J Morreau
Hoogleraar Pathologie, in het bijzonder de moleculaire pathologie van erfelijke tumoren
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J. Morreau
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 6630
- j.morreau@lumc.nl
- 0000-0003-0140-443X
Hans Morreau is geregistreerd medisch specialist (patholoog), verbonden aan het Leidsch Universitair Medisch Centrum. Tevens is hij hoogleraar Pathologie en hoofd Moleculaire Diagnostiek van de Pathologie. In die laatste hoedanigheid is hij teven geregistreerd “klinisch moleculair bioloog in de pathologie (KMBP)” en KMBP opleider. Hans Morreau is parttime adviseur van GenomeScan, een privaat-publiek bedrijf voor moleculaire diagnostiek.
De leerstoel van Hans Morreau is primair omschreven als Hoogleraar Pathologie, “in het bijzonder de moleculaire pathologie van erfelijke tumoren”. Dit betrof en betreft de bewustmaking in de gangbare diagnostische pathologie dat erfelijke factoren meegewogen moeten worden in deze analyse. Het vinden van een erfelijke factor kan namelijk consequenties hebben voor de therapeutische keuzes en voor presymptomatische analyse bij familieleden met een verhoogd risico op ziekte(n). Omdat genen betrokken bij een erfelijke maligniteit ook belangrijk zijn bij de ontwikkeling en behandeling van niet erfelijke casus is een zogenaamde “tumor eerst” benadering een belangrijke strategie geworden in het vinden van zowel tumor specifieke afwijkingen alsmede afwijkingen die zowel in de tumor als in de kiembaan worden gevonden.
Naast de bovengenoemde focus als professor heeft Hans Morreau eveneens tot doel gesteld de moleculaire diagnostiek up-to-date te houden en nieuwe testen te introduceren. Tevens wordt meer fundamenteel onderzoek gedaan aan recurrente bijschildklier en schildkliertumoren.
Hoogleraar Pathologie, in het bijzonder de moleculaire pathologie van erfelijke tumoren
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Pathologie
- Boyaval, F.; Fariña-Sarasqueta, A.; Boonstra, J.J.; Heijs, B. & Morreau, H. (2024), Recognition of pseudoinvasion in colorectal adenoma using spatial glycomics, Frontiers in Medicine 10.
- Boyaval, F.; Fariña-Sarasqueta, A.; Boonstra, J.J.; Heijs, B. & Morreau, H. (2024), Recognition of pseudoinvasion in colorectal adenoma using spatial glycomics, Frontiers in Medicine.
- Schubert, S.A.; Ruano, D.; Joruiz, S.M.; Stroosma, J.; Glavak, N.; Montali, A.; Pinto, L.M.; Rodríguez-Girondo, M.; Barge-Schaapveld, D.Q.C.M.; Nielsen, M.; Nesselrooij, B.P.M. van; Mensenkamp, A.R.; Leerdam, M.E. van; Sharp, T.H.; Morreau, H.; Bourdon, J.C.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de & Wezel, T. van (2024), Germline variant affecting p53β isoforms predisposes to familial cancer, Nature Communications 15(1).
- Achterberg, F.B.; Mulder, B.G.S.; Janssen, Q.P.; Koerkamp, B.G.; Hol, L.; Quispel, R.; Bonsing, B.A.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Eijck, C.H.J. van; Roos, D.; Perk, L.E.; Harst, E. van der; Coene, P.P.L.O.; Doukas, M.; Smedts, F.M.M.; Kliffen, M.; Velthuysen, M.L.F. van; Terpstra, V.; Sarasqueta, A.F.; Morreau, H. & Mieog, J.S.D. (2023), Targeted next-generation sequencing has incremental value in the diagnostic work-up of patients with suspect pancreatic masses, PLoS ONE 18(1).
- Ibrahim, I.S.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Wasser, M.N.J.M.; Feshtali, S.; Bonsing, B.A.; Morreau, H.; Inderson, A.; Cappel, W.H.D.T.N. & Hout, W.B. van den (2023), Cost-effectiveness of pancreas surveillance, United European Gastroenterology Journal 11(2).
- Helderman, N.C.; Terlouw, D.; Bonjoch, L.; Golubicki, M.; Antelo, M.; Morreau, H.; Wezel, T. van; Castellvi-Bel, S.; Goldberg, Y. & Nielsen, M. (2023), Molecular functions of MCM8 and MCM9 and their associated pathologies, iScience 26(6).
- Klatte, D.C.F.; Boekestijn, B.; Onnekink, A.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Geest, L.G. van der; Wasser, M.N.J.M.; Feshtali, S.; Luelmo, S.A.C.; Morreau, H.; Potjer, T.P.; Inderson, A.; Boonstra, J.J.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Hooft, J.E. van; Bonsing, B.A.; Leerdam, M.E. van & Dutch Pancreatic Canc Grp (2023), Surveillance for pancreatic cancer in high-risk individuals leads to improved outcomes, Gastroenterology 164(7).
- Hilhorst, R.; Berg, A. van den; Boender, P.; Wezel, T. van; Kievits, T.; Wijn, R. de; Ruijtenbeek, R.; Corver, W.E. & Morreau, H. (2023), Differentiating benign from malignant thyroid tumors by kinase activity profiling and dabrafenib BRAF V600E targeting, Cancers 15(18).
- Terlouw, D.; Hes, F.J.; Suerink, M.; Boot, A.; Langers, A.M.J.; Tops, C.M.; Leerdam, M.E. van; Asperen, C.J. van; Rozen, S.G.; Bijlsma, E.K.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H. & Nielsen, M. (2023), APC mosaicism, not always isolated: two first-degree relatives with apparently distinct APC mosaicism, Gut 72(11): 2186-2187.
- Koster, E.J. de; Corver, W.E.; Geus-Oei, L.F. de; Oyen, W.J.G.; Ruano, D.; Schepers, A.; Snel, M.; Wezel, T. van; Vriens, D. & Morreau, H. (2023), A clinically applicable molecular classification of oncocytic cell thyroid nodules, Endocrine-Related Cancer 30(9).
- Helderman, N.C.; Lam, A.S.V.'.; Morreau, H.; Boot, A.; Wezel, T. van & Nielsen, M. (2023), Molecular profile of MSH6-associated colorectal carcinomas shows distinct features from other Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal carcinomas, Gastroenterology 165(1).
- Terlouw, D.; Boot, A.; Ducarmon, Q.R.; Nooij, S.; Jessurun, M.A.; Leerdam, M.E. van; Tops, C.M.; Langers, A.M.J.; Morreau, H.; Wezel, T. van & Nielsen, M. (2023), Colibactin mutational signatures in NTHL1 tumor syndrome and MUTYH associated polyposis patients, Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer 63(1).
- Aiyer, K.T.S.; Doeleman, T.; Ryan, N.A.; Nielsen, M.; Crosbie, E.J.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Morreau, H.; Goeman, J.J. & Bosse, T. (2022), Validity of a two-antibody testing algorithm for mismatch repair deficiency testing in cancer, Modern Pathology 35(12).
- Eikenboom, E.L.; Werf-'t Lam, A.S. van der; Rodriguez-Girondo, M.; Asperen, C.J. van; Dinjens, W.N.M.; Hofstra, R.M.W.; Leerdam, M.E. van; Morreau, H.; Spaander, M.C.W.; Wagner, A. & Nielsen, M. (2022), Universal immunohistochemistry for Lynch syndrome: s systematic review and meta-analysis of 58,580 colorectal carcinomas, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 20(3): E496-E507.
- Madunic, K.; Mayboroda, O.A.; Zhang, T.; Weber, J.; Boons, G.J.; Morreau, H.; Vlierberghe, R. van; Wezel, T. van; Lageveen-Kammeijer, G.S.M. & Wuhrer, M. (2022), Specific (sialyl-)Lewis core 2 O-glycans differentiate colorectal cancer from healthy colon epithelium, Theranostics 12(10): 4498-4512.
- Hoes, L.R.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Zeverijn, L.J.; Velden, D.L. van der; Haar, J. van de; Roepman, P.; Leng, W.J. de; Jansen, A.M.L.; Werkhoven, E. van; Noort, V. van der; Huitema, A.D.R.; Gort, E.H.; Groot, J.W.B. de; Kerver, E.D.; Groot, D.J. de; Erdkamp, F.; Beerepoot, L.V.; Hendriks, M.P.; Smit, E.F.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Labots, M.; Hoeben, A.; Morreau, H.; Lolkema, M.P.; Cuppen, E.; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W. & Voest, E.E. (2022), Patients with rare cancers in the Drug Rediscovery Protocol (DRUP) benefit from genomics-guided treatment, Clinical Cancer Research 28(7): 1402-1411.
- Klatte, D.C.F.; Boekestijn, B.; Wasser, M.N.J.M.; Shahbazi, S.F.; Ibrahim, I.S.; Mieog, J.S.D.; Luelmo, S.A.C.; Morreau, H.; Potjer, T.P.; Inderson, A.; Boonstra, J.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Hooft, J.E. van; Bonsing, B.A. & Leerdam, M.E. van (2022), Pancreatic Cancer Surveillance in Carriers of a Germline CDKN2A Pathogenic Variant: Yield and Outcomes of a 20-Year Prospective Follow-Up, Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(28): 3267-+.
- Aiyer, K.T.S.; Doeleman, T.; Ryan, N.A.; Nielsen, M.; Crosbie, E.J.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Morreau, H.; Goeman, J.J. & Bosse, T. (2022), Validity of a two-antibody testing algorithm for mismatch repair deficiency testing in cancer, Modern Pathology 35(12).
- Brouwer, T.P.; Vries, N.L. de; Abdelaal, T.; Krog, R.T.; Li, Z.; Ruano, D.; Farina, A.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Morreau, H.; Bonsing, B.A.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Koning, F. & Miranda, N.F.C.C. de (2022), Local and systemic immune profiles of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma revealed by single-cell mass cytometry, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 10(7).
- Suurmeijer, J.A.; Soer, E.C.; Dings, M.P.G.; Kim, Y.; Strijker, M.; Bonsing, B.A.; Brosens, L.A.A.; Busch, O.R.; Groen, J.V.; Halfwerk, J.B.G.; Slooff, R.A.E.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Molenaar, I.Q.; Offerhaus, G.J.A.; Morreau, J.; Vijver, M.J. van de; Sarasqueta, A.F.; Verheij, J.; Besselink, M.G.; Bijlsma, M.F.; Dijk, F. & Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Grp (2022), Impact of classical and basal-like molecular subtypes on overall survival in resected pancreatic cancer in the SPACIOUS-2 multicentre study, British Journal of Surgery 109(11): 1150-1155.
- Boyaval, F.; Dalebout, H.; Zeijl, R. van; Wang, W.J.; Farina-Sarasqueta, A.; Lageveen-Kammeijer, G.S.M.; Boonstra, J.J.; McDonnell, L.A.; Wuhrer, M.; Morreau, H. & Heijs, B. (2022), High-Mannose N-glycans as malignant progression markers in early-stage colorectal cancer, Cancers 14(6).
- Brouwer, T.; Ijsselsteijn, M.; Oosting, J.; Ruano, D.; Ploeg, M. van der; Dijk, F.; Bonsing, B.; Farina, A.; Morreau, H.; Vahrmeijer, A. & Miranda, N. de (2022), A Paradoxical Role for Regulatory T Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment of Pancreatic Cancer, Cancers 14(16).
- Ahmed, W.U.R.; Bhatia, S.; McLean, K.A.; Khaw, R.; Baker, D.; Kamarajah, S.K.; Bell, S.; Nepogodiev, D.; Harrison, E.M.; Glasbey, J.C.; Borakati, A.; Burke, J.; Drake, T.M.; Bath, M.F.; Claireaux, H.A.; Gundogan, B.; Mohan, M.; Deekonda, P.; Kong, C.; Joyce, H.; McNamee, L.; Woin, E.; Khatri, C.; Fitzgerald, J.E.; Bhangu, A.; Arulkumaran, N.; Duthie, F.; Hughes, J.; Pinkney, T.D.; Prowle, J.; Richards, T.; Thomas, M.; Blanco-Colino, R.; Chapman, S.J.; Pata, F.; Pellino, G.; Sgro, A.; Soares, A.; Elst, T. van; Straten, S. van; Knowles, C.H.; Dynes, K.; Patel, M.; Patel, P.; Wigley, C.; Suresh, R.; Shaw, A.; Klimach, S.; Jull, P.; Evans, D.; Preece, R.; Ibrahim, I.; Manikavasagar, V.; Smith, R.; Brown, F.S.; Teo, R.; Sim, D.P.Y.; Logan, A.E.; Barai, I.; Amin, H.; Suresh, S.; Sethi, R.; Gul, W.; Bolton, W.; Corbridge, O.; Horne, L.; Attalla, M.; Morley, R.; Robinson, C.; Hoskins, T.; McAllister, R.; Lee, S.; Dennis, Y.; Nixon, G.; Heywood, E.; Wilson, H.; Ng, L.; Samaraweera, S.; Mills, A.; Doherty, C.; Belchos, J.; Phan, V.; Lim, M.; Miller, F.A.; Chouari, T.; Gardner, T.; Goergen, N.; Hayes, J.D.B.; MacLeod, C.S.; McCormack, R.; McKinley, A.; McKinstry, S.; Milligan, W.; Ooi, L.; Rafiq, N.M.; Sammut, T.; Sinclair, E.; Smith, M.; Wong, J.; Ablett, A.D.; Tie-Gill, T.; Ramsay, G.; Paola, L. de; McGuckin, S.; Alshakhs, A.; Ahmeidat, A.; Francis, A.A.; Baker, C.; Boulton, A.P.R.; Collins, J.; Copley, H.C.; Fearnhead, N.; Fox, H.; Mah, T.; McKenna, J.; Naruka, V.; Nigam, N.; Nourallah, B.; Perera, S.; Qureshi, A.; Saggar, S.; Sun, L.; Wang, X.; Yang, D.D.; Ali, Z.; Mullarkey, L.; Walshe, R.; Lewis, E.; Berry, B.; Moneim, J.; Mookerjee, S.; Al-hadithi, A.; Caroll, P.; Doyle, C.; Elangovan, S.; Falamarzi, A.; Perai, K.G.; Greenan, E.; Jain, D.; Lang-Orsini, M.; Lim, S.; Ridgway, P.; Laan, S. van der; Arthur, J.; Barclay, J.; Bradley, P.; Edwin, C.; Finch, E.; Hayashi, E.; Hopkins, M.; Kelly, D.; Kelly, M.; McCartan, N.; Ormrod, A.; Pakenham, A.; Christy, S.; Hayward, J.; Hitchen, C.; Kishore, A.; Martins, T.; Philomen, J.; Rao, R.; Rickards, C.; Burns, N.; Copeland, M.; Durand, C.; Dyal, A.; Ghaffar, A.; Gidwani, A.; Grant, M.; Gribbon, C.; Gruhn, A.; Leer, M.; Ojofeitimi, O.; Carroll, L.; Hylands, A.; Delaugere, L.P.; Reveendran, D.; Ahmad, K.; Beattie, G.; Beatty, M.; Campbell, G.; Donaldson, G.; Graham, S.; Holmes, D.; Kanabar, S.; Liu, H.; McCann, C.; Stewart, R.; Vara, S.; Coulter, C.; Ralston, C.; Laverty, L.; Gallagher, P.; Ajibola-Taylor, O.; Andah, E.J.E.; Ani, C.; Cabdi, N.M.O.; Ito, G.; Jones, M.; Komoriyama, A.; Titu, L.; Ahmed, A.; Yeo, Y.Q.; Elliott, D.; Bennett, J.; Mcnamara, M.; Sivarajah, S.; Dunmore, C.; Basra, M.; Gallogly, P.; Harinath, G.; Leong, S.H.; Pradhan, A.; Siddiqui, I.; Zaat, S.; Ali, A.; Galea, M.; Looi, W.L.; Ng, J.C.K.; Farhan-Alanie, M.M.H.; Aitken, G.; Nair, M.; Aly, M.H.; Buari, M.; Atkin, G.; Azizi, A.; Cargill, Z.; China, Z.; Elliot, J.; Jebakumar, R.; Lam, J.; Mudalige, G.; Onyerindu, C.; Renju, M.; Babu, V.S.; Ahmed, K.; Sheikh, Z.; Monks, M.; Lehmann, J.; Rotimi, O.; Hussain, M.; Joji, N.; Lovett, B.; Mownah, H.; Dwyer-Hemmings, L.; Busuttil, A.; Powell, J.; Hensher, C.; Vivian, F.; Ali, B.; Cresswell, B.; Dhillon, A.K.; Dupaguntla, Y.S.; Hungwe, C.; Lowe-Zinola, J.D.; Tsang, J.C.H.; Wcislo, K.; Bevan, K.; Cardus, C.; Duggal, A.; Hossain, S.; McHugh, M.; Scott, M.; Millar, Z.; Hirosue, S.; Ogunmwonyi, I.; Nakakande, D.; Chan, F.; Evans, R.; Gurung, E.; Haughey, B.; Jacob-Ramsdale, B.; Kerr, M.; Lee, J.; McCann, E.; Reid, N.; Kwek, I.; Gaze, H.; Nirmalanantha, A.; Amran, M.A. bin; Foulkes, A.; Jones, N.; Lau, I.S.F.; Hayat, F.; Hodgson, S.; Johnston, R.; Jones, W.; Khan, M.; Linn, T.; Long, S.; Seetharam, P.; Shaman, S.; Smart, B.; Pillai, S.; Khoury, G.; Powell, T.; Maleyko, I.; Sangheli, A.; Ransome, M.; Isse, M.; Aromolaran, O.; Bholah, H.; Anilkumar, A.; Davies, J.; Griffith, J.; Hughes, B.; Islam, Y.; Kidanu, D.; Mushaini, N.; Qamar, I. & Robi (2022), Validation of the OAKS prognostic model for acute kidney injury after gastrointestinal surgery, BJS Open 6(1).
- Helderman, N.C.; Elsayed, F.A.; Wezel, T. van; Terlouw, D.; Langers, A.M.J.; Egmond, D. van; Kilinc, G.; Hristova, H.; Sarasqueta, A.F.; Morreau, H.; Nielsen, M. & Suerink, M. (2022), Mismatch repair deficiency and MUTYH variants in small intestine-neuroendocrine tumors, Human Pathology 125: 11-17.
- Hondelink, L.M.; Schrader, A.M.R.; Aghmuni, G.A.; Solleveld-Westerink, N.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Egmond, D. van; Boot, A.; Ouahoud, S.; Khalifa, M.N.; Lam, S.W.; Morreau, H.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Wezel, T. van & Cohen, D. (2022), The sensitivity of pan-TRK immunohistochemistry in solid tumours, European Journal of Cancer 173: 229-237.
- Roelands, J.; Ploeg, M. van der; Ijsselsteijn, M.E.; Dang, H.; Boonstra, J.J.; Hardwick, J.C.H.; Hawinkels, L.J.A.C.; Morreau, H. & Miranda, N.F.C.C. de (2022), Transcriptomic and immunophenotypic profiling reveals molecular and immunological hallmarks of colorectal cancer tumourigenesis, Gut 72(7).
- Steeghs, E.M.P.; Vink, G.R.; Elferink, M.A.G.; Voorham, Q.J.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Nagtegaal, I.D.; Grunberg, K.; Ligtenberg, M.J.L. & PATH Consortium Members (2021), Nationwide evaluation of mutation-tailored anti-EGFR therapy selection in patients with colorectal cancer in daily clinical practice, Journal of Clinical Pathology.
- Crezee, T.; Tesselaar, M.H.; Nagarajah, J.; Corver, W.E.; Morreau, J.; Pritchard, C.; Kimura, S.; Kuiper, J.G.; Engen-van Grunsven, I. van; Smit, J.W.A.; Netea-Maier, R.T. & Plantinga, T.S. (2021), Digoxin treatment reactivates in vivo radioactive iodide uptake and correlates with favorable clinical outcome in non-medullary thyroid cancer, Cellular Oncology 44.
- Crezee, T.; Tesselaar, M.H.; Jaeger, M.; Rabold, K.; Corver, W.; Morreau, H.; Engen-Van Grunsven, A.C.H. van; Smit, J.W.A.; Netea-Maier, R.T. & Plantinga, T.S. (2021), IGF2 is a potential factor in RAI-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer, Oncology Letters 22(2).
- Lam, S.W.; Kostine, M.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Schoffski, P.; Lee, C.J.; Morreau, H. & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2021), Mismatch repair deficiency is rare in bone and soft tissue tumors, Histopathology 79(4): 509-520.
- Suerink, M.; Kilinc, G.; Terlouw, D.; Hristova, H.; Sensuk, L.; Egmond, D. van; Sarasqueta, A.F.; Langers, A.M.J.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H. & Nielsen, M. (2021), Prevalence of mismatch repair deficiency and Lynch syndrome in a cohort of unselected small bowel adenocarcinomas, Journal of Clinical Pathology 74(11): 724-729.
- Ouahoud, S.; Jacobs, R.J.; Kodach, L.L.; Voorneveld, P.W.; Hawinkels, L.J.A.C.; Weil, N.L.; Vliet, B. van; Herings, R.M.; Burg, L.R.A. van der; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Slingerland, M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Putter, H. & Hardwick, J.C.H. (2021), Statin use is associated with a reduced incidence of colorectal cancer expressing SMAD4, British Journal of Cancer.
- Aydemirli, M.D.; Eendenburg, J.D.H. van; Wezel, T. van; Oosting, J.; Corver, W.E.; Kapiteijn, E. & Morreau, H. (2021), Targeting EML4-ALK gene fusion variant 3 in thyroid cancer, Endocrine-Related Cancer 28(6): 377-389.
- Bajwa-ten Broeke, S.W.; Ballhausen, A.; Ahadova, A.; Suerink, M.; Bohaumilitzky, L.; Seidler, F.; Morreau, H.; Wezel, T. van; Krzykalla, J.; Benner, A.; Miranda, N.F. de; Doeberitz, M.V.; Nielsen, M. & Kloor, M. (2021), The coding microsatellite mutation profile of PMS2-deficient colorectal cancer, Experimental and Molecular Pathology 122.
- Helderman, N.C.; Bajwa-ten Broeke, S.W.; Morreau, H.; Suerink, M.; Terlouw, D.; Werf-' t Lam, A.S. van der; Wezel, T. van & Nielsen, M. (2021), The diverse molecular profiles of lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancers are (highly) dependent on underlying germline mismatch repair mutations, Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 163.
- Boyaval, F.; Zeijl, R. van; Dalebout, H.; Holst, S.; Pelt, G. van; Farina-Sarasqueta, A.; Mesker, W.; Tollenaar, R.; Morreau, H.; Wuhrer, M. & Heijs, B. (2021), N-glycomic signature of stage II colorectal cancer and its association with the tumor microenvironment, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 20.
- Elsayed, F.A.; Tops, C.M.J.; Nielsen, M.; Morreau, H.; Hes, F.J. & Wezel, T. van (2021), Use of sanger and next-generation sequencing to screen for mosaic and intronic APC variants in unexplained colorectal polyposis patients, Familial Cancer 21.
- Aydemirli, M.D.; Snel, M.; Wezel, T.; Ruano, D.; Obbink, C.M.H.; Hout, W.B.; Schepers, A. & Morreau, H. (2021), Yield and costs of molecular diagnostics on thyroid cytology slides in the Netherlands, adapting the Bethesda classification, ENDOCRINOLOGY DIABETES & METABOLISM 5(4).
- Smuk, G.; Pajor, G.; Szuhai, K.; Morreau, H.; Kocsmar, I.; Kocsmar, E.; Pajor, L.; Kajtar, B.; Sarosi, V.; Lotz, G. & Tornoczky, T. (2020), Attenuated isolated 3 ' signal, Lung Cancer 143: 80-85.
- Madunic, K.; Zhang, T.; Mayboroda, O.; Vlieberghe, R. van; Wezel, T.J. van; Morreau, H.; Lageveen-Kammeijer, G. & Wuhrer, M. (2020), Unraveling the O-glycan diversity in colon cancer tissues and cell lines, Glycobiology 30(12): 1076-1077.
- Jansen, A.M.L.; Tops, C.M.J.; Ruano, D.; Eijk, R. van; Wijnen, J.T.; Broeke, S. ten; Nielsen, M.; Hes, F.J.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2020), The complexity of screening PMS2 in DNA isolated from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded material, European Journal of Human Genetics 28(3): 333-338.
- Terlouw, D.; Suerink, M.; Boot, A.; Wezel, T. van; Nielsen, M. & Morreau, H. (2020), Recurrent APC splice variant c.835-8A > G in patients with unexplained colorectal polyposis fulfilling the colibactin mutational signature, Gastroenterology 159(4): 1612-+.
- Addie, R.D.; Kostidis, S.; Corver, W.E.; Oosting, J.; Aminzadeh-Gohari, S.; Feichtinger, R.G.; Kofler, B.; Aydemirli, M.D.; Giera, M. & Morreau, H. (2020), Metabolic reprogramming related to whole-chromosome instability in models for Hurthle cell carcinoma, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Schubert, S.A.; Ruano, D.; Tiersma, Y.; Drost, M.; Wind, N. de; Nielsen, M.; Hest, L.P. van; Morreau, H.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de & Wezel, T. van (2020), Digenic inheritance of MSH6 and MUTYH variants in familial colorectal cancer, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 59(12).
- Aydemirli, M.D.; Tuin, K. van der; Hes, F.J.; Ouweland, A.M.W. van den; Wezel, T. van; Kapiteijn, E. & Morreau, H. (2020), A unique case of two somatic APC mutations in an early onset cribriform-morular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma and overview of the literature, Familial Cancer 19(1): 15-21.
- Schubert, S.A.; Morreau, H.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de & Wezel, T. van (2020), The missing heritability of familial colorectal cancer, Mutagenesis 35(3): 221-231.
- Chapman, S.J. & EuroSurg Collaborative (2020), Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery, British Journal of Surgery 107(5): 552-559.
- EuroSurg Collaborative (2020), Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery, British Journal of Surgery 107(2): E161-E169.
- Elsayed, F.A.; Grolleman, J.E.; Ragunathan, A.; Buchanan, D.D.; Wezel, T. van; Voer, R.M. de & NTHL 1 Study Grp (2020), Monoallelic NTHL1 loss-of-function variants and risk of polyposis and colorectal cancer, Gastroenterology 159(6).
- Terlouw, D.; Suerink, M.; Singh, S.S.; Gille, H.J.J.P.; Hes, F.J.; Langers, A.M.J.; Morreau, H.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Vos, Y.J.; Wezel, T. van; Tops, C.M.; Broeke, S.W. ten & Nielsen, M. (2020), Declining detection rates for APC and biallelic MUTYH variants in polyposis patients, implications for DNA testing policy, European Journal of Human Genetics 28(2): 222-230.
- Dekkers, N.; Boonstra, J.J.; Moons, L.M.G.; Hompes, R.; Bastiaansen, B.A.; Tuynman, J.B.; Koch, A.D.; Weusten, B.L.A.M.; Pronk, A.; Neijenhuis, P.A.; Westerterp, M.; Hout, W.B. van den; Langers, A.M.J.; Kraan, J. van der; Alkhalaf, A.; Lai, J.Y.L.; Borg, F. ter; Fabry, H.; Halet, E.; Schwartz, M.P.; Nagengast, W.B.; Straathof, J.W.A.; Hove, R.W.R. ten; Oterdoom, L.H.; Hoff, C.; Belt, E.J.T.; Zimmerman, D.D.E.; Hadithi, M.; Morreau, H.; Cuba, E.M.V. de; Leijtens, J.W.A.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Leerdam, M.E. van; Graaf, E.J.R. de; Doornebosch, P.G. & Hardwick, J.C.H. (2020), Transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) versus endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for resection of non-pedunculated rectal lesions (TRIASSIC study): study protocol of a European multicenter randomised controlled trial, BMC Gastroenterology 20(1).
- Aydemirli, M.D.; Corver, W.; Beuk, R.; Roepman, P.; Solleveld-Westerink, N.; Wezel, T. van; Kapiteijn, E. & Morreau, H. (2019), Targeted treatment options of recurrent radioactive iodine refractory Hürthle cell cancer, Cancers 11(8).
- Boot, A.; Oosting, J.; Doorn, S.; Ouahoud, S.; Garcia, M.V.; Ruano, D.; Morreau, H. & Wezel, T. van (2019), Allelic Switching of DLX5, GRB10, and SVOPL during Colorectal Cancer Tumorigenesis, International Journal of Genomics.
- Tuin, K. van der; Kock, L. de; Kamping, E.J.; Hannema, S.E.; Pouwels, M.J.M.; Niedziela, M.; Wezel, T. van; Hes, F.J.; Jongmans, M.C.; Foulkes, W.D. & Morreau, H. (2019), Clinical and Molecular Characteristics May Alter Treatment Strategies of Thyroid Malignancies in DICER1 Syndrome, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 104(2): 277-284.
- Tummers, W.S.; Groen, J.V.; Mulder, B.G.S.; Farina-Sarasqueta, A.; Morreau, J.; Putter, H.; Velde, C.J. van de; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Bonsing, B.A.; Mieog, J.S. & Swijnenburg, R.J. (2019), Impact of resection margin status on recurrence and survival in pancreatic cancer surgery, British Journal of Surgery 106(8): 1055-1065.
- Elsayed, F.A.; Tops, C.M.J.; Nielsen, M.; Ruano, I.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Morreau, H.; Hes, F.J. & Wezel, T. van (2019), Low frequency of POLD1 and POLE exonuclease domain variants in patients with multiple colorectal polyps, Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine 7(4).
- Terlouw, D.; Suerink, M.; Tops, C.; Langers, A.; Hes, F.J.; Broeke, S. ten; Dams, L.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H. & Nielsen, M. (2019), Mosaic APC mutations in patients with mild polyposis phenotypes, European Journal of Human Genetics 27: 1537-1537.
- Grolleman, J.E.; Voer, R.M. de; Elsayed, F.A.; Nielsen, M.; Weren, R.D.A.; Palles, C.; Ligtenberg, M.J.L.; Vos, J.R.; Broeke, S.W. ten; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Kuiper, R.A.; Kamping, E.J.; Jansen, E.A.M.; Vink-Borger, M.E.; Popp, I.; Lang, A.; Spier, I.; Huneburg, R.; James, P.A.; Li, N.; Staninova, M.; Lindsay, H.; Cockburn, D.; Spasic-Boskovic, O.; Clendenning, M.; Sweet, K.; Capella, G.; Sjursen, W.; Hoberg-Vetti, H.; Jongmans, M.C.; Neveling, K.; Kessel, A.G. van; Morreau, H.; Hes, F.J.; Sijmons, R.H.; Schackert, H.K.; Ruiz-Ponte, C.; Dymerska, D.; Lubinski, J.; Rivera, B.; Foulkes, W.D.; Tomlinson, I.P.; Valle, L.; Buchanan, D.D.; Kenwrick, S.; Adlard, J.; Dimovski, A.J.; Campbell, I.G.; Aretz, S.; Schindler, D.; Wezel, T. van; Hoogerbrugge, N. & Kuiper, R.P. (2019), Mutational Signature Analysis Reveals NTHL1 Deficiency to Cause a Multi-tumor Phenotype, Cancer Cell 35(2): 256-+.
- Ijsselsteijn, M.E.; Petitprez, F.; Lacroix, L.; Ruano, D.; Breggen, R. van der; Julie, C.; Morreau, H.; Sautes-Fridman, C.; Fridman, W.H. & Miranda, N.F.D.C. de (2019), Revisiting immune escape in colorectal cancer in the era of immunotherapy, British Journal of Cancer 120(8): 815-818.
- Tuin, K. van der; Garcia, M.V.; Corver, W.E.; Khalifa, M.N.; Neto, D.R.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Hess, F.J.; Links, T.P.; Smit, J.W.A.; Plantinga, T.S.; Kapiteijn, E.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2019), Targetable gene fusions identified in radioactive iodine refractory advanced thyroid carcinoma, European Journal of Endocrinology 180(4): 235-241.
- Sghaier, R. ben; Jansen, A.M.L.; Bdioui, A.; Wezel, T. van; Ksiaa, M.; Elgolli, L.; Fatma, L. ben; Ahmed, S. ben; Azzouz, M.M.; Hellara, O.; Elghali, A.; Darbel, F.; Skandrani, K.; Mokkni, M.; Gdissa, A.; Ltaief, R.; Saad, A.; Hmila, F.; Gribaa, M. & Morreau, H. (2019), Targeted next generation sequencing screening of Lynch syndrome in Tunisian population, Familial Cancer 18(3): 343-348.
- Aydemirli, M.D.; Corver, W.; Beuk, R.; Roepman, P.; Solleveld-Westerink, N.; Wezel, T. van; Kapiteijn, E. & Morreau, H. (2019), Targeted Treatment Options of Recurrent Radioactive Iodine Refractory Hurthle Cell Cancer, Cancers 11(8).
- Corver, W.E. & Morreau, H. (2019), Unique landscape of widespread chromosomal losses in Hurthle cell carcinoma, Endocrine-Related Cancer 26(3): L1-L3.
- Bollerslev, J.; Schalin-Jantti, C.; Rejnmark, L.; Siggelkow, H.; Morreau, H.; Thakker, R.; Sitges-Serra, A.; Cetani, F.; Marcocci, C.; Guistina, A.; Hul, W. van; Amrein, K.; Sikjaer, T.; Hindle, E.; Vamvalddis, K.; Corbetta, S.; Balaia, Z.; Astor, M.; Makay, O.; Newey, P.; Hannan, F.; Rolighed, L.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.; Wicke, C.; Pilz, S.; Saponaro, F.; Vestergard, P. & PARAT Workshop Grp (2019), Unmet therapeutic, educational and scientific needs in parathyroid disorders: Consensus Statement from the first European Society of Endocrinology Workshop (PARAT), European Journal of Endocrinology 181(3): P1-P19.
- Ghorbanoghli, Z.; Bastiaansen, B.A.J.; Langers, A.M.J.; Nagengast, F.M.; Poley, J.W.; Hardwick, J.C.H.; Koornstra, J.J.; Sanduleanu, S.; Cappel, W.H.D.T.N.; Witteman, B.J.M.; Morreau, H.; Dekker, E. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2018), Extracolonic cancer risk in Dutch patients with APC (adenomatous polyposis coli)-associated polyposis, Journal of Medical Genetics 55(1): 11-14.
- Corver, W.E.; Demmers, J.; Oosting, J.; Sahraeian, S.; Boot, A.; Ruano, D.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2018), ROS-induced near-homozygous genomes in thyroid cancer, Endocrine-Related Cancer 25(1): 83-97.
- Van Der Tuin K., de Kock L., Kamping E. J., Hannema S. E., Pouwels M. J. M., Niedziela M., van Wezel T., Hes F. J., Jongmans M. C., Foulkes W. D. & Morreau H. (2018), Clinical and Molecular Characteristics May Alter Treatment Strategies of Thyroid Malignancies in DICER1-Syndrome, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 65: S651-S651.
- Tuin, K. van der; Mensenkamp, A.R.; Tops, C.M.J.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Dinjens, W.N.; Horst-Schrivers, A.N. van de; Jansen, J.C.; Jong, M.M. de; Kunst, H.P.M.; Kusters, B.; Leter, E.M.; Morreau, H.; Nesselrooij, B.M.P. van; Oldenburg, R.A.; Spruijt, L.; Hes, F.J. & Timmers, H.J.L.M. (2018), Clinical Aspects of SDHA-Related Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma: A Nationwide Study, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 103(2): 438-445.
- Leicher, L.W.; Lammertink, M.H.A.; Offerman, S.R.; Morreau, H.; Jong, M.M. de; Groot, J.W.B. de; Westreenen, H.L. van; Vasen, H.F.A. & Cappel, W.H.D.T.N. (2018), Consequences of testing for mismatch repair deficiency of colorectal cancer in clinical practice, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 53(5): 632-636.
- Tuin, K. van der; Mensenkamp, A.R.; Tops, C.J.; Kunst, H.P.; Jansen, J.C.; Kleij-Corssmit, E.P. van der; Morreau, H.; Jong, M.M. de; Leter, E.M.; Nesselrooij, B.M.P. van; Oldenburg, R.A.; Hes, F.J. & Timmers, H.J. (2018), Clinical aspects of SDHA-related pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma; a nationwide study, European Journal of Human Genetics 26: 602-602.
- Ibrahim, I.; Mulder, B.G.S.; Bonsing, B.; Morreau, H.; Sarasqueta, A.F.; Inderson, A.; Luelmo, S.; Feshtali, S.; Potjer, T.P.; Cappel, W.D.T.N.; Wasser, M. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2018), Risk of multiple pancreatic cancers in CDKN2A-p16-Leiden mutation carriers, European Journal of Human Genetics 26(8): 1227-1229.
- Pelt, G.W. van; Sandberg, T.P.; Morreau, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Krieken, J.H.J.M. van; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & Mesker, W.E. (2018), The tumour-stroma ratio in colon cancer: the biological role and its prognostic impact, Histopathology 73(2): 197-206.
- Lodewijk, L.; Willems, S.M.; Dreijerink, K.M.A.; Keizer, B. de; Diest, P.J. van; Schepers, A.; Morreau, H.; Bonenkamp, H.J.; Engen-van Grunsven, I.A.C.H. van; Kruijff, S.; Hemel, B.M. van; Links, T.P.; Dijkum, E.N. van; Eeden, S. van; Valk, G.D.; Rinkes, I.H.M.B. & Vriens, M.R. (2018), The theranostic target prostate-specific membrane antigen is expressed in medullary thyroid cancer, Human Pathology 81: 245-254.
- Pelt, G.W. van; Kjaer-Frifeldt, S.; Krieken, J.H.J.M. van; Dieri, R. al; Morreau, H.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Sorensen, F.B. & Mesker, W.E. (2018), Scoring the tumor-stroma ratio in colon cancer: procedure and recommendations, Virchows Archiv 473(4): 405-412.
- Jansen, A.M.L.; Klift, H.M. van der; Roos, M.A.E.; Eendenburg, J.D.H. van; Tops, C.M.J.; Wijnen, J.T.; Hes, F.J.; Morreau, H. & Wezel, T. van (2018), RNA analysis of cancer predisposing genes in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue determines aberrant splicing, European Journal of Human Genetics 26(8): 1143-1150.
- Ibrahim, I.; Mulder, B.G.S.; Bonsing, B.; Morreau, H.; Sarasqueta, A.F.; Inderson, A.; Luelmo, S.; Feshtali, S.; Potjer, T.P.; Cappel, W.D.T.N.; Wasser, M. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2018), Risk of multiple pancreatic cancers in CDKN2A-p16-Leiden mutation carriers, European Journal of Human Genetics 26(8): 1227-1229.
- Broeke, S.W. ten; Bavel, T.C. van; Jansen, A.M.L.; Gomez-Garcia, E.; Hes, F.J.; Hest, L.P. van; Letteboer, T.G.W.; Olderode-Berends, M.J.W.; Ruano, D.; Spruijt, L.; Suerink, M.; Tops, C.M.; Eijk, R. van; Morreau, H.; Wezel, T. van & Nielsen, M. (2018), Molecular Background of Colorectal Tumors From Patients With Lynch Syndrome Associated With Germline Variants in PMS2, Gastroenterology 155(3): 844-851.
- Ibrahim, I.S.; Wasser, M.N.; Wu, Y.H.; Inderson, A.; Cappel, W.H.D.T.N.; Morreau, H.; Hes, F.J.; Veenendaal, R.A.; Putter, H.; Feshtali, S.; Mil, A.M. van; Gruis, N.A.; Tollenaar, R.A.; Bergman, W.; Bonsing, B.A. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2018), High Growth Rate of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in CDKN2A-p16-Leiden Mutation Carriers, Cancer Prevention Research 11(9): 551-556.
- Crobach, S.; Jansen, A.M.L.; Ligtenberg, M.J.L.; Koopmans, M.; Nielsen, M.; Hes, F.J.; Wijnen, J.T.; Dinjens, W.N.M.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2018), Excluding Lynch syndrome in a female patient with metachronous DNA mismatch repair deficient colon- and ovarian cancer, Familial Cancer 17(3): 415-420.
- Soer, E.; Brosens, L.; Vijver, M. van de; Dijk, F.; Velthuysen, M.L. van; Farina-Sarasqueta, A.; Morreau, H.; Offerhaus, J.; Koens, L. & Verheij, J. (2018), Dilemmas for the pathologist in the oncologic assessment of pancreatoduodenectomy specimens, Virchows Archiv 472(4): 533-543.
- Mulder, B.G.S.; Mieog, J.S.D.; Sarasqueta, A.F.; Handgraaf, H.J.M.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Swijnenburg, R.J.; Luelmo, S.A.C.; Feshtali, S.; Inderson, A.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Bonsing, B.A.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2018), Diagnostic value of targeted next-generation sequencing in patients with suspected pancreatic or periampullary cancer, Journal of Clinical Pathology 71(3): 246-252.
- Koster, E.J. de; Geus-Oei, L.F. de; Dekkers, O.M.; Engen-van Grunsven, I. van; Hamming, J.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Morreau, H.; Schepers, A.; Smit, J.; Oyen, W.J.G. & Vriens, D. (2018), Diagnostic Utility of Molecular and Imaging Biomarkers in Cytological Indeterminate Thyroid Nodules, Endocrine Reviews 39(2): 154-191.
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- Stelloo, E.; Jansen, A.M.L.; Osse, E.M.; Nout, R.A.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Ruano, D.; Church, D.N.; Morreau, H.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Wezel, T. van & Bosse, T. (2017), Practical guidance for mismatch repair-deficiency testing in endometrial cancer, Annals of Oncology 28(1): 96-102.
- Schubert, S.A.; Ruano, D.; Elsayed, F.A.; Boot, A.; Crobach, S.; Sarasqueta, A.F.; Wolffenbuttel, B.; Klauw, M.M. van der; Oosting, J.; Tops, C.M.; Eijk, R. van; Vasen, H.F.A.; Vossen, R.H.A.M.; Nielsen, M.; Castellvi-Bel, S.; Ruiz-Ponte, C.; Tomlinson, I.; Dunlop, M.G.; Vodicka, P.; Wijnen, J.T.; Hes, F.J.; Morreau, H.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Sijmons, R.H. & Wezel, T. van (2017), Evidence for genetic association between chromosome 1q loci and predisposition to colorectal neoplasia, British Journal of Cancer 117(8): 1215-1223.
- Schneider, T.C.; Wit, D. de; Links, T.P.; Erp, N.P. van; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Roozen, I.C.F.M.; Bos, M.; Corver, W.E.; Wezel, T. van; Smit, J.W.A.; Morreau, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Kapiteijn, E. (2017), Everolimus in Patients With Advanced Follicular-Derived Thyroid Cancer: Results of a Phase II Clinical Trial, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 102(2): 698-707.
- Tummers, W.S.; Farina-Sarasqueta, A.; Boonstra, M.C.; Prevoo, H.A.; Sier, C.F.; Mieog, J.S.; Morreau, J.; Eijck, C.H. van; Kuppen, P.J.; Velde, C.J. van de; Bonsing, B.A.; Vahrmeijer, A.L. & Swijnenburg, R.J. (2017), Selection of optimal molecular targets for tumor-specific imaging in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, Oncotarget 8(34): 56816-56828.
- Geus, S.W.L. de; Baart, V.M.; Boonstra, M.C.; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Prevoo, H.A.J.M.; Mazar, A.P.; Bonsing, B.A.; Morreau, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Vahrmeijer, A.L. & Sier, C.F.M. (2017), Prognostic Impact of Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor Expression in Pancreatic Cancer: Malignant Versus Stromal Cells, Biomarker Insights 12: 1-9.
- Jansen, A.M.L.; Crobach, S.; Geurts-Giele, W.R.R.; Akker, B.E.W.M. van den; Garcia, M.V.; Ruano, D.; Nielsen, M.; Tops, C.M.J.; Wijnen, J.T.; Hes, F.J.; Wezel, T. van; Dinjens, W.N.M. & Morreau, H. (2017), Distinct Patterns of Somatic Mosaicism in the APC Gene in Neoplasms From Patients With Unexplained Adenomatous Polyposis, Gastroenterology 152(3): 546-+.
- Ibrahim, I.S.; Bonsing, B.A.; Swijnenburg, R.J.; Welling, L.; Veenendaal, R.A.; Wasser, M.N.J.M.; Morreau, H.; Inderson, A. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2017), Dilemmas in the management of screen-detected lesions in patients at high risk for pancreatic cancer, Familial Cancer 16(1): 111-115.
- Pandya, C.; Uzilov, A.V.; Bellizzi, J.; Lau, C.Y.; Moe, A.S.; Strahl, M.; Hamou, W.; Newman, L.C.; Fink, M.Y.; Antipin, Y.; Yu, W.; Stevenson, M.; Cavaco, B.M.; Teh, B.T.; Thakker, R.V.; Morreau, H.; Schadt, E.E.; Sebra, R.; Li, S.Y.D.; Arnold, A. & Chen, R. (2017), Genomic profiling reveals mutational landscape in parathyroid carcinomas, JCI insight 2(6).
- Manen, L. van; Stegehuis, P.L.; Farina-Sarasqueta, A.; Haan, L.M. de; Eggermont, J.; Bonsing, B.A.; Morreau, H.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Dijkstra, J. & Mieog, J.S.D. (2017), Validation of full-field optical coherence tomography in distinguishing malignant and benign tissue in resected pancreatic cancer specimens, PLoS ONE 12(4).
- Sandberg, T.; Oosting, J.; Pelt, G. van; Putter, H.; Wezel, J.T. van; Tollenaar, R.; Morreau, J. & Mesker, W. (2017), Molecular profiling of colorectal tumors stratified by the histological tumor-stroma ratio, Annals of Oncology 28.
- Tuin, K. van der; Tops, C.M.J.; Adank, M.A.; Cobben, J.M.; Hamdy, N.A.T.; Jongmans, M.C.; Menko, F.H.; Nesselrooij, B.P.M. van; Netea-Maier, R.T.; Oosterwijk, J.C.; Valk, G.D.; Wolffenbuttel, B.H.R.; Hes, F.J. & Morreau, H. (2017), CDC73-Related Disorders: Clinical Manifestations and Case Detection in Primary Hyperparathyroidism, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 102(12): 4534-4540.
- Lodewijk, L.; Diest, P. van; Groep, P. van der; Hoeve, N. ter; Schepers, A.; Morreau, J.; Bonenkamp, J.; Engen-van Grunsven, A. van; Kruijff, S.; Hemel, B. van; Links, T.; Dijkum, E.N. van; Eeden, S. van; Valk, G.; Rinkes, I.B. & Vriens, M. (2017), Expression of HIF-1 alpha in medullary thyroid cancer identifies a subgroup with poor prognosis, Oncotarget 8(17): 28650-28659.
- Frouws, M.A.; Reimers, M.S.; Swets, M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Prinse, B.; Eijk, R. van; Lemmens, V.E.P.P.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Wezel, T. van; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Morreau, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2017), The Influence of BRAF and KRAS Mutation Status on the Association between Aspirin Use and Survival after Colon Cancer Diagnosis, PLoS ONE 12(1).
- Mulder, B.G.S.; Mieog, J.S.D.; Handgraaf, H.J.M.; Sarasqueta, A.F.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Potjer, T.P.; Swijnenburg, R.J.; Luelmo, S.A.C.; Feshtali, S.; Inderson, A.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Bonsing, B.A.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2017), Targeted next-generation sequencing of FNA-derived DNA in pancreatic cancer, Journal of Clinical Pathology 70(2): 174-178.
- Kostidis, S.; Addie, R.D.; Morreau, H.; Mayboroda, O.A. & Giera, M. (2017), Quantitative NMR analysis of intra-and extracellular metabolism of mammalian cells: A tutorial, Analytica Chimica Acta 980: 1-24.
- Voorneveld, P.W.; Reimers, M.S.; Bastiaannet, E.; Jacobs, R.J.; Eijk, R. van; Zanders, M.M.J.; Herings, R.M.C.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Kodach, L.L.; Wezel, T. van; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Morreau, H.; Velde, C.J.H.V. de; Hardwick, J.C.H. & Liefers, G.J. (2017), Statin Use After Diagnosis of Colon Cancer and Patient Survival, Gastroenterology 153(2): 470-+.
- Boot, A.; Oosting, J.; Eendenburg, J.D.H. van; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Morreau, H. & Wezel, T. van (2017), Methylation associated transcriptional repression of ELOVL5 in novel colorectal cancer cell lines, PLoS ONE 12(9).
- Stegehuis, P.L.; Boogerd, L.S.F.; Inderson, A.; Veenendaal, R.A.; Gerven, P. van; Bonsing, B.A.; Mieog, J.S.; Amelink, A.; Veselic, M.; Morreau, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Dijkstra, J.; Robinson, D.J. & Vahrmeijer, A.L. (2017), Toward optical guidance during endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirations of pancreatic masses using single fiber reflectance spectroscopy: a feasibility study, Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(2).
- de Koster E. J., de Geus-Oei L. F., Dekkers O. M., Grunsven I. van Engenvan, Hamming J. F., van der Kleij-Corssmit E. P. M., Morreau H., Schepers A., Smit J. W. A., Oyen W. J. G. & Vriens D. (2017), Diagnostic Utility of Molecular and Imaging Biomarkers in Cytologically Indeterminate Thyroid Nodules: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 44: S394-S394.
- Boot A., Oosting J., Miranda N.F. de, Zhang Y., Corver W.E., Water B. van de, Morreau H. & Wezel T. van (2016), Imprinted survival genes preclude loss of heterozygosity of chromosome 7 in cancer cells, Journal of Pathology 240(1): 72-83.
- Matheson, J.; Buhnemann, C.; Carter, E.J.; Barnes, D.; Hoppe, H.J.; Hughes, J.; Cobbold, S.; Harper, J.; Morreau, H.; Surakhy, M. & Hassan, A.B. (2016), Epithelial-mesenchymal transition and nuclear beta-catenin induced by conditional intestinal disruption of Cdh1 with Apc is E-cadherin EC1 domain dependent, Oncotarget 7(43): 69883-69902.
- Jansen, A.M.L.; Geilenkirchen, M.A.; Wezel, T. van; Jagmohan-Changur, S.C.; Ruano, D.; Klift, H.M. van der; Akker, B.E.W.M. van den; Laros, J.F.J.; Galen, M. van; Wagner, A.; Letteboer, T.G.W.; Gomez-Garcia, E.B.; Tops, C.M.J.; Vasen, H.F.; Devilee, P.; Hes, F.J.; Morreau, H. & Wijnen, J.T. (2016), Whole Gene Capture Analysis of 15 CRC Susceptibility Genes in Suspected Lynch Syndrome Patients, PLoS ONE 11(6).
- Suerink, M.; Klift, H.M. van der; Broeke, S.W. ten; Dekkers, O.M.; Bernstein, I.; Munar, G.C.; Garcia, E.G.; Hoogerbrugge, N.; Letteboer, T.G.W.; Menko, F.H.; Lindblom, A.; Mensenkamp, A.; Moller, P.; Os, T.A. van; Rahner, N.; Redeker, B.J.W.; Olderode, M.; Spruijt, L.; Vos, Y.J.; Wagner, A.; Morreau, H.; Hes, F.J.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Tops, C.M.; Wijnen, J.T. & Nielsen, M. (2016), The effect of genotypes and parent of origin on cancer risk and age of cancer development in PMS2 mutation carriers, Genetics in Medicine 18(4): 405-409.
- Geus, S.W.L. de; Boogerd, L.S.F.; Swijnenburg, R.J.; Mieog, J.S.D.; Tummers, W.S.F.J.; Prevoo, H.A.J.M.; Sier, C.F.M.; Morreau, H.; Bonsing, B.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Vahrmeijer, A.L. & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2016), Selecting Tumor-Specific Molecular Targets in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Paving the Way for Image-Guided Pancreatic Surgery, Molecular Imaging and Biology 18(6): 807-819.
- Boot, A.; Oosting, J.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Zhang, Y.H.; Corver, W.E.; Water, B. van de; Morreau, H. & Wezel, T. van (2016), Imprinted survival genes preclude loss of heterozygosity of chromosome 7 in cancer cells, Journal of Pathology 240(1): 72-83.
- Erp, S.J.H. van; Leicher, L.W.; Hennink, S.D.; Ghorbanoghli, Z.; Breg, S.A.C.; Morreau, H.; Nielsen, M.; Hardwick, J.C.H.; Roukema, J.A.; Langers, A.M.J.; Cappel, W.H.D.T.N. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2016), Identification of familial colorectal cancer and hereditary colorectal cancer syndromes through the Dutch population-screening program: results ofa pilot study, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 51(10): 1227-1232.
- Bolognesi, C.; Forcato, C.; Buson, G.; Fontana, F.; Mangano, C.; Doffini, A.; Sero, V.; Lanzellotto, R.; Signorini, G.; Calanca, A.; Sergio, M.; Romano, R.; Gianni, S.; Medoro, G.; Giorgini, G.; Morreau, H.; Barberis, M.; Corver, W.E. & Manaresi, N. (2016), Digital Sorting of Pure Cell Populations Enables Unambiguous Genetic Analysis of Heterogeneous Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tumors by Next Generation Sequencing, Scientific Reports 6.
- Jansen, A.M.L.; Wezel, T. van; Akker, B.E.W.M. van den; Garcia, M.V.; Ruano, D.; Tops, C.M.J.; Wagner, A.; Letteboer, T.G.W.; Gomez-Garcia, E.B.; Devilee, P.; Wijnen, J.T.; Hes, F.J. & Morreau, H. (2016), Combined mismatch repair and POLE/POLD1 defects explain unresolved suspected Lynch syndrome cancers, European Journal of Human Genetics 24(7): 1089-1092.
- Boot, A.; Eendenburg, J. van; Crobach, S.; Ruano, D.; Speetjens, F.; Calame, J.; Oosting, J.; Morreau, H. & Wezel, T. van (2016), Characterization of novel low passage primary and metastatic colorectal cancer cell lines, Oncotarget 7(12): 14499-14509.
- Vasen, H.; Ibrahim, I.; Ponce, C.G.; Slater, E.P.; Matthai, E.; Carrato, A.; Earl, J.; Robbers, K.; Mil, A.M. van; Potjer, T.; Bonsing, B.A.; Cappel, W.H.D.T.N.; Bergman, W.; Wasser, M.; Morreau, H.; Kloppel, G.; Schicker, C.; Steinkamp, M.; Figiel, J.; Esposito, I.; Mocci, E.; Vazquez-Sequeiros, E.; Sanjuanbenito, A.; Munoz-Beltran, M.; Montans, J.; Langer, P.; Fendrich, V. & Bartsch, D.K. (2016), Benefit of Surveillance for Pancreatic Cancer in High-Risk Individuals: Outcome of Long-Term Prospective Follow-Up Studies From Three European Expert Centers, Journal of Clinical Oncology 34(17): 2010-+.
- Plantinga, T.S.; Tesselaar, M.H.; Morreau, H.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Willemsen, B.K.; Kusters, B.; Engen-van Grunsven, A.C.H. van; Smit, J.W.A. & Netea-Maier, R.T. (2016), Autophagy activity is associated with membranous sodium iodide symporter expression and clinical response to radioiodine therapy in non-medullary thyroid cancer, Autophagy 12(7): 1195-1205.
- Schneider, T.C.; Kapiteijn, E.; Wezel, T. van; Smit, J.W.A.; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der & Morreau, H. (2016), (Secondary) solid tumors in thyroid cancer patients treated with the multi-kinase inhibitor sorafenib may present diagnostic challenges, BMC Cancer 16.
- Geus, S.W.L. de; Mieog, J.S.D.; Swijnenburg, R.J.; Prevoo, H.A.J.M.; Sier, C.F.M.; Morreau, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Bonsing, B.; Vahrmeijer, A.L. & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2016), Predictive Biomarkers for Short-Term Survival After Curative Intent Pancreatic Cancer Surgery: Identifying the Biologically Ill-Fated, Pancreas 45(10): 1502-1502.
- Stelloo, E.; Jansen, A.; Osse, E.; Nout, R.; Ruano, D.; Wezel, T. van; Creutzberg, C.; Smit, V.; Morreau, H. & Bosse, E. (2016), Comprehensive analysis of microsatellite instability and mismatch repair protein expression in nearly 700 endometrial cancers, Virchows Archiv 469: S19-S19.
- Hoekstra, A.S.; Addie, R.D.; Ras, C.; Seifar, R.M.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Hes, F.J.; Jansen, J.C.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Corver, W.E.; Morreau, H.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Bayley, J.P. & Devilee, P. (2016), Parent-of-origin tumourigenesis is mediated by an essential imprinted modifier in SDHD-linked paragangliomas: SLC22A18 and CDKN1C are candidate tumour modifiers, Human Molecular Genetics 25(17): 3715-3728.
- Kist, J.W.; Keizer, B. de; Vlies, M. van der; Brouwers, A.H.; Huysmans, D.A.; Zant, F.M. van der; Hermsen, R.; Stokkel, M.P.M.; Hoekstra, O.S.; Vogel, W.V. & THYROPET Study Grp (2016), I-124 PET/CT to Predict the Outcome of Blind I-131 Treatment in Patients with Biochemical Recurrence of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: Results of a Multicenter Diagnostic Cohort Study (THYROPET), Journal of Nuclear Medicine 57(5): 701-707.
- Crobach, S.; Ruano, D.; Eijk, R. van; Schrumpf, M.; Fleuren, G.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H. & PALGA Grp (2016), Somatic mutation profiles in primary colorectal cancers and matching ovarian metastases: Identification of driver and passenger mutations, Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research 2(3): 166-174.
- Balluff, B.; Frese, C.K.; Maier, S.K.; Schone, C.; Kuster, B.; Schmitt, M.; Aubele, M.; Hofler, H.; Deelder, A.M.; Heck, A.J.R.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Morreau, J.; Altelaar, A.F.M.; Walch, A. & McDonnell, L.A. (2015), De novo discovery of phenotypic intratumour heterogeneity using imaging mass spectrometry, Journal of Pathology 235(1): 3-13.
- Hennink, S.D.; Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der; Wolterbeek, R.; Crobach, A.S.L.P.; Becx, M.C.J.M.; Crobach, W.F.S.J.; Haastert, M. van; Hove, W.R. ten; Kleibeuker, J.H.; Meijssen, M.A.C.; Nagengast, F.M.; Rijk, M.C.M.; Salemans, J.M.J.I.; Stronkhorst, A.; Tuynman, H.A.R.E.; Vecht, J.; Verhulst, M.L.; Cappel, W.H.D.T.N.; Walinga, H.; Weinhardt, O.K.; Westerveld, D.; Witte, A.M.C.; Wolters, H.J.; Cats, A.; Veenendaal, R.A.; Morreau, H. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2015), Randomized Comparison of Surveillance Intervals in Familial Colorectal Cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 33(35): 4188-+.
- Yu, W.; McPherson, J.R.; Stevenson, M.; Eijk, R. van; Heng, H.L.; Newey, P.; Gan, A.; Ruano, D.; Huang, D.; Poon, S.L.; Ong, C.K.; Wezel, T. van; Cavaco, B.; Rozen, S.G.; Tan, P.; Teh, B.T.; Thakker, R.V. & Morreau, H. (2015), Whole-Exome Sequencing Studies of Parathyroid Carcinomas Reveal Novel PRUNE2 Mutations, Distinctive Mutational Spectra Related to APOBEC-Catalyzed DNA Mutagenesis and Mutational Enrichment in Kinases Associated With Cell Migration and Invasion, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 100(2): E360-E364.
- Voorneveld, P.W.; Kodach, L.L.; Jacobs, R.J.; Noesel, C.J.M. van; Peppelenbosch, M.P.; Korkmaz, K.S.; Molendijk, I.; Dekker, E.; Morreau, H.; Pelt, G.W. van; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Mesker, W.; Hawinkels, L.J.A.C.; Paauwe, M.; Verspaget, H.W.; Geraets, D.T.; Hommes, D.W.; Offerhaus, G.J.A.; Brink, G.R. van den; Dijke, P. ten & Hardwick, J.C.H. (2015), The BMP pathway either enhances or inhibits the Wnt pathway depending on the SMAD4 and p53 status in CRC, British Journal of Cancer 112(1): 122-130.
- Addie, R.D.; Balluff, B.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Morreau, H. & McDonnell, L.A. (2015), Current State and Future Challenges of Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Clinical Research, Analytical Chemistry 87(13): 6426-6433.
- Geus, S.W.L. de; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Prevoo, H.A.J.M.; Vlierberghe, R.L.; Swijnenburg, R.J.; Mieog, J.S.; Bonsing, B.A.; Morreau, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Vahrmeijer, A.L. & Sier, C.F.M. (2015), Targeting the Tumor-Associated Microenvironment: The Clinical Impact of Integrin Alpha 5 (ITGA5) in Patients With Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma, Pancreas 44(8): 1369-1369.
- Crobach, S.; Ruano, D.; Eijk, R. van; Fleuren, G.J.; Minderhout, I.; Snowdowne, R.; Tops, C.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2015), Target-Enriched Next-Generation Sequencing Reveals Differences between Primary and Secondary Ovarian Tumors in Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissue.
- Niemeijer, N.D.; Papathomas, T.G.; Korpershoek, E.; Krijger, R.R. de; Oudijk, L.; Morreau, H.; Bayley, J.P.; Hes, F.J.; Jansen, J.C.; Dinjens, W.N.M. & Corssmit, E.P.M. (2015), Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH)-Deficient Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Expands the SDH-Related Tumor Spectrum, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 100(10): E1386-E1393.
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.L.; Bos, M.M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Batman, E.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2015), Safety and efficacy of the addition of simvastatin to panitumumab in previously treated KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer patients, Anti-Cancer Drugs 26(8): 872-877.
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.L.; Tije, A.J. ten; Erdkamp, F.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2015), Safety and efficacy of the addition of simvastatin to cetuximab in previously treated KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer patients.
- Timofeeva, M.N.; Kinnersley ben; Farrington, S.M.; Whiffin, N.; Palles, C.; Svinti, V.; Lloyd, A.; Gorman, M.; Ooi, L.Y.; Hosking, F.; Barclay, E.; Zgaga, L.; Dobbins, S.; Martin, L.; Theodoratou, E.; Broderick, P.; Tenesa, A.; Smillie, C.; Grimes, G.; Hayward, C.; Campbell, A.; Porteous, D.; Deary, I.J.; Harris, S.E.; Northwood, E.L.; Barrett, J.H.; Smith, G.; Wolf, R.; Forman, D.; Morreau, H.; Ruano, D.; Tops, C.; Wijnen, J.; Schrumpf, M.; Boot, A.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Hes, F.J.; Wezel, T. van; Franke, A.; Lieb, W.; Schafmayer, C.; Hampe, J.; Buch, S.; Propping, P.; Hemminki, K.; Forsti, A.; Westers, H.; Hofstra, R.; Pinheiro, M.; Pinto, C.; Teixeira, M.; Ruiz-Ponte, C.; Fernandez-Rozadilla, C.; Carracedo, A.; Castells, A.; Castellvi-Bel, S.; Campbell, H.; Bishop, D.T.; Tomlinson, I.P.M.; Dunlop, M.G. & Houlston, R.S. (2015), Recurrent Coding Sequence Variation Explains Only A Small Fraction of the Genetic Architecture of Colorectal Cancer, Scientific Reports 5.
- Bolognesi, C.; Forcato, C.; Buson, G.; Fontana, F.; Signorini, G.; Medoro, G.; Morreau, H.; Barberis, M.; Corver, W.E. & Manaresi, N. (2015), Identification and molecular characterization of pure tumor cells from minute formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples enhanced by image-based microchip sorting technology, European Journal of Cancer 51: S39-S39.
- Out, A.A.; Minderhout, I.J.H.M. van; Stoep, N. van der; Bommel, L.S.R. van; Kluijt, I.; Aalfs, C.; Voorendt, M.; Vossen, R.H.A.M.; Nielsen, M.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Morreau, H.; Devilee, P.; Tops, C.M.J. & Hes, F.J. (2015), High-resolution melting (HRM) re-analysis of a polyposis patients cohort reveals previously undetected heterozygous and mosaic APC gene mutations, Familial Cancer 14(2): 247-257.
- Elsayed, F.A.; Kets, C.M.; Ruano, D.; Akker, B. van den; Mensenkamp, A.R.; Schrumpf, M.; Nielsen, M.; Wijnen, J.T.; Tops, C.M.; Ligtenberg, M.J.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Hes, F.J.; Morreau, H. & Wezel, T. van (2015), Germline variants in POLE are associated with early onset mismatch repair deficient colorectal cancer, European Journal of Human Genetics 23(8): 1080-1084.
- Burggraaf, J.; Kamerling, I.M.C.; Gordon, P.B.; Schrier, L.; Kam, M.L. de; Kales, A.J.; Bendiksen, R.; Indrevoll, B.; Bjerke, R.M.; Moestue, S.A.; Yazdanfar, S.; Langers, A.M.J.; Swaerd-Nordmo, M.; Torheim, G.; Warren, M.V.; Morreau, H.; Voorneveld, P.W.; Buckle, T.; Leeuwen, F.W.B. van; Odegardstuen, L.I.; Dalsgaard, G.T.; Healey, A. & Hardwick, J.C.H. (2015), Detection of colorectal polyps in humans using an intravenously administered fluorescent peptide targeted against c-Met, Nature Medicine 21(8): 955-961.
- Goossens-Beumer, I.J.; Oosting, J.; Corver, W.E.; Janssen, M.J.F.W.; Janssen, B.; Workum, W. van; Zeestraten, E.C.M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Morreau, H.; Kuppen, P.J.K. & Wezel, T. van (2015), Copy number alterations and allelic ratio in relation to recurrence of rectal cancer, BMC Genomics 16.
- Halkova, T.; Dvorakova, S.; Vaclavikova, E.; Sykorova, V.; Vcelak, J.; Sykorova, P.; Vlcek, P.; Reboun, M.; Katra, R.; Kodetova, D.; Schrumpf, M.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H. & Bendlova, B. (2015), A novel RET/PTC variant detected in a pediatric patient with papillary thyroid cancer without ionization history, Human Pathology 46(12): 1962-1969.
- Goossens-Beumer, I.J.; Benard, A.; Hoesel, A.Q. van; Zeestraten, E.C.M.; Putter, H.; Bohringer, S.; Liefers, G.J.; Morreau, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2015), Age-dependent clinical prognostic value of histone modifications in colorectal cancer, Translational Research, The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 165(5): 578-588.
- Hilhorst, M.H.; Berg, A. van den; Wezel, T. van; Kievits, T.; Boender, P.J.; Wijn, R. de; Ruijtenbeek, R.; Corver, W. & Morreau, H. (2015), Kinase activity profiles distinguish papillary thyroid cancers with and without BRAF V600E mutations, Cancer Research 75.
- Kobus, K.; Hartl, D.; Ott, C.E.; Osswald, M.; Huebner, A.; Hagen, M. von der; Emmerich, D.; Kuhnisch, J.; Morreau, H.; Hes, F.J.; Mautner, V.F.; Harder, A.; Tinschert, S.; Mundlos, S. & Kolanczyk, M. (2015), Double NF1 Inactivation Affects Adrenocortical Function in NF1Prx1 Mice and a Human Patient, PLoS ONE 10(3).
- Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Dinther, M. van; Akker, B.E.W.M. van den; Wezel, T. van; Dijke, P. ten & Morreau, H. (2015), Transforming Growth Factor beta Signaling in Colorectal Cancer Cells With Microsatellite Instability Despite Biallelic Mutations in TGFBR2, PLoS ONE 148(7): 1427-+.
- Dekker, T.J.A.; Jones, E.A.; Corver, W.E.; Zeijl, R.J.M. van; Deelder, A.M.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Mesker, W.E.; Morreau, H. & McDonnell, L.A. (2015), Towards imaging metabolic pathways in tissues, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407(8): 2167-2176.
- Goossens-Beumer, I.J.; Derr, R.S.; Buermans, H.P.J.; Goeman, J.J.; Bohringer, S.; Morreau, H.; Nitsche, U.; Janssen, K.P.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2015), MicroRNA Classifier and Nomogram for Metastasis Prediction in Colon Cancer, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 24(1): 187-197.
- Jansen, A.M.L.; Wezel, T. van; Akker, B.E.W.M. van den; Garcia, M.V.; Ruano, D.; Tops, C.M.J.; Wagner, A.; Letteboer, T.G.W.; Gomez-Garcia, E.B.; Devilee, P.; Wijnen, J.T.; Hes, F.J. & Morreau, H. (2015), Combined mismatch repair and POLE/POLD1 defects explain unresolved suspected Lynch syndrome cancers, European Journal of Human Genetics.
- Schneider, T.C.; Wit, D. de; Links, T.P.; Erp, N.P. van; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Morreau, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Kapiteijn, E. (2015), Beneficial Effects of the mTOR Inhibitor Everolimus in Patients with Advanced Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: Subgroup Results of a Phase II Trial, International Journal of Endocrinology.
- Reimers, M.S.; Bastiaannet, E.; Langley, R.E.; Eijk, R. van; Vlierberghe, R.L.P. van; Lemmens, V.E.P.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Wezel, T. van; Fodde, R.; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Morreau, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2014), Expression of HLA Class I Antigen, Aspirin Use, and Survival After a Diagnosis of Colon Cancer, JAMA Internal Medicine 174(5): 732-739.
- Goossens-Beumer, I.J.; Zeestraten, E.C.M.; Benard, A.; Christen, T.; Reimers, M.S.; Keijzer, R.; Sier, C.F.M.; Liefers, G.J.; Morreau, H.; Putter, H.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2014), Clinical prognostic value of combined analysis of Aldh1, Survivin, and EpCAM expression in colorectal cancer, British Journal of Cancer 110(12): 2935-2944.
- Abdelmoula, W.M.; Skraskova, K.; Balluff, B.; Carreira, R.J.; Tolner, E.A.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Maaten, L. van der; Morreau, H.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Heeren, R.M.A.; McDonnell, L.A. & Dijkstra, J. (2014), Automatic Generic Registration of Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data to Histology Using Nonlinear Stochastic Embedding, Analytical Chemistry 86(18): 9204-9211.
- Hes, F.J.; Ruano, D.; Nieuwenhuis, M.; Tops, C.M.; Schrumpf, M.; Nielsen, M.; Huijts, P.E.A.; Wijnen, J.T.; Wagner, A.; Garcia, E.B.G.; Sijmons, R.H.; Menko, F.H.; Letteboer, T.G.W.; Hoogerbrugge, N.; Harryvan, J.; Kampman, E.; Morreau, H.; Vasen, H.F.A. & Wezel, T. van (2014), Colorectal cancer risk variants on 11q23 and 15q13 are associated with unexplained adenomatous polyposis, Journal of Medical Genetics 51(1): 55-60.
- Papathomas, T.G.; Gaal, J.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Oudijk, L.; Korpershoek, E.; Heimdal, K.; Bayley, J.P.; Morreau, H.; Dooren, M. van; Papaspyrou, K.; Schreiner, T.; Hansen, T.; Andresen, P.A.; Restuccia, D.F.; Kessel, I. van; Leenders, G.J.L.H. van; Kros, J.M.; Looijenga, L.H.J.; Hofland, L.J.; Mann, W.; Nederveen, F.H. van; Mete, O.; Asa, S.L.; Krijger, R.R. de & Dinjens, W.N.M. (2014), Non-pheochromocytoma (PCC)/paraganglioma (PGL) tumors in patients with succinate dehydrogenase-related PCC-PGL syndromes: a clinicopathological and molecular analysis, European Journal of Endocrinology 170(1): 1-12.
- Pardini, B.; Verderio, P.; Pizzamiglio, S.; Nici, C.; Maiorana, M.V.; Naccarati, A.; Vodickova, L.; Vymetalkova, V.; Veneroni, S.; Daidone, M.G.; Ravagnani, F.; Bianchi, T.; Bujanda, L.; Carracedo, A.; Castells, A.; Ruiz-Ponte, C.; Morreau, H.; Howarth, K.; Jones, A.; Castellvi-Bel, S.; Li, L.; Tomlinson, I.; Wezel, T. van; Vodicka, P.; Radice, P.; Peterlongo, P. & EPICOLON Consortium (2014), Association between CASP8 -652 6N Del Polymorphism (rs3834129) and Colorectal Cancer Risk: Results from a Multi-Centric Study (vol 9, e85538, 2014), PLoS ONE 9(3).
- Putten, P.G. van; Lier, M.G.F. van; Hage, M.; Biermann, K.; Rijssel, R.H. van; Westenend, P.J.; Morreau, H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dinjens, W.N.M.; Kuipers, E.J.; Leerdam, M.E. van & Krieken, J.H. van (2014), Limited diagnostic value of microsatellite instability associated pathology features in colorectal cancer, Familial Cancer 13(3): 351-359.
- Pardini, B.; Verderio, P.; Pizzamiglio, S.; Nici, C.; Maiorana, M.V.; Naccarati, A.; Vodickova, L.; Vymetalkova, V.; Veneroni, S.; Daidone, M.G.; Ravagnani, F.; Bianchi, T.; Bujanda, L.; Carracedo, A.; Castells, A.; Ruiz-Ponte, C.; Morreau, H.; Howarth, K.; Jones, A.; Castellvi-Bel, S.; Li, L.; Tomlinson, I.; Wezel, T. van; Vodicka, P.; Radice, P.; Peterlongo, P. & EPICOLON Consortium (2014), Association between CASP8-652 6N Del Polymorphism (rs3834129) and Colorectal Cancer Risk: Results from a Multi-Centric Study, PLoS ONE 9(1).
- Boot, A.; Brito, A.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Costa, M. & Proenca, F. (2014), Anticancer Activity of Novel pyrido[2,3-b]indolizine Derivatives: The Relevance of Phenolic Substituents, Anticancer Research 34(4): 1673-1677.
- Voorneveld, P.W.; Kodach, L.L.; Jacobs, R.J.; Liv, N.; Zonnevylle, A.C.; Hoogenboom, J.P.; Biemond, I.; Verspaget, H.W.; Hommes, D.W.; Rooij, K. de; Noesel, C.J.M. van; Morreau, H.; Wezel, T. van; Offerhaus, G.J.A.; Brink, G.R. van den; Peppelenbosch, M.P.; Dijke, P. ten & Hardwick, J.C.H. (2014), Loss of SMAD4 Alters BMP Signaling to Promote Colorectal Cancer Cell Metastasis via Activation of Rho and ROCK, Gastroenterology 147(1): 196-U328.
- Corver, W.E.; Wezel, T. van; Molenaar, K.; Schrumpf, M.; Akker, B. van den; Eijk, R. van; Neto, D.R.; Oosting, J. & Morreau, H. (2014), Near-Haploidization Significantly Associates with Oncocytic Adrenocortical, Thyroid, and Parathyroid Tumors but not with Mitochondrial DNA Mutations, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 53(10): 833-844.
- Reimers, M.S.; Engels, C.C.; Putter, H.; Morreau, H.; Liefers, G.J.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2014), Prognostic value of HLA class I, HLA-E, HLA-G and Tregs in rectal cancer: a retrospective cohort study, BMC Cancer 14.
- Geus, S.W.L. de; Swijnenburg, R.J.; Prevoo, H.A.J.M.; Sier, C.F.M.; Bonsing, B.A.; Morreau, H.; Velde, C.J.H.V. de; Kuppen, P.J.K. & Vahrmeijer, A.L. (2014), Identifying Molecular Targets for Pancreatic Cancer: Paving the Way for Image-Guided Surgery, Pancreas 43(8): 1353-1353.
- Voorneveld, P.W.; Stache, V.; Jacobs, R.J.; Smolders, E.; Sitters, A.I.; Liesker, A.; Korkmaz, K.S.; Lam, S.M.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Morreau, H.; Kodach, L.L. & Hardwick, J.C.H. (2013), Reduced expression of bone morphogenetic protein receptor IA in pancreatic cancer is associated with a poor prognosis, British Journal of Cancer 109(7): 1805-1812.
- Potjer, T.P.; Schot, I.; Langer, P.; Heverhagen, J.T.; Wasser, M.N.J.M.; Slater, E.P.; Kloppel, U.; Morreau, H.M.; Bonsing, B.A.; Cappel, W.H.D.; Bargello, M.; Gress, T.M.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Bartsch, D.K. & Leiden Familial Pancreatic Canc Gr (2013), Variation in Precursor Lesions of Pancreatic Cancer among High-Risk Groups, Clinical Cancer Research 19(2): 442-449.
- Voorneveld, P.W.; Jacobs, R.J.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Morreau, H.; Noesel, C.J.M. van; Offerhaus, G.J.A.; Kodach, L.L. & Hardwick, J.C.H. (2013), Evaluation of the prognostic value of pSMAD immunohistochemistry in colorectal cancer, European Journal of Cancer Prevention 22(5): 420-424.
- Eijk, R. van; Stevens, L.; Morreau, H. & Wezel, T. van (2013), Assessment of a fully automated high-throughput DNA extraction method from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue for KRAS, and BRAF somatic mutation analysis, Experimental and Molecular Pathology 94(1): 121-125.
- Roon, E.H. van; Boot, A.; Dihal, A.A.; Ernst, R.F.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H. & Boer, J.M. (2013), BRAF mutation-specific promoter methylation of FOX genes in colorectal cancer, Clinical Epigenetics 5.
- Sarasqueta, A.F.; Forte, G.; Corver, W.E.; Miranda, N.F. de; Ruano, D.; Eijk, R. van; Oosting, J.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2013), Integral analysis of p53 and its value as prognostic factor in sporadic colon cancer, BMC Cancer 13.
- Bosse, T.; Haar, N.T. ter; Seeber, L.M.; Diest, P.J. van; Hes, F.J.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Nout, R.A.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Morreau, H. & Smit, V.T.H.B.M. (2013), Loss of ARID1A expression and its relationship with PI3K-Akt pathway alterations, TP53 and microsatellite instability in endometrial cancer, Modern Pathology 26(11): 1525-1535.
- Hermsen, I.G.C.; Haak, H.R.; Krijger, R.R. de; Kerkhofs, T.M.A.; Feelders, R.A.; Herder, W.W. de; Wilmink, H.; Smit, J.W.A.; Gelderblom, H.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Eijk, R. van; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2013), Mutational analyses of epidermal growth factor receptor and downstream pathways in adrenocortical carcinoma, European Journal of Endocrinology 169(1): 51-58.
- Dihal, A.A.; Boot, A.; Roon, E.H. van; Schrumpf, M.; Farina-Sarasqueta, A.; Fiocco, M.; Zeestraten, E.C.M.; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Morreau, H.; Wezel, T. van & Boer, J.M. (2013), The Homeobox Gene MEIS1 Is Methylated in BRAF(p.V600E) Mutated Colon Tumors, PLoS ONE 8(11).
- Hennink, S.D.; Hofland, N.; Gopie, J.P.; Kaa, C. van der; Koning, K. de; Nielsen, M.; Tops, C.; Morreau, H.; Cappel, W.H.D.T.N.; Langers, A.M.J.; Hardwick, J.C.; Gaarenstroom, K.N.; Tollenaar, R.A.; Veenendaal, R.A.; Tibben, A.; Wijnen, J.; Heck, M. van; Asperen, C. van; Roukema, A.J.; Hommes, D.W.; Hes, F.J. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2013), Value-based healthcare in Lynch syndrome, Familial Cancer 12(2): 347-354.
- Goossens-Beumer, I.; Zeestraten, E.; Benard, A.; Christen, T.; Reimers, M.; Keijzer, R.; Liefers, G.J.; Morreau, H.; Putter, H.; Velde, C. van de & Kuppen, P. (2013), Combined analysis of Aldh1, Survivin and EpCAM expression, representing important hallmarks of cancer, predicts clinical prognosis in colorectal cancer, Cancer Research 73(8).
- Talseth-Palmer, B.A.; Wijnen, J.T.; Brenne, I.S.; Jagmohan-Changur, S.; Barker, D.; Ashton, K.A.; Tops, C.M.; Evans, T.J.; McPhillips, M.; Groombridge, C.; Suchy, J.; Kurzawski, G.; Spigelman, A.; Moller, P.; Morreau, H.M.; Wezel, T. van; Lubinski, J.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Scott, R.J. & Dutch Canc Genetics Grp (2013), Combined analysis of three lynch syndrome cohorts confirms the modifying effects of 8q23.3 and 11q23.1 in MLH1 mutation carriers.
- Doornebosch, P.G.; Zeestraten, E.; Graaf, E.J.R. de; Hermsen, P.; Dawson, I.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & Morreau, H. (2012), Transanal endoscopic microsurgery for T1 rectal cancer: size matters!, Surgical Endoscopy 26(2): 551-557.
- Crobach, S.; Wezel, T. van; Vasen, H.F. & Morreau, H. (2012), Ovarian metastases of colorectal and duodenal cancer in familial adenomatous polyposis, Familial Cancer 11(4): 671-673.
- Spain, S.L.; Carvajal-Carmona, L.G.; Howarth, K.M.; Jones, A.M.; Su, Z.; Cazier, J.B.; Williams, J.; Aaltonen, L.A.; Pharoah, P.; Kerr, D.J.; Cheadle, J.; Li, L.; Casey, G.; Vodicka, P.; Sieber, O.; Lipton, L.; Gibbs, P.; Martin, N.G.; Montgomery, G.W.; Young, J.; Baird, P.N.; Morreau, H.; Wezel, T. van; Ruiz-Ponte, C.; Fernandez-Rozadilla, C.; Carracedo, A.; Castells, A.; Castellvi-Bel, S.; Dunlop, M.; Houlston, R.S. & Tomlinson, I.P.M. (2012), Refinement of the associations between risk of colorectal cancer and polymorphisms on chromosomes 1q41 and 12q13.13, Human Molecular Genetics 21(4): 934-946.
- Corver, W.E.; Ruano, D.; Weijers, K.; Nieuwenhuizen, M.P. van; Miranda, N. de; Eijk, R. van; Middeldorp, A.; Jordanova, E.S.; Oosting, J.; Kapiteijn, E.; Hovens, G.; Smit, J.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2012), Distinct chromosomal alterations in oncocytic follicular thyroid carcinoma, Cellular Oncology 35: S40-S40.
- Kapiteijn, E.; Schneider, T.C.; Morreau, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Smit, J.W.A. (2012), New treatment modalities in advanced thyroid cancer, Annals of Oncology 23(1): 10-18.
- Schneider, T.C.; Abdulrahman, R.M.; Corssmit, E.P.; Morreau, H.; Smit, J.W.A. & Kapiteijn, E. (2012), Long-term analysis of the efficacy and tolerability of sorafenib in advanced radio-iodine refractory differentiated thyroid carcinoma: final results of a phase II trial, European Journal of Endocrinology 167(5): 643-650.
- Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Hes, F.J.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2012), Role of the microenvironment in the tumourigenesis of microsatellite unstable and MUTYH-associated polyposis colorectal cancers, Mutagenesis 27(2): 247-253.
- Wezel, T. van; Middeldorp, A.; Wijnen, J.T. & Morreau, H. (2012), A review of the genetic background and tumour profiling in familial colorectal cancer., Mutagenesis 27(2): 239-45.
- Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Goudkade, D.; Jordanova, E.S.; Tops, C.M.J.; Hes, F.J.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2012), Infiltration of Lynch Colorectal Cancers by Activated Immune Cells Associates with Early Staging of the Primary Tumor and Absence of Lymph Node Metastases, Clinical Cancer Research 18(5): 1237-1245.
- Middeldorp, A.; Eijk, R. van; Oosting, J.; Forte, G.I.; Puijenbroek, M. van; Nieuwenhuizen, M. van; Corver, W.E.; Ruano, D.; Caldes, T.; Wijnen, J.; Morreau, H. & Wezel, T. van (2012), Increased frequency of 20q gain and copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity in mismatch repair proficient familial colorectal carcinomas., International Journal of Cancer 130(4): 837-46.
- Corver, W.E.; Ruano, D.; Weijers, K.; Hartog, W.C.E. den; Nieuwenhuizen, M.P. van; Miranda, N. de; Eijk, R. van; Middeldorp, A.; Jordanova, E.S.; Oosting, J.; Kapiteijn, E.; Hovens, G.; Smit, J.; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2012), Genome Haploidisation with Chromosome 7 Retention in Oncocytic Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma, PLoS ONE 7(6): -.
- Kersseboom, R.; Dubbink, H.J.; Corver, W.E.; Tilburg, A.J.P. van; Poley, J.W.; Leerdam, M.E. van; Atmodimedjo, P.N.; Laar, I.M.B.H. van de; Collee, J.M.; Dinjens, W.N.M.; Morreau, H. & Wagner, A. (2012), PTEN in colorectal cancer: a report on two Cowden syndrome patients, Clinical Genetics 81(6): 555-562.
- Ottenhof, N.A.; Wilde, R.F. de; Morsink, F.H.M.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Ausems, M.G.E.M.; Morreau, H.; Hillegersberg, R. van; Offerhaus, G.J.A. & Milne, A.N. (2012), Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. A case report, Human Pathology 43(3): 457-461.
- Pijpe, A.; Andrieu, N.; Easton, D.F.; Kesminiene, A.; Cardis, E.; Nogues, C.; Gauthier-Villars, M.; Lasset, C.; Fricker, J.P.; Peock, S.; Frost, D.; Evans, D.G.; Eeles, R.A.; Paterson, J.; Manders, P.; Asperen, C.J. van; Ausems, M.G.E.M.; Meijers-Heijboer, H.; Thierry-Chef, I.; Hauptmann, M.; Goldgar, D.; Rookus, M.A.; Leeuwen, F.E. van; GENEPSO; EMBRACE & HEBON (2012), Exposure to diagnostic radiation and risk of breast cancer among carriers of BRCA1/2 mutations: retrospective cohort study (GENE-RAD-RISK), British medical journal 345: -.
- Mesker, W.; Huijbers, A.; Johnstone, E.C.; Pelt, G. van; Midgley, R.; Liefers, G.J.; Morreau, J.; Kerr, D. & Tollenaar, R. (2011), STROMA PRODUCTION WITHIN THE PRIMARY TUMOR CORRELATES WITH POOR SURVIVAL FOR STAGE I-II COLON CANCER PATIENTS, Annals of Oncology 22: v16-v16.
- Eijk, R. van; Licht, J.; Schrumpf, M.; Yazdi, M.T.; Ruano, D.; Forte, G.I.; Nederlof, P.M.; Veselic, M.; Rabe, K.F.; Annema, J.T.; Smit, V.; Morreau, H. & Wezel, T. van (2011), Rapid KRAS, EGFR, BRAF and PIK3CA Mutation Analysis of Fine Needle Aspirates from Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Using Allele-Specific qPCR, PLoS ONE 6(3): -.
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.L.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Morreau, H. & Gelderblom, H. (2011), Concordance of Predictive Markers for EGFR Inhibitors in Primary Tumors and Metastases in Colorectal Cancer: A Review.
- Witteveen, J.E.; Hamdy, N.A.T.; Dekkers, O.M.; Kievit, J.; Wezel, T. van; Teh, B.T.; Romijn, J.A. & Morreau, H. (2011), Downregulation of CASR expression and global loss of parafibromin staining are strong negative determinants of prognosis in parathyroid carcinoma., Modern Pathology.
- Kodach, L.L.; Jacobs, R.J.; Voorneveld, P.W.; Wildenberg, M.E.; Verspaget, H.W.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Hommes, D.W.; Peppelenbosch, M.P.; Brink, G.R. van den & Hardwick, J.C.H. (2011), Statins augment the chemosensitivity of colorectal cancer cells inducing epigenetic reprogramming and reducing colorectal cancer cell 'stemness' via the bone morphogenetic protein pathway, Gut 60(11): 1544-1553.
- Witteveen, J.E.; Kievit, J.; Stokkel, M.P.M.; Morreau, H.; Romijn, J.A. & Hamdy, N.A.T. (2011), Limitations of Tc99m-MIBI-SPECT Imaging Scans in Persistent Primary Hyperparathyroidism, World Journal of Surgery 35(1): 128-139.
- Fransen, M.F.; Sluijter, M.; Morreau, H.; Arens, R. & Melief, C.J.M. (2011), Local Activation of CD8 T Cells and Systemic Tumor Eradication without Toxicity via Slow Release and Local Delivery of Agonistic CD40 Antibody, Clinical Cancer Research 17(8): 2270-2280.
- van Schaik J, Dekkers OM, van der Kleij-Corssmit EP, Romijn JA, Morreau H & van de Velde CJ (2011), Surgical treatment for unexplained severe pain of the thyroid gland: report of three cases and concise review of the literature., Case Reports in Medicine 2011: 349756.
- Mesker, W.E.; Huijbers, A.; Johnstone, E.C.; Pelt, G.W. van; Midgley, R.; Liefers, G.J.; Morreau, J.; Kerr, D.J. & Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. (2011), Stroma Production Within the Primary Tumour Correlates With Poor Survival for Stage I-II Colon Cancer Patients, European Journal of Cancer 47: S415-S415.
- Sarasqueta, A.F.; Zeestraten, E.C.M.; Wezel, T. van; Lijnschoten, G. van; Eijk, R. van; Dekker, J.W.T.; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Goossens-Beumer, I.J.; Lemmens, V.E.P.P.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Rutten, H.J.T.; Morreau, H. & Brule, A.J.C. van den (2011), PIK3CA kinase domain mutation identifies a subgroup of stage III colon cancer patients with poor prognosis, Cellular Oncology 34(6): 523-531.
- Roon, E.H.J. van; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Nieuwenhuizen, M.P. van; Meijer, E.J. de; Puijenbroek, M. van; Yan, P.S.; Huang, T.H.M.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H. & Boer, J.M. (2011), Tumour-specific methylation of PTPRG intron 1 locus in sporadic and Lynch syndrome colorectal cancer, European Journal of Human Genetics 19(3): 307-312.
- Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der; Morreau, H.; Becx, M.C.J.M.; Crobach, L.F.S.J.; Haastert, M. van; Hove, W.R. ten; Kleibeuker, J.H.; Meijssen, M.A.C.; Nagengast, F.M.; Rijk, M.C.M.; Salemans, J.M.J.I.; Stronkhorst, A.; Tuynman, H.A.R.E.; Vecht, J.; Verhulst, M.L.; Cappel, W.H.D.T.N.; Walinga, H.; Weinhardt, O.K.; Westerveld, B.D.; Witte, A.M.C.; Wolters, H.J. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2011), High detection rate of adenomas in familial colorectal cancer, Gut 60(1): 73-76.
- Pander, J.; Heusinkveld, M.; Straaten, T. van der; Jordanova, E.S.; Baak-Pablo, R.; Gelderblom, H.; Morreau, H.; Burg, S.H. van der; Guchelaar, H.J. & Hall, T. van (2011), Activation of Tumor-Promoting Type 2 Macrophages by EGFR-Targeting Antibody Cetuximab, Clinical Cancer Research 17(17): 5668-5673.
- Bruin, S.C.; He, Y.; Mikolajewska-Hanclich, I.; Liefers, G.J.; Klijn, C.; Vincent, A.; Verwaal, V.J.; Groot, K.A. de; Morreau, H.; Velthuysen, M.L.F. van; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & van't Veer, L.J. (2011), Molecular alterations associated with liver metastases development in colorectal cancer patients, British Journal of Cancer 105(2): 281-287.
- Nielsen, M.; Morreau, H.; Vasen, H.F.A. & Hes, F.J. (2011), MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP), Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 79(1): 1-16.
- Jacobs, R.J.; Kodach, L.L.; Weil, N.L.; Voorneveld, P.W.; Casparie, M.; Herings, R.M.; Morreau, H.; Brink, G.R. van den; Hommes, D.W. & Hardwick, J.C. (2011), Statins Reduce the Risk on Colorectal Cancer in Relation to SMAD4 Expression, Gastroenterology 140(5): S104-S104.
- Mesker, W.; Huijbers, A.; Johnstone, E.; Pelt, G. van; Midgley, R.; Morreau, H.; Kerr, D. & Tollenaar, R. (2011), Stroma production within the primary tumor correlates with poor survival for stage 1-11 colon cancer patients, European Journal of Cancer 47: S24-S24.
- Kohonen-Corish, M.R.J.; Macrae, F.; Genuardi, M.; Aretz, S.; Bapat, B.; Bernstein, I.T.; Burn, J.; Cotton, R.G.H.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Frebourg, T.; Greenblatt, M.S.; Hofstra, R.; Holinski-Feder, E.; Lappalainen, I.; Lindblom, A.; Maglott, D.; Moller, P.; Morreau, H.; Moslein, G.; Sijmons, R.; Spurdle, A.B.; Tavtigian, S.; Tops, C.M.J.; Weber, T.K.; Wind, N. de; Woods, M.O. & Contributors InSiGHT-HVP Workshop (2011), Deciphering the Colon Cancer Genes-Report of the InSiGHT-Human Variome Project Workshop, UNESCO, Paris 2010, Human Mutation 32(4): 491-494.
- Salazar, R.; Roepman, P.; Capella, G.; Moreno, V.; Simon, I.; Dreezen, C.; Lopez-Doriga, A.; Santos, C.; Marijnen, C.; Westerga, J.; Bruin, S.; Kerr, D.; Kuppen, P.; Velde, C. van de; Morreau, H.; Velthuysen, L. van; Glas, A.M.; Van't Veer, L.J. & Tollenaar, R. (2011), Gene Expression Signature to Improve Prognosis Prediction of Stage II and III Colorectal Cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 29(1): 17-24.
- Osorio, A.; Milne, R.L.; Alonso, R.; Pita, G.; Peterlongo, P.; Teule, A.; Nathanson, K.L.; Domchek, S.M.; Rebbeck, T.; Lasa, A.; Konstantopoulou, I.; Hogervorst, F.B.; Verhoef, S.; Dooren, M.F. van; Jager, A.; Ausems, M.G.E.M.; Aalfs, C.M.; Asperen, C.J. van; Vreeswijk, M.; Waisfisz, Q.; Roozendaal, C.E. van; Ligtenberg, M.J.; Easton, D.F.; Peock, S.; Cook, M.; Oliver, C.T.; Frost, D.; Curzon, B.; Evans, D.G.; Lalloo, F.; Eeles, R.; Izatt, L.; Davidson, R.; Adlard, J.; Eccles, D.; Ong, K.R.; Douglas, F.; Downing, S.; Brewer, C.; Walker, L.; Nevanlinna, H.; Aittomaki, K.; Couch, F.J.; Fredericksen, Z.; Lindor, N.M.; Godwin, A.; Isaacs, C.; Caligo, M.A.; Loman, N.; Jernstrom, H.; Barbany-Bustinza, G.; Liljegren, A.; Ehrencrona, H.; Stenmark-Askmalm, M.; Feliubadalo, L.; Manoukian, S.; Peissel, B.; Zaffaroni, D.; Bonanni, B.; Fortuzzi, S.; Johannsson, O.T.; Chenevix-Trench, G.; Chen, X.C.; Beesley, J.; Spurdle, A.B.; Sinilnikova, O.M.; Healey, S.; McGuffog, L.; Antoniou, A.C.; Brunet, J.; Radice, P.; Benitez, J.; HEBON; EMBRACE; SWE-BRCA; kConFab & CIMBA (2011), Evaluation of the XRCC1 gene as a phenotypic modifier in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Results from the consortium of investigators of modifiers of BRCA1/BRCA2, British Journal of Cancer 104(8): 1356-1361.
- Vasen, H.F.A.; Wasser, M.; Mil, A. van; Tollenaar, R.A.; Konstantinovski, M.; Gruis, N.A.; Bergman, W.; Hes, F.J.; Hommes, D.W.; Offerhaus, G.J.A.; Morreau, H.; Bonsing, B.A. & Cappel, W.H.D.T.N. (2011), Magnetic Resonance Imaging Surveillance Detects Early-Stage Pancreatic Cancer in Carriers of a p16-Leiden Mutation, Gastroenterology 140(3): 850-856.
- Mesker, W.; Johnstone, E.; Pelt, G. van; Midgley, R.; Liefers, G.; Morreau, J.; Kerr, D. & Tollenaar, R. (2010), STROMA PRODUCTION WITHIN THE PRIMARY TUMOR CORRELATES WITH POOR SURVIVAL FOR STAGE I-II COLON CANCER PATIENTS, Annals of Oncology 21: 38-38.
- Doekhie, F.S.; Mesker, W.E.; Kuppen, P.J.; Leeuwen, G.A. van; Morreau, H.; Bock, G.H. de; Putter, H.; Tanke, H.J.; Velde, C.J. van de & Tollenaar, R.A. (2010), Detailed examination of lymph nodes improves prognostication in colorectal cancer, International Journal of Cancer 126(11): 2644-2652.
- Mesker, W.; Johnstone, E.; Huijbers, A.; Pelt, G. van; Midgley, R.; Morreau, H.; Kerr, D. & Tollenaar, R. (2010), STROMA PRODUCTION WITHIN THE PRIMARY TUMOR CORRELATES WITH POOR SURVIVAL FOR STAGE I-II COLON CANCER PATIENTS., Annals of Oncology 21: 207-208.
- Middeldorp, A.; Jagmohan-Changur, S.C.; Klift, H.M. van der; Puijenbroek, M. van; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Webb, E.; Houlston, R.; Tops, C.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Devilee, P.; Morreau, H.; Wezel, T. van & Wijnen, J. (2010), Comprehensive Genetic Analysis of Seven Large Families with Mismatch Repair Proficient Colorectal Cancer, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 49(6): 539-548.
- Mesker, W.E.; Johnstone, E.C.; Pelt, G.W. van; Midgley, R.; Liefers, G.J.; Morreau, J.; Kerr, D.J. & Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. (2010), Stroma production within the primary tumour correlates with poor survival for stage I-II colon cancer patients, EJC Supplements 8(5): 33-33.
- Witteveen, J.E.; Kievit, J.; Morreau, H.; Romijn, J.A. & Hamdy, N.A.T. (2010), No recurrence of sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism when cure is established 6 months after parathyroidectomy, European Journal of Endocrinology 162(2): 399-406.
- Witteveen, J.E.; Kievit, J.; Morreau, J.; Romijn, J.A. & Hamdy, N.A.T. (2010), Role of Selective Venous Sampling for PTH before Revision Surgery for Persistent Hyperparathyroidism Revisited., Endocrine Reviews 31(3).
- Nielsen, M.; Steenbergen, L.N. van; Jones, N.; Vogt, S.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Morreau, H.; Aretz, S.; Sampson, J.R.; Dekkers, O.M.; Janssen-Heijnen, M.L.G. & Hes, F.J. (2010), Survival of MUTYH-Associated Polyposis Patients With Colorectal Cancer and Matched Control Colorectal Cancer Patients, JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 102(22): 1724-1730.
- Tomlinson, I.P.M.; Dunlop, M.; Campbell, H.; Zanke, B.; Gallinger, S.; Hudson, T.; Koessler, T.; Pharoah, P.D.; Niittymaki, I.; Tuupanen, S.; Aaltonen, L.A.; Hemminki, K.; Lindblom, A.; Forsti, A.; Sieber, O.; Lipton, L.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Wijnen, J.T.; Devilee, P.; Matsuda, K.; Nakamura, Y.; Castellvi-Bel, S.; Ruiz-Ponte, C.; Castells, A.; Carracedo, A.; Ho, J.W.C.; Sham, P.; Hofstra, R.M.W.; Vodicka, P.; Brenner, H.; Hampe, J.; Schafmayer, C.; Tepel, J.; Schreiber, S.; Volzke, H.; Lerch, M.M.; Schmidt, C.A.; Buch, S.; Moreno, V.; Villanueva, C.M.; Peterlongo, P.; Radice, P.; Echeverry, M.M.; Velez, A.; Carvajal-Carmona, L.; Scott, R.; Penegar, S.; Broderick, P.; Tenesa, A. & Houlston, R.S. (2010), COGENT (COlorectal cancer GENeTics): an international consortium to study the role of polymorphic variation on the risk of colorectal cancer, British Journal of Cancer 102(2): 447-454.
- Witteveen, J.E.; Kievit, J.; Erkel, A.R. van; Morreau, H.; Romijn, J.A. & Hamdy, N.A.T. (2010), The role of selective venous sampling in the management of persistent hyperparathyroidism revisited, European Journal of Endocrinology 163(6): 945-952.
- Klift, H.M. van der; Tops, C.M.J.; Bik, E.C.; Boogaard, M.W.; Borgstein, A.M.; Hansson, K.B.M.; Ausems, M.G.E.M.; Garcia, E.G.; Green, A.; Hes, F.J.; Izatt, L.; Hest, L.P. van; Alonso, A.M.; Vriends, A.H.J.T.; Wagner, A.; Zelst-Stams, W.A.G. van; Vasen, H.F.A.; Morreau, H.; Devilee, P. & Wijnen, J.T. (2010), Quantification of Sequence Exchange Events between PMS2 and PMS2CL Provides a Basis for Improved Mutation Scanning of Lynch Syndrome Patients, Human Mutation 31(5): 578-587.
- Drost, M.; Zonneveld, J.B.M.; Dijk, L. van; Morreau, H.; Tops, C.M.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Wijnen, J.T. & Wind, N. de (2010), A Cell-Free Assay for the Functional Analysis of Variants of the Mismatch Repair Protein MLH1, Human Mutation 31(3): 247-253.
- Eijk, R. van; Eilers, P.H.C.; Natte, R.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Morreau, H.; Wezel, T. van & Oosting, J. (2010), MLPAinter for MLPA interpretation: an integrated approach for the analysis, visualisation and data management of Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification, BMC Bioinformatics 11.
- Eijk, R. van; Puijenbroek, M. van; Chhatta, A.R.; Gupta, N.; Vossen, R.H.A.M.; Lips, E.H.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Morreau, H. & Wezel, T. van (2010), Sensitive and Specific KRAS Somatic Mutation Analysis on Whole-Genome Amplified DNA from Archival Tissues, Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 12(1): 27-34.
- Pittman, A.M.; Naranjo, S.; Jalava, S.E.; Twiss, P.; Ma, Y.; Olver, B.; Lloyd, A.; Vijayakrishnan, J.; Qureshi, M.; Broderick, P.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Tuupanen, S.; Aaltonen, L.A.; Alonso, M.E.; Manzanares, M.; Gavilan, A.; Visakorpi, T.; Gomez-Skarmeta, J.L. & Houlston, R.S. (2010), Allelic Variation at the 8q23.3 Colorectal Cancer Risk Locus Functions as a Cis-Acting Regulator of EIF3H, PLoS Genetics 6(9).
- Roon, E.H.J. van; Puijenbroek, M. van; Middeldorp, A.; Eijk, R. van; Meijer, E.J. de; Erasmus, D.; Wouters, K.A.D.; Engeland, M. van; Oosting, J.; Hes, F.J.; Tops, C.M.J.; Wezel, T. van; Boer, J.M. & Morreau, H. (2010), Early onset MSI-H colon cancer with MLH1 promoter methylation, is there a genetic predisposition?, BMC Cancer 10.
- Tejpar, S.; Bertagnolli, M.; Bosman, F.; Lenz, H.J.; Garraway, L.; Waldman, F.; Warren, R.; Bild, A.; Collins-Brennan, D.; Hahn, H.; Harkin, D.P.; Kennedy, R.; Ilyas, M.; Morreau, H.; Proutski, V.; Swanton, C.; Tomlinson, I.; Delorenzi, M.; Fiocca, R.; Cutsem, E. van & Roth, A. (2010), Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers in Resected Colon Cancer: Current Status and Future Perspectives for Integrating Genomics into Biomarker Discovery, Oncologist 15(4): 390-404.
- Bruin, S.C.; Klijn, C.; Liefers, G.J.; Braaf, L.M.; Joosse, S.A.; Beers, E.H. van; Verwaal, V.J.; Morreau, H.; Wessels, L.F.; Velthuysen, M.L.F. van; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & van't Veer, L.J. (2010), Specific genomic aberrations in primary colorectal cancer are associated with liver metastases, BMC Cancer 10.
- Witteveen, J.E.; Hamdy, N.A.T.; Kievit, J.; Romijn, J.A. & Morreau, J. (2010), HRPT2 Mutations and CaSR Expression Determine Prognosis in Parathyroid Carcinoma., Endocrine Reviews 31(3): S1662S1662.
- Walker, L.C.; Fredericksen, Z.S.; Wang, X.S.; Tarrell, R.; Pankratz, V.S.; Lindor, N.M.; Beesley, J.; Healey, S.; Chen, X.Q.; Fab, K.C.; Stoppa-Lyonnet, D.; Tirapo, C.; Giraud, S.; Mazoyer, S.; Muller, D.; Fricker, J.P.; Delnatte, C.; Schmutzler, R.K.; Wappenschmidt, B.; Engel, C.; Schonbuchner, I.; Deissler, H.; Meindl, A.; Hogervorst, F.B.; Verheus, M.; Hooning, M.J.; Ouweland, A.M.W. van den; Nelen, M.R.; Ausems, M.G.E.M.; Aalfs, C.M.; Asperen, C.J. van; Devilee, P.; Gerrits, M.M.; Waisfisz, Q.; Szabo, C.I.; Quad, M.S.; Easton, D.F.; Peock, S.; Cook, M.; Oliver, C.T.; Frost, D.; Harrington, P.; Evans, D.G.; Lalloo, F.; Eeles, R.; Izatt, L.; Chu, C.; Davidson, R.; Eccles, D.; Ong, K.R.; Cook, J.; Rebbeck, T.; Nathanson, K.L.; Domchek, S.M.; Singer, C.F.; Gschwantler-Kaulich, D.; Dressler, A.C.; Pfeiler, G.; Godwin, A.K.; Heikkinen, T.; Nevanlinna, H.; Agnarsson, B.A.; Caligo, M.A.; Olsson, H.; Kristoffersson, U.; Liljegren, A.; Arver, B.; Karlsson, P.; Melin, B.; Sinilnikova, O.M.; McGuffog, L.; Antoniou, A.C.; Chenevix-Trench, G.; Spurdle, A.B.; Couch, F.J.; Gemo Study Collaborators; HEBON; EMBRACE & SWE BRCA (2010), Evidence for SMAD3 as a modifier of breast cancer risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers., Breast Cancer Research 12(6): R102.
- Maat, M.F.G. de; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Benard, A.; Putter, H.; Morreau, H.; Krieken, J.H.J.M. van; Klein-Kranenbarg, E.M.; Graaf, E.J. de; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & Hoon, D.S.B. (2010), Identification of a Quantitative MINT Locus Methylation Profile Predicting Local Regional Recurrence of Rectal, Clinical Cancer Research 16(10): 2811-2818.
- Maat, M.F.G. de; Narita, N.; Benard, A.; Yoshimura, T.; Kuo, C.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Turner, R.R.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Morreau, H. & Hoon, D.S.B. (2010), Development of Sporadic Microsatellite Instability in Colorectal Tumors Involves Hypermethylation at Methylated-In-Tumor Loci in Adenoma, American Journal of Pathology 177(5): 2347-2356.
- Hes, F.J.; Weiss, M.M.; Woortman, S.A.; Miranda, N.F. de; Bunderen, P.A. van; Bonsing, B.A.; Stokkel, M.P.M.; Morreau, H.; Romijn, J.A.; Jansen, J.C.; Vriends, A.H.J.T.; Bayley, J.P.L. & Corssmit, E.P.M. (2010), Low penetrance of a SDHB mutation in a large Dutch paraganglioma family, BMC Medical Genetics 11.
- Middeldorp A, Jagmohan-Changur S, van Eijk R, Tops C, Devilee P, Vasen HFA, Hes FJ, Houlston R, Tomlinson I, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Wijnen JT, Morreau H & van Wezel T (2009), Enrichment of Low Penetrance Susceptibility Loci in a Dutch Familial Colorectal Cancer Cohort, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 18(11): 3062-3067.
- Wijnen JT, Brohet RM, Van Eijk R, Jagmohan-Changur S, Middeldorp A, Tops CM, Van Puijenbroek M, Ausems MGEM, Garcia EG & Hes FJ (2009), Chromosome 8q23.3 and 11q23.1 Variants Modify Colorectal Cancer Risk in Lynch Syndrome, Gastroenterology 136(1): 131-137.
- Speetjens, F.M.; Liefers, G.J.; Korbee, C.J.; Mesker, W.E.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Vlierberghe, R.L. van; Morreau, H.; Tollenaar, R.A. & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2009), Nuclear localization of CXCR4 determines prognosis for colorectal cancer patients., Cancer Microenvironment 2(1): 1-7.
- Hoftijzer H, Heemstra KA, Morreau H, Stokkel MP, Corssmit EP, Gelderblom H, Weijers K, Pereira AM, Huijberts M & Kapiteijn E (2009), Beneficial effects of sorafenib on tumor progression, but not on radioiodine uptake, in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma, European Journal of Endocrinology 161(6): 923-931.
- Wisgerhof HC, Hameetman L, Tensen CP, Morreau H, de Fijter JW, Bavinck JNB, Willemze R & de Gruijl FR (2009), Azathioprine-Induced Microsatellite Instability Is Not Observed in Skin Carcinomas of Organ Transplant Recipients, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 129(5): 1307-1309.
- Nielsen M, de Miranda NFCC, van Puijenbroek M, Jordanova ES, Middeldorp A, van Wezel T, van Eijk R, Tops CMJ, Vasen HFA & Hes FJ (2009), Colorectal carcinomas in MUTYH-associated polyposis display histopathological similarities to microsatellite unstable carcinomas, BMC Cancer 9.
- Jacobs RJ, Kodach L, de Miranda N, Hommes DW, van den Brink GR, Morreau H & Hardwick JC (2009), Bone morphogenetic protein signaling activity as a predictive marker for survival of patients with colorectal cancer, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 21(3): A82A82.
- Hes FJ & Morreau H (2009), Where genetics and pathology meet: mulibrey nanism, Journal of Pathology 218(2): 143-145.
- Pittman AM, Naranjo S, Webb E, Broderick P, Lips EH, van Wezel T, Morreau H, Sullivan K, Fielding S & Twiss P (2009), The colorectal cancer risk at 18q21 is caused by a novel variant altering SMAD7 expression, Genome Research 19(6): 987-993.
- Hoftijzer HC, Liu YY, Morreau H, van Wezel T, Pereira AM, Corssmit EPM, Romijn JA & Smit JWA (2009), Retinoic acid receptor and retinoid X receptor subtype expression for the differential diagnosis of thyroid neoplasms, European Journal of Endocrinology 160(4): 631-638.
- Qian CN, Furge KA, Knol J, Huang D, Chen JD, Dykema KJ, Kort EJ, Massie A, Khoo SK, Beldt KV, Resau JH, Anema J, Kahnoski RJ, Morreau H, Camparo P, Comperat E, Sibony M, Denoux Y, Molinie V & Vieillefond A (2009), Activation of the PI3K/AKT Pathway Induces Urothelial Carcinoma of the Renal Pelvis: Identification in Human Tumors and Confirmation in Animal Models, Cancer Research 69(21): 8256-8264.
- de Miranda NFCC, Nielsen M, Pereira D, van Puijenbroek M, Vasen HF, Hes FJ, van Wezel T & Morreau H (2009), MUTYH-associated polyposis carcinomas frequently lose HLA class I expression - a common event amongst DNA-repair-deficient colorectal cancers, Journal of Pathology 219(1): 69-76.
- Mesker WE, Liefers GJ, Junggeburt JMC, van Pelt GW, Alberici P, Kuppen PJK, Miranda NF, van Leeuwen KAM, Morreau H & Szuhai K (2009), Presence of a high amount of stroma and downregulation of SMAD4 predict for worse survival for stage I-II colon cancer patients, Analytical Cellular Pathology / Cellular Oncology 31(3): 169-178.
- van Puijenbroek M, Nielsen M, Tops CMJ, Halfwerk H, Vasen HFA, Weiss MM, van Wezel T, Hes FJ & Morreau H (2008), Identification of patients with (atypical) MUTYH-associated polyposis by KRAS2 c.34G > T prescreening followed by MUTYH hotspot analysis in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue, Clinical Cancer Research 14(1).
- Corver WE, Middeldorp A, ter Haar NT, Jordanova ES, van Puijenbroek M, van Eijk R, Cornelisse CJ, Fleuren GJ, Morreau H, Oosting J & van Wezel T (2008), Genome-wide Allelic State Analysis on Flow-Sorted Tumor Fractions Provides an Accurate Measure of Chromosomal Aberrations, Cancer Research 68(24): 10333-10340.
- Tanke H, Mesker W, Morreau H & Tollenaer R (2008), New prognostic parameters in colorectal cancer, Analytical Cellular Pathology / Cellular Oncology 30(2).
- Hameetman L, Wisgerhof HC, Tensen CP, Morreau H, Bavinck JNB, Willemze R & de Gruijl FR (2008), Azathioprine-induced microsatellite instability is not seen in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 128.
- Lips EH, van Eijk R, de Graaf EJR, Doornebosch PG, de Miranda NFCC, Oosting J, Karsten T, Eilers PHC, Tollenaar RAEM, van Wezel T & Morreau H (2008), Progression and tumor heterogeneity analysis in early rectal cancer, Clinical Cancer Research 14(3).
- Liu YY, Stokkel MP, Morreau HA, Pereira AM, Romijn JA & Smit JWA (2008), Radioiodine therapy after pretreatment with bexarotene for metastases of differentiated thyroid carcinoma, Clinical Endocrinology 68(4).
- Tomlinson IPM, Webb E, Carvajal-Carmona L, Broderick P, Howarth K, Pittman AM, Spain S, Lubbe S, Walther A, Sullivan K, Jaeger E, Fielding S, Rowan A, Vijayakrishnan J, Domingo E, Chandler I, Kemp Z, Qureshi M, Farrington SM, Tenesa A, Prendergast JGD, Barnetson RA, Penegar S, Barclay E, Wood W, Martin L, Gorman M, Thomas H, Peto J, Bishop DT, Gray R, Maher ER, Lucassen A, Kerr D, Evans DGR, Schafmayer C, Buch S, Volzke H, Hampe J, Schreiber S, John U, Koessler T, Pharoah P, van Wezel T, Morreau H, Wijnen JT, Hopper JL, Southey MC, Giles GG, Severi G, Castellvi-Bel S, Ruiz-Ponte C, Carracedo A, Castells A, Forsti A, Hemminki K, Vodicka P, Naccarati A, Lipton L, Ho JWC, Cheng KK, Sham PC, Luk J, Agundez JAG, Ladero JM, de la Hoya M, Caldes T, Niittymaeki I, Tuupanen S, Karhu A, Aaltonen L, Cazier JB, Campbell H, Dunlop MG & Houlston RS (2008), A genome-wide association study identifies colorectal cancer susceptibility loci on chromosomes 10p14 and 8q23.3, Nature Genetics 40(5).
- Speetjens FM, de Bruin EC, Morreau H, Zeestraten ECM, Putter H, van Krieken JH, van Buren MM, van Velzen M, Dekker-Ensink NG, de Velde CJHV & Kuppen PJK (2008), Clinical impact of HLA class I expression in rectal cancer, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 57(5).
- Speetjens, F.M.; Lauwen, M.M.; Franken, K.L.; Rhijn, C.M.J.V.; Duikeren, S. van; Bres, S.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Meiief, C.J.M.; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Burg, S.H. van der; Morreau, H. & Offringa, R. (2008), Prediction of the immunogenic potential of frameshift-mutated antigens in microsatellite instable cancer, International Journal of Cancer 123(4).
- Pittman AM, Webb E, Carvajal-Carmona L, Howarth K, Di Bernardo MC, Broderick P, Spain S, Walther A, Price A, Sullivan K, Twiss P, Fielding S, Rowan A, Jaeger E, Vijayakrishnan J, Chandler I, Penegar S, Qureshi M, Lubbe S, Domingo E, Kemp Z, Barclay E, Wood W, Martin L, Gorman M, Thomas H, Peto J, Bishop T, Gray R, Maher ER, Lucassen A, Kerr D, Evans GR, van Wezel T, Morreau H, Wijnen JT, Hopper JL, Southey MC, Giles GG, Severi G, Castellvi-Bel S, Ruiz-Ponte C, Carracedo A, Castells A, Forsti A, Hemminki K, Vodicka P, Naccarati A, Lipton L, Ho JWC, Cheng KK, Sham PC, Luk J, Agundez JAG, Ladero JM, de la Hoya M, Caldes T, Niitymaki I, Tuupanen S, Karhu A, Aaltonen LA, Cazier JB, Tomlinson IPM & Houlston RS (2008), Refinement of the basis and impact of common 11q23.1 variation to the risk of developing colorectal cancer, Human Molecular Genetics 17(23).
- Kodach LL, Wiercinska E, De Miranda NFCC, Bleuming SA, Musler AR, Peppelenbosch MP, Dekker E, van den Brink GR, Van Noesel CJM, Morreau H, Hommes DW, Ten Dijke P, Offerhaus GJA & Hardwick JCH (2008), The bone morphogenetic protein pathway is inactivated in the majority of sporadic colorectal cancers, Gastroenterology 134(5).
- Liu YY, Morreau H, Kilevit J, Romijn JA, Carrasco N & Smit JW (2008), Combined immunostaining with galectin-3, fibronectin-1, CITED-1, Hector Battifora mesothelial-1, cytokeratin-19, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma, and sodium/iodide symporter antibodies for the differential diagnosis of non-medullary thyroid carcinoma, European Journal of Endocrinology 158(3).
- Speetjens FM, Kuppen PJK, Morreau H & van der Burg SH (2008), Immune response against frameshift-induced neopeptides in HNPCC patients and healthy HNPCC mutation carriers, Gastroenterology 135(2).
- de Heer P, Koudijs MM, van de Velde CJH, Aalbers RIJM, Tollenaar RAEM, Putter H, Morreau J, van de Water B & Kuppen PJK (2008), Combined expression of the non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases FAK and Src in primary colorectal cancer is associated with tumor recurrence and metastasis formation, EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 34(11).
- Hopman EGD, von Blomberg ME, Batstra MR, Morreau H, Dekker FW, Koning F, Lamers CBHW & Mearin ML (2008), Gluten tolerance in adult patients with celiac disease 20 years after diagnosis?, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 20(5).
- Lips EH, van Eijk R, de Graaf EJR, Oosting J, de Miranda NFCC, Karsten T, de Velde CJV, Eilers PHC, Tollenaar RAEM, van Wezel T & Morreau H (2008), Integrating chromosomal aberrations and gene expression profiles to dissect rectal tumorigenesis, BMC Cancer 8.
- Gaspar C, Cardoso J, Franken P, Molenaar L, Morreau H, Moslein G, Sampson J, Boer JM, de Menezes RX & Fodde R (2008), Cross-species comparison of human and mouse intestinal polyps reveals conserved mechanisms in adenomatous polyposis coli (APC)-driven tumorigenesis, American Journal of Pathology 172(5).
- Bos, R.; Duikeren, S. van; Morreau, H.; Franken, K.; Schumacher, T.N.M.; Haanen, J.B.; Burg, S.H.D.; Melief, C.J.M. & Offringa, R. (2008), Balancing between Antitumor Efficacy and Autoimmune Pathology in T-Cell-Mediated Targeting of Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Cancer Research 68(20).
- Middeldorp A, van Puijenbroek M, Nielsen M, Corver WE, Jordanova ES, ter Haar N, Tops CMJ, Vasen HFA, Lips EH, van Eijk R, Hes FJ, Oosting J, Wijnen J, van Wezel T & Morreau H (2008), High frequency of copy-neutral LOH in MUTYH-associated polyposis carcinomas, Journal of Pathology 216(1).
- van Puijenbroek M, Middeldorp A, Tops CMJ, van Eijk R, van der Klift HM, Vasen HFA, Wijnen JT, Hes FJ, Oosting J, van Wezel T & Morreau H (2008), Genome-wide copy neutral LOH is infrequent in familial and sporadic microsatellite unstable carcinomas, Familial Cancer 7(4).
- Middeldorp A, Van Puijenbroek M, Nielsen M, Corver WE, Jordanova ES, Tops CMJ, Vasen HFA, Hes FJ, van Wezel T & Morreau H (2008), High frequency of copy neutral LOH in MUTYH-associated polyposis carcinomas, EJC Supplements 6(9).
- Dierssen JWF, van Puijenbroek M, Dezentje DA, Fleuren GJ, Cornelisse CJ, van Wezel T, Offringa R & Morreau H (2008), Frequent mutations in the 3 '-untranslated region of IFNGR1 lack functional impairment in microsatellite-unstable colorectal tumours, European Journal of Human Genetics 16(10).
- Nielsen M, Hes FJ, Nagengast FM, Weiss MM, Mathus-Vliegen EM, Morreau H, Breuning MH, Wijnen JT, Tops CMJ & Vasen HFA (2007), Germline mutations in APC and MUTYH are responsible for the majority of families with attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis, Clinical Genetics 71(5).
- Bruins NA, Oswald JE, Morreau H, Kievit J, Pavel S & Smelt AHM (2007), Papillary thyroid carcinoma in a patient with sarcoidosis treated with minocycline, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 65(5).
- Smit J, Morreau H, Romijn J, Liu YY & Carrasco N (2007), Combined immunostaining with galectin-3, fibronectin-1, cited-1, HBME-1, cytokeratin-19, PPAR-gamma and NIS antibodies for the differential diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma, Hormone Research 68.
- van Leerdam ME, Cordoso J, Molenaar L, Boer J, Morreau H, Moslien G, Sampson J, Kuipers E & Fodde R (2007), KRAS and BRAF mutations are rare in early adenomas from patients with familial adenomatous polyposis and MYH-associated polyposis, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 19(10): A37A37.
- Dierssen JWF, de Miranda NFCC, Ferrone S, van Puijenbroek M, Cornelisse CJ, Fleuren GJ, van Wezel T & Morreau H (2007), HNPCC versus sporadic microsatellite-unstable colon cancers follow different routes toward loss of HLA class I expression, BMC Cancer 7.
- Mesker WE, Junggeburt JMC, Szuhai K, de Heer P, Morreau H, Tanke HJ & Tollenaar RAEM (2007), The carcinoma-stromal ratio of colon carcinoma is an independent factor for survival compared to lymph node status and tumor stage, Analytical Cellular Pathology / Cellular Oncology 29(5).
- Cardoso J, Boer J, Morreau H & Fodde R (2007), Expression and genomic profiling of colorectal cancer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer 1775(1).
- Oosting J, Lips EH, van Eijk R, Eilers PHC, Szuhai K, Wijmenga C, Morreau H & van Wezel T (2007), High-resolution copy number analysis of paraffin-embedded archival tissue using SNP BeadArrays, Genome Research 17(3).
- Puijenbroek, M. van; Nielsen, M.; Reinards, T.H.C.M.; Weiss, M.M.; Wagner, A.; Hendriks, Y.M.C.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Tops, C.M.J.; Wijnen, J.; Wezel, T. van; Hes, F.J. & Morreau, H. (2007), The natural history of a combined defect in MSH6 and MUTYH in a HNPCC family, Familial Cancer 6(1).
- Middeldorp A, Jagmohan-Changur S, Helmer Q, van der Klift HM, Tops CMJ, Vasen HFA, Devilee P, Morreau H, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Wijnen JT & van Wezel T (2007), A procedure for the detection of linkage with high density SNP arrays in a large pedigree with colorectal cancer, BMC Cancer 7.
- Tollenaar R, Marijnen C, Morreau H, Kuppen P, Van Velthuysen M, He Y, Dai H & Van 't Veer L (2007), Molecular profiles provide clinical meaningful outcome prediction in stage II colon cancer, EJC Supplements 5(4).
- Nielsen M, Franken PF, Weiss MM, van Kranen HJ, Wijnen JT, Morreau H, Breuning MH, Tops CMJ, Fodde R, Vasen HFA & Hes FJ (2007), Bi-allelic MUTYH mutations are found in a significant number of Dutch MUTYH-associated polyposis coli (MAP) patients, but not in patients with between 1-10 polyps or HNPCC, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 19(10).
- Dierssen JWF, De Miranda NFCC, Mulder A, van Puijenbroek M, Verduyn W, Claas FHJ, de Velde CJHV, Fleuren GJ, Cornelisse CJ, Corver WE & Morreau H (2006), High-resolution analysis of HLA class I alterations in colorectal cancer, BMC Cancer 6.
- Doekhie FS, Kuppen PJK, Peeters KCMJ, Mesker WE, van Soest RA, Morreau H, de Velde CJH, Tanke HJ & Tollenaar RAEM (2006), Prognostic relevance of occult tumour cells in lymph nodes in colorectal cancer, EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 32(3).
- Hendriks, Y.M.C.; Jong, A.E. de; Morreau, H.; Tops, C.M.J.; Vasen, H.F.; Wijnen, J.T.; Breuning, M.H. & Brocker-Vriends, A.H.J.T. (2006), Diagnostic approach and management of Lynch syndrome (Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Carcinoma): A guide for clinicians, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 56(4).
- Hendriks, Y.M.C.; Jagmohan-Changur, S.; Klift, H.M. van der; Morreau, H.; Puijenbroek, M. van; Tops, C.; Os, T. van; Wagner, A.; Ausems, M.G.F.M.; Gomez, E.; Breuning, M.H.; Brocker-Vriends, A.H.J.T.; Vasen, H.F.A. & Wijnen, J.T. (2006), Heterozygous mutations in PMS2 cause hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma (Lynch syndrome), Gastroenterology 130(2).
- Liu YY, van der Pluijm G, Karperien M, Stokkel MPM, Pereira AM, Morreau J, Kievit J, Romijn JA & Smit JWA (2006), Lithium as adjuvant to radioiodine therapy in differentiated thyroid carcinoma: clinical and in vitro studies, Clinical Endocrinology 64(6).
- Liu YY, Stokkel MP, Pereira AM, Corssmit EP, Morreau HA, Romijn JA & Smit JWA (2006), Bexarotene increases uptake of radioiodide in metastases of differentiated thyroid carcinoma, European Journal of Endocrinology 154(4).
- de Abajo AS, de la Hoya M, van Puijenbroek M, Godino J, Diaz- Rubio E, Morreau H & Caldes T (2006), Dual role of LOH at MMR loci in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer?, Oncogene 25(14).
- Oldenburg RA, Kroeze-Jansema K, Meijers-Heijboer H, van Asperen CJ, Hoogerbrugge N, van Leeuwen I, Vasen HFA, Cleton-Jansen AM, Kraan J, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Morreau H, Cornelisse CJ & Devilee P (2006), Characterization of familial non-BRCA1/2 breast tumors by loss of heterozygosity and immunophenotyping, Clinical Cancer Research 12(6).
- Lips EH, Dierssen JWF, van Eijk R, Oosting J, Eilers PHC, Tollenaar RAEM, de Graaf EJ, van't Slot R, Wijmenga C, Morreau H & van Wezel T (2005), Reliable high-throughput genotyping and loss-of-heterozygosity detection in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumors using single nucleotide polymorphism arrays, Cancer Research 65(22).
- van Puijenbroek M, Dierssen JWF, Stanssens P, van Eijk R, Cleton-Jansen AM, van Wezel T & Morreau H (2005), Mass spectrometry-based loss of heterozygosity analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphism loci in paraffin embedded tumors assay using the MassEXTEND assay - Single-nucleotide polymorphism loss of heterozygosity analysis of the protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type J in familial colorectal cancer, Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 7(5).
- Wang PF, Tan MH, Zhang C, Morreau H & Teh BT (2005), HRPT2, a tumor suppressor gene for hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome, Hormone and Metabolic Research 37(6).
- Nielsen M, Franken PF, Reinards THCM, Weiss MM, Wagner A, van der Klift H, Kloosterman S, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Aalfs CM, Ausems MGEM, Brocker-Vriends AHJT, Garcia EBG, Hoogerbrugge N, Menko FH, Sijmons RH, Verhoef S, Kuipers EJ, Morreau H, Breuning MH, Tops CMJ, Wijnen JT, Vasen HFA, Fodde R & Hes FJ (2005), Multiplicity in polyp count and extracolonic manifestations in 40 Dutch patients with MYH associated polyposis coli (MAP), Journal of Medical Genetics 42(9).
- Agostini M, Tibiletti MG, Lucci-Cordisco E, Chiaravalli A, Morreau H, Furlan D, Boccuto L, Pucciarelli S, Capella C, Boiocchi M & Viel A (2005), Two PMS2 mutations in a Turcot syndrome family with small bowel cancers, American Journal of Gastroenterology 100(8).
- van Puijenbroek M, van Asperen CJ, van Mil A, Devilee P, van Wezel T & Morreau H (2005), Homozygosity for a CHEK2* 1100delC mutation identified in familial colorectal cancer does not lead to a severe clinical phenotype, Journal of Pathology 206(2).
- Jong, A.E. de; Morreau, H.; Nagengast, F.M.; Mathus-Vliegen, E.M.H.; Kleibeuker, J.H.; Griffioen, G.; Cats, A. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2005), Prevalence of adenomas among young individuals at average risk for colorectal cancer.
- Sandel MH, Dadabayev AR, Menon AG, Morreau H, Melief CJM, Offringa R, van der Burg SH, Janssen-van Rhijn CM, Ensink NG, Tollenaar RAEM, van de Velde CJH & Kuppen PJK (2005), Prognostic value of tumor-infiltrating dendritic cells in colorectal cancer: Role of maturation status and intratumoral localization, Clinical Cancer Research 11(7).
- Doekhie FS, Peeters KCMJ, Kuppen PJK, Mesker WE, Tanke HJ, Morreau H, van de Velde CJH & Tollenaar RAEM (2005), The feasibility and reliability of sentinel node mapping in colorectal cancer, EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 31(8).
- Jong, A.E. de; Morreau, H.; Puijenbroek, M. van; Eilers, P.H.C.; Wijnen, J.; Nagengast, F.M.; Griffioen, G.; Cats, A.; Menko, F.H.; Kleibeuker, J.H. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2004), The role of mismatch repair gene defects in the development of adenomas in patients with HNPCC, Gastroenterology 126(1).
- Hendriks, Y.M.C.; Wagner, A.; Morreau, H.; Menko, F.; Stormorken, A.; Quehenberger, F.; Sandkuijl, L.; Moller, P.; Genuardi, M.; Houwelingen, H. van; Tops, C.; Puijenbroek, M. van; Verkuijlen, P.; Kenter, G.; Mil, A. van; Meijers-Heijboer, H.; Tan, G.B.; Breuning, M.H.; Fodde, R.; Wijnen, J.T.; Brocker-Vriends, A.H.J.T. & Vasen, H. (2004), Cancer risk in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer due to MSH6 mutations: Impact on counseling and surveillance, Gastroenterology 127(1).
- Haven CJ, Howell VM, Eilers PHC, Dunne R, Takahashi M, van Puijenbroek M, Furge K, Kievit J, Tan MH, Fleuren GJ, Robinson BG, Delbridge LW, Philips J, Nelson AE, Krause U, Dralle H, Hoang-Vu C, Gimm O, Morreau H, Marsh DJ & Teh BT (2004), Gene expression of parathyroid tumors: Molecular subclassification and identification of the potential malignant phenotype, Cancer Research 64(20).
- Haven CJ, van Puijenbroek M, Karperien M, Fleuren GJ & Morreau H (2004), Differential expression of the calcium sensing receptor and combined loss of chromosomes 1q and 11q in parathyroid carcinoma, Journal of Pathology 202(1).
- Tan MH, Morrison C, Wang PF, Yang XM, Haven CJ, Zhang C, Zhao P, Tretiakova MS, Korpi-Hyovalti E, Burgess JR, Soo KC, Cheah WK, Cao B, Resau J, Morreau H & Teh BT (2004), Loss of parafibromin immunoreactivity is a distinguishing feature of parathyroid carcinoma, Clinical Cancer Research 10(19).
- Jong, A.E. de; Puijenbroek, M. van; Hendriks, Y.; Tops, C.; Wijnen, J.; Ausems, M.G.E.M.; Meijers-Heijboer, H.; Wagner, A.; Os, T.A.M. van; Brocker-Vriends, A.H.J.T.; Vasen, H.F.A. & Morreau, H. (2004), Microsatellite instability, immunohistochemistry, and additional PMS2 staining in suspected hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, Clinical Cancer Research 10(3).
- Menon AG, Janssen CM, Janssen-van Rhijn CM, Morreau H, Putter H, Tollenaar RAEM, van de Velde CJH, Fleuren GJ & Kuppen PJK (2004), Immune system and prognosis in colorectal cancer: a detailed immunohistochemical analysis, Laboratory Investigation 84(4).
- Cardoso J, Molenaar L, de Menezes RX, Rosenberg C, Morreau H, Moslein G, Fodde R & Boer JM (2004), Genomic profiling by DNA amplification of laser capture microdissected tissues and array CGH, Nucleic Acids Research 32(19).
- Cappel WHDN, Meulenbeld HJ, Kleibeuker JH, Nagengast FM, Menko FH, Griffioen G, Cats A, Morreau H, Gelderblom H & Vasen HFA (2004), Survival after adjuvant 5-FU treatment for stage III colon cancer in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, International Journal of Cancer 109(3).
- Dadabayev AR, Sandel MH, Menon AG, Morreau H, Melief CJM, Offringa R, van der Burg SH, Janssen-van Rhijn C, Ensink NG, Tollenaar RAEM, van de Velde CJH & Kuppen PJK (2004), Dendritic cells in colorectal cancer correlate with other tumor-infiltrating immune cells, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 53(11).
- Oldenburg RA, Cappel WHD, van Puijenbroek M, van den Ouweland A, Bakker E, Griffioen G, Devilee P, Cornelisse CJ, Meijers-Heijboer H, Vasen HFA & Morreau H (2004), Extending the p16-Leiden tumour spectrum by respiratory tract tumours, Journal of Medical Genetics 41(3).
- Vasen, H.F.A.; Hendriks, Y.; Jong, A.E. de; Puijenbroek, M. van; Tops, C.; Brocker-Vriends, A.H.J.T.; Wijnen, J.T. & Morreau, H. (2004), Identification of HNPCC by molecular analysis of colorectal and endometrial tumors, Disease Markers 20(4-5).
- Marsh DJ, Morreau H & Teh BT (2004), HRPT2 and parathyroid cancer, Lancet Oncology 5(2).
- Pauws E, Veenboer GJM, Smit JWA, de Vijlder JJM, Morreau H & Ris-Stalpers C (2004), Genes differentially expressed in thyroid carcinoma identified by comparison of SAGE expression profiles, FASEB Journal 18(1).
- Pereira AM, van Thiel SW, Lindner JR, Roelfsema F, van der Wall EE, Morreau H, Smit JWA, Romijn JA & Bax JJ (2004), Increased prevalence of regurgitant valvular heart disease in acromegaly, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89(1).
- Vrolijk H, Sloos W, Mesker W, Franken P, Fodde R, Morreau H & Tanke H (2003), Automated acquisition of stained tissue microarrays for high-throughput evaluation of molecular targets, Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 5(3).
- Wagner A, Barrows A, Wijnen JT, van der Klift H, Franken PF, Verkuijlen P, Nakagawa H, Geugien M, Jaghmohan-Changur S, Breukel C, Meijers-Heijboer H, Morreau H, van Puijenbroek M, Burn J, Coronel S, Kinarski Y, Okimoto R, Watson P, Lynch JF, de la Chapelle A, Lynch HT & Fodde R (2003), Molecular analysis of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer in the United States: High mutation detection rate among clinically selected families and characterization of an American founder genomic deletion of the MSH2 gene, American Journal of Human Genetics 72(5).
- Oldenburg RA, Kroeze-Jansema K, Kraan J, Morreau H, Klijn JGM, Hoogerbrugge N, Ligtenberg MJL, van Asperen CJ, Vasen HFA, Meijers C, Meijers-Heijboer H, de Bock TH, Cornelisse CJ & Devilee P (2003), The CHEK2*1100delC variant acts as a breast cancer risk modifier in non-BRCA1/BRCA2 multiple-case families, Cancer Research 63(23).
- de Leeuw WJF, van Puijenbroek M, Tollenaar RAEM, Cornelisse CJ, Vasen HFA & Morreau H (2003), Correspondence re: A. Muller et al., Exclusion of breast cancer as an integral tumor of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. Cancer Res., 62 : 1014-1019, 2002., Cancer Research 63(5).
- Mesker WE, Doekhie FS, Vrolijk H, Keyzer R, Sloos WCR, Morreau H, O'Kelly PS, de Bock GH, Tollenaar RAEM & Tanke HJ (2003), Automated analysis of multiple sections for the detection of occult cells in lymph nodes, Clinical Cancer Research 9(13).
- Cappel WHDTN, Offerhaus GJA, van Puijenbroek M, Caspers E, Gruis NA, de Snoo FA, Lamers CBHW, Griffioen G, Bergman W, Vasen HFA & Morreau H (2003), Pancreatic carcinoma in carriers of a specific 19 base pair deletion of CDKN2A/p16 (p16-Leiden), Clinical Cancer Research 9(10).
- Menon AG, Kuppen PJK, van der Burg SH, Offringa R, Bonnet MC, Harinck BIJ, Tollenaar RAEM, Redeker A, Putter H, Moingeon P, Morreau H, Melief CJM & van de Velde CJH (2003), Safety of intravenous administration of a canarypox virus encoding the human wild-type p53 gene in colorectal cancer patients, Cancer Gene Therapy 10(7).
- Hendriks, Y.; Franken, P.; Dierssen, J.W.; Leeuw, J. de; Wijnen, J.; Dreef, E.; Tops, C.; Breuning, M.; Brocker-Vriends, A.; Vasen, H.; Fodde, R. & Morreau, H. (2003), Conventional and tissue microarray immunohistochemical expression analysis of mismatch repair in hereditary colorectal tumors, The American Journal of Pathology 162(2).
- Howell V, Haven C, Robinson B, Delbridge L, Philips J, Fleuren GJ, Dralle H, Hoang-Vu C, Gimm O, Nelson A, Morreau H, Marsh D & Teh B (2003), Microarray and HRPT2 mutation analysis in parathyroid tumors., American Journal of Human Genetics 73(5): 236-236.
- Hohenstein P, Molenaar L, Elsinga J, Morreau H, van der Klift H, Struijk A, Jagmohan-Changur S, Smits R, van Kranen H, van Ommen GJB, Cornelisse C, Devilee P & Fodde R (2003), Serrated adenomas and mixed polyposis caused by a splice acceptor deletion in the mouse Smad4 gene, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 36(3).
- Howell VM, Haven CJ, Kahnoski K, Khoo SK, Petillo D, Chen J, Fleuren GJ, Robinson BG, Delbridge LW, Philips J, Nelson AE, Krause U, Hammje K, Dralle H, Hoang-Vu C, Gimm O, Marsh DJ, Morreau H & Teh BT (2003), HRPT2 mutations are associated with malignancy in sporadic parathyroid tumours, Journal of Medical Genetics 40(9).
- Cappel WHDTN, Lagendijk MAC, Lamers CBHW, Morreau H & Vasen HFA (2003), Surveillance for familial pancreatic cancer, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 38.
- Boks DES, Trujillo AP, Voogd AC, Morreau H, Kenter GG & Vasen HFA (2002), Survival analysis of endometrial carcinoma associated with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, International Journal of Cancer 102(2).
- Carpten JD, Robbins CM, Villablanca A, Forsberg L, Presciuttini S, Bailey-Wilson J, Simonds WF, Gillanders EM, Kennedy AM, Chen JD, Agarwal SK, Sood R, Jones MP, Moses TY, Haven C, Petillo D, Leotlela PD, Harding B, Cameron D, Pannett AA, Hoog A, Heath H, James-Newton LA, Robinson B, Zarbo RJ, Cavaco BM, Wassif W, Perrier ND, Rosen IB, Kristoffersson U, Turnpenny PD, Farnebo LO, Besser GM, Jackson CE, Morreau H, Trent JM, Thakker RV, Marx SJ, Teh BT, Larsson C & Hobbs MR (2002), HRPT2, encoding parafibromin, is mutated in hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome, Nature Genetics 32(4).
- Hendriks Y, Wagner A, Vasen H, Menko F, Stormorken A, Moller P, Genuardi M, Sandkuijl L, van Houwelingen H, Tops C, Morreau H, de Leeuw W, Meijers-Heijboer H, Breuning M, Fodde R, Wijnen J & Brocker-Vriends A (2002), Phenotype of MSH6 versus MLH1 and MSH2: Lower penetrance and higher age of onset., American Journal of Human Genetics 71(4).
- Menon AG, Morreau H, Tollenaar RAEM, Alphenaar E, van Puijenbroek M, Putter H, Rhijn CMJV, van de Velde CJH, Fleuren GJ & Kuppen PJK (2002), Down-regulation of HLA-A expression correlates with a better prognosis in colorectal cancer patients, Laboratory Investigation 82(12).
- Vasen HFA, Morreau H & Nortier JWR (2001), Is breast cancer part of the tumor spectrum of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer?, American Journal of Human Genetics 68(6).
- Jonges LE, Nagelkerke JF, Ensink NG, van der Velde EA, Tollenaar RAEM, Fleuren GJ, van de Velde CJH, Morreau H & Kuppen PJK (2001), Caspase-3 activity as a prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma, Laboratory Investigation 81(5).
- Wagner A, Hendriks Y, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, de Leeuw WJF, Morreau H, Hofstra R, Tops C, Bik E, Brocker-Vriends AHJT, van der Meer C, Lindhout D, Vasen HFA, Breuning MH, Cornelisse CJ, van Krimpen C, Niermeijer MF, Zwinderman AH, Wijnen J & Fodde R (2001), Atypical HNPCC owing to MSH6 germline mutations: analysis of a large Dutch pedigree, Journal of Medical Genetics 38(5).
- Smit JWA, Van Zelderen-Bhola S, Merx R, De Leeuw W, Wessels H, Vink R & Morreau H (2001), A novel chromosomal translocation t(3;5)(q12;p15.3) and loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 22 in a multifocal follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma presenting with skin metastases, Clinical Endocrinology 55(4).
- de Leeuw WJF, van Puijenbroek M, Merx R, Wijnen JT, Brocker-Vriends AHJT, Tops C, Vasen H, Cornelisse CJ & Morreau H (2001), Bias in detection of instability of the (C)8 mononucleotide repeat of MSH6 in tumours from HNPCC patients, Oncogene 20(43).
- van der Looij M, Cleton-Jansen AM, van Eijk R, Morreau H, van Vliet M, Kuipers-Dijkshoorn N, Olah E, Cornelisse CJ & Devilee P (2000), A sporadic breast tumor with a somatically acquired complex genomic rearrangement in BRCA1.
- de Leeuw WJF, Dierssen J, Vasen HFA, Wijnen JT, Kenter GG, Meijers-Heijboer H, Brocker-Vriends A, Stormorken A, Moller P, Menko F, Cornelisse CJ & Morreau H (2000), Prediction of a mismatch repair gene defect by microsatellite instability and immunohistochemical analysis in endometrial tumours from HNPCC patients, Journal of Pathology 192(3).
- Haven CJ, Wong FK, van Dam EWCM, van der Luijt R, van Asperen C, Jansen J, Rosenberg C, de Wit M, Roijers J, Hoppener J, Lips CJ, Larsson C, Teh BT & Morreau H (2000), A genotypic and histopathological study of a large Dutch kindred with hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome.
- Peelen T, de Leeuw W, van Lent K, Morreau H, van Eijk R, van Vliet M, Wijnen J, Ligtenberg M, Ginjaar HB, Zweemer R, Menko F, Fodde R, van Ommen GJB, Vasen HFA, Cornelisse CJ & Devilee P (2000), Genetic analysis of a breast-ovarian cancer family, with 7 cases of colorectal cancer linked to BRCA1, fails to support a role for BRCA1 in colorectal tumorigenesis, International Journal of Cancer 88(5).
- Havekes B, van der Elst JPS, van der Pluijm G, Goslings BM, Morreau J, Romijn JA & Smit JWA (2000), Beneficial effects of retinoic acid on extracellular matrix degradation and attachment behaviour in follicular thyroid carcinoma cell lines, Journal of Endocrinology 167(2).
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