Universiteit Leiden

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Joan Booth

Emeritus hoogleraar Klassieke Talen

Prof.dr. J. Booth
+31 71 527 2166

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Emeritus hoogleraar Klassieke Talen

  • Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • Griekse T&C
  • Booth J. (2011), Sex at Siesta Time. Reading Ovid, "Amores" 1.5. through film - and vice versa. Landi L. & Scarpa L. (red.), Meeting the Challenge: bringing classical texts to life in the classroom, Institutio IV-1/3. Meeting the Challenge: bringing classical texts to life in the classroom. Venice 173-192. 'Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Booth J. (2011), Negotiating with the Epigram in Latin Love Elegy. In: Keith A. (red.), Latin Elegy and Hellenistic Epigram. A Tale of Two Genres at Rome. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 4. Boekdeel
  • Booth J. (2009), The Amores: Ovid making love. In: Knox P.E. (red.), A Companion to Ovid. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 61-77. Boekdeel
  • Booth J. (2008), Performing tears in Roman Love Elegy and Modern Life. Bormann D. & Wittchow F. (red.), Emotionalitaet in der Antike. Zwischen Performativitaet en Discursivitaet. . Berlin: eca. 57-75. 'Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Booth J. (2007), Cicero: Man and matter. Booth J. (red.), Cicero on the Attack. Invective and Subversion in the Orations and Beyond. . Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. ix-xiv. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Booth J. (red.) (2007), Cicero on the Attack. Invective and Subversion in the Orations and Beyond. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. Boekredactie
  • Booth J. (2006), Amazing Grace: reading between the lines in Propertius 1.13.29-32, Classical Quarterly 56: 528-537. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Booth J. (2006), Naming Names - or not: some significant choices and suppressions in Latin poetry. In: Booth J. & Maltby R. (red.), What's in a Name? The Significance of Proper Names in Classical Latin Literature. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales. 49-63. Boekdeel
  • Booth J. & Maltby R. (red.) (2006), What's in a Name? The Significance of Proper Names in Classical Latin Literature. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales. Boekredactie
  • Booth J. (2001), 'Nostra Venus, uacuus Amor' and the ending of Propertius 1.1: Double trouble?, Mnemosyne 54(4): 339-345. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Booth J. (2001), Moonshine: intertextual illumination in Propertius I.3.31-2 and Philodemus, Anth. Pal. V.123, Classical Quarterly 51(2): 537-544. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Booth J. (2001), Problems and Programmatics in Propertius 1.1, Archivos de Criminología, Seguridad Privada y Criminalística 129: 67-73. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Booth J. & Lee G. (1999), Catullus to Ovid: Reading Latin Love Elegy. A literary commentary with Latin text. Bristol: Bristol Classical Press. Boek
  • Booth J. (1997), All in the mind: Sickness in Catullus 76. In: Braund S.M. & Gill C.J. (red.), The Passions in Roman Literature and Thought. Cambridge G.B.: Cambridge University Press. 150-168. Boekdeel


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