Willeit, J.; Poewe, W. & Seppi, K. (2016), Optimizing odor identification testing as quick and accurate diagnostic tool for Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 31(9): 1408-1413.
- Zhu, K.D.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2016), Course and risk factors for excessive daytime sleepiness in Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 24: 34-40.
- Geerse, D.J.; Roerdink, M.; Coolen, B.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2016), The interactive walkway: Towards assessing gait-environment interactions in a clinical setting, Movement Disorders 31: S494-S494.
- de Schipper L. J., van der Grond J., Marinus J. & van Hilten J. J. (2016), Exploring structural covariance networks of gray matter in Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 31: S407-S407.
- Bank, P.J.M.; Marinus, J.; Groot, J.H. de; Meskers, C.G.M. & Hilten, J.J. van (2016), Objective, unobtrusive assessment of bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 31: S505-S505.
- Heeden, J.F. van der; Marinus, J.; Martinez-Martin, P. & Hilten, J.J. van (2016), Evaluation of severity of predominantly non-dopaminergic symptoms in Parkinson's disease: The SENS-PD scale, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 25: 39-44.
- Mugge, W.; Schouten, A.C.; Hilten, J.J. van & Helm, F.C.T. van der (2016), Impaired Inhibitory Force Feedback in Fixed Dystonia, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24(4): 475-484.
- Velzen, G.A.J. van; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Buchem, M.A. van; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2016), Is the brain of complex regional pain syndrome patients truly different?, European Journal of Pain 20(10): 1622-1633.
- Lesage, S.; Drouet, V.; Majounie, E.; Deramecourt, V.; Jacoupy, M.; Nicolas, A.; Cormier-Dequaire, F.; Hassoun, S.M.; Pujol, C.; Ciura, S.; Erpapazoglou, Z.; Usenko, T.; Maurage, C.A.; Sahbatou, M.; Liebau, S.; Ding, J.H.; Bilgic, B.; Emre, M.; Erginel-Unaltuna, N.; Guven, G.; Tison, F.; Tranchant, C.; Vidailhet, M.; Corvol, J.C.; Krack, P.; Leutenegger, A.L.; Nalls, M.A.; Hernandez, D.G.; Heutink, P.; Gibbs, J.R.; Hardy, J.; Wood, N.W.; Gasser, T.; Durr, A.; Deleuze, J.F.; Tazir, M.; Destee, A.; Lohmann, E.; Kabashi, E.; Singleton, A.; Corti, O.; Brice, A.; French Parkinson's Dis Genetics St & IPDGC (2016), Loss of VPS1 3C Function in Autosomal-Recessive Parkinsonism Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Increases PINK1/Parkin-Dependent Mitophagy, American Journal of Human Genetics 98(3): 500-513.
- Zhu, K.D.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2016), Associated and predictive factors of depressive symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease, Journal of Neurology.
- Zhu, K.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2015), Depression and nighttime-sleep problems in Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 30: S191-S191.
- Velzen, G.A.J. van; Marinus, J.; Dijk, J.G. van; Zwet, E.W. van; Schippe, I.B. & Hilten, J.J. van (2015), Motor Cortical Activity During Motor Tasks Is Normal in Patients With Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
- Bank, P.J.M.; Peper, C.E.; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Beek, P.J. (2015), Intended and unintended (sensory-)motor coupling between the affected and unaffected upper limb in complex regional pain syndrome, European Journal of Pain 19(7): 1021-1034.
- Verschuur, C.V.M.; Suwijn, S.R.; Post, B.; Dijkgraaf, M.; Bloem, B.R.; Hilten, J.J. van; Laar, T. van; Tissingh, G.; Deuschl, G.; Lang, A.E.; Haan, R.J. de & Bie, R.M.A. de (2015), Protocol of a randomised delayed-start double-blind placebo-controlled multi-centre trial for Levodopa in EArly Parkinson's disease: the LEAP-study, BMC Neurology 15.
- Rooijen, D.E. van; Lalli, S.; Marinus, J.; Maihofner, C.; McCabe, C.S.; Munts, A.G.; Plas, A.A. van der; Tijssen, M.A.J.; Warrenburg, B.P. van de; Albanese, A. & Hilten, J.J. van (2015), Reliability and Validity of the Range of Motion Scale (ROMS) in Patients with Abnormal Postures, Pain Medicine 16(3): 488-493.
- Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2015), The Significance of Motor (A)Symmetry in Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders 30(3): 379-385.
- Schilder, J.C.M.; Niehof, S.P.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2015), Diurnal and Nocturnal Skin Temperature Regulation in Chronic Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Journal of Pain 16(3): 207-213.
- Nalls, M.A.; Bras, J.; Hernandez, D.G.; Keller, M.F.; Majounie, E.; Renton, A.E.; Saad, M.; Jansen, I.; Guerreiro, R.; Lubbe, S.; Plagnol, V.; Gibbs, J.R.; Schulte, C.; Pankratz, N.; Sutherland, M.; Bertram, L.; Lill, C.M.; DeStefano, A.L.; Faroud, T.; Eriksson, N.; Tung, J.Y.; Edsall, C.; Nichols, N.; Brooks, J.; Arepalli, S.; Pliner, H.; Letson, C.; Heutink, P.; Martinez, M.; Gasser, T.; Traynor, B.J.; Wood, N.; Hardy, J.; Singleton, A.B.; Int Parkinson's Dis Genomics Conso & Parkinson's Dis Meta-Anal Consorti (2015), NeuroX, a fast and efficient genotyping platform for investigation of neurodegenerative diseases, Neurobiology of Aging 36(3).
- Meissner, A.; Plas, A.A. van der; Dasselaar, N.T. van; Deelder, A.M.; Hilten, J.J. van & Mayboroda, O.A. (2014), H-1-NMR metabolic profiling of cerebrospinal fluid in patients with complex regional pain syndrome-related dystonia, PAIN 155(1): 190-196.
- Zhu, K.D.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2014), Predictors of dementia in Parkinson's disease; findings from a 5-year prospective study using the SCOPA-COG, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 20(9): 980-985.
- Moseley, G.L.; Herbert, R.D.; Parsons, T.; Lucas, S.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2014), Intense Pain Soon After Wrist Fracture Strongly Predicts Who Will Develop Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Prospective Cohort Study, Journal of Pain 15(1): 16-23.
- Lau, L.M.L. de; Verbaan, D.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2014), Survival in Parkinson's disease. Relation with motor and non-motor features, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 20(6): 613-616.
- Schilder, J.C.M.; Dijk, J.G. van; Dressler, D.; Koelman, J.H.T.M.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2014), Responsiveness to botulinum toxin type A in muscles of complex regional pain patients with tonic dystonia, Journal of Neural Transmission 121(7): 761-767.
- Lau, L.M.L. de; Verbaan, D.; Rooden, S.M. van; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2014), Relation of Clinical Subtypes in Parkinson's Disease With Survival, Movement Disorders 29(1): 150-151.
- Beilina, A.; Rudenko, I.N.; Kaganovich, A.; Civiero, L.; Chau, H.; Kalia, S.K.; Kalia, L.V.; Lobbestael, E.; Chi, R.; Ndukwe, K.; Ding, J.; Nalls, M.A.; Olszewski, M.; Hauser, D.N.; Kumaran, R.; Lozano, A.M.; Baekelandt, V.; Greene, L.E.; Taymans, J.M.; Greggio, E.; Cookson, M.R.; Int Parkinson's Dis Genomics Conso & North Amer Brain Expression Consor (2014), Unbiased screen for interactors of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 supports a common pathway for sporadic and familial Parkinson disease, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(7): 2626-2631.
- Dijkstra, F.; Grond, J. van der; Marinus, J.; Altmann-Schneider, I.; Heeden, J.F. van der; Henselmans, J.M.L.; Buchem, M.A. van & Hilten, J.J. van (2014), Hippocampal body atrophy in mild Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 29: S69-S71.
- Heeden, J.F. van der; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2014), Motor subtypes in Parkinson's disease: No rationale for using a ratio, Movement Disorders 29: S369-S369.
- Janssen, S.; Veugen, L.C.; Hoffland, B.S.; Kassavetis, P.; Rooijen, D.E. van; Stegeman, D.F.; Edwards, M.J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Warrenburg, B.P. van de (2014), Normal eyeblink classical conditioning in patients with fixed dystonia, Experimental Brain Research 232(6): 1805-1809.
- Heeden, J.F. van der; Marinus, J.; Martinez-Martin, P. & Hilten, J.J. van (2014), Importance of nondopaminergic features in evaluating disease severity of Parkinson disease, Neurology 82(5): 412-418.
- Velzen, G.A.J. van; Perez, R.S.G.M.; Gestel, M.A. van; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Kleef, M. van; Eijs, F. van; Dahan, A.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2014), Health-related quality of life in 975 patients with complex regional pain syndrome type 1, PAIN 155(3): 629-634.
- Bank, P.J.M.; Rooijen, D.E. van; Marinus, J.; Reilmann, R. & Hilten, J.J. van (2014), Force modulation deficits in complex regional pain syndrome: A potential role for impaired sense of force production, European Journal of Pain 18(7): 1013-1023.
- Bank, P.J.M.; Peper, C.E.; Marinus, J.; Beek, P.J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2014), Evaluation of mirrored muscle activity in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Clinical Neurophysiology 125(10): 2100-2108.
- Marinus, J.; Heeden, J.F. van der & Hilten, J.J. van (2014), Calculating clinical progression rates in Parkinson's disease: Methods matter, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 20(11): 1263-1267.
- Schilder, J.C.M.; Dijk, J.G. van; Dressler, D.; Koelman, J.H.T.M.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2014), Responsiveness to botulinum toxin type A in muscles of complex regional pain patients with tonic dystonia, Journal of Neural Transmission 121(7): 761-767.
- Meissner, A.; Plas, A.A. van der; Dasselaar, N.T. van; Deelder, A.M.; Hilten, J.J. van & Mayboroda, O.A. (2014), H-1-NMR metabolic profiling of cerebrospinal fluid in patients with complex regional pain syndrome-related dystonia, PAIN 155(1): 190-196.
- Tilley, B.C.; LaPelle, N.R.; Goetz, C.G.; Stebbins, G.T. & MDS-UPDRS Task Force (2014), Using Cognitive Pretesting in Scale Development for Parkinson's Disease: The Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Example, Journal of Parkinson's Disease 4(3): 395-404.
- Nalls, M.A.; Pankratz, N.; Lill, C.M.; , C.B. do; Hernandez, D.G.; Saad, M.; DeStefano, A.L.; Kara, E.; Bras, J.; Sharma, M.; Schulte, C.; Keller, M.F.; Arepalli, S.; Letson, C.; Edsall, C.; Stefansson, H.; Liu, X.; Pliner, H.; Lee, J.H.; Cheng, R.; Ikram, M.A.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Hadjigeorgiou, G.M.; Bis, J.C.; Martinez, M.; Perlmutter, J.S.; Goate, A.; Marder, K.; Fiske, B.; Sutherland, M.; Xiromerisiou, G.; Myers, R.H.; Clark, L.N.; Stefansson, K.; Hardy, J.A.; Heutink, P.; Chen, H.; Wood, N.W.; Houlden, H.; Payami, H.; Brice, A.; Scott, W.K.; Gasser, T.; Bertram, L.; Eriksson, N.; Foroud, T.; Singleton, A.B.; IPDG; GParkinson's Study Grp PSG Parkins; 23AndMe; GenePD; NGRC; HIHG; Ashkenazi Jewish Dataset Investiga; CHARGE; NABEC; UKBEC; Greek Parkinson's Dis Consortium & Alzheimer Genetic Analysis Gr (2014), Large-scale meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies six new risk loci for Parkinson's disease, Nature Genetics 46(9): 989-+.
- Nalls, M.A.; Saad, M.; Noyce, A.J.; Keller, M.F.; Schrag, A.; Bestwick, J.P.; Traynor, B.J.; Gibbs, J.R.; Hernandez, D.G.; Cookson, M.R.; Morris, H.R.; Williams, N.; Gasser, T.; Heutink, P.; Wood, N.; Hardy, J.; Martinez, M.; Singleton, A.B.; IPDGC; WTCCC2; NABEC & UKBEC (2014), Genetic comorbidities in Parkinson's disease, Human Molecular Genetics 23(3): 831-841.
- Dong, J.; Gao, J.J.; Nalls, M.; Gao, X.; Huang, X.M.; Han, J.L.; Singleton, A.B.; Chen, H.L. & IPDGC (2014), Susceptibility loci for pigmentation and melanoma in relation to Parkinson's disease, Neurobiology of Aging 35(6).
- Bank, P.J.M.; Peper, C.E.; Marinus, J.; Beek, P.J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2013), Deficient muscle activation in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and abnormal hand postures: An electromyographic evaluation, Clinical Neurophysiology 124(10): 2025-2035.
- Marinus, J.; Perez, R.S.; Eijs, F. van; Gestel, M.A. van; Geurts, J.W.; Huygen, F.J.; Bauer, M.C. & Hilten, J.J. van (2013), The Role of Pain Coping and Kinesiophobia in Patients With Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 of the Legs, Clinical Journal of Pain 29(7): 563-569.
- Dool, J. van den; Postma, M.; Hilten, J.J. van; Warrenburg, B. van de; Koelman, J.H.T.M.; Visser, B.; Tijssen, M.A.J. & Zoons, E. (2013), DystonieNet; a Dutch approach to optimise the treatment for cervical dystonia, Journal of Neural Transmission 120(7): 1157-1157.
- Groen, J.L.; Simon-Sanchez, J.; Ritz, K.; Bochdanovits, Z.; Fang, Y.; Hilten, J.J. van; Aramideh, M.; Warrenburg, B.P. van de; Boon, A.J.W.; Baas, F.; Heutink, P. & Tijssen, M.A.J. (2013), Cervical dystonia and genetic common variation in the dopamine pathway, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 19(3): 346-349.
- Plas, A.A. van der; Schilder, J.C.M.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2013), An Explanatory Study Evaluating the Muscle Relaxant Effects of Intramuscular Magnesium Sulphate for Dystonia in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Journal of Pain 14(11): 1341-1348.
- Schilder, J.C.M.; Sigtermans, M.J.; Schouten, A.C.; Putter, H.; Dahan, A.; Noldus, L.P.J.J.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2013), Pain Relief Is Associated With Improvement in Motor Function in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1: Secondary Analysis of a Placebo-Controlled Study on the Effects of Ketamine, Journal of Pain 14(11): 1514-1521.
- Zhu, K.D.; Hilten, J.J. van; Putter, H. & Marinus, J. (2013), Risk factors for hallucinations in Parkinson's disease: Results from a large prospective cohort study, Movement Disorders 28(6): 755-762.
- Blitterswijk, M. van; Es, M.A. van; Verbaan, D.; Hilten, J.J. van; Scheffer, H.; Warrenburg, B.P. van de; Veldink, J.H. & Berg, L.H. van den (2013), Mutational analysis of TARDBP in Parkinson's disease, Neurobiology of Aging 34(5).
- Rooijen, D.E. van; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2013), Muscle hyperalgesia is widespread in patients with complex regional pain syndrome, PAIN 154(12): 2745-2749.
- Rooijen, D.E. van; Marinus, J.; Schouten, A.C.; Noldus, L.P.J.J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2013), Muscle Hyperalgesia Correlates With Motor Function in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1, Journal of Pain 14(5): 446-454.
- Bank, P.J.M.; Peper, C.E.; Marinus, J.; Beek, P.J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2013), Motor Dysfunction of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Is Related to Impaired Central Processing of Proprioceptive Information, Journal of Pain 14(11): 1460-1474.
- Groen, J.L.; Ritz, K.; Tanck, M.W.; Warrenburg, B.P. van de; Hilten, J.J. van; Aramideh, M.; Baas, F. & Tijssen, M.A.J. (2013), Is TOR1A a risk factor in adult-onset primary torsion dystonia?, Movement Disorders 28(6): 827-831.
- Parkitny, L.; McAuley, J.H.; Pietro, F. di; Stanton, T.R.; O'Connell, N.E.; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Moseley, G.L. (2013), Inflammation in complex regional pain syndrome A systematic review and meta-analysis, Neurology 80(1): 106-117.
- Bank, P.J.M.; Peper, C.E.; Marinus, J.; Beek, P.J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2013), Motor consequences of experimentally induced limb pain: A systematic review, European Journal of Pain 17(2): 145-157.
- Plas, A.A. van der; Rijn, M.A. van; Marinus, J.; Putter, H. & Hilten, J.J. van (2013), Efficacy of Intrathecal Baclofen on Different Pain Qualities in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Anesthesia and Analgesia 116(1): 211-215.
- Schoolderman, L.F.; Verbaan, D.; Rooden, S.M. van; Hilten, J. van & Rijsman, R.M. (2012), A longitudinal study of restless legs syndrome in Parkinson's disease, Journal of Sleep Research 21: 75-75.
- Lau, L.M.L. de; Verbaan, D.; Marinus, J.; Heutink, P. & Hilten, J.J. van (2012), Catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met and the Risk of Dyskinesias in Parkinson's Disease.
- Groen, J.L.; Ritz, K.; Velseboer, D.C.; Aramideh, M.; Hilten, J.J. van; Boon, A.J.W.; Warrenburg, B.P. van de; Baas, F. & Tijssen, M.A.J. (2012), Association of BDNF Met66Met polymorphism with arm tremor in cervical dystonia.
- Martinez-Martin, P.; Pecurariu, C.F.; Odin, P.; Hilten, J.J. van; Antonini, A.; Rojo-Abuin, J.M.; Borges, V.; Trenkwalder, C.; Aarsland, D.; Brooks, D.J. & Chaudhuri, K.R. (2012), Gender-related differences in the burden of non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease, Journal of Neurology 259(8): 1639-1647.
- Schilder, J.C.M.; Schouten, A.C.; Perez, R.S.G.M.; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Dahan, A.; Noldus, L.P.J.J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2012), Motor control in complex regional pain syndrome: A kinematic analysis, PAIN 153(4): 805-812.
- Groen, J.L.; Kallen, M.C.; Warrenburg, B.P.C. van de; Speelman, J.D.; Hilten, J.J. van; Aramideh, M.; Boon, A.J.W.; Klein, C.; Koelman, J.H.T.M.; Langeveld, T.P.; Baas, F. & Tijssen, M.A.J. (2012), Phenotypes and genetic architecture of focal primary torsion dystonia, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 83(10): 1006-1011.
- Mugge, W.; Schouten, A.C.; Bast, G.J.; Schuurmans, J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Helm, F.C.T. van der (2012), Stretch reflex responses in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-related dystonia are not characterized by hyperreflexia.
- Rooijen, D.E. van; Roelen, D.L.; Verduijn, W.; Haasnoot, G.W.; Huygen, F.J.P.M.; Perez, R.S.G.M.; Claas, F.H.J.; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2012), Genetic HLA Associations in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome With and Without Dystonia, Journal of Pain 13(8): 784-789.
- Es, M.A. van; Schelhaas, H.J.; Vught, P.W.J. van; Ticozzi, N.; Andersen, P.M.; Groen, E.J.N.; Schulte, C.; Blauw, H.M.; Koppers, M.; Diekstra, F.P.; Fumoto, K.; LeClerc, A.L.; Keagle, P.; Bloem, B.R.; Scheffer, H.; Nuenen, B.F.L. van; Blitterswijk, M. van; Rheenen, W. van; Wills, A.M.; Lowe, P.P.; Hu, G.F.; Yu, W.H.; Kishikawa, H.; Wu, D.; Folkerth, R.D.; Mariani, C.; Goldwurm, S.; Pezzoli, G.; Damme, P. van; Lemmens, R.; Dahlberg, C.; Birve, A.; Fernandez-Santiago, R.; Waibel, S.; Klein, C.; Weber, M.; Kooi, A.J. van der; Visser, M. de; Verbaan, D.; Hilten, J.J. van; Heutink, P.; Hennekam, E.A.M.; Cuppen, E.; Berg, D.; Brown, R.H.; Silani, V.; Gasser, T.; Ludolph, A.C.; Robberecht, W.; Ophoff, R.A.; Veldink, J.H.; Pasterkamp, R.J.; Bakker, P.I.W. de; Landers, J.E.; Warrenburg, B.P. van de & Berg, L.H. van den (2011), Angiogenin variants in Parkinson disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Annals of Neurology 70(6): 964-973.
- Munts, A.G.; Rijn, M.A. van; Geraedts, E.J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Dijk, J.G. van & Marinus, J. (2011), Thermal hypesthesia in patients with complex regional pain syndrome related dystonia, JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION 118(4): 599-603.
- Plagnol, V.; Nalls, M.A.; Bras, J.M.; Hernandez, D.G.; Sharma, M.; Sheerin, U.M.; Saad, M.; Simon-Sanchez, J.; Schulte, C.; Lesage, S.; Sveinbjornsdottir, S.; Amouyel, P.; Arepalli, S.; Band, G.; Barker, R.A.; Bellinguez, C.; Ben-Shlomo, Y.; Berendse, H.W.; Berg, D.; Bhatia, K.; Bie, R.M.A. de; Biffi, A.; Bloem, B.; Bochdanovits, Z.; Bonin, M.; Brockmann, K.; Brooks, J.; Burn, D.J.; Charlesworth, G.; Chen, H.L.; Chinnery, P.F.; Chong, S.; Clarke, C.E.; Cookson, M.R.; Cooper, J.M.; Corvol, J.C.; Counsell, C.; Damier, P.; Dartigues, J.F.; Deloukas, P.; Deuschl, G.; Dexter, D.T.; Dijk, K.D. van; Dillman, A.; Durif, F.; Durr, A.; Edkins, S.; Evans, J.R.; Foltynie, T.; Freeman, C.; Gao, J.J.; Gardner, M.; Gibbs, J.R.; Goate, A.; Gray, E.; Guerreiro, R.; Gustafsson, O.; Harris, C.; Hellenthal, G.; Hilten, J.J. van; Hofman, A.; Hollenbeck, A.; Holton, J.; Hu, M.; Huang, X.M.; Huber, H.; Hudson, G.; Hunt, S.E.; Huttenlocher, J.; Illig, T.; Jonsson, P.V.; Langford, C.; Lees, A.; Lichtner, P.; Limousin, P.; Lopez, G.; Lorenz, D.; McNeill, A.; Moorby, C.; Moore, M.; Morris, H.; Morrison, K.E.; Mudanohwo, E.; O'Sullivan, S.S.; Pearson, J.; Pearson, R.; Perlmutter, J.S.; Petursson, H.; Pirinen, M.; Pollak, P.; Post, B.; Potter, S.; Ravina, B.; Revesz, T.; Riess, O.; Rivadeneira, F.; Rizzu, P.; Ryten, M.; Sawcer, S.; Schapira, A.; Scheffer, H.; Shaw, K.; Shoulson, I.; Sidransky, E.; Silva, R. de; Smith, C.; Spencer, C.C.A.; Stefansson, H.; Steinberg, S.; Stockton, J.D.; Strange, A.; Su, Z.; Talbot, K.; Tanner, C.M.; Tashakkori-Ghanbaria, A.; Tison, F.; Trabzuni, D.; Traynor, B.J.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Vandrovcova, J.; Velseboer, D.; Vidailhet, M.; Vukcevic, D.; Walker, R.; Warrenburg, B. van de; Weale, M.E.; Wickremaratchi, M.; Williams, N.; Williams-Gray, C.H.; Winder-Rhodes, S.; Stefansson, K.; Martinez, M.; Donnelly, P.; Singleton, A.B.; Hardy, J.; Heutink, P.; Brice, A.; Gasser, T.; Wood, N.W. & WTCCC2 (2011), A Two-Stage Meta-Analysis Identifies Several New Loci for Parkinson's Disease, PLoS Genetics 7(6): -.
- Groen, J.L.; Yildirim, E.; Ritz, K.; Baas, F.; Hilten, J.J. van; Meulen, F.W. van der; Langeveld, T.P. & Tijssen, M.A.J. (2011), THAP1 Mutations Are Infrequent in Spasmodic Dysphonia.
- Rijn, M.A. van; Marinus, J.; Putter, H.; Bosselaar, S.R.J.; Moseley, G.L. & Hilten, J.J. van (2011), Spreading of complex regional pain syndrome: not a random process, Journal of Neural Transmission 118(9): 1301-1309.
- Plas, A.A. van der; Marinus, J.; Eklabe, S.; Buchser, E. & Hilten, J.J. van (2011), The Lack of Efficacy of Different Infusion Rates of Intrathecal Baclofen in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Study, Pain Medicine 12(3): 459-465.
- Marinus, J.; Moseley, G.L.; Birklein, F.; Baron, R.; Maihofner, C.; Kingery, W.S. & Hilten, J.J. van (2011), Clinical features and pathophysiology of complex regional pain syndrome, Lancet Neurology 10(7): 637-648.
- Rooden, S.M. van; Colas, F.; Martinez-Martin, P.; Visser, M.; Verbaan, D.; Marinus, J.; Chaudhuri, R.K.; Kok, J.N. & Hilten, J.J. van (2011), Clinical Subtypes of Parkinson's Disease.
- Simon-Sanchez, J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Warrenburg, B. van de; Post, B.; Berendse, H.W.; Arepalli, S.; Hernandez, D.G.; Bie, R.M.A. de; Velseboer, D.; Scheffer, H.; Bloem, B.; Dijk, K.D. van; Rivadeneira, F.; Hofman, A.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Rizzu, P.; Bochdanovits, Z.; Singleton, A.B. & Heutink, P. (2011), Genome-wide association study confirms extant PD risk loci among the Dutch, European Journal of Human Genetics 19(6): 655-661.
- Boer, R.D.H. de; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van; Huygen, F.J.; Eijs, F. van; Kleef, M. van; Bauer, M.C.R.; Gestel, M. van; Zuurmond, W.W.A. & Perez, R.S.G.M. (2011), Distribution of signs and symptoms of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type I in patients meeting the diagnostic criteria of the international association for the study of pain, European Journal of Pain 15(8): -.
- Munts, A.G.; Mugge, W.; Meurs, T.S.; Schouten, A.C.; Marinus, J.; Moseley, G.L.; Helm, F.C.T. van der & Hilten, J.J. van (2011), Fixed Dystonia in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: a Descriptive and Computational Modeling Approach, BMC Neurology 11: -.
- Nalls, M.A.; Plagnol, V.; Hernandez, D.G.; Sharma, M.; Sheerin, U.M.; Saad, M.; Simon-Sanchez, J.; Schulte, C.; Lesage, S.; Sveinbjornsdottir, S.; Arepalli, S.; Barker, R.; Ben-Shlomo, Y.; Berendse, H.W.; Berg, D.; Bhatia, K.; Bie, R.M.A. de; Biffi, A.; Bloem, B.; Bochdanovits, Z.; Bonin, M.; Bras, J.M.; Brockmann, K.; Brooks, J.; Burn, D.J.; Charlesworth, G.; Chen, H.L.; Chinnery, P.F.; Chong, S.; Clarke, C.E.; Cookson, M.R.; Cooper, J.M.; Corvol, J.C.; Counsell, C.; Damier, P.; Dartigues, J.F.; Deloukas, P.; Deuschl, G.; Dexter, D.T.; Dijk, K.D. van; Dillman, A.; Durif, F.; Durr, A.; Edkins, S.; Evans, J.R.; Foltynie, T.; Gao, J.J.; Gardner, M.; Gibbs, J.R.; Goate, A.; Gray, E.; Guerreiro, R.; Gustafsson, O.; Harris, C.; Hilten, J.J. van; Hofman, A.; Hollenbeck, A.; Holton, J.; Hu, M.; Huang, X.M.; Huber, H.; Hudson, G.; Hunt, S.E.; Huttenlocher, J.; Illig, T.; Jonsson, P.V.; Lambert, J.C.; Langford, C.; Lees, A.; Lichtner, P.; Limousin, P.; Lopez, G.; Lorenz, D.; McNeill, A.; Moorby, C.; Moore, M.; Morris, H.R.; Morrison, K.E.; Mudanohwo, E.; O'Sullivan, S.S.; Pearson, J.; Perlmutter, J.S.; Petursson, H.; Pollak, P.; Post, B.; Potter, S.; Ravina, B.; Revesz, T.; Riess, O.; Rivadeneira, F.; Rizzu, P.; Ryten, M.; Sawcer, S.; Schapira, A.; Scheffer, H.; Shaw, K.; Shoulson, I.; Sidransky, E.; Smith, C.; Spencer, C.C.A.; Stefansson, H.; Stockton, J.D.; Strange, A.; Talbot, K.; Tanner, C.M.; Tashakkori-Ghanbaria, A.; Tison, F.; Trabzuni, D.; Traynor, B.J.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Velseboer, D.; Vidailhet, M.; Walker, R.; Warrenburg, B. van de; Wickremaratchi, M.; Williams, N.; Williams-Gray, C.H.; Winder-Rhodes, S.; Stefansson, K.; Martinez, M.; Hardy, J.; Heutink, P.; Brice, A.; Gasser, T.; Singleton, A.B.; Wood, N.W.; Int Parkinson Dis Genomics Consort & Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consor (2011), Imputation of sequence variants for identification of genetic risks for Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies, Lancet 377(9766): 641-649.
- Verbaan, D.; Jeukens-Visser, M.; Laar, T. van; Rooden, S.M. van; Zwet, E.W. van; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2011), SCOPA-cognition cutoff value for detection of Parkinson's disease dementia.
- Verbaan, D.; Rooden, S.M. van; Benit, C.P.; Zwet, E.W. van; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2011), SPES/SCOPA and MDS-UPDRS: formulas for converting scores of two motor scales in Parkinson's disease.
- Stowe, R.; Ives, N.; Clarke, C.E.; Handley, K.; Furmston, A.; Deane, K.; Hilten, J.J. van; Wheatley, K. & Gray, R. (2011), Meta-Analysis of the Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Adjuvant Treatment to Levodopa in Later Parkinson's Disease.
- Rooijen, D.E. van; Geraedts, E.J.; Marinus, J.; Jankovic, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2011), Peripheral trauma and movement disorders: a systematic review of reported cases, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 82(8): 892-898.
- Dahan, A.; Bauer, M.; Sarton, E.; Sigtermans, M.; Hilten, B. van & Marinus, H. (2010), What is considered long-term pain relief in chronic pain management? Re: Sigtermans et al., Pain 2009;145:304-311 Response, PAIN 149(2): 410-411.
- Rooij, A.M. de; Perez, R.S.G.M.; Huygen, F.J.; Eijs, F. van; Kleef, M. van; Bauer, M.C.R.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2010), Spontaneous onset of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, European Journal of Pain 14(5): 510-513.
- Plas, A.A. van der; Rijn, M.A. van & Hilten, J.J. van (2010), Baclofen-Induced Chorea in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-Related Dystonia, Movement Disorders 25(7): 959-960.
- Groen, J.L.; Ritz, K.; Contarino, M.F.; Warrenburg, B.P. van de; Aramideh, M.; Foncke, E.M.; Hilten, J.J. van; Schuurman, P.R.; Speelman, J.D.; Koelman, J.H.; Bie, R.M.A. de; Baas, F. & Tijssen, M.A. (2010), DYT6 Dystonia: Mutation Screening, Phenotype, and Response to Deep Brain Stimulation, Movement Disorders 25(14): 2420-2427.
- Stowe, R.; Ives, N.; Clarke, C.E.; Deane, K.; Hilten van; Wheatley, K.; Gray, R.; Handley, K. & Furmston, A. (2010), Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of adjuvant treatment to levodopa therapy in Parkinson's disease patients with motor complications, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
- Hilten, J.J. van (2010), Movement Disorders in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Pain Medicine 11(8): 1274-1277.
- Rooij, A.M. de; Gosso, M.F.; Alsina-Sanchis, E.; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2010), No mutations in the voltage-gated Na(V)1.7 sodium channel alpha 1 subunit gene SCN9A in familial complex regional pain syndrome, European Journal of Neurology 17(6): 808-814.
- Verbaan, D.; Rooden, S.M. van; Hilten, J.J. van & Rijsman, R.M. (2010), Prevalence and Clinical Profile of Restless Legs Syndrome in Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders 25(13): 2142-2147.
- Gosso, M.F.; Rooij, A.M. de; Alsina-Sanchis, E.; Kamphorst, J.T.; Marinus, J.; Hilten, J.J. van & Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den (2010), Systematic mutation analysis of seven dystonia genes in complex regional pain syndrome with fixed dystonia, Journal of Neurology 257(5): 820-824.
- Collins, S.; Hilten, J.J. van; Marinus, J.; Zuurmond, W.W.; Lange, J.J. de & Perez, R.S. (2010), Trauma Symptoms Inventory Scale, Return to Work, and Atypical Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1? Response, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 91(8): 1309-1310.
- Rooden, S.M. van; Heiser, W.J.; Kok, J.N.; Verbaan, D.; Hilten, J.J. van & Marinus, J. (2010), The Identification of Parkinson's Disease Subtypes Using Cluster Analysis: A Systematic Review, Movement Disorders 25(8): 969-978.
- Munts, A.G.; Plas, A.A. van der; Ferrari, M.D.; Teepe-Twiss, I.M.; Marinus, J. & Hilten, J.J. van (2010), Efficacy and safety of a single intrathecal methylprednisolone bolus in chronic complex regional pain syndrome, European Journal of Pain 14(5): 523-528.
- Visser M, Verbaan D, van Rooden S, Marinus J, van Hilten J & Stiggelbout A (2009), A Longitudinal Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients with Parkinson's Disease, Value in Health 12(2): 392-396.
- Sigtermans MJ, van Hilten JJ, Bauer MCR, Arbous MS, Marinus J, Sarton EY & Dahan A (2009), Ketamine produces effective and long-term pain relief in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1, PAIN 145(3): 304-311.
- de Rooij AM, de Mos M, van Hilten JJ, Sturkenboom MC, Gosso MF, van den Maagdenberg AM & Marinus J (2009), Increased risk of complex regional pain syndrome in siblings of patients?
- de Rooij AM, de Mos M, Sturkenboom MCJM, Marinus J, van den Maagdenberg AMJM & van Hilten JJ (2009), Familial occurrence of complex regional pain syndrome, European Journal of Pain 13(2): 171-177.
- Macedo, M.G.; Verbaan, D.; Fang, Y.; Rooden, S.M. van; Visser, M.; Anar, B.; Uras, A.; Groen, J.L.; Rizzu, P.; Hilten, J.J. van & Heutink, P. (2009), Genotypic and Phenotypic Characteristics of Dutch Patients with Early Onset Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders 24(2): 196-203.
- de Rooij AM, Gosso MF, Haasnoot GW, Marinus J, Verduijn W, Claas FHJ, van den Maagdenberg AMJM & van Hilten JJ (2009), HLA-B62 and HLA-DQ8 are associated with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome with fixed dystonia, PAIN 145(1-2): 82-85.
- Moseley GL, Birklein F, van Hilten JJ & Marinus J (2009), Inconsistency of response to conscious and unconscious motor imagery in complex regional pain syndrome: comment on the article by Moseley et al Reply, Arthritis and Rheumatism 61(1): 140-141.
- Ramautar R, van der Plas AA, Nevedomskaya E, Derks RJE, Somsen GW, de Jong GJ, van Hilten JJ, Deelder AM & Mayboroda OA (2009), Explorative Analysis of Urine by Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry in Chronic Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Journal of Proteome Research 8(12): 5559-5567.
- Martinez-Martin P, Rodriguez-Blazquez C, Abe K, Bhattacharyya KB, Bloem BR, Carod-Artal FJ, Prakash R, Esselink RAJ, Falup-Pecurariu C, Gallardo M, Mir P, Naidu Y, Nicoletti A, Sethi K, Tsuboi Y, van Hilten JJ, Visser M, Zappia M & Chaudhuri KR (2009), International study on the psychometric attributes of the Non-Motor Symptoms Scale in Parkinson disease, Neurology 73(19): 1584-1591.
- Collins S, Zuurmond WWA, de Lange JJ, van Hilten BJ & Perez RSGM (2009), Intravenous Magnesium for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 (CRPS 1) Patients: A Pilot Study, Pain Medicine 10(5): 930-940.
- van Rooden SM, Visser M, Mr DMV, Marinus J & van Hilten JJ (2009), Motor Patterns in Parkinson's Disease: A Data-Driven Approach, Movement Disorders 24(7): 1042-1047.
- van Rooden SM, Visser M, Verbaan D, Marinus J & van Hilten JJ (2009), Patterns of motor and non-motor features in Parkinson's disease, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 80(8): 846-850.
- Verbaan D, van Rooden SM, Visser M, Marinus J, Emre M & van Hilten JJ (2009), Psychotic and Compulsive Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders 24(5): 738-744.
- Monts AG, van Hilten JJ, van Rootselaar AF, van der Meer JN, Koelman JHTM & Tijssen MAJ (2009), Reply: Myoclonus in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Movement Disorders 24(2): 316-316.
- van Rijn MA, van Hilten JJ & van Dijk JG (2009), Spatiotemporal integration of sensory stimuli in complex regional pain syndrome and dystonia, Journal of Neural Transmission 116(5): 559-565.
- Meskers CGM, Schouten AC, de Groot JH, de Vlugt E, van Hilten BJJ, Van der Helm FCT & Arendzen HJH (2009), Muscle weakness and lack of reflex gain adaptation predominate during post-stroke posture control of the wrist, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 6.
- van Rijn MA, Munts AG, Marinus J, Voormolen JHC, de Boer KS, Teepe-Twiss IM, van Dasselaar NT, Delhaas EM & van Hilten JJ (2009), Intrathecal baclofen for dystonia of complex regional pain syndrome, PAIN 143(1-2): 41-47.
- Munts AG, van der Plas AA, Voormolen JH, Marinus J, Teepe-Twiss IM, Onkenhout W, van Gerven JM & van Hilten JJ (2009), Intrathecal glycine for pain and dystonia in complex regional pain syndrome, PAIN 146(1-2): 199-204.
- Boesveldt S, Verbaan D, Knol DL, van Hilten JJ & Berendse HW (2008), Odour identification and discrimination in Dutch adults over 45 years, Rhinology 46(2).
- Moseley GL, Zalucki N, Birklein F, Marinus J, van Hilten JJ & Luomajoki H (2008), Thinking about movement hurts: The effect of motor imagery on pain and swelling in people with chronic arm pain, Arthritis and Rheumatism 59(5).
- Martinez-Martin P, Visser M, Rodriguez-Blazquez C, Marinus J, Chaudhuri KR & van Hilten JJ (2008), SCOPA-Sleep and PDSS: Two scales for assessment of sleep disorder in Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 23(12).
- Reedijk WB, van Rijn MA, Roelofs K, Tuijl JP, Marinus J & van Hilten JJ (2008), Psychological features of patients with complex regional pain syndrome type I related dystonia, Movement Disorders 23(11).
- Collins S, van Hilten JJ, Marinus J, Zuurmond WW, de Lange JJ & Perez RS (2008), Development of a symptoms questionnaire for complex regional pain syndrome and potentially related illnesses: The trauma related neuronal dysfunction symptoms inventory, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 89(6).
- Boesveldt S, Verbaan D, Knol DL, Visser M, van Rooden SM, van Hilten JJ & Berendse HW (2008), A Comparative Study of Odor Identification and Odor Discrimination Deficits in Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders 23(14).
- Verbaan D, van Rooden SM, Visser M, Marinus J & van Hilten JJ (2008), Nighttime sleep problems and daytime sleepiness in Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 23(1).
- Goetz CG, Tilley BC, Shaftman SR, Stebbins GT, Fahn S, Martinez-Martin P, Poewe W, Sampaio C, Stern MB, Dodel R, Dubois B, Holloway R, Jankovic J, Kulisevsky J, Lang AE, Lees A, Leurgans S, LeWitt PA, Nyenhuis D, Olanow CW, Rascol O, Schrag A, Teresi JA, Hilten JJ & LaPelle N (2008), Movement Disorder Society-Sponsored Revision of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS): Scale Presentation and Clinimetric Testing Results, Movement Disorders 23(15).
- Schouten AC, De Vlugt E, Van Hilten JJB & Van der Helm FCT (2008), Quantifying proprioceptive reflexes during position control of the human arm, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 55(1).
- Visser M, van Rooden SM, Verbaan D, Marinus J, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2008), A comprehensive model of health-related quality of life in Parkinson's disease, Journal of Neurology 255(10).
- Gieteling EW, van Rijn MA, de Jong BM, Hoogduin JM, Renken R, van Hilten JJ & Leenders KL (2008), Cerebral activation during motor imagery in complex regional pain syndrome type 1 with dystonia, PAIN 134(3).
- Munts AG, van Rootselaar AF, van der Meer JN, Koelman JHTM, van Hilten JJ & Tijssen MAJ (2008), Clinical and neurophysiological characterization of myoclonus in complex regional pain syndrome, Movement Disorders 23(4).
- Verbaan D, Boesveldt S, Van Rooden SM, Visser M, Marinus J, Macedo MG, Fang Y, Heutink P, Berendse HW & van Hilten JJ (2008), Is olfactory impairment in Parkinson disease related to phenotypic or genotypic characteristics?, Neurology 71(23).
- Munts AG, Zijlstra FJ, Nibbering PH, Daha MR, Marinus J, Dahan A & van Hilten JJ (2008), Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid inflammatory mediators in chronic complex regional pain syndrome related dystonia, Clinical Journal of Pain 24(1).
- Visser M, Verbaan D, van Rooden SM, Stiggelbout AM, Marinus J & van Hilten JJ (2007), Assessment of psychiatric complications in Parkinson's disease: The SCOPA-PC, Movement Disorders 22(15).
- de Klaver MJM, van Rijn MA, Marinus J, Soede W, de Laat JAPM & van Hilten JJ (2007), Hyperacusis in patients with complex regional pain syndrome related dystonia, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 78(12).
- Verbaan D, Marinus J, Visser M, van Rooden SM, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2007), Patient-reported autonomic symptoms in Parkinson disease, Neurology 69(4).
- van Rijn MA, Marinus J, Putter H & van Hilten JJ (2007), Onset and progression of dystonia in complex regional pain syndrome, PAIN 130(3).
- Marinus J & Van Hilten JJ (2006), Clinical expression profiles of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and a-specific Repetitive Strain Injury: More common denominators than pain?, Disability and Rehabilitation 28(6).
- Visser M, Leentjens AFG, Marinus J, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2006), Reliability and validity of the Beck Depression Inventory in patients with Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 21(5).
- Visser M, Marinus J, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2006), Responsiveness of impairments and disabilities in Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 12(5).
- Visser M, Marinus J, van Hilten JJ, Schipper RGB & Stiggelbout AM (2004), Assessing comorbidity in patients with Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 19(7).
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- Marinus J, Visser M, Stiggelbout AM, Rabey JM, Martinez-Martin P, Bonuccelli U, Kraus PH & van Hilten JJ (2004), A short scale for the assessment of motor impairments and disabilities in Parkinson's disease: the SPES/SCOPA, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 75(3).
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