Jasper Maas
- Naam
- Dr. J.N.M. Maas
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- j.n.m.maas@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-1784-1319
- Overzicht
- Profiel
- Contact
- Publicaties
- Nevenwerkzaamheden
- Maas J. (5 juli 2023), Explanatory pathways of the association between receiving social support and teachers' well-being (Dissertatie. Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Zurich). Promotor(en): Prof. Dr. Urte Scholz.
- Schoch S., Keller R., Maas J.N.M., Rackow P., Scholz U., Schüler J. & Wegner M. (2023), Transformationale Führung und positive Emotionen bei Lehrpersonen: die Rolle der sozialen Unterstützung und der psychologischen Bedürfnisbefriedigung, Empirische Pädagogik 37(2): 192-210.
- Maas J.N.M., Schoch S., Scholz U., Rackow P., Schueler J., Wegner M. & Keller R. (2022), Satisfying the need for relatedness among teachers: benefits of searching for social support, Frontiers in Education 7: 851819.
- Maas J., Schoch S., Scholz U., Rackow P., Schüler J., Wegner M. & Keller R. (2022), School principals' social support and teachers' basic need satisfaction: the mediating role of job demands and job resources, Social Psychology of Education : .
- Maas J., Schoch S., Scholz U., Rackow P., Schuler J., Wegner M. & Keller R. (2021), Teachers' perceived time pressure, emotional exhaustion and the role of social support from the school principal, Social Psychology of Education 24(2): 441-464.
- Schoch S., Keller R., Buff A., Maas J., Rackow P., Scholz U., Schueler J. & Wegner M. (2021), Dual-focused transformational leadership, teachers' satisfaction of the need for relatedness, and the mediating role of social support, Frontiers in Education 6: 643196.