Hassan Nagra
- Naam
- H.J. Nagra
- Telefoon
- 071 5272727
- h.j.nagra@lic.leidenuniv.nl

- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Energy & Sustainability
- LIC/ES/Catalysis and Surface Chemistry
- Nagra H.J., Kolmeijer K.E., Trindell J.A., Schneider G.F. & Mom R.V. (2024), A laboratory-based electrochemical NAP-XPS system for operando electrocatalysis studies, Vacuum 231(Part A): 113755.
- Nagra H.J., Deka N., Favaro M., Knop-Gereicke A. & Mom R.V. (2023), The Chemistry of Interfacial Ions: In Situ XPS and XAS, ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2023-02: 2665-2665.
- Nagra H.J., Knop-Gericke A. & Mom R.V. (2022), Structural model for transient Pt oxidation during fuel cell start-up using electrochemical X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 14(31): 36238-36245.
- Javed H., Pani S. Antony J., Sakthivel M. & Drillet J.F. (2021), Synthesis of mesoporous carbon spheres via a soft-template route for catalyst supports in PEMFC cathodes, Soft Matter 17(33): 7743-7754.