Hans Gelderblom
Hoogleraar Interne Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder de medische oncologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.J. Gelderblom
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 3486
- a.j.gelderblom@lumc.nl
- 0000-0001-9270-8636

Professor dr A.J. Gelderblom is internist-oncoloog en hoofd van de afdeling Medische Oncologie in het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), hoofd van het LUMC Oncologie Centrum en oncoloog-voorzitter van het Regionaal Oncologie netwerk West (NL). Daarnaast is hij voormalig voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Oncologie, voormalig bestuurslid van de European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) en voormalig voorzitter van de EORTC-Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group. Verder was hij bestuurslid van jongerenhospice Xenia in Leiden en is hij bestuurslid van het Center of Personalised Cancer Therapy (www.cpct.nl), de Six Stichting (www.collectieSix.nl). Sinds 2020 is hij lid van de Adviescommissie Pakket (ACP) van Zorginstituut Nederland. Momenteel leidt hij het EU4Health project: Personalised Cancer Medicine for EU (PCM4EU) en is co-leader van het HORIZON mission Cancer vervolgproject PRecisIon Cancer MEdicine RepurpOsing SystEm Using Pragmatic Clinical Trials (PRIME-ROSE).
Meer informatie over Hans Gelderblom
Medische Oncologie
Ondanks de hogere genezingskans blijft kanker helaas doodsoorzaak nummer 1. De systemische behandeling van kanker, het werkgebied van de medisch oncoloog, draagt in belangrijke mate bij aan de hogere kans op genezing en het feit dat patienten langer leven met kanker als chronische ziekte. Het onderzoek binnen de afdeling Medische Oncologie betreft 2 researchlijnen: enerzijds ontwikkeling van kennis en toepassing van immunotherapie in wisselwerking met ons onderzoekslaboratorium geleid door Prof van der Burg en anderzijds het meer gepersonaliseerd gebruik maken van farmacotherapie geleid door Prof Gelderblom. Onderzoeks-aspecten die bij het gepersonaliseerde farmacotherapie onderzoeksprogramma aan de orde komen zijn: farmacogenetica (juiste middel in juiste dosering aan de juiste patient), behandeling gericht op moleculaire aspecten van de tumor, experimentele medicamenteuze behandelingen van zeldzame tumoren zoals het bot en wekedelen sarcoom, endocriene tumoren en (oog) melanoom en onderzoek naar de optimale behandeling voor de jongvolwassen en van de oudere (Prof Portielje) patient.
Context: Gepersonaliseerde behandeling sluit aan op de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda, de genoemde zeldzame tumoren bij de door NFU en European Reference Network geaccrediteerde LUMC expertisecentra en Oncologie bij het strategieplan van het LUMC. Oncologie bij ouderen sluit aan bij de demografische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen en de brede expertise van het LUMC.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Professor Gelderblom promoveerde aan de Erasmus Universiteit in 2001 op het proefschrift Pharmacological aspects of new classes of anticancer agents; inhibitors of topoisomerase I and tubulin (https://repub.eur.nl/pub/23516/). In 2010 hij benoemd tot hoogleraar experimentele oncologische farmacotherapie aan de Universiteit Leiden en in 2015 hoogleraar Medische Oncologie. De titel van zijn oratie in 2011 was “Van massa naar maatwerk”.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Professor Gelderblom heeft de Marie Parijs Prijs in 2008 voor zijn onderzoek in de farmacogenetica in de oncologie ontvangen.
Hoogleraar Interne Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder de medische oncologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Klinische Oncologie
- Klinische Oncologie algemeen
- Verkerk, K.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Haar, J. van de; Roepman, P.; Geurts, B.S.; Spiekman, A.C.; Noort, V. van der; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Hoes, L.R.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Jansen, A.M.L.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Gelderblom, A.J.; Verheul, H.M.W. & Voest, E.E. (2025), The pathway alteration load is a pan-cancer determinant of outcome of targeted therapies: results from the Drug Rediscovery Protocol (DRUP), ESMO Open 10(1).
- Desai, J.; Wagner, A.J.; Garcia, I.C.; Cesari, M.; Gordon, M.; Lin, C.C.; Papai, Z.; Ryan, C.W.; Tap, W.D.; Trent, J.C.; Gelderblom, H.; Grimison, P.; Pousa, A.L.; Tine, B.A. van; Rubinacci, M.; Dai, D.; Rajper, A.W.; Tecson, K.; Wooddell, M. & Stacchiotti, S. (2025), A phase 4, multicenter, global clinical study to evaluate discontinuation and rechallenge of pexidartinib in patients with tenosynovial giant cell tumor previously treated with pexidartinib, Cancer 131(1).
- Tops, A.L.; Schopman, J.E.; Koot, R.W.; Gelderblom, H.; Putri, N.A.; Rahmi, L.N.A.; Jansen, J.C. & Hensen, E.F. (2025), Efficacy and Toxicity of Bevacizumab in Children with NF2-Related Schwannomatosis: A Systematic Review, Cancers 17(3).
- Foppele, G.F.; Fiocco, M.; Ubbels, J.F.; Been, L.B.; Haan, J.J. de; Schinagl, D.A.X.; Bonenkamp, H.; Desar, I.M.E.; Scholten, A.N.; Houdt, W.J. van; Heimans, L.; Gelderblom, H.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Hezewijk, M. van; Haas, R.L.M. & Wiltink, L.M. (2025), Pandemic driven preoperative moderate hypofractionated radiotherapy for soft tissue sarcomas, European Journal of Cancer 217.
- Spreafico M., Hazewinkel A.-D., Sande M.A. J. van de, Gelderblom A.J. & Fiocco M. (2024), Machine learning versus Cox models for predicting overall survival in patients with osteosarcoma: a retrospective analysis of the EURAMOS-1 clinical trial data, Cancers 16(16): 2880.
- Spierenburg, G.; Staals, E.L.; Palmerini, E.; Randall, R.L.; Thorpe, S.W.; Wunder, J.S.; Ferguson, P.C.; Verspoor, F.G.M.; Houdek, M.T.; Bernthal, N.M.; Schreuder, B.H.W.B.; Gelderblom, H.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Heijden, L. van der (2024), Active surveillance of diffuse-type tenosynovial giant cell tumors, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 50(2).
- Sanchez-Spitman, A.B.; Böhringer, S.; Dezentjé, V.O.; Gelderblom, H.; Swen, J.J. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2024), A genome-wide association study of endoxifen serum concentrations and adjuvant tamoxifen efficacy in early-stage breast cancer patients, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 116(1): 155-164.
- Green, D.; Ewijk, R. van; Tirtei, E.; Andreou, D.; Baecklund, F.; Baumhoer, D.; Bielack, S.S.; Botchu, R.; Boye, K.; Brennan, B.; Capra, M.; Cottone, L.; Dirksen, U.; Fagioli, F.; Fernandez, N.; Flanagan, A.M.; Gambarotti, M.; Gaspar, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Gerrand, C.; Gomez-Mascard, A.; Hardes, J.; Hecker-Nolting, S.; Kabickova, E.; Kager, L.; Kanerva, J.; Kester, L.A.; Kuijjer, M.L.; Laurence, V.; Lervat, C.; Marchais, A.; Marec-Berard, P.; Mendes, C.; Merks, J.H.M.; Ory, B.; Palmerini, E.; Pantziarka, P.; Papakonstantinou, E.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Raciborska, A.; Roundhill, E.A.; Rutkauskaite, V.; Safwat, A.; Scotlandi, K.; Staals, E.L.; Strauss, S.J.; Surdez, D.; Sys, G.M.L.; Tabone, M.D.; Toulmonde, M.; Valverde, C.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Wörtler, K.; Campbell-Hewson, Q.; McCabe, M.G. & Nathrath, M. (2024), Biological sample collection to advance research and treatment, Clinical Cancer Research 30(16): 3395-3406.
- Hackshaw, A.; Fajardo, O.; Dafni, U.; Gelderblom, H.; Garrido, P.; Siena, S.; Taylor, M.H.; Bordogna, W. & Nikolaidis, C. (2024), Characteristics and Survival Outcomes of Patients With Metastatic RET Fusion-Positive Solid Tumors Receiving Non-RET Inhibitor Standards of Care in a Real-World Setting, JCO Precision Oncology 8(1).
- Geurts, B.S.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Hoes, L.R.; Wit, G.F. de; Spiekman, I.A.; Battaglia, T.W.; Beek, D.M. van; Roepman, P.; Jansen, A.M.; Leng, W.W. de; Broeks, A.; Labots, M.; Herpen, C.M. van; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.; Snaebjornsson, P. & Voest, E.E. (2024), Characterization of discordance between mismatch repair deficiency and microsatellite instability testing may prevent inappropriate treatment with immunotherapy, The Journal of Pathology 263(3): 288-299.
- Gelderblom, H.; Razak, A.A.; Taylor, M.H.; Bauer, T.M.; Wilky, B.; Martin-Broto, J.; Gonzalez, A.F.; Rutkowski, P.; Szostakowski, B.; Alcindor, T.; Saleh, R.; Genta, S.; Stacchiotti, S.; Sande, M. van de; Wagner, A.J.; Bernthal, N.; Davis, L.E.; Vuky, J.; Tait, C.; Matin, B.; Narasimhan, S.; Sharma, M.G.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Sherman, M.L. & Tap, W.D. (2024), CSF1R Inhibition in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors or Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor: A Phase I Study of Vimseltinib, Clinical Cancer Research 30(18): 3996-4004.
- Knikman, J.E.; Zhai, Q.L.; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Henricks, L.M.; Boehringer, S.; Lee, M. van der; Man, F.M. de; Offer, S.M.; Shrestha, S.; Creemers, G.J.; Baars, A.; Dezentje, V.O.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Jeurissen, F.J.F.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Jansen, R.L.H.; Hamberg, P.; Droogendijk, H.J.; Koopman, M.; Nieboer, P.; Poel, M.H.W. van de; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Schellens, J.H.M.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Swen, J.J. (2024), Discovering novel germline genetic variants linked to severe fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity in- and outside DPYD, Genome Medicine 16(1).
- Baltussen, J.C.; Bos, F. van den; Slingerland, M.; Binda, T.R.R.; Liefers, G.J.; Hout, W.B. van den; Fiocco, M.; Verschoor, A.J.; Balen, M.C.V.; Holterhues, C.; Houtsma, D.; Jochems, A.; Spierings, L.E.A.M.M.; Bodegom-Vos, L. van; Mooijaart, S.P.; Gelderblom, H.; Speetjens, F.M.; Glas, N.A. de & Portielje, J.E.A. (2024), DOSAGE study: protocol for a phase III non-inferiority randomised trial investigating dose-reduced chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer in older patients, BMJ Open 14(8).
- Hoog, C.J.P.O.; Mehra, N.; Maliepaard, M.; Bol, K.; Gelderblom, H.; Sonke, G.S.; Langen, A.J. de; Donk, N.W.C.J. van de; Janssen, J.J.W.M.; Minnema, M.C.; Erp, N.P. van & Boerrigter, E. (2024), Dose selection of novel anticancer drugs: exposing the gap between selected and required doses, The Lancet Oncology 25(8): e340-e351.
- Spreafico, M.; Hazewinkel, A.D.; Gelderblom, H. & Fiocco, M. (2024), Dynamic Prediction of Overall Survival for Patients with Osteosarcoma: A Retrospective Analysis of the EURAMOS-1 Clinical Trial Data, Current Oncology 31(7): 3630-3642.
- Geurts, B.S.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Leek, L.V.M.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Hoes, L.R.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Noort, V. van der; Haar, J. van de; Ommen-Nijhof, A. van; Kok, M.; Roepman, P.; Jansen, A.M.L.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Jonge, M.J.A. de; Hoeben, A.; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Westgeest, H.M.; Wessels, L.F.A.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Gelderblom, H. & Voest, E.E. (2024), Efficacy of Pembrolizumab and Biomarker Analysis in Patients with WGS-Based Intermediate to High Tumor Mutational Load: Results from the Drug Rediscovery Protocol, Clinical Cancer Research 30(17): 3735-3746.
- Meertens, M.; Giraud, E.L.; Kleij, M.B.A. van der; Westerdijk, K.; Guchelaar, N.A.D.; Bleckman, R.F.; Rieborn, A.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Otten, H.M.; Vulink, A.; , M. los; Hamberg, P.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Broekman, K.E.; Touw, D.J.; Koolen, S.L.W.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Huitema, A.D.R.; Erp, N.P. van; Desar, I.M.E.; Steeghs, N. & Dutch Pharmacology Oncology Grp DPOG (2024), Evaluating the Clinical Impact and Feasibility of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Pazopanib in a Real-World Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Cohort, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 63(7): 1045-1054.
- Wal, D. van de; Hollander, D. den; Desar, I.M.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Oosten, A.W.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Steeghs, N.; Husson, O. & Graaf, W.T.A. van der (2024), Fear, anxiety and depression in gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) patients in the Netherlands: Data from a cross-sectional multicenter study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 24(1).
- Wal, D. van de; Hollander, D. den; Desar, I.M.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Oosten, A.W.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Steeghs, N.; Husson, O. & Graaf, W.T.A. van der (2024), Financial difficulties experienced by patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) in the Netherlands: data from a cross-sectional multicentre study, Supportive Care in Cancer 32(5).
- Desai, J.; Wagner, A.J.; Garcia, I.C.; Cesari, M.; Gordon, M.; Lin, C.C.; Papai, Z.; Ryan, C.W.; Tap, W.D.; Trent, J.C.; Gelderblom, H.; Grimison, P.; Pousa, A.L.; , B.A.T. van; Dai, D.; Rubinacci, M.; Tecson, K.; Wooddell, M. & Stacchiotti, S. (2024), HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE FROM A PHASE 4 GLOBAL CLINICAL STUDY TO EVALUATE DISCONTINUATION AND RECHALLENGE OF PEXIDARTINIB IN PATIENTS WITH TENOSYNOVIAL GIANT CELL TUMOR (TGCT) PREVIOUSLY TREATED WITH PEXIDARTINIB, Value in Health 27(6): S20-S20.
- Laclos, X.C. de; Risbourg, S.; Marec-Bérard, P.; Deley, M.C. le; Tabone, M.D.; Bertucci, F.; Gaspar, N.; Gandemer, V.; Brennan, B.; Strauss, S.; McCabe, M.G.; Windsor, R.; Gelderblom, H.; Kasper, B.; Hawkins, D.S.; Janeway, K.; Krailo, M.D.; Dirksen, U.; Juergens, H.; Ranft, A. & Metzler, M. (2024), Impact of age on safety of Busulfan-Melphalan followed by autologous hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation versus standard chemotherapy in the patients of the EURO-EWING 99 and Ewing 2008 clinical trials, European Journal of Cancer 208.
- Bleckman, R.F.; Haag, C.M.S.C.; Rifaela, N.; Beukema, G.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Steeghs, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Desar, I.M.E.; Cleven, A.; Els, A.T.; Schuuring, E. & Reyners, A.K.L. (2024), Levels of circulating tumor DNA correlate with tumor volume in gastro-intestinal stromal tumors: an exploratory long-term follow-up study, Molecular Oncology 18(11): 2658-2667.
- Spreafico, M.; Hazewinkel, A.D.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Gelderblom, H. & Fiocco, M. (2024), Machine Learning versus Cox Models for Predicting Overall Survival in Patients with Osteosarcoma: A Retrospective Analysis of the EURAMOS-1 Clinical Trial Data, Cancers 16(16).
- Niu, X.H.; Ravi, V.; Shan, B.Y.; Guo, Q.X.; Shi, H.S.; Zou, Q.P. & Gelderblom, H. (2024), MANEUVER: A Phase III study of pimicotinib to assess efficacy and safety in tenosynovial giant cell tumor patients, Future Oncology.
- Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Geurts, B.S.; Hoes, L.R.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Noort, V. van der; Huitema, A.D.R.; Vos, F.Y.F. de; Grünberg, K.; Bloemendal, H.J.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Voest, E.E. & Gelderblom, H. (2024), Maximizing Treatment Opportunities: Assessing Protocol Waivers' Impact on Safety and Outcome in the Drug Rediscovery Protocol, Clinical Cancer Research 30(17): 3937-3943.
- Weeda, Y.A.; Kalisvaart, G.M.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Molen, A.J. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Bovée, J.V.M.G.; Geus-Oei, L.F. de; Grootjans, W. & Hage, J.A. van der (2024), Monitoring neoadjuvant treatment-induced surgical benefit in GIST patients using CT-based radiological criteria, Surgery Open Science 20: 169-177.
- Taskén, K.; Mohammad, S.F.H.; Fagereng, G.L.; Falk, R.S.; Helland, A.; Doorn-Khosrovani, S.B.V.V.; Carlsson, K.S.; Ryll, B.; Jalkanen, K.; Edsjoe, A.; Russnes, H.G.; Lassen, U.; Hult, E.H.; Lugowska, I.; Blay, J.Y.; Verlingue, L.; Abel, E.; Lowery, M.A.; Krebs, M.G.; Rohrberg, K.S.; Ojamaa, K.; Oliveira, J.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Voest, E.E. & Gelderblom, H. (2024), PCM4EU and PRIME-ROSE: Collaboration for implementation of precision cancer medicine in Europe, Acta Oncologica 63.
- Tan, Z.Y.; Voeller, S.; Yin, A.Y.; Rieborn, A.; Gelderblom, A.J.; Hulle, T. van der; Knibbe, C.A.J. & Moes, D.J.A.R. (2024), Population Pharmacokinetics of Cabozantinib in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients: Towards Drug Expenses Saving Regimens, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 63(6): 857-869.
- Kleiburg, F.; Hulle, T. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Slingerland, M.; Speetjens, F.M.; Hawinkels, L.J.A.C.; Dibbets-Schneider, P.; Velden, F.H.P. van; Pool, M.; Bov e, J.V.M.G.; Heijmen, L. & Geus-Oei, L. de (2024), PSMA expression and PSMA PET/CT imaging in advanced soft tissue sarcomas; potential for PSMAtargeted radioligand treatment? Interim results, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 51: S413-S414.
- Kleij, M.B.A. van der; Guchelaar, N.A.D.; Meertens, M.; Westerdijk, K.; Giraud, E.L.; Bleckman, R.F.; Groenland, S.L.; Eerden, R.A.G. van; Imholz, A.L.T.; Vulink, A.J.E.; Otten, H.M.; Fiebrich-Westra, H.B.; Lubberman, F.J.E.; Desar, I.M.E.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Touw, D.J.; Koolen, S.L.W.; Gelderblom, H.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Erp, N.P. van; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Huitema, A.D.R.; Steeghs, N. & DPOG (2024), Reasons for non-feasibility of therapeutic drug monitoring of oral targeted therapies in oncology - an analysis of the closed cohorts of a multicentre prospective study, British Journal of Cancer.
- Roets, E.; Ijzerman, N.S.; Ho, V.K.Y.; Desar, I.M.E.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Grünhagen, D.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Houdt, W.J. van; Etten, B. van; Graaf, W.T.A. van der & Steeghs, N. (2024), Referral patterns of GIST patients, Acta Oncologica 63: 28-34.
- Kalisvaart, G.M.; Evenhuis, R.E.; Grootjans, W.; Berghe, T. van den; Callens, M.; Bovée, J.V.M.G.; Creytens, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Speetjens, F.M.; Lapeire, L.; Sys, G.; Fiocco, M.; Verstraete, K.L.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Bloem, J.L. (2024), Relative wash-in rate in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging as a new prognostic biomarker for event-free survival in 82 patients with osteosarcoma, Cancers 16(11).
- Polack, M.; Smit, M.A.; Pelt, G.W. van; Roodvoets, A.G.H.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Putter, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Crobach, A.S.L.P.; Terpstra, V.; Petrushevska, G.; Gasljevic, G.; Kjær-Frifeldt, S.; Cuba, E.M.V. de; Bulkmans, N.W.J.; Vink, G.R.; Dieri, R. al; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Krieken, J.H.J.M. van; Mesker, W.E. & UNITED Collaboration (2024), Results from the UNITED study: a multicenter study validating the prognostic effect of the tumor-stroma ratio in colon cancer, ESMO Open 9(4).
- Heinrich, M.C.; Jones, R.L.; George, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Schoeffski, P.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.R.; Kang, Y.K.; Razak, A.A.; Trent, J.; Attia, S.; Cesne, A. le; Siontis, B.L.; Goldstein, D.; Boye, K.; Sanchez, C.; Steeghs, N.; Rutkowski, P.; Druta, M.; Serrano, C.; Somaiah, N.; Chi, P.; Reichmann, W.; Sprott, K.; Achour, H.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Blay, J.Y. & Bauer, S. (2024), Ripretinib versus sunitinib in gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Nature Medicine 30(2): 498-506.
- Verkerk, K.; Wel, T.J.W.T. van der; Zeverijn, L.J.; Geurts, B.S.; Spiekman, I.A.C.; Wit, G.F. de; Roepman, P.; Jansen, A.M.L.; Noort, V. van der; Smit, E.F.; Hoeben, A.; Hendriks, L.E.L.; Heuvel, M.M. van den; Piet, B.; Herder, G.J.M.; Hashemi, S.M.S.; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Voest, E.E. & Langen, A.J. de (2024), Safety, Efficacy, and Biomarker Analysis of Crizotinib in MET-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer-Results from the Drug Rediscovery Protocol, Clinical Cancer Research 30(23): 5323-5332.
- Giraud, E.L.; Westerdijk, K.; Kleij, M.B.A. van der; Guchelaar, N.A.D.; Meertens, M.; Bleckman, R.F.; Rieborn, A.; Mohammadi, M.; Roets, E.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Huitema, A.D.R.; Koolen, S.L.W.; Gelderblom, H.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Touw, D.J.; Keizer-Heldens, P.; Oosten, A.W.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Steeghs, N.; Erp, N.P.V.; Desar, I.M.E. & Dutch Pharmacology Oncology Grp DPOG (2024), Sunitinib for the treatment of metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors: the effect of TDM-guided dose optimization on clinical outcomes, ESMO Open 9(6).
- Doorn-Khosrovani, S.B.V. van; Criekingen, O.K. van; Koole, S.; Thomas, D.M. & Gelderblom, H. (2024), Testing dilemmas in the clinic: Lessons learned from biomarker-based drug development, Cancer Cell 42(6): 923-929.
- Mohammad, S.F.H.; Timmer, H.J.L.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Geurts, B.S.; Spiekman, I.A.C.; Verkerk, K.; Verbeek, F.A.J.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Voest, E.E. & Gelderblom, H. (2024), The evolution of precision oncology: The ongoing impact of the Drug Rediscovery Protocol (DRUP), Acta Oncologica 63: 368-372.
- Zeverijn, L.J.; Geurts, B.S.; Battaglia, T.W.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Wit, G.F. de; Hoes, L.R.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Noort, V. van der; Roepman, P.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Jansen, A.M.L.; Chalabi, M.; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Devriese, L.A.; Erdkamp, F.L.G.; Labots, M.; Jonge, M.J.A. de; Kerver, E.D.; Bins, A.D.; Leek, L.V.M.; Notohardjo, J.C.L.; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Wessels, L.F.A.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Gelderblom, H.; Haar, J. van de & Voest, E.E. (2024), The innate immune landscape of dMMR/MSI cancers predicts the outcome of nivolumab treatment, Clinical Cancer Research 30(19): 4339-4351.
- George, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Chi, P.; Jones, R.L.; Serrano, C.; Somaiah, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Zalcberg, J.R.; Reichmann, W.; Sprott, K.; Cox, P.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Heinrich, M.C. & Bauer, S. (2024), The INSIGHT study, Future Oncology 20(27): 1973-1982.
- Schulpen, M.; Haveman, L.M.; Heijden, L. van der; Kaal, S.E.J.; Bramer, J.A.M.; Fajardo, R.D.; Haan, J.J. de; Hiemcke-Jiwa, L.S.; Horst, S.A.J. ter; Jutte, P.C.; Schreuder, H.W.B.; Tromp, J.M.; Graaf, W.T.A.V.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Gelderblom, H.; Merks, J.H.M. & Karim-Kos, H.E. (2024), The survival disparity between children and adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with Ewing sarcoma in the Netherlands did not change since the 1990s despite improved survival, European Journal of Cancer 208.
- Meijer, D.M.; Ruano, D.; Bruijn, I.H.B.D.; Wijers-Koster, P.M.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Gelderblom, H.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Kuijjer, M.L. & Bovée, J.V.M.G. (2024), The Variable Genomic Landscape During Osteosarcoma Progression: Insights From a Longitudinal WGS Analysis, Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer 63(7).
- Spiekman, I.A.C.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Geurts, B.S.; Verkerk, K.; Mohammad, S.F.H.; Noort, V.V.; Roepman, P.; Leng, W.W.J.D.; Jansen, A.M.L.; Gootjes, E.C.; Groot, D.J.A.D.; Kerver, E.D.; Voorthuizen, T. van; Roodhart, J.M.L.; Iersel, L.B.J.V.V.; Gelderblom, H.; Voest, E.E. & Verheul, H.M.W. (2024), Trastuzumab plus pertuzumab for HER2-amplified advanced colorectal cancer: Results from the drug rediscovery protocol (DRUP), European Journal of Cancer 202.
- Gelderblom, H.; Bhadri, V.; Stacchiotti, S.; Bauer, S.; Wagner, A.J.; Sande, M. van de; Bernthal, N.M.; Pousa, A.L.; Razak, A.A.; Italiano, A.; Ahmed, M.; Cesne, A. le; Tinoco, G.; Boye, K.; Martín-Broto, J.; Palmerini, E.; Tafuto, S.; Pratap, S.; Powers, B.C.; Reichardt, P.; Herráez, A.C.; Rutkowski, P.; Tait, C.; Zarins, F.; Harrow, B.; Sharma, M.G.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Sherman, M.L.; Blay, J.Y.; Tap, W.D. & MOTION Investigators (2024), Vimseltinib versus placebo for tenosynovial giant cell tumour (MOTION), The Lancet 403(10445): 2709-2719.
- Douwes, J.P.J.; Hensen, E.F.; Jansen, J.C.; Gelderblom, H. & Schopman, J.E. (2024), Bevacizumab treatment for patients with NF2-related schwannomatosis, Cancers 16(8).
- Lipplaa, A.; Wal, R.J.P. van der; Krol, A.D.G.; Peul, W.C.; Bovée, J.V.M.G. & Gelderblom, H. (2024), Incidence and centralization of chordoma in the Netherlands, Cancer Epidemiology.
- Peeters, S.L.; Deenen, M.J.; Thijs, A.M.; Hulshof, E.C.; Mathijssen, R.H.; Gelderblom, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Swen, J.J. (2023), UGT1A1 genotype-guided dosing of irinotecan: time to prioritize patient safety, Pharmacogenomics 24(9): 435-439.
- Kalisvaart, G.M.; Berghe, T. van den; Grootjans, W.; Lejoly, M.; Huysse, W.C.J.; Bovée, J.V.M.G.; Creytens, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Speetjens, F.M.; Lapeire, L.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Sys, G.; Geus-Oei, L.F. de; Verstraete, K.L. & Bloem, J.L. (2023), Evaluation of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in osteosarcoma using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, Skeletal Radiology 53.
- Chui, C.Y.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Koolen, S.L.W.; Swen, J.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2023), Pharmacokinetic profile of irinotecan in patients with chronic kidney disease, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 89(9).
- Eerden, R.A.G. van; IJzerman, N.S.; Meekeren, M. van; Oomen-de Hoop, E.; Guchelaar, N.A.D.; Visser, A.M.W.; Matic, M.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Bruijn, P. de; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Jobse, P.A.; Gelderblom, H.; Huitema, A.D.R.; Steeghs, N.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Koolen, S.L.W. & Dutch Pharmacology Oncology Grp (2023), CYP3A4*22 genotype-guided dosing of kinase inhibitors in cancer patients, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 62(8): 1129-1139.
- Hurkmans, E.G.E.; Klumpers, M.J.; Dello Russo, C.; Witte, W. de; Guchelaar, H.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Vermeulen, S.H.; Kaal, S.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Flucke, U.; Gidding, C.E.M.; Schreuder, H.W.B.; Bont, E.S.J.M. de; Caron, H.N.; Gattuso, G.; Schiavello, E.; Terenziani, M.; Massimino, M.; McCowage, G.; Nagabushan, S.; Limaye, A.; Rose, V.; Catchpoole, D.; Jorgensen, A.L.; Barton, C.; Delaney, L.; Hawcutt, D.B.; Pirmohamed, M.; Pizer, B.; Coenen, M.J.H. & Loo, D.M.W.M. te (2023), Genome-wide analyses of platinum-induced ototoxicity in childhood cancer patients , Frontiers in Pharmacology 13.
- Kleiburg, F.; Heijmen, L.; Gelderblom, H.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Bovée, J.V. & Geus-Oei, L.F. de (2023), Prostate- specific membrane antigen (PSMA) as a potential target for molecular imaging and treatment in bone and soft tissue sarcomas, British Journal of Radiology 96(1145).
- Hindi, N.; Razak, A.; Rosembaum, E.; Jonczak, E.; Hamacher, R.; Rutkowski, P.; Bhadri, V.A.; Skryd, A.; Brahmi, M.; Alshibany, A.; Jagodzinska-Mucha, P.; Bauer, S.; Connolly, E.; Gelderblom, H.; Boye, K.; Henon, C.; Bae, S.; Bogefors, K.; Vincenzi, B.; Martinez-Trufero, J.; Lopez-Martin, J.A.; Redondo, A.; Valverde, C.; Blay, J.Y.; Moura, D.S.; Gutierrez, A.; Tap, W. & Martin-Broto, J. (2023), Efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in alveolar soft-part sarcoma, ESMO Open 8(6).
- Knikman, J.E.; Wilting, T.A.; Lopez-Yurda, M.; Henricks, L.M.; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Man, F.M. de; Meulendijks, D.; Nieboer, P.; Droogendijk, H.J.; Creemers, G.J.; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Valkenburg-van Iersel, L.; Vulink, A.; Poel, M.H.W. van der; Baars, A.; Swen, J.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Schellens, J.H.M.; Beijnen, J.H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Cats, A. (2023), Survival of patients with cancer with DPYD variant alleles and dose-individualized fluoropyrimidine therapy, Journal of Clinical Oncology 41(35): 5411-+.
- Koch, R.; Haveman, L.; Ladenstein, R.; Brichard, B.; Jürgens, H.; Cyprova, S.; Berg, H. van den; Hassenpflug, W.; Raciborska, A.; Ek, T.; Baumhoer, D.; Egerer, G.; Kager, L.; Renard, M.; Hauser, P.; Burdach, S.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Hong, A.M.; Reichardt, P.; Kruseova, J.; Streitbürger, A.; Kühne, T.; Kessler, T.; Bernkopf, M.; Butterfass-Bahloul, T.; Dhooge, C.; Bauer, S.; Kiss, J.; Paulussen, M.; Bonar, F.; Ranft, A.; Timmermann, B.; Rascon, J.; Vieth, V.; Kanerva, J.; Faldum, A.; Hartmann, W.; Hjorth, L.; Bhadri, V.A.; Metzler, M.; Gelderblom, H. & Dirksen, U. (2023), Zoledronic Acid Add-on Therapy for Standard-Risk Ewing Sarcoma Patients in the Ewing 2008R1 Trial, Clinical Cancer Research 29(24): 5057-5068.
- Lugtenberg, R.T.; Groot, S. de; Houtsma, D.; Dezentje, V.O.; Vulink, A.J.E.; Fischer, M.J.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Pijl, H. & Kroep, J.R. (2023), Phase 1 study to evaluate the safety of reducing the prophylactic dose of dexamethasone around docetaxel infusion in patients with prostate and breast cancer, Cancers 15(6).
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Sanchez-Spitman, A.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Gelderblom, H.; Swen, J.J.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelder, T. van (2023), Tamoxifen pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in older patients with non-metastatic breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 199.
- Spierenburg, G.; Ballesteros, C.S.; Stoel, B.C.; Canete, A.N.; Gelderblom, H.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Langevelde, K. van (2023), MRI of diffuse-type tenosynovial giant cell tumour in the knee: a guide for diagnosis and treatment response assessment, Insights into Imaging 14(1).
- Spierenburg, G.; Verspoor, F.G.M.; Wunder, J.S.; Griffin, A.M.; Ferguson, P.C.; Houdek, M.T.; King, D.M.; Boyle, R.; Randall, R.L.; Thorpe, S.W.; Priester, J.I.; Geiger, E.J.; Heijden, L. van der; Bernthal, N.M.; Schreuder, B.H.W.B.; Gelderblom, H. & Sande, M.A.J. van de (2023), One-stage synovectomies result in improved short-term outcomescCompared to two-stage synovectomies of diffuse-type tenosynovial giant cell tumor (D-TGCT) of the knee, Cancers 15(3).
- Chu, G.R.; Seelig, J.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Gelderblom, H.; Hovens, M.M.C.; Huisman, M.V.; Hulle, T.V.; Trines, S.A.; Vlot, A.J.; Versteeg, H.H.; Hemels, M.E.W. & Klok, F.A. (2023), Atrial fibrillation in cancer: thromboembolism and bleeding in daily practice, Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis 7(2).
- Chu, G.R.; Seelig, J.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Gelderblom, H.; Hovens, M.M.C.; Huisman, M.V.; Hulle, T. van der; Trines, S.A.; Vlot, A.J.; Versteeg, H.H.; Hemels, M. & Klok, F.A. (2023), Thromboembolic and bleeding complications during interruptions and after discontinuation of anticoagulant treatment in patients with atrial fibrillation and active cancer, Thrombosis Research: Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis 230: 98-104.
- Spiekman, I.A.C.; Geurts, B.S.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Wit, G.F. de; Noort, V. van der; Roepman, P.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Jansen, A.M.L.; Kusters, B.; Beerepoot, L.; Vos, F.Y.F.L. de; Groot, D.J.A. de; Groot, J.W.B. de; Hoeben, A.; Buter, J.; Gelderblom, H.A.J.; Voest, E.E. & Verheul, H.M.W. (2023), Efficacy and safety of panitumumab in patients with RAF/RAS-wild-type glioblastoma, The Oncologist.
- Bruin, J.; Rood, Y.R. van; Peeters, K.C.M.J.; Roos, C. de; Tanious, R.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Gelderblom, H. & Hinnen, S.C.H. (2023), Efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy for fear of cancer recurrence among cancer survivors, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 14(2).
- Bleckman, R.F.; Broekman, K.E.; Roets, E.; Mohammadi, M.; Desar, I.M.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Steeghs, N.; Graeff, P. de & Reyners, A.K.L. (2023), Individualized dosing patterns in the treatment of older patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors, Drugs & Aging 41.
- Doorn-Khosrovani, S.B.V.V.; Huisman, A.; Roy, A.P.V.; Koole, S.; Timmers, L.; Blank, C. & Gelderblom, H. (2023), Adjuvant immune checkpoint blockade revisited, The Lancet Oncology 24(7): 717-719.
- Gelderblom, H.; Bhadri, V.; Randall, R.L.; Scharschmidt, T.; Tap, W.D.; Alani, L.; Johnson, K.; Leyva, S.; Nguyen, D.D.; Nguyen, T. & Sande, M.A.J. van de (2023), A phase 2, open-label, adaptive, dose-ranging study with long-term extension to evaluate the safety, tolerability, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of intra-articular AMB-05X injections in patients with tenosynovial giant cell tumor, Journal of Clinical Oncology 41(16).
- Heesen, P.; Ranft, A.; Bhadri, V.; Brichard, B.; Collaud, S.; Cyprova, S.; Eich, H.; Ek, T.; Gelderblom, H.; Hardes, J.; Haveman, L.; Jabar, S.; Hartmann, W.; Andreou, D.; Hauser, P.; Kersting, J.; Juergens, H.; Kanerva, J.; Kühne, T.; Raciborska, A.; Rascon, J.; Streitbürger, A.; Timmermann, B.; Uhlenbruch, Y. & Dirksen, U. (2023), Association between local treatment modalities and event-free survival, overall survival, and local recurrence in patients with localised Ewing Sarcoma, European Journal of Cancer 192.
- Stacchiotti, S.; Dürr, H.R.; Schaefer, I.M.; Woertler, K.; Haas, R.; Trama, A.; Caraceni, A.; Bajpai, J.; Baldi, G.G.; Bernthal, N.; Blay, J.Y.; Boye, K.; Broto, J.M.; Chen, W.W.T.; Tos, P.A.D.; Desai, J.; Emhofer, S.; Eriksson, M.; Gronchi, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Hardes, J.; Hartmann, W.; Healey, J.; Italiano, A.; Jones, R.L.; Kawai, A.; Leithner, A.; Loong, H.; Mascard, E.; Morosi, C.; Otten, N.; Palmerini, E.; Patel, S.R.; Reichardt, P.; Rubin, B.; Rutkowski, P.; Sangalli, C.; Schuster, K.; Seddon, B.M.; Shkcodra, M.; Staals, E.L.; Tap, W.; Rijn, M. van de; Langevelde, K. van; Vanhoenacker, F.M.M.; Wagner, A.; Wiltink, L.; Stern, S.; Sande, M. van de & Bauer, S. (2023), Best clinical management of tenosynovial giant cell tumour (TGCT): A consensus paper from the community of experts, Cancer Treatment Reviews 112.
- Kalisvaart, G.M.; Heijden, L. van der; Cañete, A.N.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Gelderblom, H. & Langevelde, K. van (2023), Characterization of denosumab treatment response in giant cell tumors of bone with dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, European Journal of Radiology 167(EJR).
- Zeverijn, L.J.; Looze, E.; Thavaneswaran, S.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.B.; Simes, J.; Hoes, L.R.; Geurts, B.; Sebastian, L.; Roepman, P.; Lin, F.P.Y.; Jansen, A.M.L.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Noort, V. van der; Leek, L.V.M.; Vos, F.Y.F.L. de; Verheul, H.M.W.; Gelderblom, H.; Thomas, D.M.; Voest, E.E. & Sjoquist, K.M. (2023), Clinical activity of palbociclib and ribociclib monotherapy in advanced cancers with cyclin D-CDK4/6 pathway alterations in the Dutch DRUP and Australian MoST trials., Journal of Clinical Oncology 41(16).
- Rothermundt, C.; Andreou, D.; Blay, J.Y.; Brodowicz, T.; Desar, I.M.E.; Dileo, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Haas, R.; Jakob, J.; Jones, R.L.; Judson, I.; Kunz, W.G.; Liegl-Atzwanger, B.; Lindner, L.H.; Messiou, C.; Miah, A.B.; Reichardt, P.; Szkandera, J.; Graaf, W.T.A.V.; Houdt, W.J.V.; Wardelmann, E.; Hofer, S. & CSSS Panellists (2023), Controversies in the management of patients with soft tissue sarcoma, European Journal of Cancer 180: 158-179.
- Hofer, S.; Andreou, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Haas, R.; Kunz, W.; Leithner, A.; Szkandera, J.; Reichardt, P.; Judson, I.; Jones, R.; Lindner, L.; Desar, I.; Liegl-Atzwanger, B.; Graaf, W. van der; Jakob, J.; Miah, A.; Rutkowski, P.; Wardelmann, E.; Rothermundt, C. & CSSS Panellists (2023), Controversies in the management of patients with soft tissue sarcoma: the top recommendations of the Conference on State of Science in Sarcoma (CSSS), Oncology Research and Treatment 46: 156-156.
- Gelderblom, H.; Jalving, M.; Desar, I.; Saavedra, O.; Gietema, J.A.; Ravensteijn, S. van; Marsan, N.A.; Bellon, A.; Micallef, S.; Luong, N.; Piggott, L.; Franzen, R.F. & Imedio, E.R. (2023), Debio 0123-101: A phase 1 trial of Debio 0123 in combination with carboplatin in advanced solid tumors-Safety, pharmacokinetic, and preliminary antitumor activity data., Journal of Clinical Oncology 41(16).
- Lipplaa, A.; Schreuder, W.H.; Pichardo, S.E.C. & Gelderblom, H. (2023), Denosumab in giant cell-rich tumors of bone, The Oncologist 28(11).
- Kersting, J.; Ranft, A.; Bhadri, V.; Brichard, B.; Collaud, S.; Cyprová, S.; Eich, H.; Ek, T.; Gelderblom, H.; Hardes, J.; Haveman, L.; Hartmann, W.; Hauser, P.; Heesen, P.; Jürgens, H.; Kanerva, J.; Kühne, T.; Raciborska, A.; Rascon, J.; Rechl, V.; Streitbürger, A.; Timmermann, B.; Uhlenbruch, Y. & Dirksen, U. (2023), Effect of radiotherapy dose on outcome in nonmetastatic sarcoma, Advances in Radiation Oncology 8(4).
- Geurts, B.S.; Battaglia, T.W.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Wit, G.F. de; Hoes, L.R.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Noort, V. van der; Roepman, P.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Jansen, A.M.L.; Opdam, F.L.; Jonge, M.J.A. de; Cirkel, G.A.; Labots, M.; Hoeben, A.; Kerver, E.D.; Bins, A.D.; Erdkamp, F.G.L.; Rooijen, J.M. van; Houtsma, D.; Hendriks, M.P.; Groot, J.W.B. de; Verheul, H.M.W.; Gelderblom, H. & Voest, E.E. (2023), Efficacy, safety and biomarker analysis of durvalumab in patients with mismatch-repair deficient or microsatellite instability-high solid tumours, BMC Cancer 23(1).
- Geurts, B.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Battaglia, T.W.; Haar, J. van de; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Hoes, L.R.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Roepman, P.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Jansen, A.M.L.; Noort, V. van der; Chalabi, M.; Devriese, L.A.; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W. & Voest, E.E. (2023), Efficacy and predictors of response of nivolumab in treatment- refractory MSI solid tumors: Results of a tumor-agnostic DRUP cohort, Journal of Clinical Oncology 41(16).
- Dirkson, A.; Verberne, S.; Oortmerssen, G. van; Gelderblom, H. & Kraaij, W. (2023), How do others cope?, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 139.
- Heemelaar, J.C.; Speetjens, F.M.; Jaff, A.A.M. al; Evenhuis, R.E.; Polomski, E.A.S.; Mertens, B.J.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Gelderblom, H.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Antoni, M.L. (2023), Impact of age at diagnosis on cardiotoxicity in high-grade osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma patients, JACC: CARDIOONCOLOGY 5(1): 117-127.
- Mohammadi, M.; IJzerman, N.S.; Hollander, D. den; Bleckman, R.F.; Oosten, A.W.; Desar, I.M.E.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Steeghs, N. & Gelderblom, H. (2023), Improved efficacy of first-line imatinib in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), Targeted Oncology 18(3): 415-423.
- Doorn-Khosrovani, S.V. van; Reparon, C.; Koole, S.; Huisman, A.; Louis, C.; Aart, M. van; Groenen, W.; Grunberg, K.; Schuuring, E.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Monkhorst, K.; Gelderblom, H. & Flier, S. van der (2023), Improving access to molecular tumour boards for complex genomic profiles: A healthcare policy from the Netherlands, Annals of Oncology 34: S938-S938.
- Zeverijn, L.J.; Looze, E.J.; Thavaneswaran, S.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Simes, R.J.; Hoes, L.R.; Sjoquist, K.M.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Sebastian, L.; Geurts, B.S.; Lee, C.K.; Wit, G.F. de; Espinoza, D.; Roepman, P.; Lin, F.P.; Jansen, A.M.L.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Noort, V. van der; Leek, L.V.M.; Vos, F.Y.F.L. de; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Thomas, D.M. & Voest, E.E. (2023), Limited clinical activity of palbociclib and ribociclib monotherapy in advanced cancers with cyclin D-CDK4/6 pathway alterations in the Dutch DRUP and Australian MoST trials, International Journal of Cancer 153(7).
- Bleckman, R.F.; Roets, E.; IJzerman, N.S.; Mohammadi, M.; Bonenkamp, H.J.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Steeghs, N.; Reyners, A.K.L. & Etten, B. van (2023), Local recurrence in primary localised resected gastrointestinal stromal tumours, European Journal of Cancer 186: 113-121.
- Brink, P.; Kalisvaart, G.M.; Schrage, Y.M.; Mohammadi, M.; Ijzerman, N.S.; Bleckman, R.F.; Wal, T.; Geus-Oei, L.F. de; Hartgrink, H.H.; Grunhagen, D.J.; Verhoef, C.; Sleijfer, S.; Oosten, A.W.; Been, L.B.; Ginkel, R.J. van; Reyners, A.K.L.; Bonenkamp, H.J.; Desar, I.M.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Houdt, W.J. van; Steeghs, N.; Fiocco, M. & Hage, J.A. van der (2023), Local treatment in metastatic GIST patients, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 49(9).
- Bauer, S.; Jones, R.L.; George, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Schöffski, P.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.R.; Kang, Y.K.; Razak, A.A.; Trent, J.; Attia, S.; Cesne, A. le; Reichmann, W.; Sprott, K.; Achour, H.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Blay, J.Y. & Heinrich, M.C. (2023), Mutational heterogeneity of imatinib resistance and efficacy of ripretinib vs sunitinib in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor: ctDNA analysis from INTRIGUE, Oncology Research and Treatment 46: 154-156.
- Bauer, S.; Jones, R.L.; George, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Schöffski, P.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.R.; Kang, Y.K.; Razak, A.R.A.; Trent, J.C.; Attia, S.; Cesne, A. le; Reichmann, W.; Sprott, K.; Achour, H.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Blay, J.Y. & Heinrich, M.C. (2023), Mutational heterogeneity of imatinib resistance and efficacy of ripretinib vs sunitinib in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor: ctDNA analysis from INTRIGUE., Journal of Clinical Oncology 41.
- Gounder, M.; Ratan, R.; Alcindor, T.; Schöffski, P.; Graaf, W.T. van der; Wilky, B.A.; Riedel, R.F.; Lim, A.; Smith, L.M.; Moody, S.; Attia, S.; Chawla, S.; D'Amato, G.; Federman, N.; Merriam, P.; Tine, B.A. van; Vincenzi, B.; Benson, C.; Bui, N.Q.; Chugh, R.; Tinoco, G.; Charlson, J.; Dileo, P.; Hartner, L.; Lapeire, L.; Mazzeo, F.; Palmerini, E.; Reichardt, P.; Stacchiotti, S.; Bailey, H.H.; Burgess, M.A.; Cote, G.M.; Davis, L.E.; Deshpande, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Grignani, G.; Loggers, E.; Philip, T.; Pressey, J.G.; Kummar, S. & Kasper, B. (2023), Nirogacestat, a γ-Secretase Inhibitor for Desmoid Tumors, New England Journal of Medicine 388(10): 898-912.
- Trent, J.C.; Jones, R.L.; George, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Schöffski, P.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.R.; Kang, Y.K.; Razak, A.R.A.; Attia, S.; Cesne, A. le; Reichmann, W.; Sprott, K.; Achour, H.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Blay, J.Y.; Heinrich, M.C.; Bauer, S. & INTRIGUE Investigators (2023), Outcomes in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor who did not have baseline ctDNA detected in the INTRIGUE study, Journal of Clinical Oncology 41(16).
- Jones, R.L.; Blay, J.Y.; George, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Ffski, P.S.S.D.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.R.; Kang, Y.K.; Razak, A.R.A.; Trent, J.C.; Attia, S.; Cesne, A. le; Reichmann, W.; Achour, H.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Bauer, S.; Heinrich, M.C. & INTRIGUE Investigators (2023), Overall survival and long-term safety in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor previously treated with imatinib: Updated analyses from INTRIGUE, Journal of Clinical Oncology 41(16).
- Gelderblom, H.; Jones, R.L.; Blay, J.Y.; George, S.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.R.; Kang, Y.K.; Razak, A.A.; Trent, J.; Attia, S.; Cesne, A. le; Siontis, B.L.; Goldstein, D.; Boye, K.; Sanchez, C.; Steeghs, N.; Rutkowski, P.; Druta, M.; Serrano, C.; Somaiah, N.; Chi, P.; Harrow, B.; Becker, C.; Reichmann, W.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Heinrich, M.C.; INTRIGUE Investigators & Bauer, S. (2023), Patient-reported outcomes and tolerability in patients receiving ripretinib versus sunitinib after treatment with imatinib in INTRIGUE, a phase 3, open-label study1, European Journal of Cancer 192.
- Callegaro, D.; Raut, C.P.; Ajayi, T.; Strauss, D.; Bonvalot, S.; Ng, D.; Stoeckle, E.; Fairweather, M.; Rutkowski, P.; Houdt, W.J. van; Gelderblom, H.; Sangalli, C.; Hayes, A.; Honore, C.; Gladdy, R.A.; Fau, M.; Haas, R.; Tzanis, D.; Miah, A.B.; Chung, P.T.; Baldini, E.H.; Marreaud, S.; Litiere, S.; Swallow, C.J. & Gronchi, A. (2023), Preoperative radiotherapy in patients with primary retroperitoneal sarcoma, Annals of Surgery 278(1): 127-134.
- Bauer, S.; Heinrich, M.C.; George, S.; Zalcberg, J.R.; Gelderblom, H.; Schöffski, P.; Serrano, C.; Jones, R.L.; Attia, S.; D'amato, G.; Chi, P.; Reichardt, P.; Becker, C.C.; Meade, J.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Mehren, M. von & Blay, J.Y. (2023), Quality of life and self-reported function with ripretinib in ≥4th-line therapy for patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors: analyses from INVICTUS, Oncology Research and Treatment 46: 153-154.
- Verkerk, K.; Wel, T. van der; Zeverijn, L.J.; Geurts, B.S.; Spiekman, I.A.C.; Wit, G.F. de; Roepman, P.; Jansen, A.; Noort, V. van der; Smit, E.F.; Hoeben, A.; Hendriks, L.; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Piet, B.; Herder, G.; Hashemi, S.M.S.; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Voest, E.E. & Langen, J. de (2023), Safety and efficacy of crizotinib in MET mutated (METmut) advanced non-small cell lung Cancer (aNSCLC): Results from the Drug Rediscovery Protocol (DRUP), Annals of Oncology 34.
- Blay, J.Y.; Hindi, N.; Bollard, J.; Aguiar, S.; Angel, M.; Araya, B.; Badilla, R.; Bernabeu, D.; Campos, F.; Caro-Sánchez, C.H.S.; Carvajal, B.; Montoya, A.C.; Casavilca-Zambrano, S.; Castro-Oliden, V.; Chacón, M.; Clara, M.; Collini, P.; Genoroso, R.C.; Costa, F.D.; Cuellar, M.; Tos, A.P. dei; Malagon, H.R.D.; Donati, D.; Dufresne, A.; Eriksson, M.; Farias-Loza, M.; Fernandez, P.; Frezza, A.M.; Frisoni, T.; Garcia-Ortega, D.Y.; Gelderblom, H.; Gouin, F.; Gómez-Mateo, M.C.; Gronchi, A.; Haro, J.; Huanca, L.; Jimenez, N.; Karanian, M.; Kasper, B.; David, B.B.L.; Lopez-Pousa, A.; Lutter, G.; Martinez-Said, H.; Martinez-Tlahuel, J.; Mello, C.A.; Pérez, J.M.M.; David, S.M.; Nascimento, A.G.; Ortiz-Cruz, E.J.; Palmerini, E.; Patel, S.; Pfluger, Y.; Provenzano, S.; Righi, A.; Rodriguez, A.; Salas, R.; Santos, T.T.G.; Scotlandi, K.; Soule, T.; Stacchiotti, S.; Valverde, C.; Waisberg, F.; Estrada, E.Z. & Martin-Broto, J. (2023), SELNET clinical practice guidelines for soft tissue sarcoma and GIST (vol 102, 102312, 2021), Cancer Treatment Reviews 115.
- Blay, J.Y.; Mehren, M. von; Jones, R.L.; Martin-Broto, J.; Stacchiotti, S.; Bauer, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Orbach, D.; Hindi, N.; Tos, A. dei & Nathenson, M. (2023), Synovial sarcoma: characteristics, challenges, and evolving therapeutic strategies, ESMO Open 8(5).
- Wal, D. van de; Doorn, B. van; Hollander, D. den; Desar, I.M.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Oosten, A.W.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Steeghs, N.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der & Husson, O. (2023), The association of having a monitoring or blunting coping style with psychological distress, health-related quality of life and satisfaction with healthcare in gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) patients, Acta Oncologica 62(12).
- Gelderblom, H.; Edsjo, A.; Russnes, H.E.G.; Lassen, U.N.; Helland, A.; Hult, E.H.; Ryll, B.; Lugowska, I.; Blay, J.Y.; Falk, R.S.; Doorn-Khosrovani, S.V. van; Carlsson, K.S.; Peltola, K.; Stenzinger, A.; Vrdoljak, E.; Oliveira, J.; Mohammad, S.F.H.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Voest, E.E. & Tasken, K. (2023), The DRUP-like clinical trials family: A distributed European trial network for equitable access to precision medicine, Annals of Oncology 34: S933-S934.
- Tap, W.D.; Sharma, M.G.; Vallee, M.; Smith, B.D.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Sande, M. van de; Randall, R.L.; Bernthal, N.M. & Gelderblom, H. (2023), The MOTION study, Future Oncology 20(10).
- Vries, N.L. de; Haar, J. van de; Veninga, V.; Chalabi, M.; Ijsselsteijn, M.E.; Ploeg, M. van der; Bulk, J. van den; Ruano, D.; Berg, J.G. van den; Haanen, J.B.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Geurts, B.S.; Wit, G.F. de; Battaglia, T.W.; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Schumacher, T.N.; Wessels, L.F.A.; Koning, F.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de & Voest, E.E. (2023), γδ T cells are effectors of immunotherapy in cancers with HLA class I defects, Nature 613(7945).
- Kaptein, F.H.J.; Stals, M.A.M.; Evenhuis, R.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Huisman, M.V.; Karis, D.S.A.; Noten, R.W.D.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Speetjens, F.M.; Verschoor, A.J.; Versteeg, H.H.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Klok, F.A. (2023), Risk of venous thromboembolism and major bleeding in the clinical course of osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma, Thrombosis Research: Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis 221: 19-25.
- Healey, J.H.; Tap, W.D.; Gelhorn, H.L.; Ye, X.; Speck, R.M.; Palmerini, E.; Stacchiotti, S.; Desai, J.; Wagner, A.J.; Alcindor, T.; Ganjoo, K.; Martin-Broto, J.; Wang, Q.; Shuster, D.; Gelderblom, H. & Sande, M. van de (2023), Pexidartinib provides modest pain relief in patients with tenosynovial giant cell tumor, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 481(1): 107-116.
- Lipplaa, A.; Meijer, D.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Gelderblom, H.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Mei, H.L. & Szuhai, K. (2023), A novel colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF1) translocation involving human endogenous retroviral element in a tenosynovial giant cell tumor, Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer 62(4).
- Lipplaa, A.; Schreuder, W.H.; Pichardo, S.E.C. & Gelderblom, H. (2023), Denosumab in giant cell-rich tumors of bone, The Oncologist 28.
- Acem, I.; Houdt, W.J. van; Grunhagen, D.J.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Rueten-Budde, A.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Verhoef, C.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & PERSARC Res Grp (2022), The role of perioperative chemotherapy in primary high- grade extremity soft tissue sarcoma, European Journal of Cancer 165: 71-80.
- Casali, P.G.; Blay, J.Y.; Abecassis, N.; Bajpai, J.; Bauer, S.; Biagini, R.; Bielack, S.; Bonvalot, S.; Boukovinas, I.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Boye, K.; Brodowicz, T.; Buonadonna, A.; Alava, E. de; Tos, A.P. dei; Muro, X.G. del; Dufresne, A.; Eriksson, M.; Fedenko, A.; Ferraresi, V.; Ferrari, A.; Frezza, A.M.; Gasperoni, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Gouin, F.; Grignani, G.; Haas, R.; Hassan, A.B.; Hindi, N.; Hohenberger, P.; Joensuu, H.; Jones, R.L.; Jungels, C.; Jutte, P.; Kasper, B.; Kawai, A.; Kopeckova, K.; Krakorova, D.A.; Cesne, A. le; Grange, F. le; Legius, E.; Leithner, A.; Lopez-Pousa, A.; Martin-Broto, J.; Merimsky, O.; Messiou, C.; Miah, A.B.; Mir, O.; Montemurro, M.; Morosi, C.; Palmerini, E.; Pantaleo, M.A.; Piana, R.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Reichardt, P.; Rutkowski, P.; Safwat, A.A.; Sangalli, C.; Sbaraglia, M.; Scheipl, S.; Schoffski, P.; Sleijfer, S.; Strauss, D.; Strauss, S.J.; Hall, K.S.; Trama, A.; Unk, M.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Houdt, W.J. van; Frebourg, T.; Gronchi, A.; Stacchiotti, S.; ESMO Guidelines Comm; ESMO Guidelines Comm; EURACAN & GENTURIS (2022), Gastrointestinal stromal tumours, Annals of Oncology 33(1): 20-33.
- Blay, J.Y.; Hindi, N.; Bollard, J.; Aguiar, S.; Angel, M.; Araya, B.; Badilla, R.; Bernabeu, D.; Campos, F.; Caro-Sanchez, C.H.S.; Carvajal, B.; Montoya, A.C.; Casavilca-Zambrano, S.; Castro-Oliden, V.; Chacon, M.; Clara, M.; Collini, P.; Genoroso, R.C.; Costa, F.D.; Cuellar, M.; Tos, A.P. dei; Malagon, H.R.D.; Donati, D.; Dufresne, A.; Eriksson, M.; Farias-Loza, M.; Fernandez, P.; Frezza, A.M.; Frisoni, T.; Garcia-Ortega, D.Y.; Gelderblom, H.; Gouin, F.; Gomez-Mateo, M.C.; Gronchi, A.; Haro, J.; Huanca, L.; Jimenez, N.; Karanian, M.; Kasper, B.; David, B.B.L.; Lopez-Pousa, A.; Lutter, G.; Martinez-Said, H.; Martinez-Tlahuel, J.; Mello, C.A.; Perez, J.M.M.; David, S.M.; Nascimento, A.G.; Ortiz-Cruz, E.J.; Palmerini, E.; Patel, S.; Pfluger, Y.; Provenzano, S.; Righi, A.; Rodriguez, A.; Salas, R.; Santos, T.T.G.; Scotlandi, K.; Soule, T.; Stacchiotti, S.; Valverde, C.; Waisberg, F.; Estrada, E.Z. & Martin-Broto, J. (2022), SELNET clinical practice guidelines for soft tissue sarcoma and GIST, Cancer Treatment Reviews 102.
- Hurkmans, E.G.E.; Koenderink, J.B.; Heuvel, J.J.M.W. van den; Versleijen-Jonkers, Y.M.H.; Hillebrandt-Roeffen, M.H.S.; Groothuismink, J.M.; Vos, H.I.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Flucke, U.; Muradjan, G.; Schreuder, H.W.B.; Hagleitner, M.M.; Brunner, H.G.; Gelderblom, H.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Bont, E.S.J.M. de; Touw, D.J.; Nijhoff, G.J.; Kremer, L.C.M.; Caron, H.; Windsor, R.; Patiño-García, A.; González-Neira, A.; Saletta, F.; McCowage, G.; Nagabushan, S.; Catchpoole, D.; Loo, D.M.W.M. te & Coenen, M.J.H. (2022), SLC7A8 coding for LAT2 is associated with early disease progression in osteosarcoma and transports doxorubicin, Frontiers in Pharmacology 13.
- Zhai, Q.; Leem, M. van der; Lunenburg, C.; Henricks, L.; Bohringer, S.; Man, F. de; Offer, S.; Baars, A.; Creemers, G.; Dezentje, V.; Droogendijk, H.; Hamberg, P.; Imholz, A.; Jansen, R.; Jeurissen, F.; Koopman, M.; Mandigers, C.; Nieboer, P.; Poel, M. van de; Portielje, J.; Schaik, R. van; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.; Schellens, J.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H. & Swen, J. (2022), Added value of DPYD whole exon sequencing to explain severe fluoropyrimidine-induced toxicity, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 78(SUPPL 1): S2-S3.
- Chawla, S.P.; Wasp, G.T.; Shepard, D.R.; Blay, J.Y.; Jones, R.L.; Stacchiotti, S.; Reichardt, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Martin-Broto, J.; Eckelman, B.; Darling, M.; Andrianov, V. & Conley, A.P. (2022), A randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial of INBRX-109 in unresectable or metastatic conventional chondrosarcoma, Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(16).
- Kalisvaart, G.; Broersen, A.; Bovee, J.V.; Ende, R.P. van den; Langevelde, K. van; Navas, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Krol, S.A.; Hage, J.A. van der; Sande, M.A.V. de; Dijkstra, J.; Geus-Oei, L. de; Bloem, J.L. & Grootjans, W. (2022), Digital pathology- guided tissue characterization with multimodality imaging for response monitoring in sarcomas, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 49(SUPPL 1): S110-S110.
- Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Zeverijn, L.J.; Hoes, L.R.; Meertens, M.; Huitema, A.D.R.; Devriese, L.A.; Labots, M.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Voest, E.E. & Gelderblom, H. (2022), Efficacy and toxicity of vemurafenib and cobimetinib in relation to plasma concentrations, after administration via feeding tube in patients with BRAF-mutated thyroid cancer: a case series and review of literature, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 90(1): 97-104.
- Heinrich, M.C.; Jones, R.L.; Gelderblom, H.; George, S.; Schoffski, P.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.R.; Kang, Y.K.; Razak, A.R.A.; Trent, J.C.; Attia, S.; Cesne, A. le; Su, Y.; Meade, J.N.; Wang, T.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Blay, J.Y. & Bauer, S. (2022), INTRIGUE: A phase III, randomized, open-label study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ripretinib versus sunitinib in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor previously treated with imatinib, Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(36).
- Bauer, S.; Jones, R.L.; Gelderblom, H.; George, S.; Schoeffski, P.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.; Kang, Y.K.; Razak, A.A.; Trent, J.; Attia, S.; Cesne, A. le; Su, Y.; Meade, J.; Wang, T.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Blay, J.Y. & Heinrich, M.C. (2022), INTRIGUE: a randomized, open-label, phase 3 study evaluating the efficacy and safety of ripretinib versus sunitinib in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors previously treated with imatinib, Oncology Research and Treatment 45(SUPPL 2): 263-263.
- Heesen, P.; Ranft, A.; Bhadri, V.; Brichard, B.; Collaud, S.; Cyprova, S.; Eich, H.; Ek, T.; Gelderblom, H.; Hardes, J.; Haveman, L.; Hartmann, W.; Hauser, P.; Jurgens, H.; Kanerva, J.; Kühne, T.; Raciborska, A.; Rascon, J.; Streitbürger, A.; Timmermann, B.; Uhlenbruch, Y. & Dirksen, U. (2022), I VALUE OF LOCAL TREATMENT MODALITIES IN PATIENTS WITH LOCALIZED EWING SARCOMA. REPORT FROM THE EWING 2008 TRIAL, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 69.
- Tap, W.D.; Wagner, A.J.; Sharma, M.G.; Vallee, M.; Michenzie, M.F.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Stacchiotti, S.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Gelderblom, H. (2022), MOTION: A randomized, phase 3, placebo-controlled, double-blind study of vimseltinib (DCC-3014) for the treatment of tenosynovial giant cell tumor, Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(16).
- Hurkmans, E.G.E.; Groothuismink, J.M.G.; Vos, H.I.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Flucke, U.; Versleijen-Jonkers, Y.M.H.; Roeffen, M.H.S.; Koenderink, J.B.; Heuvel, J.J.M.W. van den; Schreuder, B.W.B.; Hagleitner, M.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Bont, E.S.J.M. de; Kremer, L.C.M.; Bras, J.; Caron, H.; Windsor, R.; Whelan, J.; Patino-Garcia, A.; Gonzalez-Neira, A.; McCowage, G.; Nagabushan, S.; Saletta, F.; Catchpoole, D.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Brunner, H.G.; Loo, D.M.W.M. te & Coenen, M.J.H. (2022), Pharmacogenetics of chemotherapy response in osteosarcoma: a genetic variant in SLC7A8 is associated with progressive disease, European Journal of Human Genetics 30(SUPPL 1): 515-515.
- With, M. de; Knikman, J.; Schellens, J.H.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Swen, J.J. & Meulendijks, D. (2022), Response to "Plasma Uracil as a DPD Phenotyping Test: Pre-analytical Handling Matters", Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 113(3).
- Hulshof, E.C.; With, M. de; Creemers, G.J.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Mathijssen, R.H.; Gelderblom, H. & Deenen, M.J. (2022), Response to letter entitled re: UGT1A1 genotype-guided dosing of irinotecan: A prospective safety and cost analysis in poor metaboliser patients Is it time for everyone treated with irinotecan to be tested for UGT1A1 gene polymorphism?
- Gelderblom, H.; Razak, A.A.; Martin-Broto, J.; Wilky, B.A.; Rutkowski, P.; Narasimhan, S.; Vallee, M.; Sharma, M.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Sherman, M.L. & Tap, W.D. (2022), Safety and efficacy of vimseltinib in tenosynovial giant cell tumour (TGCT): Long-term phase I update, Annals of Oncology 33(7): S757-S758.
- Shuman, A.G.; Aapro, M.S.; Anderson, B.; Arbour, K.; Barata, P.C.; Bardia, A.; Bruera, E.; Chabner, B.A.; Chen, H.; Choy, E.; Conte, P.; Curigliano, G.; Dizon, D.; O'Reilly, E.; Fojo, A.T.; Gelderblom, H.; Graubert, T.A.; Gurtler, J.S.; Hall, E.; Hirsch, F.R.; Idbaih, A.; Ilson, D.H.; Kelley, M.; Vecchia, C. la; Ludwig, H.; Moy, B.; Muss, H.; Opdam, F.; Pentz, R.D.; Posner, M.R.; Ross, J.S.; Sacher, A.; Senan, S.; Celis, E.S.P. de; Tanabe, K.K.; Vermorken, J.B.; Wehrenberg-Klee, E. & Bates, S.E. (2022), Supporting Patients with Cancer after Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, The Oncologist 27(9): 711-713.
- Palassini, E.; Mir, O.; Grignani, G.; Vincenzi, B.; Gelderblom, H.; Sebio, A.; Valverde, C.; Baldi, G.G.; Brunello, A.; Cardellino, G.G.; Marrari, A.; Badalamenti, G.; Martin-Broto, J.; Ferraresi, V.; Libertini, M.; Turano, S.; Gataa, I.; Collini, P.; Tos, A.P. dei; Gennaro, M.; Bini, F.; Provenzano, S.; Vullo, S. lo; Mariani, L.; Cesne, A. le & Casali, P.G. (2022), Systemic treatment in advanced phyllodes tumor of the breast, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 192(3): 603-610.
- Krzakowski, M.J.; Lu, S.; Cousin, S.; Smit, E.F.; Springfeld, C.; Goto, K.; Garrido, P.; Chung, C.H.; Lin, J.J.; Bray, V.J.; Pitcher, B.; Zeuner, H.; Patel, S.; Bordogna, W. & Gelderblom, H. (2022), Updated analysis of the efficacy and safety of entrectinib in patients (pts) with locally advanced/metastatic NTRK fusion-positive (NTRK-fp) solid tumors., Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(16).
- Heesen, P.; Ranft, A.; Bhadri, V.; Brichard, B.; Collaud, S.; Cyprova, S.; Eich, H.T.; Ek, T.; Gelderblom, H.; Havemann, L.; Hauser, P.; Juergens, H.; Kanerva, J.; Kuehne, T.; Raciborska, A.; Rascon, J.; Streitbuerger, A.; Timmermann, B.; Uhlenbruch, Y. & Dirksen, U. (2022), Value of adjuvant radiotherapy in patients with localized Ewing sarcoma at the extremities: Report from the Ewing 2008 trial., Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(16).
- Dirkson, A.; Hollander, D. den; Verberne, S.; Desar, I.; Husson, O.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Oosten, A.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Steeghs, N.; Loon, W. van; Oortmerssen, G. van; Gelderblom, H. & Kraaij, W. (2022), Sample bias in web-based patient-generated health data of Dutch patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor, JMIR Formative Research 6(12).
- Schreuder, W.H.; Lipplaa, A.; Cleven, A.H.G.; Berg, H. van den; Bisschop, P.H.; Jongh, R.T. de; Witjes, M.J.H.; Kessler, P.A.W.H.; Merkx, M.A.W.; Edelenbos, E.; Klop, C.; Schreurs, R.; Westermann, A.M.; Tromp, J.M.; Levenga, H.; Gelderblom, H. & Lange, J. de (2022), RANKL inhibition for giant cell lesions of the jaw: A retrospective cohort analysis, European Journal of Cancer 175: 263-273.
- Brennan, B.; Kirton, L.; Marec-Berard, P.; Gaspar, N.; Laurence, V.; Martin-Broto, J.; Sastre, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Owens, C.; Fenwick, N.; Strauss, S.; Moroz, V.; Whelan, J. & Wheatley, K. (2022), Comparison of two chemotherapy regimens in patients with newly diagnosed Ewing sarcoma (EE2012), The Lancet 400(10362): 1513-1521.
- Groenland, S.L.; Eerden, R.A.G. van; Westerdijk, K.; Meertens, M.; Koolen, S.L.W.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Vries, N. de; Rosing, H.; Otten, H.; Vulink, A.J.E.; Desar, I.M.E.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Gelderblom, H.; Erp, N.P. van; Beijnen, J.H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Huitema, A.D.R.; Steeghs, N. & Dutch Pharmacology Oncology Grp DPOG (2022), Therapeutic drug monitoring-based precision dosing of oral targeted therapies in oncology, Annals of Oncology 33(10): 1071-1082.
- Ziel, D. van der; Derks, M.G.M.; Kapiteijn, E.; Bastiaannet, E.; Louwman, M.; Bos, F. van den; Mooijaart, S.P.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Glas, N.A. de (2022), Time trends in treatment strategies and survival of older versus younger patients with synchronous metastasized melanoma, Cancers 14(19).
- IJzerman, N.S.; Werkhoven, E. van; Mohammadi, M.; Hollander, D. den; Bleckman, R.F.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Desar, I.M.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Grunhagen, D.J.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Steeghs, N. & Graaf, W.T.A. van der (2022), Sex differences in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours, ESMO Open 7(6).
- Palassini, E.; Mir, O.; Grignani, G.; Vincenzi, B.; Gelderblom, H.; Sebio, A.; Valverde, C.; Baldi, G.G.; Brunello, A.; Cardellino, G.G.; Marrari, A.; Badalamenti, G.; Martin-Broto, J.; Ferraresi, V.; Libertini, M.; Turano, S.; Gataa, I.; Collini, P.; Tos, A.P. dei; Gennaro, M.; Bini, F.; Provenzano, S.; Vullo, S. lo; Mariani, L.; Cesne, A. le & Casali, P.G. (2022), Systemic treatment in advanced phyllodes tumor of the breast, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 192.
- Ravensbergen, C.J.; Kuruc, M.; Polack, M.; Crobach, S.; Putter, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Roy, D.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & Mesker, W.E. (2022), The Stroma Liquid Biopsy panel contains a stromal-epithelial gene signature ratio that is associated with the histologic tumor-stroma ratio and predicts survival in colon cancer, Cancers 14(1).
- Hazewinkel, A.D.; Lancia, C.; Anninga, J.; Sande, M. van de; Whelan, J.; Gelderblom, H. & Fiocco, M. (2022), Disease progression in osteosarcoma, BMJ Open 12(3).
- Schoeffski, P.; George, S.; Heinrich, M.C.; Zalcberg, J.R.; Bauer, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Serrano, C.; Jones, R.L.; Attia, S.; D'Amato, G.; Chi, P.; Reichardt, P.; Becker, C.; Shi, K.; Meade, J.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Blay, J.Y. & Mehren, M. von (2022), Patient-reported outcomes in individuals with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor treated with ripretinib in the fourth-line setting, BMC Cancer 22(1).
- Kersting, J.; Ranft, A.; Bhadri, V.; Brichard, B.; Collaud, S.; Cyprova, S.; Eich, H.; Ek, T.; Gelderblom, H.; Hardes, J.; Haveman, L.; Hartmann, W.; Hauser, P.; Jurgens, H.; Kanerva, J.; Kuhne, T.; Raciborska, A.; Rascon, J.; Streitburger, A.; Timmermann, B.; Uhlenbruch, Y.; Heesen, P.; Rechl, V. & Dirksen, U. (2022), VALUE OF RADIOTHERAPY DOSE ON THE OUTCOME IN EWING SARCOMA, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 69: S241-S241.
- Heesen, P.; Ranft, A.; Bhadri, V.; Brichard, B.; Collaud, S.; Cyprova, S.; Eich, H.; Ek, T.; Gelderblom, H.; Hardes, J.; Haveman, L.; Hartmann, W.; Hauser, P.; Jurgens, H.; Kanerva, J.; Kuhne, T.; Raciborska, A.; Rascon, J.; Streitburger, A.; Timmermann, B.; Uhlenbruch, Y. & Dirksen, U. (2022), Value of local treatment modalities in patients with localized Ewing Sarcoma. Report from the Ewing 2008 trial, Oncology Research and Treatment 45(SUPPL 3): 233-233.
- Hulshof, E.C.; With, M. de; Man, F.M. de; Creemers, G.J.; Deiman, B.A.L.M.; Swen, J.J.; Houterman, S.; Koolen, S.L.W.; Bins, S.; Thijs, A.M.J.; Laven, M.M.J.; Hovels, A.M.; Luelmo, S.A.C.; Houtsma, D.; Shulman, K.; McLeod, H.L.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Guchelaar, H.J.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Gelderblom, H. & Deenen, M.J. (2022), UGT1A1 genotype-guided dosing of irinotecan, European Journal of Cancer 162: 148-157.
- Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Jebbink, M.; Hoes, L.R.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Zeverijn, L.J.; Velden, D.L. van der; Roepman, P.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Jansen, A.M.L.; Werkhoven, E. van; Noort, V. van der; Wekken, A.J. van der; Langen, A.J. de; Voest, E.E.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Smit, E.F. & Gelderblom, H. (2022), Trastuzumab and pertuzumab combination therapy for advanced pre-treated HER2 exon 20-mutated non-small cell lung cancer, European Journal of Cancer 171: 114-123.
- Gelderblom, H.; Huang, M.; Sande, M. van de; Scharschmidt, T.; Kostogryz, O.; Alani, L.; Huang, T.; Hsu, L. & Johnson, K. (2022), The synovial and systemic pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intra-articular administration of the CSF1 receptor antibody AMB-05X in a phase II proof-of-concept trial in tenosynovial giant cell tumor, Annals of Oncology 33(7): S1226-S1226.
- Smrke, A.; Frezza, A.M.; Giani, C.; Somaiah, N.; Brahmi, M.; Czarnecka, A.M.; Rutkowski, P.; Graaf, W. van der; Baldi, G.G.; Connolly, E.; Duffaud, F.; Huang, P.H.; Gelderblom, H.; Bhadri, V.; Grimison, P.; Mahar, A.; Stacchiotti, S. & Jones, R.L. (2022), Systemic treatment of advanced clear cell sarcoma, ESMO Open 7(3).
- Hollander, D. den; Dirkson, A.R.; Verberne, S.; Kraaij, W.; Oortmerssen, G. van; Gelderblom, H.; Oosten, A.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Steeghs, N.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Desar, I.M.E. & Husson, O. (2022), Symptoms reported by gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) patients on imatinib treatment, Supportive Care in Cancer 30(6): 5137-5146.
- Shuman, A.G.; Aapro, M.S.; Anderson, B.; Arbour, K.; Barata, P.C.; Bardia, A.; Bruera, E.; Chabner, B.A.; Chen, H.; Choy, E.; Conte, P.; Curigliano, G.; Dizon, D.; O'Reilly, E.; Fojo, A.T.; Gelderblom, H.; Graubert, T.A.; Gurtler, J.S.; Hall, E.; Hirsch, F.R.; Idbaih, A.; Ilson, D.H.; Kelley, M.; Vecchia, C. la; Ludwig, H.; Moy, B.; Muss, H.; Opdam, F.; Pentz, R.D.; Posner, M.R.; Ross, J.S.; Sacher, A.; Senan, S.; Celis, E.S.P. de; Tanabe, K.K.; Vermorken, J.B.; Wehrenberg-Klee, E. & Bates, S.E. (2022), Supporting Patients with Cancer after Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, The Oncologist 27(9): 711-713.
- Musta, E.; Geloven, N. van; Anninga, J.; Gelderblom, H. & Fiocco, M. (2022), Short-term and long-term prognostic value of histological response and intensified chemotherapy in osteosarcoma, BMJ Open 12(5).
- Bauer, S.; Jones, R.L.; Blay, J.Y.; Gelderblom, H.; George, S.; Schoffski, P.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.R.; Kang, Y.K.; Razak, A.A.; Trent, J.; Attia, S.; Cesne, A. le; Su, Y.; Meade, J.; Wang, T.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R. & Heinrich, M.C. (2022), Ripretinib versus sunitinib in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor after treatment with imatinib (INTRIGUE), Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(34): 3918-+.
- Stacchiotti, S.; Frezza, A.M.; Demetri, G.D.; Blay, J.Y.; Bajpai, J.; Baldi, G.G.; Baldini, E.H.; Benjamin, R.S.; Bonvalot, S.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Callegaro, D.; Casali, P.G.; D'Angelo, S.P.; Davis, E.J.; Tos, A.P. dei; Demicco, E.G.; Desai, J.; Dileo, P.; Eriksson, M.; Gelderblom, H.; George, S.; Gladdy, R.A.; Gounder, M.M.; Gupta, A.A.; Haas, R.; Hayes, A.; Hohenberger, P.; Jones, K.B.; Jones, R.L.; Kasper, B.; Kawai, A.; Kirsch, D.G.; Kleinerman, E.S.; Cesne, A. le; Maestro, R.; Broto, J.M.; Maki, R.G.; Miah, A.B.; Palmerini, E.; Patel, S.R.; Raut, C.P.; Razak, A.R.A.; Reed, D.R.; Rutkowski, P.; Sanfilippo, R.G.; Sbaraglia, M.; Schaefer, I.M.; Strauss, D.C.; Strauss, S.J.; Tap, W.D.; Thomas, D.M.; Trama, A.; Trent, J.C.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Houdt, W.J. van; Mehren, M. von; Wilky, B.A.; Fletcher, C.D.M.; Gronchi, A.; Miceli, R. & Wagner, A.J. (2022), Retrospective observational studies in ultra-rare sarcomas: A consensus paper from the Connective Tissue Oncology Society (CTOS) community of experts on the minimum requirements for the evaluation of activity of systemic treatments, Cancer Treatment Reviews 110.
- Gelderblom, H.; Luong, N.; Gietema, J.A.; Desar, I.; Saavedra, O.; Jalving, M.; Kroep, J.R.; Bellon, A.; Nowakowska, J.; Jonnaert, M. & Imedio, E.R. (2022), Pharmacodynamic marker modulation of the selective WEE1 inhibitor Debio 0123 in patient biopsies fromp hase I clinical trial, Annals of Oncology 33(7): S578-S578.
- Hoes, L.R.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Zeverijn, L.J.; Velden, D.L. van der; Haar, J. van de; Roepman, P.; Leng, W.J. de; Jansen, A.M.L.; Werkhoven, E. van; Noort, V. van der; Huitema, A.D.R.; Gort, E.H.; Groot, J.W.B. de; Kerver, E.D.; Groot, D.J. de; Erdkamp, F.; Beerepoot, L.V.; Hendriks, M.P.; Smit, E.F.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Labots, M.; Hoeben, A.; Morreau, H.; Lolkema, M.P.; Cuppen, E.; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W. & Voest, E.E. (2022), Patients with rare cancers in the Drug Rediscovery Protocol (DRUP) benefit from genomics-guided treatment, Clinical Cancer Research 28(7): 1402-1411.
- Gelderblom, H.; Jones, R.L.; Blay, J.Y.; George, S.; Schoffski, P.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.R.; Kang, Y.K.; Razak, A.R.A.; Trent, J.C.; Attia, S.; Cesne, A. le; Harrow, B.; Becker, C.; Wang, T.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Heinrich, M.C. & Bauer, S. (2022), Patient reported outcomes and tolerability in patients receiving ripretinib versus sunitinib after imatinib treatment in INTRIGUE: A phase 3 open-label study., Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(16).
- Bomhof-Roordink, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Gartner, F.R.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroon, C.D. de; Peeters, K.C.M.J.; Neelis, K.J.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Weijden, T. van der; Pieterse, A.H.; Boer, S.M. de; Boersma, L.J.; Huinink, D.T.; Buijsen, J.; Cloos-van Balen, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Leeuwen-Snoeks, L. van; Lips, I.M.; Ramai, S.R.S.; Roshani, H.; Slingerland, M.; Vanneste, B.G.L.; Wiltink, L.M. & iSHARE Study Grp (2022), Patient and physician shared decision-making behaviors in oncology, Patient Education and Counseling 105(5): 1089-1100.
- Barnes, D.J.; Dutton, P.; Bruland, O.; Gelderblom, H.; Faleti, A.; Buhnemann, C.; Maldegem, A. van; Johnson, H.; Poulton, L.; Love, S.; Tiemeier, G.; Beelen, E. van; Herbschleb, K.; Haddon, C.; Billingham, L.; Bradley, K.; Ferrari, S.; Palmerini, E.; Picci, P.; Dirksen, U.; Strauss, S.J.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Buddingh, E.; Blay, J.Y.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M. & Hassan, A.B. (2022), Outcomes from a mechanistic biomarker multi-arm and randomised study of liposomal MTP-PE (Mifamurtide) in metastatic and/or recurrent osteosarcoma (EuroSarc-Memos trial), BMC Cancer 22(1).
- Kantidakis, G.; Litiere, S.; Neven, A.; Vinches, M.; Judson, I.; Blay, J.Y.; Wardelmann, E.; Stacchiotti, S.; D'Ambrosio, L.; Marreaud, S.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Kasper, B.; Fiocco, M. & Gelderblom, H. (2022), New benchmarks to design clinical trials with advanced or metastatic liposarcoma or synovial sarcoma patients: An EORTC- Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (STBSG) meta-analysis based on a literature review for soft-tissue sarcomas, European Journal of Cancer 174: 261-276.
- Kantidakis, G.; Litiere, S.; Neven, A.; Vinches, M.; Judson, I.; Blay, J.Y.; Wardelmann, E.; Stacchiotti, S.; D'Ambrosio, L.; Marreaud, S.I.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Kasper, B.; Fiocco, M. & Gelderblom, H. (2022), New benchmarks for designing clinical trials in advanced or metastatic liposarcoma (LPS) or synovial sarcoma (SS): An EORTC soft tissue and bone sarcoma group meta-analysis, Annals of Oncology 33(7): S1229-S1229.
- Swets, M.; Martinez, C.G.; Vliet, S. van; Tilburg, A. van; Gelderblom, H.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Nagtegaal, I.D. (2022), Microsatellite instability in rectal cancer: what does it mean? A study of two randomized trials and a systematic review of the literature, Histopathology 81(3): 352-362.
- Venneker, S.; Eenige, R. van; Kruisselbrink, A.B.; Palubeckaite, I.; Taliento, A.E.; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Gelderblom, H.; Mei, H.L.; Bovee, J.V.M.G. & Szuhai, K. (2022), Histone deacetylase inhibitors as a therapeutic strategy to eliminate neoplastic "stromal" cells from giant cell tumors of bone, Cancers 14(19).
- Koch, R.; Gelderblom, H.; Haveman, L.; Brichard, B.; Jurgens, H.; Cyprova, S.; Berg, H. van den; Hassenpflug, W.; Raciborska, A.; Ek, T.; Baumhoer, D.; Egerer, G.; Eich, H.T.; Renard, M.; Hauser, P.; Burdach, S.; Bovee, J.; Bonar, F.; Reichardt, P.; Kruseova, J.; Hardes, J.; Kuhne, T.; Kessler, T.; Collaud, S.; Bernkopf, M.; Butterfass-Bahloul, T.; Dhooge, C.; Bauer, S.; Kiss, J.; Paulussen, M.; Hong, A.; Ranft, A.; Timmermann, B.; Rascon, J.; Vieth, V.; Kanerva, J.; Faldum, A.; Metzler, M.; Hartmann, W.; Hjorth, L.; Bhadri, V. & Dirksen, U. (2022), High-dose treosulfan and melphalan as consolidation therapy versus standard therapy for high-risk (metastatic) Ewing Sarcoma, Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(21): 2307-+.
- Zeverijn, L.J.; Doorn-Khosrovani, S.B.V. van; Pisters-van Roy, A.A.M.G.; Timmers, L.; Tran, T.H.L.; Boer, J.E. de; Wit, G.F. de; Geurts, B.S.; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Blijlevens, N.; Wymenga, A.N.M.; Eskens, F.A.L.M.; Smit, E.F.; Bloemendal, H.J. & Voest, E.E. (2022), Harmonising patient-access programmes: the Dutch DRUG Access Protocol platform, The Lancet Oncology 23(2): 198-201.
- With, M. de; Knikman, J.; Baars, A.; Creemers, G.J.M.; Droogendijk, H.J.; Fiets, E.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Valkenburg-van Iersel, L.B.J.; Jeurissen, F.J.F.; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Bosch, B.J.C. van den; Rosing, H.; Beijnen, J.H.; Swen, J.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Schellens, J.H.M.; Mathijssen, R.H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Cats, A. (2022), Fluoropyrimidine (FP) dose individualization based on pretreatment uracil levels: Safety and pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis from the Alpe2U study, Annals of Oncology 33(7): S573-S573.
- Stacchiotti, S.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Sanfilippo, R.G.; Marreaud, S.I.; Houdt, W.J. van; Judson, I.R.; Gronchi, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Litiere, S. & Kasper, B. (2022), First-line chemotherapy in advanced intrabdominal well-differentiated/dedifferentiated liposarcoma, Cancer 128(15): 2932-2938.
- Rechl, V.; Ranft, A.; Bhadri, V.; Brichard, B.; Collaud, S.; Cyprova, S.; Eich, H.; Ek, T.; Gelderblom, H.; Hardes, J.; Haveman, L.; Hartmann, W.; Hauser, P.; Jurgens, H.; Kanerva, J.; Kuhne, T.; Raciborska, A.; Rascon, J.; Streitburger, A.; Timmermann, B.; Uhlenbruch, Y.; Kersting, J. & Dirksen, U. (2022), FACTORS INFLUENCING OUTCOME OF PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY EWING SARCOMA OF THE SACRUM, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 69: S246-S246.
- Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Zeverijn, L.J.; Hoes, L.R.; Meertens, M.; Huitema, A.D.R.; Devriese, L.A.; Labots, M.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Voest, E.E. & Gelderblom, H. (2022), Efficacy and toxicity of vemurafenib and cobimetinib in relation to plasma concentrations, after administration via feeding tube in patients with BRAF-mutated thyroid cancer: a case series and review of literature, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 90(1): 97-104.
- Blay, J.Y.; Gelderblom, H.; Rutkowski, P.; Wagner, A.; Sande, M. van de; Gonzalez, A.F.; Stacchiotti, S.; Cesne, A. le; Alcindor, T.; Serrano, C.; Palmerini, E.; Ravi, V.; Herraez, A.C.; Seddon, B.; Vallee, M.; Jarecha, R.; Sharma, M.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Sherman, M.L. & Tap, W.D. (2022), Efficacy and safety of vimseltinib in tenosynovial giant cell tumour (TGCT): Phase II expansion, Annals of Oncology 33(7): S1236-S1237.
- Weeda, Y.A.; Kalisvaart, G.M.; Velden, F.H.P. van; Gelderblom, H.; Molen, A.J. van der; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Hage, J.A. van der; Grootjans, W. & Geus-Oei, L.F. de (2022), Early Prediction and Monitoring of Treatment Response in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors by Means of Imaging: A Systematic Review, Diagnostics 12(11).
- Mohammadi, M.; Jansen-Werkhoven, T.M.; Ijzerman, N.S.; Hollander, D. den; Bleckman, R.F.; Oosten, A.W.; Desar, I.M.E.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Steeghs, N. & Gelderblom, H. (2022), Dutch gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) registry data comparing sunitinib with imatinib dose escalation in second-line advanced non-KIT exon 9 mutated GIST patients, Targeted Oncology 17(6): 627-634.
- Geurts, B.S.; Battaglia, T.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Zeverijn, L.J.; Hoes, L.R.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Wit, G.F. de; Roepman, P.; Jansen, A.; Leng, W. de; Noort, V. van der; Opdam, F.L.; Bins, A.D.; Groot, J.W.B. de; Labots, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W. & Voest, E.E. (2022), Durvalumab in advanced, pre-treated microsatellite instability-high solid tumors: Results of a tumor-agnostic DRUP trial cohort, Annals of Oncology 33(7): S594-S594.
- With, M. de; Knikman, J.; Man, F.M. de; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Henricks, L.M.; Kuilenburg, A.B.P. van; Maring, J.G.; Staveren, M.C. van; Vries, N. de; Rosing, H.; Beijnen, J.H.; Pluim, D.; Modak, A.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Schellens, J.H.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Swen, J.J. & Meulendijks, D. (2022), Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase phenotyping using pretreatment uracil, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 112(1): 62-68.
- Haas, R.; Stelmes, J.J.; Zaffaroni, F.; Sauve, N.; Clementel, E.; Bar-Deroma, R.; Pechoux, C. le; Litiere, S.; Marreaud, S.; Alyamani, N.; Andratschke, N.H.J.; Sangalli, C.; Chung, P.W.; Miah, A.; Hurkmans, C.; Gronchi, A.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Gelderblom, H.; Kasper, B.; Weber, D.C. & Bonvalot, S. (2022), Critical impact of radiotherapy protocol compliance and quality in the treatment of retroperitoneal sarcomas, Cancer 128(14): 2796-2805.
- Lugtenberg, R.T.; Hurk, C.J.G. van den; Smorenburg, C.H.; Mosch, L.; Houtsma, D.; Hollander-van Deursen, M.A.G. den; Kaptein, A.A.; Gelderblom, H. & Kroep, J.R. (2022), Comparable effectiveness of 45-and 20-min post-infusion scalp cooling time in preventing paclitaxel-induced alopecia , Supportive Care in Cancer 30(8): 6641-6648.
- Heemelaar, J.C.; Janson, J.; Braun, J.; Speetjens, F.M.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Hugo, J.D.V.; Barge-Schaapveld, D.Q.C.M.; Beeres, S.L.M.A.; Tops, L.F.; Gelderblom, H. & Antoni, M.L. (2022), Case report, Cardio-Oncology 8(1).
- Doorn-Khosrovani, S.V.W. van; Zeverijn, L.J.; Geurts, B.S.; Wit, G.F. de; Spiekman, I.A.C.; Pisters, A.; Pasmooij, A.M.G.; Timmers, L.; Nygren, H.P.; Rohrberg, K.S.; Peltola, K.; Mustonen, M.V.J.; Lassen, U.N.; Helland, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Tasken, K. & Voest, E.E. (2022), Bridging the platforms of adaptive clinical trials in oncology and accelerating clinical research in rare genomic aberrations, Annals of Oncology 33(7): S1156-S1157.
- Dirkson, A.; Verberne, S.; Kraaij, W.; Oortmerssen, G. van & Gelderblom, H. (2022), Automated gathering of real-world data from online patient forums can complement pharmacovigilance for rare cancers, Scientific Reports 12(1).
- Pantaleo, M.A.; Heinrich, M.C.; Italiano, A.; Valverde, C.; Schoffski, P.; Grignani, G.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Bauer, S.; Reichardt, P.; Stark, D.; Berhanu, G.; Brandt, U.; Stefanelli, T. & Gelderblom, H. (2022), A multicenter, dose-finding, phase 1b study of imatinib in combination with alpelisib as third-line treatment in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor, BMC Cancer 22(1).
- Vincenzi, B.; Napolitano, A.; Fiocco, M.; Mir, O.; Rutkowski, P.; Blay, J.Y.; Reichardt, P.; Joensuu, H.; Fumagalli, E.; Gennatas, S.; Hindi, N.; Nannini, M.; Ceruso, M.S.; Italiano, A.; Grignani, G.; Brunello, A.; Gasperoni, S.; Pas, T. de; Badalamenti, G.; Pantaleo, M.A.; Houdt, W.J. van; IJzerman, N.S.; Steeghs, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Desar, I.M.E.; Falkenhorst, J.; Silletta, M.; Sbaraglia, M.; Tonini, G.; Martin-Broto, J.; Hohenberger, P.; Cesne, A. le; Jones, R.L.; Tos, A.P. dei; Gronchi, A.; Bauer, S. & Casali, P.G. (2022), Adjuvant imatinib in patients with GIST harboring exon 9 KIT mutations , Clinical Cancer Research 28(8): 1672-1679.
- Heijden, L. van der; Lipplaa, A.; Langevelde, K. van; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Gelderblom, H. (2022), Updated concepts in treatment of giant cell tumor of bone, Current Opinion in Oncology 34(4): 371-378.
- Spierenburg, G.; Heijden, L. van der; Mastboom, M.J.L.; Langevelde, K. van; Wal, R.J.P. van der; Gelderblom, H. & Sande, M.A.J. van de (2022), Surgical management of 144 diffuse-type TGCT patients in a single institution, Journal of Surgical Oncology 126(6): 1087-1095.
- Spierenburg, G.; Grimison, P.; Chevreau, C.; Stacchiotti, S.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Cesne, A. le; Ferraresi, V.; Italiano, A.; Duffaud, F.; Penel, N.; Metzger, S.; Chabaud, S.; Heijden, L. van der; Perol, D.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Blay, J.Y. & Gelderblom, H. (2022), Long-term follow-up of nilotinib in patients with advanced tenosynovial giant cell tumours long-term follow-up of nilotinib in TGCT, European Journal of Cancer 173: 219-228.
- Spierenburg, G.; Heijden, L. van der; Langevelde, K. van; Szuhai, K.; Bovee, J.V.G.M.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Gelderblom, H. (2022), Tenosynovial giant cell tumors (TGCT): molecular biology, drug targets and non-surgical pharmacological approaches, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 26(4): 333-345.
- Bernthal, N.M.; Healey, J.H.; Palmerini, E.; Bauer, S.; Schreuder, H.; Leithner, A.; Martin-Broto, J.; Gouin, F.; Lopez-Bastida, J.; Gelderblom, H.; Staals, E.L.; Burke, Z.D.; Geiger, E.J.; Spierenburg, G.; Laeis, P.; Beyerlein, E.; Ye, X. & Sande, M. van de (2022), A prospective real-world study of the diffuse-type tenosynovial giant cell tumor patient journey, Journal of Surgical Oncology 126(8): 1520-1532.
- Speetjens, F.M.; Welters, M.J.P.; Slingerland, M.; Poelgeest, M.I.E. van; Steenwijk, P.J.D. van; Roozen, I.; Boekestijn, S.; Loof, N.M.; Zom, G.G.; Valentijn, A.R.P.M.; Krebber, W.J.; Meeuwenoord, N.J.; Janssen, C.A.H.; Melief, C.J.M.; Marel, G.A. van der; Filippov, D.V.; Burg, S.H. van der; Gelderblom, H. & Ossendorp, F. (2022), Intradermal vaccination of HPV-16 E6 synthetic peptides conjugated to an optimized Toll-like receptor 2 ligand shows safety and potent T cell immunogenicity in patients with HPV-16 positive (pre-)malignant lesions, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 10(10).
- Rijs, Z.; Jeremiasse, B.; Shifai, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Sier, C.F.M.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Leeuwen, F.W.B. van; Steeg, A.F.W. van der & Sande, M.A.J. van de (2021), Introducing fluorescence-guided surgery for pediatric Ewing, osteo-, and Rhabdomyosarcomas: a literature review, Biomedicines 9(10).
- Haar, J. van de; Hoes, L.R.; Roepman, P.; Lolkema, M.P.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Gelderblom, H.; Langen, A.J. de; Smit, E.F.; Cuppen, E.; Wessels, L.F.A. & Voest, E.E. (2021), Limited evolution of the actionable metastatic cancer genome under therapeutic pressure, Nature Medicine 27(9): 1553-+.
- Spierenburg, G.; Lancaster, S.T.; Heijden, L. van der; Mastboom, M.J.L.; Gelderblom, H.; Pratap, S.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Gibbons, C.L.M.H. (2021), Management of tenosynovial giant cell tumour of the foot and ankle, Bone and Joint Journal 103B(4): 788-794.
- Steeghs, E.M.P.; Vink, G.R.; Elferink, M.A.G.; Voorham, Q.J.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Nagtegaal, I.D.; Grunberg, K.; Ligtenberg, M.J.L. & PATH Consortium Members (2021), Nationwide evaluation of mutation-tailored anti-EGFR therapy selection in patients with colorectal cancer in daily clinical practice, Journal of Clinical Pathology.
- Steeghs, E.M.P.; Gelderblom, H.; Ho, V.K.Y.; Voorham, Q.J.M.; Willems, S.M.; Grunberg, K.; Ligtenberg, M.J.L. & PATH consortium (2021), Nationwide evaluation of mutation-tailored treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in daily clinical practice, Gastric Cancer 24(5): 990-1002.
- Spreafico, M.; Ieva, F.; Arlati, F.; Capello, F.; Fatone, F.; Fedeli, F.; Genalti, G.; Anninga, J.; Gelderblom, H. & Fiocco, M. (2021), Novel longitudinal Multiple Overall Toxicity (MOTox) score to quantify adverse events experienced by patients during chemotherapy treatment, BMJ Open 11(12).
- Wijngaart, H. van der; Hoes, L.R.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Velden, D.L. van der; Zeverijn, L.J.; Roepman, P.; Werkhoven, E. van; Leng, W.W.J. de; Jansen, A.M.L.; Mehra, N.; Robbrecht, D.G.J.; Labots, M.; Groot, D.J.A. de; Hoeben, A.; Hamberg, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Voest, E.E. & Verheul, H.M.W. (2021), Patients with biallelic BRCA1/2 inactivation respond to olaparib treatment across histologic tumor types, Clinical Cancer Research 27(22): 6106-6114.
- Kalisvaart, G.M.; Bloem, J.L.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Gelderblom, H.; Hage, J.A. van der; Hartgrink, H.H.; Krol, A.D.G.; Geus-Oei, L.F. de & Grootjans, W. (2021), Personalising sarcoma care using quantitative multimodality imaging for response assessment, Clinical Radiology 76(4).
- Sande, M. van de; Tap, W.D.; Gelhorn, H.L.; Ye, X.; Speck, R.M.; Palmerini, E.; Stacchiotti, S.; Desai, J.; Wagner, A.J.; Alcindor, T.; Ganjoo, K.; Martin-Broto, J.; Wang, Q.; Shuster, D.; Gelderblom, H. & Healey, J.H. (2021), Pexidartinib improves physical functioning and stiffness in patients with tenosynovial giant cell tumor, Acta Orthopaedica 92(4).
- Curigliano, G.; Gelderblom, H.; Mach, N.; Doi, T.; Tai, D.; Forde, P.M.; Sarantopoulos, J.; Bedard, P.L.; Lin, C.C.; Hodi, F.S.; Wilgenhof, S.; Santoro, A.; Sabatos-Peyton, C.A.; Longmire, T.A.; Xyrafas, A.; Sun, H.Y.; Gutzwiller, S.; Manenti, L. & Naing, A. (2021), Phase I/Ib Clinical Trial of Sabatolimab, an Anti-TIM-3 Antibody, Alone and in Combination with Spartalizumab, an Anti-PD-1 Antibody, in Advanced Solid Tumors, Clinical Cancer Research 27(13): 3620-3629.
- Kalisvaart, G.M.; Grootjans, W.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Gelderblom, H.; Hage, J.A. van der; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Velden, F.H.P. van; Bloem, J.L. & Geus-Oei, L.F. de (2021), Prognostic value of quantitative [F-18]FDG-PET features in patients with metastases from soft tissue sarcoma, Diagnostics 11(12).
- Schoffski, P.; Toulmonde, M.; Estival, A.; Marquina, G.; Dudzisz-Sledz, M.; Brahmi, M.; Steeghs, N.; Karavasilis, V.; Haan, J. de; Wozniak, A.; Cousin, S.; Domenech, M.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Charon-Barra, C.; Marreaud, S.; Litiere, S.; Meulemeester, L. de; Olungu, C. & Gelderblom, H. (2021), Randomised phase 2 study comparing the efficacy and safety of the oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor nintedanib with single agent ifosfamide in patients with advanced, inoperable, metastatic soft tissue sarcoma after failure of first-line chemotherapy, European Journal of Cancer 152: 26-40.
- Meekeren, M. van; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Coevorden, F. van; Houdt, W. van; Schrage, Y.; Koenen, A.M.; Miah, A.B.; Zaidi, S.; Hayes, A.J.; Thway, K.; Krol, S.; Fiocco, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Steeghs, N. & Haas, R.L. (2021), Revision of: a phase II study on the neo-adjuvant combination of pazopanib and radiotherapy in patients with high-risk, localized soft tissue sarcoma, Acta Oncologica 60(12): 1557-1564.
- George, S.; Chi, P.; Heinrich, M.C.; Mehren, M. von; Jones, R.L.; Ganjoo, K.; Trent, J.; Gelderblom, H.; Razak, A.A.; Gordon, M.S.; Somaiah, N.; Jennings, J.; Meade, J.; Shi, K.; Su, Y.; Ruiz-Soto, R. & Janku, F. (2021), Ripretinib intrapatient dose escalation after disease progression provides clinically meaningful outcomes in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumour, European Journal of Cancer 155: 236-244.
- Gronchi, A.; Miah, A.B.; DeiTos, A.P.; Abecassis, N.; Bajpai, J.; Bauer, S.; Biagini, R.; Bielack, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Bolle, S.; Bonvalot, S.; Boukovinas, I.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Boye, K.; Brennan, B.; Brodowicz, T.; Buonadonna, A.; DeAlava, E.; Muro, X.G. del; Dufresne, A.; Eriksson, M.; Fagioli, F.; Fedenko, A.; Ferraresi, V.; Ferrari, A.; Frezza, A.M.; Gasperoni, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Gouin, F.; Grignani, G.; Haas, R.; Hassan, A.B.; Hecker-Nolting, S.; Hindi, N.; Hohenberger, P.; Joensuu, H.; Jones, R.L.; Jungels, C.; Jutte, P.; Kager, L.; Kasper, B.; Kawai, A.; Kopeckova, K.; Krakorova, D.A.; Cesne, A. le; LeGrange, F.; Legius, E.; Leithner, A.; Lopez-Pousa, A.; Martin-Broto, J.; Merimsky, O.; Messiou, C.; Mir, O.; Montemurro, M.; Morland, B.; Morosi, C.; Palmerini, E.; Pantaleo, M.A.; Piana, R.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Reichardt, P.; Rutkowski, P.; Safwat, A.A.; Sangalli, C.; Sbaraglia, M.; Scheipl, S.; Schoffski, P.; Sleijfer, S.; Strauss, D.; Strauss, S.; SundbyHall, K.; Trama, A.; Unk, M.; VandeSande, M.A.J.; VanderGraaf, W.T.A.; Houdt, W.J. van; Frebourg, T.; Casali, P.G.; Stacchiotti, S.; ESMO Guidelines Comm; EURACAN & GENTURIS (2021), Soft tissue and visceral sarcomas, Annals of Oncology 32(11): 1348-1365.
- Bauer, S.; Heinrich, M.; George, S.; Zalcberg, J.R.; Gelderblom, H.; Schöffski, P.; Serrano, C.; Jones, R.L.; Attia, S.; D'Amato, G.; Chi, P.; Reichardt, P.; Meade, J.N.; Reichert, V.; Shi, K.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Mehren, M. von & Blay, J.Y. (2021), Clinical benefit with ripretinib as ≥4th line treatment in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST): Update from the phase III INVICTUS study, Oncology Research and Treatment 44: 11-11.
- Reichardt, P.; Heinrich, M.; George, S.; Zalcberg, J.R.; Bauer, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Schöffski, P.; Serrano, C.; Jones, R.L.; Attia, S.; D'Amato, G.; Chi, P.; Lacouture, M.E.; Cha, E.; Meade, J.N.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Blay, J.Y. & Mehren, M. von (2021), Safety profile of ripretinib, including impact of alopecia, and Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysesthesia Syndrome (PPES) on patient-reported outcomes (PROs), in ≥ fourth-line advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST): Analyses from INVICTUS, Oncology Research and Treatment 44: 186-187.
- Stacchiotti, S.; Frezza, A.M.; Blay, J.Y.; Baldini, E.H.; Bonvalot, S.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Callegaro, D.; Casali, P.G.; Chiang, R.C.J.; Demetri, G.D.; Demicco, E.G.; Desai, J.; Eriksson, M.; Gelderblom, H.; George, S.; Gounder, M.M.; Gronchi, A.; Gupta, A.; Haas, R.L.; Hayes-Jardon, A.; Hohenberger, P.; Jones, K.B.; Jones, R.L.; Kasper, B.; Kawai, A.; Kirsch, D.G.; Kleinerman, E.S.; Cesne, A. le; Lim, J.; Lopez, M.D.C.; Maestro, R.; Marcos-Gragera, R.; Broto, J.M.; Matsuda, T.; Mir, O.; Patel, S.R.; Raut, C.P.; Razak, A.R.A.; Reed, D.R.; Rutkowski, P.; Sanfilippo, R.G.; Sbaraglia, M.; Schaefer, I.M.; Strauss, D.C.; Hall, K.S.; Tap, W.D.; Thomas, D.M.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Houdt, W.J. van; Visser, O.; Mehren, M. von; Wagner, A.J.; Wilky, B.A.; Won, Y.J.; Fletcher, C.D.M.; Tos, A.P. dei & Trama, A. (2021), Ultra-rare sarcomas, Cancer 127(16): 2934-2942.
- Wiltink, L.M.; Haas, R.L.M.; Gelderblom, H. & Sande, M.A.J. van de (2021), Treatment strategies for metastatic soft tissue sarcomas, Cancers 13(7).
- Casali, P.G.; Cesne, A. le; Velasco, A.P.; Kotasek, D.; Rutkowski, P.; Hohenberger, P.; Fumagalli, E.; Judson, I.R.; Italiano, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Penel, N.; Hartmann, J.T.; Duffaud, F.; Goldstein, D.; Martin-Broto, J.; Gronchi, A.; Wardelmann, E.; Marreaud, S.; Zalcberg, J.R.; Litiere, S. & Blay, J.Y. (2021), Final analysis of the randomized trial on imatinib as an adjuvant in localized gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) from the EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (STBSG), the Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG), UNICANCER, French Sarcoma Group (FSG), Italian Sarcoma Group (AGITG), UNICANCER, French Sarcoma Group (FSG), Italian Sarcoma Group (ISG), and Spanish Group for Research on Sarcomas (GEIS), Annals of Oncology 32(4): 533-541.
- Stacchiotti, S.; Miah, A.B.; Frezza, A.M.; Messiou, C.; Morosi, C.; Caraceni, A.; Antonescu, C.R.; Bajpai, J.; Baldini, E.; Bauer, S.; Biagini, R.; Bielack, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Bonvalot, S.; Boukovinas, I.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Boye, K.; Brodowicz, T.; Callegaro, D.; Alava, E. de; Deoras-Sutliff, M.; Dufresne, A.; Eriksson, M.; Errani, C.; Fedenko, A.; Ferraresi, V.; Ferrari, A.; Fletcher, C.D.M.; Muro, X.G. del; Gelderblom, H.; Gladdy, R.A.; Gouin, F.; Grignani, G.; Gutkovich, J.; Haas, R.; Hindi, N.; Hohenberger, P.; Huang, P.; Joensuu, H.; Jones, R.L.; Jungels, C.; Kasper, B.; Kawai, A.; Cesne, A. le; Grange, F. le; Leithner, A.; Leonard, H.; Pousa, A.L.; Broto, J.M.; Merimsky, O.; Merriam, P.; Miceli, R.; Mir, O.; Molinari, M.; Montemurro, M.; Oldani, G.; Palmerini, E.; Pantaleo, M.A.; Patel, S.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Raut, C.P.; Ravi, V.; Razak, A.R.A.; Reichardt, P.; Rubin, B.P.; Rutkowski, P.; Safwat, A.A.; Sangalli, C.; Sapisochin, G.; Sbaraglia, M.; Scheipl, S.; Schoffski, P.; Strauss, D.; Strauss, S.J.; Hall, K.S.; Tap, W.D.; Trama, A.; Tweddle, A.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Houdt, W. van; Oortmerssen, G. van; Wagner, A.J.; Wartenberg, M.; Wood, J.; Zaffaroni, N.; Zimmermann, C.; Casali, P.G.; Tos, A.P. dei & Gronchi, A. (2021), Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, an ultra-rare cancer: a consensus paper from the community of experts, ESMO Open 6(3).
- Kantidakis, G.; Litiere, S.; Neven, A.; Vinches, M.; Judson, I.; Schoffski, P.; Wardelmann, E.; Stacchiotti, S.; D'Ambrosio, L.; Marreaud, S.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Kasper, B.; Fiocco, M. & Gelderblom, H. (2021), Efficacy thresholds for clinical trials with advanced or metastatic leiomyosarcoma patients: a European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group meta-analysis based on a literature review for soft-tissue sarcomas, European Journal of Cancer 154: 253-268.
- Mohammadi, M.; IJzerman, N.S.; Hohenberger, P.; Rutkowski, P.; Jones, R.L.; Martin-Broto, J.; Gronchi, A.; Schoffski, P.; Vassos, N.; Farag, S.; Baia, M.; Oosten, A.W.; Steeghs, N.; Desar, I.M.E.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Sandick, J.W. van; Bastiaannet, E.; Gelderblom, H. & Schrage, Y. (2021), Clinicopathological features and treatment outcome of oesophageal gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST): A large, retrospective multicenter European study, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 47(8): 2173-2181.
- Speetjens, F.M.; Welters, M.J.P.; Slingerland, M.; Steenwijk, P.D. van; Roozen, I.C.F.M.; Boekestijn, S.; Loof, N.; Zom, G.G.; Valentijn, R.; Krebber, W.J.; Melief, C.J.M.; Filippov, D.V.; Gelderblom, H.; Burg, S.H. van der & Ossendorp, F. (2021), Phase I trial to determine safety and immunogenicity of amplivant, a synthetic toll-like receptor 2 ligand, conjugated to two HPV16 E6 synthetic long peptides., Journal of Clinical Oncology 39(15).
- Younger, E.; Jones, R.L.; Hollander, D. den; Soomers, V.L.M.N.; Desar, I.M.E.; Benson, C.; Young, R.J.; Oosten, A.W.; Haan, J.J. de; Miah, A.; Zaidi, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Steeghs, N.; Husson, O. & Graaf, W.T.A. van der (2021), Priorities and preferences of advanced soft tissue sarcoma patients starting palliative chemotherapy, ESMO Open 6(5).
- Kalisvaart, G.; Grootjans, W.; Bovee, J.V.; Gelderblom, H.; Hage, J.A. van der; Sande, M.A. van de; Bloem, J.L. & Geus-Oei, L. de (2021), Prognostic value of quantitative [18F]FDG-PET features in patients with metastatic soft tissue sarcoma, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 48(SUPPL 1): S588-S589.
- IJzerman, N.S.; Mohammadi, M.; Hollander, D. den; Desar, I.M.E.; Grunhagen, D.J.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Mathijssen, R.H.; Gelderblom, H. & Steeghs, N. (2021), Real-world data from patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) treated in Dutch GIST expertise centers, Annals of Oncology 32: S1121-S1121.
- Hindi, N.; Rosenbaum, E.; Jonczak, E.; Hamacher, R.; Rutkowski, P.; Skryd, A.; Connolly, E.; Blay, J.Y.; Gutierrez, A.; Bogefors, C.; Gelderblom, H.; Boye, K.; Henon, C.; Martinez-Trufero, J.; Lopez-Martin, J.A.; Redondo, A.; Valverde, C.; Vincenzi, B.; Tap, W.D. & Broto, J.M. (2021), Retrospective world-wide registry on the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in alveolar soft part sarcoma: Updated results from sixty patients., Journal of Clinical Oncology 39(15).
- Mehren, M. von; Heinrich, C.; George, S.; Zalcberg, J.R.; Bauer, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Schoffski, P.; Serrano, C.; Jones, R.L.; Attia, S.; D'Amato, G.; Chi, P.; Reichardt, P.; Meade, J.N.; Reichert, V.L.; Shi, K.; Ruiz-Soto, R. & Blay, J.Y. (2021), Ripretinib as >= 4th-line treatment in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor: Long-term update from the phase III INVICTUS study, Annals of Oncology 32: S1120-S1121.
- Gelderblom, H.; Razak, A.R.A.; Sanchez-Gastaldo, A.; Rutkowski, P.; Wilky, B.; Wagner, A.; Sande, M. van de; Michenzie, M.; Vallee, M.; Sharma, M.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R. & Tap, W. (2021), Safety and preliminary efficacy of vimseltinib in tenosynovial giant cell tumor (TGCT), Annals of Oncology 32: S1233-S1234.
- Sanchez-Spitman, A.B.; Swen, J.J.; Dezentje, V.O.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2021), Effect of CYP2C19 genotypes on tamoxifen metabolism and early-breast cancer relapse, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Farag, S.; IJzerman, N.S.; Houdijk, M.P.M.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Arens, A.I.; Grunhagen, D.J.; Desar, I.M.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Steeghs, N. & Geus-Oei, L.F. de (2021), Early response evaluation using F-18-FDG-PET/CT does not influence management of patients with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) treated with palliative intent, Nuclear Medicine 60(06): 411-416.
- Haas, R.L.M.; Stelmes, J.J.; Zaffaroni, F.; Clementel, E.; Bar Deroma, R.; Pechoux, C. le; Litiere, S.; Marreaud, S.; Alyamani, N.; Andratschke, N.; Sangalli, C.; Chung, P.W.M.; Miah, A.; Hurkmans, C.; Gronchi, A.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Gelderblom, H.; Kasper, B.; Weber, D. & Bonvalot, S. (2021), Critical impact of radiotherapy protocol compliance and quality in the treatment of retroperitoneal sarcomas: results from the 62092-22092 STRASS trial., Journal of Clinical Oncology 39(15).
- Gelderblom, H.; Veelken, H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2021), COVID-19 and systemic anticancer therapy: exploiting uncertainty, The Lancet Oncology 22(1): 3-5.
- Lee, C.J.; Schoffski, P.; Modave, E.; Wezel, T. van; Boeckx, B.; Sufliarsky, J.; Gelderblom, H.; Blay, J.Y.; Debiec-Rychter, M.; Sciot, R.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Lambrechts, D. & Wozniak, A. (2021), Comprehensive Molecular Analysis of Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumors Reveals Diverse Genomic Landscape and Potential Predictive Markers for Response to Crizotinib, Clinical Cancer Research 27(24): 6737-6748.
- Ravensbergen, C.J.; Polack, M.; Roelands, J.; Crobach, S.; Putter, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & Mesker, W.E. (2021), Combined assessment of the tumor-stroma ratio and tumor immune cell infiltrate for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy response prediction in colon cancer, Cells 10(11).
- Zalcberg, J.R.; Heinrich, M.C.; George, S.; Bauer, S.; Schoffski, P.; Serrano, C.; Gelderblom, H.; Jones, R.L.; Attia, S.; D'Amato, G.; Chi, P.; Reichardt, P.; Somaiah, N.; Meade, J.; Reichert, V.; Shi, K.; Sherman, M.L.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Mehren, M. von & Blay, J.Y. (2021), Clinical benefit of ripretinib dose escalation after disease progression in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor, The Oncologist 26(11): E2053-E2060.
- Bauer, S.; Heinrich, M.C.; George, S.; Zalcberg, J.R.; Serrano, C.; Gelderblom, H.; Jones, R.L.; Attia, S.; D'Amato, G.; Chi, P.; Reichardt, P.; Meade, J.; Su, Y.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Blay, J.Y.; Mehren, M. von & Schoffski, P. (2021), Clinical activity of ripretinib in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor harboring heterogeneous KIT/PDGFRA mutations in the phase III INVICTUS study, Clinical Cancer Research 27(23): 6333-6342.
- Strauss, S.J.; Frezza, A.M.; Abecassis, N.; Bajpai, J.; Bauer, S.; Biagini, R.; Bielack, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Bolle, S.; Bonvalot, S.; Boukovinas, I.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Boye, K.; Brennan, B.; Brodowicz, T.; Buonadonna, A.; Alava, E. de; Tos, A.P. dei; Muro, X.G. del; Dufresne, A.; Eriksson, M.; Fagioli, F.; Fedenko, A.; Ferraresi, V.; Ferrari, A.; Gaspar, N.; Gasperoni, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Gouin, F.; Grignani, G.; Gronchi, A.; Haas, R.; Hassan, A.B.; Hecker-Nolting, S.; Hindi, N.; Hohenberger, P.; Joensuu, H.; Jones, R.L.; Jungels, C.; Jutte, P.; Kager, L.; Kasper, B.; Kawai, A.; Kopeckova, K.; Krakorova, D.A.; Cesne, A. le; Grange, F. le; Legius, E.; Leithner, A.; Pousa, A.L.; Martin-Broto, J.; Merimsky, O.; Messiou, C.; Miah, A.B.; Mir, O.; Montemurro, M.; Morland, B.; Morosi, C.; Palmerini, E.; Pantaleo, M.A.; Piana, R.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Reichardt, P.; Rutkowski, P.; Safwat, A.A.; Sangalli, C.; Sbaraglia, M.; Scheipl, S.; Schoffski, P.; Sleijfer, S.; Strauss, D.; Hall, K.S.; Trama, A.; Unk, M.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Houdt, W.J. van; Frebourg, T.; Ladenstein, R.; Casali, P.G.; Stacchiotti, S.; ESMO Guidelines Comm; EURACAN; GENTURIS & ERN PaedCan (2021), Bone sarcomas, Annals of Oncology 32(12): 1520-1536.
- Van Meekeren M, Fiocco M, Ho VKY, Bovée J, Gelderblom H & Haas RL (2021), Patterns of perioperative treatment and survival of localized, resected, intermediate- or high-grade soft tissue sarcoma, Sarcoma 2021: 9976122.
- Houtsma, D.; Groot, S. de; Baak-Pablo, R.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Seynaeve, C.M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Bohringer, S.; Kroep, J.R.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2021), The variant T allele of PvuII in ESR1 gene is a prognostic marker in early breast cancer survival, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Bernthal, N.M.; Spierenburg, G.; Healey, J.H.; Palmerini, E.; Bauer, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Staals, E.L.; Lopez-Bastida, J.; Fronk, E.M.; Ye, X.; Laeis, P.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & TOPP Study Grp (2021), The diffuse-type tenosynovial giant cell tumor (dt-TGCT) patient journey, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 16(1).
- Frezza, A.M.; Ravi, V.; Vullo, S. lo; Vincenzi, B.; Tolomeo, F.; Chen, T.W.W.; Teterycz, P.; Baldi, G.G.; Italiano, A.; Penel, N.; Brunello, A.; Duffaud, F.; Hindi, N.; Iwata, S.; Smrke, A.; Fedenko, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Graaf, W. van der; Vozy, A.; Connolly, E.; Grassi, M.; Benjamin, R.S.; Broto, J.M.; Grignani, G.; Jones, R.L.; Kawai, A.; Tysarowski, A.; Mariani, L.; Casali, P.G. & Stacchiotti, S. (2021), Systemic therapies in advanced epithelioid haemangioendothelioma: a retrospective international case series from the World Sarcoma Network and a review of literature, Cancer Medicine 10(8): 2645-2659.
- Evenhuis, R.E.; Acem, I.; Rueten-Budde, A.J.; Karis, D.S.A.; Fiocco, M.; Dorleijn, D.M.J.; Speetjens, F.M.; Anninga, J.; Gelderblom, H. & Sande, M.A.J. van de (2021), Survival analysis of 3 different age groups and prognostic factors among 402 patients with skeletal high-grade osteosarcoma, Cancers 13(3).
- Yin, O.; Zahir, H.; French, J.; Polhamus, D.; Wang, X.N.; Sande, M. van de; Tap, W.D.; Gelderblom, H.; Wagner, A.J.; Healey, J.H.; Greenberg, J.; Shuster, D. & Stacchiotti, S. (2021), Exposure-response analysis of efficacy and safety for pexidartinib in patients with tenosynovial giant cell tumor, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 10(11): 1422-1432.
- Krens, S.D.; Lubberman, F.J.E.; Egmond, M. van; Jansman, F.G.A.; Burger, D.M.; Hamberg, P.; Vervenne, W.L.; Gelderblom, H.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Desar, I.M.E.; Herpen, C.M.L. van & Erp, N.P. van (2021), The impact of a 1-hour time interval between pazopanib and subsequent intake of gastric acid suppressants on pazopanib exposure, International Journal of Cancer 148(11).
- Koopman, B.; Groen, H.J.M.; Ligtenberg, M.J.L.; Grunberg, K.; Monkhorst, K.; Langen, A.J. de; Boelens, M.C.; Paats, M.S.; Thusen, J.H. von der; Dinjens, W.N.M.; Solleveld, N.; Wezel, T. van; Gelderblom, H.; Hendriks, L.E.; Speel, E.J.M.; Theunissen, T.E.; Kroeze, L.I.; Mehra, N.; Piet, B.; Wekken, A.J. van der; Elst, A. ter; Timens, W.; Willems, S.M.; Meijers, R.W.J.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Lindert, A.S.R. van; Radonic, T.; Hashemi, S.M.S.; Heideman, D.A.M.; Schuuring, E. & Kempen, L.C. van (2020), Multicenter comparison of molecular tumor boards in the Netherlands, The Oncologist 26(8).
- Capdevila, J.; Wirth, L.J.; Ernst, T.; Aix, S.P.; Lin, C.C.; Ramlau, R.; Butler, M.O.; Delord, J.P.; Gelderblom, H.; Ascierto, P.A.; Fasolo, A.; Fuhrer, D.; Hutter-Kronke, M.L.; Forde, P.M.; Wrona, A.; Santoro, A.; Sadow, P.M.; Szpakowski, S.; Wu, H.Q.; Bostel, G.; Faris, J.; Cameron, S.; Varga, A. & Taylor, M. (2020), PD-1 blockade in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, Journal of Clinical Oncology 38(23): 2620-+.
- Gelderblom, H. & Sante, M. van de (2020), Pexidartinib: first approved systemic therapy for patients with tenosynovial giant cell tumor, Future Oncology 16(29): 2345-2356.
- Lewis, J.H.; Gelderblom, H.; Sande, M. van de; Stacchiotti, S.; Healey, J.H.; Tap, W.D.; Wagner, A.J.; Pousa, A.L.; Druta, M.; Lin, C.C.; Baba, H.A.; Choi, Y.; Wang, Q.; Shuster, D.E. & Bauer, S. (2020), Pexidartinib long-term hepatic safety profile in patients with tenosynovial giant cell tumors, The Oncologist 26(5).
- Yin, O.; Wagner, A.J.; Kang, J.; Knebel, W.; Zahir, H.; Sande, M. van de; Tap, W.D.; Gelderblom, H.; Healey, J.H.; Shuster, D. & Stacchiotti, S. (2020), Population pharmacokinetic analysis of pexidartinib in healthy subjects and patients with tenosynovial giant cell tumor or other solid tumors, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 61(4).
- Yin, A.Y.; Ettaieb, M.H.T.; Swen, J.J.; Deun, L. van; Kerkhofs, T.M.A.; Straaten, R.J.H.M. van der; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Kerstens, M.N.; Feelders, R.A.; Eekhoff, M.; Timmers, H.J.L.M.; D'Avolio, A.; Cusato, J.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Haak, H.R. & Moes, D.J.A.R. (2020), Population pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic analysis of mitotane in patients with adrenocortical carcinoma, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 60.
- Bonvolot, S.; Gronchi, A.; Pechoux, C. le; Swallow, C.J.; Strauss, D.; Meeus, P.; Coevorden, F. van; Stoldt, S.; Stoeckle, E.; Rutkowski, P.; Rastrelli, M.; Rout, C.P.; Hompes, D.; Paoli, A. de; Sangalli, C.; Honore, C.; Chung, P.; Miah, A.; Blay, J.Y.; Fiore, M.; Stelmes, J.J.; Tos, A.P. dei; Baldini, E.H.; Litiere, S.; Marreaud, S.; Gelderblom, H. & Haas, R.L. (2020), Preoperative radiotherapy plus surgery versus surgery alone for patients with primary retroperitoneal sarcoma (EORTC-62092: STRASS): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial, The Lancet Oncology 21(10): 1366-1377.
- Hulshof, E.C.; Lurvink, R.J.; Caserta, N.; Hingh, I.H.J.T. de; Wezel, T. van; Bohringer, S.; Swen, J.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Deenen, M.J. (2020), Identification of pharmacogenetic biomarkers for efficacy of cytoreductive surgery plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal mitomycin C in patients with colorectal peritoneal metastases, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 46(10): 1925-1931.
- Knikman, J.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Beijnen, J.H.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Henricks, L.M. (2020), Individualized dosing of fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy to prevent severe fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 109(3).
- Gelderblom, H.; Wagner, A.J.; Tap, W.D.; Palmerini, E.; Wainberg, Z.A.; Desai, J.; Healey, J.H.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Bernthal, N.M.; Staals, E.L.; Peterfy, C.G.; Frezza, A.M.; Hsu, H.H.; Wang, Q.; Shuster, D.E. & Stacchiotti, S. (2020), Long-term outcomes of pexidartinib in tenosynovial giant cell tumors, Cancer 127(6).
- Nemunaitis, J.; Bauer, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Choucair, K.; Gelderblom, H.; George, S.; Schoffski, P.; Mehren, M. von; Zalcberg, J.; Achour, H.; Ruiz-Soto, R. & Heinrich, M.C. (2020), Intrigue, Future Oncology 16(1): 4251-4264.
- Westerdijk, K.; Desar, I.M.E.; Steeghs, N.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Erp, N.P. van; Steeghs, N.; Huitema, A.D.R.; Mathijssen, A.H.J.; Gelderblom, A.J.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Erp, N.P. van; Koolen, S.L.W.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Touw, D.J.; Desar, I.M.E. & DPOG (2020), Imatinib, sunitinib and pazopanib, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 86(2).
- Andreou, D.; Ranft, A.; Gosheger, G.; Timmermann, B.; Ladenstein, R.; Hartmann, W.; Bauer, S.; Baumhoer, D.; Berg, H. van den; Dijkstra, P.D.S.; Durr, H.R.; Gelderblom, H.; Hardes, J.; Hjorth, L.; Kreyer, J.; Kruseova, J.; Leithner, A.; Scobioala, S.; Streitburger, A.; Tunn, P.U.; Wardelmann, E.; Windhager, R.; Jurgens, H.; Dirksen, U. & GPOH-Euro-EWING99 Consortium (2020), Which factors are associated with local control and survival of patients with localized pelvic Ewing's sarcoma? , Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 478(2): 290-302.
- Dirksen, U.; Koch, R.; Bhadri, V.; Butterfass-Bahloul, T.; Brichard, B.; Cyprova, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Hauser, P.; Haveman, L.; Hjorth, L.; Jurgens, H.; Kanerva, J.; Kuehne, T.; Ladenstein, R.; Raciborska, A.; Streitburger, A.; Timmermann, B.; Ranft, A. & Faldum, A. (2020), Value of Zolendronic Acid Maintenance Therapy in Patients With Standard Risk Localized Ewing Sarcoma. Report From the International Ewing 2008 Trial, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 67: S293-S293.
- Dirksen, U.; Koch, R.; Bhadri, V.; Brichard, B.; Butterfass-Bahloul, T.; Cyprova, S.; Faldum, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Hardes, J.; Hauser, P.; Haveman, L.; Hjorth, L.; Jurgens, H.; Kanerva, J.; Kuehne, T.; Ladenstein, R.; Raciborska, A.; Rascon, J.; Timmermann, B. & Ranft, A. (2020), Value of High Dose Chemotherapy With Treosulfan and Melphalan in Patients With Disseminated Ewing Sarcoma. Report From the International Ewing 2008R3 Trial, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 67: S5-S6.
- Lugtenberg, R.T.; Fischer, M.J.; Jongh, F. de; Kobayashi, K.; Noue, K.I.; Matsuda, A.; Kubota, K.; WeijI, N.; Yamaoka, K.; Ramai, S.R.S.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Putter, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Kaptein, A.A. & Kroep, J.R. (2020), Using a quality of life (QoL)-monitor, Quality of Life Research 29(11): 2961-2975.
- Groot, S. de; Rottgering, B.; Gelderblom, H.; Pijl, H.; Szuhai, K. & Kroep, J.R. (2020), Unraveling the resistance of IGF-pathway inhibition in ewing sarcoma, Cancers 12(12).
- Heijden, L. van der; Dijkstra, S.; Sande, M. van de & Gelderblom, H. (2020), Current concepts in the treatment of giant cell tumour of bone, Current Opinion in Oncology 32(4): 332-338.
- Schoffski, P.; Mir, O.; Kasper, B.; Papai, Z.; Blay, J.Y.; Italiano, A.; Benson, C.; Kopeckova, K.; Ali, N.; Dileo, P.; LeCesne, A.; Menge, F.; Cousin, S.; Wardelmann, E.; Wozniak, A.; Marreaud, S.; Litiere, S.; Zaffaroni, F.; Nzokirantevye, A.; Bempt, I.V. & Gelderblom, H. (2020), Activity and safety of the multi-target tyrosine kinase inhibitor cabozantinib in patients with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumour after treatment with imatinib and sunitinib: European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer phase II trial 1317 'CaboGIST', European Journal of Cancer 134: 62-74.
- Mohammadi, M. & Gelderblom, H. (2020), Systemic therapy of advanced/metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors, Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 30(2).
- Janku, F.; Razak, A.R.A.; Chi, P.; Heinrich, M.C.; Mehren, M. von; Jones, R.L.; Ganjoo, K.; Trent, J.; Gelderblom, H.; Somaiah, N.; Hu, S.M.; Rosen, O.; Su, Y.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; Gordon, M. & George, S. (2020), Switch control inhibition of KIT and PDGFRA in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Journal of Clinical Oncology 38(28).
- Breugom, A.J.; Bastiaannet, E.; Guren, M.G.; Korner, H.; Boelens, P.G.; Dekker, F.W.; Kapiteijn, E.; Gelderblom, H.; Larsen, I.K.; Liefers, G.J. & Velde, C.J.H. van de (2020), Treatment strategies and overall survival for incurable metastatic colorectal cancer - A EURECCA international comparison including 21,196 patients from the Netherlands and Norway, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 46(6): 1167-1173.
- Mesker, W.; Smit, M.; Pelt, G. van; Gelderblom, H.; Krieken, H. van & Tollenaar, R. (2020), The tumour-stroma ratio as an additional parameter to the TNM classification: the UNITED study, Annals of Oncology 31(S3): S222-S223.
- Naing, A.; Gainor, J.F.; Gelderblom, H.; Forde, P.M.; Butler, M.O.; Lin, C.C.; Sharma, S.; Olza, M.O. de; Varga, A.; Taylor, M.; Schellens, J.H.M.; Wu, H.Q.; Sun, H.Y.; Silva, A.P.; Faris, J.; Mataraza, J.; Cameron, S. & Bauer, T.M. (2020), A first-in-human phase 1 dose escalation study of spartalizumab (PDR001), an anti-PD-1 antibody, in patients with advanced solid tumors, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 8(1).
- Hurkmans, E.G.E.; Klumpers, M.J.; Vermeulen, S.H.; Hagleitner, M.M.; Flucke, U.; Schreuder, H.W.B.; Gelderblom, H.; Bras, J.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Coenen, M.J.H. & Loo, D.M.W.M. te (2020), Analysis of drug metabolizing gene panel in osteosarcoma patients identifies association between variants inSULT1E1, CYP2B6 and CYP4F8 and methotrexate levels and toxicities, Frontiers in Pharmacology 11.
- Zunder, S.M.; Perez-Lopez, R.; Kok, B.M. de; Raciti, M.V.; Pelt, G.W. van; Dienstmann, R.; Garcia-Ruiz, A.; Meijer, C.A.; Gelderblom, H.; Tollenaar, R.A.; Nuciforo, P.; Wasser, M.N. & Mesker, W.E. (2020), Correlation of the tumour-stroma ratio with diffusion weighted MRI in rectal cancer, European Journal of Radiology 133.
- Zunder, S.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Tollenaar, R.A. & Mesker, W.E. (2020), The significance of stromal collagen organization in cancer tissue: an in depth discussion of literature, Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 151.
- Caffo, O.; Wissing, M.; Bianchini, D.; Bergman, A.; Thomsen, F.B.; Schmid, S.; Yu, E.Y.; Bournakis, E.; Sella, A.; Zagonel, V.; Giorgi, U. de; Tucci, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Galli, L.; Pappagallo, G.; Bria, E.; Sperduti, I.; Oudard, S. & CASTOR Study Investigators (2020), Survival outcomes from a cumulative analysis of worldwide observational studies on sequential use of new agents in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (vol 18, pg 69, 2020), Clinical Genitourinary Cancer 18(4): E416-E417.
- Marques, P.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Kruit, M.C.; Furth, W.R. van; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2020), Denosumab salvage therapy in a patient with a locally advanced and refractory sellar giant cell tumour of bone, The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 8(4): 348-348.
- Demetri, G.D.; Antonescu, C.R.; Bjerkehagen, B.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Boye, K.; Chacon, M.; Tos, A.P. dei; Desai, J.; Fletcher, J.A.; Gelderblom, H.; George, S.; Gronchi, A.; Haas, R.L.; Hindi, N.; Hohenberger, P.; Joensuu, H.; Jones, R.L.; Judson, I.; Kang, Y.K.; Kawai, A.; Lazar, A.J.; Cesne, A. le; Maestro, R.; Maki, R.; Martin, J.; Patel, S.; Penault-Llorca, F.; Raut, C.P.; Rutkowski, P.; Safwat, A.; Sbaraglia, M.; Schaefer, I.M.; Shen, L.; Serrano, C.; Schoffski, P.; Stacchiotti, S.; Hall, K.S.; Tap, W.D.; Thomas, D.M.; Trent, J.; Valverde, C.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Mehren, M. von; Wagner, A.; Wardelmann, E.; Naito, Y.; Zalcberg, J. & Blay, J.Y. (2020), Diagnosis and management of tropomyosin receptor kinase (TRK) fusion sarcomas: expert recommendations from the World Sarcoma Network, Annals of Oncology 31(11): 1506-1517.
- D'Ambrosio, L.; Touati, N.; Blay, J.Y.; Grignani, G.; Flippot, R.; Czarnecka, A.M.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Martin-Broto, J.; Sanfilippo, R.; Katz, D.; Duffaud, F.; Vincenzi, B.; Stark, D.P.; Mazzeo, F.; Tuchscherer, A.; Chevreau, C.; Sherriff, J.; Estival, A.; Litiere, S.; Sents, W.; Ray-Coquard, I.; Tolomeo, F.; Cesne, A. le; Rutkowski, P.; Stacchiotti, S.; Kasper, B.; Gelderblom, H.; Gronchi, A.; European Org Res & Treatment Canc Soft Tissue Bone Sa (2020), Doxorubicin plus dacarbazine, doxorubicin plus ifosfamide, or doxorubicin alone as a first-line treatment for advanced leiomyosarcoma, Cancer 126(11): 2637-2647.
- Liu, C.C.; Rueten-Budde, A.J.; Ranft, A.; Dirksen, U.; Gelderblom, H. & Fiocco, M. (2020), Dynamic prediction of overall survival, BMJ Open 10(10).
- Constantinidou, A.; Sauve, N.; Stacchiotti, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Vincenzi, B.; Grignani, G.; Rutkowski, P.; Guida, M.; Hindi, N.; Klein, A.; Thibaud, V.; Sufliarsky, J.; Desar, I.; Steeghs, N.; Litiere, S.; Gelderblom, H. & Jones, R.L. (2020), Evaluation of the use and efficacy of (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy in angiosarcoma, ESMO Open 5(4).
- Bloem, J.L.; Vriens, D.; Krol, A.D.G.; Ozdemir, M.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Gelderblom, H.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Hage, J.A. van der & Noebauer-Huhmann, I.M. (2020), Therapy-Related Imaging Findings in Patients with Sarcoma, Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 24(06): 676-691.
- Sanchez-Spitman, A.B.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Swen, J.J.; Dezentj?, V.O.; Lambrechts, D.; Neven, P.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2020), Exposure-response analysis of endoxifen serum concentrations in early-breast cancer, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 85(6): 1141-1152.
- IJzerman, N.S.; Drabbe, C.; Hollander, D. den; Mohammadi, M.; , H. van boven; Desar, I.M.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Grunhagen, D.J.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Noesel, M.M. van; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Steeghs, N. & Graaf, W.T.A. van der (2020), Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) in young adult (18-40 years) patients, Cancers 12(3).
- Hulshof, E.C.; Lim, L.; Hingh, I.H.J.T. de; Gelderblom, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Deenen, M.J. (2020), Genetic variants in DNA repair pathways as potential biomarkers in predicting treatment outcome of intraperitoneal chemotherapy in patients with colorectal peritoneal metastasis: a systematic review, Frontiers in Pharmacology 11.
- Gelderblom, H.; Jones, R.L.; George, S.; Morales, C.V.; Benson, C.; Blay, J.Y.; Renouf, D.J.; Doi, T.; Cesne, A. le; Leahy, M.; Hertle, S.; Aimone, P.; Brandt, U. & Schooffski, P. (2020), Imatinib in combination with phosphoinositol kinase inhibitor buparlisib in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumour who failed prior therapy with imatinib and sunitinib, British Journal of Cancer 122(8): 1158-1165.
- Hulshof, E.C.; Deenen, M.J.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2020), Pre-therapeutic UGT1A1 genotyping to reduce the risk of irinotecan-induced severe toxicity: ready for prime time, European Journal of Cancer 141: 9-20.
- Lugtenberg, R.T.; Boers-Doets, C.B.; Witteveen, P.O.; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Wymenga, A.N.M.; Groot, J.W.B. de; Hoeben, A.; Grande, C. del; Doorn, B. van; Koldenhof, J.J.; Driessen, C.M.L. & Gelderblom, H. (2020), Prospective practice survey of management of cetuximab-related skin reactions, Supportive Care in Cancer 29.
- Lugtenberg, R.T.; Groot, S. de; Kaptein, A.A.; Fischer, M.J.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Duijm-de Carpentier, M.; Cohen, D.; Graaf, H. de; Heijns, J.B.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Wouw, A.J. van de; Imholz, A.L.T.; Kessels, L.W.; Vrijaldenhoven, S.; Baars, A.; Fiocco, M.; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Longo, V.D.; Pijl, H.; Kroep, J.R. & Dutch Breast Canc Res Grp BOOG (2020), Quality of life and illness perceptions in patients with breast cancer using a fasting mimicking diet as an adjunct to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the phase 2 DIRECT (BOOG 2013-14) trial, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 185.
- Gronchi, A.; Bonvalot, S.; Velasco, A.P.; Kotasek, D.; Rutkowski, P.; Hohenberger, P.; Fumagalli, E.; Judson, I.R.; Italiano, A.; Gelderblom, H.J.; Coevorden, F. van; Penel, N.; Kopp, H.G.; Duffaud, F.; Goldstein, D.; Broto, J.M.; Wardelmann, E.; Marreaud, S.; Smithers, M.; Cesne, A. le; Zaffaroni, F.; Litiere, S.; Blay, J.Y. & Casali, P.G. (2020), Quality of surgery and outcome in localized gastrointestinal stromal tumors treated within an international intergroup randomized clinical trial of adjuvant imatinib, JAMA Surgery 155(6).
- IJzerman, N.S.; Mohammadi, M.; Tzanis, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Fiore, M.; Fumagalli, E.; Rutkowski, P.; Bylina, E.; Zavrakidis, I.; Steeghs, N.; Bonenkamp, H.J.; Etten, B. van; Grunhagen, D.J.; Rasheed, S.; Tekkis, P.; Honore, C.; Houdt, W. van; Hage, J. van der; Bonvalot, S.; Schrage, Y. & Smith, M. (2020), Quality of treatment and surgical approach for rectal gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) in a large European cohort, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 46(6): 1124-1130.
- Blay, J.Y.; Serrano, C.; Heinrich, M.C.; Zalcberg, J.; Bauer, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Schoffski, P.; Jones, R.L.; Attia, S.; D'Amato, G.; Chi, P.; Reichardt, P.; Meade, J.; Shi, K.; Ruiz-Soto, R.; George, S. & Mehren, M. von (2020), Ripretinib in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours (INVICTUS), The Lancet Oncology 21(7): 923-934.
- Palubeckaite, I.; Venneker, S.; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Akker, B.E. van den; Krol, A.D.; Gelderblom, H. & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2020), Selection of effective therapies using three-dimensional in vitro modeling of chondrosarcoma, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 7.
- Verschoor, A.J.; Litiere, S.; Marreaud, S.; Judson, I.; Toulmonde, M.; Wardelmann, E.; LeCesne, A. & Gelderblom, H. (2020), Survival of soft tissue sarcoma patients after completing six cycles of first-line anthracycline containing treatment, Clinical Sarcoma Research 10(1).
- Bloem, J.L.; Vriens, D.; Krol, A.D.G.; Ozdemir, M.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Gelderblom, H.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Hage, J.A. van der & Noebauer-Huhmann, I.M. (2020), Therapy-Related Imaging Findings in Patients with Sarcoma, Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 24(06): 676-691.
- IJzerman, N.S.; Mohammadi, M.; Tzanis, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Fiore, M.; Fumagalli, E.; Rutkowski, P.; Bylina, E.; Zavrakidis, I.; Steeghs, N.; Bonenkamp, H.J.; Etten, B. van; Grunhagen, D.J.; Rasheed, S.; Tekkis, P.; Honore, C.; Houdt, W. van; Hage, J. van der; Bonvalot, S.; Schrage, Y. & Smith, M. (2020), Quality of treatment and surgical approach for rectal gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) in a large European cohort, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 46(6).
- Zunder, S.M.; Pelt, G.W. van; Vroome, S.W. de; Gelderblom, A.J.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & Mesker, W.E. (2020), Prognostic and predictive value of the tumor-stroma ratio in STAGE II colon cancer, Clinical Oncology and Research 3(4).
- Zunder, S.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Tollenaar, R.A. & Mesker, W.E. (2020), The significance of stromal collagen organization in cancer tissue: an in-depth discussion of literature, Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 151.
- Mohammadi, M. & Gelderblom, H. (2020), Systemic therapy of advanced/metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors, Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 30(2).
- Maldegem, A. van; Conley, A.P.; Rutkowski, P.; Patel, S.R.; Lugowska, I.; Desar, I.M.E.; Bovee, J.V.M.G. & Gelderblom, H. (2019), Outcome of First-Line Systemic Treatment for Unresectable Conventional, Dedifferentiated, Mesenchymal, and Clear Cell Chondrosarcoma, Oncologist 24(1): 110-116.
- Lipplaa, A.; Dijkstra, S. & Gelderblom, H. (2019), Challenges of denosumab in giant cell tumor of bone, and other giant cell-rich tumors of bone, Current Opinion in Oncology 31(4): 329-335.
- Lipplaa, A.; Kroep, J.R.; Heijden, L. van der; Jutte, P.C.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Dijkstra, S. & Gelderblom, H. (2019), Adjuvant Zoledronic Acid in High-Risk Giant Cell Tumor of Bone: A Multicenter Randomized Phase II Trial, Oncologist 24(7): 889-+.
- Pasquali, S.; Pizzamiglio, S.; Touati, N.; Litiere, S.; Marreaud, S.; Kasper, B.; Gelderblom, H.; Stacchiotti, S.; Judson, I.; Tos, A.P. dei; Verderio, P.; Casali, P.G.; Woll, P.J.; Gronchi, A. & EORTC Soft Tissue Bone Sarcoma Grp (2019), The impact of chemotherapy on survival of patients with extremity and trunk wall soft tissue sarcoma: revisiting the results of the EORTC-STBSG 62931 randomised trial, European Journal of Cancer 109: 51-60.
- Lubberman, F.J.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Hamberg, P.; Vervenne, W.L.; Mulder, S.F.; Jansman, F.G.A.; Colbers, A.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Burger, D.M.; Luelmo, S.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Herpen, C.M.L. van & Erp, N.P. van (2019), The Effect of Using Pazopanib With Food vs. Fasted on Pharmacokinetics, Patient Safety, and Preference (DIET Study), Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
- Lubberman, F.J.E.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Xu, L.; Cleton, A.; Demetri, G.D.; Gelderblom, H. & Erp, N.P. van (2019), The effect of gastrectomy on regorafenib exposure and progression-free survival in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 85(10): 2399-2404.
- Velden, D.L. van der; Hoes, L.R.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Werkhoven, E. van; Roepman, P.; Schilsky, R.L.; Leng, W.W.J. de; Huitema, A.D.R.; Nuijen, B.; Nederlof, P.M.; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Groot, D.J.A. de; Devriese, L.A.; Hoeben, A.; Jonge, M.J.A. de; Chalabi, M.; Smit, E.F.; Langen, A.J. de; Mehra, N.; Labots, M.; Kapiteijn, E.; Sleijfer, S.; Cuppen, E.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Gelderblom, H. & Voest, E.E. (2019), The Drug Rediscovery protocol facilitates the expanded use of existing anticancer drugs, Nature 574(7776): 127-+.
- Sanchez-Spitman, A.; Dezentje, V.; Swen, J.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Bohringer, S.; Batman, E.; Druten, E. van; Smorenburg, C.; Bochove, A. van; Zeillemaker, A.; Jongen, L.; , M. los; Neven, P.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2019), Tamoxifen Pharmacogenetics and Metabolism: Results From the Prospective CYPTAM Study, Journal of Clinical Oncology 37(8): 636-+.
- Guchelaar, H.J.; Sanchez-Spitman, A.; Dezentje, V.; Bohringer, S.; Swen, J.; Neven, P. & Gelderblom, H. (2019), Tamoxifen Metabolism and Breast Cancer Recurrence: A Question Unanswered by CYPTAM Reply, Journal of Clinical Oncology 37(22): 1984-+.
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- Boonstra, P.A.; Steeghs, N.; Farag, S.; Coevorden, F. van; Gelderblom, H.; Grunhagen, D.J.; Desar, I.M.E.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Bonenkamp, J.J.; Reyners, A.K.L. & Etten, B. van (2019), Surgical and medical management of small bowel gastrointestinal stromal tumors: A report of the Dutch GIST registry, EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 45(3): 410-415.
- Zunder, S.; Wilk, P. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Dekker, T.; Mancao, C.; Kiialainen, A.; Putter, H.; Tollenaar, R. & Mesker, W. (2019), Stromal organization as predictive biomarker for the treatment of colon cancer with adjuvant bevacizumab, Cellular Oncology 42(5): 717-725.
- Verschoor, A.J.; Speetjens, F.M.; Dijkstra, P.D.S.; Fiocco, M.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Bovee, J.V.M.G. & Gelderblom, H. (2019), Single-Center Experience with Ifosfamide Monotherapy as Second-Line Treatment of Recurrent/Metastatic Osteosarcoma, Oncologist.
- Cesne, A. le; Bauer, S.; Demetri, G.D.; Han, G.Y.; Dezzani, L.; Ahmad, Q.; Blay, J.Y.; Judson, I.; Schoffski, P.; Aglietta, M.; Hohenberger, P. & Gelderblom, H. (2019), Safety and efficacy of Pazopanib in advanced soft tissue sarcoma: PALETTE (EORTC 62072) subgroup analyses.
- Driessen, C.M.L.; Leijendeckers, J.; Snik, A.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Boer, J.P. de; Gelderblom, H.; Kaanders, J.H.A.M.; Takes, R. & Herpen, C.M.L. van (2019), Ototoxicity in locally advanced head and neck cancer patients treated with induction chemotherapy followed by intermediate or high-dose cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy, Head and Neck 41(2): 488-494.
- Bosma, S.E.; Vriens, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Dijkstra, P.D.S. & Bloem, J.L. (2019), F-18-FDG PET-CT versus MRI for detection of skeletal metastasis in Ewing sarcoma, Skeletal Radiology 48(11): 1735-1746.
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- Tap, W.D.; Gelderblom, H.; Palmerini, E.; Desai, J.; Bauer, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Alcindor, T.; Ganjoo, K.; Martin-Broto, J.; Ryan, C.W.; Thomas, D.M.; Peterfy, C.; Healey, J.H.; Sande, M. van de; Gelhorn, H.L.; Shuster, D.E.; Wang, Q.; Yver, A.; Hsu, H.H.; Lin, P.S.; Tong-Starksen, S.; Stacchiotti, S.; Wagner, A.J. & ENLIVEN Investigators (2019), Pexidartinib versus placebo for advanced tenosynovial giant cell tumour (ENLIVEN): a randomised phase 3 trial, Lancet 394(10197): 478-487.
- Doorn-Khosrovani, S.B.V. van; Pisters-van Roy, A.; Saase, L. van; Graaff, M. van der; Gijzen, J.; Sleijfer, S.; Hoes, L.R.; Henegouwen, J.M.V.; Wijngaart, H. van der; Velden, D.L. van der; Werkhoven, E. van; Retel, V.P.; Harten, W.H. van; Huitema, A.D.R.; Timmers, L.; Gelderblom, H.; Verheul, H.M.W. & Voest, E.E. (2019), Personalised reimbursement: a risk-sharing model for biomarker-driven treatment of rare subgroups of cancer patients, Annals of Oncology 30(5): 663-665.
- Lancia, C.; Anninga, J.; Spitoni, C.; Sydes, M.R.; Whelan, J.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Gelderblom, H. & Fiocco, M. (2019), Method to measure the mismatch between target and achieved received dose intensity of chemotherapy in cancer trials: a retrospective analysis of the MRC BO06 trial in osteosarcoma, BMJ Open 9(5).
- Verspoor, F.G.M.; Mastboom, M.J.L.; Hannink, G.; Maki, R.G.; Wagner, A.; Bompas, E.; Desai, J.; Italiano, A.; Seddon, B.M.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Blay, J.Y.; Brahmi, M.; Eberst, L.; Stacchiotti, S.; Mir, O.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Gelderblom, H. & Cassier, P.A. (2019), Long-term efficacy of imatinib mesylate in patients with advanced Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor, Scientific Reports 9.
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- Hendriks, S.V.; Huisman, M.V.; Eikenboom, J.C.J.; Fogteloo, J.; Gelderblom, H.; Meer, F.J.M. van der; Stenger, W.J.E.; Verschoor, A.J.; Versteeg, H.H. & Klok, F.A. (2019), Home treatment of patients with cancer-associated venous thromboembolism - An evaluation of daily practice, Thrombosis Research 184: 122-128.
- Verboom, M.C.; Kloth, J.S.L.; Swen, J.J.; Sleijfer, S.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Steeghs, N.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2019), Genetic polymorphisms in ABCG2 and CYP1A2 are associated with imatinib dose reduction in patients treated for gastrointestinal stromal tumors, Pharmacogenomics Journal 19(5): 473-479.
- Chawla, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Rutkowski, P.; Cesne, A. le; Reichardt, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Grimer, R.J.; Choy, E.; Skubitz, K.; Seeger, L.; Schuetze, S.M.; Henshaw, R.; Dai, T.; Jandial, D. & Palmerini, E. (2019), Denosumab in patients with giant-cell tumour of bone: a multicentre, open-label, phase 2 study, Lancet Oncology 20(12): 1719-1729.
- Sanchez-Spitman, A.B.; Swen, J.J.; Dezentje, V.O.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2019), Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics of tamoxifen and endoxifen, Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology 12(6): 523-536.
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- Jones, R.L.; Chawla, S.P.; Attia, S.; Schoffski, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Chmielowski, B.; Cesne, A. le; Tine, B.A. van; Trent, J.C.; Patel, S.; Wagner, A.J.; Chugh, R.M.; Heyburn, J.W.; Weil, S.C.; Wang, W.Q.; Viele, K. & Maki, R.G. (2019), A phase 1 and randomized controlled phase 2 trial of the safety and efficacy of the combination of gemcitabine and docetaxel with ontuxizumab (MORAb-004) in metastatic soft-tissue sarcomas, Cancer 125(14): 2445-2454.
- Lancia, C.; Anninga, J.K.; Sydes, M.R.; Spitoni, C.; Whelan, J.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Gelderblom, H. & Fiocco, M. (2019), A novel method to address the association between received dose intensity and survival outcome: benefits of approaching treatment intensification at a more individualised level in a trial of the European Osteosarcoma Intergroup, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 83(5): 951-962.
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- Dirksen, U.; Brennan, B.; Deley, M.C. le; Cozic, N.; Berg, H. van den; Bhadri, V.; Brichard, B.; Claude, L.; Craft, A.; Amler, S.; Gaspar, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Goldsby, R.; Gorlick, R.; Grier, H.E.; Guinbretiere, J.M.; Hauser, P.; Hjorth, L.; Janeway, K.; Juergens, H.; Judson, I.; Krailo, M.; Kruseova, J.; Kuehne, T.; Ladenstein, R.; Lervat, C.; Lessnick, S.L.; Lewis, I.; Linassier, C.; Marec-Berard, P.; Marina, N.; Morland, B.; Pacquement, H.; Paulussen, M.; Randall, R.L.; Ranft, A.; Teuff, G. le; Wheatley, K.; Whelan, J.; Womer, R.; Oberlin, O.; Hawkins, D.S. & Euro-EWING 99 & Ewing 2008 Inve (2019), High-Dose Chemotherapy Compared With Standard Chemotherapy and Lung Radiation in Ewing Sarcoma With Pulmonary Metastases: Results of the European Ewing Tumour Working Initiative of National Groups, 99 Trial and EWING 2008, Journal of Clinical Oncology 37(34): 3192-3202.
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- Lipplaa, A.; Kroep, J.R.; Heijden, L. van der; Jutte, P.C.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Dijkstra, S. & Gelderblom, H. (2019), Adjuvant Zoledronic Acid in High-Risk Giant Cell Tumor of Bone: A Multicenter Randomized Phase II Trial., The Oncologist 24(7).
- Bosma, S.E.; Vriens, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Dijkstra, P.D.S. & Bloem, J.L. (2019), F-18-FDG PET-CT versus MRI for detection of skeletal metastasis in Ewing sarcoma, Skeletal Radiology 48(11): 1735-1746.
- Bosma, S.E.; Rueten-Budde, A.J.; Lancia, C.; Ranft, A.; Dirksen, U.; Krol, A.D.; Gelderblom, H.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Dijkstra, P.D.S. & Fiocco, M. (2019), Individual risk evaluation for local recurrence and distant metastasis in Ewing sarcoma: A multistate model A multistate model for Ewing sarcoma, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 66(11).
- Bosma, S.E.; Lancia, C.; Rueten-Budde, A.J.; Ranft, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Fioccoz, M.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Dijkstra, P.D.S. & Dirksen, U. (2019), Easy-to-use clinical tool for survival estimation in Ewing sarcoma at diagnosis and after surgery, Scientific Reports 9.
- Bosma, S.E.; Rueten-Budde, A.J.; Lancia, C.; Ranft, A.; Dirksen, U.; Krol, A.D.; Gelderblom, H.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Dijkstra, P.D.S. & Fiocco, M. (2019), Individual risk evaluation for local recurrence and distant metastasis in Ewing sarcoma: A multistate model A multistate model for Ewing sarcoma, Pediatric Blood and Cancer.
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- Groenland, S.L.; Eerden, R.A.G. van; Verheijen, R.B.; Koolen, S.L.W.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Desar, I.M.E.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Gelderblom, H.J.; Erp, N.P. van; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Huitema, A.D.R.; Steeghs, N. & Dutch Pharmacology Oncology Grp (2019), Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Oral Anticancer Drugs: The Dutch Pharmacology Oncology Group-Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Protocol for a Prospective Study, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 41(5): 561-567.
- Sleijfer, S.; Rizzo, E.; Litiere, S.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Judson, I.R.; Gelderblom, H.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der & Gronchi, A. (2018), Predictors for doxorubicin-induced hematological toxicity and its association with outcome in advanced soft tissue sarcoma patients; a retrospective analysis of the EORTC-soft tissue and bone sarcoma group database, Acta Oncologica 57(8): 1117-1126.
- Zunder, S.M.; Pelt, G.W. van; Gelderblom, H.J.; Mancao, C.; Putter, H.; Tollenaar, R.A. & Mesker, W.E. (2018), Predictive potential of tumour-stroma ratio on benefit from adjuvant bevacizumab in high-risk stage II and stage III colon cancer, British Journal of Cancer 119(2): 164-169.
- Younger, E.; Litiere, S.; Cesne, A. le; Mir, O.; Gelderblom, H.; Italiano, A.; Marreaud, S.; Jones, R.L.; Gronchi, A. & Graaf, W.T.A. van der (2018), Outcomes of Elderly Patients with Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma Treated with First-Line Chemotherapy: A Pooled Analysis of 12 EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group Trials, Oncologist 23(10): 1250-1259.
- Gelderblom, H.; Cropet, C.; Chevreau, C.; Boyle, R.; Tattersall, M.; Stacchiotti, S.; Italiano, A.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Cesne, A. le; Ferraresi, V.; Penel, N.; Duffaud, F.; Cassier, P.; Toulmonde, M.; Casali, P.; Taieb, S.; Guillemaut, S.; Metzger, S.; Perol, D. & Blay, J.Y. (2018), Nilotinib in locally advanced pigmented villonodular synovitis: a multicentre, open-label, single-arm, phase 2 trial, Lancet Oncology 19(5): 639-648.
- Schoffski, P.; Sufliarsky, J.; Gelderblom, H.; Blay, J.Y.; Strauss, S.J.; Stacchiotti, S.; Rutkowski, P.; Lindner, L.H.; Leahy, M.G.; Italiano, A.; Isambert, N.; Debiec-Rychter, M.; Sciot, R.; Cann, T. van; Marreaud, S.; Nzokirantevye, A.; Collette, S. & Wozniak, A. (2018), Crizotinib in patients with advanced, inoperable inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours with and without anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene alterations (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer 90101 CREATE): a multicentre, single-drug, prospective, non-randomised phase 2 trial, Lancet Respiratory Medicine 6(6): 431-441.
- Verschoor, A.J.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Mastboom, M.J.L.; Dijkstra, P.D.S.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & Gelderblom, H. (2018), Incidence and demographics of giant cell tumor of bone in The Netherlands: First nationwide Pathology Registry Study, Acta Orthopaedica 89(5): 570-574.
- Rutkowski, P.; Gaston, L.; Borkowska, A.; Stacchiotti, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Baldi, G.G.; Palmerini, E.; Casali, P.; Gronchi, A.; Parry, M.; Campanacci, D.A.; Scoccianti, G.; Wagrodzki, M.; Ferrari, S.; Dijkstra, S.; Pienkowski, A. & Grimer, R. (2018), Denosumab treatment of inoperable or locally advanced giant cell tumor of bone - Multicenter analysis outside clinical trial, EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 44(9): 1384-1390.
- Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Henricks, L.M.; Kuilenburg, A.B.P. van; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Schellens, J.H.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Swen, J.J. (2018), Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies for Fluoropyrimidine Treatment of Patients Carrying Multiple DPYD Variants, Genes 9(12).
- Henricks, L.M.; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Man, F.M. de; Meulendijks, D.; Frederix, G.W.J.; Kienhuis, E.; Creemers, G.J.; Baars, A.; Dezentje, V.O.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Jeurissen, F.J.F.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Jansen, R.L.H.; Hamberg, P.; Tije, A.J. ten; Droogendijk, H.J.; Koopman, M.; Nieboer, P.; Poel, M.H.W. van de; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Rosing, H.; Beijnen, J.H.; Werkhoven, E. van; Kuilenburg, A.B.P. van; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Swen, J.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Schellens, J.H.M. (2018), DPYD genotype-guided dose individualisation of fluoropyrimidine therapy in patients with cancer: a prospective safety analysis, Lancet Oncology 19(11): 1459-1467.
- Spitman A. B. Sanchez, Moes D. -J. A., Gelderblom H., Dezentje V. O., Swen J. J. & Guchelaar H. -J. (2018), EFFECT OF CYP3A4*22, CYP3A5*3 AND CYP3A COMBINED GENOTYPES ON ENDOXIFEN SERUM CONCENTRATIONS IN BREAST CANCER PATIENTS USING TAMOXIFEN., Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 103: S48-S48.
- Casali, P.G.; Abecassis, N.; Bauer, S.; Biagini, R.; Bielack, S.; Bonvalot, S.; Boukovinas, I.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Brodowicz, T.; Broto, J.M.; Buonadonna, A.; Alava, E.; Tos, A.P.; Muro, X.G.; Dileo, P.; Eriksson, M.; Fedenko, A.; Ferraresi, V.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, S.; Frezza, A.M.; Gasperoni, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Gil, T.; Grignani, G.; Gronchi, A.; Haas, R.L.; Hannu, A.; Hassan, B.; Hohenberger, P.; Issels, R.; Joensuu, H.; Jones, R.L.; Judson, I.; Jutte, P.; Kaal, S.; Kasper, B.; Kopeckova, K.; Krakorova, D.A.; Cesne, A.; Lugowska, I.; Merimsky, O.; Montemurro, M.; Pantaleo, M.A.; Piana, R.; Picci, P.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Pousa, A.L.; Reichardt, P.; Robinson, M.H.; Rutkowski, P.; Safwat, A.A.; Schoffski, P.; Sleijfer, S.; Stacchiotti, S.; Hall, K.S.; Unk, M.; Coevorden, F.; Graaf, W.D.; Whelan, J.; Wardelmann, E.; Zaikova, O.; Blay, J.Y. & ESMO Guidelines Comm EURACAN (2018), Gastrointestinal stromal tumours: ESMO-EURACAN Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology 29: 68-78.
- Kloth, J.S.L.; Verboom, M.C.; Swen, J.J.; Straaten, T. van der; Sleijfer, S.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Steeghs, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Mathijssen, R.H.J. (2018), Genetic polymorphisms as predictive biomarker of survival in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors treated with sunitinib, Pharmacogenomics Journal 18(1): 49-55.
- Sanchez-Spitman, A.B.; Dezentje, V.O.; Swen, J.J.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2018), Genetic polymorphisms of 3-untranslated region of SULT1A1 and their impact on tamoxifen metabolism and efficacy, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 172(2): 401-411.
- Baas, J.; Krens, L.; Bohringer, S.; Mol, L.; Punt, C.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2018), Genome wide association study to identify predictors for severe skin toxicity in colorectal cancer patients treated with cetuximab, PLoS ONE 13(12).
- Whelan, J.; Deley, M.C. le; Dirksen, U.; Teuff, G. le; Brennan, B.; Gaspar, N.; Hawkins, D.S.; Amler, S.; Bauer, S.; Bielack, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Burdach, S.; Castex, M.P.; Dilloo, D.; Eggert, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Gentet, J.C.; Hartmann, W.; Hassenpflug, W.A.; Hjorth, L.; Jimenez, M.; Klingebiel, T.; Kontny, U.; Kruseova, J.; Ladenstein, R.; Laurence, V.; Lervat, C.; Marec-Berard, P.; Marreaud, S.; Michon, J.; Morland, B.; Paulussen, M.; Ranft, A.; Reichardt, P.; Berg, H. van den; Wheatley, K.; Judson, I.; Lewis, I.; Craft, A.; Juergens, H.; Oberlin, O.; Euro- E W I N G 99 Investigator & EWING-2008 Investigator (2018), High-Dose Chemotherapy and Blood Autologous Stem-Cell Rescue Compared With Standard Chemotherapy in Localized High-Risk Ewing Sarcoma: Results of Euro-EWING99 and Ewing-2008, Journal of Clinical Oncology 36(31): 3110-+.
- Swets, M.; Wouters, A.; Krijgsman, D.; Vlierberghe, R.L.P. van; Boot, A.; Eendenburg, J.D. van; Wezel, T. van; Gelderblom, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Elsen, P.J. van den & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2018), HLA-G protein expression in colorectal cancer evaluated by immunohistochemistry and western blot analysis: Its expression characteristics remain enigmatic, Clinical Immunology 194: 80-86.
- Pelt, G.W. van; Sandberg, T.P.; Morreau, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Krieken, J.H.J.M. van; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & Mesker, W.E. (2018), The tumour-stroma ratio in colon cancer: the biological role and its prognostic impact, Histopathology 73(2): 197-206.
- Verschoor, A.J.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Overbeek, L.I.H.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Gelderblom, H. & PALGA Grp (2018), The incidence, mutational status, risk classification and referral pattern of gastro-intestinal stromal tumours in the Netherlands: a nationwide pathology registry (PALGA) study, Virchows Archiv 472(2): 221-229.
- IJzendoorn, D.G.P. van; Sleijfer, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Eskens, F.A.L.M.; Leenders, G.J.L.H. van; Szuhai, K. & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2018), Telatinib Is an Effective Targeted Therapy for Pseudomyogenic Hemangioendothelioma, Clinical Cancer Research 24(11): 2678-2687.
- Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Henricks, L.M.; Dreussi, E.; Peters, F.P.; Fiocco, M.; Meulendijks, D.; Toffoli, G.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Swen, J.J.; Cecchin, E.; Schellens, J.H.M. & Gelderblom, H. (2018), Standard fluoropyrimidine dosages in chemoradiation therapy result in an increased risk of severe toxicity in DPYD variant allele carriers, European Journal of Cancer 104: 210-218.
- Heinemann, M.; Ranft, A.; Langer, T.; Jurgens, H.; Kreyer, J.; Vieth, V.; Schafers, M.; Weckesser, M.; Simon, T.; Hassenpflug, W.; Corbacioglu, S.; Bielack, S.; Mayer-Steinacker, R.; Kuhne, T.; Berg, H. van den; Gelderblom, H.; Bauer, S.; Stegger, L. & Dirksen, U. (2018), Recurrence of Ewing sarcoma: Is detection by imaging follow-up protocol associated with survival advantage?, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 65(7).
- Driessen, C.M.L.; Groenewoud, J.M.M.; Boer, J.P. de; Gelderblom, H.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Prins, J.B.; Kaanders, J.H.A.M. & Herpen, C.M.L. van (2018), Quality of life of patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer treated with induction chemotherapy followed by cisplatin-containing chemoradiotherapy in the Dutch CONDOR study: a randomized controlled trial, Supportive Care in Cancer 26(4): 1233-1242.
- Verschoor, A.J.; Litiere, S.; Marreaud, S.; Judson, I.; Toulmonde, M.; Wardelmann, E.; Graaf, W.T. van der; Cesne, A. le; Gronchi, A. & Gelderblom, H. (2018), Prognostic relevance of distant metastases versus locally advanced disease in soft tissue sarcomas: An EORTC-STBSG database study, European Journal of Cancer 94: 187-198.
- Lindner, L.H.; Litiere, S.; Sleijfer, S.; Benson, C.; Italiano, A.; Kasper, B.; Messiou, C.; Gelderblom, H.; Wardelmann, E.; Cesne, A. le; Blay, J.Y.; Marreaud, S.; Hindi, N.; Desar, I.M.E.; Gronchi, A. & Graaf, W.T.A. van der (2018), Prognostic factors for soft tissue sarcoma patients with lung metastases only who are receiving first-line chemotherapy An exploratory, retrospective analysis of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (EORTC-STBSG), International Journal of Cancer 142(12): 2610-2620.
- Gronchi A., Bonvalot S., Poveda A., Kotasek D., Rutkowski P., Hohenberger P., Fumagalli E., Judson I. R., Italiano A., Gelderblom H. J., van Coevorden F., Penel N., Kopp H., Goldstein D., Martin Broto J., Wardelmann E., Marreaud S., Zalcberg J. R., Le Cesne A., Litiere S., Blay J. & Casali P. G. (2018), Microscopic Surgical Margins and Outcome in Localized GIST Treated within the Eortc Stbsg, Agitg, Unicancer, Fsg, Isg and Geis Randomized Trial On Adjuvant Imatinib, Annals of Surgical Oncology 25: S6-S6.
- L'Italien, L.; Orozco, O.; Abrams, T.; Cantagallo, L.; Connor, A.; Desai, J.; Ebersbach, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Hoffmaster, K.; Lees, E.; Maacke, H.; Schleyer, S.; Skegro, D. & Lee-Hoeflich, S.T. (2018), Mechanistic Insights of an Immunological Adverse Event Induced by an Anti-KIT Antibody Drug Conjugate and Mitigation Strategies, Clinical Cancer Research 24(14): 3465-3474.
- Wijn, D.H.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Vollaard, A.M.; Muller, M.; Wallinga, J.; Gelderblom, H. & Smit, E.F. (2018), Influenza vaccination in patients with lung cancer receiving anti-programmed death receptor 1 immunotherapy does not induce immune-related adverse events, European Journal of Cancer 104: 182-187.
- Bakker, S.H.; Jacobs, W.C.H.; Pondaag, W.; Gelderblom, H.; Nout, R.A.; Dijkstra, P.D.S.; Peul, W.C. & Vleggeert-Lankamp, C.L.A. (2018), Chordoma: a systematic review of the epidemiology and clinical prognostic factors predicting progression-free and overall survival, European Spine Journal 27(12): 3043-3058.
- Casali, P.G.; Abecassis, N.; Bauer, S.; Biagini, R.; Bielack, S.; Bonvalot, S.; Boukovinas, I.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Brodowicz, T.; Broto, J.M.; Buonadonna, A.; Alava, E. de; Tos, A.P.D.; Muro, X.G. del; Dileo, P.; Eriksson, M.; Fedenko, A.; Ferraresi, V.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, S.; Frezza, A.M.; Gasperoni, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Gil, T.; Grignani, G.; Gronchi, A.; Haas, R.L.; Hannu, A.; Hassan, B.; Hohenberger, P.; Issels, R.; Joensuu, H.; Jones, R.L.; Judson, I.; Jutte, P.; Kaal, S.; Kasper, B.; Kopeckova, K.; Krakorova, D.A.; Cesne, A. le; Lugowska, I.; Merimsky, O.; Montemurro, M.; Pantaleo, M.A.; Piana, R.; Picci, P.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Pousa, A.L.; Reichardt, P.; Robinson, M.H.; Rutkowski, P.; Safwat, A.A.; Schoffski, P.; Sleijfer, S.; Stacchiotti, S.; Hall, K.S.; Unk, M.; Coevorden, F. van; Graaf, W. van der; Whelan, J.; Wardelmann, E.; Zaikova, O.; Blay, J.Y. & ESMO Guidelines Comm EURACAN (2018), Soft tissue and visceral sarcomas: ESMO-EURACAN Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology 29: 51-67.
- Schoffski, P.; Wozniak, A.; Kasper, B.; Aamdal, S.; Leahy, M.G.; Rutkowski, P.; Bauer, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Italiano, A.; Lindner, L.H.; Hennig, I.; Strauss, S.; Zakotnik, B.; Anthoney, A.; Albiges, L.; Blay, J.Y.; Reichardt, P.; Sufliarsky, J.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Debiec-Rychter, M.; Sciot, R.; Cann, T. van; Marreaud, S.; Raveloarivahy, T.; Collette, S. & Stacchiotti, S. (2018), Activity and safety of crizotinib in patients with alveolar soft part sarcoma with rearrangement of TFE3: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) phase II trial 90101 'CREATE', Annals of Oncology 29(3): 758-765.
- Bosma, S.E.; Ayu, O.; Fiocco, M.; Gelderblom, H. & Dijkstra, P.D.S. (2018), Prognostic factors for survival in Ewing sarcoma: A systematic review, Surgical Oncology 27(4): 603-610.
- Liu, X.Y.; Swen, J.J.; Diekstra, M.H.M.; , E. boven; Castellano, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Vermeulen, S.H.; Oosterwijk, E.; Junker, K.; Roessler, M.; Alexiusdottir, K.; Sverrisdottir, A.; Radu, M.T.; Ambert, V.; Eisen, T.; Warren, A.; Rodriguez-Antona, C.; Garcia-Donas, J.; Bohringer, S.; Koudijs, K.K.M.; Kiemeney, L.A.L.M.; Rini, B.I. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2018), A Genetic Polymorphism in CTLA-4 Is Associated with Overall Survival in Sunitinib-Treated Patients with Clear Cell Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clinical Cancer Research 24(10): 2350-2356.
- Liu X., Swen J., Diekstra M., Boven E., Castellano D., Gelderblom H., Mathijssen R., Vermeulen S., Oosterwijk E., Junker K., Roessler M., Rafnar T., Radu M., Eisen T., Rodriguez-Antona C., Garcia-Donas J., Bohringer S., Kiemeney L., Rini B. & Guchelaar H. -J. (2018), A GENETIC POLYMORPHISM IN CTLA-4 IS ASSOCIATED WITH OVERALL SURVIVAL OF SUNITINIB-TREATED PATIENTS WITH CLEAR CELL METASTATIC RENAL CELL CARCINOMA., Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 103: S42-S42.
- Frezza, A.M.; Jones, R.L.; Vullo, S. lo; Asano, N.; Lucibello, F.; Ben-Ami, E.; Ratan, R.; Teterycz, P.; Boye, K.; Brahmi, M.; Palmerini, E.; Fedenko, A.; Vincenzi, B.; Brunello, A.; Desar, I.M.E.; Benjamin, R.S.; Blay, J.Y.; Broto, J.M.; Casali, P.G.; Gelderblom, H.; Grignani, G.; Gronchi, A.; Hall, K.S.; Mir, O.; Rutkowski, P.; Wagner, A.J.; Anurova, O.; Collini, P.; Tos, A.P.D.; Flucke, U.; Hornick, J.L.; Lobmaier, I.; Philippe, T.; Picci, P.; Ranchere, D.; Renne, S.L.; Sbaraglia, M.; Thway, K.; Wagrodzki, M.; Wang, W.L.; Yoshida, A.; Mariani, L.; Kawai, A. & Stacchiotti, S. (2018), Anthracycline, Gemcitabine, and Pazopanib in Epithelioid Sarcoma A Multi-institutional Case Series, JAMA Oncology 4(9).
- Engellau, J.; Seeger, L.; Grimer, R.; Henshaw, R.; Gelderblom, H.; Choy, E.; Chawla, S.; Reichardt, P.; O'Neal, M.; Feng, A.; Jacobs, I.; Roberts, Z.J.; Braun, A. & Bach, B.A. (2018), Assessment of denosumab treatment effects and imaging response in patients with giant cell tumor of bone, World Journal of Surgical Oncology 16.
- Casali, P.G.; Bielack, S.; Abecassis, N.; Aro, H.T.; Bauer, S.; Biagini, R.; Bonvalot, S.; Boukovinas, I.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Brennan, B.; Brodowicz, T.; Broto, J.M.; Brugieres, L.; Buonadonna, A.; Alava, E. de; Tos, A.P.D.; Muro, X.G. del; Dileo, P.; Dhooge, C.; Eriksson, M.; Fagioli, F.; Fedenko, A.; Ferraresi, V.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, S.; Frezza, A.M.; Gaspar, N.; Gasperoni, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Gil, T.; Grignani, G.; Gronchi, A.; Haas, R.L.; Hassan, B.; Hecker-Nolting, S.; Hohenberger, P.; Issels, R.; Joensuu, H.; Jones, R.L.; Judson, I.; Jutte, P.; Kaal, S.; Kager, L.; Kasper, B.; Kopeckova, K.; Krakorova, D.A.; Ladenstein, R.; Cesne, A. le; Lugowska, I.; Merimsky, O.; Montemurro, M.; Morland, B.; Pantaleo, M.A.; Piana, R.; Picci, P.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Pousa, A.L.; Reichardt, P.; Robinson, M.H.; Rutkowski, P.; Safwat, A.A.; Schoffski, P.; Sleijfer, S.; Stacchiotti, S.; Strauss, S.J.; Hall, K.S.; Unk, M.; Coevorden, F. van; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Whelan, J.; Wardelmann, E.; Zaikova, O.; Blay, J.Y. & ESMO Guidelines Comm PaedCan (2018), Bone sarcomas: ESMO-PaedCan-EURACAN Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology 29: 79-95.
- Farag, S.; Geus-Oei, L.F. de; Graaf, W.T. van der; Coevorden, F. van; Grunhagen, D.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Boonstra, P.A.; Desar, I.; Gelderblom, H. & Steeghs, N. (2018), Early Evaluation of Response Using F-18-FDG PET Influences Management in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant Imatinib, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 59(2): 194-196.
- Krens, L.L.; Baas, J.M.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2018), Pharmacokinetics and safety of panitumumab in a patient with chronic kidney disease, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 81(1): 179-182.
- Haas, R.L.; Gronchi, A.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Baldini, E.H.; Gelderblom, H.; Messiou, C.; Wardelmann, E. & Cesne, A. le (2018), Perioperative Management of Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Journal of Clinical Oncology 36(2): 118-+.
- Stacchiotti, S.; Mir, O.; Cesne, A. le; Vincenzi, B.; Fedenko, A.; Maki, R.G.; Somaiah, N.; Patel, S.; Brahmi, M.; Blay, J.Y.; Boye, K.; Hall, K.S.; Gelderblom, H.; Hindi, N.; Martin-Broto, J.; Kosela, H.; Rutkowski, P.; Italiano, A.; Duffaud, F.; Kobayashi, E.; Casali, P.G.; Provenzano, S. & Kawai, A. (2018), Activity of pazopanib and trabectedin in advanced alveolar soft part sarcoma, The Oncologist 23(1): 62-70.
- Swets, M.; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Blok, E.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Nagtegaal, I.D. (2018), Are pathological high-risk features in locally advanced rectal cancer a useful selection tool for adjuvant chemotherapy?, European Journal of Cancer 89: 1-8.
- Verschoor, A.J.; Warmerdam, F.A.R.M.; Bosse, T.; Bovee, J.V.M.G. & Gelderblom, H. (2018), A remarkable response to pazopanib, despite recurrent liver toxicity, in a patient with a high grade endometrial stromal sarcoma, a case report, BMC Cancer 18.
- Swets, M.; Breugom, A.J.; Gelderblom, H. & Velde, C.J.H. van de (2017), Should rectal cancer located 10-15 cm from the anal verge be defined as colon cancer, Annals of Oncology 28(3): 664-665.
- Bisschop, C.; Dijk, T.H. van; Beukema, J.C.; Jansen, R.L.H.; Gelderblom, H.; Jong, K.P. de; Rutten, H.J.T.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Wiggers, T.; Havenga, K. & Hospers, G.A.P. (2017), Short-Course Radiotherapy Followed by Neoadjuvant Bevacizumab, Capecitabine, and Oxaliplatin and Subsequent Radical Treatment in Primary Stage IV Rectal Cancer: Long-Term Results of a Phase II Study, Annals of Surgical Oncology 24(9): 2632-2638.
- Molenaar, R.J.; Coelen, R.J.S.; Khurshed, M.; Roos, E.; Caan, M.W.A.; Linde, M.E. van; Kouwenhoven, M.; Bramer, J.A.M.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Mathot, R.A.; Klumpen, H.J.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Noorden, C.J.F. van; Vandertop, W.P.; Gelderblom, H.; Gulik, T.M. van & Wilmink, J.W. (2017), Study protocol of a phase IB/II clinical trial of metformin and chloroquine in patients with IDH1-mutated or IDH2-mutated solid tumours, BMJ Open 7(6).
- Diekstra, M.; Belaustegui, A.; Swen, J.J.; , E. boven; Castellano, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.; Garcia-Donas, J.; Rodriguez-Antona, C.; Rini, B.I. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2017), Sunitinib-induced hypertension in CYP3A4 rs4646437 A-allele carriers with metastatic renal cell carcinoma, Pharmacogenomics Journal 17(1): 42-46.
- Sanchez-Spitman, A.B.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Gelderblom, H.; Dezentje, V.O.; Swen, J.J. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2017), The effect of rs5758550 on CYP2D6(star)2 phenotype and formation of endoxifen in breast cancer patients using tamoxifen, Pharmacogenomics 18(12): 1125-1132.
- Gelderblom, H.; Judson, I.R.; Benson, C.; Merimsky, O.; Grignani, G.; Katz, D.; Freivogel, K.W.; Stein, D.; Jobanputra, M.; Mungul, A.; Manson, S.C. & Sanfilippo, R. (2017), Treatment patterns and clinical outcomes with pazopanib in patients with advanced soft tissue sarcomas in a compassionate use setting: results of the SPIRE study, Acta Oncologica 56(12): 1769-1775.
- Kollar, A.; Jones, R.L.; Stacchiotti, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Guida, M.; Grignani, G.; Steeghs, N.; Safwat, A.; Katz, D.; Duffaud, F.; Sleijfer, S.; Graaf, W.T. van der; Touati, N.; Litiere, S.; Marreaud, S.; Gronchi, A. & Kasper, B. (2017), Pazopanib in advanced vascular sarcomas: an EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (STBSG) retrospective analysis, Acta Oncologica 56(1): 88-92.
- Fresneau, B.; Hackshaw, A.; Hawkins, D.S.; Paulussen, M.; Anderson, J.R.; Judson, I.; Litiere, S.; Dirksen, U.; Lewis, I.; Berg, H. van den; Gaspar, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Whelan, J.; Boddy, A.V.; Wheatley, K.; Pignon, J.P.; Vathaire, F. de; Deley, M.C. le & Teuff, G. le (2017), Investigating the heterogeneity of alkylating agents' efficacy and toxicity between sexes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials comparing cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide (MAIAGE study), Pediatric Blood and Cancer 64(8).
- Vollaard, A.; Schreuder, I.; Slok-Raijmakers, L.; Opstelten, W.; Rimmelzwaan, G. & Gelderblom, H. (2017), Influenza vaccination in adult patients with solid tumours treated with chemotherapy, European Journal of Cancer 76: 134-143.
- Verboom, M.C.; Visser, L.; Kouwen, S.; Swen, J.J.; Diepstraten, J.; Posthuma, W.F.; Gelderblom, H.; Lammeren, D. van & Wilms, E.B. (2017), Influence of CYP2C8 polymorphisms on imatinib steady-state trough level in chronic myeloid leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal tumor patients, Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 27(6): 223-226.
- Farag, S.; Coevorden, F. van; Sneekes, E.; Grunhagen, D.J.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Boonstra, P.A.; Graaf, W.T. van der; Gelderblom, H.J. & Steeghs, N. (2017), Elderly patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) receive less treatment irrespective of performance score or comorbidity - A retrospective multicentre study in a large cohort of GIST patients, European Journal of Cancer 86: 318-325.
- Spitman, A.B.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Gelderblom, H.; Dezentje, V.O.; Swen, J. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2017), Effect of CYP3A4*22, CYP3A5*3, and CYP3A combined genotypes on tamoxifen metabolism, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 73(12): 1589-1598.
- Liu, X.Y.; Swen, J.J.; , E. boven; Castellano, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Rodriguez-Antona, C.; Garcia-Donas, J.; Rini, B.I. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2017), Meta-analysis on the association of VEGFR1 genetic variants with sunitinib outcome in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients, Oncotarget 8(1): 1204-1212.
- Graaff, M.A. de; Malu, S.; Guardiola, I.; Kruisselbrink, A.B.; Jong, Y. de; Corver, W.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Hwu, P.; Nielsen, T.O.; Lazar, A.J.; Somaiah, N. & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2017), High-Throughput Screening of Myxoid Liposarcoma Cell Lines: Survivin Is Essential for Tumor Growth, Translational Oncology 10(4): 546-554.
- Boon, E.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Tesselaar, M.E.T.; Es, R.J.J. van; Oosting, S.F.; Bree, R. de; Meerten, E. van; Hoeben, A.; Smeele, L.E.; Willems, S.M.; Witjes, M.J.H.; Buter, J.; Jong, R.J.B. de; Flucke, U.E.; Peer, P.G.M.; Bovee, J.V.M.G. & Herpen, C.M.L. van (2017), Impact of chemotherapy on the outcome of osteosarcoma of the head and neck in adults, Head and Neck 39(1): 140-146.
- Heijden, L. van der; Dijkstra, P.D.S.; Blay, J.Y. & Gelderblom, H. (2017), Giant cell tumour of bone in the denosumab era, European Journal of Cancer 77: 75-83.
- Verboom, M.C.; Kloth, J.S.L.; Swen, J.J.; Straaten, T. van der; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Sleijfer, S.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Steeghs, N. & Gelderblom, H. (2017), Genetic polymorphisms in angiogenesis-related genes are associated with worse progression-free survival of patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours treated with imatinib, European Journal of Cancer 86: 226-232.
- Schneider, T.C.; Wit, D. de; Links, T.P.; Erp, N.P. van; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Roozen, I.C.F.M.; Bos, M.; Corver, W.E.; Wezel, T. van; Smit, J.W.A.; Morreau, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Kapiteijn, E. (2017), Everolimus in Patients With Advanced Follicular-Derived Thyroid Cancer: Results of a Phase II Clinical Trial, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 102(2): 698-707.
- Jochems, A.; Schouwenburg, M.G.; Leeneman, B.; Franken, M.G.; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Haanen, J.B.A.G.; Gelderblom, H.; Uyl-de Groot, C.A.; Aarts, M.J.B.; Berkmortel, F.W.P.J. van den; Blokx, W.A.M.; Cardous-Ubbink, M.C.; Groenewegen, G.; Groot, J.W.B. de; Hospers, G.A.P.; Kapiteijn, E.; Koornstra, R.H.; Kruit, W.H.; Louwman, M.W.; Piersma, D.; Rijn, R.S. van; Tije, A.J. ten; Vreugdenhil, G.; Wouters, M.W.J.M. & Hoeven, J.J.M. van der (2017), Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry: Quality assurance in the care of patients with metastatic melanoma in the Netherlands, European Journal of Cancer 72: 156-165.
- Lubberman, F.J.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Wilmer, C.M.; Kweekel, D.M.; Desar, I.M.E.; Colbers, A.; Burger, D.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der & Erp, N. van (2017), Does a glass of Coke boost the exposure to imatinib in gastrointestinal stromal tumour patients after gastrectomy?, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 83(10): 2312-2314.
- Farag, S.; Somaiah, N.; Choi, H.; Heeres, B.; Wang, W.L.; , H. van boven; Nederlof, P.; Benjamin, R.; Graaf, W. van der; Grunhagen, D.; Boonstra, P.A.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Gelderblom, H. & Steeghs, N. (2017), Clinical characteristics and treatment outcome in a large multicentre observational cohort of PDGFRA exon 18 mutated gastrointestinal stromal tumour patients, European Journal of Cancer 76: 76-83.
- Mastboom, M.J.L.; Verspoor, F.G.M.; Verschoor, A.J.; Uittenbogaard, D.; Nemeth, B.; Mastboom, W.J.B.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Dijkstra, P.D.S.; Schreuder, H.W.B.; Gelderblom, H.; Sande, M.A.J. van de & TGCT Study Grp (2017), Higher incidence rates than previously known in tenosynovial giant cell tumors A nationwide study in The Netherlands, Acta Orthopaedica 88(6): 688-694.
- Stacchiotti, S.; Gronchi, A.; Fossati, P.; Akiyama, T.; Alapetite, C.; Baumann, M.; Blay, J.Y.; Bolle, S.; Boriani, S.; Bruzzi, P.; Capanna, R.; Caraceni, A.; Casadei, R.; Colia, V.; Debus, J.; Delaney, T.; Desai, A.; Dileo, P.; Dijkstra, S.; Doglietto, F.; Flanagan, A.; Froelich, S.; Gardner, P.A.; Gelderblom, H.; Gokaslan, Z.L.; Haas, R.; Heery, C.; Hindi, N.; Hohenberger, P.; Hornicek, F.; Imai, R.; Jeys, L.; Jones, R.L.; Kasper, B.; Kawai, A.; Krengli, M.; Leithner, A.; Logowska, I.; Broto, J.M.; Mazzatenta, D.; Morosi, C.; Nicolai, P.; Norum, O.J.; Patel, S.; Penel, N.; Picci, P.; Pilotti, S.; Radaelli, S.; Ricchini, F.; Rutkowski, P.; Scheipl, S.; Sen, C.; Tamborini, E.; Thornton, K.A.; Timmermann, B.; Torri, V.; Tunn, P.U.; Uhl, M.; Yamada, Y.; Weber, D.C.; Vanel, D.; Varga, P.P.; Vleggeert-Lankamp, C.L.A.; Casali, P.G. & Sommer, J. (2017), Best practices for the management of local-regional recurrent chordoma: a position paper by the Chordoma Global Consensus Group, Annals of Oncology 28(6): 1230-1242.
- Groot, S. de; Gelderblom, H.; Fiocco, M.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Pijl, H. & Kroep, J.R. (2017), Serum levels of IGF-1 and IGF-BP3 are associated with event-free survival in adult Ewing sarcoma patients treated with chemotherapy, OncoTargets and Therapy 10: 2963-2970.
- Wagner, A.J.; Kindler, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Schoffski, P.; Bauer, S.; Hohenberger, P.; Kopp, H.G.; Lopez-Martin, J.A.; Peeters, M.; Reichardt, P.; Qin, A.; Nippgen, J.; Ilaria, R.L. & Rutkowski, P. (2017), A phase II study of a human anti-PDGFR alpha monoclonal antibody (olaratumab, IMC-3G3) in previously treated patients with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors, Annals of Oncology 28(3): 541-546.
- Apellaniz-Ruiz, M.; Diekstra, M.H.; Roldan, J.M.; , E. boven; Castellano, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Swen, J.J.; Bohringer, S.; Garcia-Donas, J.; Rini, B.I.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Rodriguez-Antona, C. (2017), Evaluation of KDR rs34231037 as a predictor of sunitinib efficacy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma, Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 27(6): 227-231.
- Lipplaa, A.; Dijkstra, S. & Gelderblom, H. (2016), Efficacy of pazopanib and sunitinib in advanced axial chordoma: a single reference centre case series., Clinical Sarcoma Research 1(6).
- Badrising, S.K.; Noort, V. van der; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Hamberg, P.; Oort, I.M. van; Berg, H.P. van den; , M. los; Aarts, M.J.B.; Coenen, J.L.L.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Jong, I.J. de; Kerver, E.D.; Vrijaldenhoven, S.; Voorthuizen, T. van; Warmerdam, F.; Haanen, J.B.; Bergman, A.M. & DUOS (2016), Prognostic parameters for response to enzalutamide after docetaxel and abiraterone treatment in metastatic castration‐resistant prostate cancer patients; a possible time relation, Prostate 76(1).
- Badrising, S.K.; Noort, V. van der; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Hamberg, P.; Oort, I.M. van; Berg, H.P. van den; , M. los; Aarts, M.J.B.; Coenen, J.L.L.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Jong, I.J. de; Kerver, E.D.; Vrijaldenhoven, S.; Voorthuizen, T. van; Warmerdam, F.; Haanen, J.B.; Bergman, A.M. & DUOS (2016), Enzalutamide as a Fourth- or Fifth-Line Treatment Option for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer, Oncology 91(5).
- Marina, N.M.; Smeland, S.; Bielack, S.S.; Bernstein, M.; Jovic, G.; Krailo, M.D.; Hook, J.M.; Arndt, C.; Berg, H. van den; Brennan, B.; Brichard, B.; Brown, K.L.B.; Butterfass-Bahloul, T.; Calaminus, G.; Daldrup-Link, H.E.; Eriksson, M.; Gebhardt, M.C.; Gelderblom, H.; Gerss, J.; Goldsby, R.; Goorin, A.; Gorlick, R.; Grier, H.E.; Hale, J.P.; Hall, K.S.; Hardes, J.; Hawkins, D.S.; Helmke, K.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Isakoff, M.S.; Janeway, K.A.; Jurgens, H.; Kager, L.; Kuhne, T.; Lau, C.C.; Leavey, P.J.; Lessnick, S.L.; Mascarenhas, L.; Meyers, P.A.; Mottl, H.; Nathrath, M.; Papai, Z.; Randall, R.L.; Reichardt, P.; Renard, M.; Safwat, A.A.; Schwartz, C.L.; Stevens, M.C.G.; Strauss, S.J.; Teot, L.; Werner, M.; Sydes, M.R. & Whelan, J.S. (2016), Comparison of MAPIE versus MAP in patients with a poor response to preoperative chemotherapy for newly diagnosed high-grade osteosarcoma (EURAMOS-1): an open-label, international, randomised controlled trial, The Lancet Oncology 17(10): 1396-1408.
- Clabbers, J.M.K.; Boers-Doets, C.B.; Gelderblom, H.; Stijnen, T.; Lacouture, M.E.; Hoeven, K.J.M. van der & Kaptein, A.A. (2016), Xerosis and pruritus as major EGFRI-associated adverse events, Supportive Care in Cancer 24(2): 513-521.
- Tieken, C.; Verboom, M.C.; Ruf, W.; Gelderblom, H.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Reitsma, P.H.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M. & Versteeg, H.H. (2016), Tissue factor associates with survival and regulates tumour progression in osteosarcoma, Thrombosis and Haemostasis 115(5): 1025-1033.
- Vos, H.I.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Bont, E.S.J.M. de; Kremer, L.C.M.; Naber, A.M.; Hakobjan, M.H.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Coenen, M.J.H. & Loo, D.M.W.M. te (2016), Replication of a genetic variant in ACYP2 associated with cisplatin-induced hearing loss in patients with osteosarcoma, Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 26(5): 243-247.
- Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Henricks, L.M.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Swen, J.J.; Deenen, M.J.; Schellens, J.H.M. & Gelderblom, H. (2016), Prospective DPYD genotyping to reduce the risk of fluoropyrimidine-induced severe toxicity: Ready for prime time, European Journal of Cancer 54: 40-48.
- Swets, M.; Seneby, L.; Boot, A.; Wezel, T. van; Gelderblom, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Elsen, P.J. van den & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2016), Promoter methylation and mRNA expression of HLA-G in relation to HLA-G protein expression in colorectal cancer, Human Immunology 77(9): 764-772.
- Badrising, S.K.; Noort, V. van der; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Hamberg, P.; Oort, I.M. van; Berg, H.P. van den; , M. los; Aarts, M.J.B.; Coenen, J.L.L.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Jong, I.J. de; Kerver, E.D.; Vrijaldenhoven, S.; Voorthuizen, T. van; Warmerdam, F.; Haanen, J.B.; Bergman, A.M. & DUOS (2016), Prognostic Parameters for Response to Enzalutamide After Docetaxel and Abiraterone Treatment in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Patients; a Possible Time Relation, Prostate 76(1): 32-40.
- Dirksen, U.; Jurgens, H.; Ranft, A.; Baumhoer, D.; Berg, H. van den; Dijkstra, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Gosheger, G.; Hardes, J.; Jarmila, K.; Ladenstein, R.; Leithner, A.; Paulussen, M.; Streitbuerger, A.; Timmermann, B.; Tunn, P.U.; Hartmann, W.; Windhager, R. & Andreou, D. (2016), Local Control and Survival in Pelvic Ewing Sarcoma (EwS) in the Euro-Ewing99 Trial, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 63: S20-S20.
- Ahlen, J.; Ahuja, N.; Antbacka, R.; Bagaria, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Bonvalot, S.; Callegaro, D.; Canter, R.J.; Cardona, K.; Casali, P.G.; Colombo, C.; Tos, A.P. dei; Paoli, A. de; Desai, A.; Dickson, B.C.; Eilber, F.C.; Fiore, M.; Fletcher, C.D.; Ford, S.J.; Gelderblom, H.J.; Gonzalez, R.; Grignani, G.; Grignol, V.; Gronchi, A.; Haas, R.L.; Hayes, A.J.; Hartmann, W.; Henzler, T.; Hohenberger, P.; Italiano, A.; Jakob, J.; Jones, R.L.; Judson, I.; Kane, J.M.; Lahat, G.; MacNeill, A.J.; Maestro, R.; Messiou, C.; Meeus, P.; Miceli, R.; Mullen, J.T.; Nessim, C.; Pennacchioli, E.; Pillarisetty, V.G.; Pollock, R.E.; Quagliuolo, V.; Radaelli, S.; Raut, C.P.; Rutkowski, P.; Sandrucci, S.; Schrage, Y.M.; Sicklick, J.K.; Smith, M.J.; Stacchiotti, S.; Stoeckle, E.; Strauss, D.C. & Trans-Atlantic RPS Working Grp (2016), Management of Recurrent Retroperitoneal Sarcoma (RPS) in the Adult: A Consensus Approach from the Trans-Atlantic RPS Working Group, Annals of Surgical Oncology 23(11): 3531-3540.
- Maldegem, A.M. van; Bovee, J.V.M.G. & Gelderblom, H. (2016), PanobinostatA Potential Treatment for Metastasized Ewing Sarcoma? A Case Report, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 63(10): 1840-1843.
- Liu, X.; Diekstra, M.H.; Swen, J.J.; , E. boven; Castellano, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.; Rodriguez-Antona, C.; Garcia-Donas, J.; Rini, B.I. & Guchelaar, H. (2016), ASSOCIATION OF SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISMS IN IL8 AND IL13 WITH SUNITINIB-INDUCED TOXICITY IN PATIENTS WITHMETASTATIC RENAL CELL CARCINOMA., Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 99: S6-S7.
- Speetjens, F.M.; Jong, Y. de; Gelderblom, H. & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2016), Molecular oncogenesis of chondrosarcoma: impact for targeted treatment, Current Opinion in Oncology 28(4): 314-322.
- Vlenterie, M.; Litiere, S.; Rizzo, E.; Marreaud, S.; Judson, I.; Gelderblom, H.; Cesne, A. le; Wardelmann, E.; Messiou, C.; Gronchi, A. & Graaf, W.T. van der (2016), Outcome of chemotherapy in advanced synovial sarcoma patients: Review of 15 clinical trials from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group; setting a new landmark for studies in this entity, European Journal of Cancer 58: 62-72.
- Badrising, S.K.; Noort, V. van der; Hamberg, P.; Coenen, J.L.L.M.; Aarts, M.J.; Oort, I.M. van; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; , M. los; Berg, H.P. van den; Gelderblom, H.; Vrijaldenhoven, S.; Kerver, E.D.; Voorthuizen, T. van; Jong, I.J. de; Haanen, J.B.; Bergman, A.M. & Dutch Uro-Oncol Study Grp DUOS (2016), Enzalutamide as a Fourth- or Fifth-Line Treatment Option for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer, Oncology 91(5): 267-273.
- Diekstra, M.H.M.; Swen, J.J.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2016), A decade of pharmacogenomics research on tyrosine kinase inhibitors in metastatic renal cell cancer: a systematic review, Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics 16(5): 605-618.
- Gelderblom, H.; Kohne, C.H.; Launay-Vacher, V. & Leeuwen, R.W.F. van (2016), Drug-drug interactions associated with kinase inhibitors: highlighting a new resource for oncologists and clinical pharmacists, Annals of Oncology 27(4): 752-752.
- Schoffski, P.; Chawla, S.; Maki, R.G.; Italiano, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Choy, E.; Grignani, G.; Camargo, V.; Bauer, S.; Rha, S.Y.; Blay, J.Y.; Hohenberger, P.; D'Adamo, D.; Guo, M.; Chmielowski, B.; Cesne, A. le; Demetri, G.D. & Patel, S.R. (2016), Eribulin versus dacarbazine in previously treated patients with advanced liposarcoma or leiomyosarcoma: a randomised, open-label, multicentre, phase 3 trial, Lancet 387(10028): 1629-1637.
- Staveren, M.C. van; Kuilenburg, A.B.P. van; Guchelaar, H.J.; Meijer, J.; Punt, C.J.A.; Jong, R.S. de; Gelderblom, H. & Maring, J.G. (2016), Evaluation of an oral uracil loading test to identify DPD-deficient patients using a limited sampling strategy, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 81(3): 553-561.
- Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Staveren, M.C. van; Gelderblom, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Swen, J.J. (2016), Evaluation of clinical implementation of prospective DPYD genotyping in 5-fluorouracil- or capecitabine-treated patients, Pharmacogenomics 17(7): 721-729.
- Wit, D. de; Schneider, T.C.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Roozen, C.F.M.; Hartigh, J. den; Gelderblom, H.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Hoeven, J.J. van der; Links, T.P.; Kapiteijn, E. & Erp, N.P. van (2016), Everolimus pharmacokinetics and its exposure-toxicity relationship in patients with thyroid cancer, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 78(1): 63-71.
- Maldegem, A.M. van; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Peterse, E.F.P.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Gelderblom, H. (2016), Ewing sarcoma: The clinical relevance of the insulin-like growth factor 1 and the poly-ADP-ribose-polymerase pathway, European Journal of Cancer 53: 171-180.
- Swets, M.; Konig, M.H.; Zaalberg, A.; Dekker-Ensink, N.G.; Gelderblom, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Elsen, P.J. van den & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2016), HLA-G and classical HLA class I expression in primary colorectal cancer and associated liver metastases, Human Immunology 77(9): 773-779.
- Ray-Coquard, I.; Rizzo, E.; Blay, J.Y.; Casali, P.; Judson, I.; Hansen, A.K.; Lindner, L.H.; Tos, A.P. dei; Gelderblom, H.; Marreaud, S.; Litiere, S.; Rutkowski, P.; Hohenberger, P.; Gronchi, A. & Graaf, W.T. van der (2016), Impact of chemotherapy in uterine sarcoma (UtS): review of 13 clinical trials from the EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (STBSG) involving advanced/metastatic UtS compared to other soft tissue sarcoma (STS) patients treated with first line chemotherapy, Gynecologic Oncology 142(1): 95-101.
- Reichardt, P.; Demetri, G.D.; Gelderblom, H.; Rutkowski, P.; , S.A. im; Gupta, S.; Kang, Y.K.; Schoffski, P.; Schuette, J.; Soulieres, D.; Blay, J.Y.; Goldstein, D.; Fly, K.; Huang, X.; Corsaro, M.; Lechuga, M.J.; Martini, J.F. & Heinrich, M.C. (2016), Correlation of KIT and PDGFRA mutational status with clinical benefit in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor treated with sunitinib in a worldwide treatment-use trial, BMC Cancer 16.
- Driessen, C.M.L.; Boer, J.P. de; Gelderblom, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Jong, M.A. de; Verbist, B.M.; Melchers, W.J.G.; Tesselaar, M.E.T.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Kaanders, J.H.A.M. & Herpen, C.M.L. van (2016), Induction chemotherapy with docetaxel/cisplatin/5-fluorouracil followed by randomization to two cisplatin-based concomitant chemoradiotherapy schedules in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer (CONDOR study) (Dutch Head and Neck Society 08-01): A randomized phase II study, European Journal of Cancer 52: 77-84.
- Graaff, M.A. de; Rooij, M.A.J. de; Akker, B.E.W.M. van den; Gelderblom, H.; Chibon, F.; Coindre, J.M.; Marino-Enriquez, A.; Fletcher, J.A.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M. & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2016), Inhibition of Bcl-2 family members sensitises soft tissue leiomyosarcomas to chemotherapy, British Journal of Cancer 114(11): 1219-1226.
- Jong, Y. de; Maldegem, A.M. van; Marino-Enriquez, A.; Jong, D. de; Suijker, J.; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Kruisselbrink, A.B.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Szuhai, K.; Gelderblom, H.; Fletcher, J.A. & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2016), Inhibition of Bcl-2 family members sensitizes mesenchymal chondrosarcoma to conventional chemotherapy: report on a novel mesenchymal chondrosarcoma cell line, Laboratory Investigation 96(10): 1128-1137.
- Groot, S. de; Charehbili, A.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Mooyaart, A.L.; Dekker-Ensink, N.G.; Ven, S. van de; Janssen, L.G.M.; Swen, J.J.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Heijns, J.B.; Kessels, L.W.; Straaten, R.J.H.M. van der; Bhringer, S.; Gelderblom, A.J.; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Guchelaar, H.J.; Pijl, H. & Kroep, J.R. (2016), Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor expression and polymorphism are associated with response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients: Results from the NEOZOTAC trial (BOOG 2010-01).
- Hagleitner, M.M.; Coenen, M.J.H.; Gelderblom, H.; Makkinje, R.R.; Vos, H.I.; Bont, E.S.J.M. de; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Schreuder, H.W.B.; Flucke, U.; Leeuwen, F.N. van; Hoogerbrugge, P.M.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Loo, D.M.W.M. te (2015), A First Step toward Personalized Medicine in Osteosarcoma: Pharmacogenetics as Predictive Marker of Outcome after Chemotherapy-Based Treatment, Clinical Cancer Research 21(15): 3436-3441.
- Heijden, L. van der; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Gelderblom, H. & Dijkstra, P.D.S. (2015), Neoadjuvant denosumab for extensive giant cell tumor in os ischium - a case report, Acta Orthopaedica 86(3): 393-395.
- Verschoor, A.J.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Wijers-Koster, P.; Coffin, C.M.; Lazar, A.J.; Nout, R.A.; Rubin, B.P.; Gelderblom, H. & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2015), Radiation-induced Sarcomas Occurring in Desmoid-type Fibromatosis Are Not Always Derived From the Primary Tumor, American Journal of Surgical Pathology 39(12): 1701-1707.
- Sharma, S.; Witteveen, P.O.; Lolkema, M.P.; Hess, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Hussain, S.A.; Porro, M.G.; Waldron, E.; Valera, S.Z. & Mu, S. (2015), A phase I, open-label, multicenter study to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and safety of oral panobinostat in patients with advanced solid tumors and varying degrees of renal function, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 75(1): 87-95.
- Diekstra M., Swen J. J., Boven E., Castellano D., Ganapathi R., Gelderblom H., Mathijssen R. H., Rodriguez-Antona C., Garcia-Donas J., Rini B. & Guchelaar H. (2015), A MULTICENTER VALIDATION STUDY OF GENETIC POLYMORPHISMS ASSOCIATED WITH TOXICITY AND EFFICACY OF SUNITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH METASTATIC RENAL CELL CARCINOMA., Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 97: S13-S13.
- Opdam, F.L.; Modak, A.S.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Louwerens, M.; Waal, M.W.M. de; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2015), CYP2D6 Metabolism in Frail Elderly Compared to Non-Frail Elderly: A Pilot Feasibility Study, Drugs and Aging 32(12): 1019-1027.
- Wit, D. de; Hartigh, J. den; Gelderblom, H.; Qian, Y.W.; Hollander, M. den; Verheul, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Erp, N.P. van (2015), Dried Blood Spot Analysis for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Pazopanib, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 55(12): 1344-1350.
- Whelan, J.S.; Bielack, S.S.; Marina, N.; Smeland, S.; Jovic, G.; Hook, J.M.; Krailo, M.; Anninga, J.; Butterfass-Bahloul, T.; Bohling, T.; Calaminus, G.; Capra, M.; Deffenbaugh, C.; Dhooge, C.; Eriksson, M.; Flanagan, A.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Goorin, A.; Gorlick, R.; Gosheger, G.; Grimer, R.J.; Hall, K.S.; Helmke, K.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Jundt, G.; Kager, L.; Kuehne, T.; Lau, C.C.; Letson, G.D.; Meyer, J.; Meyers, P.A.; Morris, C.; Mottl, H.; Nadel, H.; Nagarajan, R.; Randall, R.L.; Schomberg, P.; Schwarz, R.; Teot, L.A.; Sydes, M.R.; Bernstein, M. & EURAMOS Collaborators (2015), EURAMOS-1, an international randomised study for osteosarcoma: results from pre-randomisation treatment, Annals of Oncology 26(2): 407-414.
- Staveren, M.C. van; Opdam, F.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Kuilenburg, A.B.P. van; Maring, J.G. & Gelderblom, H. (2015), Influence of metastatic disease on the usefulness of uracil pharmacokinetics as a screening tool for DPD activity in colorectal cancer patients, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 76(1): 47-52.
- Opdam, F.L.; Modak, A.S.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2015), Further characterization of a C-13-dextromethorphan breath test for CYP2D6 phenotyping in breast cancer patients on tamoxifen therapy, Journal of Breath Research 9(2).
- Maldegem, A.M. van; Benson, C.; Rutkowski, P.; Blay, J.Y.; Berg, H. van den; Placzke, J.; Rasper, M.; Judson, I.; Juergens, H.; Dirksen, U. & Gelderblom, H. (2015), Etoposide and Carbo-or Cisplatin Combination Therapy in Refractory or Relapsed Ewing Sarcoma: A Large Retrospective Study, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 62(1): 40-44.
- Wit, D. de; Guchelaar, H.J.; Hartigh, J. den; Gelderblom, H. & Erp, N.P. van (2015), Individualized dosing of tyrosine kinase inhibitors: are we there yet?, Drug Discovery Today 20(1): 18-36.
- Liu, X.; Diekstra, M.H.; Swen, J.J.; , E. boven; Castellano, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.; Rodriguez-Antona, C.; Garcia-Donas, J.; Rini, B.I. & Guchelaar, H. (2015), Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in IL8 and IL13 with sunitinib-induced toxicity in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 71(12): 1477-1484.
- Henricks, L.M.; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Meulendijks, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Cats, A.; Swen, J.J.; Schellens, J.H.M. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2015), Translating DPYD genotype into DPD phenotype: using the DPYD gene activity score, Pharmacogenomics 16(11): 1275-1284.
- Berg, H. van den; Paulussen, M.; Teuff, G. le; Judson, I.; Gelderblom, H.; Dirksen, U.; Brennan, B.; Whelan, J.; Ladenstein, R.L.; Marec-Berard, P.; Kruseova, J.; Hjorth, L.; Kuhne, T.; Brichard, B.; Wheatley, K.; Craft, A.; Juergens, H.; Gaspar, N.; Deley, M.C. le & Euro-EWING99 Grp (2015), Impact of gender on efficacy and acute toxicity of alkylating agent -based chemotherapy in Ewing sarcoma: Secondary analysis of the Euro-Ewing99-R1 trial, European Journal of Cancer 51(16): 2453-2464.
- Wit, D. de; Erp, N.P. van; Hartigh, J. den; Wolterbeek, R.; Hollander-van Deursen, M. den; Labots, M.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Verheul, H.M. & Gelderblom, H. (2015), Therapeutic Drug Monitoring to Individualize the Dosing of Pazopanib: A Pharmacokinetic Feasibility Study, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 37(3): 331-338.
- Farag, S.; Verschoor, A.J.; Bosma, J.W.; Gelderblom, H.; Kerst, J.M.; Sleijfer, S. & Steeghs, N. (2015), Imatinib-induced agranulocytosis in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 55(8): 920-925.
- Charehbili, A.; Groot, S. de; Straaten, T. van der; Swen, J.J.; Pijl, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Nortier, J.W.R.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Kroep, J.R. (2015), Exploratory analysis of candidate germline gene polymorphisms in breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant anthracycline-containing chemotherapy and associations with febrile neutropenia, Pharmacogenomics 16(11): 1265-1274.
- Kroep, J.R.; Werkhoven, E. van; Polee, M.; Groeningen, C.J. van; Beeker, A.; Erdkamp, F.; Weijl, N.; Bochove, A. van; Erjavec, Z.; Kapiteijn, E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Nortier, H.W.R. & Gelderblom, H. (2015), Randomised study of tegafur-uracil plus leucovorin versus capecitabine as first-line therapy in elderly patients with advanced colorectal cancer - TLC study.
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.L.; Bos, M.M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Batman, E.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2015), Safety and efficacy of the addition of simvastatin to panitumumab in previously treated KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer patients, Anti-Cancer Drugs 26(8): 872-877.
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.L.; Tije, A.J. ten; Erdkamp, F.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2015), Safety and efficacy of the addition of simvastatin to cetuximab in previously treated KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer patients.
- Issa, D.E.; Gelderblom, H.; Lugtenburg, P.J.; Herk-Sukel, M.P. van; Houweling, L.M.A.; Orden, M. de la; Werf-Langenberg, M.E. van der; Nortier, J.W.R. & Jong, F.A. de (2015), Healthcare utilisation in patients with breast cancer or non-Hodgkin lymphoma who experienced febrile neutropenia in the Netherlands: a retrospective matched control study using the PHARMO database, European Journal of Cancer Care 24(2): 232-241.
- Dezentje, V.O.; Opdam, F.L.; Gelderblom, H.; Hartigh, J. den; Straaten, T. van der; Vree, R.; Maartense, E.; Smorenburg, C.H.; Putter, H.; Dieudonne, A.S.; Neven, P.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Nortier, J.W.R. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2015), CYP2D6 genotype- and endoxifen-guided tamoxifen dose escalation increases endoxifen serum concentrations without increasing side effects, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 153(3): 583-590.
- Huis-Tanja, L.H. van; Ewing, E.; Straaten, R.J.H.M. van der; Swen, J.J.; Baak-Pablo, R.F.; Punt, C.J.A.; Gelderblom, A.J. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2015), Clinical validation study of genetic markers for capecitabine efficacy in metastatic colorectal cancer patients, Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 25(6): 279-288.
- Schneider, T.C.; Wit, D. de; Links, T.P.; Erp, N.P. van; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Morreau, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Kapiteijn, E. (2015), Beneficial Effects of the mTOR Inhibitor Everolimus in Patients with Advanced Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: Subgroup Results of a Phase II Trial, International Journal of Endocrinology.
- Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.K.; Rutkowski, P.; Schuette, J.; Rosen, L.S.; Seddon, B.; Yalcin, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Williams, C.C.; Fumagalli, E.; Biasco, G.; Hurwitz, H.I.; Kaiser, P.E.; Fly, K.; Matczak, E.; Chen, L.; Lechuga, M.J. & Demetri, G.D. (2015), Clinical Outcomes of Patients With Advanced Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Safety and Efficacy in a Worldwide Treatment-Use Trial of Sunitinib, Cancer 121(9): 1405-1413.
- Bellera, C.A.; Penel, N.; Ouali, M.; Bonvalot, S.; Casali, P.G.; Nielsen, O.S.; Delannes, M.; Litiere, S.; Bonnetain, F.; Dabakuyo, T.S.; Benjamin, R.S.; Blay, J.Y.; Bui, B.N.; Collin, F.; Delaney, T.F.; Duffaud, F.; Filleron, T.; Fiore, M.; Gelderblom, H.; George, S.; Grimer, R.; Grosclaude, P.; Gronchi, A.; Haas, R.; Hohenberger, P.; Issels, R.; Italiano, A.; Jooste, V.; Krarup-Hansen, A.; Pechoux, C. le; Mussi, C.; Oberlin, O.; Patel, S.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Raut, C.; Ray-Coquard, I.; Rutkowski, P.; Schuetze, S.; Sleijfer, S.; Stoeckle, E.; Glabbeke, M. van; Woll, P.; Gourgou-Bourgade, S. & Mathoulin-Pelissier, S. (2015), Guidelines for time-to-event end point definitions in sarcomas and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) trials: results of the DATECAN initiative (Definition for the Assessment of Time-to-event Endpoints in CANcer trials), Annals of Oncology 26(5): 865-872.
- Breugom, A.J.; Gijn, W. van; Muller, E.W.; Berglund, A.; Broek, C.B.M. van den; Fokstuen, T.; Gelderblom, H.; Kapiteijn, E.; Leer, J.W.H.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Martijn, H.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Nagtegaal, I.D.; Pahlman, L.; Punt, C.J.A.; Putter, H.; Roodvoets, A.G.H.; Rutten, H.J.T.; Steup, W.H.; Glimelius, B.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Dutch Colorectal Canc Grp & Nordic Gastrointestinal Tumour Adj (2015), Adjuvant chemotherapy for rectal cancer patients treated with preoperative (chemo)radiotherapy and total mesorectal excision: a Dutch Colorectal Cancer Group (DCCG) randomized phase III trial, Annals of Oncology 26(4): 696-701.
- Rootjes, P.A.; Gelderblom, H. & Hendriks, M.P. (2015), A 29-year-old woman with multiple pulmonary masses, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 73(6): 299-301.
- Kerkhofs, T.M.A.; Derijks, L.J.J.; Ettaieb, H.; Hartigh, J. den; Neef, K.; Gelderblom, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Haak, H.R. (2015), Development of a Pharmacokinetic Model of Mitotane: Toward Personalized Dosing in Adrenocortical Carcinoma, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 37(1): 58-65.
- Bielack, S.S.; Smeland, S.; Whelan, J.S.; Marina, N.; Jovic, G.; Hook, J.M.; Krailo, M.D.; Gebhardt, M.; Papai, Z.; Meyer, J.; Nadel, H.; Randall, R.L.; Deffenbaugh, C.; Nagarajan, R.; Brennan, B.; Letson, G.D.; Teot, L.A.; Goorin, A.; Baumhoer, D.; Kager, L.; Werner, M.; Lau, C.C.; Hall, K.S.; Gelderblom, H.; Meyers, P.; Gorlick, R.; Windhager, R.; Helmke, K.; Eriksson, M.; Hoogerbrugge, P.M.; Schomberg, P.; Tunn, P.U.; Kuhne, T.; Jurgens, H.; Berg, H. van den; Bohling, T.; Picton, S.; Renard, M.; Reichardt, P.; Gerss, J.; Butterfass-Bahloul, T.; Morris, C.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Seddon, B.; Calaminus, G.; Michelagnoli, M.; Dhooge, C.; Sydes, M.R.; Bernstein, M. & EURAMOS-1 Investigators (2015), Methotrexate, Doxorubicin, and Cisplatin (MAP) Plus Maintenance Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2b Versus MAP Alone in Patients With Resectable High-Grade Osteosarcoma and Good Histologic Response to Preoperative MAP: First Results of the EURAMOS-1 Good Response Randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Clinical Oncology 33(20): 2279-U92.
- Wissing, M.D.; Coenen, J.L.L.M.; Berg, P. van den; Westgeest, H.M.; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Oort, I.M. van; Bos, M.M.; Bergman, A.M.; Hamberg, P.; Tije, A.J. ten; , M. los; Lolkema, M.P.J.K.; Wit, R. de & Gelderblom, H. (2015), CAST: A retrospective analysis of cabazitaxel and abiraterone acetate sequential treatment in patients with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer previously treated with docetaxel, International Journal of Cancer 136(6): E760-E772.
- Haas, R.L.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Sleijfer, S.; , H.H. van boven; Scholten, A.; Dewit, L.; Borst, G.; Hage, J. van der; Kerst, J.M.; Nout, R.A.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Pree, I. de; Verhoef, C.; Steeghs, N. & Coevorden, F. van (2015), A phase I study on the combination of neoadjuvant radiotherapy plus pazopanib in patients with locally advanced soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities, Acta Oncologica 54(8): 1195-1201.
- Pander, J.; Huis-Tanja, L. van; Bohringer, S.; Straaten, T. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Punt, C. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2015), Genome Wide Association Study for Predictors of Progression Free Survival in Patients on Capecitabine, Oxaliplatin, Bevacizumab and Cetuximab in First-Line Therapy of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, PLoS ONE 10(7).
- Stacchiotti, S.; Sommer, J.; Ares, C.; Blay, J.Y.; Bolle, S.; Boriani, S.; Capanna, R.; Casali, P.G.; Debus, J.; DeLaney, T.F.; Doglietto, F.; Flanagan, A.M.; Fossati, P.; Froelich, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Grimer, R.; Gronchi, A.; Haas, R.L.M.; Hohenberger, P.; Hornicek, F.J.; Jeys, L.; Kasper, B.; Keulen, H.; Krengli, M.; Leithner, A.; Martin-Broto, J.; Morosi, C.; Nicolai, P.; Norum, O.J.; Peul, W.C.; Pilotti, S.; Radaelli, S.; Rutkowski, P.; Scheipl, S.; Tamborini, E.; Torri, V.; Uhl, M.; Vanel, D.; Vleggeert-Lankamp, C.; Weber, D.C. & Chordoma Global Consensus Grp (2015), Building a global consensus approach to chordoma: a position paper from the medical and patient community, Lancet Oncology 16(2).
- Krens, L.L.; Simkens, L.H.J.; Baas, J.M.; Koomen, E.R.; Gelderblom, H.; Punt, C.J.A. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2014), Statin Use Is Not Associated with Improved Progression Free Survival in Cetuximab Treated KRAS Mutant Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients: Results from the CAIRO2 Study, PLoS ONE 9(11).
- Krens, L.L.; Baas, J.M.; Verboom, M.C.; Paintaud, G.; Desvignes, C.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2014), Pharmacokinetics and safety of cetuximab in a patient with renal dysfunction, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 73(6): 1303-1306.
- Slingerland, M.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2014), Histone deacetylase inhibitors: an overview of the clinical studies in solid tumors, Anti-Cancer Drugs 25(2): 140-149.
- Sleijfer, S. & Gelderblom, H. (2014), Current clinical trials for advanced osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma, Current Opinion in Oncology 26(4): 434-439.
- Guchelaar, H.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Straaten, T.D.; Schellens, J.H.M. & Swen, J.J. (2014), Pharmacogenetics in the Cancer Clinic: From Candidate Gene Studies to Next-Generation Sequencing.
- Diekstra, M.H.M.; Klumpen, H.J.; Lolkema, M.P.J.K.; Yu, H.; Kloth, J.S.L.; Gelderblom, H.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Gurney, H.; Swen, J.J.; Huitema, A.D.R.; Steeghs, N. & Mathijssen, R.H.J. (2014), Association Analysis of Genetic Polymorphisms in Genes Related to Sunitinib Pharmacokinetics, Specifically Clearance of Sunitinib and SU12662, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 96(1): 81-89.
- Fontein, D.B.Y.; Houtsma, D.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Baak-Pablo, R.F.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Straaten, T.R.J.H.M. van der; Putter, H.; Seynaeve, C.; Gelderblom, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Guchelaar, H.J. (2014), Germline variants in the CYP19A1 gene are related to specific adverse events in aromatase inhibitor users: a substudy of Dutch patients in the TEAM trial, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 144(3): 599-606.
- Heijden, L. van der; Dijkstra, P.D.S.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Kroep, J.R.; Nout, R.A.; Rijswijk, C.S.P. van; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Gelderblom, H. (2014), Giant Cell Tumor of Bone Reply, The Oncologist 19(11): 1208-1208.
- Hengst, W.A. den; Hendriks, J.M.H.; Balduyck, B.; Rodrigus, I.; Vermorken, J.B.; Lardon, F.; Versteegh, M.I.M.; Braun, J.; Gelderblom, H.; Schramel, F.M.N.H.; , W.J. van boven; Putte, B.P. van; Birim, O.; Maat, A.P.W.M. & Schil, P.E.Y. van (2014), Phase II Multicenter Clinical Trial of Pulmonary Metastasectomy and Isolated Lung Perfusion with Melphalan in Patients with Resectable Lung Metastases, Journal of Thoracic Oncology 9(10): 1547-1553.
- Kerkhofs, T.M.A.; Derijks, L.J.J.; Ettaieb, M.H.T.; Eekhoff, E.M.W.; Neef, C.; Gelderblom, H.; Hartigh, J. den; Guchelaar, H.J. & Haak, H.R. (2014), Short-term variation in plasma mitotane levels confirms the importance of trough level monitoring, European Journal of Endocrinology 171(6): 677-683.
- Bosma, J.; Verboom, M.; Gataa, I.; Werkhoven, E.V.; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Osuch, C.; Siedlecki, J.A.; Kubackova, K.; Kocakova, I.; Bylina, E.; Cesne, A. le; Rutkowski, P. & Steeghs, N. (2014), IDENTIFYING BIOLOGICAL AND CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PATIENTS WITH GASTROINTESTINAL STROMAL TUMOURS (GIST) RESPONDING TO IMATINIB THERAPY FOR MORE THAN 5 AND 10 YEARS, Annals of Oncology 25.
- Hagleitner, M.M.; Coenen, M.J.H.; Patino-Garcia, A.; Bont, E.S.J.M. de; Gonzalez-Neira, A.; Vos, H.I.; Leeuwen, F.N. van; Gelderblom, H.; Hoogerbrugge, P.M.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Loo, M.W.M. te (2014), Influence of Genetic Variants in TPMT and COMT Associated with Cisplatin Induced Hearing Loss in Patients with Cancer: Two New Cohorts and a Meta-Analysis Reveal Significant Heterogeneity between Cohorts, PLoS ONE 9(12).
- Brandsma, D.; Dieras, V.; Altintas, S.; Anders, C.; Arnedos, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Soetekouw, P.; Jager, A.; Linde, M. van & Aftimos, P. (2014), 2B3-101, GLUTATHIONE PEGYLATED LIPOSOMAL DOXORUBICIN, IN PATIENTS WITH RECURRENT HIGH GRADE GLIOMAS AND BREAST CANCER BRAIN METASTASES, Neuro-Oncology 16.
- Slingerland, M.; Hess, D.; Clive, S.; Sharma, S.; Sandstrom, P.; Loman, N.; Porro, M.G.; Mu, S.; Waldron, E.; Valera, S.Z. & Gelderblom, H. (2014), A phase I, open-label, multicenter study to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and safety of oral panobinostat in patients with advanced solid tumors and various degrees of hepatic function, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 74(5): 1089-1098.
- Staveren, M.C. van; Kuilenburg, A.B.P. van; Guchelaar, H.J.; Jong, R. de; Punt, C.J.A.; Gelderblom, H. & Maring, J.G. (2014), Sensitivity and specificity of an oral uracil-loading test dose for screening for DPD deficiency, Journal of Clinical Oncology 32(15).
- Wit, D. de; Erp, N.P. van; Khosravan, R.; Wiltshire, R.; Allred, R.; Demetri, G.D.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2014), Effect of gastrointestinal resection on sunitinib exposure in patients with GIST, BMC Cancer 14.
- Porro, M.; Sharma, S.; Witteveen, P.O.; Lolkema, M.P.; Hess, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Hussain, S.A.; Waldron, E.; Valera, S. & Mu, S. (2014), Oral panobinostat in patients with advanced tumors and impaired renal function: Relationship between pharmacokinetics and key safety parameters, European Journal of Cancer 50: 185-185.
- Maldegem, A.M. van; Gelderblom, H.; Palmerini, E.; Dijkstra, S.D.; Gambarotti, M.; Ruggieri, P.; Nout, R.A.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Ferrari, C.; Ferrari, S.; Bovee, J.V.M.G. & Picci, P. (2014), Outcome of Advanced, Unresectable Conventional Central Chondrosarcoma, Cancer 120(20): 3159-3164.
- Reichardt, P.; Demetri, G.D.; Jeffers, M.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Rutkowski, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Hohenberger, P.; Leahy, M.G.; Mehren, M. von; Joensuu, H.; Badalamenti, G.; Blackstein, M.E.; Cesne, A. le; Schoffski, P.; Maki, R.G.; Xu, J.M.; Nishida, T.; Kuss, I. & Casali, P.G. (2014), Mutational analysis of plasma DNA from patients (pts) in the phase III GRID study of regorafenib (REG) versus placebo (PL) in tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI)-refractory GIST: Correlating genotype with clinical outcomes, Oncology Research and Treatment 37: 58-58.
- Krens, L.L.; Baas, J.M.; Jong, F.A. de; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2014), Pharmacokinetics of panitumumab in a patient with liver dysfunction: a case report, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 73(2): 429-433.
- Roukens, A.H.; Kroep, J.R.; Marinkovic, M.; Nout, R.A.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Vasylenko, Y.; Gelderblom, H. & Lutyen, G.P.M. (2014), Primary Ewing sarcoma of the iris, Lancet 383(9913): 256-256.
- Houtsma, D.; Groot, S. de; Straaten, T. van der; Baak-Pablo, R.; Velde, C.J.H. van der; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2014), Variation in the ESR-1 gene as a prognostic marker in early breast cancer survival, Journal of Clinical Oncology 32(15).
- Reichardt, P.; Joensuu, H.; Casali, P.G.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Rutkowski, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Hohenberger, P.; Leahy, M.G.; Mehren, M. von; Badalamenti, G.; Blackstein, M.E.; Cesne, A. le; Schoffski, P.; Maki, R.G.; Xu, J.M.; Nishida, T.; Kappeler, C.; Kuss, I. & Demetri, G.D. (2014), Results from a phase III trial (GRID) evaluating regorafenib (REG) in metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST): Subgroup analysis of outcomes based on pretreatment characteristics, Oncology Research and Treatment 37: 57-57.
- Driessen, C.; Groenewoud, H.; Boer, J.P. de; Gelderblom, H.; Tesselaar, M.E.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Kaanders, J.H. & L-Van Herpen, C.M. (2014), Quality of life of patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer (LAHNC) treated with docetaxel/cisplatin/5-fluorouracil (TPF) followed by cisplatin-containing chemoradiotherapy (CRT)., Journal of Clinical Oncology 32(15).
- Kerklaan, B.M.; Jager, A.; Aftimos, P.; Dieras, V.; Altintas, S.; Anders, C.; Arnedos, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Soetekouw, P.; Gladdines, W.; Gaillard, P.; Sousa, C. de; Awada, A.; Schellens, J.; Linde, M. van & Brandsma, D. (2014), PHASE 1/2A STUDY OF GLUTATHIONE PEGYLATED LIPOSOMAL DOXORUBICIN (2B3-101) IN BREAST CANCER PATIENTS WITH BRAIN METASTASES (BCBM) OR RECURRENT HIGH GRADE GLIOMAS (HGG), Neuro-Oncology 16.
- Wit, D. de; Gelderblom, H.; Sparreboom, A.; Hartigh, J. den; Hollander, M. den; Konig-Quartel, J.M.C.; Hessing, T.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Erp, N.P. van (2014), Midazolam as a phenotyping probe to predict sunitinib exposure in patients with cancer, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 73(1): 87-96.
- Huis-Tanja, L.H. van; Kweekel, D.M.; Lu, X.B.; Franken, K.; Koopman, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Antonini, N.F.; Punt, C.J.A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Straaten, T. van der (2014), Excision Repair Cross-Complementation group 1 (ERCC1) C118T SNP does not affect cellular response to oxaliplatin, Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 759: 37-44.
- Boon, E.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Tesselaar, M.E.; Es, R.J.J. van; Oosting, S.; Bree, R. de; Meerten, E. van; Hoeben, A.; Flucke, U.E.; Bovee, J.V.M.G. & L-Van Herpen, C.M. (2014), Osteosarcoma of the head and neck (OHN): A multicenter case series of 79 adult patients in the Netherlands., Journal of Clinical Oncology 32(15).
- Wissing, M.D.; Morree, E.S. de; Dezentje, V.O.; Buijs, J.T.; Krijger, R.R. de; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Weerden, W.M. van; Gelderblom, H. & Pluijm, G. van der (2014), Nuclear Eg5 (kinesin spindle protein) expression predicts docetaxel response and prostate cancer aggressiveness, Oncotarget 5(17): 7357-7367.
- Dezentje, V.O.; Gelderblom, H.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Vletter-Bogaartz, J.M.; Straaten, T. van der; Wessels, J.A.M.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Berns, E.M.; Seynaeve, C.; Putter, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Nortier, J.W.R. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2014), CYP2D6 genotype in relation to hot flashes as tamoxifen side effect in a Dutch cohort of the tamoxifen exemestane adjuvant multinational (TEAM) trial, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 143(1): 171-179.
- Iersel, L.B.J. van; Leede, E.M. de; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Tijl, F.G.J.; Hartigh, J. den; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Gelderblom, H.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & Velde, C.J.H. van de (2014), Isolated hepatic perfusion with oxaliplatin combined with 100 mg melphalan in patients with metastases confined to the liver: A phase I study, EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 40(11): 1557-1563.
- Gelderblom, H.; Blay, J.Y.; Seddon, B.M.; Leahy, M.; Ray-Coquard, I.; Sleijfer, S.; Kerst, J.M.; Rutkowski, P.; Bauer, S.; Ouali, M.; Marreaud, S.; Straaten, R.J.H.M. van der; Guchelaar, H.J.; Weitman, S.D.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Hohenberger, P. (2014), Brostallicin versus doxorubicin as first-line chemotherapy in patients with advanced or metastatic soft tissue sarcoma: An European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group randomised phase II and pharmacogenetic study, European Journal of Cancer 50(2): 388-396.
- Heijden, L. van der; Dijkstra, P.D.S.; Sande, M.A.J. van de; Kroep, J.R.; Nout, R.A.; Rijswijk, C.S.P. van; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Gelderblom, H. (2014), The Clinical Approach Toward Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, The Oncologist 19(5): 550-561.
- Reichardt, P.; Demetri, G.D.; Gelderblom, H.; Rutkowski, P.; , S.A. im; Gupta, S.; Kang, Y.K.; Schoffski, P.; Schuette, J.; Soulieres, D.; Blay, J.Y.; Goldstein, D.; Fly, K.D.; Huang, X.; Corsaro, M.; Lechuga, M.; Martini, J.F. & Heinrich, M.C. (2014), Correlation of KIT and PDGFRA mutational status with clinical benefit in patients (pts) with gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) treated with sunitinib (SU) in a worldwide treatment-use (TU) trial., Journal of Clinical Oncology 32(15).
- Wissing, M.D.; Morree, E.S. de; Dezentje, V.O.; Buijs, J.T.; Krijger, R.R. de; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Weerden, W.M. van; Gelderblom, H. & Pluijm, G. van der (2014), Nuclear Eg5 (kinesin spindle protein) expression predicts docetaxel response and prostate cancer aggressiveness, Oncotarget 5(17).
- Berruti, A.; Fassnacht, M.; Haak, H.; Else, T.; Baudin, E.; Sperone, P.; Kroiss, M.; Kerkhofs, T.; Williams, A.R.; Ardito, A.; Leboulleux, S.; Volante, M.; Deutschbein, T.; Feelders, R.; Ronchi, C.; Grisanti, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Porpiglia, F.; Papotti, M.; Hammer, G.D.; Allolio, B. & Terzolo, M. (2014), Prognostic Role of Overt Hypercortisolism in Completely Operated Patients with Adrenocortical Cancer, European Urology 65(4): 832-838.
- Verschoor AJ & Gelderblom AJ (2014), Pneumothorax as adverse event in patients with lung metastases of soft tissue sarcoma treated with pazopanib: a single reference centre case series, Clinical Sarcoma Research 4.
- ESMO/European Sarcoma Network Working Group (2014), Soft tissues and visceral sarcomas: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology Suppl 3.
- ESMO/European Sarcoma Network Working Group (2014), Bone sarcomas: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology Suppl 3.
- ESMO/European Sarcoma Network Working Group (2014), Gastrointestinal stromal tumours: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology Suppl 3.
- van Maldegem Am, Bovée JV & Gelderblom H (2014), Comprehensive analysis of published studies involving systemic treatment for chondrosarcoma of bone between 2000 and 2013, Clinical Sarcoma Research 4.
- Vos, H.I.; Coenen, M.J.H.; Gelderblom, H.; Straaten, T. van der; Bont, E.S.J.M. de; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Schreuder, H.W.B.; Leeuwen, F.N. van; Guchelaar, H.J. & Loo, D.M.W.M.T. (2014), Association of genetic variants involved in drug metabolism and transport with efficacy and toxicity of chemotherapeutic treatment in osteosarcoma patients., Journal of Clinical Oncology 32(15).
- Judson, I.; Verweij, J.; Gelderblom, H.; Hartmann, J.T.; Schoffski, P.; Blay, J.Y.; Kerst, J.M.; Sufliarsky, J.; Whelan, J.; Hohenberger, P.; Krarup-Hansen, A.; Alcindor, T.; Marreaud, S.; Litiere, S.; Hermans, C.; Fisher, C.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Tos, A.P. dei; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; European Org & Treatment Canc Soft Tissue Bone Sa (2014), Doxorubicin alone versus intensified doxorubicin plus ifosfamide for first-line treatment of advanced or metastatic soft-tissue sarcoma: a randomised controlled phase 3 trial, The Lancet Oncology 15(4): 415-423.
- Anninga, J.K.; Picci, P.; Fiocco, M.; Kroon, H.M.J.A.; Vanel, D.; Alberghini, M.; Gelderblom, H. & Hogendoorn, P.C.W. (2013), Osteosarcoma of the hands and feet: a distinct clinico-pathological subgroup., Virchows Archiv 462(1): 109-20.
- Bielack, S.S.; Smeland, S.; Whelan, J.; Marina, N.; Hook, J.; Jovic, G.; Krailo, M.D.; Butterfass-Bahloul, T.; Kuhne, T.; Eriksson, M.; Teot, L.A.; Gelderblom, H.; Kager, L.; Hall, K.S.; Gorlick, R.G.; Randall, R.L.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Calaminus, G.; Sydes, M.R. & Bernstein, M.L. (2013), MAP plus maintenance pegylated interferon alpha-2b (MAPIfn) versus MAP alone in patients with resectable high-grade osteosarcoma and good histologic response to preoperative MAP: First results of the EURAMOS-1 "good response" randomization., Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(18).
- Demetri, G.D.; Jeffers, M.; Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Rutkowski, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Hohenberger, P.; Leahy, M.G.; Mehren, M. von; Joensuu, H.; Badalamenti, G.; Blackstein, M.E.; Cesne, A. le; Schoffski, P.; Maki, R.G.; Xu, J.M.; Nishida, T.; Kuss, I. & Casali, P.G. (2013), Mutational analysis of plasma DNA from patients (pts) in the phase III GRID study of regorafenib (REC) versus placebo (PL) in tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI)-refractory GIST: Correlating genotype with clinical outcomes., Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Krens, L.; Baas, J.; Jong, F.A. de; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Pharmacokinetics (PK) of panitumumab in a single patient with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) and liver dysfunction, Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(4).
- Joensuu, H.; Casali, P.G.; Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Rutkowski, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Hohenberger, P.; Leahy, M.G.; Mehren, M. von; Badalamenti, G.; Blackstein, M.E.; Cesne, A. le; Schoffski, P.; Maki, R.G.; Xu, J.M.; Nishida, T.; Kappeler, C.; Kuss, I. & Demetri, G.D. (2013), Results from a phase III trial (GRID) evaluating regorafenib (REG) in metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) Subgroup analysis of outcomes based on pretreatment characteristics, Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.; Tije, A.J. ten; Erdkamp, F.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Safety and efficacy of the addition of simvastatin to cetuximab in KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer patients., Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Guchelaar, H.J.; Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.; Bos, M.M.E.M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Batman, E. & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Safety and efficacy of the addition of simvastatin to panitumumab in KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer patients., Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Boers-Doets, C.B.; Gelderblom, H.; Epstein, J.B.; Lacouture, M.E. & Kaptein, A.A. (2013), Simultaneous assessment of targeted anticancer therapy-associated mucocutaneous adverse events., Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Boers-Doets, C.B.; Raber-Durlacher, J.E.; Treister, N.S.; Epstein, J.B.; Arends, A.B.P.; Wiersma, D.R.; Lalla, R.V.; Logan, R.M.; Erp, N.P. van & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor-associated stomatitis, Future Oncology 9(12): 1883-1892.
- Heijden, L. van der; Gibbons, C.L.M.H.; Hassan, A.B.; Kroep, J.R.; Gelderblom, H.; Rijswijk, C.S.P. van; Nout, R.A.; Bradley, K.M.; Athanasou, N.A.; Dijkstra, P.D.S.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Sande, M.A.J. van de (2013), A multidisciplinary approach to giant cell tumors of tendon sheath and synoviumA critical appraisal of literature and treatment proposal, Journal of Surgical Oncology 107(4): 433-445.
- Oosterwijk, J.G. van; Anninga, J.K.; Gelderblom, H.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M. & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2013), Update on Targets and Novel Treatment Options for High-Grade Osteosarcoma and Chondrosarcoma, Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America 27(5): 1021-1048.
- Boers-Doets, C.B.; Gelderblom, H.; Lacouture, M.E.; Bredle, J.M.; Epstein, J.B.; Schrama, N.A.W.P.; Gall, H.; Ouwerkerk, J.; Brakenhoff, J.A.C.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Kaptein, A.A. (2013), Translation and linguistic validation of the FACT-EGFRI-18 quality of life instrument from English into Dutch, European Journal of Oncology Nursing 17(6): 802-807.
- Bauer, S.; Joensuu, H.; Casali, P.; Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Rutkowski, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Hohenberger, P.; Leahy, M.; Mehren, M. von; Badalamenti, G.; Blackstein, M.; Cesne, A. le; Schoffski, P.; Maki, R.G.; Xu, J.; Nishida, T.; Kappeler, C.; Kuss, I. & Demetri, G.D. (2013), Results from a phase III trial (GRID) evaluating regorafenib in metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST): Subgroup analysis of outcomes based on pretreatment characteristics, Onkologie 36: 180-181.
- Wissing, M.D.; Leeuwen, F.W.B. van; Pluijm, G. van der & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Radium-223 Chloride: Extending Life in Prostate Cancer Patients by Treating Bone Metastases, Clinical Cancer Research 19(21): 5822-5827.
- Reichardt, P.; Demetri, G.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Joensuu, H.; Maki, R.G.; Rutkowski, P.; Hohenberger, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Leahy, M.G.; Mehren, M. von; Schoffski, P.; Blackstein, M.E.; Cesne, A. le; Badalamenti, G.; Xu, J.; Nishida, T.; Kuss, I. & Casali, P.G. (2013), Mutational analysis of plasma DNA from patients (pts) in the phase III GRID study of regorafenib vs placebo in tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI)-refractory GIST: Correlating genotype with clinical outcomes, Onkologie 36: 179-180.
- Huis-Tanja, L. van; Kweekel, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Koopman, M.; Punt, K.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Straaten, T. van der (2013), Concordance of genotype for polymorphisms in DNA isolated from peripheral blood and colorectal cancer tumor samples, Pharmacogenomics 14(16): 2005-2012.
- Opdam, F.L.; Modak, A.S.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2013), Breath Tests to Phenotype Drug Disposition in Oncology, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 52(11): 919-926.
- Slingerland, M.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Rosing, H.; Scheulen, M.E.; Warmerdam, L.J.C. van; Beijnen, J.H. & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Bioequivalence of Liposome-Entrapped Paclitaxel Easy-To-Use (LEP-ETU) Formulation and Paclitaxel in Polyethoxylated Castor Oil: A Randomized, Two-Period Crossover Study in Patients With Advanced Cancer, Clinical Therapeutics 35(12): 1946-1954.
- Erp, N.P. van; Wit, D. de; Guchelaar, H.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Hessing, T.J. & Hartigh, J. den (2013), A validated assay for the simultaneous quantification of six tyrosine kinase inhibitors and two active metabolites in human serum using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography B 937: 33-43.
- Kieburtz, K.; Landwehrmeyer, G.B.; Cudkowicz, M.; Dorsey, E.R.; Feigin, A.; Hunt, V.; Kayson, E.; McDermott, M.; Noonberg, S.; Seitz, W.; Soliveri, P.; Walker, F.; Burgunder, J.M.; Romero, I.; Magara, A.; Stebler, Y.; Rickards, H.; Wright, J.; Souza, J. de; Barker, R.A.; Mason, S.; Pietro, A. di; Goodman, A.; O'Keeffe, D.; Langlois, M.; Ferland, G.; Verret, L.; Chouinard, S.; Paris, S.; LePage, C.; Nemeth, A.H.; Merritt, C.; Cox, C.; Astbury, T.; Murphy, S.; Ahmed, A.; St Marie, P.; Berila, R.A.; Kubu, C.; Segro, V.; Kumar, R.; Erickson, D.; Schneiders, J.; Frucht, S.; Wasserman, P.; Moskowitz, C.; Scott, B.; Perry-Trice, P.; Wyne, S.; Soliveri, P.; Parida, D.; Redaelli, V.; Soltan, W.; Robowski, P.; Nowak, M.; Schinwelski, M.; Dziadkiewicz, A.; Andrews, T.; Ruddy, D.; Dougherty, A.; Boelmans, K.; Schmalfeld, J.; Munchau, A.; Zittel, S.; Mallonee, W.; Suter, G.; Tan, J.; Seeberger, L.; Harris, J.; Champion, J.; Wojcieszek, J.; Belden, J.; Price, K.; Hughes-Gay, M.; Sprehn, G.; Squitieri, F.; Martino, T.; Gregorio, F. de; Nicola, A. de; Elifani, F.; Rosenblatt, A.; Yoritomo, N.; Margolis, R.; Nichols, P.; Palhagen, S.E.; Hoglund, A.V.; Paucar, M.; Reza-Soltani, T.W.; Beister, A.; Raab, T.; Kieni, J.; Schrenk, C.; Banaszkiewicz, K.; Misztela, J.; Wojcik, M.; Szczygiel, E.; Golosz, M.; Rudzinska, M.; Roos, R.A.C.; Bogaard, S.J.A. van den; Bos, R.; Booij, S.J.; Hyson, C.; Megens, J.; Makaji, E.; Jenkins, M.; Hersch, S.; Maya, S.; Dresser, C.; Rosas, D.; Blindauer, K.; Schindler, C.; Hung, S.; McNees, A.A.; Tabrizi, S.; Novak, M.; Say, M.; Patel, A.; Panegyres, P.; Lewis, N.; Jukich, S.; Faull, C.; Hjermind, L.E.; Jakobsen, O.; Vogel, A.; Nielsen, T.R.; Nielsen, J.E.; Kostyk, S.; Seward, A.; Agrawal, P.; Kraakevik, J.; Hogarth, P.; Wilson, A.; Lear, J.; Kraus, P.H.; Saft, C.; Steiner, T.; Hoffmann, R.; Stamm, C.; Schollhammer, J.; Uhl, I.; Kaminski, B.; O'Donovan, K.; Quarrell, O.; Nevitt, L.; Kipps, C.; Hare, A.; Gunner, K.; Hayward, E.; Nance, M.; Hamerlinck, J.; Wielinski, C.; Yastrubetskaya, O.; Chiu, E.; Chua, P.; Mannaa, B.; Tommaso, M. de; Serpino, C.; Cormio, C.; Sciruicchio, V.; Michele, G. de; Maio, L. di; Russo, C.V.; Sacca, F.; Salvatore, E.; Tucci, T.; Wolz, M.; Klingelhofer, L.; Wolz, A.; Schmidt, S.; Storch, A.; Spruth, E.; Thiel, S.; Neumann, B.; Gelderblom, H.; Priller, J.; Sass, C.; Probst, D.; Werner, C.; Leavitt, B.R.; Coleman, A.; Raymond, L.; Wheelock, V.; Tempkin, T.; Baynes, K.; Hermanowicz, N.; Niswonger, S.; Haske-Palomino, M.; Bordelon, Y.; Gratiano, A.; Johnson, A.; Corey-Bloom, J.; Goldstein, J.; Peavy, G.; Geschwind, M.; Gooblar, J.; Barton, C.; Fernandez, H.; Rodriguez, R.; Suelter, M.; Daniels, M.; Romrell, J.; Swartz, C.; Beglinger, L.; Epping, E.; Waterman, E.; Smith, M.M.; Dubinsky, R.; Dubinsky, H.; Gray, C.; Craufurd, D.; Howard, E.; Jones, M.; Murphy, H.; Anderson, K.; Nickerson, C.; Santo, J. de; Rigaud, T.; Zappala, N.; Robottom, B.; Singer, C.; Quesada, M.; Rodriguez-Spengler, K.; Cardenache, R.H.; Reilmann, R.; Bohlen, S.; Hoelzner, E.M.; Colcher, A.; Maccarone, H.; Altin, L.; Siderowf, A.; Greenamyre, T.J.; Lucarelli, N.; Ivanco, L.; Marshall, F.; Hickey, C.; Deuel, L.; Biglan, K.; Sussmuth, S.D.; Orth, M.; Trautmann, S.; Eschenbach, C.; Samii, A.; Macaraeg, A.; Zielonka, D.; Ciesielska, A.; Marcinkowski, J.T.; Sempolowicz, J.; Karaskiewicz, H.; Walker, F.; O'Neill, C.; Haq, I.; Witkowski, G.; Antczak, J.; Rola, R.; Richter, P.; Rakowicz, M.; Jachinska, K.; Criswell, S.; Deppen, P.; Wharton, K.; Mahant, N.; McCusker, E.; Griffith, J.; Loy, C.; Stewart, L.; Fisher, D.; Holt, D.; Orme, C.; Watts, A.; Weber, J.; White, K.; Hauser, R.A.; Albin, R.; Coffey, C.; Fischer, W.; Miyasaki, J. & HORIZON Investigators (2013), A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Latrepirdine in Patients With Mild to Moderate Huntington Disease, JAMA Neurology 70(1): 25-33.
- Dezentje, V.O.; Schalk, R.H.N. van; Vietter-Bogaartz, J.M.; Straaten, T. van der; Wessels, J.A.M.; Kranertharg, E.M.K.; Berns, E.M.J.J.; Seynaeve, C.; Putter, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Nortier, J.W.R.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2013), CYP2D6 genotype related to tamoxifen efficacy: An analysis with exclusion of potential fake CYP2D6 genotype assignment caused by loss of hetcrozygosity in tumor tissue, Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Demetri, G.D.; Jeffers, M.; Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Rutkowski, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Hohenberger, P.; Leahy, M.; Mehren, M. von; Joensuu, H.; Badalamenti, G.; Blackstein, M.; Cesne, A. le; Schoffski, P.; Maki, R.G.; Bauer, S.; Nguyen, B.B.; Xu, J.M.; Nishida, T.; Chung, J.; Lathia, C.D.; Kappeler, C.; Kuss, I.; Laurent, D. & Casali, P.G. (2013), Detection of oncogenic kinase mutations in circulating plasma DNA and correlation with clinical benefit in the phase III GRID study of regorafenib vs placebo in TKI-refractory metastatic GIST., Cancer Research 73(8).
- Opdam, F.; Dezentje, V.O.; Hartigh, J. den; Guchelaar, H.J.; Hessing, T.; Straaten, T. van der; Vree, R.; Batman, E.; Maartense, E.; Smorenburg, C.H.; Zeillemaker, A.; Brakenhoff, J.A.C.; , M. los; Kuijer, P.; Putter, H.; Dieudonne, A.S.; Maven, P.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Nortier, J.W.R. & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Effect of PK-guided tamoxifen dose escalation on endoxifen serum concentrations in CYP2D6 intermediate and poor metabolizers., Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Zeestraten, E.C.M.; Speetjens, F.M.; Welters, M.J.P.; Saadatmand, S.; Stynenbosch, L.F.M.; Jongen, R.; Kapiteijn, E.; Gelderblom, H.; Nijman, H.W.; Valentijn, A.R.P.M.; Oostendorp, J.; Fathers, L.M.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Burg, S.H. van der & Melief, C.J.M. (2013), Addition of interferon-alpha to the p53-SLP (R) vaccine results in increased production of interferon-gamma in vaccinated colorectal cancer patients: A phase I/II clinical trial.
- Houtsma, D.; Fontein, D.; Straaten, T. van der; Baak-Pablo, R.; Wessels, J.A.M.; Seynaeve, C.; Velde, C.J.H.V. de; Nortier, J.W.R.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2013), Genetic variation in CYP19A1 and occurrence of adverse events in exemestane treatment with early breast cancer patients in the Dutch TEAM trial., Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Gelderblom, H.; Perol, D.; Chevreau, C.; Tattersall, M.H.N.; Stacchiotti, S.; Casali, P.G.; Cropet, C.; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Cesne, A. le; Italiano, A.; Ferraresi, V.; Duffaud, F.; Penel, N.; Dileo, P.; Bertucci, F.; Hassan, A.B.; Kroep, J.R.; Denizot-Guillemaut, S. & Blay, J.Y. (2013), An open-label international multicentric phase II study of nilotinib in progressive pigmented villo-nodular synovitis (PVNS) not amenable to a conservative surgical treatment., Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Tielen, R.; Verhoef, C.; Coevorden, F. van; Gelderblom, H.; Sleijfer, S.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Bonenkamp, J.J.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der & Wilt, J.H.W. de (2013), Surgical treatment of locally advanced, non-metastatic, gastrointestinal stromal tumours after treatment with imatinib, EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 39(2): 150-155.
- Demetri, G.D.; Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Rutkowski, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Hohenberger, P.; Leahy, M.; Mehren, M. von; Joensuu, H.; Badalamenti, G.; Blackstein, M.; Cesne, A. le; Schoffski, P.; Maki, R.G.; Bauer, S.; Nguyen, B.B.; Xu, J.M.; Nishida, T.; Chung, J.; Kappeler, C.; Kuss, I.; Laurent, D.; Casali, P.G. & GRID Study Investigators (2013), Efficacy and safety of regorafenib for advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours after failure of imatinib and sunitinib (GRID): an international, multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial, Lancet 381(9863): 295-302.
- Opdam, F.L.; Dezentje, V.O.; Hartigh, J. den; Modak, A.S.; Vree, R.; Batman, E.; Smorenburg, C.H.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2013), The use of the C-13-dextromethorphan breath test for phenotyping CYP2D6 in breast cancer patients using tamoxifen: association with CYP2D6 genotype and serum endoxifen levels, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 71(3): 593-601.
- Wissing, M.D.; Carducci, M.A.; Gelderblom, H. & Diest, P.J. van (2013), Tales of How Great Drugs Were Brought Down by a Flawed Rationale-Letter, Clinical Cancer Research 19(5): 1303-1303.
- Montemurro, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Bitz, U.; Schutte, J.; Blay, J.Y.; Joensuu, H.; Trent, J.; Bauer, S.; Rutkowski, P.; Duffaud, F. & Pink, D. (2013), Sorafenib as third- or fourth-line treatment of advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumour and pretreatment including both imatinib and sunitinib, and nilotinib: A retrospective analysis, European Journal of Cancer 49(5): 1027-1031.
- Huis-Tanja, L.H. van; Gelderblom, H.; Punt, C.J.A. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2013), MTHFR polymorphisms and capecitabine-induced toxicity in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 23(4): 208-218.
- Boers-Doets, C.B.; Gelderblom, H.; Lacouture, M.E.; Epstein, J.B.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Kaptein, A.A. (2013), Experiences with the FACT-EGFRI-18 instrument in EGFRI-associated mucocutaneous adverse events, Supportive Care in Cancer 21(7): 1919-1926.
- Dezentje, V.O.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Vletter-Bogaartz, J.M.; Straaten, T. van der; Wessels, J.A.M.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Berns, E.M.; Seynaeve, C.; Putter, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Nortier, J.W.R.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2013), CYP2D6 genotype in relation to tamoxifen efficacy in a Dutch cohort of the tamoxifen exemestane adjuvant multinational (TEAM) trial, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 140(2): 363-373.
- Collins, M.; Wilhelm, M.; Conyers, R.; Herschtal, A.; Whelan, J.; Bielack, S.; Kager, L.; Kuhne, T.; Sydes, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Ferrari, S.; Picci, P.; Smeland, S.; Eriksson, M.; Petrilli, A.S.; Bleyer, A. & Thomas, D.M. (2013), Benefits and Adverse Events in Younger Versus Older Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Osteosarcoma: Findings From a Meta-Analysis, Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(18): 2303-U130.
- Wissing, M.D.; Diest, P.J. van; Wall, E. van der & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Antimitotic agents for the treatment of patients with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer, Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 22(5): 635-661.
- Driessen, C.; Boer, J.P. de; Gelderblom, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Jong, M. de; Verbist, B.M.; Tesselaar, M.E.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Kaanders, J.H. & Herpen, C.M.L. van (2013), Induction chemotherapy (IC) with docetaxel/cisplatin/5-fluorouracil (TPF) followed by cisplatin-containing concomitant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in fit patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer (LAHNC): The CONDOR study-A study of the Dutch Head and Neck Society, Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Bauer, S.; Blay, J.Y.; Casali, P.G.; Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.K.; Rutkowski, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Hohenberger, P.; Kappeler, C.; Kuss, I. & Demetri, G.D. (2013), Time course of adverse events in the phase III GRID study of regorafenib in patients with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), European Journal of Cancer 49: S884-S885.
- Oosterwijk, J.G. van; Ruler, M.A.J.H. van; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Herpers, B.; Gelderblom, H.; Water, B. van de & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2013), Src kinases in chondrosarcoma chemoresistance and migration: dasatinib sensitises to doxorubicin in TP53 mutant cells, British Journal of Cancer 109(5): 1214-1222.
- Hermsen, I.G.C.; Haak, H.R.; Krijger, R.R. de; Kerkhofs, T.M.A.; Feelders, R.A.; Herder, W.W. de; Wilmink, H.; Smit, J.W.A.; Gelderblom, H.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Eijk, R. van; Wezel, T. van & Morreau, H. (2013), Mutational analyses of epidermal growth factor receptor and downstream pathways in adrenocortical carcinoma, European Journal of Endocrinology 169(1): 51-58.
- Dijk, T.H. van; Tamas, K.; Beukema, J.C.; Beets, G.L.; Gelderblom, A.J.; Jong, K.P. de; Nagtegaal, I.D.; Rutten, H.J.; Velde, C.J.V. de; Wiggers, T.; Hospers, G.A. & Havenga, K. (2013), Evaluation of short-course radiotherapy followed by neoadjuvant bevacizumab, capecitabine, and oxaliplatin and subsequent radical surgical treatment in primary stage IV rectal cancer, Annals of Oncology 24(7): 1762-1769.
- Staveren, M.C. van; Guchelaar, H.J.; Kuilenburg, A.B.P. van; Gelderblom, H. & Maring, J.G. (2013), Evaluation of predictive tests for screening for dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency, Pharmacogenomics Journal 13(5): 389-395.
- Driessen, C.M.L.; Boer, J.P. de; Gelderblom, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Jong, M.A. de; Verbist, B.M.; Tesselaar, M.E.T.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Kaanders, J.H.A.M. & Herpen, C.M.L. van (2013), Efficacy and toxicity of docetaxel/cisplatin/5-fluorouracil (TPF) induction chemotherapy followed by two schedules cisplatin-containing concomitant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer (LAHNC): The CONDOR study, European Journal of Cancer 49: S749-S749.
- Slingerland, M.; Cerella, C.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Diederich, M. & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Cardiac glycosides in cancer therapy: from preclinical investigations towards clinical trials.
- Wissing, M.D.; Oort, I.M. van; Gerritsen, W.R.; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Coenen, J.L.L.M.; Bergman, A.M. & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Cabazitaxel in Patients With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: Results of a Compassionate Use Program in The Netherlands, Clinical Genitourinary Cancer 11(3): 238-+.
- Wissing, M.D.; Coenen, J.L.L.M.; Berg, P. van den; Oort, I.M. van; Wit, R. de; Bergman, A.M.; Westgeest, H.M.; Hamberg, P.; , M. los & Gelderblom, H. (2013), A retrospective study on cabazitaxel and abiraterone acetate sequential treatment (CAST) in docetaxel treated metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer patients, European Journal of Cancer 49: S698-S698.
- Schoffski, P.; Adkins, D.; Blay, J.Y.; Gil, T.; Elias, A.D.; Rutkowski, P.; Pennock, G.K.; Youssoufian, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Willey, R. & Grebennik, D.O. (2013), An open-label, phase 2 study evaluating the efficacy and safety of the anti-IGF-1R antibody cixutumumab in patients with previously treated advanced or metastatic soft-tissue sarcoma or Ewing family of tumours, European Journal of Cancer 49(15): 3219-3228.
- Hagleitner, M.M.; Coenen, M.J.H.; Bont, E.S.J.M. de; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Schreuder, B.H.W.; Gelderblom, H.A.J.; Hoogerbrugge, P.M.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Loo, M.D.M.W. te (2012), PREDICTING DISEASE FREE SURVIVAL USING PHARMACOGENETICS IN PATIENTS WITH OSTEOSARCOMA, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 59(6): 976-976.
- Kapiteijn, E.; Schneider, T.C.; Morreau, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Smit, J.W.A. (2012), New treatment modalities in advanced thyroid cancer, Annals of Oncology 23(1): 10-18.
- Heusinkveld, M.; Goedemans, R.; Briet, R.J.P.; Gelderblom, H.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Gorter, A.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Langeveld, A.P.M.; Jansen, J.C. & Burg, S.H. van der (2012), Systemic and local human papillomavirus 16-specific T-cell immunity in patients with head and neck cancer., International Journal of Cancer.
- McTiernan, A.; Jinks, R.C.; Sydes, M.R.; Uscinska, B.; Hook, J.M.; Glabbeke, M. van; Bramwell, V.; Lewis, I.J.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Nooij, M.A.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Gelderblom, H. & Whelan, J.S. (2012), Presence of chemotherapy-induced toxicity predicts improved survival in patients with localised extremity osteosarcoma treated with doxorubicin and cisplatin: A report from the European Osteosarcoma Intergroup, European Journal of Cancer 48(5): 703-712.
- Whelan, J.S.; Jinks, R.C.; McTiernan, A.; Sydes, M.R.; Hook, J.M.; Trani, L.; Uscinska, B.; Bramwell, V.; Lewis, I.J.; Nooij, M.A.; Glabbeke, M. van; Grimer, R.J.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Taminiau, A.H.M. & Gelderblom, H. (2012), Survival from high-grade localised extremity osteosarcoma: combined results and prognostic factors from three European Osteosarcoma Intergroup randomised controlled trials, Annals of Oncology 23(6): 1607-1616.
- (2012), Quality of Life and Utility in Patients with Metastatic Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma: The Sarcoma Treatment and Burden of Illness in North America and Europe (SABINE) Study, Sarcoma.
- Gelderblom, A.J. (2012), Comprehensive analysis of published phase I/II clinical trials between 1990-2010 in osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma confirms limited outcomes and need for translational investment, Clinical Sarcoma Research.
- Pahl, J.H.W.; Ruslan, S.E.N.; Buddingh, E.P.; Santos, S.J.; Szuhai, K.; Serra, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Egeler, R.M.; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2012), Anti-EGFR Antibody Cetuximab Enhances the Cytolytic Activity of Natural Killer Cells toward Osteosarcoma, Clinical Cancer Research 18(2): 432-441.
- Blay, J.Y.; Blomqvist, C.; Bonvalot, S.; Boukovinas, I.; Casali, P.G.; Alava, E. de; Tos, A.P. dei; Dirksen, U.; Duffaud, F.; Eriksson, M.; Fedenko, A.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, S.; Garcia del Muro, X.; Gelderblom, H.; Grimer, R.; Gronchi, A.; Hall, K.S.; Hassan, B.; Hogendoorn, P.; Hohenberger, P.; Issels, R.; Joensuu, H.; Jost, L.; Jurgens, H.; Kager, L.; Cesne, A. le; Leyvraz, S.; Martin, J.; Merimsky, O.; Nishida, O.; Picci, P.; Reichardt, P.; Rutkowski, P.; Schlemmer, M.; Sleijfer, S.; Stacchiotti, S.; Taminiau, A.; Wardelmann, E. & ESMO European Sarcoma Network Work (2012), Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology 23: 49-55.
- Reichardt, P.; Demetri, G.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Joensuu, H.; Maki, R.; Rutkowski, P.; Hohenberger, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Leahy, M.; Mehren, M. von; Schoffski, P.; Blackstein, M.; Cesne, A. le; Badalamenti, G.; Xu, J.; Nishida, T.; Laurent, D.; Kuss, I. & Casali, P. (2012), Randomized phase 3 trial of regorafenib in patients (pts) with metastatic and/or unresectable gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) progressing despite prior treatment with at least imatinib (IM) and sunitinib (SU) - GRID trial, Onkologie 35: 168-168.
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.L.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Ouwerkerk, J.; Jong, F.A. de; Lavrijsen, A.P.M. & Gelderblom, H. (2012), Recommendations on management of EGFR inhibitor-induced skin toxicity: A systematic review, Cancer Treatment Reviews 38(5): 505-514.
- Blay, J.Y.; Blomqvist, C.; Bonvalot, S.; Boukovinas, I.; Casali, P.G.; Alava, E. de; Tos, A.P. dei; Dirksen, U.; Duffaud, F.; Eriksson, M.; Fedenko, A.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, S.; Garcia del Muro, X.; Gelderblom, H.; Grimer, R.; Gronchi, A.; Hall, K.S.; Hassan, B.; Hogendoorn, P.; Hohenberger, P.; Issels, R.; Joensuu, H.; Jost, L.; Jurgens, H.; Kager, L.; Cesne, A. le; Leyvraz, S.; Martin, J.; Merimsky, O.; Nishida, T.; Picci, P.; Reichardt, P.; Rutkowski, P.; Schlemmer, M.; Sleijfer, S.; Stacchiotti, S.; Taminiau, A.; Wardelmann, E. & ESMO European Sarcoma Network Working Grp (2012), Soft tissue and visceral sarcomas: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology 23: 92-99.
- ESMO European Sarcoma Network Work (2012), Bone sarcomas: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology 23: 100-109.
- Perwitasari, D.A.; Straaten, R.J.H.M. van der; Mustofa, M.; Wessels, J.A.M.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2012), Differences in 5-hydroxytryptamine-3B haplotype frequencies between Asians and Caucasians, International Journal of Biological Markers.
- Oosterwijk, J.G. van; Herpers, B.; Meijer, D.; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Water, B. van de & Bovee, J.V.M.G. (2012), Restoration of chemosensitivity for doxorubicin and cisplatin in chondrosarcoma in vitro: BCL-2 family members cause chemoresistance, Annals of Oncology 23(6): 1617-+.
- Perwitasari, D.A.; Atthobari, J.; Mustofa, M.; Dwiprahasto, I.; Hakimi, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Putter, H.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Kaptein, A.A. (2012), Impact of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting on Quality of Life in Indonesian Patients With Gynecologic Cancer.
- Tielen, R.; Verhoef, C.; Coevorden, F. van; Gelderblom, H.; Sleijfer, S.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Bonenkamp, J.J.; Graaf, W.T. van der & Wilt, J.H.W. de (2012), Surgery after treatment with imatinib and/or sunitinib in patients with metastasized gastrointestinal stromal tumors: is it worthwhile?, World Journal of Surgical Oncology 10: -.
- Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Blay, J.Y.; Chawla, S.P.; Kim, D.W.; Binh, B.N.; Casali, P.G.; Schoffski, P.; Aglietta, M.; Staddon, A.P.; Beppu, Y.; Cesne, A. le; Gelderblom, H.; Judson, I.R.; Araki, N.; Ouali, M.; Marreaud, S.; Hodge, R.; Dewji, M.R.; Coens, C.; Demetri, G.D.; Fletcher, C.D.; Tos, A.P.D.; Hohenberger, P. & EORTC Soft Tissue & Bone Sarcoma G (2012), Pazopanib for metastatic soft-tissue sarcoma (PALETTE): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial, Lancet 379(9829): 1879-1886.
- Boers-Doets, C.B.; Epstein, J.B.; Raber-Durlacher, J.E.; Ouwerkerk, J.; Logan, R.M.; Brakenhoff, J.A.; Lacouture, M.E. & Gelderblom, H. (2012), Oral Adverse Events Associated with Tyrosine Kinase and Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitors in Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Structured Literature Review.
- Graaf, W.T.A. van der & Gelderblom, H. (2012), New Systemic Therapy Options for Advanced Sarcomas, Current Treatment Options in Oncology 13(3): 306-317.
- Cliteur, V.P.; Szuhai, K.; Baelde, H.J.; Dam, J. van; Gelderblom, H. & Hogendoorn, P.C. (2012), Paratesticular desmoplastic small round cell tumour: an unusual tumour with an unusual fusion; cytogenetic and molecular genetic analysis combining RT-PCR and COBRA-FISH., Clinical Sarcoma Research 2(1): 3.
- Slingerland, M.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2012), Liposomal drug formulations in cancer therapy: 15 years along the road, Drug Discovery Today 17(3-4): 160-166.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Ruslan, S.E.N.; Berghuis, D.; Gelderblom, H.; Anninga, J.K.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Egeler, R.M.; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2012), Intact interferon signaling in peripheral blood leukocytes of high-grade osteosarcoma patients, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 61(6): 941-947.
- Mesker, W.; Pelt, G. van; Huijbers, A.; Smit; Gelderblom; Johnstone; Krieken van; Kerr & Tollenaar (2012), The intra-tumor stroma microenvironment as a strong prognosticator for colon cancer, European Journal of Cancer 48: S15-S15.
- Cutsem, E. van; Tejpar, S.; Vanbeckevoort, D.; Peeters, M.; Humblet, Y.; Gelderblom, H.; Vermorken, J.B.; Viret, F.; Glimelius, B.; Gallerani, E.; Hendlisz, A.; Cats, A.; Moehler, M.; Sagaert, X.; Vlassak, S.; Schlichting, M. & Ciardiello, F. (2012), Intrapatient Cetuximab Dose Escalation in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer According to the Grade of Early Skin Reactions: The Randomized EVEREST Study.
- Eechoute, K.; Veldt, A.A.M. van der; Oosting, S.; Kappers, M.H.W.; Wessels, J.A.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Herpen, C.M.L. van; Haanen, J.B.; Mathijssen, R.H.J. & , E. boven (2012), Polymorphisms in Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Predict Sunitinib-Induced Hypertension.
- Opdam, F.L.; Dezentje, V.O.; Hartigh, J. den; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2012), Emphasizing the Value of Phenotyping in Patients Receiving Tamoxifen.
- Opdam, F.L.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2012), Phenotyping drug disposition in oncology, Cancer Treatment Reviews 38(6): 715-725.
- Fassnacht, M.; Terzolo, M.; Allolio, B.; Baudin, E.; Haak, H.; Berruti, A.; Welin, S.; Schade-Brittinger, C.; Lacroix, A.; Jarzab, B.; Sorbye, H.; Torpy, D.J.; Stepan, V.; Schteingart, D.E.; Arlt, W.; Kroiss, M.; Leboulleux, S.; Sperone, P.; Sundin, A.; Hermsen, I.; Hahner, S.; Willenberg, H.S.; Tabarin, A.; Quinkler, M.; Fouchardiere, C. de la; Schlumberger, M.; Mantero, F.; Weismann, D.; Beuschlein, F.; Gelderblom, H.; Wilmink, H.; Sender, M.; Edgerly, M.; Kenn, W.; Fojo, T.; Muller, H.H.; Skogseid, B. & FIRM-ACT Study Grp (2012), Combination Chemotherapy in Advanced Adrenocortical Carcinoma.
- Nishida, T.; Casali, P.G.; Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Joensuu, H.; Maki, R.G.; Rutkowski, P.; Hohenberger, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Leahy, M.G.; Mehren, M. von; Schoffski, P.; Blackstein, M.E.; Cesne, A.L.; Badalamenti, G.; Xu, J.M.; Laurent, D.; Kuss, I.; Demetri, G.D. & GRID Investigators (2012), RANDOMIZED PHASE 3 TRIAL OF REGORAFENIB IN PATIENTS (PATIENTS) WITH METASTATIC AND/OR UNRESECTABLE GASTROINTESTINAL STROMAL TUMOR (GIST) PROGRESSING DESPITE PRIOR TREATMENT WITH AT LEAST IMATINIB (IM) AND SUNITINIB (SU) : GRID TRIAL., Annals of Oncology 23: 20-20.
- Reichardt, P.; Blay, J.Y.; Gelderblom, H.; Schlemmer, M.; Demetri, G.D.; Bui-Nguyen, B.; McArthur, G.A.; Yazji, S.; Hsu, Y.; Galetic, I. & Rutkowski, P. (2012), Phase III study of nilotinib versus best supportive care with or without a TKI in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors resistant to or intolerant of imatinib and sunitinib, Annals of Oncology 23(7): 1680-1687.
- Casali, P.G.; Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.; Blay, J.; Rutkowski, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Hohenberger, P.; Leahy, M.; Mehren, M. von; Joensuu, H.; Badalamenti, G.; Blackstein, M.; Cesne, A. le; Schoffski, P.; Maki, R.; Xu, J.; Nishida, T.; Kuss, I.; Laurent, D. & Demetri, G.D. (2012), CLINICAL BENEFIT WITH REGORAFENIB ACROSS SUBGROUPS AND POST-PROGRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH ADVANCED GASTROINTESTINAL STROMAL TUMOR (GIST) AFTER PROGRESSION ON IMATINIB (IM) AND SUNITINIB (SU): PHASE 3 GRID TRIAL UPDATE, Annals of Oncology 23: 478-479.
- Berruti, A.; Baudin, E.; Gelderblom, H.; Haak, H.R.; Porpiglia, F.; Fassnacht, M.; Pentheroudakis, G. & ESMO Guidelines Working Grp (2012), Adrenal cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology 23: 131-138.
- Slingerland, M. & Gelderblom, H. (2012), The fate of camptothecin glycoconjugate: report of a clinical hold during a phase II study of BAY 56-3722 (formerly BAY 38-3441), in patients with recurrent or metastatic colorectal cancer resistant/refractory to irinotecan, Investigational New Drugs 30(3): 1208-1210.
- Cassier, P.A.; Gelderblom, H.; Stacchiotti, S.; Thomas, D.; Maki, R.G.; Kroep, J.R.; Graaf, W.T. van der; Italiano, A.; Seddon, B.; Domont, J.; Bompas, E.; Wagner, A.J. & Blay, J.Y. (2012), Efficacy of imatinib mesylate for the treatment of locally advanced and/or metastatic tenosynovial giant cell tumor/pigmented villonodular synovitis, Cancer 118(6): 1649-1655.
- Kapiteijn, E.; Schneider, T.C.; Morreau, H.; Gelderblom, H.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Smit, J.W.A. (2012), New treatment modalities in advanced thyroid cancer.
- Opdam, F.L.; Dezentje, V.O.; Hartigh, J. den; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2012), Emphasizing the value of phenotyping in patients receiving tamoxifen., Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(4): 464.
- Pahl, J.H.W.; Ruslan, S.E.N.; Buddingh, E.P.; Santos, S.J.; Szuhai, K.; Serra, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Egeler, R.M.; Schilham, M.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2012), Anti-EGFR antibody cetuximab enhances the cytolytic activity of natural killer cells toward osteosarcoma., Clinical Cancer Research 18(2): 432-41.
- Gelderblom, H.; Lugtenburg, P.J.; Nortier, H.W.R.; Herk-Sukel, M.P. van; Issa, D.E.; Jager, A.; Orden, M. de la; Werf-Langenberg, M.E. van der; Houweling, L.M.A. & Jong, F.A. de (2012), Health Care Utilization (HCU) by Breast Cancer (BC) and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) Patients (pts) with Chemotherapy (CT) Induced Febrile Neutropenia (FN) in the Netherlands, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 21: 465-466.
- Slingerland, M.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2012), Liposomal drug formulations in cancer therapy: 15 years along the road., Drug Discovery Today 17(3-4): 160-6.
- Reichardt, P.; Blay, J.Y.; Boukovinas, I.; Brodowicz, T.; Broto, J.M.; Casali, P.G.; Decatris, M.; Eriksson, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Kosmidis, P.; Cesne, A. le; Pousa, A.L.; Schlemmer, M.; Verweij, J. & Joensuu, H. (2012), Adjuvant therapy in primary GIST: state-of-the-art, Annals of Oncology 23(11): 2776-2781.
- Maldegem, A.M. van; Bhosale, A.; Gelderblom, H.J.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Hassan, A.B. (2012), Comprehensive analysis of published phase I/II clinical trials between 1990-2010 in osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma confirms limited outcomes and need for translational investment., Clinical Sarcoma Research.
- Ray-Coquard, I.; Gelderblom, H.; Chevreau, C.; Kroep, J.R.; Italiano, A.; Stacchiotti, S.; Cesne, A. le; Piperno-Neumann, S.; Ferraresi, V.; Duffaud, F.; Penel, N.; Cassier, P.A.; Tatersall, M.; Hassan, A.B.; Nguyen, B.B.; Branchu, V.B.; Guillemaut, S.; Cropet, C.; Perol, D. & Blay, J.Y. (2012), An open-label international multicentric phase II study of nilotinib in progressive pigmented villo-nodular synovitis (PVNS) not amenable to a conservative surgical treatment, Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(15).
- Fontein, D.B.Y.; Houtsma, D.; Hille, E.T.M.; Seynaeve, C.; Putter, H.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Dirix, L.Y.; Paridaens, R.; Bartlett, J.M.S.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Dutch TEAM Steering Comm (2012), Relationship between specific adverse events and efficacy of exemestane therapy in early postmenopausal breast cancer patients, Annals of Oncology 23(12): 3091-3097.
- Gelderblom, H.; Lugtenburg, P.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Herk-Sukel, M. van; Issa, D.; Jager, A.; Orden, M. de la; Werf-Langenberg, M. van der; Houweling, L. & Jong, F.A. de (2012), Health care utilization (HCU) by breast cancer (BC) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) patients (pts) with chemotherapy (CT) induced febrile neutropenia (FN) in the Netherlands, Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(15).
- Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Blay, J.Y.; Chawla, S.P.; Kim, D.W.; Nguyen, B.B.; Casali, P.G.; Schoffski, P.; Aglietta, M.; Staddon, A.P.; Beppu, Y.; Cesne, A. le; Gelderblom, H.; Judson, I.R.; Araki, N.; Ouali, M.; Marreaud, S.; Hodge, R.; Dewji, M.; Tos, A.P. dei & Hohenberger, P. (2012), PALETTE: Final overall survival (OS) data and predictive factors for OS of EORTC 62072/GSK VEG110727, a randomized double-blind phase III trial of pazopanib versus placebo in advanced soft tissue sarcoma (STS) patients, Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(15).
- Marreaud, S.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Blay, J.Y.; Chawla, S.P.; Lee, J.; Nguyen, B.B.; Casali, P.G.; Aglietta, M.; Staddon, A.P.; Beppu, Y.; Cesne, A. le; Gelderblom, H.; Judson, I.R.; Araki, N.; Ouali, M.; Dewji, M.; Powell, A.; Demetri, G.D. & Hohenberger, P. (2012), Global differences in chemotherapeutic regimens of soft tissue sarcoma (STS): Results of PALETTE, an EORTC 62072/GSK VEG110727 global network phase III trial of pazopanib versus placebo, Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(15).
- Whelan, J.; Hook, J.; Bielack, S.S.; Marina, N.; Smeland, S.; Jovic, G.; Krailo, M.D.; Kuhne, T.; Eriksson, M.; Butterfass-Bahloul, T.; Teot, L.A.; Kager, L.; Gelderblom, H.; Hall, K.S.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Sydes, M.R.; Bernstein, M.L. & EURAMOS (2012), EURAMOS-1 study: Recruitment, characteristics, and initial treatment of more than 2,000 patients (pts) with high-grade osteosarcoma, Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(15).
- Hagleitner, M.M.; Coenen, M.J.H.; Gelderblom, H.; Hoogerbrugge, P.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Loo, D.M.W.M. te (2012), Association of the genetic variants in the nucleotide excision repair genes XPA and XPC with cisplatin-induced hearing loss in patients with osteosarcoma, Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(15).
- Perwitasari, D.A.; Straaten, R.J.H.M. van der; Mustofa, M.; Wessels, J.A.M.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2012), Differences in 5-hydroxytryptamine-3B haplotype frequencies between Asians and Caucasians, International Journal of Biological Markers 27(1): 34-38.
- Dezentje, V.O.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Vletter-Bogaartz, J.M.; Straaten, T. van der; Wessels, J.A.M.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Hille, E.T.M.; Berns, E.M.; Seynaeve, C.M.; Putter, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Nortier, J.W.R. & Gelderblom, H. (2012), Common polymorphisms in the estrogen receptor-1 may determine risk of hot flashes in early breast cancer patients using tamoxifen, Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(15).
- Houtsma, D.; Fontein, D.; Wessels, J.A.M.; Seynaeve, C.M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Nortier, J.W.R.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2012), Genetic variation in CYP19A1 and response to exemestane: Survival in early breast cancer in the Dutch TEAM trial, Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(15).
- Issa, D.E.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Gelderblom, H.; Houweling, L.M.A.; Jager, A.; Orden, M. de la; Lugtenburg, P.J.; Werf-Langenberg, M.E. van der; Nortier, J.W.R. & Jong, F.A. de (2012), HEALTH CARE UTILIZATION (HCU) BY BREAST CANCER (BC) AND NON-HODGKIN LYMPHOMA (NHL) PATIENTS WITH CHEMOTHERAPY INDUCED FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA (FN) IN THE NETHERLANDS, Value in Health 15(7): A435-A435.
- Demetri, G.D.; Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Joensuu, H.; Maki, R.G.; Rutkowski, P.; Hohenberger, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Leahy, M.G.; Mehren, M. von; Schoffski, P.; Blackstein, M.E.; Cesne, A. le; Badalamenti, G.; Xu, J.M.; Nishida, T.; Laurent, D.; Kuss, I.; Casali, P.G. & GRID Invest (2012), Randomized phase III trial of regorafenib in patients (pts) with metastatic and/or unresectable gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) progressing despite prior treatment with at least imatinib (IM) and sunitinib (SU): GRID trial., Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(15).
- Demetri, G.D.; Reichardt, P.; Kang, Y.K.; Blay, J.Y.; Joensuu, H.; Maki, R.G.; Rutkowski, P.; Hohenberger, P.; Gelderblom, H.; Leahy, M.G.; Mehren, M. von; Schoffski, P.; Blackstein, M.E.; Cesne, A. le; Badalamenti, G.; Xu, J.M.; Nishida, T.; Laurent, D.; Kuss, I.; Casali, P.G. & GRID Invest (2012), Randomized phase III trial of regorafenib in patients (pts) with metastatic and/or unresectable gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) progressing despite prior treatment with at least imatinib (IM) and sunitinib (SU): GRID trial., Journal of Clinical Oncology 30(18).
- Mesker, W.; Pelt, V.G.; Gelderblom, H.; Krieken, V.H.; Kerr, D.J. & Tollenaar, R. (2012), THE INTRA-TUMOR STROMA MICROENVIRONMENT IN THERAPY MANAGEMENT FOR COLON CANCER PATIENTS, Annals of Oncology 23: 184-184.
- Perwitasari, D.A.; Gelderblom, H.; Atthobari, J.; Mustofa, M.; Dwiprahasto, I.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2011), Anti-emetic drugs in oncology: pharmacology and individualization by pharmacogenetics, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 33(1): 33-43.
- Perwitasari, D.A.; Wessels, J.A.M.; Straaten, R.J.H.M. van der; Baak-Pablo, R.F.; Mustofa, M.; Hakimi, M.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2011), Association of ABCB1, 5-HT3B Receptor and CYP2D6 Genetic Polymorphisms with Ondansetron and Metoclopramide Antiemetic Response in Indonesian Cancer Patients Treated with Highly Emetogenic Chemotherapy, Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 41(10): 1168-1176.
- Steeghs, N.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Wessels, J.A.M.; Graan, A.J. de; Straaten, T. van der; Mariani, M.; Laffranchi, B.; Comis, S.; Jonge, M.J.A. de; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2011), Influence of pharmacogenetic variability on the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of the aurora kinase inhibitor danusertib, Investigational New Drugs 29(5): 953-962.
- Erp, N.P. van; Baker, S.D.; Zandvliet, A.S.; Ploeger, B.A.; Hollander, M. den; Chen, Z.Y.; Hartigh, J. den; Konig-Quartel, J.M.C.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2011), Marginal increase of sunitinib exposure by grapefruit juice, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 67(3): 695-703.
- Taminiau AHM, Bovee JVMG, van Rijswijk CSP, Gelderblom HAJ & van de Sande MAJ (2011), Cartilage - Forming Bone Tumours, EUROPEAN INSTRUCTIONAL LECTURES, VOL 11 11: 23-44.
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.L.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Morreau, H. & Gelderblom, H. (2011), Concordance of Predictive Markers for EGFR Inhibitors in Primary Tumors and Metastases in Colorectal Cancer: A Review.
- Opdam, F.L.; Swen, J.J.; Wessels, J.A.M. & Gelderblom, H. (2011), SNPs and Haplotypes in DPYD and Outcome of Capecitabine-Letter, Clinical Cancer Research 17(17): 5833-5834.
- Gelderblom AJ, van der Rhee JI & Ouwerkerk J (2011), [A man with blisters on hand and feet].
- Gelderblom, H.; Jinks, R.C.; Sydes, M.; Bramwell, V.H.C.; Glabbeke, M. van; Grimer, R.J.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; McTiernan, A.; Lewis, I.J.; Nooij, M.A.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Whelan, J. & European Osteosarcoma Intergrp (2011), Survival after recurrent osteosarcoma: Data from 3 European Osteosarcoma Intergroup (EOI) randomized controlled trials, European Journal of Cancer 47(6): 895-902.
- Anninga, J.K.; Gelderblom, H.; Fiocco, M.; Kroep, J.R.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Egeler, R.M. (2011), Chemotherapeutic adjuvant treatment for osteosarcoma: Where do we stand?, European Journal of Cancer 47(16): 2431-2445.
- Nieuwenhuis, M.H.; Mathus-Vliegen, E.M.; Baeten, C.G.; Nagengast, F.M.; Bijl, J. van der; Dalsen, A.D. van; Kleibeuker, J.H.; Dekker, E.; Langers, A.M.; Vecht, J.; Peters, F.T.; Dam, R. van; Gemert, W.G. van; Stuifbergen, W.N.; Schouten, W.R.; Gelderblom, H. & Vasen, H.F.A. (2011), Evaluation of management of desmoid tumours associated with familial adenomatous polyposis in Dutch patients, British Journal of Cancer 104(1): 37-42.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Schilham, M.W.; Eriaty, S.; Ruslan, N.; Berghuis, D.; Szuhai, K.; Suurmond, J.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Egeler, R.M.; Serra, M.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2011), Chemotherapy-resistant osteosarcoma is highly susceptible to IL-15-activated allogeneic and autologous NK cells, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 60(4): 575-586.
- Pander, J.; Heusinkveld, M.; Straaten, T. van der; Jordanova, E.S.; Baak-Pablo, R.; Gelderblom, H.; Morreau, H.; Burg, S.H. van der; Guchelaar, H.J. & Hall, T. van (2011), Activation of Tumor-Promoting Type 2 Macrophages by EGFR-Targeting Antibody Cetuximab, Clinical Cancer Research 17(17): 5668-5673.
- Erp, N.P. van; Guchelaar, H.J.; Ploeger, B.A.; Romijn, J.A.; Hartigh, J. den & Gelderblom, H. (2011), Mitotane has a strong and a durable inducing effect on CYP3A4 activity, European Journal of Endocrinology 164(4): 621-626.
- Steeghs, N.; Gelderblom, H.; Wessels, J.; Eskens, F.A.L.M.; Bont, N. de; Nortier, J.W.R. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2011), Pharmacogenetics of telatinib, a VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 tyrosine kinase inhibitor, used in patients with solid tumors., Investigational New Drugs.
- Kroep, J.R.; Ouali, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Cesne, A. le; Dekker, T.J.A.; Glabbeke, M. van; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Hohenberger, P. (2011), First-line chemotherapy for malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) versus other histological soft tissue sarcoma subtypes and as a prognostic factor for MPNST: an EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group study, Annals of Oncology 22(1): 207-214.
- Erp, N.P. van; Guchelaar, H.J.; Ploeger, B.A.; Romijn, J.A.; Hartigh, J. den & Gelderblom, H. (2011), Mitotane has a strong and a durable inducing effect on CYP3A4 activity.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Schilham, M.W.; Eriaty, S.; Ruslan, N.; Berghuis, D.; Szuhai, K.; Suurmond, J.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Egeler, R.M.; Serra, M.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Lankester, A.C. (2011), Chemotherapy-resistant osteosarcoma is highly susceptible to IL-15-activated allogeneic and autologous NK cells., Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 60(4): 575-86.
- Anninga, J.K.; Gelderblom, H.; Fiocco, M.; Kroep, J.R.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Egeler, R.M. (2011), Chemotherapeutic adjuvant treatment for osteosarcoma: where do we stand?
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.L.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Ouwerkerk, J.; Jong, F.A. de; Lavrijsen, A.P.M. & Gelderblom, H. (2011), Recommendations on management of EGFR inhibitor-induced skin toxicity: A systematic review., Cancer Treatment Reviews.
- Veldt, A.A.M. van der; Eechoute, K.; Gelderblom, H.; Gietema, J.; Guchelaar, H.J.; Erp, N.P. van; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Haanen, J.B.; Mathijssen, R.H.J. & Wessels, J.A.M. (2011), Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with a Prolonged Progression-Free Survival in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer Treated with Sunitinib., Clinical Cancer Research 17(3): 620-629.
- Perwitasari, D.A.; Straaten, R.J.H.M. van der; Mustofa, M.; Wessels, J.A.M.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2011), Differences in 5-hydroxytryptamine-3B haplotype frequencies between Asians and Caucasians., International Journal of Biological Markers: 0.
- Iersel, L.B.J. van; Koudijs, T.M.; Hoekman, E.J.; Janssen-van Rhijn, C.M.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Gelderblom, H. & Kuppen, P.J.K. (2011), In Vitro Schedule-Dependent Interaction Between Melphalan and Oxaliplatin in Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines, Journal of Surgical Research 167(2): 273-278.
- Slingerland, M. & Gelderblom, H. (2011), The fate of camptothecin glycoconjugate: report of a clinical hold during a phase II study of BAY 56-3722 (formerly BAY 38-3441), in patients with recurrent or metastatic colorectal cancer resistant/refractory to irinotecan., Investigational New Drugs.
- Perwitasari, D.A.; Atthobari, J.; Mustofa, M.; Dwiprahasto, I.; Hakimi, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Putter, H.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Kaptein, A.A. (2011), Impact of Delayed Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting on Quality of Life in Indonesian Patients with Gynecological Cancer, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 20: S278S278.
- Perwitasari, D.A.; Atthobari, J.; Dwiprahasto, I.; Hakimi, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Putter, H.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Kaptein, A.A. (2011), Translation and Validation of EORTC QLQ-C30 into Indonesian Version for Cancer Patients in Indonesia, Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 41(4): 519-529.
- Krens, L.L.; Baas, J.M.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2010), Therapeutic modulation of k-ras signaling in colorectal cancer, Drug Discovery Today 15(13-14): 502-516.
- Casali, P.G.; Blay, J.Y. & ESMO CONTICANET EUROBONET (2010), Gastrointestinal stromal tumours: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology 21(5).
- Pander, J.; Wessels, J.A.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Straaten, T. van der; Punt, C.J.A. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2010), Pharmacogenetic interaction analysis for the efficacy of systemic treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer.
- Rutkowski, P.; Glabbeke, M. van; Rankin, C.J.; Ruka, W.; Rubin, B.P.; Debiec-Rychter, M.; Lazar, A.; Gelderblom, H.; Sciot, R.; Lopez-Terrada, D.; Hohenberger, P.; Oosterom, A.T. van & Schuetze, S.M. (2010), Imatinib Mesylate in Advanced Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans: Pooled Analysis of Two Phase II Clinical Trials, Journal of Clinical Oncology 28(10): 1772-1779.
- Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Athanasou, N.; Bielack, S.; Alava, E. de; Tos, A.P.D.; Ferrari, S.; Gelderblom, H.; Grimer, R.; Hall, K.S.; Hassan, B.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Jurgens, H.; Paulussen, M.; Rozeman, L.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Whelan, J.; Vanel, D. & ESMO EUROBONET Working Grp (2010), Bone sarcomas: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, Annals of Oncology 21: v204v213.
- Perwitasari, D.A.; Atthobari, J.; Dwiprahasto, I.; Hakimi, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Kaptein, A.A. (2010), TRANSLATION AND VALIDATION OF EORTC QLQ-C30 INTO INDONESIAN VERSION FOR CANCER PATIENTS IN INDONESIA, Value in Health 13(7): A515A515.
- Pander, J.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Pharmacogenetics of small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Optimizing the magic bullet, Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics 12(6): 654-661.
- Dezentje, V.O.; Blijderveen, N.J.C. van; Gelderblom, H.; Putter, H.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Casparie, M.K.; Egberts, A.C.G.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2010), Reply to R. Ferraldeschi et al., Journal of Clinical Oncology.
- Dezentje, V.O.; Blijderveen, N.J.C. van; Gelderblom, H.; Putter, H.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Casparie, M.K.; Egberts, A.C.G.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2010), Effect of Concomitant CYP2D6 Inhibitor Use and Tamoxifen Adherence on Breast Cancer Recurrence in Early-Stage Breast Cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 28(14): 2423-2429.
- Erp, N.P. van; Baker, S.D.; Zandvliet, A.S.; Ploeger, B.A.; Hollander, M. den; Chen, Z.Y.; Hartigh, J. den; Konig-Quartel, J.M.C.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Marginal increase of sunitinib exposure by grapefruit juice.
- Loos, W.; Hamberg, P.; Steeghs, N.; Kroep, J.; Tascilar, M.; Verweij, J.; Hollander, M. den; Biessen, D. van der; Gelderblom, H. & Sleijfer, S. (2010), PHARMACOKINETIC INTERACTION BETWEEN INTRAVENOUS IFOSFAMIDE AND ORAL SUNITINIB., Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 87: S78S78.
- Houtsma, D.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Pharmacogenetics in Oncology: A Promising Field, Current Pharmaceutical Design 16(2): 155-163.
- Dezentje, V.O.; Blijderveen, N.J.C. van; Gelderblom, H.; Putter, H.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Casparie, M.K.; Egberts, A.C.G.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2010), Avoidance of CYP2D6 Inhibitors in Patients Receiving Tamoxifen Reply, Journal of Clinical Oncology 28(29): E586E586.
- Pander, J.; Gelderblom, H.; Antonini, N.F.; Tol, J.; Krieken, J.H.J.M. van; Straaten, T. van der; Punt, C.J.A. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2010), Correlation of FCGR3A and EGFR germline polymorphisms with the efficacy of cetuximab in KRAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer, European Journal of Cancer 46(10): 1829-1834.
- Hamberg, P.; Steeghs, N.; Loos, W.J.; Biessen, D. van de; Hollander, M. den; Tascilar, M.; Verweij, J.; Gelderblom, H. & Sleijfer, S. (2010), Decreased exposure to sunitinib due to concomitant administration of ifosfamide: results of a phase I and pharmacokinetic study on the combination of sunitinib and ifosfamide in patients with advanced solid malignancies, British Journal of Cancer 102(12): 1699-1706.
- Jonge, M.J.A. de; Slingerland, M.; Loos, W.J.; Wiemer, E.A.C.; Burger, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Kroep, J.R.; Hollander, M.A.G. den; Biessen, D. van der; Lam, M.H.; Verweij, J. & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Early cessation of the clinical development of LiPlaCis, a liposomal cisplatin formulation, European Journal of Cancer 46(16): 3016-3021.
- Meerten, E.L.V. van; Gelderblom, H. & Bloem, J.L. (2010), RECIST revised: implications for the radiologist. A review article on the modified RECIST guideline, European Radiology 20(6): 1456-1467.
- Steeghs, N.; Rabelink, T.J.; Roodt, J.O. 't; Batman, E.; Cluitmans, F.H.M.; Weijl, N.I.; Koning, E. de & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Reversibility of capillary density after discontinuation of bevacizumab treatment, Annals of Oncology 21(5): 1100-1105.
- Erp, N.P. van; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Veldt, A.A. van der; Haanen, J.B.; Reyners, A.K.L.; Eechoute, K.; , E. boven; Wessels, J.A.M.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Myelosuppression by sunitinib is flt-3 genotype dependent, British Journal of Cancer 103(5): 757-758.
- Pander, J.; Wessels, J.A.M.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Gelderblom, H. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2010), Pharmacogenetics of tomorrow: the 1+1=3 principle, Pharmacogenomics 11(7): 1011-1017.
- Pander, J.; Gelderblom, H.; Straaten, T. van der; Punt, C.J.A. & Guchelaar, H.J. (2010), Regarding: 'Explorative study to identify novel candidate genes related to oxaliplatin efficacy and toxicity using a DNA repair array', British Journal of Cancer 102(12): 1791-1792.
- Buddingh, E.P.; Anninga, J.K.; Versteegh, M.I.M.; Taminiau, A.H.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Rijswijk, C.S.P. van; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Lankester, A.C. & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Prognostic Factors in Pulmonary Metastasized High-Grade Osteosarcoma, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 54(2): 216-221.
- Abdulrahman, R.M.; Verloop, H.; Hoftijzer, H.; Verburg, E.; Hovens, G.C.; Corssmit, E.P.; Reiners, C.; Gelderblom, H.; Pereira, A.M.; Kapiteijn, E.; Romijn, J.A.; Visser, T.J. & Smit, J.W. (2010), Sorafenib-Induced Hypothyroidism Is Associated with Increased Type 3 Deiodination, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 95(8): 3758-3762.
- Iersel, L.B.J. van; Koopman, M.; Velde, C.J.H.V. de; Mol, L.; Meerten, E.L.V.P. van; Hartgrink, H.H.; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Punt, C. & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Management of isolated nonresectable liver metastases in colorectal cancer patients: a case-control study of isolated hepatic perfusion with melphalan versus systemic chemotherapy, Annals of Oncology 21(8): 1662-1667.
- Dongen, M. van; Savage, N.D.L.; Jordanova, E.S.; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Walburg, K.V.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Burg, S.H. van der; Gelderblom, H. & Hall, T. van (2010), Anti-inflammatory M2 type macrophages characterize metastasized and tyrosine kinase inhibitor-treated gastrointestinal stromal tumors, International Journal of Cancer 127(4): 899-909.
- Scherjon, S.; Lam, W.F.; Gelderblom, H. & Jansen, F.W. (2009), Gastrointestinal stromal tumor in pregnancy: a case report., Case Reports in Medicine 2009: 456402.
- Kroep, J.R.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Molen, A.J. van der; Hogendoorn, P.C.W. & Gelderblom, H. (2009), Extra-abdominal subcutaneous metastasis of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor: report of a case and a review of the literature.
- Kroep JR & Gelderblom H (2009), Diflomotecan, a promising homocamptothecin for cancer therapy.
- Steeghs N, Eskens FALM, Gelderblom H, Verweij J, Nortier JWR, Ouwerkerk J, van Noort C, Mariani M, Spinelli R & Carpinelli P (2009), Phase I Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Study of the Aurora Kinase Inhibitor Danusertib in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors, Journal of Clinical Oncology 27(30): 5094-5101.
- Berghuis D, Verhoeven DHJ, Santos S, Schaefer KL, Scotlandi K, Egeler RM, Gelderblom H, Taminiau A, Hogendoorn PCW & van Tol MJD (2009), Towards NK-cell-mediated Immunotherapy in Ewing Sarcoma: Identification of Molecular Mechanisms, Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 31(4): 242-242.
- Eskens FALM, Steeghs N, Verweij J, Bloem JL, Christensen O, van Doorn L, Ouwerkerk J, de Jonge MJA, Nortier JWR & Kraetzschmar J (2009), Phase I Dose Escalation Study of Telatinib, a Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 and 3, Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor beta, and c-Kit, in Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors, Journal of Clinical Oncology 27(25): 4169-4176.
- Hoftijzer H, Heemstra KA, Morreau H, Stokkel MP, Corssmit EP, Gelderblom H, Weijers K, Pereira AM, Huijberts M & Kapiteijn E (2009), Beneficial effects of sorafenib on tumor progression, but not on radioiodine uptake, in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma, European Journal of Endocrinology 161(6): 923-931.
- Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Anninga, J.K.; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Romeo, S.; Oosting, J.; Egeler, R.M.; Gelderblom, H.; Taminiau, A.H.M. & Hogendoorn, P.C.W. (2009), Profiling of high-grade central osteosarcoma and its putative progenitor cells identifies tumourigenic pathways (vol 101, pg 1909, 2009), British Journal of Cancer 101(12): 2064-2064.
- Montemurro M, Schoffski P, Reichardt P, Gelderblom H, Schutte J, Hartmann JT, von Moos R, Seddon B, Joensuu H, Wendtner CM, Weber E, Grunwald V, Roth A & Leyvraz S (2009), Nilotinib in the treatment of advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours resistant to both imatinib and sunitinib, European Journal of Cancer 45(13): 2293-2297.
- Bulitta JB, Zhao P, Arnold RD, Kessler DR, Daifuku R, Pratt J, Luciano G, Hanauske AR, Gelderblom H & Awada A (2009), Multiple-pool cell lifespan models for neutropenia to assess the population pharmacodynamics of unbound paclitaxel from two formulations in cancer patients, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 63(6): 1035-1048.
- Tanja LH, Guchelaar HJ & Gelderblom H (2009), Pharmacogenetics in chemotherapy of colorectal cancer.
- Bulitta JB, Zhao P, Arnold RD, Kessler DR, Daifuku R, Pratt J, Luciano G, Hanauske AR, Gelderblom H & Awada A (2009), Mechanistic population pharmacokinetics of total and unbound paclitaxel for a new nanodroplet formulation versus Taxol in cancer patients, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 63(6): 1049-1063.
- van Erp NP, Eechoute K, van der Veldt AA, Haanen JB, Reyners AKL, Mathijssen RHJ, Boven E, van der Straaten T, Baak-Pablo RF, Wessels JAM, Guchelaar HJ & Gelderblom H (2009), Pharmacogenetic Pathway Analysis for Determination of Sunitinib-Induced Toxicity, Journal of Clinical Oncology 27(26): 4406-4412.
- Kroep JR & Gelderblom H (2009), Diflomotecan, a promising homocamptothecin for cancer therapy, Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 18(1): 69-75.
- Kweekel DM, Gelderblom H, Antonini NF, Van der Straaten T, Nortier JWR, Punt CJA & Guchelaar HJ (2009), Glutathione-S-transferase pi (GSTP1) codon 105 polymorphism is not associated with oxaliplatin efficacy or toxicity in advanced colorectal cancer patients, European Journal of Cancer 45(4): 572-578.
- Kweekel DM, Antonini NF, Nortier JWR, Punt CJA, Gelderblom H & Guchelaar HJ (2009), Explorative study to identify novel candidate genes related to oxaliplatin efficacy and toxicity using a DNA repair array, British Journal of Cancer 101(2): 357-362.
- van Erp NP, Gelderblom H & Guchelaar HJ (2009), Clinical pharmacokinetics of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, Cancer Treatment Reviews 35(8): 692-706.
- van Persijn van Meerten EL, Gelderblom H & Bloem JL (2009), RECIST revised: implications for the radiologist. A review article on the modified RECIST guideline., European Radiology.
- Dezentje VO, Guchelaar HJ, Nortier JWR, van de Velde CJH & Gelderblom H (2009), Clinical Implications of CYP2D6 Genotyping in Tamoxifen Treatment for Breast Cancer, Clinical Cancer Research 15(1): 15-21.
- Steeghs N, Eskens FA, Gelderblom H, Verweij J, Nortier JW, Ouwerkerk J, van Noort C, Mariani M, Spinelli R, Carpinelli P, Laffranchi B & de Jonge MJ (2009), Phase I pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of the aurora kinase inhibitor danusertib in patients with advanced or metastatic solid tumors., Journal of Clinical Oncology 27(30): 5094-101.
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