Jean-Jacques Hublin
Emeritus hoogleraar Paleoantropologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.A. Hublin
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-6283-8114

Zie Engelstalig profiel Jean-Jacques Hublin
Emeritus hoogleraar Paleoantropologie
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Human Origins
- Jaouen K., Richards M.P., Le Cabec A., Welker F., Rendu W., Hublin J.-J., Soressi M. & Talamo S. (2019), Exceptionally high delta N-15 values in collagen single amino acids confirm Neandertals as high-trophic level carnivores, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(11): 4928-4933.
- Hublin J.J. (2017), The last Neanderthal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(40): 10520-10522.
- Ortiz A., Bailey S.E., Hublin J.A. & Skinner M.M. (2017), Homology, homoplasy and cusp variability at the enamel-dentine junction of hominoid molars, Journal of Anatomy 231(4): 585-599.
- Hublin J.J., Ben-Ncer A., Bailey S.E., Freidline S.E., Neubauer S., Skinner M.M., Bergmann I., Le Cabec A., Benazzi S., Harvati K. & Gunz P. (2017), New fossils from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco and the pan-African origin of Homo sapiens, Nature 546(7657): 289-292.
- Been E., Hover E., Ekshtain R., Malinski-Buller A., Agha N., Barash A., Bar-Yosef Mayer D.E., Benazzi S., Hublin J.-J., Levin L., Greenbaum N., Mitki N., Oxilia G., Porat N., Roskin J., Soudack M., Yeshurun R., Shahack-Gross R., Nir N., Stahlschmidt M.C., Rak Y. & Barzilai O. (2017), The first Neanderthal remains from an open-air Middle Palaeolithic site in the Levant, Scientific Reports 7: 2958.
- Martin R.M.G., Hublin J.A., Gunz P. & Skinner M.M. (2017), The morphology of the enamel dentine junction in Neanderthal molars: Gross morphology, non-metric traits, and temporal trends, Journal of Human Evolution 103: 20-44.
- Tsegai Z.J., Skinner M.M., Gee A.H., Pahr D.H., Treece G.M., Hublin J.A. & Kivell T.L. (2017), Trabecular and cortical bone structure of the talus and distal tibia in Pan and Homo, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 163(4): 784-805.
- Stoessel Alexander, David Romain, Gunz Philipp, Hublin J.J. & Spoor Fred (2017), Shape and Function of the Hominid Auditory Region, Folia Primatologica 88(2): 154-155.
- Frelat M.A., Shaw C.N., Sukhdeo S., Hublin J.A., Benazzi S. & Ryan T.M. (2017), Evolution of the hominin knee and ankle, Journal of Human Evolution 108: 147-160.
- Hublin J.J. (2017), The age of the hominin fossils from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, and the origins of the Middle Stone Age, Nature 546(7657): 293-+.
- Roussel M., Soressi M. & Hublin J.-J. (2016), The Châtelperronian conundrum: Blade and bladelet lithic technologies from Quinçay, France, Journal of Human Evolution 95: 13-32.
- Welker F., Soressi M.A., Roussel M.B., Riemsdijk I. van, Hublin J.A. & Collins M.J. (2016), Variations in glutamine deamidation for a Châtelperronian bone assemblage as measured by peptide mass fingerprinting of collagen, Science and Technology of Archaeological Research 3(1): 15-27.
- Hublin J.J. (2016), A New Chronology for Rhafas, Northeast Morocco, Spanning the North African Middle Stone Age through to the Neolithic, PLoS ONE 11(9): .
- Talamo S., Hajdinjak M., Mannino M.A., Fasani L., Welker F., Martini F., Romagnoli F., Zorzin R., Meyer M. & Hublin J.A. (2016), Direct radiocarbon dating and genetic analyses on the purported Neanderthal mandible from the Monti Lessini (Italy), Scientific Reports 6: .
- Immel A., Le Cabec A., Bonazzi M., Herbig A., Temming H., Schuenemann V.J., Bos K.I., Langbein F., Harvati K., Bridault A., Pion G., Julien M.-A., Krotova O., Conard N.J., Münzel S.C., Drucker D.G., Viola B., Hublin J.A., Tafforeau P. & Krause J. (2016), Effect of X-ray irradiation on ancient DNA in sub-fossil bones - Guidelines for safe X-ray imaging, Scientific Reports 6: .
- Stoessel A., David R., Gunz P., Schmidt T., Spoor F. & Hublin J.A. (2016), Morphology and function of Neandertal and modern human ear ossicles, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(41): 11489-11494.
- Weaver T.D., Coqueugniot H., Golovanova L.V., Doronichev V.B., Maureille B. & Hublin J.A. (2016), Neonatal postcrania from Mezmaiskaya, Russia, and Le Moustier, France, and the development of Neandertal body form, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(23): 6472-6477.
- Welker F., Hajdinjak M., Talamo S., Jaouen K., Dannemann M., David F., Julien M., Meyer M., Kelso J., Barnes I., Brace S., Kamminga P., Fischer R., Kessler B.M., Stewart J.R., Pääbo S., Collins M.J. & Hublin J.A. (2016), Palaeoproteomic evidence identifies archaic hominins associated with the Chatelperronian at the Grotte du Renne, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(40): 11162-11167.
- Talamo S., Blasco R., Rivals F., Picin A., Gema Chacón M., Iriarte E., López-García J.M., Blain H.-A., Arilla M., Rufà A., Sánchez-Hernández C., Andrés M., Camarós E., Ballesteros A., Cebrià A., Rosell J. & Hublin J.A. (2016), The radiocarbon approach to Neanderthals in a carnivore den site: a well-defined chronology for Teixoneres Cave (Moia, Barcelona, Spain), Radiocarbon 58(2): 247-265.
- Stephens N.B., Kivell T.L., Gross T., Pahr D.H., Lazenby R.A., Hublin J.A., Hershkovitz I. & Skinner M.M. (2016), Trabecular architecture in the thumb of Pan and Homo: implications for investigating hand use, loading, and hand preference in the fossil record, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 161(4): 603-619.
- Rigaud S., Roussel M., Rendu W., Primault J., Renou S., Hublin J.-J. & Soressi M. (2014), Les pratiques ornementales à l'Aurignacien ancien dans le Centre-Ouest de la France : l'apport des fouilles récentes aux Cottés (Vienne), Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 111(1): 21-40.
- Richter D., Hublin J.A., Jaubert J., McPherron S., Soressi M. & Texier J.-P. (2013), Thermoluminescence dates for the Middle Palaeolithic site of Chez-Pinaud Jonzac (France), Journal of Archaeological Science 40(2): 1176-1185.