Jimmy Mans
- Naam
- Dr. J.L.J.A. Mans
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2446
- j.l.j.a.mans@arch.leidenuniv.nl
Zie Engelstalig profiel Jimmy Mans.
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archeologie Faculteitsbureau
- Hofman C.L., Rostain S.M., Mans J.L.J.A. & Hoogland M.L.P. (2022), Constructing from the invisible: conceptualizing Indigenous village layout and dynamics in the Circum-Caribbean, Ethnoarchaeology 13(1-2): .
- Shafie T., Schoch D., Mans J.L.J.A., Hofman C.L. & Brandes U. (2017), Hypergraph Representations: A Study of Carib Attacks on Colonial Forces, 1509-1700, Journal of Historical Network Research 1(1): 52-70.
- Linde S. van der & Mans J. (2015), Visualising Values in the Caribbean: A Creative Approach to Value Assessment, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 17(3): 257-269.
- Scholz A. & Mans J.L.J.A. (2014), Menschen und Dinge aus der Guayana-Region – als Netzwerk gedacht. In: , Von der Leidenschaft zu finden: Die Amazonien-Sammlung. München: Museum Fünf Kontinente.
- Carlin E.B. & Mans J.L.J.A. (2014), Movement through time in the Southern Guianas: Deconstructing the Amerindian kaleidoscope. In: Carlin E.B., Leglise I., Migge B. & Tjon Sie Fat P.S. (red.), In and out of Suriname: Language, mobility and identity. Leiden: Brill Publisher.
- Mans J.L.J.A. (2014), Contemporary and historical indigenous-Caribbean archaeologist. Archaeology in Transition Symposium, Leiden. 25 september 2014 - 26 september 2014. [conferentie poster].
- Mans J.L.J.A. & Frederick C. (2014), 'What is archaeology?’ Primary School Salybia (Dominica). [lezing].
- Mol A.A.A. & Mans J.L.J.A. (2013), Old-boy networks in the indigenous Caribbean. In: Knappett C. (red.), Regional network analysis in archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 307-332.
- Hofman C.L., Ulloa Hung J., Samson A.V.M., Mans J.L.J.A., Keehnen F.W.M., Mickleburgh H.L., Laffoon J.E., Duijvenbode A. van, Knippenberg S., Breukel T.W., Guzman A., Ruiter S. de, Rodríguez Ramos R., Pagán Jiménez J., Kulstad P.M., Keegan W.F., Hoogland M.L.P. & Hull B. (2013), Universidad y Diversidad en el Caribe Amerindio / Unity and Diversity in the Amerindian Caribbean. Santo Domingo.
- Mans J. (2013), Audiovisual material for exhibition 'Unidad y diversidad en el Caribe Amerindio' (Museo del Hombre Dominicano). [overig].
- Mans J.L.J.A. (2013), Digging up the history of the Caribbean (Audiovisuals) (fastfacts.nl). [overig].
- Mans J.L.J.A. (2012), Amotopoan trails: A recent archaeology of Trio movements. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Mans J.L.J.A. (26 september 2012), Amotopoan trails : a recent archaeology of Trio movements (Dissertatie, Faculty of Archeology, Leiden University) Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde nr. 41. Leiden: Sidestone Press. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Hofman C.L., Carlin E.B.
- Mans J.L.J.A. (2011), Trio dynamics and the Amotopoan flux. In: Hofman C.L. & Duijvenbode A. (red.), Communities in contact: Essays in archaeology, ethnohistory and ethnography of the Amerindian circum-Caribbean. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 205-222.
- Hofman C.L., Boomert A. & Mans J.L.J.A. (2011), Complexity, continuity, and reorganization: The case of coastal connections between Northern South America and the Caribbean Basin. In: Aldenderfer M. & Lanata J.L. (red.), Oxford handbook of South American archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Mans J.L.J.A. (2009), An ethnoarchaeological perspective on a century of Trio movement: a preliminary report, Proceedings of the 15th international congress of the European association of historians of Latin America. . Leiden.
- Mans J.L.J.A. (2009), De archeologische mythe en de hedendaagse Trio, Oso: Tijdschrift voor Surinaamse taalkunde, letterkunde, cultuur en geschiedenis 28(1): 74-89.
- Hofman C.L. & Mans J.L.J.A. (2006), Prehistoric Saba. A view from the past. A popular scientific documentary on the work of Hofman and Hoogland on the island Saba. [overig].