Johan Rooryck
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.E.C.V. Rooryck
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-7214-7405

Johan Rooryck is een Hoogleraar aan het Centre for Linguistics.
Meer informatie over Johan Rooryck
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL diversen
- Staps C. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2023), The interpretation of [+distal] in demonstratives and complementizers, Linguistics: an Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 61(5): 1195-1231.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2018), Le sonnet en X: néant phonologique et miroitement syntaxique. In: Smith P.J. & Schulte-Noordholt A. (red.), Jeux de mots – enjeux littéraires, de François Rabelais à Richard Millet. Essais en hommage à Sjef Houppermans. Faux Titre nr. 418: Brill Rodopi. 187-191.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2018), French negation and restrictive focus. In: Ceuppens J., Smessaert H., Craenenbroeck J. van & Vanden Wyngaerd G. (red.), A coat of many colors: a Festschrift for Dany Jaspers on the occasion of his 60th birthday 1-15.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Schoorlemmer E. (2017), Consanguinity and possession in varieties of Dutch, The Journal of Germanic Linguistics 29(1): 1-25.
- Eve M.P., Vries S.C.J. de & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2017), The transition to Open Access: the state of the market, offsetting deals, and a demonstrated model for Fair Open Access with the Open Library of Humanities. In: Chan L. & Loizides F. (red.), Expanding perspectives on Open Science: communities, cultures and diversity in concepts and practices: iOS Press. 118-128.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2017), Between desire and necessity: the complementarity of want and need. In: Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.), Crossroads semantics: computation, experiment and grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Lau M. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2017), Aspect, evidentiality, and mirativity, Lingua : 110-119.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2017), . Glossa: a journal of general linguistics.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2017), . Probus. International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2017), Membership of Scientific committees or Advisory Boards (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council). [overig].
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Schoorlemmer E. (2017), Consanguinity and possession in varieties of Dutch, The Journal of Germanic Linguistics 29(1): 1-25.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2016), Introducing Glossa, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 1(1): 1-3.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2016), . Glossa: a journal of general linguistics.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2016), . Probus. International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Wyngaerd G. vanden (2015), Morphological transparency and the Delay of Principle B Effect, Lingua : 121-139.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2015), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2015), . Probus. International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics.
- Lusini Sara, D'Alessandro R. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2014), Phonetic aspects of polar questions in Sienese: an experimental approach. In: Caspers Johanneke, Chen Yiya, Heeren Willemijn, Pacilly Jos, Schiller Niels & Zanten Ellen van (red.), Above and Beyond the Segments. Amsterdam/.Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Hammer A., Coene M., Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Govaerts P. (2014), The production of Dutch finite verb morphology: A comparison between hearing-impaired CI children and specific language impaired children, Lingua : 68-79.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2014), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2014), . Probus. International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2013), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2013), . Probus. International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2012), . Probus. International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Van den Wyngaerd G. (2011), Dissolving Binding Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rooryck J. & Wyngaerd G. vanden (2011), Dissolving Binding Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Coene M., Schauwers K., Gillis S., Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Govaerts P. (2010), Genetic predisposition and sensory experience in language development: evidence from cochlear implanted children, Language and Cognitive Processes : 1-19.
- Heeren W.F.L., Vaerenberg B., Coene M., Daemers K., Govaerts P., Avram A., Cardinaletti A., Ceulaer G. de, Del Bo L., Gillis S., Pascu A., Rooryck J.E.C.V., Schauwers K., Heuven V.J.J.P. van & Volpato F. (2010), Linguistic assessment tools for the Digisonic® Dual electric-acoustic speech processor, Cochlear Implants International 11(supplement 1): 306-311.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Van Craenenbroeck J. (2010), Linguistic variation Yearbook 9. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Van Craenenbroeck J. & Van den Wyngaerd G. (2010), Initiële verstemlozing bij tientallen. In: De Caluwe J. & Van Keymeulen J. (red.), Artikelen voor Magda Devos bij haar afscheid van de Universiteit Gent. Gent: Academia Press. 505-515.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2010), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Smith N., Lipták A.K. & Blakemore D. (2010), Editorial introduction to the special issue of Lingua on Evans & Levinson's “The myth of language universals”, Lingua 120(12): 2651-2656.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2009), Publishing Matters, Lingua 119(1): 1-15.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2009), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Craenenbroeck Jeroen. van (red.) (2008), Linguistic Variation Yearbook 8. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2008), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Craenenbroeck Jeroen. van (red.) (2007), Linguistic Variation Yearbook 7. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2007), Control via selection. In: Dubinsky S. & Davies W. (red.), New horizons in the grammar of raising and control. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 281-292.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Postma G.J. (2007), On participial imperatives. In: Wurff W. van der (red.), Imperative clauses in generative grammar: studies in honour of Frits Beukema. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 273-296.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Craenenbroeck J. van & Pica P. (red.) (2007), Linguistic Variation Yearbook 7. Linguistic Variation Yearbook. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Smith N. & Blakemore D. (red.) (2007), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2007), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Wyngaerd G. vanden (2007), The syntax of spatial anaphora, Nordlyd. University of Tromsø working papers on language and linguistics 34(2): .
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2006), Binding into pronouns, Lingua 116(10): .
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2006), Generative grammar. In: Brown K. (red.), The Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. Oxford: Elsevier.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Smith N. & Blakemore D. (red.) (2006), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Craenenbroeck J. van & Pica P. (red.) (2006), Linguistic Variation Yearbook 6. Linguistic Variation Yearbook. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Smith N. & Blakemore D. (red.) (2005), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Craenenbroeck J. van & Pica P. (red.) (2005), Linguistic Variation Yearbook 5. Linguistic Variation Yearbook. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Blakemore D. & Smith N. (red.) (2004), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Craenenbroeck J. van & Pica P. (red.) (2004), Linguistic Variation Yearbook 4. Linguistic Variation Yearbook. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2003), The morphosyntactic structure of articles and pronouns in Dutch. In: Koster J. & Riemsdijk H. van (red.), Germania et alia. A linguistic webschrift for Hans den Besten 1-12.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Blakemore D. & Smith N. (red.) (2003), . Lingua.
- Doetjes J.S. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2003), Generalizing over quantitative and qualitative constructions. Coene M. & D'hulst Y. (red.), From DP to DP volume 1: the syntax and semantics of noun phrases. International Conference from NP to DP nr. 55. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 277-296.
- Pica P. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2003), Linguistic Variation Yearbook 3. Linguistic Variation Yearbook. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Meulen A.C. van der, Bastiaanse Y.R.M. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2002), Wh-movement in French agrammatism, Brain and Language 83(1): 184-187.
- Pica P. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2002), Linguistic Variation Yearbook 2. Linguistic Variation Yearbook. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Blakemore D. & Smith N. (red.) (2002), . Lingua.
- Bogaards P. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2001), Ambiguïté et compréhension du language. In: Bogaards P., Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Smith P.J. (red.), Quitte ou double sens. Articles sur lámbiguïté offerts à Ronald Landheer. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA: Rodopi. 19-31.
- D'hulst Y.A.O., Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Schroten J. (red.) (2001), Romance languages and linguistic theory 1999. Selected Papers from 'Going Romance' Leiden, 9-11 december 1999. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Bogaards P., Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Smith P.J. (red.) (2001), Quitte ou double sens. Articles sur l'ambiguïté offerts à Ronald Landheer. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
- Pica P. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (2001), Linguistic Variation Yearbook 1. Linguistic Variation Yearbook. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Anderson J.M. & Smith N. (red.) (2001), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2001), State of the article: Evidentiality Part I, Glot International 5(4): 125-133.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2001), State of the article: Evidentiality Part II, Glot International 5(5): 161-168.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2000), Configurations of sentential complementation: perspectives from Romance languages. London: Routledge.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Anderson J.M. & Smith N. (red.) (2000), . Lingua.
- Cheng L.L. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2000), Licensing Wh-in-situ, Syntax 3(1): 1-19.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Wyngaerd G. vanden (1999), Simplex and complex reflexives in French and Dutch. In: Hulst Y. d', Coene M., Mulder W. de & Dendale P. (red.), Livre d'hommages á Liliane Tasmowski. Padova: Unipress. 617-638.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Pica P.B. (1999), Configurational attitudes. In: Lema José & Treviño Esthela (red.), Semantic issues in Romance Syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 155-179.
- Barbiers L.C.J. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (1999), On the Interpretation of 'there'in Existentials. Shahin Kimary, Blake Susan & Kim Eun-Sook (red.), Proceedings of WCCFL 17, UBC, 1998. . Stanford: CLSI. 59-73.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Wyngaerd G. vanden (1999), Puzzles of identity: Binding at the interface. Tamanji P., Hirotani M. & Hall N. (red.), Proceedings of NELS 29. . Amherst: GLSA.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Anderson J.M. & Smith N. (red.) (1999), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Anderson J.M. & Smith N. (red.) (1999), . Lingua.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Wyngaerd G. vanden (1998), It's a small word. In: Barbiers S.J., Rooryck J. & Weyer J. van de (red.), Small words in the big picture. Leiden: HIL. 101-106.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Wyngaerd G. vanden (1998), The Self as Other: A Minimalist Account of zich and zichzelf in Dutch. Nn NN (red.), Proceedings of NELS 28. . Amherst, Mass.: GLSA.
- Barbiers L.C.J., Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Weijer J.M. van de (red.) (1998), Small words in the big picture. Leiden: HIL.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (1997), On the interaction between Raising and Focus in sentential complementation, Studia Linguistica 50: 1-49.
- Bennis H.J., Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Pica P. (1997), Preface: binding and atomism. In: Bennis H.J., Pica P. & Rooryck J. (red.), Atomism and Binding. Dordrecht: Foris. 1-20.
- Bennis H.J., Pica P. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (1997), Preface: Perspectives on Binding and Atomism. In: Bennis H.J., Pica P. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.), Atomism and Binding. Dordrecht: Foris Publications. I-XX.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (1997), On passive as partitive quantification. In: Sciullo A.-M. di (red.), Projections and Interface Conditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 201-234.
- Bennis H.J., Pica P. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (red.) (1997), Atomism and Binding. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Postma G.J. (1996), Modality and possession in NPs. Kusumotot K. (red.), Proceedings of NELS 26. . Amherst: GLSA. 273-287.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Costa J. (1996), On Pseudo-raising. Nash Léa, Tsoulas Georges & Zribi-Hertz Anne (red.), Actes du second colloque Languages & Grammaire, Paris VIII. . NN: NN. 48-58.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (1996), Prepositions and minimalist Case-marking. In: Thrainsson H., Epstein S. & Peter S. (red.), Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax Volume II. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 226-256.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Zaring L. (1995), Phrase structure and the lexicon. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (1995), Restricting Relativized Minimality: the case of Romance enclitics. Amastae J., Goodall G., Montalbetti M. & Phinney M. (red.), Contemporary research in Romance Languages. . Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 333-354.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V. (1995) Boekbespreking. Bespreking van: Wyngaerd G.J. Vanden (1995), PRO-legomena. Distribution and reference of infinitival subjects. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Glot International 3.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Hoekstra T.A. & Déchaine R.M. (1995), Augmented and non-augmented HAVE. Nash L. & Tsoulas G. (red.), Proceedings of Langues et Grammaire I. . Paris: NN. 143-158.
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- Voorzitter Stichting Linguistics in Open Access (LingOA)