Joe Powderly
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- J.C. Powderly
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9366
- 0000-0001-9113-217X

Voor meer informatie zie de Engelstalige profielpagina van J.C. Powderly.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Grotius Centre for Intern Legal Studies
- Strecker A. & Powderly J.C. (red.) (2023), Heritage destruction, human rights and international law. Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff.
- Strecker A. & Powderly J.C. (2023), Introduction: heritage destruction, human rights and international law in times of conflict and in peace. In: Strecker A. & Powderly J.C. (red.), Heritage destruction, human rights and international law. Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff. 1-18.
- Powderly J.C. & Strecker A. (2023), Afterword: heritage destruction and the War on Ukraine. In: Strecker A. & Powderly J.C. (red.), Heritage destruction, human rights and international law. Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff. 423-454.
- Powderly J.C. & Schabas W.A. (2023), ‘A plea of humanity to law’: In Memoriam for Benjamin Berell Ferencz (1920–2023), Leiden Journal of International Law 36(4): 819-831.
- Powderly J.C. (2023), In praise of commentaries in the age of the neoliberal academy, Criminal Law Forum 34(4): 465-476.
- Ambos K., Braga da Silva R., Hayes N., Powderly J.C., Stahn C. & Herik L.J. van den (2022), Article 7: crimes against humanity. In: Ambos K. (red.), Rome statute of the international criminal court: article-by-article commentary. Munich: C.H. Beck. 135-316.
- Powderly J.C. (2022), Prosecuting heritage destruction. In: Cuno J. & Weiss T.G. (red.) Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities. Los Angeles: Getty Publications. 430-447.
- Powderly J.C. & Hayes N. (2022), Article 7(1)(g): "Rape...or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity". In: Ambos K. (red.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Article-by-Article Commentary. München: Hart Beck Nomos. 199-222.
- Powderly J.C. & Hayes N. (2022), Article 7(1)(h): "Persecution". In: Ambos K. (red.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Article-by-Article Commentary. München: Hart Beck Nomos. 222-235.
- Powderly J.C. & Hayes N. (2022), Article 7(2)(f): "Forced Pregnancy". In: Ambos K. (red.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Article-by-Article Commentary. München: Hart Beck Nomos.
- Powderly J.C. & Hayes N. (2022), Article 7(2)(g): "Persecution". In: Ambos K. (red.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Article-by-Article Commentary. München: Hart Beck Nomos. 293-301.
- Powderly J.C. & Hayes N. (2022), Article 7(3): "Definition of Gender". In: Ambos K. (red.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Article-by-Article Commentary. München: Hart Beck Nomos.
- Powderly J.C. (2020), Judges and the Making of International Criminal Law. Leiden Studies on the Frontiers of International Law nr. 7. Leiden/Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
- Powderly J.C. & Braga da Silva R. (2020), Cultural Heritage and Women. In: Francioni F. & Vrdoljak A.F. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of International Cultural Heritage Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 431-458.
- Jacobs D. & Powderly J. (2019), On the Impact of Online Commentary in International Criminal Law: A Vain Pursuit of a Socratic Ideal?, Leiden Journal of International Law 32(4): 615-623.
- Powderly J. (10 december 2019), Does "the Lady Doth Protest" Mark the Beginning of Myanmar's Reckoning?. JusticeInfo. [blog].
- Powderly J.C. (2019), International criminal justice in an age of perpetual crisis, Leiden Journal of International Law 32(1): 1-11.
- Powderly J.C. & Hayes N. (26 juni 2018), The Bemba Appeal: A Fragmented Appeals Chamber Destablises the Law and Practice of the ICC. PhD Studies in Human Rights. [blog].
- Powderly J.C. (2018), Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo: Judgment on the Appeal of Mr. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo against Trial Chamber III's “Judgment Pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute” (Int'l Crim. Ct.), International Legal Materials 57(6): 1031-1079.
- Powderly J.C. & Chylinski J. (2016), The women judges: leading the line in the development of international law. In: Schabas W.A. & Murphy S. (red.), Research Handbook on International Courts and Tribunals. Research Handbooks in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 143-180.
- Powderly J.C. (2016), Article 7(2)(f): “Forced pregnancy”. In: Triffterer O. & Ambos K. (red.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Baden-Baden: CH Beck. 274-275.
- Powderly J.C. & Hayes N. (2016), Article 7(3): “Definitions of Gender”. In: Triffterer O. & Ambos K. (red.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Baden-Baden: CH Beck. 292-294.
- Powderly J.C. & Hayes N. (2016), Article 7(1)(g): “Rape…or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity". In: Triffterer O. & Ambos K. (red.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Baden-Baden: CH Beck. 206-219.
- Powderly J.C. & Hayes N. (2016), Article 7(1)(h): “Persecution”. In: Triffterer O. & Ambos K. (red.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Baden-Baden: CH Beck. 219-226.
- Powderly J.C. (2016), Article 7(2)(g): “Persecution”. In: Triffterer O. & Ambos K. (red.), Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Baden-Baden: CH Beck. 275-282.
- Powderly J.C. (2015), The Rome Statute and the Attempted Corseting of the Interpretative Judicial Function: Reflections on Sources of Law and Interpretative Technique. In: Stahn C. (red.), The Law and Practice of the International Criminal Court. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 444 - 498.
- Powderly J.C. (2013), Distinguishing Creativity from Activism: International Criminal Law and the “Legitimacy” of Judicial Development of the Law. In: Schabas W.A. Hayes N. McDermott Y. (red.), The Ashgate Research Companion to International Criminal Law. London: Ashgate. 223-250.
- Powderly J.C. (2012), Commentary: Prosecutor v. Limaj et al. In: Klip A. Sluiter G. (red.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals – Volume XXVIII: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, 2005-2006. Antwerp: Intersentia. 397-412.
- Powderly J.C. & Fairlie M. (2011), Complementarity and Burden Allocation. In: Stahn C. Al Zeidy M. (red.), The International Criminal Court and Complementarity: From Theory to Practice: Oxford University Press. 642-684.
- Powderly J.C. (2011), Introductory Observations on the STL Appeals Chamber Decision: Context and Critical Remarks, Criminal Law Forum 22: 347 - 363.
- Powderly J.C. (2010), The Eichmann, Barbie and Finta Trials. In: Bernaz N. Schabas W.A. (red.), The Routledge Handbook on International Criminal Law: Routledge. 33-50.
- Powderly J.C. (2010), Judicial Interpretation at the Ad Hoc Tribunals: Method from Chaos?. In: Powderly J.C. Darcy S. (red.), Judicial Creativity at the International Criminal Tribunals. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 17-44.
- Powderly J.C. & Darcy S. (red.) (2010), Judicial Creativity at the International Criminal Tribunals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Powderly J.C., Schabas W.A. & Prud'homme N. (2010), Crimes Against Humanity in Western Burma: The Situation of the Rohingyas. Galway: Irish Centre for Human Rights/ Irish Department of Foreign Affairs.