James McAllister
Hoogleraar Wetenschapsfilosofie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.W. McAllister
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2004
- j.w.mcallister@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-0164-1638

James McAllister is hoogleraar Wetenschapsfilosofie aan het Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte.
Hoogleraar Wetenschapsfilosofie
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- McAllister J.W. (2024), Thought experiment as bridge between science and common sense, Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24(71): 155-161.
- McAllister J.W. (2024), How the Romans Conceived Their Roads: Inner Experience in the Anchoring of Technological Innovation. In: Flohr M., Mols S.T.A.M. & Tieleman T.L. (red.), Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation nr. 7. Leiden: Brill. 21-30.
- McAllister J.W. (2023), Empirical tests of scientific realism: a quantitative framework, Metaphilosophy 54(4): 507-522.
- McAllister J.W. (2022), Filosofie aan de Nonnensteeg: Het Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte te Leiden, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 84(1): 3-10.
- McAllister J.W. & Ruzzene A. (2021), La scienza e il dato. In: Cassia L., Kalchschmidt M. & Paleari S. (red.), Un dato di fatto: Uso e abuso del dato. Milano: Francesco Brioschi. 17-35.
- McAllister J.W. (2020), Does artistic value pose a special problem for time travel theories?, British Journal of Aesthetics 60(1): 61-69.
- McAllister J.W. (2019), Art and Science: A Tangled Relation. In: Wuppuluri S. & Wun D. (red.), On Art and Science: Tango of an Eternally Inseparable Duo. Cham: Springer. 1-10.
- McAllister J.W. (2018), Historicism and cross-culture comparison. In: Stuart M.T., Fehige Y. & Brown J.R. (red.), The Routledge companion to thought experiments. London: Routledge. 425-438.
- McAllister J.W. (2018), Using History as Evidence in Philosophy of Science: A Methodological Critique, Journal of the Philosophy of History 12: 239–258.
- McAllister J.W. (2018), Scientists’ Reuse of Old Empirical Data: Epistemological Aspects, Philosophy of Science 85(5): 755–766.
- McAllister J.W. (2016), Rhetoric of Effortlessness in Science, Perspectives on Science 24(2): 145–166.
- McAllister J.W. (2016), Editor’s Report, 2015, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30(3): 197-199.
- McAllister J.W. (2015), Le Rôle de l’émotion dans la résolution des dilemmes méthodologiques en science. In: Andler D. (red.), Sciences et décision. Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. 77–92.
- McAllister J.W. (2015), Editor’s Report, 2014, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29(3): 229-231.
- McAllister J.W. (2014), Six Questions for Any Account of Mathematical Beauty, with Some Answers. Aesthetics in Mathematics 5 december 2014 - 7 december 2014.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2014), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2014), . Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2014), Editor's Report, 2013 , International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 28: 231-233.
- McAllister J.W. (2014), Methodological Dilemmas and Emotion in Science, Synthese 191: 3143-3158.
- McAllister J.W. (2013), Secondary Qualities Generalized: How Perception Creates New Classes of Facts. 40th Annual Philosophy of Science Conference, Inter-University Centre 15 april 2013 - 19 april 2013.
- McAllister J.W. (2013), Thought Experiment and the Exercise of Imagination in Science. In: Frappier M., Meynell L. & Brown J.R. (red.), Thought Experiments in Philosophy, Science, and the Arts. New York: Routledge. 11-29.
- McAllister J.W. (2013), Empirical Evidence that the World Is Not a Computer. In: Emmer M. (red.), Imagine Math 2: Between Culture and Mathematics. Milan: Springer. 127-135.
- McAllister J.W. (2013), The Information Content of Empirical Data: Methodological and Metaphysical Implications. 1st International Conference on Philosophy of Information 19 oktober 2013 - 21 oktober 2013.
- McAllister J.W. (2013), The Veracity of Empirical Data: A Causal Account of Observational Error. Séminaire Histoire et philosophie de la physique, Laboratoire SPHERE, Université Paris Diderot—Paris 7 26 november 2013 - 26 november 2013.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2013), . Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2013), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2013), Reasoning with Visual Metaphors, Knowledge Engineering Review 28(--): 367-379.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2012), . Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2012), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2012), Editor's Report, 2011, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26: 237-239.
- McAllister J.W. (2012), Climate Science Controversies and the Demand for Access to Empirical Data, Philosophy of Science 79: 871-880.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2011), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2011), . Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2011), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2011), Editor’s Report, 2010, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25: 203-204.
- McAllister J.W. (2011), What Do Patterns in Empirical Data Tell Us About the Structure of the World?, Synthese 182: 73-87.
- McAllister J.W. (2010), “The Formation of Styles: Science and the Applied Arts”. In: Eck C.A. van, McAllister J.W. & Vall R. van de (red.), The Question of Style in Philosophy and the Arts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 157-176.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2010), . Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
- Eck C.A. van, McAllister J.W. & Vall R. van de (red.) (2010), The Question of Style in Philosophy and the Arts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2010), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2010), Voorzitter: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wetenschapsfilosofie. [overig].
- McAllister J.W. (2010), "Editor's Report, 2009", International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24: 237-239.
- McAllister J.W. (2010), “The Ontology of Patterns in Empirical Data”, Philosophy of Science 77: 804-814.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2009), . Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2009), Editor’s Report, 2008, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 23: 119-121.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2009), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2008), . Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2008), . British Journal for Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2008), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2008), . Synthese.
- McAllister J.W. (2008), Editor's Report, 2007, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22: 115-117.
- McAllister J.W. (2008), Contours of a European Philosophy of Science, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22: 1-3.
- McAllister J.W. (2007), Dilemmas in Science: What, Why, and How. In: Groen A. in 't & Jonge H.J. de (red.), Knowledge in Ferment: Dilemmas in Science, Scholarship and Society. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 13-24.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2007), . Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2007), . Synthese.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2007), . Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2007), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2007), Editor's Report, 2006, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 21: 119-122.
- McAllister J.W. (2007) Review of Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Bespreking van: Malcolm Gladwell (2005), Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. New York: Little, Brown. Minds and Machines 17: 125-128.
- McAllister J.W. (2007), Model Selection and the Multiplicity of Patterns in Empirical Data, Philosophy of Science 74: 884-894.
- McAllister J.W. (2006), Die Rhetorik der Mühelosigkeit in der Wissenschaft und ihre barocken Ursprünge (trans. Christiane Hitzemann). In: Schramm H., Schwarte L. & Lazardzig J. (red.), Spektakuläre Experimente. Praktiken der Evidenzproduktion im 17. Jahrhundert. Berlin: De Gruyter. 154-175.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2006), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2006), . Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2006), Editor’s Report, 2005, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20: 125-127.
- McAllister J.W. (2005), The Composite Species Concept: A Rigorous Basis for Cladistic Practice. In: Reydon Thomas & Hemerik Lia (red.), Current Themes in Theoretical Biology: A Dutch Perspective.. Dordrecht: Springer. 95-127.
- McAllister J.W. (2005), Mathematical Beauty and the Evolution of the Standards of Mathematical Proof. In: Emmer Michele (red.), The Visual Mind II. Cambridge: Mass.: MIT Press. 15-34.
- McAllister J.W. (2005), Emotion, Rationality, and Decision Making in Science. In: Hájek Petr, Valdés-Villanueva Luis & Westerståhl Dag (red.), Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress.. London: King's College Publications. 559-576.
- McAllister J.W. (2005), The Virtual Laboratory: Thought Experiments in Seventeenth-Century Mechanics. In: Schramm Helmar, Schwarte Ludger & Lazardzig Jan (red.), Collection, Laboratory, Theater: Scenes of Knowledge in the 17th Century. New York: De Gruyter. 35-56.
- McAllister J.W. (2005), Compression of Empirical Data: Reply to Twardy, Gardner, and Dowe, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 36: 403-410.
- McAllister J.W. (2005), Editor's Report, 2004, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 19: 101-103.
- McAllister J.W. (2004), Thought Experiments and the Belief in Phenomena, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 71: 1164-1175.
- McAllister J.W. (2004), Editor's Report, 2003, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 18: 113-114.
- McAllister J.W. (2004), Absence of Contingency in the Newtonian Universe, Foundations of Science 9(2): 191-210.
- McAllister J.W. (2003), Effective Complexity as a Measure of Information Content, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 70: 302-307.
- McAllister J.W. (2003), Das Virutuelle Labor: gedankenexperimente in der Mechanik des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts. In: Schwarte Ludger & Lazardzig Jan (red.), Helmar Schramm Kunsthammer. Berlin: De Gruyter. 35-55.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2003), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2003), Editor's Report, 2002, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science (17): 115-116.
- McAllister J.W. (2003), The Integration of European Higher Education and the Nature of philosophy, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science (17): 3-5.
- McAllister J.W. (2003), Experimenten en de plaatsen van kennis, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte : 211-214.
- McAllister J.W. (2003), Algorithmic Randomness in Empirical Data, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science : 633-646.
- McAllister J.W. (2002), Historical and Stuctural Approaches in the Natural and Human Sciences. In: Tindemans P., Verrijn-Stuart A. & Visser R. (red.), The Future of the Sciences and Humanities. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 19-54.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2002), . Episteme.
- McAllister J.W. (2002), Bellezza matematica. Emmer M. (red.), Matematica e cultura 2002. . Milan: Springer-Verlag Italia. 125-134.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2002), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2002), Functie bij : Fac. Techniek, Bestuur en Management, TU Delft. [overig].
- McAllister J.W. (2002), Editor's Report 2001, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science : 109-110.
- McAllister J.W. (2002), De wetenschapsstudies in Nederland en hun maatschappelijke rol, Gewina (Rotterdam) 25: 8-19.
- McAllister J.W. (2002), Recent Work on Aesthetics of Science, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 16: 7-11.
- McAllister J.W. (2002), Functie bij : Inter-University Centre for Postgraduate Study. [overig].
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2001), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2001), Bespreking van: Zee A. (1999), Fearful Symmetry: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISIS. An International Review devoted to the History of Science and its Cultural Influences 92: 130-131.
- McAllister J.W. (2001), New Editorial Team and Policy Statement, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15: 229-230.
- McAllister J.W. (2000), Functie bij :Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Kroatië. [overig].
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2000), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2000), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2000), . Erkenntnis.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2000), . Acta Biotheoretica.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (2000), . British Journal for Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (2000), Lid benoemingsadviescommissie voor twee onderwijsassistenten Filosofie van de biologie. [overig].
- McAllister J.W. (2000), Bespreking van: Jones C.A. & Galison P. (1998), Picturing Science, Producing Art. London: Routledge. British Journal of Aesthetics 40: 270-272.
- McAllister J.W. (2000), Visiting Fellow : University of Pittsburgh. [overig].
- McAllister J.W. (1999), Unification of Theories. In: Newton-Smith W.H. (red.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Science. Oxford: Blackwell. 537-539.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (1999), . Acta Biotheoretica.
- McAllister J.W. (1999), Relativism. In: Newton-Smith W.H. (red.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Science. Oxford: Blackwell. 405-407.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (1999), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (1999), . International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (1999), . British Journal for Philosophy of Science.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (1999), . Erkenntnis.
- McAllister J.W. (red.) (1999), . Philosophical Explorations.
- McAllister J.W. (1999), Waarheid en schoonheid in de wetenschap, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 91: 153-167.
- McAllister J.W. (1998), Bellezza e rivoluzione nella scienza. Milano: McGraw-Hill Libri.
- McAllister J.W. (1998) A novel defense of scientific realism. Bespreking van: Leplin J. (1998), Warrants for Truth. New York: Oxford University Press. TLS: The Times Literary Supplement 4963: 28-28.
- McAllister J.W. (1998), Is Beauty a Sign of Truth in Scientific Theories?, American Scientist 86: 174-183.
- McAllister J.W. (1998) The truth of science : physical theories and reality. Bespreking van: Newton R.G. (1998), Warrants for Truth. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. TLS: The Times Literary Supplement 4963: 28-28.
- McAllister J.W. (1998), Author's Response (to an essay review by T. Meijering of Beauty and Revolution in Science), Metascience 7: 112-116.
- McAllister J.W. (1997), Philosophy of Science in the Netherlands, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 11: 191-204.
- McAllister J.W. (1997), Laws of Nature, Natural History, and the Description of the World, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 11: 245-258.
- McAllister J.W. (1997), Phenomena and Patterns in Data Sets, Erkenntnis 47: 217-228.
- McAllister J.W. (1996), Scientists' Aesthetic Preferences among Theories: Conservative Factors in Revolutionary Crises. In: Tauber A.I. (red.), The Elusive Synthesis: Aesthetics and Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 169-187.
- McAllister J.W. (1996), Beauty and Revolution in Science. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell U.P..
- McAllister J.W. (1996), The Evidential Significance of Thought Experiment in Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 27: 233-250.
- McAllister J.W. (1995), Introduction. In: McAllister J.W., Eck C.A. van & Vall R. van de (red.), The Question of Style in Philosophy and the Arts. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P.. 1-17.
- McAllister J.W. (1995), The Formation of Styles: Science and the Applied Arts. In: McAllister J.W., Eck C.A. van & Vall R. van de (red.), The Question of Style in Philosophy and the Arts. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P.. 157-176.
- McAllister J.W., Eck C.A. van & Vall R. van de (red.) (1995), The Question of Style in Philosophy and the Arts. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P..
- Eck C.A. van, McAllister J.W. & Vall R. van de (red.) (1995), The Concept of Style in Philosophy and the Arts. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press.