Jannie Keyser-Borst
Emeritus hoogleraar Immunologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.G. Keyser-Borst
- j.g.borst@lumc.nl
- 0000-0002-8043-5009
Jannie Borst is hoogleraar Immunologie (in het bijzonder cellulaire en moleculaire immunologie) aan de Universiteit Leiden en hoofd van de afdeling Immunologie. Zij is tevens bijzonder hoogleraar Experimentele Oncologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, lid van het Oncode Instituut, lid van EMBO, ontvanger van de Van Loghem carriereprijs van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Immunologie, meerdere ZonMW Top subsidies, en een Constantijn & Christaan Huygensfellowship van NWO.
Meer informatie over Jannie Keyser-Borst
Het hoogleraarschap is gericht op het stimuleren van onderwijs, fundamenteel en translationeel onderzoek en de klinische toepassing daarvan in het veld van de Immunologie. Het afweer- ofwel immuunsysteem is geëvolueerd om ons te beschermen tegen infecties en kan doelbewust geactiveerd worden om kanker af te weren. Als het immuunsysteem overactief is of ontspoord, kan het de oorzaak zijn van auto-immuunziekten en chronische ontstekingen. Op die wijze kan het immuunsysteem ook orgaan- of weefseltransplantatie of succesvolle zwangerschap in de weg staan. Al deze aspecten van immuun functie hebben een gemeenschappelijke cellulaire en moleculaire basis, die onderwerp is van onderzoek, met het doel om diagnose en behandeling van immuun-gerelateerde ziekten te verbeteren, inclusief immuundeficiënties en kanker.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Jannie Borst heeft Biologie met tweede hoofdvak Scheikunde gestudeerd in Leiden en heeft haar doctoraal (Master) behaald in 1980. Aansluitend heeft zij promotie onderzoek gedaan aan het Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School in Boston, onder begeleiding van prof. Cox P. Terhorst. Daarin heeft zij het moleculair complex beschreven dat verantwoordelijk voor de herkenning van lichaamsvreemde eiwitten door T cellen (titel proefschrift: “The T3/T cell receptor complex: protein composition and functional properties”). Op grond van dit werk is zij in 1985 gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit Leiden, met prof. Jon J. van Rood als promotor. In 1987 is zij haar onafhankelijke carriere als onderzoeksgroepsleider begonnen aan het Nederlands Kankerinstituut (NKI-AVL) in Amsterdam, waar zij tot 2019 gewerkt heeft, sedert 2002 als hoofd van de afdeling Immunologie. Haar onderzoeksgroep heeft in die jaren steeds bestaan uit 10-14 mensen, in stand gehouden met externe subsidies. Zij heeft belangrijke bijdragen geleverd aan het begrip van de T cel respons tegen infectie en kanker en een nieuw immunotherapeuticum tegen kanker helpen ontwikkelen dat nu in de kliniek getest wordt. Vanaf 1999 tot heden is zij tevens bijzonder hoogleraar in de Experimentele Oncologie (titel oratie: “Knappe kopppen, koppige cellen”) aan de faculteit Natuurwetenschappen Wiskunde en Informatica van de Universiteit van Amsterdam en tot recent ook coordinator van de track Oncology binnen de Master Biomedische Wetenschappen aan die universiteit.
Hoogleraar Immunologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Immunologie
Emeritus hoogleraar Immunologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Immunologie
- Lei, X.; Groot, D.C. de; Welters, M.J.P.; Wit, T. de; Schrama, E.; Eenennaam, H. van; Santegoets, S.J.; Oosenbrug, T.; Veen, A. van der; Vos, J.L.; Zuur, C.L.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Jacobs, H.; Burg, S.H. van der; Borst, J. & Xiao, Y.L. (2024), CD4+T cells produce IFN-I to license cDC1s for induction of cytotoxic T-cell activity in human tumors, Cellular & Molecular Immunology.
- (2024), Immune checkpoints targeting dendritic cells for antibody-based modulation in cancer, International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology.
- Lei, X.; Khatri, I.; Wit, T. de; Rink, I. de; Nieuwland, M.; Kerkhoven, R.; Eenennaam, H. van; Sun, C.; Garg, A.D.; Borst, J. & Xiao, Y.L. (2023), CD4(+) helper T cells endow cDC1 with cancer-impeding functions in the human tumor micro-environment, Nature Communications 14(1).
- Guelen, L.; Fischmann, T.O.; Wong, J.; Mauze, S.; Guadagnoli, M.; Babala, N.; Wagenaars, J.; Juan, V.; Rosen, D.; Prosise, W.; Habraken, M.; Lodewijks, I.; Gu, D.L.; Stammen-Vogelzangs, J.; Yu, Y.; Baker, J.; Hulsik, D.L.; Driessen-Engels, L.; Malashock, D.; Kreijtz, J.; Bertens, A.; Vries, E. de; Bovens, A.; Bramer, A.; Zhang, Y.W.; Wnek, R.; Troth, S.; Chartash, E.; Dobrenkov, K.; Sadekova, S.; Elsas, A. van; Cheung, J.K.; Fayadat-Dilman, L.; Borst, J.; Beebe, A.M. & Eenennaam, H. van (2022), Preclinical characterization and clinical translation of pharmacodynamic markers for MK-5890, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 10(9).
- Mensink, M.; Tran, T.N.M.; Zaal, E.A.; Schrama, E.; Berkers, C.R.; Borst, J. & Kivit, S. de (2022), TNFR2 costimulation differentially impacts regulatory and conventional CD4(+) T-cell metabolism, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Mensink, M.; Schrama, E.; Cuadrado, E.; Amsen, D.; Kivit, S. de & Borst, J. (2022), Proteomics reveals unique identities of human TGF-β-induced and thymus-derived CD4+ regulatory T cells, Scientific Reports 12(1).
- Mensink, M.; Tran, T.N.M.; Zaal, E.A.; Schrama, E.; Berkers, C.R.; Borst, J. & Kivit, S. de (2022), TNFR2 costimulation differentially impacts regulatory and conventional CD4+ T-cell metabolism, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Laureano, R.S.; Sprooten, J.; Vanmeerbeerk, I.; Borras, D.M.; Govaerts, J.; Naulaerts, S.; Berneman, Z.N.; Beuselinck, B.; Bol, K.F.; Borst, J.; Coosemans, A.; Datsi, A.; Faucikova, J.; Kinget, L.; Neyns, B.; Schreibelt, G.; Smits, E.; Sorg, R.V.; Spisek, R.; Thielemans, K.; Tuyaerts, S.; Vleeschouwer, S. de; Vries, I.J.M. de; Xiao, Y.L. & Garg, A.D. (2022), Trial watch: Dendritic cell (DC)-based immunotherapy for cancer, OncoImmunology 11(1).
- Mensink, M.; Tran, T.N.M.; Zaal, E.A.; Schrama, E.; Berkers, C.R.; Borst, J. & Kivit, S. de (2022), TNFR2 costimulation differentially impacts regulatory and conventional CD4+ T-cell metabolism, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Mensink, M.; Kivit, S. de & Borst, J. (2021), Proteomic features reflecting unique properties of human thymus-derived and ex vivo regulatory T cells are not present in TGF-beta-induced regulatory T cells, European Journal of Immunology 51: 45-45.
- Kivit, S. de; Mensink, M.; Zaal, E.; Schrama, E.; Berkers, C. & Borst, J. (2021), The glycolysis intermediate lactate is essential for the suppressive function of human thymus-derived regulatory T cells, European Journal of Immunology 51: 25-25.
- Borst, J.; Busselaar, J.; Bosma, D.M.T. & Ossendorp, F. (2021), Mechanism of action of PD-1 receptor/ligand targeted cancer immunotherapy, European Journal of Immunology 51(8).
- Lei, X.; Palomero, J.; Rink, I. de; Wit, T. de; Baalen, M. van; Xiao, Y.L. & Borst, J. (2021), Flagellin/TLR5 stimulate myeloid progenitors to enter lung tissue and to locally differentiate into macrophages, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Sluijs, J.V. van der; Ens, D. van; Thordardottir, S.; Vodegel, D.; Hermens, I.; Waart, A.B. van der; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Kester, M.G.D.; Rink, I. de; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Borst, J.; Schaap, N.P.M.; Jansen, J.H.; Xiao, Y.L.; Dolstra, H. & Hobo, W. (2021), Clinically applicable CD34(+)-derived blood dendritic cell subsets exhibit key subset-specific features and potently boost anti-tumor T and NK cell responses, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 70.
- Matas-Rico, E.; Frijlink, E.; Avila, I.V.; Menegakis, A.; Zon, M. van; Morris, A.J.; Koster, J.; Salgado-Polo, F.; Kivit, S. de; Lanc, T.; Mazzocca, A.; Johnson, Z.; Haanen, J.; Schumacher, T.N.; Perrakis, A.; Verbrugge, I.; Berg, J.H. van den; Borst, J. & Moolenaar, W.H. (2021), Autotaxin impedes anti-tumor immunity by suppressing chemotaxis and tumor infiltration of CD8(+) T cells, Cell Reports 37(7).
- Kwesi-Maliepaard, E.M.; Aslam, M.A.; Alemdehy, M.F.; Brand, T. van den; McLean, C.; Vlaming, H.; Welsem, T. van; Korthout, T.; Lancini, C.; Hendriks, S.; Ahrends, T.; Dinther, D. van; Haan, J.M.M. den; Borst, J.; Wit, E. de; Leeuwen, F. van & Jacobs, H. (2020), The histone methyltransferase DOT1L prevents antigen-independent differentiation and safeguards epigenetic identity of CD8(+) T cells, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(34): 20706-20716.
- Iglesias-Guimarais, V.; Ahrends, T.; Vries, E. de; Knobeloch, K.P.; Volkov, A. & Borst, J. (2020), IFN-stimulated gene 15 is an alarmin that boosts the CTL response via an innate, NK cell-dependent route, The Journal of Immunology 204(8): 2110-2121.
- Opstelten, R.; Kivit, S. de; Slot, M.C.; Biggelaar, M. van den; Iwaszkiewicz-Grzes, D.; Gliwinski, M.; Scott, A.M.; Blom, B.; Trzonkowski, P.; Borst, J.; Cuadrado, E. & Amsen, D. (2020), GPA33, The Journal of Immunology 204(12): 3139-3148.
- Kivit, S. de; Mensink, M.; Hoekstra, A.T.; Berlin, I.; Derks, R.J.E.; Both, D.; Aslam, M.A.; Amsen, D.; Berkers, C.R. & Borst, J. (2020), Stable human regulatory T cells switch to glycolysis following TNF receptor 2 costimulation, Nature Metabolism 2(10): 1046-+.
- Zanden, S.Y. van der; Luimstra, J.J.; Neefjes, J.; Borst, J. & Ovaa, H. (2020), Opportunities for Small Molecules in Cancer Immunotherapy, Trends in Immunology 41(6): 493-511.
- Nadafi, R.; Graca, C.G. de; Keuning, E.D.; Koning, J.J.; Kivit, S. de; Konijn, T.; Henri, S.; Borst, J.; Reijmers, R.M.; Baarsen, L.G.M. van & Mebius, R.E. (2020), Lymph node stromal cells generate antigen-specific regulatory T cells and control autoreactive T and B cell responses, Cell Reports 30(12): 4110-+.
- Busselaar, J.; Tian, S.; Eenennaam, H. van & Borst, J. (2020), Helpless priming sends CD8(+)T cells on the road to exhaustion, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Haselager, M.V.; Kielbassa, K.; Burg, J. ter; Bax, D.J.C.; Fernandes, S.M.; Borst, J.; Tam, C.; Forconi, F.; Chiodin, G.; Brown, J.R.; Dubois, J.; Kater, A.P. & Eldering, E. (2020), Changes in Bcl-2 members after ibrutinib or venetoclax uncover functional hierarchy in determining resistance to venetoclax in CLL, Blood 136(25): 2918-2926.
- Xiao, Y.L.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Lei, X.; Borst, J.; Steenwijk, E.; Wit, T. de; Grabowska, J.; Voogd, R.; Kemps, P.; Picarsic, J.; Bos, C. van den & Borst, J. (2020), Bone marrow-derived myeloid progenitors as driver mutation carriers in high- and low-risk Langerhans cell histiocytosis, Blood 136(19): 2188-2199.
- Beyrend, G.; Gracht, E. van der; Yilmaz, A.; Duikeren, S. van; Camps, M.; Hollt, T.; Vilanova, A.; Unen, V. van; Koning, F.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Arens, R. & Ossendorp, F. (2019), PD-L1 blockade engages tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes to co-express targetable activating and inhibitory receptors, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 7(1).
- Ahrends, T.; Busselaar, J.; Severson, T.M.; Babala, N.; Vries, E. de; Bovens, A.; Wessels, L.; Leeuwen, F. van & Borst, J. (2019), CD4(+) T cell help creates memory CD8(+) T cells with innate and help-independent recall capacities, Nature Communications 10.
- Kroon, P.; Frijlink, E.; Iglesias-Guimarais, V.; Volkov, A.; Buuren, M.M. van; Schumacher, T.N.; Verheij, M.; Borst, J. & Verbrugge, I. (2019), Radiotherapy and Cisplatin Increase Immunotherapy Efficacy by Enabling Local and Systemic Intratumoral T-cell Activity, Cancer Immunology Research 7(4): 670-682.
- van Halteren Astrid, Xiao Yanling, Steenwijk Eline, Lei Xin, Schmitz Arnoud, Grabowska Joanna, van den Bos Cor & Borst Jannie (2019), BRAFV600E MUTATION-BEARING PROGENITOR CELLS AS A POTENTIAL CELL OF ORIGIN OF MYELOID CELLS PRESENT IN LCH LESIONS, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 66: S47-S48.
- Babala, N.; Bovens, A.; Vries, E. de; Iglesias-Guimarais, V.; Ahrends, T.; Krummel, M.F.; Borst, J. & Bins, A.D. (2018), Subcellular localization of antigen in keratinocytes dictates delivery of CD4+ T-cell help for the CTL response upon therapeutic DNA vaccination into the skin, Cancer Immunology Research 6(7).
- Cuadrado, E.; Biggelaar, M. van den; Kivit, S. de; Chen, Y.Y.; Slot, M.; Doubal, I.; Meijer, A.; Lier, R.A.W. van; Borst, J. & Amsen, D. (2018), Proteomic analyses of human regulatory T cells reveal adaptations in signaling pathways that protect cellular identity, Immunity 48(5).
- Ahrends, T. & Borst, J. (2018), The opposing roles of CD4+ T cells in anti-tumour immunity, Immunology 4.
- Borst, J.; Ahrends, T.; Babala, N.; Melief, C.J.M. & Kastenmuller, W. (2018), CD4(+) T cell help in cancer immunology and immunotherapy, Nature Reviews Immunology 18(10): 635-647.
- Xiao Y., Grabowska J. A., Mezzadra R., Voogd R., de Kivit S., Sun C., Lankester A. C., Schumacher T. & Borst J. (2018), Antigen crosspresentation and T-cell priming ability of human dendritic cells derived in vitro from a newly discovered oligopotent progenitor of granulocytes, macrophages, osteoclasts and dendritic cells, European Journal of Immunology 48: 30-31.
- Xiao, Y.L.; Palomero, J.; Grabowska, J.; Wang, L.Q.; Rink, I. de; Helvert, L. van & Borst, J. (2017), Macrophages and osteoclasts stem from a bipotent progenitor downstream of a macrophage/osteoclast/dendritic cell progenitor., Blood Advances.
- Ahrends, T.; Spanjaard, A.; Pilzecker, B.; Babala, N.; Bovens, A.; Xiao, Y.L.; Jacobs, H. & Borst, J. (2017), CD4+ T Cell Help Confers a Cytotoxic T Cell Effector Program Including Coinhibitory Receptor Downregulation and Increased Tissue Invasiveness., Immunity.
- Winkels, H.; Meiler, S.; Lievens, D.; Engel, D.; Spitz, C.; Burger, C.; Beckers, L.; Dandl, A.; Reim, S.; Ahmadsei, M.; Hartwig, H.; Holdt, L.M.; Hristov, M.; Megens, R.T.A.; Schmitt, M.M.; Biessen, E.A.; Borst, J.; Faussner, A.; Weber, C.; Lutgens, E. & Gerdes, N. (2017), CD27 co-stimulation increases the abundance of regulatory T cells and reduces atherosclerosis in hyperlipidaemic mice., European Heart Journal.
- Leestemaker, Y.; Jong, A. de; Witting, K.F.; Penning, R.; Schuurman, K.; Rodenko, B.; Zaal, E.A.; Kooij, B. van de; Laufer, S.; Heck, A.J.R.; Borst, J.; Scheper, W.; Berkers, C.R. & Ovaa, H. (2017), Proteasome Activation by Small Molecules, CELL CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 24(6): 725-+.
- Mezzadra, R.; Sun, C.; Jae, L.T.; Gomez-Eerland, R.; Vries, E. de; Wu, W.; Logtenberg, M.E.W.; Slagter, M.; Rozeman, E.A.; Hofland, I.; Broeks, A.; Horlings, H.M.; Wessels, L.F.A.; Blank, C.U.; Xiao, Y.L.; Heck, A.J.R.; Borst, J.; Brummelkamp, T.R. & Schumacher, T.N.M. (2017), Identification of CMTM6 and CMTM4 as PD-L1 protein regulators, Nature 549(7670): 106-+.
- Kroon, P.; Gadiot, J.; Peeters, M.; Gasparini, A.; Deken, M.A.; Yagita, H.; Verheij, M.; Borst, J.; Blank, C.U. & Verbrugge, I. (2016), Concomitant targeting of programmed death-1 (PD-1) and CD137 improves the efficacy of radiotherapy in a mouse model of human BRAFV600-mutant melanoma., Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy.
- Winkels, H.; Meiler, S.; Smeets, E.; Lievens, D.; Engel, D.; Spitz, C.; Burger, C.; Rinne, P.; Beckers, L.; Dandl, A.; Reim, S.; Ahmadsei, M.; Bossche, J. van den; Holdt, L.M.; Megens, R.T.A.; Schmitt, M.M.; Winther, M. de; Biessen, E.A.; Borst, J.; Faussner, A.; Weber, C.; Lutgens, E. & Gerdes, N. (2016), CD70 limits atherosclerosis and promotes macrophage function., Atherosclerosis and Ischaemic Disease.
- Ahrends, T.; Babala, N.; Xiao, Y.L.; Yagita, H.; Eenennaam, H. van & Borst, J. (2016), CD27 Agonism Plus PD-1 Blockade Recapitulates CD4+ T-cell Help in Therapeutic Anticancer Vaccination., Cancer Research.
- Dhainaut, M.; Coquerelle, C.; Uzureau, S.; Denoeud, J.; Acolty, V.; Oldenhove, G.; Galuppo, A.; Sparwasser, T.; Thielemans, K.; Pays, E.; Yagita, H.; Borst, J. & Moser, M. (2015), Thymus-derived regulatory T cells restrain pro-inflammatory Th1 responses by downregulating CD70 on dendritic cells., The EMBO Journal.
- Coquet, J.M.; Rausch, L. & Borst, J. (2015), The importance of co-stimulation in the orchestration of T helper cell differentiation., Immunology & Cell Biology.
- Ven, K. van de & Borst, J. (2015), Targeting the T-cell co-stimulatory CD27/CD70 pathway in cancer immunotherapy: rationale and potential., Immunotherapy.
- Xiao, Y.L.; Zijl, S.; Wang, L.Q.; Groot, D.C. de; Tol, M.J. van; Lankester, A.C. & Borst, J. (2015), Identification of the Common Origins of Osteoclasts, Macrophages, and Dendritic Cells in Human Hematopoiesis, Stem Cell Reports 4(6): 984-994.
- Verbrugge, I.; Gasparini, A.; Haynes, N.M.; Hagekyriakou, J.; Galli, M.; Stewart, T.J.; Abrams, S.I.; Yagita, H.; Verheij, M.; Johnstone, R.W.; Borst, J. & Neefjes, J. (2014), The curative outcome of radioimmunotherapy in a mouse breast cancer model relies on mTOR signaling., Radiation Research.
- Rooswinkel, R.W.; Kooij, B. van de; Vries, E. de; Paauwe, M.; Braster, R.; Verheij, M. & Borst, J. (2014), Antiapoptotic potency of Bcl-2 proteins primarily relies on their stability, not binding selectivity., Blood.
- Kooij, B. van de; Verbrugge, I.; Vries, E. de; Gijsen, M.; Montserrat, V.; Maas, C.; Neefjes, J. & Borst, J. (2013), Ubiquitination by the membrane-associated RING-CH-8 (MARCH-8) ligase controls steady-state cell surface expression of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor 1., Journal of Biological Chemistry.
- Kooij, B. van de; Rooswinkel, R.W.; Kok, F.; Herrebout, M.; Vries, E. de; Paauwe, M.; Janssen, G.M.C.; Veelen, P.A. van & Borst, J. (2013), Polyubiquitination and proteasomal turnover controls the anti-apoptotic activity of Bcl-B, Oncogene 32(48): 5439-5448.
- Xiao, Y.L.; Song, J.Y.; Vries, T.J. de; Fatmawati, C.; Parreira, D.B.; Langenbach, G.E.J.; Babala, N.; Nolte, M.A.; Everts, V. & Borst, J. (2013), Osteoclast precursors in murine bone marrow express CD27 and are impeded in osteoclast development by CD70 on activated immune cells., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Coquet, J.M.; Ribot, J.C.; Babala, N.; Middendorp, S.; Horst, G. van der; Xiao, Y.L.; Neves, J.F.; Fonseca-Pereira, D.; Jacobs, H.; Pennington, D.J.; Silva-Santos, B. & Borst, J. (2013), Epithelial and dendritic cells in the thymic medulla promote CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cell development via the CD27-CD70 pathway., Journal of Experimental Medicine.
- Peperzak, V.; Veraar, E.A.M.; Xiao, Y.L.; Babala, N.; Thiadens, K.; Brugmans, M. & Borst, J. (2013), CD8+ T cells produce the chemokine CXCL10 in response to CD27/CD70 costimulation to promote generation of the CD8+ effector T cell pool., The Journal of Immunology.
- Welten, S.P.M.; Redeker, A.; Franken, K.L.; Benedict, C.A.; Yagita, H.; Wensveen, F.M.; Borst, J.; Melief, C.J.M.; Lier, R.A.W. van; Gisbergen, K.P.J.M. van & Arens, R. (2013), CD27-CD70 Costimulation Controls T Cell Immunity during Acute and Persistent Cytomegalovirus Infection, Journal of Virology 87(12): 6851-6865.
- Feau, S.; Garcia, Z.; Arens, R.; Yagita, H.; Borst, J. & Schoenberger, S.P. (2012), The CD4⁺ T-cell help signal is transmitted from APC to CD8⁺ T-cells via CD27-CD70 interactions., Nature Communications.
- Coquet, J.M.; Middendorp, S.; Horst, G. van der; Kind, J.; Veraar, E.A.M.; Xiao, Y.L.; Jacobs, H. & Borst, J. (2012), The CD27 and CD70 costimulatory pathway inhibits effector function of T helper 17 cells and attenuates associated autoimmunity., Immunity.
- Rooswinkel, R.W.; Kooij, B. van de; Verheij, M. & Borst, J. (2012), Bcl-2 is a better ABT-737 target than Bcl-xL or Bcl-w and only Noxa overcomes resistance mediated by Mcl-1, Bfl-1, or Bcl-B., Cell Death and Disease.
- Maas, C.; Vries, E. de; Tait, S.W.G. & Borst, J. (2011), Bid can mediate a pro-apoptotic response to etoposide and ionizing radiation without cleavage in its unstructured loop and in the absence of p53., Oncogene.
- Salek-Ardakani, S.; Flynn, R.; Arens, R.; Yagita, H.; Smith, G.L.; Borst, J.; Schoenberger, S.P. & Croft, M. (2010), The TNFR family members OX40 and CD27 link viral virulence to protective T cell vaccines in mice., Journal of Clinical Investigation.
- Peperzak, V.; Veraar, E.A.M.; Keller, A.M.; Xiao, Y.L. & Borst, J. (2010), The Pim kinase pathway contributes to survival signaling in primed CD8+ T cells upon CD27 costimulation., The Journal of Immunology.
- Zwart, W.; Peperzak, V.; Vries, E. de; Keller, A.M.; Horst, G. van der; Veraar, E.A.M.; Geumann, U.; Janssen, H.; Janssen, L.; Naik, S.H.; Neefjes, J. & Borst, J. (2010), The invariant chain transports TNF family member CD70 to MHC class II compartments in dendritic cells., Journal of Cell Science.
- Maas, C.; Verbrugge, I.; Vries, E. de; Savich, G.; Kooij, L.W.V. de; Tait, S.W.G. & Borst, J. (2010), Smac/DIABLO release from mitochondria and XIAP inhibition are essential to limit clonogenicity of Type I tumor cells after TRAIL receptor stimulation., Cell Death & Differentiation.
- Yamaura, K.; Boenisch, O.; Watanabe, T.; Ueno, T.; Vanguri, V.; Yang, J.; Tanaka, K.; Guleria, I.; Borst, J.; Zhai, Y.; Kupiec-Weglinski, J.W. & Najafian, N. (2010), Differential requirement of CD27 costimulatory signaling for naïve versus alloantigen-primed effector/memory CD8+ T cells., American Journal of Transplantation.
- Xiao, Y.L.; Peperzak, V.; Rijn, L. van; Borst, J. & Bruijn, J.D. de (2010), Dexamethasone treatment during the expansion phase maintains stemness of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells., Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.
- Verbrugge, I.; Maas, C.; Heijkoop, M.; Verheij, M. & Borst, J. (2009), Radiation and anticancer drugs can facilitate mitochondrial bypass by CD95/Fas via c-FLIP downregulation.
- Middendorp, S.; Xiao, Y.L.; Song, J.Y.; Peperzak, V.; Krijger, P.H.L.; Jacobs, H. & Borst, J. (2009), Mice deficient for CD137 ligand are predisposed to develop germinal center-derived B-cell lymphoma.
- Bruno, P.; Brinkmann, C.R.; Boulanger, M.C.; Flinterman, M.; Klanrit, P.; Landry, M.C.; Portsmouth, D.; Borst, J.; Tavassoli, M.; Noteborn, M.; Backendorf, C. & Zimmerman, R.M.E. (2009), Family at last: highlights of the first international meeting on proteins killing tumour cells.
- Keller, A.M.; Xiao, Y.L.; Peperzak, V.; Naik, S.H. & Borst, J. (2009), Costimulatory ligand CD70 allows induction of CD8+ T-cell immunity by immature dendritic cells in a vaccination setting.
- Verbrugge, I.; Wissink, E.H.J.; Rooswinkel, R.W.; Jongsma, J.; Beltraminelli, N.; Dupuis, M.; Borst, J. & Verheij, M. (2009), Combining radiotherapy with APO010 in cancer treatment.
- Peperzak, V.; Xiao, Y.L.; Veraar, E.A.M. & Borst, J. (2009), CD27 sustains survival of CTLs in virus-infected nonlymphoid tissue in mice by inducing autocrine IL-2 production.
- Ribot, J.C.; deBarros, A.; Pang, D.J.; Neves, J.F.; Peperzak, V.; Roberts, S.J.; Girardi, M.; Borst, J.; Hayday, A.C.; Pennington, D.J. & Silva-Santos, B. (2009), CD27 is a thymic determinant of the balance between interferon-gamma- and interleukin 17-producing gammadelta T cell subsets.
- Manocha, M.; Svend, R.; Laouar, A.; Liao, G.X.; Bhan, A.; Borst, J.; Terhorst, C. & Manjunath, N. (2009), Blocking CD27-CD70 costimulatory pathway suppresses experimental colitis.
- Mousavi, S.F.; Soroosh, P.; Takahashi, T.; Yoshikai, Y.; Shen, H.; Lefrancois, L.; Borst, J.; Sugamura, K. & Ishii, N. (2008), OX40 costimulatory signals potentiate the memory commitment of effector CD8+ T cells.
- Keller, A.M.; Schildknecht, A.; Xiao, Y.L.; Broek, M. van den & Borst, J. (2008), Expression of costimulatory ligand CD70 on steady-state dendritic cells breaks CD8+ T cell tolerance and permits effective immunity.
- Xiao, Y.L.; Peperzak, V.; Keller, A.M. & Borst, J. (2008), CD27 instructs CD4+ T cells to provide help for the memory CD8+ T cell response after protein immunization.
- Berkers, C.R.; Leeuwen, F.W.B. van; Groothuis, T.A.; Peperzak, V.; Tilburg, E.W. van; Borst, J.; Neefjes, J.J. & Ovaa, H. (2007), Profiling proteasome activity in tissue with fluorescent probes.
- Verbrugge, I.; Vries, E. de; Tait, S.W.G.; Wissink, E.H.J.; Walczak, H.; Verheij, M. & Borst, J. (2007), Ionizing radiation modulates the TRAIL death-inducing signaling complex, allowing bypass of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway.
- Keller, A.M.; Groothuis, T.A.; Veraar, E.A.M.; Marsman, M.; Wenniger, L.M.D.B.; Janssen, H.; Neefjes, J. & Borst, J. (2007), Costimulatory ligand CD70 is delivered to the immunological synapse by shared intracellular trafficking with MHC class II molecules.
- Tait, S.W.G.; Vries, E. de; Maas, C.; Keller, A.M.; D'Santos, C.S. & Borst, J. (2007), Apoptosis induction by Bid requires unconventional ubiquitination and degradation of its N-terminal fragment.
- Wissink, E.H.J.; Verbrugge, I.; Vink, S.R.; Schader, M.B.; Schaefer, U.; Walczak, H.; Borst, J. & Verheij, M. (2006), TRAIL enhances efficacy of radiotherapy in a p53 mutant, Bcl-2 overexpressing lymphoid malignancy.
- Ortiz-Ferron, G.; Tait, S.W.; Robledo, G.; Vries, E. de; Borst, J. & Lopez-Rivas, A. (2006), The mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway can inhibit TRAIL-induced apoptosis by prohibiting association of truncated Bid with mitochondria.
- Aulwurm, S.; Wischhusen, J.; Friese, M.; Borst, J. & Weller, M. (2006), Immune stimulatory effects of CD70 override CD70-mediated immune cell apoptosis in rodent glioma models and confer long-lasting antiglioma immunity in vivo.
- Keller, A.M. & Borst, J. (2006), Control of peripheral T cell survival: a delicate division of labor between cytokines and costimulatory molecules.
- Wieland, C.W.; Kerver, M.E.; Florquin, S.; Nolte, M.A.; Borst, J.; Lier, R. van; Oers, M.H.J. van & Poll, T. van der (2006), CD27 contributes to the early systemic immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection but does not affect outcome.
- Borst, J.; Hendriks, J. & Xiao, Y.L. (2005), CD27 and CD70 in T cell and B cell activation.
- Matter, M.; Mumprecht, S.; Pinschewer, D.D.; Pavelic, V.; Yagita, H.; Krautwald, S.; Borst, J. & Ochsenbein, A.F. (2005), Virus-induced polyclonal B cell activation improves protective CTL memory via retained CD27 expression on memory CTL.
- Hendriks, J.; Xiao, Y.L.; Rossen, J.W.A.; Sluijs, K.F. van der; Sugamura, K.; Ishii, N. & Borst, J. (2005), During viral infection of the respiratory tract, CD27, 4-1BB, and OX40 collectively determine formation of CD8+ memory T cells and their capacity for secondary expansion.
- Werner, A.B.; Tait, S.W.G.; Vries, E. de; Eldering, E. & Borst, J. (2004), Requirement for aspartate-cleaved bid in apoptosis signaling by DNA-damaging anti-cancer regimens.
- Tait, S.W.G.; Werner, A.B.; Vries, E. de & Borst, J. (2004), Mechanism of action of Drosophila Reaper in mammalian cells: Reaper globally inhibits protein synthesis and induces apoptosis independent of mitochondrial permeability.
- Danen-van Oorschot, A.A.A.M.; Voskamp, P.; Seelen, M.C.M.J.; Miltenburg, M.H.A.M. van; Bolk, M.W.; Tait, S.W.; Boesen-de Cock, J.G.R.; Rohn, J.L.; Borst, J. & Noteborn, M.H.M. (2004), Human death effector domain-associated factor interacts with the viral apoptosis agonist Apoptin and exerts tumor-preferential cell killing.
- Xiao, Y.L.; Hendriks, J.; Langerak, P.; Jacobs, H. & Borst, J. (2004), CD27 is acquired by primed B cells at the centroblast stage and promotes germinal center formation.
- Tesselaar, K.; Xiao, Y.L.; Arens, R.; Schijndel, G.M.W. van; Schuurhuis, D.H.; Mebius, R.E.; Borst, J. & Lier, R.A.W. van (2003), Expression of the murine CD27 ligand CD70 in vitro and in vivo.
- Blitterswijk, W.J. van; Luit, A.H. van der; Veldman, R.J.; Verheij, M. & Borst, J. (2003), Ceramide: second messenger or modulator of membrane structure and dynamics?
- Hendricks, J.; Xiao, Y.L. & Borst, J. (2003), CD27 promotes survival of activated T cells and complements CD28 in generation and establishment of the effector T cell pool.
- Werner, A.B.; Vries, E. de; Tait, S.W.G.; Bontjer, J. & Borst, J. (2002), TRAIL receptor and CD95 signal to mitochondria via FADD, caspase-8/10, Bid, and Bax but differentially regulate events downstream from truncated Bid.
- Tesselaar, K.; Arens, R.; Schijndel, G.M.W. van; Baars, P.A.; Valk, M.A. van der; Borst, J.; Oers, M.H.J. van & Lier, R.A.W. van (2002), Lethal T cell immunodeficiency induced by chronic costimulation via CD27-CD70 interactions.
- Taher, T.E.I.; Tjin, E.P.M.; Beuling, E.A.; Borst, J.; Spaargaren, M. & Pals, S.T. (2002), c-Cbl is involved in Met signaling in B cells and mediates hepatocyte growth factor-induced receptor ubiquitination.
- Werner, A.B.; Vries, E. de; Tait, S.W.G.; Bontjer, I. & Borst, J. (2002), Bcl-2 family member Bfl-1/A1 sequesters truncated bid to inhibit is collaboration with pro-apoptotic Bak or Bax.
- Werner, A.B.; Vries, E. de; Tait, S.W.G.; Bontjer, J. & Borst, J. (2002), TRAIL receptor and CD95 signal to mitochondria via FADD, caspase-8/10, Bid, and Bax but differentially regulate events downstream from truncated Bid.
- Blitterswijk, W.J. van; Luit, A.H. van der; Caan, W.; Verheij, M. & Borst, J. (2001), Sphingolipids related to apoptosis from the point of view of membrane structure and topology.
- Tepper, A.D.; Ruurs, P.; Borst, J. & Bitterswijk, W.J. van (2001), Effect of overexpression of a neutral sphingomyelinase on CD95-induced ceramide production and apoptosis.
- Borst, P.; Borst, J. & Smets, L.A. (2001), Does resistance to apoptosis affect clinical response to antitumor drugs?
- Arens, R.; Tesselaar, K.; Baars, P.A.; Schijndel, G.M.W. van; Hendriks, J.; Pals, S.T.; Krimpenfort, P.; Borst, J.; Oers, M.H.J. van & Lier, R.A.W. van (2001), Constitutive CD27/CD70 interaction induces expansion of effector-type T cells and results in IFNgamma-mediated B cell depletion.
- Haks, M.C.; Cordaro, T.A.; Brakel, J.H.N. van den; Haanen, J.B.A.G.; Vries, E.F.R. de; Borst, J.; Krimpenfort, P. & Kruisbeek, A.M. (2001), A redundant role of the CD3 gamma-immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif in mature T cell function.
- Tepper, A.D.; Ruurs, P.; Wiedmer, T.; Sims, P.J.; Borst, J. & Blitterswijk, W.J. van (2000), Sphingomyelin hydrolysis to ceramide during the execution phase of apoptosis results from phospholipid scrambling and alters cell-surface morphology.
- Tepper, A.D.; Diks, S.H.; Blitterswijk, W.J. van & Borst, J. (2000), Glucosylceramide synthase does not attenuate the ceramide pool accumulating during apoptosis induced by CD95 or anti-cancer regimens.
- Hendriks, J.; Gravestein, L.A.; Tesselaar, K.; Lier, R.A.W. van; Schumacher, T.N.M. & Borst, J. (2000), CD27 is required for generation and long-term maintenance of T cell immunity.
- Borst, J. & Cope, A. (1999), Turning the immune system on.
- Medema, J.P. & Borst, J. (1999), T cell signaling: a decision of life and death.
- Tepper, A.D.; Vries, E. de; Blitterswijk, W.J. van & Borst, J. (1999), Ordering of ceramide formation, caspase activation, and mitochondrial changes during CD95- and DNA damage-induced apoptosis.
- Boesen-de Cock, J.G.R.; Tepper, A.D.; Vries, E. de; Blitterswijk, W.J. van & Borst, J. (1999), Common regulation of apoptosis signaling induced by CD95 and the DNA-damaging stimuli etoposide and gamma-radiation downstream from caspase-8 activation.
- Gravestein, L.A. & Borst, J. (1998), Tumor necrosis factor receptor family members in the immune system.
- Gravestein, L.A.; Amsen, D.; Boes, M.; Calvo, C.R.; Kruisbeek, A.M. & Borst, J. (1998), The TNF receptor family member CD27 signals to Jun N-terminal kinase via Traf-2.
- Haks, M.C.; Krimpenfort, P.; Borst, J. & Kruisbeek, A.M. (1998), The CD3gamma chain is essential for development of both the TCRalphabeta and TCRgammadelta lineages.
- Cock, J.G.R.B.D.; Vries, E. de; Williams, G.T. & Borst, J. (1998), The anti-cancer drug etoposide can induce caspase-8 processing and apoptosis in the absence of CD95 receptor-ligand interaction.
- Boesen-de Cock, J.G.R.; Tepper, A.D.; Vries, E. de; Blitterswijk, W.J. van & Borst, J. (1998), CD95 (Fas/APO-1) induces ceramide formation and apoptosis in the absence of a functional acid sphingomyelinase.
- Thompson, A.; Brouns, G.S.; Schuurman, R.K.B.; Borst, J. & Timmers, E. (1998), A pro-B-cell stage characterized by germline Ig transcription without surrogate light chain expression.
- Santo, J.P. di; Fehling, H.J.; Malissen, B.; Spits, H. & Borst, J. (1998), Antigen receptors in lymphoid cell development and lymphocyte activation.
- Smit, L. & Borst, J. (1997), The Cbl family of signal transduction molecules.
- DeWeers, M.; Dingjan, G.M.; Brouns, G.S.; Kraakman, M.E.M.; Mensink, R.G.J.; Lovering, R.C.; Schuurman, R.K.B.; Borst, J. & Hendriks, R.W. (1997), Expression of Bruton's tyrosine kinase in B lymphoblastoid cell lines from X-linked agammaglobulinaemia patients.
- Tesselaar, K.; Gravestein, L.A.; Schijndel, G.M.W. van; Borst, J. & Lier, R.A.W. van (1997), Characterization of murine CD70, the ligand of the TNF receptor family member CD27.
- Schnorr, J.J.; Seufert, M.; Schlender, J.; Borst, J.; Johnston, I.C.D.; terMeulen, V. & SchneiderSchaulies, S. (1997), Cell cycle arrest rather than apoptosis is associated with measles virus contact-mediated immunosuppression in vitro.
- Tepper, A.D.; BoesendeCock, J.G.R.; deVries, E.; Borst, J. & vanBlitterswijk, W.J. (1997), CD95/Fas-induced ceramide formation proceeds with slow kinetics and is not blocked by caspase-3/CPP32 inhibition.
- Smit, L.; vanderHorst, G. & Borst, J. (1996), Sos, Vav, and C3G participate in B cell receptor-induced signaling pathways and differentially associate with Shc-Grb2, Crk, and Crk-L adaptors.
- Taher, T.E.I.; Smit, L.; Griffioen, A.W.; SchilderTol, E.J.M.; Borst, J. & Pals, S.T. (1996), Signaling through CD44 is mediated by tyrosine kinases. Association with p56lck in T lymphocytes.
- Jacobs, H.; Ossendorp, F.; deVries, E.; Ungewiss, K.; vonBoehmer, H.; Borst, J. & Berns, A. (1996), Oncogenic potential of a pre-T cell receptor lacking the TCR beta variable domain.
- Smit, L.; vanderHorst, G. & Borst, J. (1996), Formation of Shc/Grb2- and Crk adaptor complexes containing tyrosine phosphorylated Cbl upon stimulation of the B-cell antigen receptor.
- Borst, J.; Jacobs, H. & Brouns, G. (1996), Composition and function of T-cell receptor and B-cell receptor complexes on precursor lymphocytes.
- Gravestein, L.A.; vanEwijk, W.; Ossendorp, F. & Borst, J. (1996), CD27 cooperates with the pre-T cell receptor in the regulation of murine T cell development.
- Brouns, G.S.; deVries, E.; Neefjes, J.J. & Borst, J. (1996), Assembled pre-B cell receptor complexes are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum by a mechanism that is not selective for the pseudo-light chain.
- GRAVESTEIN, L.A.; NIELAND, J.D.; KRUISBEEK, A.M. & BORST, J. (1995), Novel mAbs reveal potent co-stimulatory activity of murine CD27.
- No authors listed (1995), CD79a: a novel marker for B-cell neoplasms in routinely processed tissue samples.
- BROUNS, G.S.; DEVRIES, E. & BORST, J. (1995), Assembly and intracellular transport of the human B cell antigen receptor complex.
- JACOBS, H.; VANDEPUTTE, D.; TOLKAMP, L.; DEVRIES, E.; BORST, J. & BERNS, A. (1994), CD3 components at the surface of pro-T cells can mediate pre-T cell development in vivo.
- No authors listed (1994), B-cell antigen receptor stimulation activates the human Bruton's tyrosine kinase, which is deficient in X-linked agammaglobulinemia.
- GRAVESTEIN, L.A.; BLOM, B.; NOLTEN, L.A.; DEVRIES, E.; VANDERHORST, G.; OSSENDORP, F.; BORST, J. & LOENEN, W.A.M. (1993), Cloning and expression of murine CD27: comparison with 4-1BB, another lymphocyte-specific member of the nerve growth factor receptor family.
- No authors listed (1993), Transcription and protein expression of mb-1 and B29 genes in human hematopoietic malignancies and cell lines.
- BROUNS, G.S.; DEVRIES, E.; VANNOESEL, C.J.M.; MASON, D.Y.; VANLIER, R.A.W. & BORST, J. (1993), The structure of the mu/pseudo light chain complex on human pre-B cells is consistent with a function in signal transduction.
- KUMMER, J.A.; KAMP, A.M.; VANKATWIJK, M.; BRAKENHOFF, J.P.J.; RADOSEVIC, K.; VANLEEUWEN, A.M.; BORST, J.; VERWEIJ, C.L. & HACK, C.E. (1993), Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies raised against recombinant human granzymes A and B and showing cross reactions with the natural proteins.
- BORST, J.; BROUNS, G.S.; DEVRIES, E.; VERSCHUREN, M.C.M.; MASON, D.Y. & VANDONGEN, J.J.M. (1993), Antigen receptors on T and B lymphocytes: parallels in organization and function.
- LOENEN, W.A.M.; DEVRIES, E.; GRAVESTEIN, L.A.; HINTZEN, R.Q.; VANLIER, R.A.W. & BORST, J. (1992), The CD27 membrane receptor, a lymphocyte-specific member of the nerve growth factor receptor family, gives rise to a soluble form by protein processing that does not involve receptor endocytosis.
- No authors listed (1992), T cell receptor-alpha beta lacking the beta-chain V domain can be expressed at the cell surface but prohibits T cell maturation.
- No authors listed (1992), Polyclonal expansion of T-cell receptor-gamma delta+ T lymphocytes associated with neutropenia and thrombocytopenia.
- No authors listed (1992), Genomic organization and chromosomal localization of the human CD27 gene.
- VANNOESEL, C.J.M.; BROUNS, G.S.; VANSCHIJNDEL, G.M.W.; BENDE, R.J.; MASON, D.Y.; BORST, J. & VANLIER, R.A.W. (1992), Comparison of human B cell antigen receptor complexes: membrane-expressed forms of immunoglobulin (Ig)M, IgD, and IgG are associated with structurally related heterodimers.
- No authors listed (1992), Both LFA-1-positive and -deficient T cell clones require the CD2/LFA-3 interaction for specific cytolytic activation.
- No authors listed (1991), Regulation of expression of CD27, a T cell-specific member of a novel family of membrane receptors.
- PETERS, P.J.; BORST, J.; OORSCHOT, V.; FUKUDA, M.; KRAHENBUHL, O.; TSCHOPP, J.; SLOT, J.W. & GEUZE, H.J. (1991), Cytotoxic T lymphocyte granules are secretory lysosomes, containing both perforin and granzymes.
- No authors listed (1991), A soluble form of the human T cell differentiation antigen CD27 is released after triggering of the TCR/CD3 complex.
- VANKOOYK, Y.; WEDER, P.; HOGERVORST, F.; VERHOEVEN, A.J.; VANSEVENTER, G.; TEVELDE, A.A.; BORST, J.; KEIZER, G.D. & FIGDOR, C.G. (1991), Activation of LFA-1 through a Ca2(+)-dependent epitope stimulates lymphocyte adhesion.
- VROOM, T.M.; SCHOLTE, G.; OSSENDORP, F. & BORST, J. (1991), Tissue distribution of human gamma delta T cells: no evidence for general epithelial tropism.
- No authors listed (1991), The membrane IgM-associated heterodimer on human B cells is a newly defined B cell antigen that contains the protein product of the mb-1 gene.
- No authors listed (1991), The IgM-associated protein mb-1 as a marker of normal and neoplastic B cells.
- BORST, J. & VANDONGEN, J.J.M. (1990), Repertoire selection of human gamma delta T cells.
- MASSON, D.; PETERS, P.J.; GEUZE, H.J.; BORST, J. & TSCHOPP, J. (1990), Interaction of chondroitin sulfate with perforin and granzymes of cytolytic T-cells is dependent on pH.
- VANNOESEL, C.J.M.; BORST, J.; DEVRIES, E.F.R. & VANLIER, R.A.W. (1990), Identification of two distinct phosphoproteins as components of the human B cell antigen receptor complex.
- No authors listed (1990), Development of human T lymphocytes and their thymus-dependency.
- BORST, J.; VANDONGEN, J.J.M.; DEVRIES, E.; COMANSBITTER, W.M.; VANTOL, M.J.D.; VOSSEN, J.M. & KURRLE, R. (1990), BMA031, a monoclonal antibody suited to identify the T-cell receptor alpha beta/CD3 complex on viable human T lymphocytes in normal and disease states.
- No authors listed (1990), A new model for lethal hit delivery by cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
- BOS, J.D.; TEUNISSEN, M.B.M.; CAIRO, I.; KRIEG, S.R.; KAPSENBERG, M.L.; , P.K. das & BORST, J. (1990), T-cell receptor gamma delta bearing cells in normal human skin.
- No authors listed (1989), Rearrangement and expression of T-cell receptor delta genes in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias.
- BORST, J.; WICHERINK, A.; VANDONGEN, J.J.M.; DEVRIES, E.; COMANSBITTER, W.M.; WASSENAAR, F. & VANDENELSEN, P. (1989), Non-random expression of T cell receptor gamma and delta variable gene segments in functional T lymphocyte clones from human peripheral blood.
- PETERS, P.J.; GEUZE, H.J.; VANDERDONK, H.A.; SLOT, J.W.; GRIFFITH, J.M.; STAM, N.J.; CLEVERS, H.C. & BORST, J. (1989), Molecules relevant for T cell-target cell interaction are present in cytolytic granules of human T lymphocytes.
- BORST, J.; SLUYSER, C.; DEVRIES, E.; KLEIN, H.; MELIEF, C.J.M. & VANLIER, R.A.W. (1989), Alternative molecular form of human T cell-specific antigen CD27 expressed upon T cell activation.
- No authors listed (1989), A common epitope on human myelin basic protein and the human T lymphocyte CD3 molecule.
- KRIMPENFORT, P.; OSSENDORP, F.; BORST, J.; MELIEF, C. & BERNS, A. (1989), T cell depletion in transgenic mice carrying a mutant gene for TCR-beta.
- LANIER, L.L.; RUITENBERG, J.; BOLHUIS, R.L.H.; BORST, J.; PHILLIPS, J.H. & TESTI, R. (1988), Structural and serological heterogeneity of gamma/delta T cell antigen receptor expression in thymus and peripheral blood.
- No authors listed (1988), Functional reactivity of WT31 monoclonal antibody with T cell receptor-gamma expressing CD3+4-8- T cells.
- BORST, J.; VANDONGEN, J.J.M.; BOLHUIS, R.L.H.; PETERS, P.J.; HAFLER, D.A.; DEVRIES, E. & VANDEGRIEND, R.J. (1988), Distinct molecular forms of human T cell receptor gamma/delta detected on viable T cells by a monoclonal antibody.
- No authors listed (1988), Antibody cross-reactivity between myelin basic protein and CD3 antigen of T cells. Implications for autoimmunity.
- No authors listed (1987), Membrane glycoprotein p150,95 of human cytotoxic T cell clone is involved in conjugate formation with target cells.
- YSSEL, H.; DEVRIES, J.E.; BORST, J. & SPITS, H. (1987), Distribution and functional analysis of a 120- to 130-kDa T-cell surface antigen.
- No authors listed (1987), Complexity of T cell receptor recognition sites for defined alloantigens.
- BORST, J.; VANDEGRIEND, R.J.; VANOOSTVEEN, J.W.; ANG, S.L.; MELIEF, C.J.; SEIDMAN, J.G. & BOLHUIS, R.L.H. (1987), A T-cell receptor gamma/CD3 complex found on cloned functional lymphocytes.
- VANDONGEN, J.J.M.; WOLVERSTETTERO, I.L.M.; SEIDMAN, J.G.; ANG, S.L.; VANDEGRIEND, R.J.; DEVRIES, E.F.R. & BORST, J. (1987), Two types of gamma T cell receptors expressed by T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias.
- No authors listed (1987), Tissue distribution and biochemical and functional properties of Tp55 (CD27), a novel T cell differentiation antigen.
- No authors listed (1987), The role of the T cell receptor, CD8, and LFA-1 in different stages of the cytolytic reaction mediated by alloreactive T lymphocyte clones.
- No authors listed (1986), Properties of a panel of monoclonal antibodies which react with the human T cell antigen receptor on the leukemic line HPB-ALL and a subset of normal peripheral blood T lymphocytes.
- No authors listed (1986), Human T cell lines differing in phenotype and specificity are reactive with the same anti-idiotypic antibody.
- NOOIJ, F.J.M.; BORST, J.G.; VANMEURS, G.J.E.; JONKER, M. & BALNER, H. (1986), Differentiation antigens on rhesus monkey lymphocytes. I. Identification of T cells bearing CD3 and CD8, and of a subset of CD8-bearing cells.
- BORST, J.; SPITS, H.; VOORDOUW, A.; DEVRIES, E.; BOYLSTON, A. & DEVRIES, J.E. (1986), A family of T-cell receptor molecules expressed on T-cell clones with different specificities for allomajor histocompatibility antigens.
- No authors listed (1985), Characteristics of a monoclonal antibody (WT-31) that recognizes a common epitope on the human T cell receptor for antigen.
- KEIZER, G.D.; BORST, J.; FIGDOR, C.G.; SPITS, H.; MIEDEMA, F.; TERHORST, C. & DEVRIES, J.E. (1985), Biochemical and functional characteristics of the human leukocyte membrane antigen family LFA-1, Mo-1 and p150,95.
- VANDENELSEN, P.; SHEPLEY, B.A.; BORST, J.; COLIGAN, J.E.; MARKHAM, A.F.; ORKIN, S. & TERHORST, C. (1984), Isolation of cDNA clones encoding the 20K T3 glycoprotein of human T-cell receptor complex.
- SPITS, H.; BORST, J.; GIPHART, M.; COLIGAN, J.; TERHORST, C. & DEVRIES, J.E. (1984), HLA-DC antigens can serve as recognition elements for human cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
- BORST, J.; COLIGAN, J.E.; OETTGEN, H.; PESSANO, S.; MALIN, R. & TERHORST, C. (1984), The delta- and epsilon-chains of the human T3/T-cell receptor complex are distinct polypeptides.
- No authors listed (1983), Structural and functional aspects of the T-cell differentiation antigens T3, T6, and T8.
- No authors listed (1983), Differentiation antigens of human hemopoietic cells: patterns of reactivity of two monoclonal antibodies.
- SPITS, H.; KEIZER, G.; BORST, J.; TERHORST, C.; HEKMAN, A. & DEVRIES, J.E. (1983), Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against cell surface molecules associated with cytotoxic activity of natural and activated killer cells and cloned CTL lines.
- No authors listed (1983), The T3 complex on human T lymphocytes involves four structurally distinct glycoproteins.
- BORST, J.; PRENDIVILLE, M.A. & TERHORST, C. (1983), The T3 complex on human thymus-derived lymphocytes contains two different subunits of 20 kDa.
- BORST, J.; SPITS, H.; DEVRIES, J.; PESSANO, S.; ROVERA, G. & TERHORST, C. (1983), Target antigen of monoclonal reagent S5.7: comparison with T3 antigen.
- No authors listed (1982), Complexity of the human T lymphocyte-specific cell surface antigen T3.
- No authors listed (1982), The role of T cell differentiation markers in antigen-specific and lectin-dependent cellular cytotoxicity mediated by T8+ and T4+ human cytotoxic T cell clones directed at class I and class II MHC antigens.