Ilya Kokorin
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. I. Kokorin LLM
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7262
- 0000-0001-7395-6642
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- Publicaties
- Activiteiten
- Nevenwerkzaamheden
- Kokorin I. (2024), Who’s your debtor?: Group insolvency and the curious case of celsius, Banking & finance law review 40: 143-160.
- Kokorin I. (2024), Bespreking van: Davis R., Madaus S., Marcucci M., Mevorach I., Mokal R., Romaine B., Sarra J. & Tirado I. (2023), Financial institutions in distress: Recovery, resolution and recognition (1st edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. International Insolvency Review 33(2): 263-266.
- Haentjens M. & Kokorin I. (2024), Bank resolution and national insolvency law: the case of group financing, Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft = Journal of Banking Law and Banking 36(1): 8-15.
- Kokorin I. (2024), Parallel restructurings: challenges and opportunities, Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht 2024(2): 103-113 (TvI 2024/12).
- Kokorin I. (2023), The anatomy of crypto failures and investor protection under MiCAR, Capital Markets Law Journal 18(4): 500-525.
- Kokorin I. (14 november 2023), Intra-group financing and enterprise group insolvency: problems, principles and solutions (Dissertatie. Institute of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Leiden University) Meijers-reeks nr. MI 410. Promotor(en): Haentjens M. & Vriesendorp R.D.
- Kokorin I. (2023), Crypto Insolvencies and the limits of a contract and contract law, European Review of Private Law 31(6): 1245-1272.
- Kokorin I. (2022), Preemptive financing arrangements within cross-border banking groups: between flexibility and legal certainty. In: Böffel L. & Schürger J. (red.), Digitalisation, Sustainability, and the Banking and Capital Markets Union: Thoughts on Current Issues of EU Financial Regulation. EBI Studies in Banking and Capital Markets Law. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 377-395.
- Kokorin I. & Kurbanov B. (2022), Local public entities in distress: a critical analysis of the Russian approach. In: Coordes L.N., Marique Y. & Vaccari E. (red.), When Liquidation is NOT an Option: A Global Study on the Treatment of Local Public Entities in Distress. London: INSOL International. 307-325.
- Kokorin I. (2021), Bespreking van: Singh D. (2020), European Cross‐Border Banking and Banking Supervision. Oxford: Oxford University Press. International Insolvency Review 30(1): 145-148.
- Kokorin I. (2021), Third-Party Releases in Insolvency of Multinational Enterprise Groups, European Company and Financial Law Review 18(1): 107-140.
- Kokorin I. & Wessels B. (2021), Cross-Border Protocols in Insolvencies of Multinational Enterprise Groups. Elgar Corporate and Insolvency Law and Practice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Kokorin I. (2021), Promotion of group restructuring and cross-entity liability arrangements, Journal of Corporate Law Studies 21(2): 557-593.
- Kokorin I. (2021), Insolvency of significant non-financial enterprises: lessons from bank failures and bank resolution, European Business Law Review 32(3): 521-555.
- Kokorin I. (2021), The rise of ‘group solution’ in insolvency law and bank resolution, European Business Organization Law Review 22(4): 781-811.
- Kokorin I. (2021), The future of harmonisation of directors' duties in the European Union: The Preventive Restructuring Directive and group insolvencies, International Insolvency Review 30(3): 361-382.
- Kokorin I. (2021), Bespreking van: G. McCormack (2021), The European Restructuring Directive. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. International Insolvency Review 30(3): 469-472.
- Kokorin I., Madaus S. & Mevorach I. (2021), Global Competition in Cross-Border Restructuring and Recognition of Centralized Group Solutions, Texas International Law Journal 56(2): 109-154.
- Kokorin I. (2020), Contracting Around Insolvency Jurisdiction: Private Ordering in European Insolvency Jurisdiction Rules and Practices. In: Lazić V. & Stuij S. (red.), Recasting the Insolvency Regulation: Improvements and Missed Opportunities. Short Studies in Private International Law. Den Haag: Asser Press. 21-57.
- Kokorin I. (2020), Один за всех и все за одного: предотвращение банкротства и пределы свободы договора. Перевод решения ВС Нидерландов от 12.08.2005, NJ 2006/230, ECLI:NL:HR:2005:AT7799 (Groenemeijer/Payroll) и комментарий к нему (One for All, All for One: Insolvency Prevention and the Limits of Freedom of Contract. Judgment of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands from 12 August 2005, NJ 2006/230, ECLI:NL:HR:2005:AT7799 (Groenemeijer/Payroll) with Commentary), Вестник экономического правосудия Российской Федерации (Review of Commercial Justice) 2020(2): 32-44.
- Kokorin I. (2020), Co-ordination in bank resolution and the issue of conflicts of interest, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 35(3): 100-115.
- Kokorin I. (2020), Conflicts of interest, intra-group financing and procedural coordination of group insolvencies, International Insolvency Review 29(1): 32-60.
- Haentjens M., Graaf T.J. de & Kokorin I. (2020), The Failed Hopes of Disintermediation: Crypto-Custodian Insolvency, Legal Risks and How to Avoid Them, Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 2020(2): 526-563.
- Haentjens M., Graaf T.J. de & Kokorin I. (18 mei 2020), The Failed Hopes of Cryptocurrency Disintermediation. Machine Lawyering. Hong Kong: CUHK, Law Faculty, Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development (CFRED). [blog].
- Kokorin I. (2020), Intra-Group Financial Support in a Crisis: Between Rescue and Abuse, Norton Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice 29(5): 378-420.
- Haentjens M., Graaf T.J. de & Kokorin I. (1 juni 2020), The Failed Hopes of Disintermediation: Crypto-custodian Insolvency, Legal Risks and How to Avoid Them. Oxford Business Law Blog. Oxford: Oxford University. [blog].
- Wessels B. & Kokorin I. (11 maart 2019), Divergent trends in COMI determination: Singapore’s position further drifts from European approach. Global Restructuring Review. [blog].
- Kokorin I. & Wessels B., annotatie bij: European Court of Human Rights 5 juli 2018, nr. 41299/09 & 11132/10, ECLI:CE:ECHR:2018:0705JUD004129909. JOR 2019(3): 778-790 (2019/64 JOR 2019/64 Boyadzhieva and Gloria International Limited Eood v. Bulgaria).
- Wessels B. & Kokorin I. (2019), Cross-Border Cooperation and Communication: How to Comply with Data Protection Rules in Matters of Insolvency and Restructuring, International Corporate Rescue 16(2): 98-103.
- Boon J.M.G.J., Kokorin I. & Pool J.M.W. (2019), Improving Restructuring of Corporate Groups in Europe: Report on the ELI and BLRN conferences in December 2018, Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht 2019(3): 162-168 (TvI 2019/21).
- Boon J.M.G.J., Kokorin I. & Pool J.M.W. (2019), Restructuring of Corporate Groups in Europe, Eurofenix. The Journal of INSOL Europe 75(Spring 2019): 10.
- Kokorin I. (2018), Все кредиторы равны, но некоторые равнее других. К вопросу о субординации корпоративных займов при банкротстве в России, Германии и США (All creditors are equal, but some are more equal than others. Subordination of shareholder loans in bankruptcy in Russia, Germany and the USA), Вестник экономического правосудия Российской Федерации (Review of Commercial Justice) 2018(2): 119-137.
- Kokorin I. & Wessels B. (2018), European Union Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings: An Introductory Analysis. Alexandria: American Bankruptcy Institute.
- Kokorin I. & Timmermans W.A. (2017), Arbitration Reform in Russia: Will Russia Become More Arbitration-Friendly?, Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage 2017(2): 50-57 (TvA 2017/22).
- Kokorin I. & Wessels B. (2017), Recognition of Foreign Insolvency Judgments: The Case of Yukos, European Company Law 14(6): 226-233.