Henk Blezer
Universitair docent Boeddhisme
- Naam
- Dr. H.W.A. Blezer
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9950
- h.w.a.blezer@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Henk Blezer is universitair docent bij International Studies.
Meer informatie over Henk Blezer
Universitair docent Boeddhisme
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Faculteitsbureau
- International Studies
- Blezer H.W.A. (2023), Towards a definition of local orthographies of bon manuscripts: a pilot study. In: Helman-Ważny A. & Ramble C. (red.), Bon and naxi manuscripts. Studies in Manuscript Cultures nr. 28. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 147-167.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2022), Antecedents of bon: on rMa folks and the origins of gShen ritual specialists, Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 64: 18-44.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2022), 'Martelaarschap' in boeddhisme: perspectieven, regels, verhalen & praktijken. In: Lietaert-Peerbolte L.J. & Bakker H.A. (red.), Dan liever dood: Walburg Pers. 109-144.
- Blezer H.W.A. & Jong A.F. de (2022), Martelaarschap in vergelijkend perspectief. In: Lietaert-Peerbolte L.J. & Bakker H.A. (red.), Dan liever dood: Walburg Pers. 203-222.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2022), Modelling Buddhism(s): foundational reflections on the 'spread' or emergence of 'Buddhism'. In: Cüppers C., Schwieger P. & Everding K.H. (red.), A life in Tibetan studies: Festschrift for Dieter Schuh at the Occasion of his 80th Birthday Click to expand A Life in Tibetan Studies : Festschrift for Dieter Schuh at the Occasion of his 80th Birthday: LIRI: Lumbini International Research Institute. 43-60.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2022), Humour me: personality, features of identity and the faults of embodied existence. Prague: 16th IATS Seminar 2022 (International Association for Tibetan Studies). [congress paper].
- Blezer H.W.A. & Jong A.F. de (2022), Martelaarschap in vergelijkend perspectief. In: Bakker H. & Lietaert Peerbolte B.-J. (red.), Dan liever dood!: Over martelaren en hun religieuze drijfveren. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 203-222.
- Blezer H.W.A., Poorthuis M. & Gales F.W.L. (red.) (2020), Het pompeblêd & de lotus: J.H. Halbertsma, het Buddhisme en zijn stichter (1843). Waarbeke: Asoka/Milinda.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2020), Inleiding: Halbertsma en het boeddhisme in Nederland. In: Blezer H., Poorthuis M. & Gales F. (red.), Het pompeblêd & de lotus: J.H. Halbertsma, Het Buddhisme en zijn stichter (1843). Waarbeke: Asoka/Milinda. 17-26.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2020), Voorwoord. In: Blezer H., Poorthuis M. & Gales F. (red.), Het pompeblêd & de lotus: J.H. Halbertsma, het Buddhisme en zijn stichter (1843). Waarbeke: Asoka/Milinda. 7-16.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2019), A new sense of (dark) humour in Tibet: brown phlegm and black bile. In: McGrath W. (red.), Knowledge and context in Tibetan medicine. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. 3-58.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2018), Toward a definition of local orthographies of Bon manuscripts. Friedrich M., Hirschler K., Macé C., Michel C., Quenzer J.B. & Wilden E. (red.), Bon and Naxi Manuscripts. Bon Manuscripts in Context 16 maart 2018 - 17 maart 2018. Studies in Manuscript Cultures nr. 28. Hamburg: Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures. 147-168.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2018), How Zhang zhung emerges in emic and etic discourse and is ever at peril of disappearing again in the same. In: Thar. T., Karmay S.G. & Heller A. (red.), Ancient civilisation of Tibet and its inheritance. Beijing: Qinghai Minzu Publishing House. 185-211.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2018), Various contributions (unconference-style) Toward a definition of local orthographies of Bon manuscripts: the great perfection initiative. Hamburg: Garrison Annual Gathering 2018 of The Great Perfection Initiative, 25-05-2018, 29-05-2018 (Studies in Manuscript Cultures). [discussion paper].
- Blezer H.W.A. (2017), The World According to the rMa Family. Schwieger P., Schuh D., Cüppers C., Ehrhard F.K. & Everding K.H. (red.), Zentralasiatische Studien: Proceedings of the Seminar held in Lumbini, Nepal, March 2011. Tibet after Empire: Culture, Society and Religion between 850-1000 4 maart 2011 - 6 maart 2011. Lumbini: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. 21-39.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2015), Boeddhisme & geweld (Buddhism & Violence): Zelf & Ander (Self & Other), TussenRuimte 8(1): 45-51.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2015), Notes on an Unidentified Thangka of the Black-Cloak Mahākāla. In: Havnevik H & Ramble C. (red.), From Bhakti to Bon: Festschrift for Per Kvaerne: Novus Press. 113-131.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2015), 'Dus pa'i nad, Bad kan smug po and Melancholia in the teaching on the six Lamps (sGron ma drug gi gdams pa), the Fourfold Collection ('Bum bzhi), and the Fourfold Tantra (rGyud bzhi). In: Ramble C. & Roesler U. (red.), Tibetan and Himalayan healing: an anthology for anthony aris: Vajra Publications. 43-64.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2013), The Paradox of Bon Identity Discourse: Some Thoughts on the rMa Clan and on The Manner of bsGrags pa bon, ‘Eternal’ Bon, New Treasures, and New Bon. In: Blezer H.W.A. & Teeuwen M.J. (red.), Challenging Paradigms, Buddhism and Nativism: Framing Identity Discourse in Buddhist Environments. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. 123-157.
- Blezer H.W.A. & Teeuwen M.J. (2013), Buddhism and Nativism: Framing Identity Discourse in Buddhist Environments. Challenging Paradigms nr. 1. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
- Blezer H.W.A. & Teeuwen M.J. (2013), Introduction. In: Blezer H.W.A. & Teeuwen M.J. (red.), Buddhism and Nativism: Framing Identity Discourse in Buddhist Environments. Challenging Paradigms nr. 1. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. 1-27.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2013), The World according to the rMa Family. In: Cüppers Ch., Mayer R. & Walter M.L. (red.), Tibet after Empire: Culture, Society and Religion between 850-1000, Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Lumbini, Nepal, March 2011. LIRI Seminar Proceedings Series nr. 4. Lumbini: LIRI: Lumbini International Research Institute. 1-17.
- Blezer H.W.A., Gurung K.N. & Rath S. (2013), Where to Look for the Origins of Zhang zhung-related Scripts?. In: Hill N.W. & Desjardins M.J.F. (red.), New Horizons in Bon Studies 3. The Journal of the International Association for Bon Research = La Revue de l’association pour la recherche sur le Bön nr. 1. Montreal: The International Association for Bon Research. 99-174.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2012), Buddhism in the Netherlands: A Brief Resume & Call for Further Research. In: Abenayake O. & Tilakaratne A. (red.), 2600 Years of Sambuddhatva: Global Journey of Awakening. Colombo: The Ministry of Buddhasasana and Religious Affairs. 423-441.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2012), It All Happened in Myi yul skyi mthing: A Crucial Nexus of Narratives: The Proto-Heartland of Bon?. In: McKay A. & Balikci-Denjongpa A. (red.), Buddhist Himalaya: Studies in Religion, History and Culture. Gangtok: Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, Sikkim. 157-178.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2012), The Discourse on the Origins of the Teachers of Past, Present and Future, Dus gsum ston pa 'byung khungs kyi mdo. In: Vitali R. (red.), Studies on the History and Literature of Tibet and the Himalaya. Kathmandu: Vajra Publications. 1-29.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2012), “‘Light’ on the Human Body; The Coarse Physical Body and its Functions in the Aural Transmission from Zhang zhung on the Six Lamps, Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 23(April 2012): 117-168.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2011), Emerging Bon: The Formation of Bon Traditions in Tibet at the Turn of the First Millennium AD -- PIATS 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006. Halle: IITBS GmbH.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2011), Introduction (to edited volume). In: Blezer H.W.A. (red.), Emerging Bon: The Formation of Bon Traditions in Tibet at the Turn of the First Millennium AD -- PIATS 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006. Halle: IITBS GmbH. 7-12.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2011), In Search of the Heartland of Bon: Khyung lung Dngul mkhar, The Silver Castle in Garu.da Valley. In: Blezer H.W.A. (red.), Emerging Bon: The Formation of Bon Traditions in Tibet at the Turn of the First Millennium AD -- PIATS 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006. Halle: IITBS GmbH. 117-163.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2011), The Bon of Bon: Forever Old. In: Blezer H.W.A. (red.), Emerging Bon: The Formation of Bon Traditions in Tibet at the Turn of the First Millennium AD -- PIATS 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006. Halle: IITBS GmbH. 207-246.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2011), A Brief Bibliographical Key to Zhang Zhung Snyan Rgyud Editions with Special Attention for Sources on the Early Lineage, Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 20(April 2011): 135-203.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2010), The Two Conquests of Zhang zhung and the Many Lig-Kings of Bon: A Structural Analysis of the Bon ma nub pa’i gtan tshigs. In: Chayet Anne, Scherrer-Schaub Cristina, Robin Françoise & Achard Jean-Luc (red.), Edition, éditions: l'écrit au Tibet, évolution et devenir. München: INDUS VERLAG. 19-63.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2010), William of Ockham, Jan van Gorp and Tibetan Studies: Some Notes on Dating the mDo 'dus. In: Achard J.-L. (red.), Études tibétaines en l’honneur d’Anne Chayet. Genève: Librairie Droz. 1-50.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2010), Greatly perfected, in space and time: historicities of the Bon Aural transmission from Zhang zhung, Tibet Journal (The) XXXIV-V(XXXIV.3-XXXV.2): 71-160.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2009), The Silver Castle Revisited: A Few Notes, Acta Orientalia 70: 217-223.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2009), A Preliminary Report on Investigations into (Bon nyid) 'Od gsal- and Zhi khro bar do in Earlier (Zhang zhung) sNyan rgyud-Literature, Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines Vol.17(November 2009): 21-50.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2008), sTon pa gShen rab: Six Marriages and Many More Funerals, Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 15: 421-479.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2007), Imagining the beyond, Beyond Imagination. In: Karmay S.G. & Watt J. (red.), Bon, The Magic Word: The Indigenous Religion of Tibet. London: RMA, Philip Wilson. 180-207.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2007), Outlook: Desiderata in the Study of the History of Tibetan Medicine. Schrempf M. (red.), Soundings in Tibetan Medicine: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives -- PIATS 2003, Tibetan Studies, Proceedings of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003. Proceedings of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. 427-438.
- Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2007), . Vorm & Leegte (Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme).
- Blezer H.W.A. (2007), Heaven my Blanket, Earth my Pillow -- Wherever Rin po che Lays his Head down to Rest is the Original Place of Bon, Acta Orientalia 68: 75-112.
- Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2006), . Vorm & Leegte (Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme).
- Blezer H.W.A., "Tibet’s Lost City: Atlantis in the Himalayas", bijdrage aan Kijken naar de Pers, CNWS weblog. Tibet’s Lost City: Atlantis in the Himalayas. Leiden: Kijken naar de Pers, CNWS weblog. [blog].
- Blezer H.W.A. (2006), Wie zijn de Tibetaanse Bönpo’s? Bijdrage aan berichten uit de Academie, Vorm & Leegte (Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme) 11: 9-9.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2005), Foreword. In: Bellezza J.V. (red.), Spirit-mediums, Sacred Mountains and Related Bon Textual Traditions in Upper Tibet: Calling Down the Gods. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. v-vii.
- Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2005), . Vorm & Leegte (Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme).
- Blezer H.W.A. (2005), Tussen de Regels. Bijdrage aan Westerse Wetenschap voor Tibetaanse Monniken, Vorm & Leegte (Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme) 10: 42-42.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2005), Aankondiging Numata gastprofessor en lezingen serie in Berichten uit de Academie, Vorm & Leegte (Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme) 10.2(38): 9-9.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2005), Tussen de Regels, bijdrage aan themanummer Westerse Wetenschap en Boeddhistische monniken, Vorm & Leegte (Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme) 10.2(38): 42-42.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2005), Aankondiging: Openbare Colleges Samten Gyaltsen Karmay. Bijdrage aan berichten uit de Academie, Vorm & Leegte (Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme) 10.2: 9-9.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2005), Berichten uit de Academie, vaste driemaandelijkse rubriek, gestart 1 december 2004, Vorm & Leegte (Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme) Winter(2004/2005): .
- Blezer H.W.A. (2003), Tibet. In: Bor Jan & Leeuw Karel van der (red.), 25 Eeuwen Oosterse Filosofie. Amsterdam: Boom. 191-272.
- Beckwith Chr. & Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2002), Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages (PIATS 2000.6). Leiden: Brill.
- Blezer H.W.A. & Zadoks A. (red.) (2002), Tibet, Past and Present: Tibetan Studies I (PIATS 2000.1). Leiden: Brill.
- Eimer H., Germano D. & Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2002), The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism. Leiden: Brill.
- Klimburg-Salter D., Allinger E. & Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2002), Buddhist Art and Patronage: Ninth to Fourteenth Century (PIATS 2000.7). Leiden: Brill.
- Klieger Chr.P. & Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2002), Tibet, Self, and the Tibetan Diaspora: Voices of Difference (PIATS 2000.8). Leiden: Brill.
- Buffetrille K., Diemberger H. & Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2002), Territory and Identity in Tibet and the Himalaya. Leiden: Brill.
- Blezer H.W.A. & Zadoks A. (red.) (2002), Religion and Secular Culture in Tibet: Tibetan Studies II. Leiden: Brill.
- Huber T. & Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2002), Amdo Tibetans in Transition: Society and Culture in the Post-Mao Era (PIATS 2000.5). Leiden: Brill.
- Epstein L. & Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2002), Khams pa Histories: Visions of People, Place and Authority )in PIATS 2000: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000, pt4). Leiden: Brill.
- Ardussie J., Blezer H.W.A. & Zadoks A. (red.) (2002), Impressions of Bhutan and Tibetan Art: Tibetan Studies III (PIATS 2000.3). Leiden: Brill.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2002), Karma Gling pa: Treasure Finder (gTer ston), Creative Editor (gTer ston?) -- A Preliminary Comparison of the Man ngag snying gi dgongs pa rgyal ba'i bka' zhes bya ba'i rgyud and two Bar do thos grol chen mo-texts: The Chos nyid bar do'i gsal 'debs thos grol chen mo and the Srid pa bar do'i ngo sprod gsal 'debs thos grol chen mo (cf. 'scrambled' edition in Reading Asia: New Research in Asian Studies, pp.292-338, Leiden 2001), East and West 52(1-4): 311-345.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2001), Karma gling pa: Treasure Finder or Creative Editor. Huesken F. & Meij D. van der (red.), Reading Asia: New Research in Asian Studies. . Richmond: Curzon. 292-338.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2001), The Bon Virtual Library Project (in Tibetological Collections & Archives Series), IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) 25: 18-19.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2001), Report on the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden June 24th-30th, 2000, Studia Asiatica 1(1-2): 37-42.
- Blezer H.W.A. (red.) (2000), . IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory).
- Blezer H.W.A. (2000), The 'Bon' dBal mo Nyer bdun (/brgyad) and the Buddhist dBang phyug ma Nyer brgyad, a Brief Comparison. Karmay S.G. & Nagano Y. (red.), New Horizons in Bon Studies, Bon Studies 2. . Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. 117-178.
- Blezer H.W.A. (2000), The Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) 23: 41-41.
- Blezer H.W.A. (1999) Boekbespreking. Bespreking van: Robert R. (1996), A Scripture of the Ancient Tantra Collection: The Phur-pa bcu-gnyis nr. 3. Oxford: Kiscadale Publications. Indo-Iranian Journal 42: 275-279.
- Blezer H.W.A. (1999), The Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden June 24th-30th, 2000, IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) 19: 14-14.
- Blezer H.W.A. (1999), Symposium, 'New Horizons in Bon Studies', Osaka, Japan, IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) 20: 15-15.
- Blezer H.W.A. (1998), Some further reflections on Kar gling Zhi khro: a study of sources referred to in Dan Martin's review of Kar gling Zhi khro: a tantric Buddhist concept, Tibet Journal (The) 23: 134-143.
- Blezer H.W.A. (16 april 1997), Kar glin zhi khro (Dissertatie, Leiden University). NN: NN. Promotor(en): Vetter T.E.