Jacqueline Vel
- Naam
- Dr.ir. J.A.C. Vel
- Telefoon
- 071 5277260
- j.a.c.vel@law.leidenuniv.nl

Voor meer informatie zie de Engelstalige profielpagina van dr. ir. J.A.C. Vel.
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut
- Vel J.A.C. & Warren C. (2024), The changing social security mix in rural Indonesia: between state welfare and moral economy, Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis 56(3): 534-556.
- Utama T.S.J., Simarmata R., Vel J.A.C. & Bedner A.W. (2024), New ways of teaching Adat (customary) law at Indonesian law schools, The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies 4(1): 1-26 (2).
- Vel J.A.C. (2023), Bespreking van: Tidey S. (2022), Ethics or the right thing? Corruption and care in the age of good governance. Chicago: HAU Books. Political and Legal Anthropology Review 46(1): e25-e27.
- Utama T.S.J. & Vel J.A.C. (2023), Cultural blind-spots of the Anti-Sexual Violence Law, Inside Indonesia 152: .
- McCarthy J.F., McWilliam A., Warren C., Budianto V., Hadi S., Kutanegara P.M., Maliati N., Makambombu S., Nooteboom G., Sitorus H., Vel J.A.C., Winarto Y. & Woodward L. (2023), Epilogue: the COVID-19 pandemic, changing agrarian scenarios and social assistance. In: McCarthy J.F., McWilliam A. & Nooteboom G. (red.), The paradox of agrarian change: food security and the politics of social protection in Indonesia. Singapore: NUS Press. 423-435.
- McCarthy J.F., McWilliam A., Nooteboom G., Kutanegara P.M., Purba R., Sitorus H., Vel J.A.C., Warren C. & Woodward L. (2023), Agrarian change and social assistance outcomes. In: McCarthy J.F., McWilliam A. & Nooteboom G. (red.), The paradox of agrarian change: food security and the politics of social protection in Indonesia. Singapore: NUS Press. 371-407.
- Vel J.A.C. & Makambombu S. (2023), Agrarian change, vulnerability and the community economy in Sumba. In: McCarthy J.F., McWilliam A. & Nooteboom G. (red.), The paradox of agrarian change: food security and the politics of social protection in Indonesia. Singapore: NUS Press. 140-166.
- Vel J.A.C., Bedner A.W., Utama T.S.J. & Ichlas H. (2022), Law and Heritage for Protecting Water Resources and Access to Water in Indonesia, Blue Papers 1(2): 12-23.
- Huis S.C. van & Vel J.A.C. (2022), Report of Final Self-Assessment at Four Universities in Eastern Indonesia at the end of the project “Strengthening Legal Education in Eastern Indonesia (SLEEI)” (. Van Vollenhoven Institute, Law, Leiden University), . Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society, Leiden University.
- Veldhuizen L.R. van, Wiratraman H.P. & Vel J.A.C. (2022), Strengthening legal education: the SLEEI approach for innovating university courses. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society, Leiden University. [working paper].
- Vel J.A.C., Simarmata R., Veldhuizen L.R. van & Bedner A.W. (red.) (2022), Inovasi Pendidikan Hukum di Indonesia: Teori, Petunjuk dan Praktik [Innovating legal education in Indonesia: theory, guidelines and practice]. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada.
- Vel J.A.C. & Makambombu S. (2021), Surviving four disasters in Sumba, New Mandala : .
- Bedner A.W. & Vel J.A.C. (2021), Legal Education in Indonesia, The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies 1(1): 1-30 (6).
- Vel J.A.C. (22 mei 2020), Corona crisis-related inequality in access to university education in Eastern Indonesia. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Vel J.A.C. & Makambombu S. (2020), COVID-19 mitigation measures compound an economic crisis in Sumba, New Mandala : .
- Vel J.A.C., Huis S. van & Bah A. (2020), Review of Current Legal Education Offer at Four Universities in Eastern Indonesia: SLEEI Baseline Report. Leiden-Amsterdam: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University & Royal Tropical Institute.
- Veldhuizen L.R. van, Simarmata R. & Vel J.A.C. (2020), Report Mid-term Review SLEEI Project. Leiden-Amsterdam: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University & Royal Tropical Institute.
- Arizona Y., Wicaksono M.T. & Vel J.A.C. (2019), The Role of Indigeneity NGOs in the Legal Recognition of Adat Communities and Customary Forests in Indonesia, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 20(5): 487-506.
- Vel J.A.C. & Makambombu S. (2019), Strategic Framing of Adat in Land-Acquisition Politics in East Sumba, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 20(5): 435-452.
- Muur W.E. van der, Vel J.A.C., Fisher M.R. & Robinson K. (2019), Changing Indigeneity Politics in Indonesia: From Revival to Projects, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 20(5): 379-396.
- Vel J.A.C., Zakaria Y. & Bedner A.W. (2017), Law-Making as a Strategy for Change: Indonesia’s New Village Law, Asian Journal of Law and Society 4(2): 447-471.
- Vel J.A.C. (2017), Stone dragging and politics in Sumba, New Mandala : .
- Berenschot W. & Vel J.A.C. (2017), New Law, New Villages?, Inside Indonesia 128: .
- Vel J.A.C., Zakaria Y. & Bedner A.W. (2017), Creating Indonesia’s Village Law, Inside Indonesia 128: .
- Zakaria Y. & Vel J.A.C. (2017), New Law, Old Bureaucracy, Inside Indonesia 128: .
- Vel J.A.C. & Bedner A.W. (2017), Desentralisasi dan Pemerintahan Desa di Indonesia: Baliak ka Nagari dan UU Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa [Decentralisation and Village Governance in Indonesia], Wacana: Jurnal Transformasi Sosial 37: 79-104.
- Vel J.A.C. & Muur W.E. van der (2017), Report of the conference "Adat law 100 years on: towards a new interpretation?". Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University.
- Vel J.A.C. (7 oktober 2016), How much is that in horses?. KITLV Blog. Leiden: KITLV. [blog].
- Vel J.A.C. & Muur W.E. van der (22 september 2016), The benefits of being traditional. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Vel J.A.C., Berenschot W. & Minarchek R.D. (2016), Report of the workshop ‘New Law, New Villages? Changing rural Indonesia’. Leiden.
- Vel J.A.C. (2016), Will the Village Law change rural Indonesia?, New Mandala : .
- Vel J.A.C., McCarthy J.F. & Zen Z. (2016), The Conflicted Nature of Food Security Policy: Balancing Rice, Sugar and Palm Oil in Indonesia, Anthropological Forum 26(3): 233-247.
- Vel J.A.C. & Bedner A.W. (2015), Decentralisation and village governance in Indonesia: the return to the nagari and the 2014 Village Law, Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 47(3): 493-507.
- Vel J.A.C. (2015), Cash for the Cashless, Inside Indonesia 2015(121): .
- Vel J.A.C. (2015), Décentralisation en Indonésie : plus d’argent signifie-t-il moins de pauvreté? [Cash for the Cashless] (vertaling Vel J.A.C. & Disdet E.), AlterAsia (September 2015): .
- Löffler H., Afiff S.A., Burgers P., Govers C., Heeres H.J., Karyanto O., Manurung R., Vel J.A.C., Visscher S. & Zwaagstra T. (2014), Agriculture Beyond Food: Experiences from Indonesia. The Hague: NWO-WOTRO.
- Vel J.A.C. (2014), How could the jatropha sector live on subsidies and green investments without producing oil or biodiesel?. In: Vel J.A.C. & Simandjuntak D. (red.), JARAK, the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia. Leiden: IIAS.
- Vel J.A.C. (2014), What are the benefits of analyzing jatropha activities as a commoditization process?. In: Vel J.A.C. & Simandjuntak D. (red.), JARAK, the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia. Leiden: IIAS.
- Vel J.A.C. (2014), What explains the non-implementation of jatropha schemes?. In: Vel J.A.C. & Simandjuntak D. (red.), JARAK, the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia. Leiden: IIAS.
- Vel J.A.C. & Simandjuntak D. (red.) (2014), JARAK, The short history of jatropha projects in Indonesia. Leiden: IIAS.
- Vel J.A.C. & Simandjuntak D. (red.) (2014), JARAK: the short history of Jatropha projects in Indonesia. Leiden: IIAS.
- Vel J., Simandjuntak D., Van Rooijen L., Otto J.M., Bedner A., Widjaja H., Persoon G., Afiff S., Van Klinken G., Schulte Nordholt H., Tjeuw J., Slingerland M, Semedi P., Gunawan , McCarthy J., Suharsono S., Snelder D., Orij R. & Dieleman M. (2014), Jatropha: From an iconic biofuel crop to a green-policy parasite, IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) : .
- Vel J.A.C. (2014), Trading in Discursive Commodities: Biofuel Brokers’ Roles in Perpetuating the Jatropha Hype in Indonesia, Sustainability 6(5): 2802-2821.
- Vel J.A.C. & Bedner A.W. (2013), Addressing a 'Globalized Social': Mobilization of Law in Global Networks with Reference to Biofuel Production in Indonesia. In: Feenan D. (red.), Exploring the 'Socio' of Socio-Legal Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 157-180.
- McCarthy J.F., Vel J.A.C. & Afiff S. (2012), Trajectories of land acquisition and enclosure: development schemes, virtual land grabs, and green acquisitions in Indonesia’s Outer Islands, The Journal of Peasant Studies 39(2): 521-549.
- Bedner A.W. & Vel J.A.C. (2012), Sebuah kerangka analisis untuk penelitian empiris dalam bidang akses terhadap keadilan [A Conceptual Framework for Empirical Research on Access to Justice]. In: Bedner A.W., Irianto S., Otto J.M. & Wirastri T.D. (red.), Kajian Sosio-Legal [Socio-Legal Studies]. Jakarta: Pustaka Larasan; Universitas Indonesia; Universitas Leiden; Universitas Groningen. 81-114.
- Vel J.A.C. & Nugrohowardhani R. (2012), Plants for Power: The potential for cultivating crops as feedstock for energy production in Sumba. The Hague: Hivos.
- Vel J.A.C. & Makambombu S. (2011), Akses terhadap keadilan dalam sengketa tanah: Bagaimana ketidaksetaraan sosial membentuk resolusi konflik di Sumba [Access to Justice in Land conflicts: how social inequalities shape conflict resolution in Sumba]. In: Berenschot W.J., Bedner A.W., Riyadi Laggut-Terre E. & Novirianti D. (red.), Akses terhadap keadilan: Perjuangan masyarakat miskin dan kurang beruntung untuk menuntut hak di Indonesia [Access to Justice: the Struggle of Indonesia's Poor to Claim their Rights]. Jakarta: HuMa Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV; Epistema Institute. 53-71.
- Vel J.A.C. (19 april 2011), Eiland Sumba is helemaal geen spiegel voor het Westen. Trouw.
- Vel J.A.C. (2010), Policy Research on Access to Justice in Indonesia: A review of World Bank and UNDP reports, Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal 15(1): .
- Vel J.A.C. & Makambombu S. (2010), Access to Agrarian Justice in Sumba, Eastern Indonesia, Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal 15(1): .
- Bedner A.W. & Vel J.A.C. (2010), An analytical framework for empirical research on Access to Justice, Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal 15(1): .
- Vel J.A.C. (2010), Editorial to Special Issue, Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal 15(1): .
- Vel J.A.C. (2010), Ekonomi-Uma: Penerapan adat dalam dinamika ekonomi berbasis kekerabatan [The Uma-Economy: Indigenous economics and development work in Lawonda, Sumba, Eastern-Indonesia]. Jakarta: HuMa; Van Vollenhoven Institute; KITLV-Jakarta.
- Vel J.A.C. & Makambombu S. (2010), Penggunaan hukum adat terkait tanah pada masa kini di Sumba, Nusa Tanggara Timur [Contemporary use of customary land law in Sumba, Eastern Indonesia]. In: Safitri M.A. & Moeliono T. (red.), Hukum Agraria dan Masyaraka di Indonesia [Agrarian Law and Society in Indonesia]. Jakarta: HuMa-Jakarta; Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University; KITLV-Jakarta. 213-247.
- Vel J.A.C. (2009), Playing the Religious Card: Competing for District Leadership in West Sumba, Indonesia. In: Kirsch T.G. & Turner B. (red.), Permutations of Order: Religion and Law as Contested Sovereignties. Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate. 207-225.
- Vel J.A.C. (2009), Reading Politics from a Book of Donations: The Moral Economy of the Political Class in Sumba. In: Klinken G. van & Barker J. (red.), State of Authority. The State in Society in Indonesia. Ithaka, New York: Cornell Southeast Asia Program. 117-148.
- Vel J.A.C. & Makambombu S. (2009), Access in Land Disputes Arising in the Context of the Commercialization of Agriculture in Sumba (Nusa Tenggara Timur), Van Vollenhoven Institute Working Papers : .
- Vel J.A.C. (2008), Miracle solution or imminent disaster? Jatropha biofuel production in Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, Inside Indonesia 91: .
- Vel J.A.C. (2008), Uma politics: an ethnography of democratization in West Sumba, Indonesia, 1986-2006. Leiden: KITLV Press.
- Vel J.A.C. (2008), Kampanye Pemekaran di Sumba Barat. In: Schulte Nordholt H. & Klinken G. van (red.), Politik lokal di Indonesia. Jakarta: Obor/KITLV Jakarta. 116-153.
- Vel J.A.C. (2007), Creating a new district in West Sumba. In: Schulte Nordholt H. & Klinken G. van (red.), Renegotiating Boundaries: Local politics in post-Suharto Indonesia. Leiden: KITLV Press. 91-120.
- Vel J.A.C. (1 januari 1994), The Uma-economy: indigenous economics and development work in Lawonda, Sumba (Eastern Indonesia) (Dissertatie, -, Leiden University). Wageningen.