Herman Siemens
Universitair hoofddocent Geschiedenis van de moderne filosofie
- Naam
- Dr. H.W. Siemens
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7040
- h.w.siemens@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-6789-6022

Herman Siemens is een Universitair Hoofddocent aan het Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte.
Meer informatie over Herman Siemens
Universitair hoofddocent Geschiedenis van de moderne filosofie
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- Siemens H.W. (2023), Love-hate and war: perfectionism and self-overcoming in Thus spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche-Studien 52(1): 225-260.
- Siemens H.W. & Hay K.D. (2021), “The stillest words bring the storm…”: the stillest hour in Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, Collateral: Online Journal for Cross-Cultural Close Reading (30): .
- Siemens H.W. (2021), Agonal perspectives on Nietzsche's philosophy of critical transvaluation. Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung nr. 74. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Siemens H.W. & Hay K. (2021), “The Stillest Words Bring the Storm…”: The Stillest Hour in Nietzsche’s Zarathustra’, Collateral: Online Journal for Cross-Cultural Close Reading themanummer Spreek je woord en breek – kunstpraktijk voorbij autonomie: cluster 30.
- Brusotti M., McNeal M.J., Schubert C. & Siemens H.W. (red.) (2020), European/Supra-European: Cultural Encounters in Nietzsche’s Philosophy: De Gruyter.
- Siemens H.W. (2019), Alexander Baumgarten and the violence of the image, Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3(1): 99-111.
- Siemens H.W. (red.) (2019), The Problem of Violence: Towards a Political Ontology of Violence: reality, image, perception. Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence: Trivent Publishing.
- Siemens H.W. & Pearson J. (red.) (2018), Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche’s Philosophy: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Siemens H.W. & Pearson J. (2018), Introduction. In: Siemens H.W. & Pearson J. (red.), Conflict and contest in Nietzsche's philosophy: Bloomsbury Academic. 1-15.
- Siemens H.W. (2018), Nietzsche on Productive Resistance. In: , Conflict and contest in Nietzsche's philosophy: Bloomsbury Academic. 23-42.
- Siemens H.W. & Brusotti M. (red.) (2017), Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. (volume I of series: Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy (co-editors: Brussotti M., Bailey T., Constancio J.) nr. I. London: Bloomsbury.
- Siemens H.W., Brussotti M., Bailey T. & Constancio J. (red.) (2017), Co-founder and Series Co-editor: Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy, 3 volumes (Based on a series of international workshops on Nietzsche and Kant inaugurated in Leiden (Feb 2011); London (Sept 2011); Lisbon (March 2012); Belo horizonte (October 2012); Lecce (March 2013); Rome (October 2013). London: Bloomsbury.
- Siemens H.W. & Brusotti M. (red.) (2017), Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy Volume I : Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics nr. 1: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Siemens H.W. (2017), Kant’s ‘Respect for the Law’ as the ‘Feeling of Power’ : On (the Illusion of) Sovereignty. In: Constâncio J. & Bailey T. (red.), Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics: Bloomsbury Academic. 109-136.
- Siemens H.W. (2017), Nietzsche Contra Kant on Genius, Originality and Agonal Succession. In: Mayer Branco M.J. & Hay K. (red.), Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology: Bloomsbury Academic. 15-42.
- Siemens H.W. (2016), Nietzsches Sozio-Physiologie des Selbst und das Problem der Souveränität. In: Heit H. & Thorgeirsdottir S. (red.), Nietzsche als Kritiker und Denker der Transformation: De Gruyter. 167-188.
- Siemens H.W. (2015), Agonal Writing: Towards an Agonal Model for Critical Transvaluation, Logoi.ph I(3): 10-29.
- Siemens H.W. (2015), Nietzsche’s Socio-Physiology of the Self. In: Constâncio J., Branco M. & Ryan B. (red.), Nietzsche and the Problem of Subjectivity. Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter. 629-653.
- Siemens H.W. (2015), 'Punishment by Fate’ as a cypher for genealogy: Hegel and Nietzsche on immanent law. In: Hay K. & Ribeiro L. (red.), Nietzsche, German Idealism and its Critics. Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter. 35-65.
- Siemens H.W. & Hay K. (2015), 'Ridendo dicere severum: On probity, laughter and self-critique in Nietzsche’s figure of the free spirit'. In: Bamford R. (red.), Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Free Spirit. London: Rowman and Littlefield. 111-136.
- Siemens H.W. (2015), ‘Nietzsche sobre el conflicto y el Pluralismo de los Ordenes Legales', Estudios Nietzsche 15: 113-125.
- Siemens H.W. (2015), 25. Nietzsche’s Socio-Physiology of the Self. In: Constâncio J., Mayer Branco M.J. & Ryan B. (red.), Nietzsche and the Problem of Subjectivity: De Gruyter. 629-653.
- Siemens H.W. (2015), Nietzsche's Philosophy of Hatred, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 77(4): 747-784.
- Siemens H.W. (2015), ‘Punishment by Fate’ as a Cypher for Genealogy: Hegel and Nietzsche on Immanent Law. In: Hay K. & dos Santos L.R. (red.), Nietzsche, German Idealism and Its Critics: De Gruyter. 35-65.
- Siemens H.W. (2015), Contesting Nietzsche’s Agon. On Christa Davis Acampora’s "Contesting Nietzsche", Nietzsche-Studien 44: 446-461.
- Siemens H.W. (2014), Haciendo la Guerra a la Guerra: Nietzsche contra Kant a propósito del conflicto,, Pleyade 13(JANUARY-JUNE 2014): 87-106.
- Siemens H.W. (2014), El concepto de necesidad y su relación con las leyes de la naturaleza. In: Lemm V. (red.), Nietzsche y el devenir de la vida. Santiago, Chile: Fondo de Cultura Economica. 88-103.
- Siemens H.W. (2014), Nietzsche’s Concept of ‘Necessity’and its Relation to Laws of Nature. In: Lemm V. (red.), Nietzsche and The Becoming of Life: Fordham University Press. 82-102.
- Siemens H.W. (2014), Nietzsche on Conflict’, De Filosoof (Periodieke uitgave van de Faculteitsvereniging Utrechtse Filosofie studenten voor het departement Filosofie en Religiewetenschap van de Universiteit Utrecht) (65): 14-16.
- Siemens H.W. & Hay K. (2014), On Seriousness and Laughter: A dialogue concerning Nietzsche’s Gay Science , Pli (Warwick Jounral of Philosophy) 25: 77-88.
- Siemens H.W. (2013), Reassessing Radical Democratic Theory in the light of Nietzsche’s Ontology of Conflict. In: Ansell-Pearson K. (red.), Nietzsche and Political Thought. Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. London / New York: Bloomsbury Academic. 83-106.
- Siemens H.W. (2013), Reassessing Radical Democratic Theory in the Light of Nietzsche's Ontology of Conflict. In: Ansell-Pearson K. (red.), Nietzsche and Political Thought: Bloomsbury Academic. 83-106.
- Siemens H.W. (2013), Travando uma guerra contra a guerra: Nietzsche contra Kant acerca do conflito, Kriterion 54(128): 419-437.
- Siemens H.W. & Tongeren P.J.M. van (2012), Introducao: O dicionario de Nietzsche, Cadernos Nietzsche 31: 31-54.
- Siemens H.W. (2012), Nietzsche’s “post-Nietzschean” political “Wirkung”: the rise of agonistic democratic theory. In: Reschke R. & Brusotti M. (red.), "Einige werden posthum geboren": Friedrich Nietzsches Wirkungen. Nietzsche Heute nr. 4. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 393-406.
- Siemens H.W. (2012), The Rise of Political Agonism and its Relation to Deconstruction: the Case of Chantal Mouffe. Martinengo A. (red.), Public Reason between Deconstruction and Reconstruction. . Bruseels: European Science Foundation.
- Siemens H.W. (2012), Nietzsche’s political Wirkung: The Rise of Agonistic Democratic Theory. Brusotti M. (red.), "Einige Werden Posthum Geboren" Friedrich Nietzsches Wirkungen. . Berlin: de Gruyter.
- Siemens H.W. (2012), Nietzsche’s ‘absolute Phenomenalism’: the critical and constructive force of the concept of ‘Empfindung. .
- Siemens H.W. (2012), Nietzsche’s “post-Nietzschean” political “Wirkung” The Rise of Agonistic Democratic Theory. In: Reschke R. & Brusotti M. (red.), "Einige werden posthum geboren": De Gruyter. 393-406.
- Siemens H.W. (2012), A atitude de Nietzsche em face da lei [Nietzsche's Attitude to Law] (vertaling Siemens H.W.), Cadernos Nietzsche 31: 71-86.
- Siemens H.W. (2011), A Fisiologia nietzschiana do Feio e a Transvaloração da Estética’. In: Perz J.L. (red.), ‘O Feio para além do Belo. Lisbon: .), Centro de Filosofie da Universidade de Lisboa. 111-128.
- Siemens H.W. (2011), Nietzsche's Concept of Necessity and Its Relation to Laws of Nature. Lemm V. (red.), The Becoming of Life. The Becoming of Life. New York: Fordham University Press.
- Siemens H.W. (2011), Das Nietzsche-Woerterbuch Projekt: Darstellung des Konzepts und einiger Resultate am Beispiel des Wortes 'Groesse'’. Caysa V. (red.), Nietzsche - Macht - Größe. . Berlin: de Gruyter.
- Siemens H.W. (2011), Empfindung. In: Tongeren P.J.M. van, Schank G. & Siemens H.W. (red.), das Nietzsche-Woerterbuch. Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter.
- Siemens H.W. (2010), The problem of law and life in Nietzsche's thought, The New Centennial Review 10(3): 189-216.
- Siemens H.W. (2010), The Problem of Law and Life in Nietzsche’s Thought, The New Centennial Review 10(3): .
- Siemens H.W. (2010), The Problem of Law and Life in Nietzsche’s Thought, The New Centennial Review 10(3): 189-216.
- Siemens H.W. (2009), Nietzsche’s Critique of Democracy’, Journal of Nietzsche Studies 38: 20-37.
- Siemens H.W (2009), Umwertung: Nietzsche’s ‘war-praxis’ and the problem of yes-saying and no-saying in Ecce homo’, Nietzsche-Studien 38: 182-206.
- Siemens H.W. (2009), ‘(Self-)legislation, Life and Love in Nietzsche’s Philosophy’. In: Wienand I. (red.), Neue Beiträge zu Nietzsches Moral-, Politik- und Kulturphilosophie. Fribourg, CH: Academic Press Fribourg. 67-90.
- Tongeren P. van, Siemens H.W. & Nietzsche Research Group (2009) Chroniek van recente Nietzsche literatuur. Bespreking van: , Nietzsche literature of the last 8 years nr. 1. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 2009: 147-172.
- Siemens H.W. (2009), Umwertung: Nietzsche’s ‘war-praxis’ and the problem of Yes-Saying and No-Saying in Ecce Homo’, Nietzsche-Studien 38: 182-206.
- Siemens H.W. (2009), Nietzsche's Critique of Democracy (1870-1886), Journal of Nietzsche Studies 38: 20-37.
- Siemens H.W. (2009), Umwertung: Nietzsche’s ‘war-praxis’ and the problem of Yes-Saying and No- Saying in Ecce Homo’, Nietzsche-Studien 38(1): 182-206.
- Siemens H.W. (2008), Bespreking van: Conway D.W. (1997), Nietzsche and the Political. Thinking the political. London: Routledge. Journal of Nietzsche Studies 35/36: 207-216.
- Siemens H.W. & Roodt V. (2008), Introduction. In: Siemens H.W. & Roodt V. (red.), Nietzsche, Power and Politics. Berlin / New York: de gruyter. 1-33.
- Siemens H.W. (2008), Yes, No, maybe So ... Nietzsche's Equivocations on the Relation between Democracy and 'Grosse Politik. In: Siemens H.W. & Roodt V. (red.), Nietzsche, Power and Politics. Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter. 231-268.
- Siemens H.W. & Shapiro G. (red.) (2008), . Journal of Nietzsche Studies.
- Siemens H.W. (2008), Agonal Communities of Taste. In: Mootz F. III & Goodrich P. (red.), Nietzsche and Law. London: Ashgate.
- Siemens H.W. & Roodt V. (red.) (2008), Nietzsche, Power and Politics. Rethinking Nietzsche's Legacy for Political Thought. Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter.
- Siemens H.W. (2008) Nietzsche and the Political. Bespreking van: (1997), Nietzsche and the political. Thinking the Political. London: Routledge. Journal of Nietzsche Studies 35: 207-216.
- Siemens H.W. & Shaprio G. (2008), Guest Editors’ Introduction: What Does Nietzsche Mean for Contemporary Politics and Political Thought?, Journal of Nietzsche Studies 35: 3-8.
- Siemens H.W. (2008), Yes, No, Maybe So… Nietzsche’s Equivocations on the Relation between Democracy and ‘Grosse Politik’. In: Siemens H.W. & Roodt V. (red.), Nietzsche, Power and Politics: Walter de Gruyter. 231-268.
- Siemens H.W. (2007), ‘The first Transvaluation of all Values: Nietzsche’s Agon with Socrates in The Birth of Tragedy’. In: Lang Peter & Tevenar Gudrun von (red.), Nietzsche and Ethics. Bern: Peter Lang. 171-196.
- Siemens H.W. (2007) Extended Review of: ‘Nietzsche: Writings from the Late Notebooks’. Bespreking van: , Nietzsche: Writings from the Late Notebooks. Journal of Nietzsche Studies 31: 94-104.
- Siemens H.W. (2007), ‘Nietzsche sobre el genio: Schopenhauer, Wagner y el desplazamiento del “genius” por el “espíritu libre” en los años de 1870, Estudios Nietzsche (7): 99-120.
- Siemens H.W. (2006), Nietzsche contra Liberalism on Freedom. In: Ansell-Pearson K. (red.), A Companion to Nietzsche. Oxford/Malden MA: Blackwell. 437-454.
- Siemens H.W. (2006), The Actuality of Utopia, Spinoza 8(2): .
- Siemens H.W. (2006), Nietzsche and the Empirical: through the eyes of the term ‘Empfindung’’, South African Journal of Philosophy : 146-158.
- Siemens H.W. (2005), Nietzsche contra Liberalism on Freedom. In: Ansell-Pearson K. (red.), A Companion to Nietzsche. Oxford and Malden MA: Basil Blackwell. 437-455.
- Siemens H.W. (2005), Account of the Nietzsche's `Geburt der Tragödie', Thauma 1: 14-16.
- Siemens H.W. (2005), Action, Performance and freedom in Hannah Arendt and Fr. Nietzsche, International Studies in Philosophy 37(2): 225-245.
- Tongeren P. van, Schank G. & Siemens H.W (2005), Das Nietzsche-Wörterbuch: Abbreviatur - einfach. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
- Siemens H.W., Schank G. & Tongeren P. van (2004), Procesos semánticos en los textos, Estudios Nietzsche 4: 85-103.
- Siemens H.W. (2004), 'Dämon/dämonisch' In: Van Tongeren, P.J.M., Schank, G., Siemens, H.W. et al. In: , Nietzsche-worterbuch, Band 1: Abbreviatur-einfach. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter. 521-540.
- Siemens H.W. (2004), 'Betrachtung' In: Van Tongeren, P.J.M., Schank, G., Siemens, H.W. et al. In: , Nietzsche-worterbuch, Band 1: Abbreviatur-einfach. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter. 293-334.
- Siemens H.W. (2004), Nietzsche and the 'classical': traditional and innovative features of Nietzsche's usage, with special attention to Goethe'. In: Bishop Paul (red.), Nietzsche and Antiquity: His Reaction and Response to the Classical Tradition: Boydell & Brewer. 391-410.
- Siemens H.W. (2004), Dämon/dämonisch. Siemens H.W., Schank W. & Tongeren P. (red.), Das Nietzsche-Wörterbuch, Bd. I: Abbreviatur - Einfach. . Berlijn en New York: De Gruyter. 521-540.
- Siemens H.W. (2004), Procesos semánticos en los textos filosóficos de Nietzsche y su función filosófica: algunos resultados de la investigación sobre el Diccionario-Nietzsche (Nietzsche-Wörterbuch), Estudios Nietzsche 4: 85-103.
- Siemens H. (2002), A Nietzsche dictionary, New Nietzsche Studies 51: 189-193.
- Siemens H.W., Schank W. & Tongeren P. van (2002), A Nietzsche Dictionary, New Nietzsche Studies 51(2): 189-193.
- Siemens H.W. (2002), Agonal Communities of Taste: Law and Community in Nietzsches Philosophy of Transvaluation, Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24: 83-112.
- Siemens H.W. (2001) Nietzsches Political Philosophy. A Review of Recent Literature. Bespreking van: , Nietzsches Political Philosophy. Nietzsche-Studien 30: 509-526.
- Siemens H.W. (2001), Nietzsches Agon with Ressentiment: Towards a Therapeutic Reading of Critical Transvaluation, Continental Philosophy Review 34(1): 69-93.
- Siemens H.W. (2001), Agonal Configurations in the Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen: Identity, Mimesis and the Übertragung of cultures in Nietzsches early thought, Nietzsche-Studien 30: 80-106.
- Siemens H.W. (2000), Agonale Configuraties in de Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen: Duitsers, Grieken en de Uebertragung van culturen in het vroege denken van Nietzsche. In: Visser G.T.M. (red.), Nietzsches Kultuurkritiek in de Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen. Leiden: MD Publishers Fac der Wijsbegeerte. 55-84.
- Siemens H.W. (2000), The origins of our relation, autobiographical sketch. Rodenburg K. (red.), Nietzsche Lezen. Negentien filosofen over hun eerste kennismaking. . Budel: Damon. 77-79.
- Siemens H.W. (2000), Agonale Configuraties in de Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen: Duitsers. Visser G. (red.), Nietzsches Kultuurkritiek in de Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen. : MD Publishers. 55-84.
- Siemens H.W. (2000), Agonale gemeenschappen van smaak. Wet en gemeenschap in Nietzsches transvaluatiefilosofie. Bossche M. van den & Weyembergh M. (red.), Links Nietzscheanisme. . Budel: Damon. 59-80.
- Siemens H.W. (1998), Nietzsches Hammer: Philosophy, Destruction, or The Art of Limited Warfare, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 60(2): 321-347.
- Siemens H.W. (1994) Review article of: The Fate of the New Nietzsche (ed. H. Caygill & K.Ansell-Pearson, Avebury). Bespreking van: , The Fate of the New Nietzsche. Journal of Nietzsche Studies 8: 95-115.