Joan Hendrik Veelken
Hoogleraar Inwendige Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder de hematologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.H. Veelken
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 2267
- 0000-0002-9108-3125

Hendrik Veelken is afdelingshoofd van de afdeling Hematologie en hoogleraar Interne Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder de Hematologie. Hiernaast bekleedt Hendrik Veelken de functie van wetenschappelijk coördinator van het LUMC Theme for Innovation “Cancer”.
Meer informatie over Joan Hendrik Veelken
Als wetenschappelijke discipline bestudeert de hematologie de functie en afwijkingen van het bloed, het bloedvormend systeem, en de lymfatische organen. Als geneeskundig specialisme richt Hematologie zich op de oorzaken, de diagnostiek, de behandeling, de nazorg en de preventie van ziekten van het bloed en van het lymfatisch systeem.
In het LUMC concentreert hematologie zich in het bijzonder op de behandeling van kwaadaardige bloedziekten, waarbij de focus van het onderzoek “precision hematology” is: de ontwikkeling van effectieve, persoonsgebonden behandelingen, gebaseerd op de kerncompetentie immunologie.
Het persoonlijk onderzoeksveld van Hendrik Veelken richt zich op precisie diagnostiek van hematologische tumoren met behulp van moderne genetische technologieën en op het ontrafelen van immunologische mechanismen bij het ontstaan van kwaadaardige aandoeningen van het immuunsysteem zoals maligne lymfomen.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Hendrik Veelken behaalde zijn artsexamen in 1988 aan de Universiteit Mainz. In hetzelfde jaar promoveerde hij daar tot Dr. med. met zijn proefschrift “Monoklonale Antikörper gegen Mastcellinien der Maus: Entwicklung und funktionelle Untersuchungen”.
Vanaf 1989 t/m 1992 deed hij als postdoctoral fellow moleculair genetisch onderzoek bij de afdeling Pathologie van Harvard Medical School. In 1998 rondde hij de klinische opleiding in Hematologie en Medische Oncologie in het Universitair Medisch Centrum Freiburg af en kreeg de Habilitation (PhD equivalent) van de Medische Faculteit van de Universiteit Freiburg toegekend gebaseerd op zijn scriptie “Genetische Modifikation von somatischen Zellen ex vivo für den therapeutischen Einsatz in der Hämatologie und Onkologie”.
Na een onderzoeksperiode vanaf 2000 aan de Stanford Universiteit werd hij in 2002 tot hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Freiburg benoemd met als leeropdracht Medische Moleculaire Biologie. In 2010 benoemde het LUMC hem tot hoogleraar afdelingshoofd Hematologie. Zijn oratie was getiteld “The new approach to lymphomas” op 29 augustus 2011.
Hoogleraar Inwendige Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder de hematologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Hematologie
- Hematologie algemeen
- Severens, J.F.; Karakaslar, E.O.; Reijden, B.A. van der; Sánchez-López, E.; Berg, R.R. van den; Halkes, C.J.M.; Balen, P. van; Veelken, H.; Reinders, M.J.T.; Griffioen, M. & Akker, E.B. van den (2024), Mapping AML heterogeneity, Leukemia 38(4): 751-761.
- Fuchs, K.J.; Meent, M. van de; Honders, M.W.; Khatri, I.; Kester, M.G.D.; Koster, E.A.S.; Koutsoumpli, G.; Ru, A.H. de; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Veelen, P.A. van; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Balen, P. van; Akker, E.B. van den; Veelken, J.H.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Griffioen, M. (2024), Expanding the repertoire reveals recurrent, cryptic, and hematopoietic HLA class I minor histocompatibility antigens, Blood 143(18): 1856-1872.
- Karakaslar, E.O.; Severens, J.F.; Sánchez-López, E.; Veelen, P.A. van; Zlei, M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Otte, A.M.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Balen, P. van; Veelken, H.; Reinders, M.J.T.; Griffioen, M. & Akker, E.B. van den (2024), A transcriptomic based deconvolution framework for assessing differentiation stages and drug responses of AML, npj Precision Oncology 8(1).
- (2024), Allogene stamceltransplantatie bij volwassen patiënten met een primaire immuundeficiëntie, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie 21(2).
- Koster, E.; Borne, P. von dem; Balen, P. van; Marijt, E.; Tjon, J.; Snijders, T.; Lammeren, D. van; Veelken, H.; Falkenburg, F.; Wreede, L. de & Halkes, C. (2024), RISK FACTORS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST-DISEASE FOLLOWING DONOR LYMPHOCYTE INFUSION AFTER ALLOGENEIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION, Bone Marrow Transplantation 59: 240-241.
- Quinten, E.; Sepúlveda-Yáñez, J.H.; Koning, M.T.; Eken, J.A.; Pfeifer, D.; Nteleah, V.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Saravia, D.A.; Knijnenburg, J.; Stuivenberg-Bleijswijk, H.E.; Pantic, M.; Agathangelidis, A.; Keppler-Hafkemeyer, A.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Uribe-Paredes, R.; Stamatopoulos, K.; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Zirlik, K.; Navarrete, M.A.; Jumaa, H. & Veelken, H. (2024), Autonomous B-cell receptor signaling and genetic aberrations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia-phenotype monoclonal B lymphocytosis in siblings of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Haematologica 109(3): 824-834.
- Eken, J.A.; Koning, M.T.; Kupcova, K.; Yáñez, J.H.S.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Quinten, E.; Janssen, J.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Cleven, A.; Navarrete, M.A.; Ylstra, B.; Jong, D. de; Havranek, O.; Jumaa, H. & Veelken, H. (2024), Antigen-independent, autonomous B cell receptor signaling drives activated B cell DLBCL, Journal of Experimental Medicine 221(5).
- Oosterink, K.A.; Dekker, T.J.A.; Tjon, J.M.L.; Marijt, W.A.F.; Boome, L.C.J. te; Veelken, J.H.; Borne, P.A. von dem & Halkes, C.J.M. (2024), FILGRASTIM AFTER AUTOLOGOUS STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION SHORTENED TIME TO NEUTROPHIL RECOVERY AND HOSPITAL STAY, Bone Marrow Transplantation 59: 711-712.
- Borne, P.A. von dem; Kemps-Mols, B.M.; Wreede, L.C. de; Beek, A.A. van; Snijders, T.J.F.; Lammeren, D. van; Tijmensen, J.; Sijs-Szabo, A.; Oudshoorn, M.A.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Balen, P. van; Marijt, W.A.E.; Tjon, J.M.L.; Vermaat, J.S.P. & Veelken, H. (2024), The degree of HLA matching determines the incidence of cytokine release syndrome and associated nonrelapse mortality in matched related and unrelated allogeneic stem cell transplantation with post-transplant cyclophosphamide, Leukemia & Lymphoma 65(9): 1270-1280.
- Oksza-Orzechowski, K.; Quinten, E.; Shafighi, S.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Kessel, H.W. van; Groen, R.A.L. de; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Yanez, J.H.; Navarrete, M.A.; Veelken, H.; Bergen, C.A.M. van & Szczurek, E. (2024), CaClust, Genome Biology 25(1).
- Koster, E.A.S.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Balen, P. van; Marijt, E.W.A.; Tjon, J.M.L.; Snijders, T.J.F.; Lammeren, D. van; Veelken, H.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Halkes, C.J.M. & Wreede, L.C. de (2024), Risk factors for graft-versus-host-disease after donor lymphocyte infusion following T-cell depleted allogeneic stem cell transplantation, Frontiers in Immunology 15.
- Groot, F.A.D.; Dekker, T.J.A.; Doorduijn, J.K.; Böhringer, S.; Brink, M.; Groen, R.A.L.D.; Haan, L.M.D.; Woei-A-Jin, F.J.S.H.; Noordenbos, T.; Sijs-Szabo, A.; Oudshoorn, M.A.; Lam, K.H.; Diepstra, A.; Boome, L.C.J.T.; Terpstra, V.; Bohmer, L.H.; Nicolae, A.; Posthuma, E.F.M.; Koens, L.; Durian, M.F.; Stavast, J.; Poel, M.W.M.V.; Hamid, M.A.; Stevens, W.B.C.; Rooij, S.L.M.V.; Oostvogels, R.S.; Mühlebner, A.; Neelis, K.J.; Brand, M. van den; Tousseyn, T.; Dierickx, D.; Weerdt, O. de; Beeker, A.; Jansen, P.M.; Kersten, M.J.; Zijlstra, J.M.; Chamuleau, M.E.D.; Veelken, H.; Bromberg, J.C.E.; Nijland, M. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2024), Clinical characteristics and survival outcomes of patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma treated with high-dose methotrexate-based polychemotherapy and consolidation therapies, European Journal of Cancer 213.
- Hem, J. van der; Balen, P. van; Veld, S.; Borne, P.A.V.; Lammeren, D. van; Snijders, T.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Veelken, H.; Groot, R. de; Jedema, I.; Wreede, L.C. de; Halkes, C. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2023), Randomized Trial of Prophylactic Donor Lymphocyte Infusion with Positively Selected CD4+T Cells after HLA-Identical Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation, Blood 142.
- Medina, D.; Sepulveda-Yanez, J.; Alvarez-Saravia, D.; Uribe-Paredes, R.; Veelken, H. & Navarrete, M. (2023), Artificial Intelligence Approach for the Discovery of Autoantigen Recognition By B-Cell Lymphomas, Blood 142.
- Chamuleau, M.E.D.; Stenner, F.; Chitu, D.A.; Novak, U.; Minnema, M.C.; Geerts, P.; Stevens, W.B.C.; Zenz, T.; Imhoff, G.W.V.; Wu, K.L.; Demandt, A.M.P.; Kersten, M.J.; Terpstra, W.E.; Tick, L.W.; Deeren, D.; Neste, E.V.; Gregor, M.; Veelken, H.; Boehmer, L.H.; Caspar, C.B.; Mutsaers, P.; Refos, J.M.; Sewsaran, R.; Fu, L.P.; Seefat, R.L.; Groot, C.A.U.D.; Dirnhofer, S.; Brand, M.V.; Jong, D. de; Nijland, M. & Lugtenburg, P. (2023), R-CODOX-M/R-IVAC versus DA-EPOCH-R in patients with newly diagnosed Burkitt lymphoma (HOVON/SAKK), The Lancet Haematology 10(12): E966-E975.
- Bergen, C.A.M. van; Kloet, S.L.; Quinten, E.; Yáñez, J.H.S.; Menafra, R.; Griffioen, M.; Jansen, P.M.; Koning, M.T.; Knijnenburg, J.; Navarrete, M.A.; Kielbasa, S.M. & Veelken, H. (2023), Acquisition of a glycosylated B-cell receptor drives follicular lymphoma toward a dark zone phenotype, Blood Advances 7(19).
- Haan, L.M. de; Groen, R.A.L. de; Groot, F.A. de; Noordenbos, T.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Ruano, D.; Diepstra, A.; Koens, L.; Nicolae-Cristea, A.; Hartog, W.C.E. den; Terpstra, V.; Ahsmann, E.; Dekker, T.J.A.; Sijs-Szabo, A.; Veelken, H.; Cleven, A.H.G.; Jansen, P.M. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2023), Real-world routine diagnostic molecular analysis for TP53 mutational status is recommended over p53 immunohistochemistry in B-cell lymphomas, Virchows Archiv.
- Quinten, E.; Sepulveda-Yanez, J.; Monajemi, R.; Menafra, R.; Kloet, S.L.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Bergen, C.A.M. van & Veelken, H. (2023), B-Cell Receptor Function and Gene Expression Profiling at Single-Cell Level across the Spectrum from Normal to Neoplastic CD5-Positive B-Cell Compartments in Humans, Blood 142.
- Sepulveda-Yanez, J.; Alvarez-Saravia, D.; Medina, D.; Quinten, E.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Navarrete, M.; Bergen, C.A.M. van & Veelken, H. (2023), Detection of Occurrent Somatic Hypermutation and Associated Gene Expression Profile in Single B Cells, Blood 142.
- Veelken, H. (2023), Energy overpowers sweet tooth in FL, Blood 142(26): 2226-2229.
- Koster, E.A.S.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Balen, P. van; Egmond, E.H.M. van; Marijt, E.W.A.; Veld, S.A.J.; Jedema, I.; Snijders, T.J.F.; Lammeren, D. van; Veelken, H.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Wreede, L.C. de & Halkes, C.J.M. (2023), Competitive repopulation and allo-immunologic pressure determine chimerism kinetics after T Cell-depleted allogeneic stem cell transplantation and donor lymphocyte infusion, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 29(4).
- Greco, R.; Hoogenboom, J.D.; Bonneville, E.F.; Anagnostopoulos, A.; Cuoghi, A.; Dalle, J.H.; Weissinger, E.M.; Lang, P.T.; Galaverna, F.; Martino, M.; Maschan, A.; Mauz-Körholz, C.; Noviello, M.; Passweg, J.; Peccatori, J.; Rovira, M.; Solano, C.; Veelken, H.; Velardi, A.; Wagner-Drouet, E.M.; Zhang, X.; Ciceri, F.; Bonini, C.; Vago, L.; Ruggeri, A. & Chabannon, C. (2023), Monitoring for virus-specific T-cell responses and viremia in allogeneic HSCT recipients: a survey from the EBMT Cellular Therapy & Immunobiology Working Party.
- Zouwen, B. van der; Koster, E.A.S.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Oosten, L.E.M.; Roza-Scholten, M.W.I.; Snijders, T.J.F.; Lammeren, D. van; Balen, P. van; Marijt, W.A.F.; Veelken, H.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Wreede, L.C. de & Halkes, C.J.M. (2023), Feasibility, safety, and efficacy of early prophylactic donor lymphocyte infusion after T cell-depleted allogeneic stem cell transplantation in acute leukemia patients, Annals of Hematology 102.
- Hengeveld, P.J.; Veelken, H.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Quinten, E.; Vervoordeldonk, M.Y.L.; Ismailzada, W.; Barendse, R.S.; Dubois, J.M.N.; Oers, M.H.J. van; Geisler, C.H.; Kater, A.P.; Westerweel, P.E.; Langerak, A.W. & Levin, M.D. (2023), Prognosis of IGLV3-21R110 chronic lymphocytic leukemia after chemotherapy-based treatment in a real-world analysis, Leukemia 37.
- Straten, L. van der; Stege, C.A.M.; Kersting, S.; Nasserinejad, K.; Dubois, J.; Dobber, J.A.; Mellink, C.H.M.; Kevie-Kersemaekers, A.M.F. van der; Evers, L.M.; Boer, F. de; Koene, H.R.; Schreurs, J.; Klift, M. van der; Velders, G.A.; Spek, E. van der; Straaten, H.M. van der; Hoogendoorn, M.; Gelder, M. van; Posthuma, E.F.M.; Visser, H.P.J.; Houtenbos, I.; Idink, C.A.M.; Issa, D.E.; Dompeling, E.C.; Zaanen, H.C.T. van; Veelken, J.H.; Levenga, H.; Tick, L.W.; Terpstra, W.E.; Tonino, S.H.; Westerweel, P.E.; Langerak, A.W.; Kater, A.P.; Levin, M.D. & HOVON CLL Working Grp (2023), Fixed-duration venetoclax plus obinutuzumab improves quality of life and geriatric impairments in FCR-unfit patients with CLL, Blood 142(13): 1131-1142.
- Koster, E.A.S.; Bonneville, E.F.; Borne, P.A.V.; Balen, P. van; Marijt, E.W.A.; Tjon, J.M.L.; Snijders, T.J.F.; Lammeren, D. van; Veelken, H.; Putter, H.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Halkes, C.J.M. & Wreede, L.C. de (2023), Joint models quantify associations between immune cell kinetics and allo-immunological events after allogeneic stem cell transplantation and subsequent donor lymphocyte infusion, Frontiers in Immunology 14.
- Schrader, A.M.R.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Willemze, R.; Jansen, P.M.; Quint, K.D.; Cleven, A.H.G.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Ruano, D.; Veelken, J.H.; Tensen, C.P.; Neelis, K.J.; Daniels, L.A.; Hauben, E.; Woei-A-Jin, F.J.S.H.; Busschots, A.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2022), Genetic stability of driver alterations in primary cutaneous diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma, leg type and their relapses, Cancers 14(20).
- Mclornan, D.P.; Martin, I.; Sirait, T.; Schroeder, T.; Blau, I.W.; Kuball, J.; Byrne, J.; Colin, M.; Stradler, M.; Desmier, D.; Salmenniemi, U.; Jindra, P.; Mikhailova, N.; Lenhoff, S.; Rifon, J.; Robin, M.; Rovira, M.; Veelken, J.H.; Sadowska-Klasa, A.; Zecca, M.; Gras, L.; Hayden, P.J.; Czerw, T.; Hernandez-Boluda, J.C. & Yakoub-Agha, I. (2022), Outcome of allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation in eosinophilic disorders: a retrospective study by the Chronic Malignancies Working Party of the EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 70-71.
- Sepulveda-Yanez, J.H.; Saravia, D.A.; Pilzecker, B.; Schouwenburg, P.A. van; Burg, M. van den; Veelken, H.; Navarrete, M.A.; Jacobs, H. & Koning, M.T. (2022), Tandem substitutions in somatic hypermutation, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Greco, R.; Hoogenboom, J.; Bonneville, E.; Anagnostopoulos, A.; Cuoghi, A.; Dalle, J.H.; Ganser, A.; Lang, P.; Locatelli, F.; Martino, M.; Maschan, A.; Mauz-Koerholz, C.; Noviello, M.; Passweg, J.; Peccatori, J.; Rovira, M.; Solano, C.; Veelken, J.H.; Velardi, A.; Wagner-Drouet, E.M.; Zhang, X.; Ciceri, F.; Bonini, C.; Vago, L.; Ruggeri, A. & Chabannon, C. (2022), Immune-monitoring for virus-specific t-cell responses in allogeneic HSCT recipients: A survey from the ebmt cellular therapy & immunobiology working party, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 315-315.
- Groen, R.A.L. de; Groot, F.A. de; Haan, L.M. de; Wezel, T. van; Noordenbos, T.; Boehringer, S.; Eijk, R. van; Raghoo, R.; Ruano, D.; Sijs-Szabo, A.; Boome, L. te; Terpstra, V.; Levenga, H.; Nicolae, A.; Posthuma, W.; Focke-Snieders, I.; Hardi, L.; Hartog, W. den; Bohmer, L.H.; Berg, A. van den; Mutseaers, P.; Poel, M.W.M. van der; Hamid, M.A.; Woei-A-Jin, F.J.S.H.; Janssens, A.; Tousseyn, T.; Bovee, J.; Veelken, H.; Pals, S.T.; Diepstra, A.; Nijland, M.; Kersten, M.J.; Jansen, P.M.; Cleven, A. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2022), Polyostotic DLBCL Is Characterized By a NF-Kb Pathway Affecting Molecular Profile and Superior Survival, Blood 140: 3534-3535.
- Haan, L.M. de; Groen, R.A.L. de; Groot, F. de; Noordenbos, T.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Ruano, D.; Diepstra, A.; Koens, L.; Sijs-Szabo, A.; Veelken, H.; Cleven, A.; Jansen, P.M. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2022), Molecular Diagnostics for TP53 Is Recommended in B-Cell Lymphomas, Blood 140: 11916-11918.
- Groot, F.A. de; Doorduijn, J.K.; Brink, M.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Haan, L.M. de; Noordenbos, T.; Sijs-Szabo, A.; Lam, K.H.; Diepstra, A.; Boome, L. te; Terpstra, V.; Bohmer, L.H.; Zijlstra, J.M.; Koens, L.; Durian, M.; Oudshoorn, M.A.; Veelken, H.; Poel, M.W.M. van der; Hamid, M.A.; Stevens, W.B.C.; Rooij, J.L.M. van; Oostvogels, R.; Neelis, K.J.; Brand, M. van den; Woei-A-Jin, F.J.S.H.; Tousseyn, T.; Dierickx, D.; Jansen, P.M.; Kersten, M.J.; Bromberg, J.; Nijland, M. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2022), Consolidation Improves Survival in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma without Preference for Type of High-Dose Methotrexate-Based Induction Treatment Regimen, Blood 140.
- McLornan, D.P.; Gras, L.; Martin, I.; Sirait, T.; Schroeder, T.; Blau, I.W.; Kuball, J.; Byrne, J.; Collin, M.; Stadler, M.; Desmier, D.; Salmenniemi, U.; Jindra, P.; Mikhailova, N.; Lenhoff, S.; Rifon, J.; Robin, M.; Rovira, M.; Veelken, H.; Sadowska-Klasa, A.; Zecca, M.; Hayden, P.J.; Czerw, T.; Hernandez-Boluda, J.C. & Yakoub-Agha, I. (2022), Outcome of allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation in eosinophilic disorders: A retrospective study by the chronic malignancies working party of the EBMT.
- Kersting, S.; Dubois, J.; Nasserinejad, K.; Dobber, J.A.; Mellink, C.; Kevie-Kersemaekers, A.M.F. van der; Evers, L.M.; Boer, F. de; Koene, H.R.; Schreurs, J.; Klift, M. van der; Velders, G.A.; Spek, E. van der; Straaten, H.M. van der; Hoogendoorn, M.; Gelder, M. van; Posthuma, E.F.M.; Visser, H.P.J.; Houtenbos, I.; Idink, C.A.M.; Issa, D.E.; Dompeling, E.C.; Zaanen, H.C.T. van; Veelken, H.; Levenga, H.; Tick, L.W.; Terpstra, W.E.; Tonino, S.H.; Boyer, M.; Mobasher, M.; Levin, M.D.; Kater, A.P. & HOVON CLL Study Grp (2022), Venetoclax consolidation after fixed-duration venetoclax plus obinutuzumab for previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (HOVON 139/GiVe), The Lancet Haematology 9(3): E190-E199.
- Yanez, J.H.S.; Quinten, E.; Koning, M.T.; Eken, J.A.; Pfeifer, D.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Saravia, D.A.; Agathangelidis, A.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Stamatopoulos, K.; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Zirlik, K.; Navarrete, M.; Jumaa, H. & Veelken, H. (2022), Autonomous BCR Signaling and Genetic Aberrations in CLL-Phenotype Monoclonal B Lymphocytosis in Siblings of CLL Patients, Blood 140: 1526-1527.
- Eken, J.A.; Koning, M.T.; Yanez, J.H.S.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Quinten, E.; Kupcova, K.; Havranek, O.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Jong, D. de; Kluin, P.; Cleven, A.; Jumaa, H. & Veelken, H. (2022), Antigen-Independent, Autonomous B-Cell Receptor Signaling in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, Blood 140: 6444-6445.
- Borne, P.A. von dem; Kemps-Mols, B.M.; Wreede, L.C. de; Beek, A.A. van; Snijders, T.J.F.; Lammeren, D. van; Tijmensen, J.; Sijs-Szabo, A.; Bogel, T.L.N.; Oudshoorn, M.A.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Balen, P. van; Marijt, E.W.A.F.; Tjon, J.M.L.; Vermaat, J.S.P. & Veelken, H. (2022), Effects of HLA Mismatches on Cytokine Release Syndrome and Associated Non-Relapse Mortality in Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation with Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide, Blood 140: 4735-4736.
- Borne, P.A.V.; Snijders, T.J.F.; Lammeren, D. van; Tijmensen, J.; Planken, E.V.; Levenga, H.; Berg, Y. van den; Marijt, E.W.A.F.; Balen, P. van; Tjon, J.M.; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Bogel, T.L.N.; Oudshoorn, M.A.; Halkes, C.J.M. & Veelken, H. (2022), Prophylactic Donor Lymphocyte Infusion in Patients after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation with Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide Is Associated with Low Relapse Risk and Excellent Survival in Patients below 65 Years with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and High-Risk Myelodysplasia, Blood 140: 7742-7743.
- Koutsoumpli, G.; Lee, D.I. van der; Groenland, N.C.; Honders, M.W.; Jong, R.C.M. de; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Veelken, H.; Veelen, P.A. van; Lock, D.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Johnston, I. & Griffioen, M. (2022), Immunotherapy Targeting Mutant Nucleophosmin-1 on Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Blood 140: 10243-10244.
- Ruggeri, L.; Eikema, D.J.; Bondanza, A.; Noviello, M.; Biezen, A. van; Wreede, L.C. de; Crucitti, L.; Vago, L.; Ciardelli, S.; Bader, P.; Koc, Y.; Locatelli, F.; Veelken, J.H.; Gruhn, B.; Evans, P.; Chabannon, C.; Toubert, A. & Velardi, A. (2022), Mother donors improve outcomes after HLA haploidentical transplantation, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 28(4).
- Loke, J.; Labopin, M.; Craddock, C.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Labussiere-Wallet, H.; Wagner-Drouet, E.M.; Gorkom, G. van; Schaap, N.P.M.; Kroger, N.M.; Veelken, J.H.; Rovira, M.; Menard, A.L.; Bug, G.; Bazarbachi, A.; Giebel, S.; Brissot, E.; Nagler, A.; Esteve, J. & Mohty, M. (2022), Additional cytogenetic features determines outcome in patients allografted for TP53 mutant acute myeloid leukemia, Cancer 128(15): 2922-2931.
- Schmid, C.; Labopin, M.; Schaap, N.; Veelken, H.; Brecht, A.; Stadler, M.; Finke, J.; Baron, F.; Collin, M.; Bug, G.; Ljungman, P.; Blaise, D.; Tischer, J.; Bloor, A.; Kulagin, A.; Giebel, S.; Gorin, N.C.; Esteve, J.; Ciceri, F.; Savani, B.; Nagler, A. & Mohty, M. (2022), Long-term results and GvHD after prophylactic and preemptive donor lymphocyte infusion after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for acute leukemia, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(2): 215-223.
- Nabergoj, M.; Mauff, K.; Beelen, D.; Ganser, A.; Kroger, N.; Stolzel, F.; Finke, J.; Passweg, J.; Cornelissen, J.; Schub, N.; Veelken, J.H.; Beguin, Y.; Wilson, K.; Zuckerman, T.; Hunault-Berger, M.; Lioure, B.; Porras, R.P.; Turlure, P.; Kerre, T.; Koster, L.; Hayden, P.J.; Onida, F.; Scheid, C.; Chalandon, Y.; Robin, M. & Yakoub-Agha, I. (2022), Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in patients with therapy-related myeloid neoplasm after breast cancer, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(7): 1072-1078.
- Roex, M.C.J.; Wijnands, C.; Veld, S.A.J.; Egmond, E. van; Bogers, L.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Netelenbos, T.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Veelken, H.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Jedema, I. (2021), Effect of alemtuzumab-based T-cell depletion on graft compositional change in vitro and immune reconstitution early after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, Cytotherapy 23(1): 46-56.
- Gelderblom, H.; Veelken, H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2021), COVID-19 and systemic anticancer therapy: exploiting uncertainty, The Lancet Oncology 22(1): 3-5.
- Domingo-Domenech, E.; Duarte, R.F.; Boumedil, A.; Onida, F.; Gabriel, I.; Finel, H.; Arcese, W.; Browne, P.; Beelen, D.; Kobbe, G.; Veelken, H.; Arranz, R.; Greinix, H.; Lenhoff, S.; Poire, X.; Ribera, J.M.; Thompson, J.; Zuckerman, T.; Mufti, G.J.; Cortelezzi, A.; Olavarria, E.; Dreger, P.; Sureda, A. & Montoto, S. (2021), Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for advanced mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome. An updated experience of the Lymphoma Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56.
- Hayden, P.J.; Eikema, D.J.; Wreede, L.C. de; Koster, L.; Kroger, N.; Einsele, H.; Minnema, M.; Dominietto, A.; Potter, M.; Passweg, J.; Bermudez, A.; Nguyen-quoc, S.; Platzbecker, U.; Tischer, J.; Ciceri, F.; Veelken, J.H.; Ljungman, P.; Schaap, N.; Forcade, E.; Carella, A.M.; Gandemer, V.; Arcese, W.; Bloor, A.; Olivieri, A.; Vincent, L.; Beksac, M.; Schonland, S. & Yakoub-Agha, I. (2021), Second allogeneic transplants for multiple myeloma, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(10): 2367-2381.
- Nabergoj, M.; Mauff, K.; Beelen, D.; Ganser, A.; Kroger, N.; Stolzel, F.; Finke, J.; Passweg, J.; Cornelissen, J.; Schub, N.; Veelken, J.H.; Beguin, Y.; Wilson, K.; Zuckerman, T.; Hunault-Berger, M.; Lioure, B.; Porras, R.P.; Turlure, P.; Kerre, T.; Koster, L.; Hayden, P.; Onida, F.; Scheid, C.; Chalandon, Y.; Robin, M. & Yakoub-Agha, I. (2021), Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation In Patients With Therapy-Related Myeloid Neoplasm After Breast Cancer Treatment: A Study of The Chronic Malignancies Working Party of The EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 142-143.
- Groen, R.A.L. de; Eijk, R. van; Bohringer, S.; Wezel, T. van; Raghoo, R.; Ruano, D.; Jansen, P.M.; Briaire-De Bruijn, I.; Groot, F.A. de; Kleiverda, K.; Boome, L. te; Terpstra, V.; Levenga, H.; Nicolae, A.; Posthuma, E.F.M.; Focke-Snieders, I.; Hardi, L.; Hartog, W.C.E. den; Bohmer, L.H.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Berg, A. van den; Diepstra, A.; Nijland, M.; Lugtenburg, P.J.; Kersten, M.J.; Pals, S.T.; Veelken, H.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Cleven, A.H.G. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2021), Frequent mutated B2M, EZH2, IRF8, and TNFRSF14 in primary bone diffuse large B-cell lymphoma reflect a GCB phenotype, Blood Advances 5(19): 3760-3775.
- Loke, J.; Labopin, M.; Craddock, C.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Labussiere-Wallet, H.; Wagner-Drouet, E.M.; Gorkom, G. van; Schaap, N.; Kroger, N.; Veelken, J.H.; Rovira, M.; Tilly, H.; Martin, H.; Bug, G.; Bazarbachi, A.; Giebel, S.; Brissot, E.; Nagler, A.; Esteve, J. & Mohty, M. (2021), Impact of Co-Occurring Cytogenetic Abnormalities on Transplant Outcome of TP53 Mutant Acute Myeloid Leukaemia: Report From The ALWP of The EBMT Abstracts, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(SUPPL 1): 21-22.
- Koning, M.T.; Yanez, J.H.S.; Alvarez-Saravia, D.; Pilzecker, B.; Schouwenburg, P. van; Burg, M. den; Navarrete, M.A.; Jacobs, H. & Veelken, H. (2021), Tandem Substitutions in Somatic Hypermutation, Blood 138.
- Sepulveda-Yanez, J.H.; Alvarez-Saravia, D.; Fernandez-Goycoolea, J.; Aldridge, J.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Posthuma, W.; Uribe-Paredes, R.; Veelken, H. & Navarrete, M.A. (2021), Integration of mutational signature analysis with 3D chromatin data unveils differential AID-related mutagenesis in indolent lymphomas, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(23).
- Sepulveda-Yanez, J.H.; Alvarez-Saravia, D.; Quinten, E.; Menafra, R.; Kloet, S.L.; Monajemi, R.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Signorile, M.N.; Bergen, C.A. van & Veelken, H. (2021), "Snapshotting" Somatic Hypermutation in Single Follicular Lymphoma Cells, Blood 138.
- Groot, F.A. de; Haan, L.M. de; Groen, R.A.L. de; Heijmen, L.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Bohmer, L.; Bot, F.; Berge, R.L. ten; Diepstra, A.; Veelken, H.; Cleven, A.H.G.; Jansen, P.M. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2021), Synchronous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma: support for low-threshold biopsies and genetic testing, Leukemia & Lymphoma.
- Poiré, X.; Eikeman, D.J.; Koster, L.; Maertens, J.A.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Fegueux, N.; Byrne, J.; Salmenniemi, U.; Choi, G.; Chevallier, P.; Kinsella, F.A.; Schroeder, T.; Beguin, Y.; Blaise, D.; Bourhis, J.H.; Kuball, J.H.; Veelken, H.; Passweg, J.R.; Rodriguez, A.B.; Srour, M.; Hayden, P.J.; Onida, F.; Scheid, C.; Robin, M. & Yakoub-Agha, I. (2021), Impact of Specific Adverse Cytogenetic Features on Outcomes after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Myelodysplastic Syndrome with Very Poor Risk Cytogenetics: A Study from the Chronic Malignancies Working Party of EBMT, Blood 138.
- Lee, D.I. van der; Koutsoumpli, G.; Reijmers, R.M.; Honders, M.W.; Jong, R.C.M. de; Remst, D.F.G.; Wachsmann, T.L.A.; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Kester, M.G.D.; Harber, K.J.; Roelofsen, L.M.; Schouten, A.M.; Mulder, A.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Veelken, H.; Veelen, P.A. van; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Griffioen, M. (2021), An HLA-A*11:01-binding neoantigen from mutated NPM1 as target for TCR gene therapy in AML, Cancers 13(21).
- Lowenberg, B.; Pabst, T.; Maertens, J.; Gradowska, P.; Biemond, B.J.; Spertini, O.; Vellenga, E.; Griskevicius, L.; Tick, L.W.; Jongen-Lavrencic, M.; Kooy, M.V.; Vekemans, M.C.; Velden, W.J.F.M. van der; Beverloo, B.; Michaux, L.; Graux, C.; Deeren, D.; Weerdt, O. de; Esser, J.W.J. van; Bargetzi, M.; Klein, S.K.; Gadisseur, A.; Westerweel, P.E.; Veelken, H.; Gregor, M.; Silzle, T.; Lammeren-Venema, D. van; Moors, I.; Breems, D.A.; Hoogendoorn, M.; Legdeur, M.C.J.C.; Fischer, T.; Kuball, J.; Cornelissen, J.; Porkka, K.; Juliusson, G.; Meyer, P.; Hoglund, M.; Gjertsen, B.T.; Janssen, J.J.W.M.; Huls, G.; Passweg, J.; Cloos, J.; Valk, P.J.M.; Elssen, C.H.M.J. van; Manz, M.G.; Floisand, Y.; Ossenkoppele, G.J.; Dutch-Belgian Hemato-Oncology Coop & Swiss Grp Clinical Canc Res SAKK (2021), Addition of lenalidomide to intensive treatment in younger and middle-aged adults with newly diagnosed AML, Blood Advances 5(4): 1110-1121.
- Shafighi, S.D.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Sepulveda-Yanez, J.; Monajemi, R.; Cats, D.; Mei, H.L.; Menafra, R.; Kloet, S.; Veelken, H.; Bergen, C.A.M. van & Szczurek, E. (2021), CACTUS: integrating clonal architecture with genomic clustering and transcriptome profiling of single tumor cells, Genome Medicine 13(1).
- Mikulska, M.; Tridello, G.; Hoek, J.; Gil, L.; Yanez, L.; Labussiere-Wallet, H.; Passweg, J.; Xhaard, A.; Pioltelli, P.; Caillot, D.; Michel, G.; Veelken, H.; Blaise, D.; Bruno, B.; Garcia, C.B.; Itala-Remes, M.; Crawley, C.; Bourhis, J.H.; Kaare, A.; Arcese, W.; Parody, R. & Styczynski, J. (2021), Legionellosis after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 56(10): 2555-2566.
- Roex, M.C.J.; Balen, P. van; Germeroth, L.; Hageman, L.; Egmond, E. van; Veld, S.A.J.; Hoogstraten, C.; Liempt, E. van; Zwaginga, J.J.; Wreede, L.C. de; Meij, P.; Vossen, A.C.T.M.; Danhof, S.; Einsele, H.; Schaafsma, M.R.; Veelken, H.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Jedema, I. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2020), Generation and infusion of multi-antigen-specific T cells to prevent complications early after T-cell depleted allogeneic stem cell transplantation-a phase I/II study, Leukemia 34(3): 831-844.
- Ossenkoppele, G.J.; Breems, D.A.; Stuessi, G.; Norden, Y. van; Bargetzi, M.; Biemond, B.J.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Chalandon, Y.; Cloos, J.; Deeren, D.; Fehr, M.; Gjertsen, B.; Graux, C.; Huls, G.; Janssen, J.J.J.W.; Jaspers, A.; Jongen-Lavrencic, M.; Jongh, E. de; Klein, S.K.; Klift, M. van der; Kooy, M.V.; Maertens, J.; Micheaux, L.; Poel, M.W.M. van der; Rhenen, A. van; Tick, L.; Valk, P.; Vekemans, M.C.; Velden, W.J.F.M. van der; Weerdt, O. de; Pabst, T.; Manz, M.; Lowenberg, B.; Breems, D.A.; Havelange; Vekemans, M.C.; Moors, I.; Obberg, F. van; Maertens, J.A.; Hodossy, B.; Vansteenweghen, S.; Lammertijn, L.; Deeren, D.; Graux, C.; Sonet, A.; Triffet, A.; Gjertsen, B.T.; Bargetzi, M.; Passweg, J.; Heim, D.; Giovanni, S.; Stuessi, G.; Pabst, T.; Betticher, D.; Chalandon, Y.; Spertini, O.; Gregor, M.; Hess, U.; Fehr, M.; Manz, M.G.; Klein, S.K.; Biemond, B.J.; Ossenkoppele, G.J.; Loosdrecht, A. van de; Janssen, J.J.W.M.; Esser, J.W.J. van; Klift, M. van der; Brouwer, R.E.; Lammeren-Venema, D. van; Levin, M.D.; Tick, L.W.; Legdeur, M.C.J.C.; Huls, G.; Vellenga, E.; Hoogendoorn, M.; Veelken, J.H.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Schouten, H.C.; Weerdt, O. de; Velden, W.J.F.M. van der; Cornelissen, J.; Jongen-Lavrencic, M.; Wouters, B.; Raaijmakers, H.G.M.; Lowenberg, B.; Kuball, J.; Rhenen, A. van; Kooy, M.V.; Dutch-Belgian Hemato-Oncology & Swiss Grp Clinical Canc Res SAKK (2020), Lenalidomide added to standard intensive treatment for older patients with AML and high-risk MDS, Leukemia 34.
- Vermaat, J.S.; Somers, S.F.; Wreede, L.C. de; Kraan, W.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Schrader, A.M.R.; Kerver, E.D.; Scheepstra, C.G.; Berenschot, H.; Deenik, W.; Wegman, J.; Broers, R.; Boer, J.P.D. de; Nijland, M.; Wezel, T. van; Veelken, H.; Spaargaren, M.; Cleven, A.H.; Kersten, M.J. & Pals, S.T. (2020), MYD88 mutations identify a molecular subgroup of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with an unfavorable prognosis, Haematologica 105(2): 424-434.
- Maity, P.C.; Bilal, M.; Koning, M.T.; Young, M.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Renna, V.; Nicolo, A.; Datta, M.; Gentner-Gobel, E.; Barendse, R.S.; Somers, S.F.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Steinbrecher, D.; Schneider, C.; Tausch, E.; Bittolo, T.; Bomben, R.; Mazzarello, A.N.; Poeta, G. del; Kroes, W.G.M.; Wezel, J.T. van; Imkeller, K.; Busse, C.E.; Degano, M.; Bakchoul, T.; Schulz, A.R.; Mei, H.; Ghia, P.; Kotta, K.; Stamatopoulos, K.; Wardemann, H.; Zucchetto, A.; Chiorazzi, N.; Gattei, V.; Stilgenbauer, S.; Veelken, H. & Jumaa, H. (2020), IGLV3-21*01 is an inherited risk factor for CLL through the acquisition of a single-point mutation enabling autonomous BCR signaling, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(8): 4320-4327.
- Vletter, E.M.; Koning, M.T.; Scherer, H.U.; Veelken, H. & Toes, R.E.M. (2020), A comparison of immunoglobulin variable region N-linked glycosylation in healthy donors, autoimmune disease and lymphoma, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Styczynski, J.; Tridello, G.; Knelange, N.; Veelken, J.H.; Socie, G.; Mielke, S.; Neven, B.; Snowden, J.A.; Dalle, J.H.; Rubio, M.T.; Crawley, C.; Maertens, J.; Kuball, J.; Chevallier, P.; Michel, G.; Shaw, P.J.; Malladi, R.; Wynn, R.F.; Bertrand, Y.; Blijlevens, N.; Jubert, C.; Gedde-Dahl, T.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Itala-Remes, M.; Gil, L.; Cesaro, S. & Mikulska, M. (2020), Adenovirus Infections after HCT: Infectious Diseases Working Party Retrospective EBMT Registry Study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 467-468.
- Brissot, E.; Labopin, M.; Russo, D.; Martin, S.; Schmid, C.; Glass, B.; Ram, R.; Ozkurt, Z.N.; Passweg, J.; Veelken, J.H.; Bunjes, D.; Apperley, J.; Giebel, S.; Mohty, M. & Nagler, A. (2020), Alternative donors provide comparable results to matched unrelated donors in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation in second complete remission, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(9): 1763-1772.
- Kemps, P.G.; Cleven, A.H.G.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Bot, F.J.; Veelken, H.; Balen, P. van & Kerkhoffs, J.L.H. (2020), B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma with cutaneous involvement and a KMT2A gene rearrangement, American Journal of Hematology 95(11): 1427-1429.
- Devillier, R.; Eikema, D.J.; Bosman, P.; Dufour, C.; Aljurf, M.; Wu, D.P.; Maschan, A.; Afanasyev, B.; Veelken, J.H.; Collin, M.; Snowden, J.; Bertrand, Y.; Ganser, A.; Sykora, K.W.; Gibson, B.E.; Maertens, J.; Itala-Remes, M.; Biondi, A.; Cornelissen, J.; Bornhauser, M.; Araujo, M.C.; Ozdogu, H.; Risitano, A. & Tour, R.P. de la (2020), GVHD and Relapse Free Survival (GRFS) After Allogeneic Transplantation for Idiopathic Severe Aplastic Anemia: An Analysis from the Saawp Data Quality Initiative Program of EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 55(SUPPL 1): 34-35.
- Arindrarto, W.; Borras, D.M.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Berg, R.R. van den; Locher, I.J.; Diessen, S.A.M.E. van; Holst, R. van der; Meijden, E.D. van der; Honders, M.W.; Leeuw, R.H. de; Verlaat, W.; Jedema, I.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Knijnenburg, J.; Wezel, T. van; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Valk, P.J.M.; Janssen, B.; Knijff, P. de; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Akker, E.B. van den; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Kielbasa, S.M.; Laros, J.F.J.; Griffioen, M. & Veelken, H. (2020), Comprehensive diagnostics of acute myeloid leukemia by whole transcriptome RNA sequencing, Leukemia 35.
- Balen, P. van; Jedema, I.; Loenen, M.M. van; Boer, R. de; Egmond, H.M. van; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Hoogstaten, C.; Veld, S.A.J.; Hageman, L.; Liempt, P.A.G. van; Zwaginga, J.J.; Meij, P.; Veelken, H.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Heemskerk, M.H.M. (2020), HA-1H T-cell receptor gene transfer to redirect virus-specific T cells for treatment of hematological malignancies after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Tozatto-Maio, K.; Torres, M.A.; Degaide, N.H.S.; Cardoso, J.F.; Volt, F.; Pinto, A.C.S.; Oliveira, D.; Elayoubi, H.; Kashima, S.; Loiseau, P.; Veelken, H.; Ferster, A.; Cappelli, B.; Rodrigues, E.S.; Scigliuolo, G.M.; Kenzey, C.; Ruggeri, A.; Rocha, V.; Simoes, B.P.; Tamouza, R. & Gluckman, E. (2020), HLA-matched unrelated donors for patients with sickle cell disease, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 26(11): 2034-2039.
- Koning, M.T.; Vletter, E.M.; Rademaker, R.; Vergroesen, R.D.; Trollmann, I.J.M.; Parren, P.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Scherer, H.U.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Toes, R.E.M. & Veelken, H. (2020), Templated insertions at VD and DJ junctions create unique B-cell receptors in the healthy B-cell repertoire, European Journal of Immunology 50(12).
- Bondanza, A.; Ruggeri, L.; Noviello, M.; Eikema, D.J.; Bonini, C.; Chabannon, C.; Werf, S. van der; Biezen, A. van; Wreede, L.C. de; Crucitti, L.; Vago, L.; Merluzzi, M.; Massei, M.S.; Veelken, H.; Koc, Y.; Bader, P.; Gruhn, B.; Locatelli, F.; Ciceri, F.; Toubert, A.; Velardi, A.; Bernardo, M.E.; Dazzi, F.; Ellard, R.; Fleischhauer, K.; Greco, R.; Hudecek, M.; Kohl, U.; Kuball, J.; Malard, F.; Pedrazzoli, P.; Rocha, V.; Ruggeri, A.; Urbano-Ispizua, A.; Wang, J.F.; Wieten, L. & EBMT Cell Therapy Immunobiol Worki (2019), Beneficial role of CD8+T-cell reconstitution after HLA-haploidentical stem cell transplantation for high-risk acute leukaemias: results from a clinico-biological EBMT registry study mostly in the T-cell-depleted setting, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54(6): 867-876.
- Bergen, C.A.M. van; Koning, M.T.; Quinten, E.; Mykowiecka, A.; Sepulveda, J.; Monajemi, R.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Vermaat, J.; Kloet, S.L.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Navarrete, M.A.; Gorecki, P. & Veelken, H. (2019), High-Throughput BCR Sequencing and Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveal Distinct Transcriptional Profiles Associated with Subclonal Evolution of Follicular Lymphoma, Blood 134.
- Lee, D.I. van der; Reijmers, R.M.; Honders, M.W.; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Jong, R.C.M. de; Kester, M.G.D.; Steen, D.M. van der; Ru, A.H. de; Kweekel, C.; Bijen, H.M.; Jedema, I.; Veelken, H.; Veelen, P.A. van; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Griffioen, M. (2019), Mutated nucleophosmin 1 as immunotherapy target in acute myeloid leukemia, Journal of Clinical Investigation 129(2): 774-785.
- Styczynski J, Tridello G, Gil L, Ljungman P, Mikulska M, van der Werf S, Knelange N, Averbuch D, Socie G, Veelken H, Dalle JH, Aljurf M, Kupesiz A, Bertrand Y, Tbakhi A, Afanasyev B, Ledoux MP, Labussiere-Wallet H, Poire X, Maertens J, Petersen E, Chevalier P, Milpied N, Snowden JA, Yakoub-Agha I, Cornelissen J, Schaap N, Dufour C, de Latour RP, Lankester A & Cesaro S (2019), Donor EBV-positive serostatus increases the risk of chronic GVHD in patients with non-malignant hematological disorders: Infectious diseases working party EBMT study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 400-401.
- Radujkovic, A.; Dietrich, S.; Blok, H.J.; Nagler, A.; Ayuk, F.; Finke, J.; Tischer, J.; Mayer, J.; Koc, Y.; Sora, F.; Passweg, J.; Byrne, J.L.; Jindra, P.; Veelken, J.H.; Socie, G.; Maertens, J.; Schaap, N.; Stadler, M.; Itala-Remes, M.; Tholouli, E.; Arat, M.; Rocha, V.; Ljungman, P.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Kroger, N. & Chalandon, Y. (2019), Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Blast Crisis Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in the Era of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: A Retrospective Study by the EBMT Chronic Malignancies Working Party, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 25(10): 2008-2016.
- Huijbers, M.G.; Vergoossen, D.L.; Fillie-Grijpma, Y.E.; Es, I.E. van; Koning, M.T.; Slot, L.M.; Veelken, H.; Plomp, J.J.; Maarel, S.M. van der & Verschuuren, J.J. (2019), MuSK myasthenia gravis monoclonal antibodies, Neurology, Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation 6(3).
- Schmid, C.; Labopin, M.; Schaap, N.; Veelken, H.; Schleuning, M.; Stadler, M.; Finke, J.; Hurst, E.; Baron, F.; Ringden, O.; Bug, G.; Blaise, D.; Tischer, J.; Bloor, A.; Esteve, J.; Giebel, S.; Savani, B.; Gorin, N.C.; Ciceri, F.; Mohty, M.; Nagler, A. & EBMT Acute Leukaemia Working Party (2019), Prophylactic donor lymphocyte infusion after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in acute leukaemia - a matched pair analysis by the Acute Leukaemia Working Party of EBMT, British Journal of Haematology 184(5): 782-787.
- Koning, M.T.; Trollmann, I.J.M.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Saravia, D.A.; Navarrete, M.A.; Kielbasa, S.M. & Veelken, H. (2019), Peripheral IgE Repertoires of Healthy Donors Carry Moderate Mutation Loads and Do Not Overlap With Other Isotypes, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Groen, R.A.L. de; Eijk, R. van; Wezel, T. van; Raghoo, R.; Schrader, A.R.; Jansen, P.M.; briaire-De Bruijn, I.; Kleiverda, K.; Vlasveld, T.; Terpstra, V.; Levenga, H.; Nicolae, A.; Posthuma, W.; Focke-Snieders, I.; Hardi, L.; Hartog, W. den; Berg, A. van den; Diepstra, A.; Lugtenburg, P.; Kersten, M.J.; Pals, S.T.; Veelken, H.; Bovee, J.; Cleven, A. & Vermaat, J. (2019), High Frequencies of Mutated EZH2 and IRF8 and Other Epigenetic Genes in Primary Bone Lymphomas Are Indicative of GCB-Phenotype, Blood 134.
- Styczynski, J.; Tridello, G.; Gil, L.; Ljungman, P.; Mikulska, M.; Ward, K.N.; Cordonnier, C.; Camara, R. de la; Averbuch, D.; Knelange, N.; Socie, G.; Chevallier, P.; Blaise, D.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Forcade, E.; Cornelissen, J.; Maertens, J.; Petersen, E.; Nguyen-Quoc, S.; Veelken, H.; Schaap, N.; Passweg, J.; Michallet, M.; Fegueux, N.; Deconinck, E.; Russell, N.; Basak, G.; Bader, P.; Montoto, S.; Kroger, N.; Cesaro, S. & Infect Dis Working Party EBMT (2019), Prognostic impact of EBV serostatus in patients with lymphomas or chronic malignancies undergoing allogeneic HCT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54(12): 2060-2071.
- Somers S, de Groen R, van Eijk R, van Wezel T, de Winter E, Veelken H, Jansen P, Briaire-de Bruijn IIH, Bovee J, Vermaat J & Cleven A (2019), Molecular Profiling of Primary and Secondary Bone Lymphomas: Frequent Mutations in EZH2 and other Epigenetic Genes Implicate Germinal-Center B-cell Origin, Laboratory Investigation 99.
- Koning, M.T.; Quinten, E.; Zoutman, W.H.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Mei, H.L.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Jansen, P.; Vergroesen, R.D.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Tensen, C.P. & Veelken, H. (2019), Acquired N-Linked Glycosylation Motifs in B-Cell Receptors of Primary Cutaneous B-Cell Lymphoma and the Normal B-Cell Repertoire, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 139(10): 2195-2203.
- Hayden, P.J.; Iacobelli, S.; Perez-Simon, J.A.; Biezen, A. van; Minnema, M.; Niittyvuopio, R.; Schonland, S.; Meijer, E.; Blaise, D.; Milpied, N.; Marquez-Malaver, F.J.; Veelken, J.H.; Maertens, J.; Michallet, M.; Cammenga, J.; N'Guyen, S.; Niederwieser, D.; Hunault-Berger, M.; Bourhis, J.H.; Passweg, J.; Bermudez, A.; Chalandon, Y.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Garderet, L. & Kroger, N. (2019), Conditioning-based outcomes after allogeneic transplantation for myeloma following a prior autologous transplant (1991-2012) on behalf of EBMT CMWP, European Journal of Haematology.
- Hayden Patrick, Eikema Dirk-Jan, de Wreede Liesbeth, Koster Linda, Kroger Nicolaus, Einsele Herman, Petersen Eefke, Angelucci Emanuele, Potter Michael, Passweg Jakob, Richard Espiga Carlos, Leblond Veronique, Platzbecker Uwe, Tischer Johanna, Ciceri Fabio, Veelken Joan Hendrik, Ljungman Per, Schaap Nicolaas, Milpied Noel, Carella Angelo Michele, Gandemer Virginie, Arcese William, Bloor Adrian, Olivieri Attilio, Vincent Laure, Beksac Meral, Schonland Stefan & Yakoub-Agha Ibrahim (2019), Analysis of outcomes in patients with myeloma who had a second allohct EITHER for disease relapse or graft failure: AN EBMT CMWP study, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 120-121.
- Loeff, F.C.; Egmond, E.H.M. van; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Wijnands, C.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Veelken, H.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Jedema, I. & Halkes, C.J.M. (2019), Impact of alemtuzumab pharmacokinetics on T-cell dynamics, graft-versus-host disease and viral reactivation in patients receiving allogeneic stem cell transplantation with an alemtuzumab-based T-cell-depleted graft, Transplant Immunology 57.
- Somers S, de Groen R, van Eijk R, van Wezel T, de Winter E, Veelken H, Jansen P, Briaire-de Bruijn IIH, Bovee J, Vermaat J & Cleven A (2019), Molecular Profiling of Primary and Secondary Bone Lymphomas: Frequent Mutations in EZH2 and other Epigenetic Genes Implicate Germinal-Center B-cell Origin, Modern Pathology 32.
- Lee, D.I. van der; Reijmers, R.M.; Honders, M.W.; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Jong, R.M. de; Kester, M.G.D.; Steen, D.M. van der; Ru, A.H. de; Kweekel, C.; Jedema, I.; Veelken, H.; Heemskerk, M.M.; Veelen, P.A. van; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Griffioen, M. (2019), Mutated NPM1 as target for immunotherapy of acute myeloid leukemia, Cancer Immunology Research 7(2).
- Mikulska, M.; Tridello, G.; Hoek, J.; Gil, L.; Colorado, M.; Labussiere-Wallet, H.; Passweg, J.; Socie, G.; Pioltelli, P.; Caillot, D.; Michel, G.; Veelken, J.; Blaise, D.; Bruno, B.; Milpied, N.; Itala-Remes, M.; Crawley, C.; Bourhis, J.H.; Kaare, A.; Arcese, W.; Parody, R. & Styczynski, J. (2018), Legionellosis after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 53: 569-570.
- Yanez, J.H.S.; Alvarez, D.; Fernandez-Goycoolea, J.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Veelken, H. & Navarrete, M.A. (2018), Differential Genome-Wide Mutational Patterns in Indolent B-Cell Lymphomas, Blood 132.
- Schmid, C.; Wreede, L.C. de; Biezen, A. van; Finke, J.; Ehninger, G.; Ganser, A.; Volin, L.; Niederwieser, D.; Beelen, D.; Alessandrino, P.; Kanz, L.; Schleuning, M.; Passweg, J.; Veelken, H.; Maertens, J.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Blaise, D.; Gramatzki, M.; Milpied, N.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Mufti, G.; Rovira, M.; Arnold, R.; Witte, T. de; Robin, M. & Kroger, N. (2018), Outcome after relapse of myelodysplastic syndrome and secondary acute myeloid leukemia following allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a retrospective registry analysis on 698 patients by the Chronic Malignancies Working Party of the European Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Haematologica 103(2): 237-245.
- Schrader, A.M.R.; Jansen, P.M.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Somers, S.F.; Veelken, H.; Eijk, R. van; Kraan, W.; Kersten, M.J.; Brand, M. van den; Stevens, W.B.C.; Jong, D. de; Hamid, M.A.; Tanis, B.C.; Posthuma, E.F.M.; Nijland, M.; Diepstra, A.; Pals, S.T.; Cleven, A.H.G. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2018), High prevalence of MYD88 and CD79B mutations in intravascular large B-cell lymphoma, Blood 131(18): 2086-2089.
- Roex, M.C.J.; Balen, P. van; Germeroth, L.; Hageman, L.; Egmond, E. van; Veld, S.A.J.; Hoogstraten, C.; Liempt, E. van; Zwaginga, J.J.; Wreede, L.C. de; Einsele, H.; Veelken, H.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Jedema, I. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2018), Prophylactic Infusion of Multi-Antigen Specific T-Cell Products to Prevent Complications after T Cell Depleted Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation - a Phase I/II Study, Blood 132.
- Koning Marvyn T., Quinten Edwin, Zoutman Willem H., van der Zeeuw Sander A. J., Kielbasa Szymon M., Mei Hailang, van Bergen Cornelis A. M., Jansen Patty M., Willemze Rein, Schmidt Christian, Vermeer Maarten, Tensen Cornelis P. & Veelken Hendrik (2018), Primary Cutaneous Follicle Center Lymphomas (PCFCL) Express Heavily Mutated B-Cell Receptors with Acquired N Glycosylation Motifs and Lack Ongoing Somatic Hypermutation, Blood 132.
- Loeff, F.C.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Hageman, L.; Huisman, W.; Veld, S.A.J.; Egmond, H.M.E. van; Meent, M. van de; Borne, P.A. von dem; Veelken, H.; Halkes, C.J.M. & Jedema, I. (2018), High Mutation Frequency of the PIGA Gene in T Cells Results in Reconstitution of GPI Anchor(-)/CD52(-) T Cells That Can Give Early Immune Protection after Alemtuzumab-Based T Cell-Depleted Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation, Journal of Immunology 200(6): 2199-2208.
- Loeff, F.C.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Hageman, L.; Huisman, W.; Veld, S.A.J.; Egmond, H.M.E. van; Meent, M. van de; Borne, P.A. von dem; Veelken, H.; Halkes, C.J.M. & Jedema, I. (2018), High Mutation Frequency of the PIGA Gene in T Cells Results in Reconstitution of GPI Anchor(-)/CD52(-) T Cells That Can Give Early Immune Protection after Alemtuzumab-Based T Cell-Depleted Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation, Journal of Immunology 200(6): 2199-2208.
- Griffioen, M.; Arindrarto, W.; Borras, D.M.; Locher, I.J.; Diessen, S.A.M.E. van; Holst, R. van der; Meijden, E.D. van der; Honders, M.W.; Leeuw, R.H. de; Jedema, I.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Knijnenburg, J.; Vermaat, J.; Valk, P.; Janssen, B.; Knijff, P. de; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Akker, E.B. van den; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Kielbasa, S.M.; Laros, J.F.J. & Veelken, H. (2018), Whole Transcriptome RNA Sequencing As a Comprehensive Diagnostic Tool for Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Blood 132.
- Maerevoet, M.; Vermaat, J.; Canales, M.A.; Casasnovas, R.O.; Neste, E. van den; Goy, A.; Hill, B.T.; Thieblemont, C.; Cruz, M.D. de la; Cavallo, F.; Follows, G.; Choquet, S.; Gurion, R.; Bouabdallah, R.; Jaeger, U.; Nagy, A.; Kuruvilla, J.; Warzocha, K.; Kalakonda, N.; Caimi, P.; Bakhshi, S.; Ku, M.; Hamad, N.; Veelken, H.; Matczak, E.; Ma, X.W.; Saint-Martin, J.R.; Shah, J.J.; Kauffman, M.G.; Shacham, S. & Zijlstra, J.M. (2018), Single Agent Oral Selinexor Demonstrates Deep and Durable Responses in Relapsed/Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) in Both GCB and Non GCB Subtypes: The Phase 2b Sadal Study, Blood 132.
- Vergroesen, R.D.; Slot, L.M.; Hafkenscheid, L.; Koning, M.T.; Voort, E.I.H. van der; Grooff, C.A.; Zervakis, G.; Veelken, H.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Rispens, T.; Scherer, H.U. & Toes, R.E.M. (2018), B-cell receptor sequencing of anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) IgG-expressing B cells indicates a selective advantage for the introduction of N-glycosylation sites during somatic hypermutation, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(6): 955-+.
- Koenecke, C.; Eikema, D.J.; Hazelaar, S.; Beelen, D.W.; Potter, V.; Bornhaeuser, M.; Kroger, N.; Finke, J.; Niederwieser, D.; Dreger, P.; Chalandon, Y.; Ganser, A.; Maertens, J.; Milpied, N.; Kobbe, G.; Itala-Remes, M.; Sengeloev, H.; Socie, G.; Ljungman, P.; Blaise, D.; Meijer, E.; Veelken, H.; Onida, F.; Robin, M. & Yakoub-Agha, I. (2018), Prognostic Value of Cpss Cytogenetic Risk Classification in Patients with CMML after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Retrospective Multicenter Study of the Chronic Malignancies Working Party of the EBMT, Blood 132.
- Koster, E.A.S.; Wreede, L.C. de; Wallet-Malicka, S.; Bogers, L.; Balen, P. van; Marijt, W.; Jedema, I.; Borne, P.V.D.; Veelken, H.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Halkes, C.J.M. (2018), Patient Bone Marrow Chimerism at Time of Donor Lymphocyte Infusion Predicts Development of Graft Versus Host Disease, Blood 132.
- Radujkovic, A.; Blok, H.J.; Nagler, A.; Ayuk, F.A.; Finke, J.; Tischer, J.; Mayer, J.; Yener, K.; Sora, F.; Passweg, J.R.; Byrne, J.; Jindra, P.; Veelken, H.; Socie, G.; Maertens, J.; Schaap, N.; Ganser, A.; Itala-Remes, M.; Tholouli, E.; Arat, M.; Rocha, V.G.; Ljungman, P.; Chalandon, Y. & Nicolaus, K. (2018), Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Blast Crisis Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in the Era of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors - a Retrospective Study By the EBMT Chronic Malignancies Working Party, Blood 132.
- Koster, E.A.S.; Wreede, L.C. de; Borne, P.A. von dem; Marijt, E.W.A.; Balen, P. van; Wallet-Malicka, S.M.; Bogers, E.J.M.; Veelken, J.H.; Halkes, C.J.M. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2018), Multi-state modelling to evaluate strategy of scheduled prophylactic donor lymphocyte infusions after T-cell depleted transplantation following low-toxicity conditioning for elderly patients with high risk leukemia, Bone Marrow Transplantation 53: 433-435.
- Hayashi, H.; Ruggeri, A.; Volt, F.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Socie, G.; Sengeloev, H.; Michallet, M.; Karakasis, D.; Petersen, E.; Cahn, J.Y.; Veelken, H.; Mercier, M.; Rohrlich, P.S.; Rafii, H.; Kenzey, C.; Xavier, E.; Duarte, R.F.; Basak, G.W.; Rocha, V.; Gluckman, E. & Eurocord Complications Quality (2018), Chronic graft-versus-host disease features in double unit cord blood transplantation according to National Institutes of Health 2005 cGVHD Consensus criteria, Bone Marrow Transplantation 53(4): 417-421.
- Lambregts, M.M.C.; Warreman, E.B.; Bernards, A.T.; Veelken, H.; Borne, P.A.V.; Dekkers, O.M.; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G. de (2018), Distribution and clinical determinants of time-to-positivity of blood cultures in patients with neutropenia, European Journal of Haematology 100(2): 206-214.
- Simon-Gabriel, C.P.; Foerster, K.; Saleem, S.; Bleckmann, D.; Benkisser-Petersen, M.; Thornton, N.; Umezawa, K.; Decker, S.; Burger, M.; Veelken, H.; Claus, R.; Dierks, C.; Duyster, J. & Zirlik, K. (2018), Microenvironmental stromal cells abrogate NF-kappa B inhibitor-induced apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Haematologica 103(1): 136-147.
- Oosten, L.E.M.; Chamuleau, M.E.D.; Thielen, F.W.; Wreede, L.C. de; Siemes, C.; Doorduijn, J.K.; Smeekes, O.S.; Kersten, M.J.; Hardi, L.; Baars, J.W.; Demandt, A.M.P.; Stevens, W.B.C.; Nijland, M.; Imhoff, G.W. van; Brouwer, R.; Uyl-de Groot, C.A.; Kluin, P.M.; Jong, D. de & Veelken, H. (2018), Treatment of sporadic Burkitt lymphoma in adults, a retrospective comparison of four treatment regimens, Annals of Hematology 97(2): 255-266.
- Rochelle D. Vergroesen, Linda M. Slot, Lise Hafkenscheid, Marvyn T. Koning, Ellen I.H. van der Voort, Christine A. Grooff, George Zervakis, Hendrik Veelken, Tom W.J. Huizinga, Theo Rispens, Hans U. Scherer & René E.M. Toes (2017), Introduction of N-glycosylation sites in ACPA-IgG B cells.
- Eefting, M.; Wreede, L.C. de; Borne, P.A. von dem; Halkes, C.J.M.; Kersting, S.; Marijt, E.W.A.; Putter, H.; Veelken, H.; Schetelig, J. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2017), Donor T-cell responses and disease progression patterns of multiple myeloma, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52(12): 1609-1615.
- Dreger, P.; Boumendil, A.; Koster, L.; Scheid, C.; Passweg, J.; Veelken, H.; Cahn, Y.; Collin, M.; Wilson, K.; Bazarbachi, A.; Mayer, J.; Corradini, P.; Hunault-Berger, M.; Porras, R.P.; Gribben, J.; Bittenbring, J.; Wolff, D.; Charbonnier, A.; Cambier, N.; Montoto, S.; Kroger, N. & Schetelig, J. (2017), No evidence for an increased GVHD risk associated with post-transplant Idelalisib given for relapse of chronic lymphocytic leukemia or lymphoma: First results of a survey by the EBMT chronic malignancy and lymphoma working parties, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52: S424-S425.
- Roth-Guepin, G.; Canaani, J.; Ruggeri, A.; Labopin, M.; Finke, J.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Delage, J.; Stuhler, G.; Rovira, M.; Potter, M.; Stadler, M.; Veelken, H.; Cahn, J.Y.; Collin, M.; Beguin, Y.; Giebel, S.; Nagler, A. & Mohty, M. (2017), Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients older than 60 years: a survey from the acute leukemia working party of EBMT, Oncotarget 8(68): 112972-112979.
- Brissot, E.; Labopin, M.; Russo, D.; Martin, S.; Schmid, C.; Glass, B.; Ram, R.; Ozkurt, Z.N.; Passweg, J.; Veelken, J.H.; Bunjes, D.; Apperley, J.; Mohty, M.; Giebel, S. & Nagler, A. (2017), Comparison of matched-unrelated donors versus alternative donor (9/10) unrelated donor, cord blob unit and haplo-identical donor) in allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in CR2: a report of 841 patients from the EBMT Acute Leukemia Working Party, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52: S39-S40.
- Koning, M.T.; Trollmann, I.; Rademaker, R.; Toes, R. & Veelken, H. (2017), TEMPLATED V(D)J INSERTIONS ARE A NOVEL BIOLOGIC MECHANISM FOR B-CELL RECEPTOR REPERTOIRE DIVERSIFICATION, Haematologica 102: 79-79.
- Bergen, C.A.M. van; Luxemburg-Heijs, S.A.P. van; Wreede, L.C. de; Eefting, M.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Balen, P. van; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Mulder, A.; Claas, F.H.J.; Navarrete, M.A.; Honders, W.M.; Rutten, C.E.; Veelken, H.; Jedema, I.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Griffioen, M. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2017), Selective graft-versus-leukemia depends on magnitude and diversity of the alloreactive T cell response, Journal of Clinical Investigation 127(2): 517-529.
- Vergroesen, R.D.; Slot, L.; Hafkenscheid, L.; Koning, M.T.; Voort, E.I.H. van der; Grooff, C.A.; Zervakis, G.; Huizinga, T.W.J.; Rispens, T.; Veelken, H.; Toes, R.E.M. & Scherer, H.U. (2017), B Cell Receptor Sequencing of Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibody Expressing B Cells Indicates a Selective Advantage for the Introduction of N-Glycosylation Sites during Somatic Hypermutation, Arthritis and Rheumatology 69.
- Koning, M.T.; Ubelhart, R.; Zeeuw, S. van der; Kielbasa, S.; Jumaa, H.; Vermeer, M.; Willemze, R.; Tensen, C. & Veelken, H. (2017), PRIMARY CUTANEOUS DIFFUSE LARGE B-CELL LYMPHOMA, LEG TYPE, EXPRESS STEREOTYPED B-CELL RECEPTORS WITH UNIQUE NONSYNONYMOUSLY MUTATED CONSTANT REGIONS, Haematologica 102: 560-560.
- Scheid, C.; Wreede, L. de; Biezen, A. van; Koenecke, C.; Gohring, G.; Volin, L.; Maertens, J.; Finke, J.; Passweg, J.; Beelen, D.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Itala-Remes, M.; Chevallier, P.; Russell, N.; Petersen, E.; Milpied, N.; Espiga, C.R.; Peniket, A.; Sierra, J.; Mufti, G.; Crawley, C.; Veelken, J.H.; Ljungman, P.; Cahn, J.Y.; Alessandrino, E.P.; Witte, T. de; Robin, M. & Kroger, N. (2017), Validation of the revised IPSS at transplant in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome/transformed acute myelogenous leukemia receiving allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a retrospective analysis of the EBMT chronic malignancies working party, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52(11): 1519-1525.
- Vermaat, J.; Amir, A.; Minderman, M.; Kraan, W.; Saes, I.; Wreede, L. de; Groen, R. de; Kerver, E.; Berenschot, H.; Deenik, W.; Wegman, J.; Broers, R.; Boer, J.P. de; Nijland, M.; Veelken, H.; Spaargaren, M.; Kersten, M.J. & Pals, S. (2017), PREVALENCE AND PROGNOSTIC VALUE OF MYD88 AND CD79B MUTATIONS IN IMMUNE-PRIVILEGED SITE AND (EXTRA) NODAL DLBCLS, Haematologica 102: 219-220.
- Hem, J.G.K. van der; Wreede, L.C. de; Brand, A.; Veelken, H.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Halkes, C.J.M. (2017), Long-term risk of cancer development in adult patients with idiopathic aplastic anemia after treatment with anti-thymocyte globulin, Haematologica 102(10): E382-E383.
- Martino, R.; Henseler, A.; Lint, M. van; Schaap, N.; Finke, J.; Beelen, D.; Vigouroux, S.; Alessandrino, E.P.; Mufti, G.J.; Veelken, J.H.; Bruno, B.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Volin, L.; Maertens, J.; Or, R.; Leblond, V.; Rovira, M.; Kalhs, P.; Alvarez, A.F.; Vitek, A.; Sierra, J.; Wagner, E.; Robin, M.; Witte, T. de; Kroger, N. & European Blood Marrow Transplant G (2017), Long-term follow-up of a retrospective comparison of reduced-intensity conditioning and conventional high-dose conditioning for allogeneic transplantation from matched related donors in myelodysplastic syndromes, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52(8): 1107-1112.
- Leeksma, O.C.; Miranda, N.F. de & Veelken, H. (2017), Germline mutations predisposing to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Blood Cancer Journal 7.
- Koning, M.T.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Boersma, V.; Buermans, H.P.J.; Zeeuw, S.A.J. van der; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Cleven, A.H.G.; Kluin, P.M.; Griffioen, M.; Navarrete, M.A. & Veelken, H. (2017), ARTISAN PCR: rapid identification of full-length immunoglobulin rearrangements without primer binding bias, British Journal of Haematology 178(6): 983-986.
- Griffioen, M.; Arindrarto, W.; Borras, D.; Diessen, S.A.M.E. van; Meijden, E.D. van der; Honders, M.W.; Alloul, M.; Jedema, I.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Valk, P.J.M.; Janssen, B.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Kielbasa, S.M.; Laros, J.F.J.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't & Veelken, H. (2016), Whole Transcriptome Sequencing (RNAseq) As a Comprehensive, Cost-Efficient Diagnostic Tool for Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Blood 128(22).
- Bergen, C.A.M. van; Steen, D.M. van der; Kester, M.G.D.; Koning, M.T.; Veelen, P.A. van; Griffioen, M.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Veelken, H. & Navarrete, M.A. (2016), Endogenous Immunoglobulin-Derived Neoepitopes Are Processed and Form a Sizeable Fraction of the HLA Class I Ligandome of Human Lymphoma Cells, Blood 128(22).
- Eefting, M.; Wreede, L.C. de; Halkes, C.J.M.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Kersting, S.; Marijt, E.W.A.; Veelken, H.; Putter, H.; Schetelig, J. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2016), Multi-state analysis illustrates treatment success after stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia followed by donor lymphocyte infusion, Haematologica 101(4): 506-514.
- Koning, M.T.; Bergen, C.A. van; Trollmann, I.J.; Scherer, U.; Griffioen, M.; Toes, R. & Veelken, H. (2016), PREVALENCE, STRUCTURE, AND PUTATIVE MECHANISM FOR TEMPLATED INSERTIONS IN VDJ RECOMBINATION, Haematologica 101: 129-129.
- Koning, M.T.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Trollmann, I.J.M.; Scherer, H.U.; Attikum, H. van; Toes, R.E.M.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Tijsterman, M. & Veelken, H. (2016), Prevalence, structure and putative mechanism for large genetic insertions in VDJ recombination, European Journal of Immunology 46: 1136-1136.
- Michallet, M.; Sobh, M.; Dubois, V.; Iacobelli, S.; Koster, L.; Biezen, A. van; Ceballos, P.; Tabrizi, R.; Finke, J.; El-Cheikh, J.; Schipperus, M.; Meijer, E.; Veelken, J.H.; Petersen, E.; Russell, N.; Tholouli, E.; Passweg, J.; Garban, F.; Schoemans, H.; Chevalier, P.; Maillard, N.; Volin, L.; Francois, S.; Lioure, B.; Beguin, Y.; Gluckman, E.; Ruggeri, A.; Garderet, L.; Kroger, N. & EBMT Chronic Malignancies Working (2016), Salvage use of allogeneic HSCT after reduced intensity conditioning from unrelated donors in multiple myeloma: outcomes from 10/10 HLA-matched unrelated donors, 9/10 HLA-mismatched unrelated donors and cord blood. A study by the EBMT and Eurocord, Bone Marrow Transplantation 51: S345-S346.
- Scherer, F.; Burgt, M. van der; Kielbasa, S.M.; Bertinetti-Lapatki, C.; Minden, M.D. von; Mikesch, K.; Zirlik, K.; Wreede, L. de; Veelken, H. & Navarrete, M.A. (2016), Selection patterns of B-cell receptors and the natural history of follicular lymphoma, British Journal of Haematology 175(5): 972-975.
- Benkisser-Petersen, M.; Buchner, M.; Dorffel, A.; Duhren-von-Minden, M.; Claus, R.; Klasener, K.; Leberecht, K.; Burger, M.; Dierks, C.; Jumaa, H.; Malavasi, F.; Reth, M.; Veelken, H.; Duyster, J. & Zirlik, K. (2016), Spleen Tyrosine Kinase Is Involved in the CD38 Signal Transduction Pathway in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, PLoS ONE 11(12).
- Shimoni, A.; Labopin, M.; Savani, B.; Volin, L.; Ehninger, G.; Kuball, J.; Bunjes, D.; Schaap, N.; Milpied, N.; Bacigalupo, A.; Veelken, J.H.; Sierra, J.; Ganser, A.; Niederwieser, D.; Mohty, M.; Nagler, A. & Acute Leukemia Working Party EBMT (2016), Long-Term Survival and Late Events after Allogeneic Stem-Cell Transplantation (SCT) for AML with Myeloablative (MAC) Compared to Reduced-Intensity Conditioning (RIC). A report on behalf of the ALWP of EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 51: S13-S13.
- Scherer, F.; Navarrete, M.A.; Bertinetti-Lapatki, C.; Boehm, J.; Schmitt-Graeff, A. & Veelken, H. (2016), Isotype-switched follicular lymphoma displays dissociation between activation-induced cytidine deaminase expression and somatic hypermutation, Leukemia & Lymphoma 57(1): 151-160.
- Scherer, F.; Navarrete, M.A.; Bertinetti-Lapatki, C.; Boehm, J.; Schmitt-Graeff, A. & Veelken, H. (2016), Isotype-switched follicular lymphoma displays dissociation between activation-induced cytidine deaminase expression and somatic hypermutation, Leukemia & Lymphoma 57.
- Onida, F.; Wreede, L. de; Biezen, A. van; Russel, N.; Foa, R.; Schots, R.; Jindra, P.; Ehninger, G.; Finke, J.; Veelken, J.H.; Johansson, J.E.; Craddock, C.; Stelljes, M.; Theobald, M.; Holler, E.; Schanz, U.; Schaap, N.; Bittenbring, J.; Olavarria, E.; Kroger, N. & European Grp Blood Marrow (2016), Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with Ph-negative Bcr/Abl-negative Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia: a retrospective study from the Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Subcommittee of the CMWP of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 51: S292-S293.
- Bondanza, A.; Ruggeri, L.; Ziagkos, D.; Bonini, C.; Chabannon, C.; Bootsman, N.; Knol, C.; Wreede, L. de; Maddalena, N.; Crucitti, L.; Vago, L.; Carotti, A.; Terenzi, A.; Merluzzi, M.; Massei, M.S.; Amico, L.; Piccinelli, S.; Veelken, H.; Koc, Y.; Bader, P.; Gruhn, B.; Locatelli, F.; Ciceri, F.; Toubert, A. & Velardi, A. (2016), An Accelerated CD8+, but Not CD4+, T-Cell Reconstitution Associates with a More Favorable Outcome Following HLA-Haploidentical HSCT: Results from a Retrospective Study of the Cell Therapy and Immunobiology Working Party of the EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 51: S151-S152.
- Chevalier, N.; Mueller, M.; Mougiakakos, D.; Ihorst, G.; Marks, R.; Schmitt-Graeff, A. & Veelken, H. (2016), Analysis of dendritic cell subpopulations in follicular lymphoma with respect to the tumor immune microenvironment, Leukemia & Lymphoma 57(9): 2150-2160.
- Koning, M.; Trollmann, I.; Griffioen, M. & Veelken, H. (2016), Analysis of the IgE repertoire in healthy, non-allergic individuals by massive parallel sequencing, European Journal of Immunology 46: 64-64.
- Kersting, S.; Levin, M.D.; Chamuleau, M.; Daenen, S.M.G.J.; Dompeling, E.C.; Doorduijn, J.K.; Gelder, M. van; Hoogendoorn, M.; Kerst, J.M.; Nijland, M.; Nijziel, M.R.; Posthuma, E.F.M.; Raymakers, R.A.P.; Schaafsma, M.R.; Silbermann, M.H.; Straaten, H.M. van der; Veelken, J.H.; Vos, J.M.I.; Wittebol, S.; Oers, M.H.J. van; Kater, A.P. & Dutch Belgium HOVON CLL Working (2016), Dutch guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemial, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 74(2): 68-74.
- Borne, P.A.V.; Wreede, L.C. de; Halkes, C.J.M.; Marijt, W.A.F.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Veelken, H. (2016), Effectivity of a strategy in elderly AML patients to reach allogeneic stem cell transplantation using intensive chemotherapy: Long-term survival is dependent on complete remission after first induction therapy, Leukemia Research 46: 45-50.
- Styczynski, J.; Tridello, G.; Gil, L.; Ljungman, P.; Hoek, J.; Iacobelli, S.; Ward, K.N.; Cordonnier, C.; Einsele, H.; Socie, G.; Milpied, N.; Veelken, H.; Chevallier, P.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Maertens, J.; Blaise, D.; Cornelissen, J.; Michallet, M.; Daguindau, E.; Petersen, E.; Passweg, J.; Greinix, H.; Duarte, R.F.; Kroger, N.; Dreger, P.; Mohty, M.; Nagler, A. & Cesaro, S. (2016), Impact of Donor Epstein-Barr Virus Serostatus on the Incidence of Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Patients With Acute Leukemia After Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation: A Study From the Acute Leukemia and Infectious Diseases Working Parties of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Journal of Clinical Oncology 34(19): 2212-+.
- Penack, O.; Tridello, G.; Hoek, J.; Socie, G.; Blaise, D.; Passweg, J.; Chevallier, P.; Craddock, C.; Milpied, N.; Veelken, H.; Maertens, J.; Ljungman, P.; Cornelissen, J.; Thiebaut-Bertrand, A.; Lioure, B.; Michallet, M.; Iacobelli, S.; Nagler, A.; Mohty, M. & Cesaro, S. (2016), Influence of pre-existing invasive aspergillosis on allo-HSCT outcome: a retrospective EBMT analysis by the Infectious Diseases and Acute Leukemia Working Parties, Bone Marrow Transplantation 51(3): 418-423.
- Czerw, T.; Labopin, M.; Gorin, N.C.; Giebel, S.; Blaise, D.; Meloni, G.; Pigneux, A.; Bosi, A.; Veelken, J.; Ferrara, F.; Schaap, N.; Lemoli, R.M.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Beohou, E.; Nagler, A. & Mohty, M. (2016), Long-term follow-up of patients with acute myeloid leukemia surviving and free of disease recurrence for at least 2 years after autologous stem cell transplantation: A report from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Cancer 122(12): 1880-1887.
- Shimoni, A.; Labopin, M.; Savani, B.; Volin, L.; Ehninger, G.; Kuball, J.; Bunjes, D.; Schaap, N.; Vigouroux, S.; Bacigalupo, A.; Veelken, H.; Sierra, J.; Eder, M.; Niederwieser, D.; Mohty, M. & Nagler, A. (2016), Long-term survival and late events after allogeneic stem cell transplantation from HLA-matched siblings for acute myeloid leukemia with myeloablative compared to reduced-intensity conditioning: a report on behalf of the acute leukemia working party of European group for blood and marrow transplantation, Journal of Hematology and Oncology 9.
- Eder, S.; Labopin, M.; Arcese, W.; Or, R.; Majolino, I.; Bacigalupo, A.; Rosa, G. de; Volin, L.; Beelen, D.; Veelken, H.; Schaap, N.P.M.; Kuball, J.; Cornelissen, J.; Nagler, A.; Mohty, M. & Acute Leukemia Working Party (2016), Thiotepa-based versus total body irradiation-based myeloablative conditioning prior to allogeneic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukaemia in first complete remission: a retrospective analysis from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, European Journal of Haematology 96(1): 90-97.
- Velardi, A.; Ziagkos, D.; Biezen, A. van; Ruggeri, L.; Merluzzi, M.; Bondanza, A.; Ciceri, F.; Klingebiel, T.; Koc, Y.; Veelken, H.; Locatelli, F.; Arcese, W.; Gruhn, B.; Salvi, F.; Bonini, C. & Rood, J. van (2016), Mother donors improve outcomes after HLA haploidentical T cell-depleted hematopoietic transplantation: A Retrospective Study by the Cell Therapy and Immunobiology Working Party of the EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 51: S150-S150.
- Poire, X.; Labopin, M.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Volin, L.; Espiga, C.R.; Veelken, J.H.; Milpied, N.; Cahn, J.Y.; Yacoub-Agha, I.; Imhoff, G.W. van; Michallet, M.; Michaux, L.; Nagler, A. & Mohty, M. (2015), Outcome of conditioning intensity in acute myeloid leukemia with monosomal karyotype in patients over 45 year-old: A study from the acute leukemia working party (ALWP) of the European group of blood and marrow transplantation (EBMT), American Journal of Hematology 90(8): 719-724.
- Koning, M.T.; Boersma, V.; Bergen, C.A. van; Kielbasa, S.M. & Veelken, H. (2015), ARTISAN PCR: HIGHLY RELIABLE IDENTIFICATION OF FULL-LENGTH B-CELL RECEPTOR SEQUENCES, Haematologica 100: 548-549.
- Guepin, G.R.; Labopin, M.; Ruggeri, A.; Polge, E.; Finke, J.; Cornelissen, J.; Fegueux, N.; Stuhler, G.; Rovira, M.; Potter, M.; Ganser, A.; Veelken, H.; Cahn, J.Y.; Collin, M.; Beguin, Y.; Giebel, S.; Nagler, A. & Mohty, M. (2015), ALLOGENEIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION IN ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA (ALL) PATIENTS OLDER THAN 60 YEARS: A SURVEY FROM THE ACUTE LEUKEMIA WORKING PARTY OF EBMT, Haematologica 100: 14-14.
- Lucchini, G.; Labopin, M.; Dalissier, A.; Dalle, J.H.; Cornish, J.; Samarasinghe, S.; Zecca, M.; Gibson, B.; Locatelli, F.; Bertrand, Y.; Abdel-Rahaman, F.; Socie', G.; Ljungman, P.; Veelken, J.H.; Sedlacek, P.; Hamladji, R.M.; Hough, R.; Sengeloev, H.; Afanasyev, B.; Peters, C.; Bader, P.; Veyson, P. & PDWP (2015), SCT in pediatric AML: Does the type of conditioning regimen matter? Analysis on behalf of the Pediatric Disease Working Party of the EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S101-S102.
- Styczynski, J.; Tridello, G.; Gil, L.; Ljungman, P.; Hoek, J.; Iacobelli, S.; Cordonnier, C.; Einsele, H.; Ward, K.; Socie, G.; Milpied, N.; Veelken, J.H.; Chevallier, P.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Maertens, J.; Blaise, D.; Cornelissen, J.; Michallet, M.; Deconinck, E.; Petersen, E.; Passweg, J.; Greinix, H.; Duarte, R.; Kroger, N.; Dreger, P.; Nagler, A. & Cesaro, S. (2015), Donor EBV status has impact on the incidence of acute and chronic GVHD, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S79-S79.
- Eder, S.; Labopin, M.; Arcese, W.; Or, R.; Majolino, I.; Bacigalupo, A.; Rosa, G. de; Volin, L.; Beelen, D.; Veelken, H.; Schaap, N.; Kuball, J.; Cornelissen, J.; Nagler, A.; Mohty, M.; ALWP & EBMT (2015), Thiotepa-based versus total body irradiation/cyclophosphamide-based myeloablative conditioning prior to allo-HSCT for acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission, an update: a retrospective matched-pair analysis from the ALWP of the EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S13-S14.
- Xavier, E.; Cornillon, J.; Ruggeri, A.; Chevallier, P.; Cornelissen, J.J.; Andersen, N.S.; Maillard, N.; Nguyen, S.; Blaise, D.; Deconinck, E.; Veelken, H.; Milpied, N.; Gelder, M. van; Latour, R.P. de; Gluckman, E.; Kroger, N.; Schetelig, J. & Rocha, V. (2015), Outcomes of Cord Blood Transplantation Using Reduced-Intensity Conditioning for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Study on Behalf of Eurocord and Cord Blood Committee of Cellular Therapy and Immunobiology Working Party, Chronic Malignancies Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, and the Societe Francaise de Greffe de Moelle et Therapie Cellulaire, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 21(8): 1515-1523.
- Schneider, D.; Duhren-von Minden, M.; Alkhatib, A.; Setz, C.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Benkisser-Petersen, M.; Wilhelm, I.; Villringer, S.; Krysov, S.; Packham, G.; Zirlik, K.; Romer, W.; Buske, C.; Stevenson, F.K.; Veelken, H. & Jumaa, H. (2015), Lectins from opportunistic bacteria interact with acquired variable-region glycans of surface immunoglobulin in follicular lymphoma, Blood 125(21): 3287-3296.
- Hem, J.V.D.; Wreede, L.D.; Brand, A.; Veelken, H.; Falkenburg, F. & Halkes, C. (2015), Increased risk of development of malignancies in adult patients treated with antithymocyte globulin as first line treatment for aplastic anaemia during a follow-up period of thirty years., Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S86-S86.
- Kharfan-Dabaja, M.A.; Labopin, M.; Bazarbachi, A.; Socie, G.; Kroeger, N.; Blaise, D.; Veelken, H.; Bermudez, A.; Or, R.; Lioure, B.; Beelen, D.; Fegueux, N.; Hamladji, R.M.; Nagler, A. & Mohty, M. (2015), Higher busulfan dose intensity appears to improve leukemia-free and overall survival in AML allografted in CR2: An analysis from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Leukemia Research 39(9): 933-937.
- Fox, C.P.; Boumendil, A.; Schmitz, N.; Finel, H.; Luan, J.J.; Sucak, G.; Blaise, D.; Finke, J.; Pfluger, K.H.; Veelken, H.; Gorin, N.C.; Poire, X.; Ganser, A.; Dreger, P. & Sureda, A. (2015), High-dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation for extra-nodal NK/T lymphoma in patients from the Western hemisphere: a study from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Leukemia & Lymphoma 56(12): 3295-3300.
- Papaioannou, D.; Strothmeyer, A.M.; Duhren-von Minden, M.; Keppler-Hafkemeyer, A.; Zirlik, K.; Mikesch, K.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Navarrete, M.A. & Veelken, H. (2015), Evidence for idiotype-directed immunosurveillance is restricted to follicular lymphoma and attributable to somatic hypermutation, Haematologica 100(4): E143-E146.
- Eefting, M.; Wreede, L. de; Borne, P.V.; Halkes, C.; Kersting, S.; Marijt, E.; Putter, H.; Veelken, H.; Schetelig, J. & Falkenburg, F. (2015), Donor T-cell responses modulate disease progression patterns of multiple myeloma after T-cell depleted allogeneic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 50: S15-S16.
- Nteleah, V.; Koning, M.T.; Bergen, C.A. van; Pfeifer, D.; Griffioen, M.; Kielbasa, S. & Veelken, H. (2015), CLL SUSCEPTIBILITY SNPS IN MBL SIBLINGS OF CLL PATIENTS, Haematologica 100: 12-12.
- Zhu, D.; Bhatt, S.; Lu, X.; Guo, F.; Veelken, H.; Hsu, D.K.; Liu, F.T.; Cubela, S.A.; Kunkalla, K.; Vega, F.; Chapman-Fredricks, J.R. & Lossos, I.S. (2015), Chlamydophila psittaci-negative ocular adnexal marginal zone lymphomas express self polyreactive B-cell receptors, Leukemia 29(7): 1587-1599.
- Eefting, M.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Wreede, L.C. de; Pelt, C.M. van; Kersting, S.; Marijt, E.W.A.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Willemze, R.; Veelken, H. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2014), Myeloablative T cell-depleted alloSCT with early sequential prophylactic donor lymphocyte infusion is an efficient and safe post-remission treatment for adult ALL, Bone Marrow Transplantation 49(2): 287-291.
- Decker, S.; Finter, J.; Forde, A.J.; Kissel, S.; Schwaller, J.; Mack, T.S.; Kuhn, A.; Gray, N.; Follo, M.; Jumaa, H.; Burger, M.; Zirlik, K.; Pfeifer, D.; Miduturu, C.V.; Eibel, H.; Veelken, H. & Dierks, C. (2014), PIM Kinases Are Essential for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Cell Survival (PIM2/3) and CXCR4-Mediated Microenvironmental Interactions (PIM1), Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 13(5): 1231-1245.
- Koning, M.T.; Nteleah, V.; Veelken, H. & Navarrete, M.A. (2014), Template-switching anchored polymerase chain reaction reliably amplifies functional lambda light chain transcripts of malignant lymphoma, Leukemia & Lymphoma 55(5): 1212-1214.
- Czerw, T.; Labopin, M.; Gorin, N.C.; Giebel, S.; Blaise, D.; Dumas, P.Y.; Foa, R.; Attal, M.; Schaap, N.; Michallet, M.; Bonmati, C.; Veelken, H. & Mohty, M. (2014), Use of G-CSF to hasten neutrophil recovery after auto-SCT for AML is not associated with increased relapse incidence: a report from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the EBMT, Bone Marrow Transplantation 49(7): 950-954.
- Eefting, M.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Wreede, L.C. de; Halkes, C.J.M.; Kersting, S.; Marijt, E.W.A.; Veelken, H. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2014), Intentional donor lymphocyte-induced limited acute graft-versus-host disease is essential for long-term survival of relapsed acute myeloid leukemia after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, Haematologica 99(4): 751-758.
- Binder, M.; Muller, F.; Frick, M.; Wehr, C.; Simon, F.; Leistler, B.; Veelken, H.; Mertelsmann, R. & Trepel, M. (2013), CLL B-cell receptors can recognize themselves: alternative epitopes and structural clues for autostimulatory mechanisms in CLL, Blood 121(1): 239-241.
- Nagler, A.; Rocha, V.; Labopin, M.; Unal, A.; Othman, T. ben; Campos, A.; Volin, L.; Poire, X.; Aljurf, M.; Masszi, T.; Socie, G.; Sengelov, H.; Michallet, M.; Passweg, J.; Veelken, H.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Shimoni, A. & Mohty, M. (2013), Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Remission: Comparison of Intravenous Busulfan Plus Cyclophosphamide (Cy) Versus Total-Body Irradiation Plus Cy As Conditioning Regimen-A Report From the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(28): 3549-+.
- Yaktapour, N.; Ubelhart, R.; Schuler, J.; Dierks, C.; Burger, M.; Pfeifer, D.; Jumaa, H.; Veelken, H.; Brummer, T. & Zirlik, K. (2013), Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF1R) - A novel therapeutic target in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Onkologie 36: 192-192.
- Bogel, T.L.N.; Kersting, S.; Veelken, J.H. & Borne, P.A. von dem (2013), Early discharge after reduced intensity allogeneic stem cell transplantation followed by clinical outpatient care by a nurse practitioner: feasibility and reduction of hospital stay, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48: S467-S467.
- Eefting, M.; Halkes, C.; Wreede, L. de; Pelt, M. van; Kersting, S.; Marijt, E.; Borne, P. von dem; Willemze, R.; Veelken, H. & Falkenburg, F. (2013), Myeloablative T-cell depleted allogeneic stem cell transplantation with early sequential prophylactic donor lymphocyte infusion for adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in first complete remission, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48: S395-S395.
- Roukens, A.; Vlasveld, T.; Veelken, H. & Kersting, S. (2013), Vanishing ulnae: symmetrical diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Lancet 382(9908): E40-E40.
- Navarrete, M.A.; Bertinetti-Lapatki, C.; Michelfelder, I. & Veelken, H. (2013), Usage of standardized antigen-presenting cells improves ELISpot performance for complex protein antigens, Journal of Immunological Methods 391(1-2): 146-153.
- Scherer, F.; Burgt, M. van der; Kielbasa, S.; Bertinetti-Lapatki, C.; Duhren-von Minden, M.; Boehm, J.; Schmidt-Graeff, A.; Veelken, H. & Navarrete, M. (2013), The role of activation induced deaminase-mediated somatic hypermutation and subsequent subclone evolution for pathophysiology of follicular lymphomas, Onkologie 36: 32-32.
- Yaktapour, N.; Ubelhart, R.; Schuler, J.; Aumann, K.; Dierks, C.; Burger, M.; Pfeifer, D.; Jumaa, H.; Veelken, H.; Brummer, T. & Zirlik, K. (2013), Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF1R) as a novel target in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Blood 122(9): 1621-1633.
- Eefting, M.; Borne, P.V.; Wreede, L. de; Halkes, C.; Kersting, S.; Marijt, E.; Veelken, H. & Falkenburg, F. (2013), Induction of limited acute GvHD by donor lymphocyte infusion early after cytoreduction is essential for long-term survival of patients with relapsed acute myeloid leukaemia after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 48: S250-S250.
- Moeller, I.; Spagnoli, G.C.; Finke, J.; Veelken, H. & Houet, L. (2012), Uptake routes of tumor-antigen MAGE-A3 by dendritic cells determine priming of naive T-cell subtypes, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 61(11): 2079-2090.
- Decker, S.; Zirlik, K.; Djebatchie, L.; Hartmann, D.; Ihorst, G.; Schmitt-Graeff, A.; Herchenbach, D.; Jumaa, H.; Warmuth, M.; Veelken, H. & Dierks, C. (2012), Trisomy 12 and elevated GLI1 and PTCH1 transcript levels are biomarkers for Hedgehog-inhibitor responsiveness in CLL, Blood 119(4): 997-1007.
- Duhren-von Minden, M.; Ubelhart, R.; Schneider, D.; Wossning, T.; Bach, M.P.; Buchner, M.; Hofmann, D.; Surova, E.; Follo, M.; Kohler, F.; Wardemann, H.; Zirlik, K.; Veelken, H. & Jumaa, H. (2012), Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is driven by antigen-independent cell-autonomous signalling, Nature 489(7415): 309-+.
- Lopez-Herrera, G.; Tampella, G.; Pan-Hammarstrom, Q.; Herholz, P.; Trujillo-Vargas, C.M.; Phadwal, K.; Simon, A.K.; Moutschen, M.; Etzioni, A.; Mory, A.; Srugo, I.; Melamed, D.; Hultenby, K.; Liu, C.; Baronio, M.; Vitali, M.; Philippet, P.; Dideberg, V.; Aghamohammadi, A.; Rezai, N.; Enright, V.; , L. du; Salzer, U.; Eibel, H.; Pfeifer, D.; Veelken, H.; Stauss, H.; Lougaris, V.; Plebani, A.; Gertz, E.M.; Schaffer, A.A.; Hammarstrom, L. & Grimbacher, B. (2012), DELETERIOUS LRBA MUTATIONS IN A NOVEL SYNDROME OF IMMUNE DEFICIENCY AND AUTOIMMUNITY, Journal of Clinical Immunology 32: 251-251.
- Lopez-Herrera, G.; Tampella, G.; Pan-Hammarstrom, Q.; Herholz, P.; Trujillo-Vargas, C.M.; Phadwal, K.; Simon, A.K.; Moutschen, M.; Etzioni, A.; Mory, A.; Srugo, I.; Melamed, D.; Hultenby, K.; Liu, C.H.; Baronio, M.; Vitali, M.; Philippet, P.; Dideberg, V.; Aghamohammadi, A.; Rezaei, N.; Enright, V.; , L.K. du; Salzer, U.; Eibel, H.; Pfeifer, D.; Veelken, H.; Stauss, H.; Lougaris, V.; Plebani, A.; Gertz, E.M.; Schaffer, A.A.; Hammarstrom, L. & Grimbacher, B. (2012), Deleterious Mutations in LRBA Are Associated with a Syndrome of Immune Deficiency and Autoimmunity, American Journal of Human Genetics 90(6): 986-1001.
- Frick, M.; Heining-Mikesch, K.; Zirlik, K.; Veelken, H. & Navarrete, M. (2012), High throughput analysis of antigen recognition by the B cell receptors of malignant lymphomas with protein microarrays, Immunology 137: 163-163.
- Plones, T.; Krohn, A.; Burger, M.; Veelken, H.; Passlick, B.; Muller-Quernheim, J. & Zissel, G. (2012), Serum Level of CC-Chemokine Ligand 18 Is Increased in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer and Correlates with Survival Time in Adenocarcinomas, PLoS ONE 7(7): -.
- Kasenda, B.; Rehberg, M.; Thurmann, P.; Franzem, M.; Veelken, H.; Fritsch, K.; Schorb, E.; Finke, J.; Lebiedz, D. & Illerhaus, G. (2012), The prognostic value of serum methotrexate area under curve in elderly primary CNS lymphoma patients, Annals of Hematology 91(8): 1257-1264.
- Halkes, C.; Falkenburg, J.; Egmond, E. van; Wolbers, J.O.; Starrenburg, I.; Borne, P. von dem; Marijt, W.A.F.; Veelken, J.H. & Jedema, I. (2012), Rabbit-derived ATG but not horse-derived ATG in the conditioning induces a post transplant in vivo imbalance between B and T cell recovery resulting in high risk of EBV-associated PTLD, Bone Marrow Transplantation 47: S143-S143.
- Halkes, C.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Egmond, E. van; Meent, M. van; Borne, P. von dem; Marijt, W.A.F.; Veelken, J.H. & Jedema, I. (2012), Low incidence of viral complications after in vivo and in vitro T-cell depletion using low dose alemtuzumab is due to early post transplant outgrowth of protective virus specific CD4 and CD8 memory T-cells by various escape mechanisms, Bone Marrow Transplantation 47: S31-S31.
- Borne, P.A.V.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Marijt, E.W.A.; Kersting, S.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Veelken, J.H. (2012), Effectiveness of a Strategy to Proceed to Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in All Elderly AML Patients Treated with Intensive Chemotherapy: Only Patients in Complete Remission After First Induction Show Long Term Survival., Blood 120(21).
- Halkes, C.J.M.; Veelken, H. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2011), Horse versus Rabbit Antithymocyte Globulin in Aplastic Anemia.
- Halkes, C.J.M.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Egmond, H.M. van; Wolbers, J.O.; Starrenburg, C.W.J.; Balen, P. van; Meent, M. van de; Borne, P.A. von dem; Marijt, W.A.F.; Veelken, J.H. & Jedema, I. (2011), In Vivo T Cell Depletion Using Rabbit Derived ATG Leads to An Increased EBV-PTLD Risk Due to An Induced Imbalance Between B and T Cell Recovery Which Is Not Seen After Horse Derived ATG or Alemtuzumab, Blood 118(21): 864-864.
- Eefting, M.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Kersting, S.; Marijt, W.A.F.; Borne, P.A. von dem; Veelken, J.H. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2011), Long-Term Disease-Free Survival of Patients with AML Relapse After T-Cell-Depleted Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation by Re-Induction Therapy and Subsequent Interferon-Boosted Donor Lymphocyte Infusion, Blood 118(21): 1321-1321.
- Bergen, C.A.M. van; Luxemburg-Heijs, S.A.P. van; Eefting, M.; Jedema, I.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Oen, M.G.; Veelken, J. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2011), Detailed monitoring of selective graft versus leukemia T-cell immune reactions following donor lymphocyte infusion, Bone Marrow Transplantation 46: S315S316.
- Borne, P.A. von dem; Halkes, C.J.M.; Marijt, E.W.; Veelken, H. & Falkenburg, J.H.F. (2011), Feasibility of very low dose donor lymphocyte infusion early after T-cell depleted allogeneic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation 46: S318S318.
- Scherer, F.; Bertinetti-Lapatki, C.; Duehren-von Minden, M.; Boehm, J. & Veelken, H.J. (2011), Quantitative Analysis of AID Expression and Somatic Hypermutation Identifies Isotype-Switched and Non-Switched Follicular Lymphomas As Distinct Biological Subgroups, Blood 118(21): 1567-1567.
- Harskamp, J.C.; Heiden, P.L.J. van der; Egmond, H.M. van; Veld, S.A.J.; Vos, H.L.; Halkes, C.J.M.; Veelken, H.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Marijt, E.W. (2011), T-cell chimerism does significantly bias overall chimerism status after T-cell depleted allogeneic stem cell transplantation and is influenced by immunological factors including the conditioning regimen, GvHD and CMV serostatus, Bone Marrow Transplantation 46: S204S204.
- Harskamp, J.C.; Nahon, J.E.; Siegel, A.M.; Vos, H.L.; Deutz-Terlouw, P.P.; Veelken, J.H.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Marijt, E.W.A. (2011), Quantitative Monitoring of NPM1A Mutations Can Be Used to Guide Immunotherapeutic Interventions After Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Blood 118(21): 1320-1320.
- Navarrete, M.A.; Kisser, B. & Veelken, H.J. (2011), Superior Immunogenicity of Idiotype Fab Fragments As Compared to Entire Immunoglobulin for Active Lymphoma Immunotherapy, Blood 118(21): 710-710.
- Warncke, M.; Buchner, M.; Thaller, G.; Dodero, A.; Bulashevska, A.; Pfeifer, D.; Timmer, J. & Veelken, H. (2011), Control of the specificity of T cell-mediated anti-idiotype immunity by natural regulatory T cells, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 60(1): 49-60.
- Christopoulos, P.; Pfeifer, D.; Bartholome, K.; Follo, M.; Timmer, J.; Fisch, P. & Veelken, H. (2011), Definition and characterization of the systemic T-cell dysregulation in untreated indolent B-cell lymphoma and very early CLL, Blood 117(14): 3836-3846.
- Debatin, L.; Schmitt-Graeff, A. & Veelken, H. (2011), Rapid-Onset, Prolonged Bone Marrow Failure Following Rituximab Therapy of Follicular Lymphoma, Onkologie 34(6): 322-324.
- Navarrete, M.A.; Heining-Mikesch, K.; Schuler, F.; Bertinetti-Lapatki, C.; Ihorst, G.; Keppler-Hafkemeyer, A.; Dolken, G. & Veelken, H. (2011), Upfront immunization with autologous recombinant idiotype Fab fragment without prior cytoreduction in indolent B-cell lymphoma, Blood 117(5): 1483-1491.
- Strothmeyer, A.M.; Papaioannou, D.; Duhren-von Minden, M.; Navarrete, M.; Zirlik, K.; Heining-Mikesch, K. & Veelken, H. (2010), Comparative analysis of predicted HLA binding of immunoglobulin idiotype sequences indicates T cell-mediated immunosurveillance in follicular lymphoma, Blood 116(10): 1734-1736.
- Papaioannou, D.; Strothmeyer, A.M.; Duhren-von Minden, M.; Navarrete, M.A.; Zirlik, K.; Heining-Mikesch, K. & Veelken, H. (2010), HLA-Dependent Immune Selection Pressure on the Idiotype-Is Predominantly Driven by Somatic Hypermutation In Malignant Lymphoma but Also Modulates Vh Usage In Normal B Cells, Blood 116(21): 1290-1290.