Hao Wang
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. H. Wang
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4799
- h.wang@liacs.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-4933-5181

Hao Wang over Machine Learning
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- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Fan J., Trigui A., Bäck T.H.W. & Wang H. (2025), Enhancing Plausibility Evaluation for Generated Designs with Denoising Autoencoder. Leonardis A., Ricci E., Roth S., Russakovsky O., Sattler T. & Varol G. (red.), Computer Vision – ECCV 2024. The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV 2024 29 september 2024 - 4 oktober 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. 15136. Cham: Springer. 88-105.
- Nobel J.P. de, Ye F., Vermetten D.L., Wang H., Doerr C. & Bäck T.H.W. (2024), IOHexperimenter: benchmarking platform for Iterative Optimization Heuristics, Evolutionary Computation 32(3): 205-210.
- Soliviev V.P., Dunjko V., Bielza C., Larranaga P. & Wang H. (2024), Trainability maximization using estimation of distribution algorithms assisted by surrogate modelling for quantum architecture search, EPJ Quantum Technology 11(1): 69.
- Pérez-Salinas A., Wang H. & Bonet-Monroig X. (2024), Analyzing variational quantum landscapes with information content, npj Quantum Information 10: 27.
- Fan J., Vuaille L., Bäck T.H.W. & Wang H. (2024), Adversarial Latent Autoencoder with Self-Attention for Structural Image Synthesis, 2024 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI). The 2024 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IEEE CAI 2024) 25 juni 2024 - 27 juni 2024: IEEE. 119-124.
- Vermetten D.L., Doerr C., Wang H., Kononova A. & Bäck T.H.W. (2024), Large-scale benchmarking of metaphor-based optimization heuristics, Large-scale benchmarking of metaphor-based optimization heuristics. Gecco '24 Genetic and evolutionary computation 14 juli 2024 - 18 juli 2024. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Association for Computing Machinery. 41-49.
- Vermetten D.L., Wang H., Sim K. & Hart E. (2023), To switch or not to switch: predicting the benefit of switching between algorithms based on trajectory features. Correia J., Smith S. & Quaddoura R. (red.), Applications of evolutionary computation. 26th European Conference, EvoApplications 2023 12 april 2023 - 14 april 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer. 335-350.
- Emmerich M.T.M., Deutz A.H., Wang H., Kononova A.V., Naujoks B., Li K., Miettinen K. & Yevseyeva I. (red.) (2023), Evolutionary multi-criterion optimization : 12th International Conference, EMO 2023, Leiden, The Netherlands, March 20–24, 2023, proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. 13970. Cham: Springer .
- Deutz A.H., Emmerich M.T.M. & Wang H. (2023), The hypervolume indicator Hessian matrix: analytical expression, computational time complexity, and sparsity. Emmerich M.T.M., Deutz A.H., Wang H., Kononova A.V., Naujoks B., Li K., Miettinen K. & Yevseyeva I. (red.), Evolutionary multi-criterion optimization: 12th International Conference, EMO 2023 Leiden, The Netherlands, March 20–24, 2023 proceedings. Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO) 2023 20 maart 2023 - 24 maart 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. LNCS 13970. Cham: Springer. 405-418.
- Back T.H.W., Kononova A.V., Stein N. van, Wang H., Antonov K., Kalkreuth R.T., Nobel J.P. de, Vermetten D., Winter R. de & Ye F. (2023), Evolutionary algorithms for parameter optimization: thirty years later, Evolutionary Computation 31(2): 81-122.
- Neumann F., Neumann A, Qian C., Viet Do A., Nobel J.P. de, Vermetten D.L., Ahouei S.S., Ye F., Wang H. & Bäck T.W.H. (2023), Benchmarking algorithms for submodular optimization problems using IOHProfiler, 2023 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). 2023 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 1 juli 2023 - 5 juli 2023: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 972-981.
- Bonet-Monroig X., Wang H., Vermetten D.L., Senjean B., Moussa C., Bäck T.H.W., Dunjko V. & O'Brien T.E. (2023), Performance comparison of optimization methods on variational quantum algorithms, Physical Review A 107(3): 032407.
- Kostovska A., Jankovic A., Vermetten D.L., Nobel J.P. de, Wang H., Eftimov T. & Doerr C. (2022), Per-run algorithm selection with warm-starting using trajectory-based features. Rudolph G.: Kononova A.V., Aguiree H., Kerschke P., Ochoa G. & Tušar T. (red.), Lecture notes in computer science. 17th International Conference, PPSN 2022 10 september 2022 - 14 september 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. 13398. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 46--60.
- Moussa C., Wang H., Bäck T.H.W. & Dunjko V (2022), Unsupervised strategies for identifying optimal parameters in Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, EPJ Quantum Technology 9: 11.
- Ullah S., Wang H., Menzel S., Sendhoff B. & Bäck T.H.W. (2022), A systematic approach to analyze the computational cost of robustness in model-assisted robust optimization: a systematic approach to analyze the computational cost. Rudolph G., Kononova A.V., Aguirre H., Kerschke P., Ochoa G. & Tušar T. (red.), Lecture notes in computer science (LNCS). 17th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 10 september 2022 - 14 september 2022 nr. 13398. Cham: Springer. 63-75.
- Wang H., Vermetten D., Ye F., Doerr C. & Bäck T.H.W (2022), IOHanalyzer: detailed performance analyses for iterative optimization heuristics: hot-off-the-press track @ GECCO 2022. Fieldsend J.E. (red.), GECCO '22: proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion. GECCO '22: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 9 juli 2022 - 13 juli 2022. New York, NY, United States: Association for Computing Machinery . 49-50.
- Ye F., Doerr C., Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2022), Automated configuration of genetic algorithms by tuning for anytime performance: hot-off-the-press track at GECCCO 2022. Fieldsend J.E. (red.), GECCO '22: proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion. GECCO '22: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 9 juli 2022 - 13 juli 2022. New York, NY, United States: Association for Computing Machinery . 51-52.
- Wang H., Vermetten D., Ye F., Doerr C. & Bäck T.H.W. (2022), IOHanalyzer: detailed performance analyses for iterative optimization heuristics, ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization 2(1): 3.
- Ye F., Doerr C., Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2022), Automated configuration of genetic algorithms by tuning for anytime performance, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 26(6): 1526-1538.
- Camero Unzueta A., Wang H., Alba E. & Bäck T.H.W. (2021), Bayesian neural architecture search using a training-free performance metric, Applied Soft Computing 106: 107356.
- Nguyen D.A., Kong J., Wang H., Menzel S., Sendhoff B., Kononova A.V. & Bäck T.H.W. (2021), Improved automated CASH optimization with tree parzen estimators for class imbalance problems, 2021 IEEE 8th international conference on data science and advanced analytics (DSAA). IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) 6 oktober 2021 - 9 december 2021: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 1-9.
- Ullah S., Wang H., Menzel S, Sendhoff B. & Bäck T.H.W. (2021), A new acquisition function for robust Bayesian optimization of unconstrained problems. Chicano F. (red.), Gecco '21: proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion. GECCO '21: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 10 juli 2021 - 14 juli 2021. New York: ACM. 1344-1345.
- Geraedts V.J., Koch M., Kuiper R., Kefalas M., Bäck T.H.W., Hilten J.J., Wang H., Middelkoop H.A.M., Gaag N.A., Contarino M.F. & Tannemaat M.R. (2021), Preoperative electroencephalography‐based machine learning predicts cognitive deterioration after subthalamic deepbrain stimulation, Movement Disorders 36(10): 2324-2334.
- Ai Z., Ingo H., Schelske C.,Wang H., Krause P. & Bäck T.H.W. (2021), A classification-based solution for recommending process parameters of production processes without quality measures, Procedia Computer Science 180: 600-607.
- Vermetten D., Kononova A.V., Caraffini F., Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2021), Is there anisotropy in structural bias?. Krawiec K. (red.), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Companion Volume. GECCO '21: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 10 juli 2021 - 14 juli 2021. Lille, France: ACM. 1243–1250.
- Nobel J.P. de, Vermetten D., Wang H., Doerr C. & Bäck T.H.W. (2021), Tuning as a means of assessing the benefits of new ideas in interplay with existing algorithmic modules. Krawiec K. (red.), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Companion Volume. GECCO '21: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 10 juli 2021 - 14 juli 2021. Lille, France: ACM. 1375-1384.
- Grimme C., Kerschke P., Aspar P., Trautmann H., Preuss M., Deutz A.H., Wang H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2021), Peeking beyond peaks: challenges and research potentials of continuous multimodal multi-objective optimization, Computers & Operations Research 136: 105489.
- Boks R., Kononova A.V. & Wang H. (2021), Quantifying the impact of boundary constraint handling methods on differential evolution. Chicano F. (red.), GECCO '21: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. GECCO '21: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 10 juli 2021 - 14 juli 2021. New York, U.S.A.: ACM. 1199-1207.
- Nobel J.P. de, Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2021), Explorative data analysis of time series based algorithm features of CMA-ES variants. Chicano F. (red.), GECCO '21: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. GECCO '21: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 10 juli 2021 - 14 juli 2021: ACM. 510-518.
- Geraedts V.J., Koch M., Contarino M.F., Middelkoop H.A.M., Wang H. Hilten J.J. van, Bäck T.H.W. & Tannemaat M.R. (2021), Machine learning for automated EEG-based biomarkers of cognitive impairment during Deep Brain Stimulation screening in patients with Parkinson’s Disease, Clinical Neurophysiology 132(5): 1041-1048.
- Thill M., Konen W., Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2021), Temporal convolutional autoencoder for unsupervised anomaly detection in time series, Applied Soft Computing 112: 107751.
- Doerr C., Ye F., Horesh N., Wang H., Shir O.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Benchmarking discrete optimization heuristics with IOHprofiler, Applied Soft Computing 88: 106027.
- Vermetten D.L., Wang H., Doerr C. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Sequential vs. Integrated Algorithm Selection and Configuration: A Case Study for the Modular CMA-ES. arXiv nr. 1912.05899. [working paper].
- Kononova A.V., Caraffini F., Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Can single solution optimisation methods be structurally biased?, 2020 IEEE Congress on evolutionary computation (CEC). 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 19 juli 2020 - 24 juli 2020: IEEE. 1-9.
- Koch M., Wang H., Bürgel R. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Towards Data-Driven Services in Vehicles. 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, VEHITS 2020, Prague (*online-conference due to COVID-19). 2 mei 2020 - 4 mei 2020. [conferentie poster].
- Raponi E., Wang H., Bujny M., Boria S. & Doerr C. (2020), High Dimensional Bayesian Optimization Assisted by Principal Component Analysis. Bäck T., Preuss M., Deutz A., Wang H., Doerr C., Emmerich M. & Trautmann H. (red.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI. PPSN 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. PPSN 2020 (16th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature) 5 september 2020 - 9 september 2020 nr. 12269. Cham: Springer. 169-183.
- Boks R., Wang H. & Bäck T. (2020), A modular hybridization of particle swarm optimization and differential evolution, GECCO '20: Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020) 8 juli 2020 - 12 juli 2020. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. 1418–1425.
- Ullah S., Xu Z., Wang H., Menzel S., Sendhoff B. & Bäck T. (2020), Exploring clinical time series forecasting with meta-features in variational recurrent models, 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 19 juli 2020 - 24 juli 2020: IEEE. 1-9.
- Moussa C., Wang H., Calandra H., Bäck T.H.W. & Dunjko V. (2020), Tabu-driven quantum neighborhood samplers. Zarges C. & Verel S. (red.), Evolutionary computation in combinatorial optimization. 21st European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, EvoCOP 2021 7 april 2021 - 9 april 2021. arXiv nr. 12692. Cham: Springer. 100-119.
- Kefalas M., Koch M., Geraedts V.J., Wang H., Tannemaat M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Automated machine learning for the classification of normal and abnormal electromyography data, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2020) 10 december 2020 - 13 december 2020: IEEE. 1176-1185.
- Ullah S., Nguyen D.A., Wang H., Menzelx S., Sendhoff B. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Exploring dimensionality reduction techniques for efficient surrogate-assisted optimization. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 1 december 2020 - 4 december 2020.
- Stein N. van, Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Neural network design: learning from Neural Architecture Search, 2020 IEEE Symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI). IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 1 december 2020 - 4 december 2020: IEEE. 1341-1349.
- Kononova A.V., Caraffini F., Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Can compact optimisation algorithms be structurally biased?. Bäck T.H.W., Preuss M., Deutz A., Wang H., Doerr C., Emmerich M.T.M. & Trautmann H. (red.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI. PPSN 2020 (16th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature) 5 september 2020 - 9 september 2020 nr. 12269. Cham: Springer . 229-242.
- Vermetten D.L., Wang H., Bäck T.H.W. & Doerr C. (2020), Towards dynamic algorithm selection for numerical black-box optimization: investigating BBOB as a use case, GECCO '20: Proceedings of the 2020 genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020) 8 juli 2020 - 12 juli 2020. New York, U.S.A.: Association for Computing Machinery. 654-662.
- Vermetten D.L., Wang H., Doerr C. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Integrated vs. sequential approaches for selecting and tuning CMA-ES variants, GECCO '20: Genetic and evolutionary computation conference. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020) 8 juli 2020 - 12 juli 2020: ACM. 903-912.
- Wang H., Doerr C., Shir O.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Benchmarking and analyzing iterative optimization heuristics with IOHprofiler, GECCO '20: Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020) 8 juli 2020 - 12 juli 2020: ACM. 1043-1054.
- Ye F., Wang H., Doerr C. & Bäck T.H.W. (2020), Benchmarking a (μ+λ) genetic algorithm with configurable crossover probability. Bäck T.H.W., Preuss M., Deutz A., Wang H., Doerr C., Emmerich M.T.M. & Trautman H. (red.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI. PPSN 2020. PPSN 2020 (16th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature) 5 september 2020 - 9 september 2020 nr. 12270. Cham: Springer. 699-713.
- Prager R.P., Traumann H., Wang H., Bäck T.H.W. & Kerschke P. (2020), Per-instance configuration of the modularized CMA-ES by means of classifier chains and exploratory landscape analysis, 2020 IEEE Symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI). IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 1 december 2020 - 4 december 2020: IEEE. 996-1003.
- Hernández V.A., Schütze O., Wang H., Deutz A.H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2020), The set-based hypervolume Newton method for bi-objective optimization, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50(5): 2186-2196.
- Wang H., Emmerich M.T.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2019), Towards Self-Adaptive Efficient Global Optimization, AIP Conference Proceedings. LeGO - 14th International Global Optimization Workshop 18 september 2018 - 21 september 2018 nr. 2070: AIP Publishing. 020056.
- Wang H., Emmerich M.T.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2019), Mirrored orthogonal sampling for covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategies, Evolutionary Computation 27(4): 699-725.
- Calvo B., Shir O.M., Ceberio J., Doerr C., Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2019), Bayesian Performance Analysis for Black-box Optimization Benchmarking, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. GECCO 2019 13 juli 2019 - 17 juli 2019: ACM. 1789-1797.
- Doerr C., Ye F., Horesh N., Wang H., Shir O.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2019), Benchmarking Discrete Optimization Heuristics with IOHprofiler, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. GECCO 2019 13 juli 2019 - 17 juli 2019: ACM. 1798--1806.
- Yarkoni S., Wang H., Plaat A. & Bäck T.H.W. (2019), Boosting Quantum Annealing Performance Using Evolution Strategies for Annealing Offsets Tuning. Feld S. & Linnhoff-Popien C. (red.), Quantum Technology and Optimization Problems. QTOP 2019 18 maart 2019 - 21 maart 2019 nr. LNCS 11413. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 157-168.
- Wang H., Bäck T.H.W., Plaat A., Emmerich M.T.M. & Preuss M. (2019), On the potential of evolution strategies for neural network weight optimization. Lopez-Ibanez M., Auger A. & Stützle T. (red.), Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. GECCO 2019 13 juli 2019 - 17 juli 2019: ACM. 191-192.
- Wang H., Yitan L. & Bäck T.H.W. (2019), Hyper-Parameter Optimization for Improving the Performance of Grammatical Evolution, 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2019 10 juni 2019 - 13 juni 2019: IEEE. 2649-2656.
- Stein B. van, Wang H., Kowalczyk W.J., Emmerich M.T.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2019), Cluster-based Kriging approximation algorithms for complexity reduction, Applied Intelligence : .
- Stein B. van, Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2019), Automatic Configuration of Deep Neural Networks with Parallel Efficient Global Optimization, 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 14 juli 2019 - 19 juli 2019. Budapest, Hungary, Hungary: IEEE. 1-7.
- Koch M., Geraedts V., Wang H., Tannemaat M. & Bäck T. (2019), Automated Machine Learning for EEG-Based Classification of Parkinson’s Disease Patients, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) 9 december 2019 - 12 december 2019: IEEE. 4845-4852.
- Etoeharnowo T., Castelein K., Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2019), Switching Between Swarm Optimization Algorithms During a Run: An Empirical Study, 2019 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 6 december 2019 - 9 december 2019: IEEE. 2295-2302.
- Ullah S. Wang H. Menzel S. Sendhoff B. Bäck T.H.W. (2019), An empirical comparison of meta-modeling techniques for robust design optimization. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 6 december 2019 - 9 december 2019. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 819-828.
- Kerschke P., Wang H., Preuss M., Grimme G., Deutz A.H., Trautmann H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2019), Search Dynamics on Multimodal Multi-Objective Problems, Evolutionary Computation 27(4): 577-609.
- Koch M., Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2018), Machine Learning for Predicting the Damaged Parts of a Low Speed Vehicle Crash, 2018 Thirteenth International Conference on Digital Information Management. International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM) 24 september 2018 - 26 september 2019. Berlin, Germany: IEEE Xplore. 179-184.
- Emmerich M.T.M., Shir M.O. & Wang H. (2018), Evolution Strategies. In: Martí R., Panos P. & Resende G.C.M. (red.), Handbook of Heuristics. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 1-31.
- Blom K. van der, Boonstra S., Wang H., Hofmeyer H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2018), Evaluating Memetic Building Spatial Design Optimisation Using Hypervolume Indicator Gradient Ascent. In: Trujillo L., Schütze O., Maldonado Y. & Valle P. (red.), Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization – NEO 2017. Studies in Computational Intelligence nr. 785. Cham: Springer. 62-86.
- Doerr C., Ye F., Rijn S.J. van, Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2018), Towards a Theory-Guided Benchmarking Suite for Discrete Black-Box Optimization Heuristics: Profiling (1+λ) EA Variants on OneMax and LeadingOnes. Aguirre H. (red.), Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '18). GECCO 2018 15 juli 2018 - 19 juli 2018. Kyoto, Japan: ACM. 951-958.
- Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2018), Ranking Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions using Stochastic and Pareto Dominance. Aguirre H. (red.), GECCO '18 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. GECCO 2018 15 juli 2018 - 19 juli 2018. New York, NY, USA: ACM. 257-258.
- Wang H. (1 november 2018), Stochastic and deterministic algorithms for continuous black-box optimization (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Bäck T.H.W., Emmerich M.T.M.
- Stein B. van, Wang H., Kowalczyk W.J. & Bäck T.H.W. (2018), A Novel Uncertainty Quantification Method for Efficient Global Optimization. Medina J., Ojeda-Aciego M., Verdegay J.L., Perfilieva I., Bouchon-Meunier B. & Yager R.R. (red.), Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Applications - 17th International Conference, IPMU 2018, Cádiz, Spain, June 11-15, 2018, Proceedings, Part III. IPMU 2018 : 17th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems 11 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 855. Cham: Springer. 480-491.
- Wang H., Emmerich M.T.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2018), Cooling Strategies for the Moment-Generating Function in Bayesian Global Optimization, 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2018). 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 8 juli 2018 - 13 juli 2018: IEEE. 1-8.
- Wang H., Bäck T.H.W. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2018), Multi-point Efficient Global Optimization Using Niching Evolution Strategy. Tantar A., Tantar E., Emmerich M.T.M., Legrand P., Alboaie L. & Luchian H. (red.), EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation VI. The EVOLVE 2015 International Conference 18 juni 2015 - 24 juni 2015 nr. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, volume 674. Cham: Springer. 146-162.
- Doerr C., Wang H., Ye F., Rijn S.J. van & Bäck T.H.W. (2018), IOHprofiler: A Benchmarking and Profiling Tool for Iterative Optimization Heuristics.
- Stein B. van, Wang H. & Bäck T.H.W. (2018), Automatic Configuration of Deep Neural Networks with EGO.
- Stein B. van, Leeuwen M. van, Wang H., Purr S., Kreissl S., Meinhardt J. & Bäck T.H.W. (2017), Towards Data Driven Process Control in Manufacturing Car Body Parts, 2016 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence CSCI. International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2016) 15 december 2016 - 17 december 2016: IEEE CPS.
- Wang H., Deutz A.H., Bäck T.H.W. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2017), Hypervolume Indicator Gradient Ascent Multi-objective Optimization. Trautmann H., Rudolph G., Klamroth K., Schütze O., Wiecek M., Jin Y. & Grimme C. (red.), Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization. 9th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization 19 maart 2017 - 22 maart 2017 nr. 10173. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 654-669.
- Wang H., Stein B. van, Emmerich M.T.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2017), Time complexity reduction in efficient global optimization using cluster kriging, GECCO '17 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017) 15 juli 2017 - 19 juli 2017. New York: ACM. 889-896.
- Rijn S.J. van, Wang H., Stein B. van & Bäck T.H.W. (2017), Algorithm configuration data mining for CMA evolution strategies, GECCO '17 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017) 15 juli 2017 - 19 juli 2017. New York: ACM. 737-744.
- Wang H., Stein B. van, Emmerich M.T.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2017), A New Acquisition Function for Bayesian optimization based on the moment-generating function. Wang Hao, Stein B. van, Emmerich Michael T.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (red.), 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) 5 oktober 2017 - 8 oktober 2017. Banff, AB, Canada: IEEE. 507-512.
- Kerschke P., Wang H., Preuss M., Grimme C., Deutz A.H., Trautmann H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2017), Towards analyzing multimodality of multiobjective landscapes: PPSN 2016 best paper award. [overig].
- Stein B. van, Hao Wang, Kowalczyk W.J., Emmerich Michael T.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2016), Fuzzy clustering for Optimally Weighted Cluster Kriging, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). Fuzzy Systems, 2016 IEEE 24 juni 2016 - 29 juni 2016: IEEE. 978-1-5090-0627-4.
- Zhang X., Wu J., Wang H., Xiong J. & Yang K. (2016), Optimization of Disintegration Strategy for Multi-edges Complex Networks, Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2016 IEEE Congress on. : IEEE. 522-528.
- Hao Wang, Emmerich Michael T.M. & Bäck T. (2016), Balancing Risk and Expected Gain in Kriging-based Global Optimization, 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 24 juli 2016 - 29 juli 2016: IEEE Publishing. 719-727.
- Yang Z., Hao Wang, Yang K., Bäck T. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2016), SMS-EMOA with multiple dynamic reference points, 2016 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD),. 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD) 13 augustus 2016 - 15 augustus 2016: IEEE Publishing. 282-288.
- Rijn Sander van, Hao Wang, Leeuwen M. van & Bäck T.H.W. (2016), Evolving the Structure of Evolution Strategies, 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). IEEE SSCI 2016 6 december 2016 - 9 december 2016: IEEE Publishing. 1-8.
- Cai F., Wang H., Tang X., Emmerich M.T.M. & Verbeek F.J. (2016), Fuzzy Criteria in Multi-objective Feature Selection for Unsupervised Learning, Procedia Computer Science 102: 51-58.
- Kerschke P., Hao Wang, Preuss M., Grimme C., Deutz A., Trautmann H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2016), Towards Analyzing Multimodality of Continuous Multiobjective Landscapes. Handl J., Hart E., Lewis P.R., López-Ibáñez M., Ochoa G. & Paechter B. (red.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XIV. PPSN 2016 (14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature) 17 september 2016 - 21 september 2016: Springer International Publishing. 962-972.
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- Hao Wang, Ren Y., Deutz A. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2016), On Steering Dominated Points in Hypervolume Indicator Gradient Ascent for Bi-Objective Optimization. In: Schuetze O., Trujillo L., Legrand P. & Maldonado Y. (red.), NEO 2015: Results of the Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization Workshop NEO 2015 held at September 23-25 2015 in Tijuana, Mexico. Studies in Computational Intelligence nr. Studies in Computational Intelligence 663. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 175-203.
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- Wang H., Schwab I. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2015), Comparing Knowledge Representation Forms in Empirical Model Building. Schwab I., Moergestel L. van & Goncalves G. (red.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Application. Intelli 2015. The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications 11 oktober 2015 - 16 oktober 2015. Wilmington, DE, U.S.A.: IARIA. 170-178.
- Hao Wang, Bäck T.H.W. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2015), Multi-point efficient global optimization using Niching Evolution Strategy, Proceedings EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation VI. EVOLVE 2015 18 juni 2015 - 24 februari 2016: Springer.
- Hao Wang, Emmerich Michael T.M. & Bäck T.H.W. (2014), Mirrored orthogonal sampling with pairwise selection in evolution strategies, Proceedings 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. : ACM. 154-156.
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