Henriët van Middendorp
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. H. van Middendorp
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6333
- h.van.middendorp@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-4575-0895
Kort CV
Henriët van Middendorp is sinds 2014 Universitair Hoofddocent Gezondheidspsychologie bij de sectie Gezondheids-, Medische en Neuropsychologie van de Universiteit Leiden. Tussen 2010 en 2014 heeft ze gewerkt als senioronderzoeker bij de afdeling Medische Psychologie van het Radboud universitair medisch centrum. Daarvoor werkte ze als achtereenvolgens promovendus (2000-2004), postdoctoraal onderzoeker (2004-2007), en Universitair Docent (2007-2010) bij de Universiteit Utrecht. Ze is in 1999 afgestudeerd op 2 masterspecialisaties, Gezondheidspsychologie en Ontwikkelingspsychologie. Haar onderzoek heeft zich altijd gericht op psychoneurobiologische factoren in gezondheid en ziekte, waaronder de psychoneurobiologie van lichamelijke klachten (bv. pijn) en aandoeningen (bv. chronische pijn-, huid- en nieraandoeningen), met een specifieke nadruk op placebo- en nocebo-effecten, stressmechanismen en behandeling. Op dit moment is ze actief een specifieke persoonlijke onderzoekslijn aan het opzetten waarin ze gezondheids-/medische psychologie combineert met ontwikkelingspsychologie om de gezondheidszorg voor jonge patiënten met (acute en chronische) lichamelijke aandoeningen te optimaliseren. Zie voor meer informatie het tabblad Onderzoek.
Henriët van Middendorp's onderzoek richt zich op psychoneurobiologische factoren in gezondheid en ziekte. Ze is met name geïnteresseerd in de psychoneurobiologie van lichamelijke klachten (bv. pijn) en aandoeningen (bv. chronische pijn-, huid en nieraandoeningen), met een specifieke nadruk op placebo- en nocebo-effecten, stressmechanismen en behandeling. Ze doet zowel fundamenteel onderzoek naar de psychoneurobiologie van placebo, nocebo en stressmechanismen alsook translationeel onderzoek naar eHealth screening en innovatieve interventies voor chronisch somatische aandoeningen. Op dit moment start ze een specifieke persoonlijke onderzoekslijn op waarin ze gezondheids-/medische psychologie en ontwikkelingspsychologie combineert. Binnen deze onderzoekslijn is ze gericht op het verkrijgen en toepassen van kennis over geoptimaliseerde gezondheidszorg om de zorg die kinderen binnen ziekenhuizen krijgen te optimaliseren, met als doel om negatieve korte-termijn gevolgen (bv. angst) en lange-termijn ontwikkelingsproblemen te voorkomen of beperken in jonge patiënten met (acute en chronische) lichamelijke aandoeningen.
- Psychoneurobiology in itch and pain
- Stress and stress management in chronic inflammatory conditions
- Placebo research: Training of the immune and endocrine system
- e-Coach: Tailored cognitive-behavioral e-Health care for patients with chronic somatic conditions
- Screening and self-management interventions for chronic conditions
- Coördinator RM thesis and internship Clinical and Health track
- Coördinator RM thesis and internship intervisie Clinical and Health track
- Sectiecoördinator Bachelorthesis Gezondheids-, Medische en Neuropsychologie
- Docent Stress, Gezondheid en Ziekte
- Docent Gezondheids- en Medische Psychologie
- (Research) Master thesis supervisie
- Bachelor thesis supervisie
- Onderzoeksstage/Research internship supervisie
Taken OBP
- Lid van de Commissie Ethiek Psychologie (CEP)
- Lid van de toelatingscommissie Research Master Psychology
- Lid van de onderzoeksbeleidscommissie Gezondheids-, Medische en Neuropsychologie
Lopende projecten
- ZonMw Medische Inspirator Prijs (samenwerking onderzoekers en patiëntvertegenwoordigers, Lyme legt levens lam (projectlid): 2019-2021
- Reumafonds, speciaal project binnen lange-termijn onderzoeksprogramma prof.dr. A.W.M. Evers, Sensitization of physical symptoms and disease progression in rheumatic conditions: The role of expectancies and conditioning (mede-projectleider): 2019-2022
- NWO-Vici beurs voor prof.dr. A.W.M. Evers, NWO, The power of expectations: Unraveling the role of nocebo effects in the sensitization of somatic symptoms (projectlid): 2017-2021
- Nierstichting, Systematische implementatie van een eHealth zelf-management zorgprotocol voor nierdonoren (mede-projectleider): 2017-2020
- Nierstichting, The effectiveness of tailored E-health self-management treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease: A randomized controlled trial (mede-projectleider): 2017-2021
- NWO Onderzoekstalent, Training the circadian rhythm: Conditioning of the cortisol awakening response (projectlid): 2016-2020
Diverse prijzen van promovendi, bijvoorbeeld: Young Scholar Award voor Aleksandrina Skvortsova op American Psychosomatic Society meeting 2018; beste proefschrift van 2017 voor Sylvia van Beugen op Association for Research in Psychology and Health (ARPH) congress 2018.
Persoonlijke prijzen
- 2007 Beste presentatie op Najaarsdagen Reumatologie, voor mijn onderzoek getiteld “Emotions and the processing and regulation of emotions in women with fibromyalgia”
- 2006 Genomineerd voor ‘Reumaprijs 2006’ (beste promotieonderzoek) door het Reumafonds
- 2005 Young Scholar Award, American Psychosomatic Society
Betrokken promotoren
Begeleiding promovendi
Anneleen Berende, “Persistent Lyme Empiric Antibiotic Study Europe (PLEASE) - A randomized controlled trial of prolonged antibiotic treatment in patients with persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme borreliosis”, 2019 (verwacht)
Aleksandrina Skvortova, “Placebo effects and the endocrine system: the role of oxytocin”, 2019 (verwacht)
- Maaike Ferwerda, “Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for patients with rheumatoid arthritis”, 2018
- Lieke Wirken, “Psychosocial consequences of living kidney donation: From screening to intervention”, 2018
- Sylvia van Beugen, “Psychodermatology 2.0. Towards Improved Assessment and Effective Internet-based Interventions Cognitive-behavioral E-health treatment in psoriasis”, 2017
- Marianne B. Kool, “Understanding lack of understanding. Invalidation in rheumatic diseases”, 2012
Relevante links
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Gezondheids, Medische- Neuropsychologie
- Karacaoglu M., Peerdeman K.J., Karch J.D., van Middendorp H. & Evers EW.M. (2024), Nocebo hyperalgesia and other expectancy-related factors in daily fibromyalgia pain: combining experimental and electronic diary methods, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 182: 111676.
- Wagenaar C.A., Walrabenstein W., van der Leeden M., Turkstra F., Gerritsen M., Twisk J.W.R., Boers M., van der Esch M., Middendorp H. van, Weijs P.J.M. & van Schaardenburg D. (2024), Long-term effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis: 1-year follow-up of the ‘Plants for Joints’ randomised clinical trial, RMD Open 10: e004025.
- Sep Milou S.C., Veenman K., Vinkers C., Veenman K., Habets P.C., Bonapersona V., Bakvis P., Bentele U., Binder E., Branje S.J.T., Brückl T., Cornelisse S., Dickinson P., Elzinga B.M., Evers A.W.M., Fernández G., Geuze E., Hartman C.A., Hermans E.J., Hernaus D., Joëls M., Kaldewaij R., Meeus W.H.J., Meier Maria. van, Middendorp H. van, Nelemans S.A., Oei N., Oldehinkel T., Peer J. van, Pruessner J., Quaedflieg C., Roelofs K. de, Rooij S.R., Schwabe L., Smeets T., Spoormaker V., Tollenaar M.S., Tutunji R., Tyborowska A. & Vinkers C. (2024), The STRESS-EU database: a European resource of human acute stress studies for the worldwide research community, Neuroscience Applied 3: 104063.
- Peerdeman K.J., Tekampe J., Middendorp H. van, Laarhoven A.I.M. van, Rippe R.C. A., Peters M.L. & Evers A.W.M. (2024), Development and validation of the general attitude towards medication questionnaire (GAMQ), BMC Psychology 12: 632.
- Willemse H., Doef M. van der & Middendorp H. van (2024), Identification and characterization of alopecia areata subgroups regarding quality of life impairment based on demographic, clinical, psychological, and social factors, Psychology, health & medicine : 1-13.
- Tommel J., Evers A.W.M., van Hamersvelt H.W., Jordens R., van Dijk S., Hilbrands L.B., Hermans M.M.H., Hollander D.A.M.J., van de Kerkhof J.J., ten Dam M.A.G.J. & van Middendorp H. (2023), “What matters to you?”: the relevance of patient priorities in dialysis care for assessment and clinical practice, Arthritis Care & Research 36(2): 131-141.
- Cardol C.K., Meuleman Y., Middendorp H. van, Boog P.J.M. van der, Hilbrands L.B., Navis G., Sijpkens Y.W.J., Sont J.K., Evers A.W.M. & Dijk S. van (2023), Psychological distress and self-management in CKD: a cross-sectional study, Kidney Medicine 5(10): 100712.
- Karacaoglu M., Meijer S., Peerdeman K.J., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Veldhuijzen D.S., Middendorp H. van & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Susceptibility to nocebo hyperalgesia, dispositional optimism, and trait anxiety as predictors of nocebo hyperalgesia reduction, Clinical Journal of Pain 39(6): 259-269.
- Karacaoglu M., Peerdeman K.J., Numans M.E., Stolk M.R., Meijer S., Klinger R., Veldhuijzen D.S., Middendorp H. van & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Nocebo hyperalgesia in patients with fibromyalgia and healthy controls: an experimental investigation of conditioning and extinction processes at baseline and 1-month follow-up, The Journal of Pain 24(9): 1696-1711.
- Meijer S., Karacaoglu M., Middendorp H. van, Veldhuijzen D.S., Jensen K.B., Peerdeman K.J. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Efficacy of open‐label counterconditioning for reducing nocebo effects on pressure pain, European Journal of Pain 27(7): 831-847.
- Skvortsova A., Meeuwis S.H., Vos R.C., Vos H.M.M., Middendorp H. van, Veldhuijzen D.S. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Implicit gender bias in the diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes: a randomized online study, Diabetic Medicine 40(8): .
- Wolters F., Middendorp H. van, Bergh O. Van Den, Biermasz N.R., Meijer O.C. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Conditioning of the cortisol awakening response in healthy men: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, JMIR Research Protocols 12: e38087.
- Lennep J.P.A. van, Middendorp H. van, Veldhuijzen D.S., Peerdeman K.J., Blythe J.S., Thomaïdou M.A., Heyman T.D.P. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), The optimal learning cocktail for placebo analgesia: a randomized controlled trial comparing individual and combined techniques, The Journal of Pain 24(12): 2240–2256 .
- Tommel J., Cardol C.K., Evers A.W.M., Stuivenberg R., Dijk S. van & Middendorp H. van (2023), The Personalized Priority and Progress Questionnaire (PPPQ): a personalized instrument for quality of life and self-management for use in clinical trials and practice, Quality of Life Research 32: 2789-2803.
- Skvortsova A., Cohen Rodrigues T.R., Buisonjé D.R. de, Kowatsch T., Santhanam P., Veldhuijzen D.S., Middendorp H. van & Evers A.W.M. (2022), Increasing the effectiveness of a physical activity smartphone intervention with positive suggestions: randomized controlled trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research 24(3): e32130.
- Terpstra J.A., Vaart R. van der, Beugen S. van, Eersel R.A. van, Gkika I., Erdős D., Schmidt J., Radstake C., Kloppenburg M., Middendorp H. van & Evers A.W.M. (2022), Guided internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for patients with chronic pain: a meta-analytic review, Internet Interventions 30: 100587.
- Tommel J., Evers A.W.M., Hamersvelt H.W. van, Dijk S. van, Chavannes N.H., Wirken G.A.A., Hilbrands L.B. & Middendorp H. van (2022), E-HEalth treatment in Long-term Dialysis (E-HELD): study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial evaluating personalized Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy in dialysis patients, Trials 23(1): 477.
- Wirken G.A.A., Middendorp H. van, Hooghof C.W., Sanders J.S., Dam R., Pant K. van der, Wierdsma J., Wellink H., Ulrichts P., Hoitsma A.J., Hilbrands L.B. & Evers A.W.M. (2022), Combining transplant professional’s psychosocial donor evaluation and donor self-report measures to optimise the prediction of HRQoL after kidney donation: an observational prospective multicentre study, BMJ Open 12(3): e045249.
- Bonapersona V., Born F.J., Bakvis P., Branje S., Elzinga B., Evers A.W.M., van Eysden M., Fernandez G., Habets P.C., Hartman C.A., Hermans E.J., Meeus W., Middendorp H. van, Nelemans S., Oei N.Y., Oldehinkel A.J., Roelofs K., de Rooij S.R., Smeets T., Tollenaar M.S., Joëls M. & Vinkers C.H. (2022), The STRESS-NL database: a resource for human acute stress studies across the Netherlands, Psychoneuroendocrinology 141: 105735.
- Cardol C.K., Boslooper-Meulenbelt K., Middendorp H. van, Meuleman Y., Evers A.W.M. & Dijk S. van (2022), Psychosocial barriers and facilitators for adherence to a healthy lifestyle among patients with chronic kidney disease: a focus group study, BMC Nephrology 23: 205.
- Koppert T.Y., Middendorp van H. & Geenen R. (2022), A better but persistently low health status in women with fibromyalgia during the COVID-19 pandemic: a repeated cross-sectional data analysis, Rheumatology International 42(6): 967-972.
- Meijer S., van Middendorp H., Peerdeman K.J. & Evers A.W.M. (2022), Counterconditioning as Treatment to Reduce Nocebo Effects in Persistent Physical Symptoms: Treatment Protocol and Study Design, Frontiers in Psychology 13: 806409.
- Smits R.M., Veldhuijzen D.S., Olde Hartman T.: Peerdeman K.J., Van Vliet L.M.: Van Middendorp H., Rippe R.C.A., Wulffraat. N.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2021), Explaining placebo effects in an online survey study: does ‘Pavlov’ ring a bell?, PLoS ONE 16(3): e0247103.
- Cardol C.K., Tommel J., Middendorp H. van, Ciere Y., Sont J.K., Evers A.W.M. & Dijk S. van (2021), Detecting and treating psychosocial and lifestyle-related difficulties in chronic disease: development and treatment protocol of the E-GOAL eHealth care pathway, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(6): 3292.
- Lennep J.P.A. van, Trossèl F., Perez R.S.G.M., Otten R.H.J., Middendorp H. van, Evers A.W.M. & Szadek K.M. (2021), Placebo effects in low back pain: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of the literature, European Journal of Pain 25(9): 1876-1897.
- Meeuwis S.H., Middendorp H. van, Lavrijsen A., Veldhuijzen D.S. & Evers A.W.M. (2021), Open- and closed-label placebo and nocebo suggestions about a sham transdermal patch, Psychosomatic Medicine 83(1): 33-42.
- Meeuwis S.H., Middendorp H. van, Veldhuijzen D.S. & Evers A.W.M. (2021), Associations between interindividual differences, expectations and placebo and nocebo effects in itch, Frontiers in Psychology 12: 781521.
- Middendorp H. van, Berende A., Vos F.J., Hofstede H.H.M. ter, Kullberg B.J. & Evers A.W.M. (2021), Expectancies as predictors of symptom improvement after antimicrobial therapy for persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme disease, Clinical Rheumatology 40(10): 4295-4308.
- Tekampe J., Middendorp H. van, Biermasz N.R., Sweep F.C.G.J., Meijer O.C., Pelsma I.C.M., Pereira A.M., Hermus A.R.M.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2021), Conditioning cortisol in healthy young women: a randomized controlled trial, Psychoneuroendocrinology 124: 105081.
- Tommel J., Evers A.W.M., Hamersvelt H.W. van, Jordens R., Dijk S. van, Hilbrands L.B. & Middendorp H. van (2021), Predicting health-related quality of life in dialysis patients: factors related to negative outcome expectancies and social support, Patient Education and Counseling 104(6): 1474-1480.
- Valk J. van der, Heijboer F., Middendorp H. van, Evers A.W.M. & Veen J. in 't (2021), Case-control study of patient characteristics, knowledge of the COVID-19 disease, risk behaviour and mental state in patients visiting an emergency room with COVID-19 symptoms in the Netherlands, PLoS ONE 16(4): e0249847.
- Walrabenstein W., Leeden M. van der, Weijs P., Middendorp H. van, Wagenaar C., Dongen J.M. van, Nieuwdorp M., Jonge M.S. de, Boheemen L. van & Schaardenburg D. van (2021), The effect of a multidisciplinary lifestyle program for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, an increased risk for rheumatoid arthritis or with metabolic syndrome-associated osteoarthritis: the “Plants for Joints” randomized controlled trial protocol, Trials 22: 715.
- Smits R.M., Veldhuijzen D.S., Middendorp H. van, Muller P.C.E.H., Armbrust W., Legger E., Wulffraat N.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2020), Pharmacological conditioning for juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a potential solution to reduce methotrexate intolerance, Pediatric Rheumatology 18: e12.
- Manaï M., Middendorp H. van, Veldhuijzen D.S., Pol J.A. van der, Huizinga T.W.J. & Evers A.W.M. (2020), Pharmacological conditioning in the treatment of recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis : a randomized controlled trial study protocol, Trials 21: 15.
- Meeuwis S.H., Middendorp H. van, Laarhoven A.I.M. van, Leijenhorst C. van, Pacheco-Lopez G., Lavrijsen A.P.M., Veldhuijzen D.S. & Evers A.W.M. (2020), Placebo and nocebo effects for itch and itch-related immune outcomes: a systematic review of animal and human studies, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 113: 325-337.
- Schakel L., Veldhuijzen D.S., Manaï M., Beugen S. van, Vaart R. van der, Middendorp H. van & Evers A.W.M. (2020), Optimizing healthy food preferences by serious gaming, Psychology & Health 35(4): 405-424.
- Schakel L., Veldhuijzen D.S., Middendorp H. van, Prins C., Drittij A.M.H.F., Vrieling F., Visser L.G., Ottenhoff T.H.M., Joosten S.A. & Evers A.W.M. (2020), An internet-based psychological intervention with a serious game to improve vitality, psychological and physical condition, and immune function in healthy male adults: a randomized controlled trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research 22(7): e14861.
- Skvortsova A., Veldhuijzen D.S., Middendorp H. van, Colloca L. & Evers A.W.M. (2020), Effects of oxytocin on placebo and nocebo effects in a pain conditioning paradigm: a randomized controlled trial, The Journal of Pain 21(3-4): 430-439.
- Skvortsova A., Veldhuijzen D.S., Rover M. de, Pacheco Lopez G., Bakermans M.J., IJzendoorn M. van, Chavannes N.H., Middendorp H. van & Evers A.W.M. (2020), Effects of oxytocin administration and conditioned oxytocin on brain activity: an fMRI study, PLoS ONE 15(3): e0229692.
- Sampogna F., Abeni D., Gieler U., Tomas-Aragones L., Lien L., Poot F., Jemec G.B.E., Szabo C., Linder D., Middendorp H. van, Halvorsen J.A., Balieva F., Szepietowski J.C., Romanov D.V., Marron S.E., Altunay I.K., Finlay A.Y., Salek S.S., Kupfer J., Misery L. & Dalgard F.J. (2020), Exploring the EQ-5D dimension of pain/discomfort in dermatology outpatients from a multicentre study in 13 European countries, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 100: adv00120.
- Skvortsova A., Veldhuijzen D.S., Kloosterman I.E.M., Meijer O.C., Middendorp H. van, Pacheco-Lopez G. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Conditioned hormonal responses: A systematic review in animals and humans, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 52: 206-218.
- Wirken L., Van Middendorp H., Hooghof C.W., Sanders J.-S.F., Dam R.E., Van der Pant K.A.M.I., Wierdsma J.M., Wellink H., Van Duijnhoven E.M., Hoitsma A.J., Hilbrands L.B. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Psychosocial consequences of living kidney donation: a prospective multicentre study on health-related quality of life, donor–recipient relationships and regret, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34(6): 1045-1055.
- Willemse H., Van der Doef M.P. & Van Middendorp H. (2019), Applying the Common Sense Model to predicting quality of life in alopecia areata: The role of illness perceptions and coping strategies, Journal of Health Psychology 24(11): 1461-1472.
- Meeuwis S.H., Middendorp H. van, Laarhoven A.I.M. van, Veldhuijzen D.S., Lavrijsen A.P.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Effects of Open- and Closed-Label Nocebo and Placebo Suggestions on Itch and Itch Expectations, Frontiers in Psychiatry 10: e436.
- Berende A., Hofstede H.J.M. ter, Vos F.J., Vogelaar M.L., Middendorp H. van, Evers A.W.M., Kessels R.P.C. & Kullberg B.J. (2019), Effect of prolonged antibiotic treatment on cognition in patients with Lyme borreliosis, Neurology 92(13): 1447-1455.
- Van Beugen S., Ferwerda M., Van Middendorp H., Smit J.V., Zeeuwen-Franssen M.E.J., Kroft E.B.M., De Jong E.M.G.J., Van de Kerkhof P.C.M., Kievit W. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Economic evaluation of a tailored therapist-guided internet-based cognitive behavioural treatment for patients with psoriasis: a randomized controlled trial, British Journal of Dermatology 181(3): 614-616.
- Bruintjes M.H.D., Helden E.V. van, Vries M. de, Wirken L., Evers A.W.M., Middendorp H. van, Kloke H., d'Ancona F.C.H., Langenhuijsen J.F., Steegers M.A.H. & Warlé M.C. (2019), Chronic pain following laparoscopic living-donor nephrectomy: prevalence and impact on quality of life, American Journal of Transplantation 19(10): 2825-2832.
- Burger J.P.W., Van Middendorp H., Drenth J.P.H., Wahab P.J. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), How to best measure quality of life in coeliac disease? A validation and comparison of disease-specific and generic quality of life measures, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 31(8): 941-947.
- Manaï M., Middendorp H. van, Veldhuijzen D.S., Huizinga T.W.J. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), How to prevent, minimize, or extinguish nocebo effects in pain: A narrative review on mechanisms, predictors, and interventions, PAIN Reports 4(3): e699.
- Meeuwis S.H., Middendorp H. van, Pacheco-Lopez G., Ninaber M.K., Lavrijsen A.P.M., Wee N. van der, Veldhuijzen D.S. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Antipruritic placebo effects by conditioning H1-antihistamine, Psychosomatic Medicine 81(9): 841-850.
- Schakel L., Veldhuijzen D.S., Crompvoets P.I., Bosch J.A., Cohen S., Middendorp H. van, Joosten S.A., Ottenhoff T.H.M., Visser L.G. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Effectiveness of stress-reducing interventions on the response to challenges to the immune system: a meta-analytic review, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 88(5): 274-286.
- Schakel L., Veldhuijzen D.S., Van Middendorp H., Manaï M., Meeuwis S.H., Van Dessel P. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Can verbal suggestions strengthen the effects of a relaxation intervention, PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220112.
- Schut W., Dalgard F.J., Halvorsen J.A., Gieler U., Lien L., Tomas Aragones L., Poot F., Jemec G.B.E., Misery L., Kemény L., Sampogna F., Van Middendorp H., Balieva F., Linder D., Szepietowski J.C., Lvov A., Marron S.E, Altunay I.K., Finlay A.Y., Salek S. & Kupfer J. (2019), Occurrence, chronicity and intensity of itch in a clinical consecutive sample of patients with skin diseases: Results from a multi-center study in 13 European countries, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 99(2): 146-151.
- Tekampe J., Middendorp H. van, Sweep F.C.G.J., Roerink S.H.P.P., Hermus A.R.M.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2019), Conditioning cortisol in humans: Design and pilot study of a randomized controlled trial, Pilot and Feasibility Studies 5: e9.
- Peerdeman K.J., Tekampe J., Van Laarhoven A.I.M., Van Middendorp H., Rippe R.C.A., Peters M.L. & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Expectations about the effectiveness of pain- and itch-relieving medication administered via different routes, European Journal of Pain 22(4): 774-783.
- Spillekom-Van Koulil S., Ferwerda M., Van Beugen S., Van Middendorp H., Van de Kerkhof P.C.M., Van Riel P.L.C.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Tailored therapist-guided internet-based cognitive-behavioral treatment for psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis: Two case reports, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 98(2): 225-233.
- Ferwerda M., Van Beugen S., Van Middendorp H., Visser H., Vonkeman H.E., Creemers M.C.W., Van Riel P.C.L.M., Kievit W. & Evers A.W.M. (2018), A tailored, therapist-guided internet-based cognitive behavioral intervention as an addition to care as usual for patients with rheumatoid arthritis: economic evaluation, Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(10): e260.
- Schakel L., Veldhuijzen D.S., Van Middendorp H., Van Dessel P., De Houwer J., Bidarra R. & Evers A.W.M. (2018), The effects of a gamified approach avoidance training and verbal suggestions on food outcomes, PLoS ONE 13(7): e0201309.
- Balieva F.N., Finlay A.Y., Kupfer J., Tomas Aragones L, Lien L, Gieler U., Poot F., Jemec G.B.J., Misery L., Kemeny L., Sampogna F., Middendorp H. van, Anders Halvorsen J., Ternowitz T., Szepietowski J.C., Potekaev N., Marron S.W., Altunay I.K., Salek S.S. & Dalgard F.J. (2018), The role of therapy in impairing quality of life in dermatological patients: A multinational study, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 98(6): 563-569.
- Berende A., Nieuwenhuis L., Hofstede H.J.M. ter, Vos F.J., Vogelaar M.L., Tromp M., Middendorp H. van, Donders A.R.T., Evers A.W.M., Kullberg B.J. & Adang E.M.M. (2018), Cost-effectiveness of longer-term versus shorter-term provision of antibiotics in patients with persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme disease, PLoS ONE 13(4): e0195260.
- Damman W., Liu R., Kaptein A.A., Evers A.W.M., Middendorp H. van, Rosendaal F.R. & Kloppenburg M. (2018), Illness perceptions and their association with two-year functional status and change in patients with hand osteoarthritis, Rheumatology 57(12): 2190-2199.
- Meeuwis S.H., Middendorp H. van, Veldhuijzen D.S., Laarhoven A.I.M. van, De Houwer J., Lavrijsen A.P.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Placebo effects of open-label verbal suggestions on itch, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 98(2): 268-274.
- Realo A., Middendorp H. van, Kööts-Ausmees L., Allik J. & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Role of personality traits in reporting the development of adverse drug reactions: a prospective cohort study of the Estonian general population, BMJ Open 8: e022428.
- Roest Y.B.M., Middendorp H. van, Evers A.W.M., Kerkhof P.C.M. van de & Pasch M.C. (2018), Nail involvement in alopecia areata: A questionnaire-based survey on clinical signs, impact on quality of life and review of the literature, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 98(2): 212-217.
- Skvortsova A., Veldhuijzen D.S., Middendorp H. van, Bergh O. van den & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Enhancing placebo effects in somatic symptoms through oxytocin, Psychosomatic Medicine 80(4): 353-360.
- Tekampe J., Middendorp H. van, Sweep F.C.G.J., Roerink S.H.P.P., Hermus A.R.M.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Human pharmacological conditioning of the immune and endocrine system: challenges and opportunities. In: Colloca L. (red.), International Review of Neurobiology - Neurobiology of the Placebo Effect Part 1 - Volume 138. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Academic Press. 61-80.
- Terpstra J.A., Vaart R. van der, Spillekom- Koulil S. van, Dam A. van, Rosmalen J.G.M., Knoop H., Middendorp H. van & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Becoming an eCoach: training therapists in online cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic pain, Patient Education and Counseling 101(9): 1702-1707.
- Wirken L., Middendorp H. van, Hooghof C.W., Bremer T.E., Hopman S.P.F., Pant K.A.M.I. van der, Hoitsma A.J., Hilbrands L.B. & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Development and feasibility of a guided and tailored internet-based cognitive-behavioural intervention for kidney donors and kidney donor candidates, BMJ Open 8: e020906.
- Veldhuijzen D.S., Middendorp H. van & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Stress and sensitization in chronic pain. In: Karoly P. & Crombez G. (red.), Motivational Perspectives on Chronic Pain: Theory, Research and Practice. New York: Oxford University Press. 177-208.
- Peerdeman K.J., Tekampe J., van Laarhoven A.I.M., van Middendorp H., Rippe R.C.A., Peters M.L. & Evers A.W.M. (2017), Expectations about the effectiveness of pain‐ and itch‐relieving medication administered via different routes, European Journal of Pain 22: 774-783.
- Tekampe J., Van Middendorp H., Meeuwis S.H., Van Leusden J.W.R., Pacheco Lopez G., Hermus A.R.M.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2017), Conditioning immune and endocrine parameters in humans: A systematic review, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 86: 99-107.
- Van Beugen S., Van Middendorp H., Ferwerda M., Smit J.V., Zeeuwen-Franssen M.E.J., Kroft E.B.M., De Jong E.M.G.J., Donders A.R.T., Van de Kerkhof P.C.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2017), Predictors of perceived stigmatization in patients with psoriasis, British Journal of Dermatology 176(3): 687-694.
- Wirken L., Van Middendorp H., Hooghof C.W., Sanders J.S.F., Dam R.E., Van der Pant K.A.M.I., Berendsen E.C.M., Wellink H., Dackus H.J.A., Hoitsma A.J., Hilbrands L.B. & Evers A.W.M. (2017), Pre-donation cognitions of potential living organ donors: The development of the Donation Cognition Instrument (DCI) in potential kidney donors, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 32(3): 573-580.
- Balieva F., Kupfer J., Lien L., Gieler U., Finlay A.Y., Tomas-Aragonés L., Poot F., Misery L., Sampogna F., Van Middendorp H., Halvorsen J.A., Szepietowsk J.C., Lvov A., Marrón S.E., Salek M.S. & Dalgard F.J. (2017), The burden of common skin diseases assessed with the EQ5D: A European multi-centre study in 13 countries, British Journal of Dermatology 176: 1170-1178.
- Ferwerda M., Van Beugen S., Van Middendorp H., Spillekom-Van Koulil S., Donders A.R.T., Visser H., Taal E., Creemers M.C.W., Van Riel P.L.C.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2017), A tailored guided internet-based cognitive-behavioral intervention for patients with rheumatoid arthritis as an adjunct to standard rheumatological care: Results of a randomized controlled trial, Pain 158(5): 868-878.
- Szabó C., Altmayer A., Lien L., Poot F., Gieler U., Tomas-Aragones L., Kupfer J., Jemec G.B.E., Misery L., Linder M.D., Sampogna F., Middendorp H. van, Halvorsen J.A., Balieva F., Szepietowski J.C., Romanov D., Marron S.E., Altunay I.K., Finlay A.I., Salek S.S. & Dalgard F. (2017), Attachment styles of dermatological patients in Europe: A multicentre study in 13 countries, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 97(7): 813-818.
- Schakel L., Veldhuijzen D.S., Van Middendorp H., Prins C., Joosten S.A., Ottenhoff T.H.M., Visser L.G. & Evers A.W.M. (2017), The effects of a psychological intervention directed at optimizing immune function: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 18: e243.
- Ferwerda M., Van Beugen S., Van Riel P.C.L.M., Van de Kerkhof P.C.M., De Jong E.M.G.J., Smit J.V., Zeeuwen-Franssen M.E.J., Kroft E.B.M., Visser H., Vonkeman H.E., Creemers M.C.W., Van Middendorp H. & Evers A.W.M. (2016), Measuring the therapeutic relationship in internet-based interventions, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 85(1): 47-49.
- Berende A., Ter Hofstede H.J., Vos F.J., Van Middendorp H., Vogelaar M.L., Tromp M., Van den Hoogen F.H., Donders A.R., Evers A.W. & Kullberg B.J. (2016), Randomized trial of longer-term therapy for symptoms attributed to Lyme Disease, The New England Journal of Medicine 374(13): 1209-1220.
- Van Middendorp H. & Evers A.W.M. (2016), The role of psychological factors in inflammatory rheumatic diseases: From burden to tailored treatment, Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology 30(5): 932-945.
- Velde A.A. te, Bezema T., Kampen A.H.C. van, Kraneveld A.D., Hart B.A. 't, Middendorp H. van, Hack E.C., Montfrans J.M. van, Belzer C., Jans-Beken L., Pieters R.H., Knipping K., Huber M., Boots A.M.H., Garssen J., Radstake T.R., Evers A.W.M., Prakken B.J. & Joosten I. (2016), Embracing complexity beyond systems medicine: A new approach to chronic immune disorders, Frontiers in Immunology 7: e587.
- Van Middendorp H., Kox M., Pickkers P. & Evers A.W. (2016), The role of outcome expectancies for a training program consisting of meditation, breathing exercises, and cold exposure on the response to endotoxin administration: A proof-of-principle study, Clinical Rheumatology 35(4): 1081-1085.
- Van Middendorp H., Kool M.B., Van Beugen S., Denollet J., Lumley M.A. & Geenen R. (2016), Prevalence and relevance of Type D personality in fibromyalgia, General Hospital Psychiatry 39: 66-72.
- Van Beugen S., Ferwerda M., Spillekom-Van Koulil S., Smit J.V., Zeeuwen-Franssen M.E.J., Kroft E.B.M., De Jong E.M.G.J., Otero M.E., Donders A.R.T., Van de Kerkhof P.C.M., Van Middendorp H. & Evers A.W.M. (2016), Tailored therapist-guided internet-based cognitive behavioral treatment for psoriasis: a randomized controlled trial, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 85(5): 297-307.
- Van Beugen S., Maas J., Van Laarhoven A.I.M., Galesloot T.E., Rinck M., Becker E.S., Van de Kerkhof P.C.M., Van Middendorp H. & Evers A.W.M. (2016), Implicit stigmatization-related biases in individuals with skin conditions and their significant others, Health Psychology 35(8): 861-865.
- Van Asten F., Van Middendorp H., Verkerk S., Breukink M.B., Lomme R.M.L.M., Hoyng C.B., Evers A.W. & Klevering B.J. (2015), Are intravitreal injections with ultrathin 33-G needles less painful than the commonly used 30-G needles?, Retina 35(9): 1778-1785.
- Wirken L., Van Middendorp H., Hooghof C.W., Rovers M.M., Hoitsma A.J., Hilbrands L.B. & Evers A.W.M. (2015), The course and predictors of health-related quality of life in living kidney donors: A systematic review and meta-analysis, American Journal of Transplantation 15(12): 3041-3054.
- Beugen S. van., Ograczyk A., Ferwerda M., Smit J.V., Zeeuwen-Franssen M.E.J., Kroft E.B.M., De Jong E.M.G.J., Zalewska-Janowska A., Donders A.R.T., Van de Kerkhof P.C.M., Van Middendorp H. & Evers A.W.M. (2015), Body attention, ignorance and awareness scale: assessing relevant concepts for physical and psychological functioning in psoriasis, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 95: 444-450.
- De Brouwer S.J., Van Middendorp H., Stormink C., Kraaimaat F.W., Sweep F.C., De Jonge E.M., Schalkwijk J., Eijsbouts A., Donders A.R., Van de Kerkhof P.C., Van Riel P.L. & Evers A.W.M. (2014), Psychophysiological responses to stress in patients with psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis, British Journal of Dermatology 170(4): 824-831.
- Bartels D.J.P., Van Laarhoven A.I.M., Haverkamp E.A., Wilder-Smith O.H., Donders A.R.T., Middendorp H. van, Kerkhof P.C.M. van de & Evers A.W.M. (2014), Role of Conditioning and Verbal Suggestion in Placebo and Nocebo Effects on Itch, PLoS ONE 9(3): .
- Berende A., Ter Hofstede H.J.M., Donders A.R.T., Van Middendorp H., Kessels R.P.C., Adang E.M.M., Vos F.J., Evers A.W.M. & Kullberg B.-J. (2014), Persistent lyme empiric antibiotic study Europe (PLEASE) - Design of a randomized controlled trial of prolonged antibiotic treatment in patients with persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme borreliosis, BMC Infectious Diseases 14: e543.
- Van Beugen S., Ferwerda M., Hoeve D., Rovers M., Spillekom-Van Koulil S., Van Middendorp H. & Evers A.W.M. (2014), A meta-analytic review of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for patients with chronic somatic conditions, Journal of Medical Internet Research 16(3): e88.
- Evers A.W.M., Gieler U., Hasenbring M.I. & Van Middendorp H. (2014), Incorporating biopsychosocial characteristics into personalized healthcare: A clinical approach, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 83(3): 148-157.
- Wirken L., Van Middendorp H. & Evers A.W.M. (2014), Nierdonatie bij leven. Psychologische kanten van donatie bij leven, Cahiers Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij 3: 69-71.
- Kool M.B., Van de Schoot R., Lopez-Chicheri Garcia I., Mewes R., Da Silva J.A.P., Vangronsveld K., Wismeijer A.A.J., Lumley M.A., Van Middendorp H., Bijlsma J.W.JK., Crombez G., Rief W. & Geenen R. (2014), Measurement invariance of the Illness Invalidation Inventory (3*I) across language, rheumatic disease, and gender, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 73(3): 551-556.
- Evers A.W.M. & Van Middendorp H. (2014), Chronische pijn in de reumatologie. In: Putte L. van de, Geurts M., Linssen A., Moolenburgh D. & Radstake T. (red.), Canon van de Reumatologie. Haarlem: DCHG Medische Communicatie. 61-62.
- Evers A.W.M. & Middendorp H. van (2014), Gepersonaliseerde psychotherapie voor somatische aandoeningen: Een klinische benadering, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 56(11): 753-754.
- De Brouwer S.J.M., Van Middendorp H., Stormink C., Kraaimaat F.W., Joosten I., Radstake T.R.D.J., De Jong E.M.G.J., Schalkwijk J., Donders A.R.T., Eijsbouts A., Van de Kerkhof P.C.M., Van Riel P.L.C.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2014), Immune responses to stress in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, Rheumatology 53(10): 1844-1848.
- Van Middendorp H., Lumley M.A., Houtveen J.H., Jacobs J.W.G., Bijlsma J.W.J. & Geenen R. (2013), The impact of emotion-related autonomic nervous system responsiveness on pain sensitivity in female patients with fibromyalgia, Psychosomatic Medicine 75(8): 765-773.
- Ferwerda M., Van Beugen S., Van Middendorp H., De Jong E.M.G.K., Van de Kerkhof P.C.M., Van Riel P.L.C.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2013), What patients think about E-health: patients' perspective on internet-based cognitive behavioral treatment for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, Clinical Rheumatology 32: 869-873.
- Larsen J.K., Vermulst A.A., Geenen R., Van Middendorp H., English T., Gross J.J., Ha T., Evers C. & Engels R.C.M.E. (2013), Emotion regulation in adolescence: A prospective study of expressive suppression and depressive symptoms, Journal of Early Adolescence 33: 184-200.
- De Brouwer S.J.M., Van Middendorp H., Kraaimaat F.W., Radstake R.D.J., Joosten I., Donders A.R.T., Eijsbouts E., Spillekom-Van Koulil S., Van Riel P.L.C.M. & Evers A.W.M. (2013), Immune responses to stress after stress management training in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Research & Therapy 15(6): R200.
- Kool M.B., Van Middendorp H., Lumley M.A., Bijlsma J.W.J. & Geenen R. (2013), Social support and invalidation by others contribute uniquely to the understanding of physical and mental health of patients with rheumatic diseases, Journal of Health Psychology 18(1): 86-95.
- Bossema E., Van Middendorp H., Jacobs J., Bijlsma J. & Geenen R. (2013), Influence of weather on daily symptoms of pain and fatigue in female patients with fybromyalgia: A multilevel regression analysis, Arthritis Care and Research 65(7): 1019-1025.
- Groot I.M.J. de, Voet N.B.M., Middendorp H. van, Knoop H.J.A., Rahbek J. & Engelen B.G.M. van (2013), 184th ENMC international workshop: Pain and fatigue in neuromuscular disorders 20-22 may 2011, Neuromuscular Disorders 23(12): 1028-1032.
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