Hongchang Shan
Promovendus / gast
- Naam
- Dr. H. Shan
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7491
- h.shan@liacs.leidenuniv.nl

Brain Computer Interface (BCI) provides communication to translate brain rhythms of an individual into application-specific signal, which allows a person to use the mental process to control external devices as they wish. However, BCI consumes too much energy and sources, which prevents BCI from lab to daily life. I am doing research aiming at energy-efficient brain computer interacting, in order to reduce its energy and source consumption, finally to make it a high-level Internet of Things.
Promovendus / gast
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Shan H. (25 februari 2020), Towards high performance and efficient brain computer interface character speller : convolutional neural network based methods (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Stefaonv T.P. & Plaat A.
- Shan H., Liu Y. & Stefanov T.P. (2019), An Empirical Study on Sensor-aware Design of Convolutional Neural Networks for P300 Speller in Brain Computer Interface, 2019 12th International Conference on Human System Interactin (HSI). 12th IEEE International Conference on Human System Interaction (IEEE HSI'19) 25 juni 2019 - 27 juni 2019: IEEE. 5-11.
- Shan H. & Stefanov T.P. (2019), SLES: A Novel CNN-based Method for Sensor Reduction in P300 Speller, 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'19) 23 juli 2019 - 27 juli 2019: IEEE. 3026-3031.
- Shan H., Liu Y. & Stefanov T.P. (2019), Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks for P300 Speller in Brain Computer Interface. Tetko I., Kurkova V., Karpov P. & Theis F. (red.), Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2019: Text and Time Series ICANN 2019. 28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'19) 17 september 2019 - 19 september 2019 nr. 11730. Cham: Springer. 376-394.
- Shan H. & Stefanov T.P. (2018), A Simple Convolutional Neural Network for Accurate P300 Detection and Character Spelling in Brain Computer Interface. Lang J. (red.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18). 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-18 13 juli 2018 - 19 juli 2018: IJCAI. 1604-1610.
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