Johan Memelink
Hoogleraar Plantencelfysiologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J. Memelink
- Telefoon
- 071 5274751
- 0000-0002-4767-506X

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Hoogleraar Plantencelfysiologie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Plant Sciences
Emeritus hoogleraar Plantencelfysiologie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Plant Sciences
- Chen Y., Mulder P.P.J., Schaap O.D., Memelink J., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Vrieling K. (2022), The evolution of pyrrolizidine alkaloid diversity among and within Jacobaea species, Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60(2): 361-376.
- Chen Y., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Memelink J. & Vrieling K. (2020), Diversity and evolution of cytochrome P450s of Jacobaea vulgaris and Jacobaea aquatica, BMC Plant Biology 20: 342.
- Zhou Y., Memelink J. & Linthorst H.J.M. (2018), An E-coli biosensor for screening of cDNA libraries for isochorismate pyruvate lyase-encoding cDNAs, Molecular Genetics and Genomics 293(5): 1181-1190.
- Zhou M. & Memelink J. (2016), Jasmonate-responsive transcription factors regulating plant secondary metabolism, Biotechnology Advances 34(4): 441-449.
- Moerkercke A. van, Steensma P., Gariboldi I., Espoz J., Purnama P.C., Schweizer F., Miettinen K., Bossche R. van den, Clercq R. de, Memelink J. & Goossens A. (2016), The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor BIS2 is essential for monoterpenoid indole alkaloid production in the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus, The Plant Journal 88(1): 3-12.
- Munkert J., Pollier J., Miettinen K., Moerkercke A. van, Payne R., Mueller-Uri F., Burlat V., O'Connor S.E., Memelink J., Kreis W. & Goossens A. (2015), Iridoid Synthase Activity Is Common among the Plant Progesterone 5 beta-Reductase Family, Molecular Plant 8(1): 136-152.
- Moerkercke A. van, Steensma P.R., Schweizer F., Pollier J., Gariboldi I., Payne R., Van den Bossche R., Miettinen K.A., Espoz J., Purnama P.C., Kellner F., Seppanen-Laakso T., O'Connor S.E., Rischer H., Memelink J. & Goossens A. (2015), The bHLH transcription factor BIS1 controls the iridoid branch of the monoterpenoid indole alkaloid pathway in Catharanthus roseus, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(26): 8130-8135.
- Miettinen K.A., Dong L., Navrot N., Schneider T., Burlat V., Pollier J., Woittiez L., Krol S. van der, Lugan R., Ilc T., Verpoorte R., Oksman-Caldentey K.M., Martinoia E., Bouwmeester H., Goossens A., Memelink J. & Werck-Reichhart D. (2014), The seco-iridoid pathway from Catharanthus roseus, Nature Communications 5: 3606.
- Munkert J., Pollier J., Miettinen K., Moerkercke A. van, Payne R., Müller-Uri F., Burlat V., O'Connor S.E., Memelink J., Kreis W. & Goossens A. (2014), Iridoid synthase activity is common among the plant progesterone 5β-reductase family, Molecular Plant : .
- Hommel B., Memelink J., Zmigrod S. & Colzato L.S. (2014), Attentional control of the creation and retrieval of stimulus-response bindings, Psychological Research 78(4): 520-538.
- Miettinen K., Dong L., Navrot N., Schneider T., Burlat V., Pollier J., Woittiez L., Krol S. van der, Lugan R., Ilc T., Verpoorte R., Oksman-Caldentey K.-M., Martinoia E., Bouwmeester H., Goossens A., Memelink J. & Werck-Reichhart D. (2014), Corrigendum: The seco-iridoid pathway from Catharanthus roseus (vol 5, 3606, 2014), Nature Communications 5: 4175.
- Memelink J. (2013), Electrophoretic mobility shift assay for the analysis of interactions of jasmonic acid-responsive transcription factors with DNA, Methods in Molecular Biology : 209-225.
- Simkin A.J., Miettinen K., Claudel P., Burlat V., Guirimand G., Courdavault V., Papon N., Meyer S., Godet S., St-Pierre B., Giglioli-Guivarc’h N., Fischer M.J.C., Memelink J. & Clastre M. (2013), Characterization of the plastidial geraniol synthase from Madagascar periwinkle which initiates the monoterpenoid branch of the alkaloid pathway in internal phloem associated parenchyma, Phytochemistry 85: 36-43.
- Van Moerkercke A., Fabris M., Pollier J., Rombaut S., Baart G.J.E., Hasnain G., Rischer H., Memelink J., Oksman-Caldentey K.M. & Goossens A. (2013), A metabolic pathway database built from Catharanthus roseus RNA-Seq data, Plant and Cell Physiology 54: 673-685.
- Höfer R., Dong L., André F., Ginglinger J.F., Lugan R., Gavira C., Grec S., Lang G., Memelink J., Van der Krol S., Bouwmeester H. & Werck-Reichhart D. (2013), Geraniol hydroxylase and hydroxygeraniol oxidase activities of the CYP76 family of cytochrome P450 enzymes and potential for engineering the early steps of the (seco)iridoid pathway, Metabolic Engineering 20: 221-232.
- Dong L., Miettinen K., Goedbloed M., Verstappen F.W.A., Voster A., Jongsma M.A., Memelink J., Van der Krol S. & Bouwmeester H.J. (2013), Characterization of two geraniol synthases from Valeriana officinalis and Lippia dulcis: similar activity but difference in subcellular localization, Metabolic Engineering 20: 198-211.
- Guasch-Vidal B., Estévez J., Dardanelli M.S., Soria-Díaz M.E., De Córdoba F.F., Balog C.I., Manyani H., Gil-Serrano A., Thomas-Oates J., Hensbergen P.J., Deelder A.M., Megías M. & Van Brussel A.A.N. (2013), High NaCl concentrations induce the nod genes of Rhizobium tropici CIAT899 in the absence of flavonoid inducers, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 26: 451-460.
- Van der Does D., Leon-Reyes A., Koornneef A., Van Verk M.C., Rodenburg N., Pauwels L., Goossens A., Körbes A.P., Memelink J., Ritsema T., Van Wees S.C. & Pieterse C.M.J. (2013), Salicylic acid suppresses jasmonic acid signaling downstream of SCFCOI1-JAZ by targeting GCC promoter motifs via transcription factor ORA59, 25: 744-761.
- Zhang H., Hedhili S., Montiel G.C., Zhang Y., Chatel G., Pre M., Gantet P. & Memelink J. (2011), The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor CrMYC2 controls the jasmonate-responsive expression of the ORCA genes regulating alkaloid biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus, The Plant Journal 67: 61-71.
- Montiel G.C., Zarei A., Korbes A.P. & Memelink J. (2011), The jasmonate-responsive element from the ORCA3 promoter from Catharanthus roseus is active in Arabidopsis and is controlled by the transcription factor AtMYC2, Plant and Cell Physiology 52: 578-587.
- Zarei A., Korbes A.P., Younessi P., Montiel G.C., Champion A. & Memelink J. (2011), Two GCC boxes and AP2/ERF-domain transcription factor ORA59 in jasmonate/ethylene-mediated activation of the PDF1.2 promoter in Arabidopsis, 75: 321-331.
- Leon-Reyes A., Du Y., Koornneef A., Proietti S., Körbes A.P., Memelink J., Pieterse C.M.J. & Ritsema T. (2010), Ethylene signaling renders the jasmonate response of Arabidopsis insensitive to future suppression by salicylic acid, Mol Plant Microbe Interact 23: 187-197.
- Duarte P., Memelink J. & Sottomayor M. (2010), Fusions with fluorescent proteins for subcellular localization of enzymes involved in plant alkaloid biosynthesis. In: Fett-Netto A.G. (red.), Methods in Molecular Biology, Metabolic Engineering of Plant Secondary Pathways. Totowa NJ, U.S.A.: Humana Press Inc. 275-290.
- Dos Santos Maraschin F., Memelink J. & Offringa R. (2009), Auxin-induced, SCFTIR1-mediated poly-ubiquitination marks AUX/IAA proteins for degradation, The Plant Journal 59(1): 100-109.
- Zhang H. & Memelink J. (2009), Regulation of secondary metabolism by jasmonate hormones. In: Osbourn A.E. & Lanzotti V. (red.), Plant-Derived Natural Products: Synthesis, Function and Application. Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 181-194.
- Memelink J. (2009), Regulation of gene expression by jasmonate hormones, Phytochemistry 70: 1560-1570.
- Costa M.M.R., Hilliou F., Duarte P., Pereira L.G., Almeida I., Leech M.J., Memelink J., Ros Barcelo A. & Sottomayor M. (2008), Molecular cloning and characterization of a vacuolar class III peroxidase involved in the metabolism of anticancer alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don, 146: 403-417.
- Pré M.R., Atallah M., Champion A., Vos M.C., Pieterse C.M.J. & Memelink J. (2008), The AP2/ERF-domain transcription factor ORA59 integrates jasmonic acid and ethylene signals in plant defense, 147: 1347-1357.
- Endt D. vom, Soares e Silva M., Kijne J.W., Pasquali G. & Memelink J. (2007), Identification of a bipartite jasmonate-responsive promoter element in the Catharanthus roseus ORCA3 transcription factor gene that interacts specifically with AT-hook DNA-binding proteins, 144: 1680-1689.
- Memelink J. & Gantet P. (2007), Transcription factors involved in terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus, 6: 353-362.
- Memelink J. (2005), The use of genetics to dissect plant secondary pathways, Current Opinion in Plant Biology 8: 1-6.
- Memelink J. (2005), Tailoring the plant metabolome without a loose stitch, Plant Science 10: 305-307.
- Pauw B. & Memelink J. (2005), Jasmonate-responsive gene expression, Plant Growth Regulation 23: 200-210.
- Pauw B., Duijn B. van, Kijne J.W. & Memelink J. (2004), Activation of the oxidative burst by yeast elicitor in Catharanthus roseus cells occurs independently of the activation of genes involved in alkaloid biosynthesis, 55: 797-805.
- Memelink J. (2004), Putting the opium in poppy to sleep, National Biotechnology 22: 1526-1527.
- Pauw B., Hilliou F., Sandonis Martin V., Chatel G., Wolf C.J.F. de, Champion A., Pré M.R., Duijn B. van, Kijne J.W., Fits L. van der & Memelink J. (2004), Zinc finger proteins act as transcriptional repressors of alkaloid biosynthesis genes in Catharanthus roseus, Journal of Biological Chemistry 279(51): 52940-52948.
- Chatel G., Montiel G.C., Pré M.R., Memelink J., Thiersault M., Saint-Pierre B., Doireau P. & Gantet P. (2003), CrMYC1, a Catharanthus roseus elicitor- and jasmonate-responsive bHLH transctiption factor that binds the G-box element of the strictosidine synthase gene promoter, Journal of Experimental Botany 54: 2587-2588.
- Verpoorte R. & Memelink J. (2002), Engineering secondary metabolite production in plants, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 13: 181-187.
- Gantet P. & Memelink J. (2002), Transcription factors: tools to engineer production of pharmacologically active plant metabolites, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 23: 563-569.
- Vom Endt D.V., Kijne J.W. & Memelink J. (2002), Transcription factors controlling plant secondary metabolism: what regulates the regulators?, Phytochemistry 61: 107-114.
- Verpoorte R., Ingkaninan K., Memelink J. & Heijden R. van der (2002), New perspectives for plant secondary metabolite production. Rauter A.P., Palma F.B., Justino J., Araujo M.E.A. & Santos S.P. dos (red.), Proceedings Phytochemical Society of Europe. . Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 345-366.
- Verpoorte R., Contin A. & Memelink J. (2002), Biotechnology for the production of plant secondary metabolites, 1: 13-25.
- Ouwerkerk P.B.F. & Memelink J. (1999), Elicitor-responsive promoter regions in the tryptophan decarboxylase gene from Catharanthus roseus, 39: 129-136.
- Zárate R., Memelink J., Heijden R. van der & Verpoorte R. (1999), Genetic transformation via particle bombardment of Catharanthus roseus plants through adventitious organogenesis of buds, Biotechnology Letters 21: 997-1002.
- Verpoorte R., Heijden R. van der, Hoopen G. ten & Memelink J. (1999), Novel approaches to improve plant secondary metabolite production. In: Fu T.-J., Singh G. & Curtis W.R. (red.), Plant Cell and Tissue Culture for the Production of Food Ingredients. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. 85-100.
- Verpoorte R., Heijden R. van der, Memelink J. & Hoopen G. ten (1999), Metabolic engeering: A strategy to improve plant secondary metabolite production. In: Hostettmann K., Gupta M.P. & Marston A. (red.), Chemistry, biological and pharmacological properties of medicinal plants from the Americas. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers. 207-219.
- Pasquali G., Erven A.S., Ouwerkerk P.B.F., Menke F.L. & Memelink J. (1999), The promoter of the strictosidine synthase gene from periwinkle confers elicitor-inducible expression in transgenic tobacco and binds nuclear factors GT-1 and GBF, 39: 1299-1310.
- Ouwerkerk P.B.F. & Memelink J. (1999), A G-box element from the Catharanthus roseus strictosidine synthase (Str) gene promoter confers seed-specific expression in transgenic tobacco plants, Molecular Gen. Genet 261: 635-643.
- Menke F.L.H., Parchmann S., Mueller M.J., Kijne J.W. & Memelink J. (1999), Involvement of the octadecanoid pathway and protein phosphorylation in fungal elicitor-induced expression of terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic genes in Catharanthus roseus, 119: 1289-1296.
- Geerlings A., Redondo F.J., Memelink J., Contin A., Heijden R. van der & Verpoorte R. (1999), Screening method for cDNAs encoding putative enzymes converting loganin into secologanin by a transgenic yeast culture, Biotechnology Letters 13: 605-608.
- Menke F.L.H., Champion A., Kijne J.W. & Memelink J. (1999), A novel jasmonate- and elicitor- responsive element in the periwinkle secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene Str interacts with a jasmonate- and elicitor-inducible AP2-domain transcription factor, ORCA2, The EMBO Journal 18: 4455-4463.
- Verpoorte R., Heijden R. van der, Hoopen G. ten & Memelink J. (1999), Metabolic engineering of plant secondary metabolite pathways for the production of fine chemicals, Biotechnology Letters 21: 467-479.
- Ouwerkerk P.B.F., Trimborn T.O., Hilliou F. & Memelink J. (1999), Nuclear factors GT-1 and 3AF1 interact with multiple sequences within the promoter of the Tdc gene from Madagascar perwinkle: GT-1 is involved in UV light-induced expression, Molecular Gen. Genet 261: 610-622.
- Ouwerkerk P.B.F., Hallard D., Verpoorte R. & Memelink J. (1999), Identification of UV-B light-responsive regions in the promoter of the tryptophan decarboxylase gene from Catharanthus roseus, 41: 491-503.
- Verpoorte R., Heijden R. van der & Memelink J. (1998), Plant biotechnology and the production of alkaloids: prospects of metabolic engineering. In: Cordell G.A. (red.), The Alkaloids. San Diego, USA: Academic Press. 453-508.
- Hallard D., Heijden R. van der, Contin A., Tomas Jiménéz E.M., Snoeijer W., Verpoorte R., Jensen S.R., Lopes Cardoso M.I., Pasquali G., Memelink J. & Hoge J.H.C. (1998), An assay for secologanin in plant tissues based on enzymatic conversion into strictosidine, Phytochemical Analysis 9: 162-167.
- Verpoorte R., Heijden R. van der, Hoopen G. ten & Memelink J. (1998), Metabolic engineering to improve plant secondary metabolite production, Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology 4: 3-20.
- Pater B.S. de, Pham K., Memelink J. & Kijne J.W. (1997), RAP-1 is an Arabidopsis myc-like R protein homologue, that binds to G-box sequence motifs, Plant Molecular Biology 34(1): 169-174.
- Pater B.S. de, Greco V., Pham K., Memelink J. & Kijne J. (1996), Characterization of a zinc-dependent transcriptional activator from Arabidopsos, Nucleic Acids Research 24(23): 4624-4631.
- Pater B.S. de, Pham K., Memelink J. & Kijne J.W. (1996), Binding specificity and tissue-specific expression pattern of the Arabdidopsis bZIP transcription factor TGA2, Molecular and General Genetics 250(2): 237-239.
- Pater B.S. de, Pham K., Chua N.H., Memelink J. & Kijne J.W. (1993), A 22-bp fragment of the pea lectin promoter containing essential TGAC-like motifs confers seed-specific gene expression, The Plant Cell 5(8): 877-886.
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