Jeroen Hubert
Onderzoeker / gast
- Naam
- Dr. J. Hubert
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-9095-3486
Voor meer informatie, zie de Engelse versie
Onderzoeker / gast
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Animal Sciences
- Hubert J., Willems M., Varkevisser & J.M. (2024), Pseudoreplication of sound treatments in underwater exposure studies, Animal Behaviour 215: 125-130.
- Hubert J., Booms E., Witbaard R. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2022), Responsiveness and habituation to repeated sound exposures and pulse trains in blue mussels, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 547: 151668.
- Hubert J., Moens R., Witbaard R. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2022), Acoustic disturbance in blue mussels: sound-induced valve closure varies with pulse train speed but does not affect phytoplankton clearance rate, ICES Journal of Marine Science 79(9): 2540-2551.
- Knaap I.E.J. van der, Reubens J., Thomas L., Ainslie M.A., Winter H.V., Hubert J., Martin B. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2021), Effects of a seismic survey on movement of free-ranging Atlantic cod, Current Biology 31(7): 1555-1562.
- Hubert J. (9 september 2021), Sound investigation: effects of noise on marine animals across trophic levels (Dissertatie. Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Cate C.j. ten & Slabbekoorn H.W.
- Hubert J., Neo Y.Y., Winter H.V. & Slabbekoorn H. (2020), The role of ambient sound levels, signal-to-noise ratio, and stimulus pulse rate on behavioural disturbance of seabass in a net pen, Behavioural Processes 170: 103992.
- Hubert J., Campbell J.A. & Slabbekoorn H. (2020), Effects of seismic airgun playbacks on swimming patterns and behavioural states of Atlantic cod in a net pen, Marine Pollution Bulletin 160: 111680.
- Hubert J., Bemmelen J.J. van & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2020), No negative effects of boat sound playbacks on olfactory-mediated food finding behaviour of shore crabs in a T-maze, Environmental Pollution 270: 116184.
- Hubert J., Campbell J.A., Beek J.G. van der, Haan M.F. den, Verhave R., Verkade L.S. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2018), Effects of broadband sound exposure on the interaction between foraging crab and shrimp - A field study, Environmental Pollution 243: 1923-1929.
- Neo Y.Y., Hubert J., Bolle L.J., Winter H.V. & Slabbekoorn H. (2018), European seabass respond more strongly to noise exposure at night and habituate over repeated trials of sound exposure, Environmental Pollution 239: 367-374.
- Spierings M.J., Hubert J. & Ten Cate C. (2017), Selective auditory grouping by zebra finches: testing the iambic-trochaic law, Animal Cognition 20(4): 665-675.
- Neo Y.Y., Hubert J., Bolle L., Winter H.V., Ten Cate C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2016), Sound exposure changes European seabass behaviour in a large outdoor floating pen: Effects of temporal structure and a ramp-up procedure, Environmental Pollution 214: 26-34.
- ten Cate C., Spierings M., Hubert J. & Honing H. (2016), Can Birds Perceive Rhythmic Patterns? A Review and Experiments on a Songbird and a Parrot Species, Frontiers in Psychology 2016(7): 730.