Hilde Gunnink
- Naam
- Dr. H. Gunnink
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- h.gunnink@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-5508-8156

Hilde Gunnink is taalkundige gespecialiseerd in de talen van zuidelijk Afrika. Haar onderzoek richt zich op het documenteren van de structuren van Afrikaanse talen, hoe deze zich door de tijd heen ontwikkeld hebben, en wat ze ons kunnen vertellen over de geschiedenis van hun sprekers.
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL T&C van Afrika
- Fortes-Lima C.A., Burgarella C, Hammarén R., Eriksson A., Vicente M., Jolly C., Semo A., Gunnink H., Pacchiarotti S., Mundeke L., Matonda I. Muluwa J.K., Coutros P., Nyambe T.S., Cikomola J.C., Coetzee V. Castro M. de, Ebbesen P. Delanghe J., Stoneking M., Barham L., Lombard M., Meyer A., Steyn M., Malmström H., Rocha J., Soodyall H., Pakendorf B., Bostoen K. & Schlebusch C.M. (2024), The genetic legacy of the expansion of Bantu-speaking peoples in Africa, Nature 625: 540-547.
- Gunnink H., Chousou-Polydouri N. & Bostoen K. (2023), Divergence and contact in Southern Bantu language and population history, Language Dynamics and Change 13(1): 74-131.
- Gunnink H. (2022), The early history of clicks in Nguni, Diachronica 39(3): 311-368.
- Gunnink H. (2022), A grammar sketch of the Shetjhauba variety of Shekgalagadi, Studies in African Linguistics 51(1): 29--55.
- Bostoen K. & Gunnink H. (2022), The Impact of Autochthonous Languages on Bantu Language Variation: A Comparative View on Southern and Central Africa. In: Mufwene S.S. & Escobar A.M. (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact: Volume 1: Population Movement and Language Change. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 152-186.
- Sengupta D., Choudhury A., Fortes-Lima C., Aron S., Whitelaw G., Bostoen K., Gunnink H., Chousou-Polydouri N., Delius P., Tollman S., Gómez-Olivé F.X., Norris S., Mashinya F., Alberts M., Study A., Consortium H., Hazelhurst S., Schlebusch C.M. & Ramsay M. (2021), Genetic substructure and complex demographic history of South African Bantu speakers, Nature Communications 12(1): 2080.
- Gunnink H. (2020), Click loss and click Insertion in Fwe. In: Sands B. (red.), Click consonants. Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory nr. 15. Leiden: Brill. 156-178.
- Gunnink H. (2020), Language contact between Khoisan and Bantu languages: The case of Setswana, Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 38(1): 27-45.
- Gunnink H. (2019), The fronted-infinitive construction in Fwe, Africana Linguistica 25: 65-88.
- Sands B. & Gunnink H. (2019), Clicks on the fringes of the Kalahari Basin Area. In: Clem E., Jenks P. & Sande H. (red.), Theory and description in African Linguistics: Selected papers from the 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press. 703-724.
- Sands B. & Gunnink H. (2019), Languages of Africa. In: Damico J.S. & Ball M.J. (red.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishers. 1020-1024.
- Gunnink H. (2017), Locative Clitics in Fwe, Africana Linguistica 23: 119-136.
- Pakendorf B., Gunnink H., Sands B. & Bostoen K. (2017), Prehistoric Bantu-Khoisan language contact: A cross-disciplinary approach, Language Dynamics and Change 7(1): 1-46.
- Gunnink H., Sands B., Pakendorf B. & Bostoen K. (2015), Prehistoric language contact in the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier area: Khoisan influence on southwestern Bantu languages, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 36(2): 193--232.
- Gunnink H. (2014), The grammatical structure of Sowetan tsotsitaal, Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 32(2): 161-171.
- Sava Graziano (10 oktober 2005), A Grammar of Ts'amakko (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Mous Maarten, Schadeberg T.C. & Kossmann M.G.
- Postdoctoraal onderzoeker