Johannes (Hans) G.E.M. Fraaije
Emeritus hoogleraar Fysische chemie
- Naam
- J.G.E.M. Fraaije
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

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Emeritus hoogleraar Fysische chemie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Energy & Sustainability
- LIC/ES/Soft Matter Chemistry
- Fraaije J.G.E.M., Male J. van, Becherer P. & Serral Garcia R. (2016), Coarse-Grained Models for Automated Fragmentation and Parameterization of Molecular Databases, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 56(12): 2361–2377.
- Sweere A.J.M. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2015), Force Field Based Quasi Chemical Method for Rapid Evaluation of Binary Phase Diagrams, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119(44): 14200-14209.
- Sevink G.J.A. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2014), Efficient solvent-free dissipative particle dynamics for lipid bilayers, Soft Matter 10: 5129-5146.
- Wuister S.F., Ambesi D., Druzhinina T.S., Peeters E., Finders J., Wolterink J.K. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2014), Fundamental study of placement errors in directed self-assembly, J. of Micro-Nanolithography MEMS and MOEMS 13(3): 033005.
- Boots H., Ruiter J.M. de, Thanh Trung N., Brizard A., Peeters E., Wuister S.F., Druzhinina T.S., Wolterink J.K. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2014), Pitch variations of self-assembled cylindrical block copolymers in lithographically defined trenches, J. of Micro-Nanolithography MEMS and MOEMS 13(3): 033015.
- Ploshnik Elina, Langner Karol M., Halevi Amit, Ben-Lulu Meirav, Mueller Axel H.E., Fraaije Johannes G.E.M., Sevink G.J. Agur & Shenhar Roy (2013), Hierarchical Structuring in Block Copolymer Nanocomposites through Two Phase-Separation Processes Operating on Different Time Scales, Advanced Functional Materials 23(34): 4215-4226.
- Fraaije Johannes G.E.M., Tandon Kunj, Jain Shekhar, Handgraaf Jan-Willem & Buijse Marten (2013), Method of Moments for Computational Microemulsion Analysis and Prediction in Tertiary Oil Recovery, Langmuir 29(7): 2136-2151.
- Sevink G.J.A., Charlaganov M. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2013), Coarse-grained hybrid simulation of liposomes, Soft Matter 9(10): 2816-2831.
- Fraaije J.G.E.M., Nath S. & Handgraaf J.W. (2013), Fundamentals of the thermodynamics of extremely heterodisperse aggregates with application in biomaterials (lignine), crude oil, and biosphere. Castaner R. & Navarro E. (red.), Drugs of the Future. 246th ACS National Meeting and Exposition 8 september 2013 - 12 september 2013. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society nr. 38: ACS. 711.
- Handgraaf J.W., Gracia R.S., Nath S.K., Chen Z., Chou S.H., Ross R.B., Schultz N.E. & Fraaije J. (2011), A Multiscale Modeling Protocol To Generate Realistic Polymer Surfaces, Macromolecules 44(4): 1053-1061.
- Chau C.D., Sevink G.J.A. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2011), Stochastic quasi-Newton method: Application to minimal model for proteins, Physical Review E 83(1): 016701.
- Fraaije J.G.E.M., Nath S.K., Remerie K. & Groenewold J. (2011), Phase Evolution Theory for Polymer Blends with Extreme Chemical Dispersity: Parameterization of DDFT Simulations and Application to Poly(propylene) Impact Copolymers, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 20: 133-145.
- Marsden H.R., Fraaije J.G.E.M. & Kros A. (2010), Introducing Quadrupole Interactions into the Peptide Design Toolkit, Angewandte Chemie - International Edition in English 49(46): 8570-8572.
- Chau C.D., Sevink G.J.A. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2010), Stochastic quasi-Newton molecular simulations, Physical Review E 82(2): 026705.
- Chau C.D., Sevink G.J.A. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2008), Improved configuration space sampling: Langevin dynamics with alternative mobility, The Journal of Chemical Physics 128(24): 244110.
- Kyrylyuk A. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2006), Electric field versus surface alignment in confined films of a diblock copolymer melt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 125(16): .
- Kyrylyuk A., Case F.H. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2005), Property prediction and hybrid modeling for combinatorial materials, QSAR & Combinatorial Science 24(1): 131-137.
- Fraaije J.G.E.M., Sluis C.A. van, Kros A., Zvelindovsky A.V. & Sevink G.J.A. (2005), Design of chimaeric polymersomes, Faraday Discussions 128: 1-7.
- Fraaije J.G.E.M. & Sevink G.J.A. (2003), Model for pattern formation in polymer sufactant nanogels, Macromolecules 36(21): 7891-1793.
- Kyrylyuk A., Sevink G.J.A., Zvelindovsky A.V. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2003), Simulatons of electric field induced lamellar alignment in block copolymers in the presence of selective electrodes, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 12(7): 508-511.
- Lyakhova K., Zvelindovsky A.V., Sevink G.J.A. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2003), Inverse mapping of block copolymer morphologies, The Journal of Chemical Physics 118(18): 8456-8459.
- Hamm M., Goldbeck-Wood G., Zvelindovsky A.V. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2003), Microstructure of nematic amorphous block copolymers: dependence on the nematic volume fraction, The Journal of Chemical Physics 118: 9401-9419.
- Morozov A. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2002), Orientations of the lamellar phase of block copolymer melts under oscillatory shear flow, Physical Review E 65(31803): .
- Zvelindovskyi A.V., Sevink G.J.A. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2000), Shear-induced transitions in a tenary polymeric system, Physical Review E 62: R3063-R3066.
- Fraaije J.G.E.M., Zvelindovsky A.V., Sevink G.J.A. & Maurits N.M. (2000), Modulated self-organization in complex amphiphilic systems, Molecular Simulation 25: 131-144.
- Mozorov A., Zvelindovsky A.V. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2000), Shear induced phase transformations in copolymer melts, Physical Review A 61: 4125-4132.
- Michielsen K.F.L., DeRaedt H. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2000), General morphology descriptions for structural complex systems, Progressive Theoretical Physics 138: 543-548.
- Sevink G.J.A., Zvelindovsky A.V. & Fraaije J.G.E.M. (2000), Modulated self-organization in complex amphiphilic systems, Progress of Theoretical Physics 138: 320-329.
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