Ifdal El Saket
Assistent-directeur Arabistiek & Islam / gast
- Naam
- Dr. I. El Saket Ph.D.
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- i.el.saket@nvic.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-3403-2599

Ifdal El Saket is assistent-directeur Arabistiek en Islam.
Meer informatie over Ifdal El Saket
Meer informatie is te vinden op de Engelstalige profielpagina.
Assistent-directeur Arabistiek & Islam / gast
- Bestuursbureau
- Stafbureau
- Nederlands Vlaams Instituut in Cairo
- El Saket I. (2024), The city and the jungle: Africa and blackness in the Egyptian interwar cinematic imagination. In: Amar P. (red.), Cairo securitized. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press.
- El Saket I. (2024), Stars in arms: Egypt’s movie stars and the free officers. In: Hayon K.D. & Van de Peer S. (red.), Transnational Arab stardom: glamour, performance and politics. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- El Saket I. (2024), Bespreking van: Simon A. (2022), Media of the masses: cassette culture in modern Egypt: Stanford University Press 63(4): 177-180.
- El Saket I. (2023), Counting kisses at the movies: the screen kiss and the cinematic experience in Egypt, International Journal of Middle East Studies 55(2): 211-237.
- El Saket I. (2023) The politics of stardom, entertainment and industry: new studies in Egyptian cinema history. Bespreking van: Hanan Hammad | Deborah A. Starr (2022 | 2020), Unknown past: Layla Murad, the Jewish-Muslim star of Egypt | Togo Mizrahi and the making of Egyptian cinema. Redwood City | Berkeley: Stanford University Press | University of California Press & Raphael Cormack (2021), Midnight in Cairo: the divas of Egypt's roaring ’20s. New York: New York: W. W. Norton & Company. International Journal of Middle East Studies 55(4): 795-801.
- El Saket I., Biltereyst D. & Meers P. (red.) (2023), Cinema in the Arab world: new histories, new approaches. World Cinema. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- El Saket I. (2023), Cinema-going in Egypt in the Long-60s: oral histories of pleasure and leisure. In: El Saket I., Biltereyst D. & Meers P. (red.), Cinema in the Arab world: new histories, new approaches. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 150-175.
- El Saket I. (2019), Sound and desire: race, gender, and insult in Egypt's first talkie, International Journal of Middle East Studies 51(2): 203-232.
- El Saket I. (2018), Writing histories of Egyptian audiences: translated into Arabic by Bassam Yousi, edited by Nour El Safoury. Mapping Cinema Audiences: Egypt. Berlin: Arab Alternative Screens & Al-Film Magazine.
- El Saket I. (2017), Jungle in films in Egypt: race, anti-blackness, and empire, Arab Studies Journal 25(2): 9-33.
- El Saket I. (2015), The star of the east: Umm Kulthum and Egyptian cinema. In: Bandhauer A. & Royer M. (red.), Stars in World Cinema: Screen Icons and Star Systems across Cultures. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 36-50.