Irena Galikyan
- Naam
- Dr. I. Galikyan
- Telefoon
- 071 5272727

- Onderzoek
- Galikyan I. (14 april 2022), Learner–learner interaction in digital learning environments: what and how are we measuring? (Dissertatie. Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON), Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University) ICLON PhD Dissertation Series. Promotor(en): Admiraal W.F. & Kester L.
- Galikyan I., Admiraal W.F. & Kester L. (2021), MOOC discussion forums: the interplay of the cognitive and the social, Computers & Education 165: 104133.
- Galikyan I. & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Students' engagement in asynchronous online discussion: The relationship between cognitive presence, learner prominence, and academic performance, Internet and Higher Education 43: .