James France
- Naam
- J.M. France
- Telefoon
- 071 5274882
- j.m.france@biology.leidenuniv.nl
Voor meer informatie, zie de Engelse versie.
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Animal Sciences
Promovendus / gast
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Animal Sciences
- Kalaentzis K., Koster S., Arntzen J.W., Bogaerts S., France J.M., Franzen M., Kazilas C., Litvinchuk S.N., Olgun K. & Visser M.C. de Wielstra B.M. (2025), Phylogenomics resolves the puzzling phylogeny of banded newts (genus Ommatotriton), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 203: 108237.
- Mars J., Koster S., Babik W., France J., Kalaentzis K., Kazilas C., Martínez-Solano I., de Visser M.C. & Wielstra B. (2025), Phylogenomics yields new systematic and taxonomical insights for Lissotriton newts, a genus with a strong legacy of introgressive hybridization, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 204: 108282.
- Kazilas C., Dufresnes C., France J.M., Kalaentzis K., Martínez-Solano I., Visser M.C. de, Arntzen J.W. & Wielstra B.M. (2024), Spatial genetic structure in European marbled newts revealed with target enrichment by sequence capture, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 194: 108043.
- Struijk R.P.J.H., Prins N., Koster S., Putters N., Jansen N., Esselaar J., Visser M.C. de, France J.M. & Wielstra B.M. (2024), Knoflookpad in Callantsoog: verspreiding, voortplanting en geografische herkomst, RAVON 26(1): 2-5.
- Meilink, W.R.M., Beek F.D. van, Breevaart I. van de, Geus S. de, Hellendoorn C., Jahangier F., Lim A., Sluimers M., Wali A.M., Delft J.C.W. van, Herder J.E., France J.M. & Wielstra B.M. (2024), Difficulties in species identification in water frogs (genus Pelophylax) using morphological and molecular markers in The Netherlands, Alytes 41(1-4): 49-55.
- Brouwer J. de, Helder B., France J.M., Visser M.C. de, Struijk R.P.J.H. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), An isolated crested newt population in Dutch coastal dunes: distribution relict or introduction?, Amphibia-Reptilia 44(1): 19-26.
- Koster S., Prins N., Dufresnes C., France J.M., Visser M.C. de, Struijk R.P.J.H. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), The conservation paradox of an introduced population of a threatened species: spadefoot toads in the coastal dunes of the Netherlands, Amphibia-Reptilia 44(1): 11-18.
- Kuijt. M., Oskam L., Boer I. den, Dufresnes C., France J.M., Gilbert M.J., Visser M.C. de, Struijk R.P.J.H. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), The introduction of three cryptic tree frog species in the Dutch coastal dunes challenges conservation paradigms, Amphibia-Reptilia 44(1): 1-10.
- Vliegenthart C., Vrede M. van de, Boer I. den, Gilbert M.J., Lemmers P., France J.M., Visser M.C. de, Struijk R.P.J.H. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), The limits of mtDNA analysis for determining the provenance of invasive species: a midwife toad example, Amphibia-Reptilia 44(1): 27-33.
- Visser M.C. de, Prins N., France J.M., Struijk R. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), Exotische amfibieën in de duinen ontmaskerd met mtDNA barcoding, Holland's Duinen 82(1): 25-29.
- Wielstra B.M., Boer I. den, France J.M., Visser M.C. de & Struijk R. (2023), MtDNA barcoding van exotische amfibieën in de duinen, RAVON 89(2): 26-29.
- Robbemont J., Van Veldhuijzen S., Allain S.J.R., Ambu J., Boyle R., Canestrelli D., Cathasaigh É.Ó, Cathrine C., Chiocchio A., Cogalniceanu D., Cvijanović M., Dufresnes C., Ennis C., Gandola R., Jablonski D., Julian A., Kranželić D., Lukanov S., Martínez-Solano I., Montgomery R., Naumov B., O’Neill M., North A., Pabijan M., Pushendorf R., Salvi D., Schmidt B., Sotiropoulos K., Stanescu F., Stanković D., Stapleton S., Šunje E., Szabolcs M., Vacheva E., Willis D., Zimić A., France J.M., Meilink W.R.M., Stark T., Struijk R.P.J.H., Theodoropoulos A., De Visser M.C. & Wielstra B.M. (2023), An extended mtDNA phylogeography for the alpine newt illuminates the provenance of introduced populations, Amphibia-Reptilia 44(3): 347-361.
- Kalaentzis K., Arntzen J.W., Aziz A., Berg V. van den, Beukema W., France J.M., Olgun K., Riemsdijk I. van, Üzüm N., Visser M.C. de & Wielstra B.M. (2023), Hybrid zone analysis confirms cryptic species of banded newt and does not support competitive displacement since secondary contact, Ecology and Evolution 13(9): e10442.
- Visser M.C. de, France J.M., Meilink W.R.M. & Wielstra B.M. (2021), Een evolutionair raadsel: het dodelijke chromosoom 1 syndroom in Triturus-salamanders, RAVON 23(1): 9-12.
- Meilink W.R.M., France J., Visser M.C. de & Wielstra B. (2021), Balanced lethal systems: an evolutionary mystery, Frontiers for Young Minds 9: 632945.