Glenn Aguilar Hernandez
Onderzoeker / docent
- Naam
- Dr. G.A. Aguilar Hernandez
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5557
- 0000-0003-3740-8221
Meer informatie is te vinden op de Engelse pagina.
Onderzoeker / docent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Hoof B. van, Conde A., Kahhat R. & Pabón-Pereira C. (2024), Enabling mechanisms for circularity in Latin America and the Caribbean, Journal of Circular Economy 2(3): 1-7.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A. (2024), A MR EEIO-based framework for identifying synergies and trade-offs of circularity interventions. 30th International Input-Output Association Conference 1 juli 2024 - 5 juli 2024.
- Aguilar Hernandez G.A. (13 oktober 2024), Economía circular en Costa Rica: avances y retos hacia el 2030. crhoy, Opinión.
- Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Singhvi A., Böcher C. & Zhong X. (2023), Building resilience in high-tech supply chains, Nature Electronics 6: 546-548.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Taherzadeh O.A. & Tukker A. (2023), Lessons from micro- and macro-modelling linkages: example of linking LCA/DMFA and CGE model for developing Circular Economy scenarios. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Dong D., Tukker A., Steubing B.R.P., Oers L.F.C.M. van, Rechberger H., Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Li H. & Voet E. van der (2022), Assessing China’s potential for reducing primary copper demand and associated environmental impacts in the context of energy transition and “Zero waste” policies, Waste Management 144: 454-467.
- Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Kleijn E.G.M., Mancheri N., Loibl A. & Tercero L. (2022), D7.2. Sectors with highest CRM demand growth potential: a review of future critical raw material demand in 11 key technologies for transport, energy, electronics and telecommunication sectors. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Siguenza Sanchez C.P., Steubing B.R.P., Tukker A. & Aguilar Hernandez G.A. (2021), The environmental and material implications of circular transitions: a diffusion and product-life-cycle-based modeling framework, Journal of Industrial Ecology 25(3): 563-579.
- Aguilar Hernandez G., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2021), Macroeconomic, social and environmental impacts of a circular economy up to 2050: A meta-analysis of prospective studies, Journal of Cleaner Production 278: 123421.
- Aguilar Hernandez G.A. (6 mei 2021), A macro level of assessment of material circularity (Dissertatie. Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Tukker A., Rodrigues J.F.D.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Deetman S.P., Merciai S., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2021), Global distribution of material inflows to in-use stocks in 2011 and its implications for a circularity transition, Journal of Industrial Ecology 25(6): 1447-1461.
- Zhong X., Hu M., Deetman S.P., Steubing B.R.P., Lin H., Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Harpprecht C.I., Zhang C., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2021), Global greenhouse gas emissions from residential and commercial building materials and mitigation strategies to 2060, Nature Communications 12: 6126.
- Donati F., Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Sigüenza-Sánchez C.P., Koning A. de, Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2020), Modeling the circular economy in environmentally extended input-output tables: Methods, software and case study, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 152: 104508.
- Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Siguenza Sanchez C.P., Donati F., Merciai S., Schmidt J., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2020), Corrigendum to “The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011” [Resour. Conserv. Recy. 151 (2019) 104452], Resources, Conservation and Recycling 154: 104604.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Siguenza -Sanchez C.P., Donati F., Merciai S., Schmidt J., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2019), The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 151: 104452.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Sigüenza-Sanchez C.P., Donati F., Rodrigues J.F.D. & Tukker A. (2018), Assessing circularity interventions: a review of EEIOA-based studies, Journal of Economic Structures 7(14): 1-24.