Jaco Geuchies
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. J.J. Geuchies
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- j.j.geuchies@lic.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-0758-9140

Universitair docent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Energy & Sustainability
- LIC/ES/Catalysis and Surface Chemistry
- Chen S., Al-Hilfi S.H., Chen G., Zhang H., Zheng W., Virgilio L. Di, Geuchies J.J., Wang J., Feng X., Riedinger A., Bonn M. & Wang H.I. (2024), Tuning the inter-nanoplatelet distance and coupling strength by thermally induced ligand decomposition, Small 20(16): 2308951.
- Di Virgilio L., Geuchies J.J., Kim H., Krewer K., Wang H., Grechko M. & Bonn M. (2023), Controlling the electro-optic response of a semiconducting perovskite coupled to a phonon-resonant cavity, Light: Science & Applications 12: 183.
- Mangnus M.J.J., Wit J.W. de, Vonk S.J.W., Geuchies J.J., Albrecht W., Bals S., Houtepen A.J. & Rabouw F.T. (2023), High-throughput characterization of single-quantum-dot emission spectra and spectral diffusion by multiparticle spectroscopy, ACS Photonics 10(8): 2688-2698.
- Zhang H., Debroye E., Fu S., Rodriguez Gonzalez M.C., du Fosse I., Geuchies J.J., Gao L., Yu X., Houtepen A.J., De Feyter S., Hofkens J., Bonn M. & Wang H.I. (2023), Optical switching of hole transfer in double-Perovskite/graphene heterostructure, Advanced Materials 35(29): 2211198.
- Giannini S., Di Virgilio L., Bardini M., Hausch J., Geuchies J.J., Zheng W., Volpi M., Elsner J., Broch K., Geerts Y.H., Schreiber F., Schweicher G., Wang H.I., Blumberger J., Bonn M. & Beljonne D. (2023), Transiently delocalized states enhance hole mobility in organic molecular semiconductors, Nature Materials 22(11): 1361–1369.
- Brosseau P.J., Geuchies J.J., Jasrasaria D., Houtepen A.J., Rabani E. & Kambhampati P. (2023), Ultrafast hole relaxation dynamics in quantum dots revealed by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, Communications Physics 6(1): 48.
- Geuchies J.J., Dijkhuizen R., Koel M., Grimaldi G., du Fosse I., Evers W.H., Hens Z. & Houtepen A.J. (2022), Zero-threshold optical gain in electrochemically doped nanoplatelets and the physics behind it, ACS Nano 16(11): 18777–18788.
- Vonk S.J.W., Heemskerk B.A.J., Keitel R.C., Hinterding S.O.M., Geuchies J.J., Houtepen A.J. & Rabouw F.T. (2021), Biexciton binding energy and line width of single quantum dots at room temperature, Nano Letters 21(13): 5760-5766.
- Prins P.T., Montanarella F., Dumbgen K., Justo Y., Bok J.C. van der, Hinterding S.O.M., Geuchies J.J., Maes J., De Nolf K., Deelen S., Meijer H., Zinn T., Petukhov A.V., Rabouw F.T., De Mello Donega C., Vanmaekelbergh D. & Hens Z. (2021), Extended nucleation and superfocusing in colloidal semiconductor nanocrystal synthesis, Nano Letters 21(6): 2487-2496.
- Burgt J.S. van der, Dieleman C.D., Johlin E., Geuchies J.J., Houtepen A.J., Ehrler B. & Garnett E.C. (2021), Integrating sphere Fourier microscopy of highly directional emission, ACS Photonics 8(4): 1143-1151.
- Geuchies J.J., Brynjarsson B., Grimaldi G., Gudjonsdottir S., Stam W. van der, Evers W.H. & Houtepen A.J. (2021), Quantitative electrochemical control over optical gain in quantum-dot solids, ACS Nano 15(1): 377-386.
- Kirkwood N., De Backer A., Altantzis T., Winckelmans N., Longo A., Antolinez F.V., Rabouw F.T., De Trizio L., Geuchies J.J., Mulder J.T., Renaud N., Bals S., Manna L. & Houtepen A.J. (2020), Locating and controlling the Zn content in In(Zn)P quantum dots, Chemistry of Materials 32(1): 557-565.
- Geuchies J.J., Soligno G., Geraffy E., Hendrikx C.P., Overbeek C. van, Montanarella F., Slot M.R., Konovalov O.V., Petukhov A.V. & Vanmaekelbergh D. (2020), Unravelling three-dimensional adsorption geometries of PbSe nanocrystal monolayers at a liquid-air interface, Communications Chemistry 3: 28.
- Stam W. van der, Grimaldi G., Geuchies J.J., Gudjonsdottir S., Uffelen P.T. van, Overeem M. van, Brynjarsson B., Kirkwood N. & Houtepen A.J. (2019), Electrochemical modulation of the photophysics of surface-localized trap states in core/shell/(shell) quantum dot films, Chemistry of Materials 31(20): 8484-8493.
- Grimaldi G., Brom M.J. van den, du Fosse I., Crisp R.W., Kirkwood N., Gudjonsdottir S., Geuchies J.J., Kinge S., Siebbeles L.D.A. & Houtepen A.J. (2019), Engineering the band alignment in QD heterojunction films via ligand exchange, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123(49): 29599-29608.
- Grimaldi G., Geuchies J.J., Stam W. van der, du Fosse I., Brynjarsson B., Kirkwood N., Kinge S., Siebbeles L.D.A. & Houtepen A.J. (2019), Spectroscopic evidence for the contribution of holes to the bleach of Cd-chalcogenide quantum dots, Nano Letters 19(5): 3002-3010.
- Montanarella F., Geuchies J.J., Dasgupta T., Prins P.T., Overbeek Carlo van, Dattani R., Baesjou P., Dijkstra M., Petukhov A.V, Blaaderen A. van & Vanmaekelbergh D. (2018), Crystallization of nanocrystals in spherical confinement probed by in situ X-ray scattering, Nano Letters 18(6): 3675-3681.
- Burgt J.S. van der, Geuchies J.J., Meer Berend van der, Vanrompay H., Zanaga D., Zhang Y., Albrecht W., Petukhov A.V., Filion L., Bals S., Swart I. & Vanmaekelbergh D. (2018), Cuboidal supraparticles self-assembled from cubic CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122(27): 15706-15712.
- Stam W. van der, Graaf M. de, Gudjonsdottir S., Geuchies J.J., Dijkema J.J., Kirkwood N., Evers W.H., Longo A. & Houtepen A.J. (2018), Tuning and probing the distribution of Cu+ and Cu2+ trap states responsible for broad-band photoluminescence in CuInS2 nanocrystals, ACS Nano 12(11): 11244-11253.
- Stam W. van der, Geuchies J.J., Altantzis T., Bos K.H.W. van den, Meeldijk J.D., Van Aert S., Bals S., Vanmaekelbergh D. & de Mello Donega C. (2017), Highly emissive divalent-ion-doped colloidal CsPb1-xMxBr3 perovskite nanocrystals through cation exchange, Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(11): 4087-4097.
- Iaru C.M., Geuchies J.J., Koenraad P.M., Vanmaekelbergh D. & Silov A.Y. (2017), Strong carrier-phonon coupling in lead halide perovskite nanocrystals, ACS Nano 11(11): 11024-11030.
- Geuchies J.J., Overbeek C. van, Evers W.H., Goris B., Backer A. de, Gantapra A.P., Rabout F.T., Hilhorst J., Peters J.L., Konavalov O., Petukhov A.V., Dijkstra M., Siebbeles L.D.A., Aerts S. van, Bals S. & Vanmaekelbergh D. (2016), In situ study of the formation mechanism of two-dimensional superlattices from PbSe nanocrystals, Nature Materials 15(12): 1248-1254.
- Stam W. van der, Rabouw F.T., Geuchies J.J., Berends A.C., Hinterding S.O.M., Geitenbeek R.G., Lit J. van der, Prevost S., Petukhov A.V. & de Mello Donega C. (2016), In situ probing of stack-templated growth of ultrathin Cu2-xS nanosheets, Chemistry of Materials 28(17): 6381-6389.
- Stam W. van der, Rabouw F.T., Vonk S.J.W., Geuchies J.J., Ligthart H., Petukhov A.V. & de Mello Donega C. (2016), Oleic acid-induced atomic alignment of ZnS polyhedral nanocrystals, Nano Letters 16(4): 2608-2614.
- Boneschanscher M.P., Evers W.H., Geuchies J.J., Altantzis T., Goris B., Rabouw F.T., Rossum S.A.P. van, Zant H.S.J. van der, Siebbeles L.D.A., Tendeloo G. van, Swart I., Hilhorst J., Petukhov A.V., Bals S. & Vanmaekelbergh D. (2014), Long-range orientation and atomic attachment of nanocrystals in 2D honeycomb superlattices, Science 344(6190): 1377-1380.