Jinxian Wang
- Naam
- Dr. J. Wang
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1571
- j.wang@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-5411-0980
Jinxian Wang is universitair docent, verbonden aan de afdeling Economie.
Zie verder Engelse website.
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
- Economie
- Caminada K., Goudswaard K., Liu Q., Wang C. & Wang J. (2024), Determinants of Elderly Poverty in 21 European Countries, 1995-2022. LIS Working Paper Series nr. 882. Luxembourg: Luxembourg Income Study (LIS).
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P., Wang C. & Wang J. (2021), Antipoverty effects of various social transfers and income taxes across countries, Social Indicators Research 154(3): 1055-1076.
- Vliet O.P. van, Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang J. (2020), Poverty reduction among older people through pensions: a comparative analysis. In: Greve B. (red.), Routledge International Handbook of Poverty. Routledge international handbooks. London-New York: Routledge. 363-375.
- Caminada C.L.J., Wang J., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang C. (2019), Relative income poverty rates and poverty alleviation via tax/benefit systems in 49 LIS-countries, 1967-2016. LIS Working Paper Series nr. 761. Luxembourg: LIS Cross-National Data Center.
- Caminada C.L.J. & Wang J. (2019), The Leiden LIS Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Dataset on Relative Income Poverty Rates (2019) (data file). [dataset].
- Vliet O. van & Wang J. (2019), The Political Economy of Social Assistance and Minimum Income Benefits: A Comparative Analysis across 26 OECD Countries, Comparative European Politics 17(1): 49-71.
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P., Wang C. & Wang J. (2019), Income inequality and fiscal redistribution in 31 countries after the crisis, Comparative Economic Studies 61(1): 119-148.
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P., Wang C. & Wang J. (2019), Has the redistributive effect of social transfers and taxes changed over time across countries?, International Social Security Review 72(1): 3-31.
- Wang J., Caminada K., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang C. (2018), Income polarization in European countries and Europe wide, 2004-2012, Cambridge Journal of Economics 42(3): 797-816.
- Wang J., Vliet O.P. van & Goudswaard K.P. (2018), Minimum income protection and EU coordination, European Journal of Social Security 20(3): 253-271.
- Wang J. & Caminada K. (2017), Leiden LIS Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Dataset on Income Inequality (2017) (data file). [dataset].
- Xie S., Wang J., Chen J. & Ritakallio V.M. (2017), The effect of health on urban-settlement intention of rural-urban migrants in China, Health & Place 47: 1-11.
- Wang J., Caminada K. & Wang C. (2017), Measuring Income Polarization for Twenty European Countries, 2004–13: A Shapley Growth-Redistribution Decomposition, Eastern European Economics 55(6): 477-499.
- Caminada C.L.J., Wang J., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang C. (2017), Income inequality and fiscal redistribution in 47 LIS-countries (1967-2014). LIS Working Paper Series nr. 724. Esch-Belval: Luxembourg Income Study (LIS).
- Vliet O.P. van & Wang J. (20 december 2016), Social assistance benefits have declined in many OECD countries. Leiden Law Blog. [blog].
- Wang J. & Bai Y. (2016), Development of minimum livelihood guarantee programmes in urban China: an empirical analysis based on 31 regions over 2003–2013, China Journal of Social Work 9(2): 155-177.
- Wang J. (15 september 2016), Trends in social assistance, minimum income benefits and income polarization in an international perspective (Dissertatie. Institute of Tax Law and Economics, Law, Leiden University) Meijers-reeks nr. MI 272. Leiden: The Meijers Research Institute and Graduate School of the Leiden Law School of Leiden University. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Caminada C.L.J. & Goudswaard K.P., Vliet O.P. van.
- Wang J. & Vliet O.P. van (2016), Social Assistance and Minimum Income Levels and Replacement Rates Dataset. [dataset].
- Wang J. & Vliet O.P. van (2016), Social assistance and minimum income benefits: Benefit levels, replacement rates and policies across 26 OECD countries, 1990-2009, European Journal of Social Security 18(4): 333-355.
- Wang J., Caminada K., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang C. (2015), Decomposing income polarization and tax-benefit changes across 31 European countries and Europe wide, 2004-2012. Department of Economics Research Memorandum nr. 2015.03. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Wang J., Vliet O.P. van & Goudswaard K.P. (2015), Social assistance benefits and European coordination. Department of Economics Research Memorandum nr. 2015.02. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Wang J. & Bai Y. (2015), Development of Minimum Livelihood Guarantee Programs in Urban China: An Empirical Analysis Based on 31 Regions over 2003-2013. Department of Economics Research Memorandum nr. 2015.04. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Wang J. (2015) Book review of 'Activation or Workfare? Governance and the Neo-liberal Convergence' in Reviews & Critical Commentary. Bespreking van: Lødemel Ivar & Moreira Amílcar, Activation or Workfare? Governance and the Neo-liberal Convergence nr. 2327-2791: Council for European studies. CritCom .
- Wang J. & Vliet O.P. van (2014), Social assistance and minimum income benefits: Benefit levels, replacement rates and policies across 33 countries, 1990 - 2009. Department of Economics Research Memorandum nr. 2014.04. Leiden: Leiden University.