Gert Jan Lammers
Bijzonder hoogleraar Slaapgeneeskunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. G.J. Lammers
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 2139
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Gert Jan Lammers is bijzonder hoogleraar neurologie met de leeropdracht: Slaapstoornissen, in het bijzonder narcolepsie en verwante vigilantiestoornissen. Hij is medisch hoofd van de derdelijns Slaap-Waakcentra van SEIN (Heemstede, Zwolle en Groningen) en daarnaast verbonden aan de afdeling neurologie van het LUMC. Het slaap-Waakcentrum van SEIN is door de NFU aangemerkt als expertisecentrum voor narcolepsie en gerelateerde aandoeningen. De leerstoel is de eerste in Nederland die zich richt op slaapgeneeskunde in de volle breedte. Gert Jan Lammers is voorzitter van de Slaapgeneeskunde Vereniging Nederland (SVNL) en medeoprichter en oud-president (2007-2014) van “the European Narcolepsy Network (EU-NN)”.
Gert Jan Lammers is bijzonder hoogleraar neurologie met de leeropdracht: Slaapstoornissen, in het bijzonder narcolepsie en verwante vigilantiestoornissen.
Hij is medisch hoofd van de derdelijns Slaap-Waakcentra van SEIN (Heemstede, Zwolle en Groningen) en daarnaast verbonden aan de afdeling neurologie van het LUMC. Het slaap-Waakcentrum van SEIN is door de NFU aangemerkt als expertisecentrum voor narcolepsie en gerelateerde aandoeningen.
De leerstoel is de eerste in Nederland die zich richt op slaapgeneeskunde in de volle breedte.
Gert Jan Lammers is voorzitter van de Slaapgeneeskunde Vereniging Nederland (SVNL) en medeoprichter en oud-president (2007-2014) van “the European Narcolepsy Network (EU-NN)”.
De leerstoel richt zich op de oorzaken en impact van klachten van overmatige slaperigheid overdag. Overmatige slaperigheid met de daar vaak bijbehorende concentratieproblemen zijn een belangrijk maatschappelijk probleem omdat ze leiden tot cognitieve beperkingen en veiligheidsrisico’s met zich meebrengen in de zin van een verhoogde kans op ongevallen (bijvoorbeeld in het verkeer, of bij het bedienen gevaarlijke machines). Bovendien worden de klachten niet alleen veroorzaakt door neurologische aandoeningen zoals narcolepsie maar ook, en veel vaker, door verkeerde leef- en slaapgewoontes in de algemene populatie.
In 2000 werd in samenwerking met onderzoekers van Stanford University ontdekt dat narcolepsie veroorzaakt wordt door een selectief verdwijnen van hypocretine producerende cellen in de hersenen (hypothalamus). Dit heeft oa geleid tot essentiële nieuwe inzichten in de regulatie van slapen en waken, en in de evolutionair ontstane verstrengeling tussen slaap en andere basale functies, met name metabolisme. Maar ook tot de ontwikkeling van nieuwe klassen medicatie: zowel hypocretine antagonisten als recent hypocretine agonisten. Het huidige onderzoek richt vooral zich op de oorzaak, implicaties en behandeling van het verlies van de hypocretine producerende cellen. Het onderzoek is ingebed in het LUMC in het thema “Neuroscience”.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Tijdens mijn opleiding tot neuroloog startte ik met het wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar narcolepsie resulterend in mijn promotie in 1999 op het proefschrift getiteld: “Narcolepsy”. Nadien heeft het onderzoek gericht op oorzaken voor een verhoogde slaapneiging overdag mij niet meer losgelaten en is het gelukt om bij te dragen aan het tot stand komen van belangrijke internationale samenwerkingen. Een daarvan was de oprichting van het “European Narcolepsy Network”. Ik was medeoprichter en de eerste president.
Uiteindelijk hebben de vruchten van deze samenwerkingen geleid tot mijn benoeming tot bijzonder hoogleraar in 2020. De oratie werd uitgesproken op 20 mei 2022 en was getiteld: “De slaap vatten”.
Bijzonder hoogleraar Slaapgeneeskunde
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Neurologie
- Brouwers, T.M.J.; Çobanoglu, Ü.G.; Geers, D.; Rietdijk, W.J.R.; Gommers, L.; Bogers, S.; Lammers, G.J.; Horst, G.T.J. van der; Chaves, I.; Geurtsvankessel, C.H.; Koch, B.C.P.; Vries, R.D. de; Baarle, D. van; Kuy, H.M. van der & Holst, H.M.L.V. (2024), The effect of sleep and shift work on the primary immune response to messenger RNA-based COVID-19 vaccination, Journal of Sleep Research.
- Ferrazzini, L.; Schmidt, M.; Zhang, Z.X.; Khatami, R.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Barateau, L.; Mayer, G.; Pizza, F.; Plazzi, G.; Gool, J.K.; Fronczek, R.; Lammers, G.J.; Rio-Villegas, R. del; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Partinen, M.; Overeem, S.; Sonka, K.; Santamaria, J.; Heinzer, R.; Canellas, F.; Silva, A.M. da; Högl, B.; Veauthier, C.; Wierzbicka, A.; Feketeova, E.; Buskova, J.; Lecendreux, M.; Miano, S.; Kallweit, U.; Heidbreder, A.; Bassetti, C.L.A. & Meer, J. van der (2024), Daytime sleepiness and BMI exhibit gender and age differences in patients with central disorders of hypersomnolence, Journal of Sleep Research.
- Finger, B.M.; Bourke, A.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Veauthier, C.; Yildizli, M.; Müller, S.; Triller, A. & Kallweit, U. (2024), Barriers to therapy adherence in narcolepsy, Sleep Medicine 121: 151-159.
- Gool, J.K.; Zhang, Z.X.; Fronczek, R.; Amesz, P.; Khatami, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2024), Potential immunological triggers for narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia: Real-world insights on infections and influenza vaccinations, Sleep Medicine 116: 105-114.
- Stoelinga, A.E.C.; Biewenga, M.; Drenth, J.P.H.; Verhelst, X.; Meer, A.J.P. van der; Boer, Y.S. de; Bouma, G.; Vries, E.S. de; Verdonk, R.C.; Berg, A.P. van der; Brouwer, J.T.; Vanwolleghem, T.; Lammers, W.; Beuers, U.; Sarasqueta, A.F.; Verheij, J.; Roskams, T.; Crobach, S.; Tushuizen, M.E.; Hoek, B. van & Dutch Autoimmune Hepatitis Study (2024), Diagnostic criteria and long-term outcomes in AIH-PBC variant syndrome under combination therapy, JHEP Reports 6(7).
- Vringer, M.; Zhou, J.R.; Gool, J.K.; Bijlenga, D.; Lammers, G.J.; Fronczek, R. & Schinkelshoek, M.S. (2024), Recent insights into the pathophysiology of narcolepsy type 1, Sleep Medicine Reviews 78.
- Vringer, M.; Bijlenga, D.; Zhou, J.R.; Meijer, O.C.; Vinkers, C.H.; Lammers, G.J. & Fronczek, R. (2024), Physiological and psychological stress reactivity in narcolepsy type 1, SLEEP.
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Gool, J.K.; Schoffelen, P.F.; Wouters, L.; Overeem, S.; Lammers, G.J.; Pijl, H. & Westerterp, K.R. (2024), Measuring energy expenditure in narcolepsy using doubly labeled water and respiration chamber calorimetry, SLEEP.
- Hoeven, A.E. van der; Bijlenga, D.; Hoeven, E. van der; Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Hiemstra, F.W.; Kervezee, L.; Westerloo, D.J. van; Fronczek, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2024), Sleep in the intensive and intermediate care units: Exploring related factors of delirium, benzodiazepine use and mortality, Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 81.
- Fronczek, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2023), Narcolepsy Type 1: Should We Only Target Hypocretin Receptor 2?, CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE 7(3).
- Gharbharan, A.; Jordans, C.; Zwaginga, L.; Papageorgiou, G.; Geloven, N. van; Wijngaarden, P. van; Hollander, J. den; Karim, F.; Leeuwen-Segarceanu, E. van; Soetekouw, R.; Lammers, J.; Postma, D.; Kampschreur, L.; Groeneveld, G.; Swaneveld, F.; Schoot, C.E. van der; Gotz, H.; Haagmans, B.; Koopmans, M.; Bogers, S.; Geurtsvankessel, C.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Rokx, C.; Rijnders, B. & CoV-Early study grp (2023), Outpatient convalescent plasma therapy for high-risk patients with early COVID-19, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 29(2): 208-214.
- Vael, V.E.C.; Bijlenga, D.; Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Sluiszen, N.N.J.J.M. van der; Remmerswaal, A.; Overeem, S.; Ramaekers, J.G.; Vermeeren, A.; Lammers, G.J. & Fronczek, R. (2023), Skin temperature as a predictor of on-the-road driving performance in people with central disorders of hypersomnolence, Journal of Sleep Research.
- Gool, J.K.; Heese, E.M. van; Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Remmerswaal, A.; Lammers, G.J.; Dijk, K.D. van & Fronczek, R. (2023), The therapeutic potential of opioids in narcolepsy type 1: A systematic literature review and questionnaire study, Sleep Medicine 109: 118-127.
- Finger, B.M.; Triller, A.; Bourke, A.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Veauthier, C.; Yildizli, M. & Kallweit, U. (2023), Complementary and alternative medicine use in narcolepsy, Sleep Medicine 103: 100-105.
- Vinckenbosch, F.; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S.; Chen, D.; Wang, G.; Carter, L.P.; Zhou, K.F.; Ramaekers, J.G. & Vermeeren, A. (2023), Effects of solriamfetol on on-the-road driving in participants with narcolepsy, Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental 38(1).
- Plazzi, G.; Pizza, F.; Lecendreux, M.; Gringras, P.; Barateau, L.; Bruni, O.; Franco, P.; Iranzo, A.; Jennum, P.; Khatami, R.; Knudsen-Heier, S.; Miano, S.; Nobili, L.; Partinen, M.; Reading, P.; Sonka, K.; Szakacs, A.; Zenti, M.; Kallweit, U.; Lammers, G.J.; Dauvilliers, Y. & Bassetti, C.L.A. (2023), Pharmacological management of narcolepsy in children and adolescents, Journal of Sleep Research.
- Wenz, E.S.; Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Kallweit, U.; Fronczek, R.; Rezaei, R.; Khatami, R.; Lammers, G.J. & Bassetti, C.L.A. (2023), Narcolepsy type 1 and Sydenham chorea - Report of 3 cases and review of the literature, Sleep Medicine 112: 234-238.
- Dauvilliers, Y.; Lecendreux, M.; Lammers, G.J.; Franco, P.; Poluektov, M.; Caussé, C.; Lecomte, I.; Lecomte, J.M.; Lehert, P.; Schwartz, J.C. & Plazzi, G. (2023), Safety and efficacy of pitolisant in children aged 6 years or older with narcolepsy with or without cataplexy, The Lancet Neurology 22(4): 303-311.
- Quaedackers, L.; Gilst, M.M. van; Brandt, I. van den; Vilanova, A.; Lammers, G.J.; Markopoulos, P. & Overeem, S. (2023), The burden of narcolepsy in adults, Behavioral Sleep Medicine 22(2).
- Lammers, G.J. & Kallweit, U. (2023), The evolving diagnosis and classification of CNS hypersomnolence disorders, Current Sleep Medicine Reports 9(2): 110-114.
- Hoeven, A.E. van der; Bijlenga, D.; Bouhuijs, P.; Schie, M.K.M. van; Lammers, G.J. & Fronczek, R. (2023), Applicability of the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART) in hypersomnolence, Sleep Medicine 108: 105-113.
- Shan, L.; Linssen, S.; Harteman, Z.; Dekker, F. den; Shuker, L.; Balesar, R.; Breesuwsma, N.; Anink, J.; Zhou, J.R.; Lammers, G.J.; Swaab, D.F. & Fronczek, R. (2023), Activated wake systems in narcolepsy type 1, Annals of Neurology 94(4): 762-771.
- Ollila, H.M.; Sharon, E.; Lin, L.; Sinnott-Armstrong, N.; Ambati, A.; Yogeshwar, S.M.; Hillary, R.P.; Jolanki, O.; Faraco, J.; Einen, M.; Luo, G.; Zhang, J.; Han, F.; Yan, H.; Dong, X.S.; Li, J.; Zhang, J.; Hong, S.C.; Kim, T.W.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Barateau, L.; Lammers, G.J.; Fronczek, R.; Mayer, G.; Santamaria, J.; Arnulf, I.; Knudsen-Heier, S.; Bredahl, M.K.L.; Thorsby, P.M.; Plazzi, G.; Pizza, F.; Moresco, M.; Crowe, C.; Eeden, S.K. van den; Lecendreux, M.; Bourgin, P.; Kanbayashi, T.; Martinez-Orozco, F.J.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Benetó, A.; Montplaisir, J.; Desautels, A.; Huang, Y.S.; FinnGen, P.J.; Jennum, P.; Nevsimalova, S.; Kemlink, D.; Iranzo, A.; Overeem, S.; Wierzbicka, A.; Geisler, P.; Sonka, K.; Honda, M.; Högl, B.; Stefani, A.; Coelho, F.M.; Mantovani, V.; Feketeova, E.; Wadelius, M.; Eriksson, N.; Smedje, H.; Hallberg, P.; Hesla, P.E.; Rye, D.; Pelin, Z.; Ferini-Strambi, L.; Bassetti, C.L.; Mathis, J.; Khatami, R.; Aran, A.; Nampoothiri, S.; Olsson, T.; Kockum, I.; Partinen, M.; Perola, M.; Kornum, B.R.; Rueger, S.; Winkelmann, J.; Miyagawa, T.; Toyoda, H.; Khor, S.S.; Shimada, M.; Tokunaga, K.; Rivas, M.; Pritchard, J.K.; Risch, N.; Kutalik, Z.; O'Hara, R.; Hallmayer, J.; Ye, C.J. & Mignot, E.J. (2023), Narcolepsy risk loci outline role of T cell autoimmunity and infectious triggers in narcolepsy, Nature Communications 14(1).
- Seifinejad, A.; Ramosaj, M.; Shan, L.; Li, S.; Possovre, M.L.; Pfister, C.; Fronczek, R.; Garrett-Sinha, L.A.; Frieser, D.; Honda, M.; Arribat, Y.; Grepper, D.; Amati, F.; Picot, M.; Agnoletto, A.; Iseli, C.; Chartrel, N.; Liblau, R.; Lammers, G.J.; Vassalli, A. & Tafti, M. (2023), Epigenetic silencing of selected hypothalamic neuropeptides in narcolepsy with cataplexy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(19).
- Lammers G.J. (20 mei 2022), De slaap vatten (Oratie). Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Hoeven, A.E. van der; Waaij, K. van; Bijlenga, D.; Roelandse, F.W.C.; Overeem, S.; Bakker, J.A.; Fronczek, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2022), Hypocretin-1 measurements in cerebrospinal fluid using radioimmunoassay: within and between assay reliability and limit of quantification, Journal of Sleep Research 31.
- Bijlenga, D.; Overeem, S.; Fronczek, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2022), Usefulness of the maintenance of wakefulness test in central disorders of hypersomnolence: a scoping review, SLEEP 45(8).
- Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Fronczek, R.; Boer, A.F.J. de; Wit, K. de; Tannemaat, M.R. & Lammers, G.J. (2022), Warm ears, a red flag for sleepiness?, Journal of Sleep Research 32(2).
- Shan, L.; Balesar, R.; Swaab, D.F.; Lammers, G.J. & Fronczek, R. (2022), Reduced numbers of corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons in narcolepsy type 1, Annals of Neurology 91(2): 282-288.
- Zhang, Z.X.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Plazzi, G.; Mayer, G.; Lammers, G.J.; Santamaria, J.; Partinen, M.; Overeem, S.; Villegas, R.D.; Sonka, K.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Heinzer, R.; Wierzbicka, A.; Hogl, B.; Manconi, M.; Feketeova, E.; Silva, A.M. da; Buskova, J.; Bassetti, C.L.A.; Barateau, L.; Pizza, F.; Antelmi, E.; Gool, J.K.; Fronczek, R.; Garg, C. & Khatami, R. (2022), Idling for decades, Nature and Science of Sleep 14.
- Gool, J.K.; Fronczek, R.; Bosma, P.; Meer, J.N. van der; Werf, Y.D. van der & Lammers, G.J. (2022), Enhanced visual cortex activation in people with narcolepsy type 1 during active sleep resistance, Frontiers in Neuroscience 16.
- Malhotra, A.; Jr, P.J.S.; Pepin, J.L.; Schweitzer, P.; Lammers, G.J.; Hedner, J.; Redline, S.; Chen, D.; Chandler, P.; Bujanover, S. & Strohl, K. (2022), Effects of solriamfetol treatment on body weight in participants with obstructive sleep apnea or narcolepsy, Sleep Medicine 100: 165-173.
- Vinckenbosch, F.; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S.; Chen, D.; Wang, G.; Carter, L.P.; Zhou, K.F.; Ramaekers, J.G. & Vermeeren, A. (2022), Effects of solriamfetol on on-the-road driving in participants with narcolepsy, Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 38(1).
- Vinckenbosch, F.; Asin, J.; Vries, N.; Vonk, P.E.; Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S.; Janssen, H.; Wang, G.; Chen, D.; Carter, L.P.; Zhou, K.F.; Vermeeren, A. & Ramaekers, J.G. (2022), Effects of solriamfetol on on-the-road driving performance in participants with excessive daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnoea, Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 37(6).
- Gool, J.K.; Zhang, Z.X.; Oei, M.S.S.L.; Mathias, S.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Mayer, G.; Plazzi, G.; Rio-Villegas, R. del; Cano, J.S.; Sonka, K.; Partinen, M.; Overeem, S.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Heinzer, R.; Silva, A.M. da; Hogl, B.; Wierzbicka, A.; Heidbreder, A.; Feketeova, E.; Manconi, M.; Buskova, J.; Canellas, F.; Bassetti, C.L.; Barateau, L.; Pizza, F.; Schmidt, M.H.; Fronczek, R.; Khatami, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2022), Data-driven phenotyping of central disorders of hypersomnolence with unsupervised clustering, Neurology 98(23): E2387-E2400.
- Devine, J.K.; Schwartz, L.; Hursh, S.; Asin, J.; Vries, N. de; Vonk, P.E.; Vermeeren, A.; Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Vinckenbosch, F.; Ramaekers, J.G.; Janssen, H.; Wang, G.C.; Chen, D.; Carter, L.P.; Overeem, S. & Lammers, G.J. (2022), Psychomotor vigilance performance in participants with excessive daytime sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnea or narcolepsy compared with SAFTE-FAST model predictions, Neurology and Therapy 12.
- Kallweit, U.; Pevernagie, D. & Lammers, G.J. (2022), "Sleepiness" in obstructive sleep apnea: getting into deep water, Sleep Medicine 92: 64-66.
- Bijlenga, D.; Urbanus, B.; Sluiszen, N.N.J.J.M. van der; Overeem, S.; Ramaekers, J.G.; Vermeeren, A. & Lammers, G.J. (2021), Comparing objective wakefulness and vigilance tests to on-the-road driving performance in narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia, Journal of Sleep Research 31(3).
- Bassetti, C.L.A.; Kallweit, U.; Vignatelli, L.; Plazzi, G.; Lecendreux, M.; Baldin, E.; Dolenc-Groselj, L.; Jennum, P.; Khatami, R.; Manconi, M.; Mayer, G.; Partinen, M.; Pollmacher, T.; Reading, P.; Santamaria, J.; Sonka, K.; Dauvilliers, Y. & Lammers, G.J. (2021), European guideline and expert statements on the management of narcolepsy in adults and children, European Journal of Neurology 28(9): 2815-2830.
- Schie, M.K.M. van; Lammers, G.J.; Fronczek, R.; Middelkoop, H.A.M. & Dijk, J.G. van (2021), Vigilance: discussion of related concepts and proposal for a definition, Sleep Medicine 83: 175-181.
- Sluiszen, N.N.J.J.M. van der; Urbanus, B.; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S.; Ramaekers, J.G. & Vermeeren, A. (2021), On-the-road driving performance of patients with central disorders of hypersomnolence, Traffic Injury Prevention 22(2): 120-126.
- Bassetti, C.L.A.; Kallweit, U.; Vignatelli, L.; Plazzi, G.; Lecendreux, M.; Baldin, E.; Dolenc-Groselj, L.; Jennum, P.; Khatami, R.; Manconi, M.; Mayer, G.; Partinen, M.; Pollmacher, T.; Reading, P.; Santamaria, J.; Sonka, K.; Dauvilliers, Y. & Lammers, G.J. (2021), European guideline and expert statements on the management of narcolepsy in adults and children, Journal of Sleep Research 30(6).
- Zhang, Z.X.; Gool, J.K.; Fronczek, R.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Bassetti, C.L.A.; Mayer, G.; Plazzi, G.; Pizza, F.; Santamaria, J.; Partinen, M.; Overeem, S.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Silva, A.M. da; Sonka, K.; Rio-Villegas, R. del; Heinzer, R.; Wierzbicka, A.; Young, P.; Hogl, B.; Manconi, M.; Feketeova, E.; Mathis, J.; Paiva, T.; Canellas, F.; Lecendreux, M.; Baumann, C.R.; Lammers, G.J. & Khatami, R. (2021), New 2013 incidence peak in childhood narcolepsy, SLEEP 44(2).
- Lammers-van der Holst, H.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Horst, G.T.J. van der; Chaves, I.; Vries, R.D. de; GeurtsvanKessel, C.H.; Koch, B. & Kuy, H.M. van der (2021), Understanding the association between sleep, shift work and COVID-19 vaccine immune response efficacy, Journal of Sleep Research 31(2).
- Lindstrom, M.; Schinkelshoek, M.; Tienari, P.J.; Kukkonen, J.P.; Renkonen, R.; Fronczek, R.; Lammers, G.J. & Itkonen, O. (2021), Orexin-A measurement in narcolepsy, Clinical Biochemistry 90: 34-39.
- Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Luxemburg, R.P. van; Bes, A.L.; Ottens, T.H.; Fronczek, R.; Lammers, G.J. & Westerloo, D.J. van (2020), Good night and good luck: sleep n the ICU, NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 28(1): 13-17.
- Emsellem, H.A.; Thorpy, M.J.; Lammers, G.J.; Shapiro, C.M.; Mayer, G.; Plazzi, G.; Chen, D.; Carter, L.P.; Villa, K.F.; Lee, L.; Menno, D.; Black, J. & Dauvilliers, Y. (2020), Measures of functional outcomes, work productivity, and quality of life from a randomized, phase 3 study of solriamfetol in participants with narcolepsy, Sleep Medicine 67: 128-136.
- Quaedackers, L.; Wit, J. de; Pillen, S.; Gilst, M. van; Batalas, N.; Lammers, G.J.; Markopoulos, P. & Overeem, S. (2020), A mobile app for long term monitoring of narcolepsy symptoms, JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8(1).
- Lammers, G.J.; Bassetti, C.L.A. & Dauvilliers, Y. (2020), Reply to Maski K et al. commentary on diagnosis of central disorders of hypersomnolence: Challenges in defining central disorders of hypersomnolence.
- Lammers, G.J.; Bassetti, C.L.A. & Dauvilliers, Y. (2020), Reply to Micoulaud-Franchi et al. Commentary on diagnosis of central disorders of hypersomnolence: From clinic to clinic via ontology and semantic analysis on a bullet point path.
- Lammers, G.J.; Bassetti, C.L.A.; Dolenc-Groselj, L.; Jennum, P.J.; Kallweit, U.; Khatami, R.; Lecendreux, M.; Manconi, M.; Mayer, G.; Partinen, M.; Plazzi, G.; Reading, P.J.; Santamaria, J.; Sonka, K. & Dauvilliers, Y. (2020), Diagnosis of central disorders of hypersomnolence: a reappraisal by European experts, Sleep Medicine Reviews 52.
- Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Wit, K. de; Bruggink, V.; Fronczek, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2020), Daytime sleep state misperception in a tertiary sleep centre population, Sleep Medicine 69: 78-84.
- Dietmann, A.; Horn, M.P.; Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Fronczek, R.; Salmen, A.; Bargiotas, P.; Lammers, G.J.; Khatami, R. & Bassetti, C.L.A. (2020), Conventional autoantibodies against brain antigens are not routinely detectable in serum and CSF of narcolepsy type 1 and 2 patients, Sleep Medicine 75: 188-191.
- Janssens, K.; Quaedackers, L.; Lammers, G.J.; Amesz, P.; Mierlo, P. van; Aarts, L.; Peeters, E.; Hendriks, D.; Vandenbussche, N.; Overeem, S. & Pillen, S. (2020), Effect of treatment on cognitive and attention problems in children with narcolepsy type 1, Journal of Sleep Research 29: 21-21.
- Straat, M.E.; Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Fronczek, R.; Lammers, G.J.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Boon, M.R. (2020), Role of brown adipose tissue in adiposity associated with narcolepsy type 1, Frontiers in Endocrinology 11.
- Schinkelshoek, M.; Fronczek, R.; Verduijn, W.; Haasnoot, G.; Overeem, S.; Donjacour, C.; Heide, A. van der; Roelen, D.; Claas, F. & Lammers, G.J. (2020), HLA associations in narcolepsy type 1 persist after the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, Journal of Neuroimmunology 342.
- Dauvilliers, Y.; Shapiro, C.; Mayer, G.; Lammers, G.J.; Emsellem, H.; Plazzi, G.; Chen, D.; Carter, L.P.; Lee, L.; Black, J. & Thorpy, M.J. (2020), Solriamfetol for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness in participants with narcolepsy with and without cataplexy, CNS Drugs 34(7): 773-784.
- Gool, J.K.; Werf, Y.D. van der; Lammers, G.J. & Fronczek, R. (2020), The sustained attention to response task shows lower cingulo-opercular and frontoparietal activity in people with narcolepsy type 1, Brain Sciences 10(7).
- Straat, M.E.; Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Fronczek, R.; Lammers, G.J.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Boon, M.R. (2020), Role of brown adipose tissue in adiposity associated with narcolepsy type 1, Frontiers in Endocrinology 11.
- Derhoeven, A. van; Waaij, K. van; Schinkelshoek, M.; Roelandse, F.; Bakker, J.; Fronczek, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2020), 20 years of hypocretin-1 measurements in cerebrospinal fluid using radioimmunoassay: technical and clinical lessons, Journal of Sleep Research 29: 194-194.
- Gool, J.K.; Cross, N.; Fronczek, R.; Lammers, G.J.; Werf, Y.D. van der & Thanh, D.V.T. (2020), Neuroimaging in Narcolepsy and Idiopathic Hypersomnia: from Neural Correlates to Clinical Practice, CURRENT SLEEP MEDICINE REPORTS 6(4): 251-266.
- Gool, J.K.; Fronczek, R.; Leemans, A.; Kies, D.A.; Lammers, G.J. & Werf, Y.D. van der (2019), Widespread white matter connectivity abnormalities in narcolepsy type 1: A diffusion tensor imaging study, NeuroImage: Clinical 24.
- Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Smolders, I.M.; Donjacour, C.E.; Meijden, W.P. van der; Zwet, E.W. van; Fronczek, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2019), Decreased body mass index during treatment with sodium oxybate in narcolepsy type 1, Journal of Sleep Research 28(3).
- Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Fronczek, R.; Kooy-Winkelaar, E.M.C.; Petersen, J.; Reid, H.H.; Heide, A. van der; Drijfhout, J.W.; Rossjohn, J.; Lammers, G.J. & Koning, F. (2019), H1N1 hemagglutinin-specific HLA-DQ6-restricted CD4+T cells can be readily detected in narcolepsy type 1 patients and healthy controls, Journal of Neuroimmunology 332: 167-175.
- Holst, R.J. van; Janssen, L.K.; Mierlo, P. van; Lammers, G.J.; Cools, R.; Overeem, S. & Aarts, E. (2019), Enhanced food-related responses in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex in narcolepsy type 1 (vol 8, 16391, 2018), Scientific Reports 9.
- Bassetti, C.L.A.; Adamantidis, A.; Burdakov, D.; Han, F.; Gay, S.; Kallweit, U.; Khatami, R.; Koning, F.; Kornum, B.R.; Lammers, G.J.; Liblau, R.S.; Luppi, P.H.; Mayer, G.; Pollmacher, T.; Sakurai, T.; Sallusto, F.; Scammell, T.E.; Tafti, M. & Dauvilliers, Y. (2019), Narcolepsy - clinical spectrum, aetiopathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment, Nature Reviews Neurology 15(9): 519-539.
- Lachmann, G.; Kant, I.; Lammers, F.; Windmann, V.; Spies, C.; Speidel, S.; Borchers, F.; Hadzidiakos, D.; Hendrikse, J.; Winterer, G.; Bresser, J. de; Wolf, A.; Spies, C.; Yurek, F.; Borchers, F.; Lachmann, G.; Feinkohl, I.; Ofosu, K.; Olbert, M.; Zacharias, N.; Morgeli, R.; Pischon, T.; Gallinat, J.; Kuhn, S.; Slooter, A.; Dellen, E. van; Kant, I.; Bresser, J. de; Hendrikse, J.; Montfort, S. van; Menon, D.; Stamatakis, E.; Preller, J.; Moreno-Lopez, L.; Winzeck, S.; Melillo, D.; Boraschi, D.; Camera, G. della; Italiani, P.; Schneider, R.; Krause, R.; Heidtke, K.; Nurnberg, P.; Helms-Chrodt, A.; Bocher, A.; Hafen, B.; Armbruster, F.P.; Diehl, I.; Ruppert, J.; Hartmann, K.; Kronabel, M.; Weyer, M.; Dschietzig, T.B.; Pietzsch, M.; Weber, S.; Ittermann, B.; Fillmer, A. & BIOCOG Consortium (2019), Cerebral microbleeds are not associated with postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive dysfunction in older individuals, PLoS ONE 14(6).
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Lammers, G.J. & Siegel, J.M. (2019), Striking cessation of cataplexy by opioids, Journal of Sleep Research 28(4).
- Newsum, A.M.; Kooij, K.W.; Boyd, A.; Smit, C.; Wit, F.W.N.M.; Meer, J.T.M. van der; Prins, M.; Reiss, P.; Valk, M. van der; Eden, H. van; Molenkamp, R.; Pijnappel, F.; Reesink, H.W.; Schinkel, J.; Steba, G.S.; Berk, G.E.L. van den; Brinkman, K.; Hooijenga, I.; Kwa, D.; Meche, N. van der; Toonen, A.; Vos, D.; Broekhuizen, M. van; Lauw, E.N.; Mulder, J.W.; Arend, J.E.; Kessel, A. van; Silvius, B.; Versloot, M.; Boonstra, A.; Rijnders, B.J.A.; Brokking, W.; Eeden, A. van; Elsenburg, L.; Nobel, H.E.; Laar, T.J.W. van de; Veldt, W. van der; Geerlings, S.E.; Goorhuis, A.; Hovius, J.W.; Lempkes, B.; Nellen, F.J.B.; Poll, T. van der; Prins, J.M.; Vugt, M. van; Wiersinga, W.J.; Duinen, M. van; Eden, J. van; Hazenberg, A.; Hes, A.M.H. van; Pijnappel, F.J.J.; Smalhout, S.Y.; Weijsenfeld, A.M.; Jurriaans, S.; Back, N.K.T.; Zaaijer, H.L.; Berkhout, B.; Cornelissen, M.T.E.; Schinkel, C.J.; Wolthers, K.C.; Peters, E.J.G.; Agtmael, M.A. van; Bomers, M.; Sigaloff, K.C.E.; Heitmuller, M.; Laan, L.M.; Ang, C.W.; Houdt, R. van; Jonges, M.; Pettersson, A.M.; Prehn, J. van; Berge, M. van den; Stegeman, A.; Baas, S.; Looff, L.H. de; Wintermans, B.; Veenemans, J.; Pronk, M.J.H.; Ammerloan, H.S.M.; Munnik, E.S. de; Jansz, A.R.; Tjhie, J.; Wegdam, M.C.A.; Deiman, B.; Scharnhorst, V.; Elsenburg, L.J.M.; Nobel, H.; Damen, M.; Kasteren, M.E.E. van; Berrevoets, M.A.H.; Brouwer, A.E.; Adams, A.; Kruijf-van de Wiel, B.A.E. de; Keelan-Pfaf, S.; Ven, B. van de; Ven, B. van der; Buiting, A.G.M.; Murck, J.L.; Versteeg, D.; Ende, M.E. van der; Box, H.I.; Gorp, E.C.M. van; Nouwen, J.L.; Schurink, C.A.M.; Verbon, A.; Vries-Sluijs, T.E.M.S. de; Jong-Peltenburg, N.C. de; Bassant, N.; Beek, J.E.A. van; Vriesde, M.; Zonneveld, L.M. van; Berg-Cameron, H.J. van den; Groot, J. de; Boucher, C.A.B.; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Kampen, J.J.A. van; Branger, J.; Douma, R.A.; Duijf-van de Ven, C.J.H.M.; Schippers, E.F.; Nieuwkoop, C. van; IJperen, J.M. van; Geilings, J.; Hut, G. van der; Burgel, N.D. van; Leyten, E.M.S.; Gelinck, L.B.S.; Mollema, F.; Davids-Veldhuis, S.; Hartingsveld, A.Y. van; Wildenbeest, G.S.; Heikens, E.; Groeneveld, P.H.P.; Bouwhuis, J.W.; Lammers, A.J.J.; Kraan, S.; Hulzen, A.G.W. van; Kruiper, M.S.M.; Bliek, G.L. van der; Bor, P.C.J.; Bloembergen, P.; Wolthagen, M.H.M.; Ruijs, G.J.H.M.; Kroon, E.; Boer, M.G.J. de; Scheper, H.; Jolink, H.; Dorama, W.; Holten, N. van; Claas, E.C.J.; Wessels, E.; Hollander, J.G. den; Pogany, K.; Roukens, A.; Douma, R.; Kastelijns, M.; Smit, J.V.; Smit, E.; Struik-Kalkman, D.; Tearno, C.; Niekerk, T. van; Pontesilli, O.; Lowe, S.H.; Lashof, A.M.L.O.; Posthouwer, D.; Ackens, R.P.; Burgers, K.; Schippers, J.; Enberg-Maes, B.W.; Loo, I.H.M. van; Havenith, T.R.A.; Vrouenraets, S.M.E.; Broekhuizen, M.C. van; Vlasblom, D.J.; Kroeze, M.; Smits, P.H.M.; Weijer, S.; Moussaoui, R. el; Bosma, A.S.; Vonderen, M.G.A. van; Kampschreur, L.M.; Faber, S.; Steeman-Bouma, R.; Wed, J.; Kootstra, G.J.; Delsing, C.E.; Burg-van de Plas, M. van der; Heins, H.; Kortmann, W.; Twillert, G. van; Renckens, R.; Ruiter-Pronk, D.; Truijen-Oud, E.A. van; Stuart, J.W.T.C.; Jansen, E.R.; Hoogewerf, M.; Rozemeijer, W.; Reijden, W.A. van der; Sinnige, J.C.; Blok, W.L.; Frissen, P.H.J.; Lettinga, K.D.; Schouten, W.E.M.; Veenstra, J.; Brouwer, C.J.; Geerders, G.E.; Hoeksema, K.; Kleene, M.J.; Knapen, M.; Meche, I.B. van der; Mulder-Seeleman, E.; Toonen, A.J.M.; Wijnands, S.; Crevel, R. van; Dofferhoff, A.S.M.; Hofstede, H.J.M. ter; Hoogerwerf, J.; Keuter, M.; Richel, O.; Albers, M.; Grintjes-Huisman, K.J.T.; Haan, M. de; Marneef, M.; Strik-Albers, R.; Rahamat-Langendoen, J.; Stelma, E.E.; Burger, D.; Gisolf, E.H.; Hassing, R.J.; Claassen, M.; Beest, G. ter; Bentum, P.H.M. van; Langebeek, N.; Tiemessen, R.; Swanink, C.M.A.; Lelyveld, S.F.L. van; Soetekouw, R.; Prijt, L.M.M. van der; Swaluw, J. van der; Bermon, N.; Jansen, R.; Herpers, B.L.; Veenendaal, D.; Verhagen, D.W.M.; Wijk, M. van; Bierman, W.F.W.; Bakker, M. & Kleinnij (2019), Progression of liver fibrosis following acute hepatitis C virus infection in HIV-positive MSM, AIDS 33(5): 833-844.
- Zoest, R.A. van; Law, M.; Sabin, C.A.; Vaartjes, I.; Valk, M. van der; Arends, J.E.; Reiss, P.; Wit, F.W.; Geerlings, S.E.; Godfried, M.H.; Goorhuis, A.; Hovius, J.W.; Kuijpers, T.W.; Nellen, F.J.B.; Poll, D.T. van der; Prins, J.M.; Vugt, H.J.M. van; Wiersinga, W.J.; Wit, F.W.M.N.; Duinen, M. van; Eden, J. van; Hes, A.M.H. van; Pijnappel, F.J.J.; Weijsenfeld, A.M.; Jurriaans, S.; Back, N.K.T.; Zaaijer, H.L.; Berkhout, B.; Cornelissen, M.T.E.; Schinkel, C.J.; Wolthers, K.C.; Peters, E.J.G.; Agtmael, M.A. van; Bomers, M.; Heitmuller, M.; Laan, L.M.; Ang, C.W.; Houdt, R. van; Pettersson, A.M.; Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C.M.J.E.; Berge, M. van den; Stegeman, A.; Baas, S.; Looff, L.H. de; Wintermans, B.; Veenemans, J.; Pronk, M.J.H.; Ammerlaan, H.S.M.; Munnik, E.S. de; Jansz, A.R.; Tjhie, J.; Wegdam, M.C.A.; Deiman, B.; Scharnhorst, V.; Eeden, A. van; Brokking, W.; Groot, M.; Elsenburg, L.J.M.; Damen, M.; Kwa, I.S.; Kasteren, M.E.E. van; Brouwer, A.E.; Erve, R. van; Kruijf-van de Wiel, B.A.F.M. de; Ven, B. van de; Buiting, A.G.M.; Kabel, P.J.; Versteeg, D.; Ende, M.E. van der; Bax, H.I.; Gorp, E.C.M. van; Nouwen, J.L.; Rijnders, B.J.A.; Schurink, C.A.M.; Verbon, A.; Vries-Sluijs, T.E.M.S. de; Jong-Peltenburg, N.C. de; Bassant, N.; Beek, J.E.A. van; Vriesde, M.; Zonneveld, L.M. van; Berg-Cameron, H.J. van den; Groot, J. de; Zeeuw-de Man, M. de; Boucher, C.A.B.; Koopmans, M.P.G.; Kampen, J.J.A. van; Pas, S.D.; Branger, J.; Douma, R.A.; Duijf-van de Ven, C.J.H.M.; Schippers, E.F.; Nieuwkoop, C. van; IJperen, J.M. van; Geilings, J.; Hut, G. van der; Burgel, N.D. van; Leyten, E.M.S.; Gelinck, L.B.S.; Davids-Veldhuis, S.; Hartingsveld, A.Y. van; Meerkerk, C.; Wildenbeest, G.S.; Heikens, E.; Groeneveld, P.H.P.; Bouwhuis, J.W.; Lammers, A.J.J.; Kraan, S.; Hulzen, A.G.W. van; Kruiper, M.S.M.; Bliek, G.L. van der; Bor, P.C.J.; Bloembergen, P.; Wolfhagen, M.J.H.M.; Ruijs, G.J.H.M.; Kroon, F.P.; Boer, M.G.J. de; Scheper, H.; Jolink, H.; Dorama, W.; Holten, N. van; Claas, E.C.J.; Wessels, E.; Hollander, J.G. den; Pogany, K.; Roukens, A.; Kastelijns, M.; Smit, J.V.; Smit, E.; Struik-Kalkman, D.; Tearno, C.; Niekerk, T. van; Pontesilli, O.; Lowe, S.H.; Lashof, A.M.L.O.; Posthouwer, D.; Ackens, R.P.; Burgers, K.; Schippers, J.; Weijenberg-Maes, B.; Loo, I.H.M. van; Havenith, T.R.A.; Mulder, J.W.; Vrouenraets, S.M.E.; Lauw, F.N.; Broekhuizen, M.C. van; Vlasblom, D.J.; Smits, P.H.M.; Weijer, S.; Moussaoui, R. el; Bosma, A.S.; Vonderen, M.G.A. van; Kampschreur, L.M.; Dijkstra, K.; Faber, S.; Weel, J.; Kootstra, G.J.; Delsing, C.E.; Burg-van de Plas, M. van der; Heins, H.; Kortmann, W.; Twillert, G. van; Renckens, R.; Ruiter-Pronk, D.; Truijen-Oud, F.A. van; Stuart, J.W.T.C.; IJzerman, E.P.; Jansen, R.; Rozemeijer; Reijden, W.A. van der; Brinkman, K.; Berk, G.E.L. van den; Blok, W.L.; Frissen, P.H.J.; Lettinga, K.D.; Schouten, W.E.M.; Veenstra, J.; Brouwer, C.J.; Geerders, G.F.; Hoeksema, K.; Kleene, M.J.; Meche, I.B. van der; Spelbrink, M.; Toonen, A.J.M.; Wijnands, S.; Kwa, D.; Regez, R.; Crevel, R. van; Keuter, M.; Ven, A.J.A.M. van der; Hofstede, H.J.M. ter; Dofferhoff, A.S.M.; Hoogerwerf, J.; Grintjes-Huisman, K.J.T.; Haan, M. de; Marneef, M.; Rahamat-Langendoen, J.; Stelma, F.F.; Burger, D.; Gisolf, E.H.; Hassing, R.J.; Claassen, M.; Beest, G. ter; Bentum, P.H.M. van; Langebeek, N.; Tiemessen, R.; Swanink, C.M.A.; Lelyveld, S.F.L. van; Soetekouw, R.; Prijt, L.M.M. van der; Swaluw, J. van der; Bermon, N.; Reijden, W.A. van der; Jansen, R.; Herpers, B.L.; Veenendaal, D.; Verhagen, D.W.M.; Wijk, M. van; Bierman, W.F.W.; Bakker, M.; Kleinnijenhuis, J.; Kloeze, E.; Stienstra, Y.; Wilting, K.R.; Wouthuyzen-Bakker, M.; Boonstra, A.; Meulen, P.A. van der; Weerd, D.A. de; Niesters, H.G.M.; Leer-Buter, C.C. van; Knoester, M.; Hoepelman, A.I.M.; Barth, R.E.; Bruns, A.H.W.; Ellerbroek, P.M.; Mudrikova, T.; Oosterheert, J.J.; Schadd, E.M.; Wassenberg, M.W.M.; Zoelen, M.A.D. van; Aarsman, K. & Elst-Laurijssen, D.H. (2019), Predictive Performance of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction Algorithms in People Living With HIV, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 81(5): 562-571.
- Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Lammers, G.J. & Fronczek, R. (2019), The development of hypocretin deficiency in narcolepsy type 1 can be swift and closely linked to symptom onset: clues from a singular case., SLEEP 42(4).
- Sluijs, P.J. van der; Jansen, S.; Vergano, S.A.; Adachi-Fukuda, M.; Alanay, Y.; AlKindy, A.; Baban, A.; Bayat, A.; Beck-Wodl, S.; Berry, K.; Bijlsma, E.K.; Bok, L.A.; Brouwer, A.F.J.; Burgt, I. van der; Campeau, P.M.; Canham, N.; Chrzanowska, K.; Chu, Y.W.Y.; Chung, B.H.Y.; Dahan, K.; Rademaeker, M. de; Destree, A.; Dudding-Byth, T.; Earl, R.; Elcioglu, N.; Elias, E.R.; Fagerberg, C.; Gardham, A.; Gener, B.; Gerkes, E.H.; Grasshoff, U.; Haeringen, A. van; Heitink, K.R.; Herkert, J.C.; Hollander, N.S. den; Horn, D.; Hunt, D.; Kant, S.G.; Kato, M.; Kayserili, H.; Kersseboom, R.; Kilic, E.; Krajewska-Walasek, M.; Lammers, K.; Laulund, L.W.; Lederer, D.; Lees, M.; Lopez-Gonzalez, V.; Maas, S.; Mancini, G.M.S.; Marcelis, C.; Martinez, F.; Maystadt, I.; McGuire, M.; McKee, S.; Mehta, S.; Metcalfe, K.; Milunsky, J.; Mizuno, S.; Moeschler, J.B.; Netzer, C.; Ockeloen, C.W.; Oehl-Jaschkowitz, B.; Okamoto, N.; Olminkhof, S.N.M.; Orellana, C.; Pasquier, L.; Pottinger, C.; Riehmer, V.; Robertson, S.P.; Roifman, M.; Rooryck, C.; Ropers, F.G.; Rosello, M.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Sagiroglu, M.S.; Sallevelt, S.C.E.H.; Calvo, A.S.; Simsek-Kiper, P.O.; Soares, G.; Solaeche, L.; Sonmez, F.M.; Splitt, M.; Steenbeek, D.; Stegmann, A.P.A.; Stumpel, C.T.R.M.; Tanabe, S.; Uctepe, E.; Utine, G.E.; Veenstra-Knol, H.E.; Venkateswaran, S.; Vilain, C.; Vincent-Delorme, C.; Vulto-van Silfhout, A.T.; Wheeler, P.; Wilson, G.N.; Wilson, L.C.; Wollnik, B.; Kosho, T.; Wieczorek, D.; Eichler, E.; Pfundt, R.; Vries, B.B.A. de; Clayton-Smith, J. & Santen, G.W.E. (2019), The ARID1B spectrum in 143 patients: from nonsyndromic intellectual disability to Coffin-Siris syndrome, Genetics in Medicine 21(6): 1295-1307.
- Sluijs, P.J. van der; Jansen, S.; Vergano, S.A.; Adachi-Fukuda, M.; Alanay, Y.; AlKindy, A.; Baban, A.; Bayat, A.; Beck-Wodl, S.; Berry, K.; Bijlsma, E.K.; Bok, L.A.; Brouwer, A.F.J.; Burgt, I. van der; Campeau, P.M.; Canham, N.; Chrzanowska, K.; Chu, Y.W.Y.; Chung, B.H.Y.; Dahan, K.; Rademaeker, M. de; Destree, A.; Dudding-Byth, T.; Earl, R.; Elcioglu, N.; Elias, E.R.; Fagerberg, C.; Gardham, A.; Gener, B.; Gerkes, E.H.; Grasshoff, U.; Haeringen, A. van; Heitink, K.R.; Herkert, J.C.; Hollander, N.S. den; Horn, D.; Hunt, D.; Kant, S.G.; Kato, M.; Kayserili, H.; Kersseboom, R.; Kilic, E.; Krajewska-Walasek, M.; Lammers, K.; Laulund, L.W.; Lederer, D.; Lees, M.; Lopez-Gonzalez, V.; Maas, S.; Mancini, G.M.S.; Marcelis, C.; Martinez, F.; Maystadt, I.; McGuire, M.; Mckee, S.; Mehta, S.; Metcalfe, K.; Milunsky, J.; Mizuno, S.; Moeschler, J.B.; Netzer, C.; Ockeloen, C.W.; Oehl-Jaschkowitz, B.; Okamoto, N.; Olminkhof, S.N.M.; Orellana, C.; Pasquier, L.; Pottinger, C.; Riehmer, V.; Robertson, S.P.; Roifman, M.; Rooryck, C.; Ropers, F.G.; Rosello, M.; Ruivenkamp, C.A.L.; Sagiroglu, M.S.; Sallevelt, S.C.E.H.; Calvo, A.S.; Simsek-Kiper, P.O.; Soares, G.; Solaeche, L.; Sonmez, F.M.; Splitt, M.; Steenbeek, D.; Stegmann, A.P.A.; Stumpel, C.T.R.M.; Tanabe, S.; Uctepe, E.; Utine, G.E.; Veenstra-Knol, H.E.; Venkateswaran, S.; Vilain, C.; Vincent-Delorme, C.; Vulto-van Silfhout, A.T.; Wheeler, P.; Wilson, G.N.; Wilson, L.C.; Wollnik, B.; Kosho, T.; Wieczorek, D.; Eichler, E.; Pfundt, R.; Vries, B.B.A. de; Clayton-Smith, J. & Santen, G.W.E. (2019), The ARID1B spectrum in 143 patients: from nonsyndromic intellectual disability to Coffin-Siris syndrome (vol 21, pg 1295, 2019), Genetics in Medicine 21(9): 2160-2161.
- Emsellem H., Thorpy M. J., Lammers G., Shapiro C., Mayer G., Plazzi G., Chen D., Li J., Carter L. P., Ryan R., Black J. & Dauvilliers Y. (2018), MEASURES OF FUNCTION, WORK PRODUCTIVITY, AND QUALITY OF LIFE FROM A PHASE 3 STUDY OF SOLRIAMFETOL (JZP-110) IN PATIENTS WITH NARCOLEPSY, SLEEP 41: A230-A231.
- Schinkelshoek, M.; Wit, K. de; Bruggink, V.; Fronczek, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2018), Sleep-state and dream perception in sleep disorders, Journal of Sleep Research 27.
- Gool, J.K.; Fronczek, R.; Lammers, G.J. & Werf, Y.D. van der (2018), Sustained attention to response task (SART) shows impaired vigilance versatility in narcolepsy type 1: a simultaneous EEG-fMRI study, Journal of Sleep Research 27.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Someren, E.J.W. van; Schoonman, G.G.; Louter, M.A.; Lammers, G.J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2018), Chronotypes and circadian timing in migraine, Cephalalgia 38(4): 617-625.
- Kallweit, U.; Bassetti, C.L.A.; Oberholzer, M.; Fronczek, R.; Beguin, M.; Strub, M. & Lammers, G.J. (2018), Coexisting narcolepsy (with and without cataplexy) and multiple sclerosis, Journal of Neurology 265(9): 2071-2078.
- Lammers, G.J. (2018), Drugs Used in Narcolepsy and Other Hypersomnias, Sleep Medicine Clinics 13(2): 183-+.
- Holst, R.J. van; Janssen, L.K.; Mierlo, P. van; Lammers, G.J.; Cools, R.; Overeem, S. & Aarts, E. (2018), Enhanced food-related responses in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex in narcolepsy type 1, Scientific Reports 8.
- Zhang, Z.X.; Mayer, G.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Plazzi, G.; Pizza, F.; Fronczek, R.; Santamaria, J.; Partinen, M.; Overeem, S.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Silva, A.M. da; Sonka, K.; Rio-Villegas, R. del; Heinzer, R.; Wierzbicka, A.; Young, P.; Hogl, B.; Bassetti, C.L.; Manconi, M.; Feketeova, E.; Mathis, J.; Paiva, T.; Canellas, F.; Lecendreux, M.; Baumann, C.R.; Barateau, L.; Pesenti, C.; Antelmi, E.; Gaig, C.; Iranzo, A.; Lillo-Triguero, L.; Medrano-Martinez, P.; Haba-Rubio, J.; Gorban, C.; Luca, G.; Lammers, G.J. & Khatami, R. (2018), Exploring the clinical features of narcolepsy type 1 versus narcolepsy type 2 from European Narcolepsy Network database with machine learning, Scientific Reports 8.
- Weibel, D.; Sturkenboom, M.; Black, S.; Ridder, M. de; Dodd, C.; Bonhoeffer, J.; Vanrolleghem, A.; Maas, N. van der; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S.; Gentile, A.; Giglio, N.; Castellano, V.; Kwong, J.C.; Murray, B.J.; Cauch-Dudek, K.; Juhasz, D.; Campitelli, M.; Datta, A.N.; Kallweit, U.; Huang, W.T.; Huang, Y.S.; Hsu, C.Y.; Chen, H.C.; Giner-Soriano, M.; Morros, R.; Gaig, C.; Tio, E.; Perez-Vilar, S.; Diez-Domingo, J.; Puertas, F.J.; Svenson, L.W.; Mahmud, S.M.; Carleton, B.; Naus, M.; Arnheim-Dahlstrom, L.; Pedersen, L.; DeStefano, F. & Shimabukuro, T.T. (2018), Narcolepsy and adjuvanted pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 vaccines - Multi-country assessment, Vaccine 36(41): 6202-6211.
- Thannickal, T.C.; John, J.; Shan, L.; Swaab, D.F.; Wu, M.F.; Ramanathan, L.; McGregor, R.; Chew, K.T.; Cornford, M.; Yamanaka, A.; Inutsuka, A.; Fronczek, R.; Lammers, G.J.; Worley, P.F. & Siegel, J.M. (2018), Opiates increase the number of hypocretin-producing cells in human and mouse brain and reverse cataplexy in a mouse model of narcolepsy, Science Translational Medicine 10(447).
- Emsellem H., Thorpy M. J., Lammers G. J., Shapiro C., Mayer G., Plazzi G., Chen D., Li J., Carter L. P., Ryan R., Black J. & Dauvilliers Y. (2018), Quality of life, functional evaluation, and work productivity in patients with narcolepsy: results from a phase 3 study of solriamfetol (JZP-110), Journal of Sleep Research 27.
- Dauvilliers Y., Lammers G., Lecendreux M., Maski K., Kansagra S., Black J., Parvataneni R., Wang Y. & Rosen C. (2018), SODIUM OXYBATE TREATMENT OF PEDIATRIC NARCOLEPSY: EFFECTS ON WEIGHT, HEIGHT, AND PUBERTAL DEVELOPMENT, SLEEP 41: A292-A292.
- Dauvilliers Y., Shapiro C., Mayer G., Lammers G., Emsellem H., Plazzi G., Chen D., Li J., Carter L. P., Lee L., Black J. & Thorpy M. J. (2018), SOLRIAMFETOL (JZP-110) FOR TREATMENT OF EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS IN NARCOLEPTIC PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT CATAPLEXY: RESULTS FROM A RANDOMIZED, PHASE 3, CLINICAL TRIAL, SLEEP 41: A229-A230.
- Brown, A.G.A.; Vallenari, A.; Prusti, T.; Bruijne, J.H.J. de; Babusiaux, C.; Bailer-Jones, C.A.L.; Biermann, M.; Evans, D.W.; Eyer, L.; Jansen, F.; Jordi, C.; Klioner, S.A.; Lammers, U.; Lindegren, L.; Luri, X.; Mignard, F.; Panem, C.; Pourbaix, D.; Randich, S.; Sartoretti, P.; Siddiqui, H.I.; Soubiran, C.; Leeuwen, F. van; Walton, N.A.; Arenou, F.; Bastian, U.; Cropper, M.; Drimmel, R.; Katz, D.; Lattanzi, M.G.; Bakker, J.; Cacciari, C.; Castaneda, J.; Chaoul, L.; Cheek, N.; Angeli, F. de; Fabricius, C.; Guerra, R.; Holl, B.; Masana, E.; Messineo, R.; Mowlavi, N.; Nienartowicz, K.; Panuzzo, P.; Portell, J.; Riello, M.; Seabroke, G.M.; Tanga, P.; Thevenin, F.; Gracia-Abril, G.; Comoretto, G.; Garcia-Reinaldos, M.; Teyssier, D.; Altmann, M.; Andrae, R.; Audard, M.; Bellas-Velidis, I.; Benson, K.; Berthier, J.; Blomme, R.; Burgess, P.; Busso, G.; Carry, B.; Cellino, A.; Clementini, G.; Clotet, M.; Creevey, O.; Davidson, M.; Ridder, J. de; Delchambre, L.; Dell'Oro, A.; Ducourant, C.; Fernandez-Hernandez, J.; Fouesneau, M.; Fremat, Y.; Galluccio, L.; Garcia-Torres, M.; Gonzalez-Nunez, J.; Gonzalez-Vidal, J.J.; Gosset, E.; Guy, L.P.; Halbwachs, J.L.; Hambly, N.C.; Harrison, D.L.; Hernandez, J.; Hestroffer, D.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Hutton, A.; Jasniewicz, G.; Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, A.; Jordan, S.; Korn, A.J.; Krone-Martins, A.; Lanzafame, A.C.; Lebzelter, T.; Loffler, W.; Manteiga, M.; Marrese, P.M.; Martin-Fleitas, J.M.; Moitinho, A.; Mora, A.; Muinonen, K.; Osinde, J.; Pancino, E.; Pauwels, T.; Petit, J.M.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Richards, P.J.; Rimoldini, L.; Robin, A.C.; Sarro, L.M.; Siopis, C.; Smith, M.; Sozzetti, A.; Suveges, M.; Torra, J.; Reeven, W. van; Abbas, U.; Aramburu, A.A.; Accart, S.; Aerts, C.; Altavilla, G.; Alvarez, M.A.; Alvarez, R.; Alves, J.; Anderson, R.I.; Andrei, A.H.; Varela, E.A.; Antiche, E.; Antoja, T.; Arcay, B.; Astraatmadja, T.L.; Bach, N.; Baker, S.G.; Balaguer-Nunez, L.; Balm, P.; Barache, C.; Barata, C.; Barbato, D.; Barblan, F.; Barklem, P.S.; Barrado, D.; Barros, M.; Barstow, M.A.; Munoz, S.B.; Bassilana, J.L.; Becciani, U.; Bellazzini, M.; Berihuete, A.; Bertone, S.; Bianchi, L.; Bienayme, O.; Blanco-Cuaresma, S.; Boch, T.; Boeche, C.; Bombrun, A.; Borrachero, R.; Bossini, D.; Bouquillon, S.; Bourda, G.; Bragaglia, A.; Bramante, L.; Breddels, M.A.; Bressan, A.; Brouillet, N.; Brusemeister, T.; Brugaletta, E.; Bucciarelli, B.; Burlacu, A.; Busonero, D.; Butkevich, A.G.; Buzzi, R.; Caffau, E.; Cancelliere, R.; Cannizzaro, G.; Cantat-Gaudin, T.; Carballo, R.; Carlucci, T.; Carrasco, J.M.; Casamiquela, L.; Castellani, M.; Castro-Ginard, A.; Charlot, P.; Chemin, L.; Chiavassa, A.; Cocozza, G.; Costigan, G.; Cowell, S.; Crifo, F.; Crosta, M.; Crowley, C.; Cuypers, J.; Dafonte, C.; Damerdji, Y.; Dapergolas, A.; David, P.; David, M.; Laverny, P. de; Luise, F. de; March, R. de; Martino, D. de; Souza, R. de; Torres, A. de; Debosscher, J.; Pozo, E. del; Delbo, M.; Delgado, A.; Delgado, H.E.; Matteo, P. di; Diakite, S.; Diener, C.; Distefano, E.; Dolding, C.; Drazinos, P.; Duran, J.; Edvardsson, B.; Enke, H.; Eriksson, K.; Esquej, P.; Bontemps, G.E.; Fabre, C.; Fabrizio, M.; Faigler, S.; Falcao, A.J.; Casas, M.F.; Federici, L.; Fedorets, G.; Fernique, P.; Figueras, F.; Filippi, F.; Findeisen, K.; Fonti, A.; Fraile, E.; Fraser, M.; Frezouls, B.; Gai, M.; Galleti, S.; Garabato, D.; Garcia-Sedano, F.; Garofalo, A.; Garralda, N.; Gavel, A.; Gavras, P.; Gerssen, J.; Geyer, R.; Giacobbe, P.; Gilmore, G.; Girona, S.; Giuffrida, G.; Glass, F.; Gomes, M.; Granvik, M.; Gueguen, A.; Guerrier, A.; Guiraud, J.; Gutierrez-Sanchez, R.; Haigron, R.; Hatzidimitriou, D.; Hauser, M.; Haywood, M.; Heiter, U.; Helmi, A.; Heu, J.; Hilger, T.; Hobbs, D.; Hofmann, W.; Holland, G.; Huckle, H.E.; Hypki, A.; Icardi, V.; Janssen, K.; Fombelle, G.J. de; Jonker, P.G.; Juhasz, A.L.; Julbe, F.; Karampelas, A.; Kewley, A.; Klar, J.; Kochoska, A.; Kohley, R.; Kolenberg, K.; Kontizas, M.; Kontizas, E. & (2018), Summary of the contents and survey properties, Astronomy and Astrophysics 616.
- Schinkelshoek, M.; Fronczek, R.; Heide, A. van der; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Koning, F. & Lammers, G.J. (2017), H1N1 HA-specific T-cells can be readily detected in patients with narcolepsy, European Journal of Neurology 24: 76-76.
- Lammers, G.J. (2017), Sleep in 2016: methodological issues and progress, Lancet Neurology 16(1): 15-17.
- Zhang, Z.; Mayer, G.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Plazzi, G.; Pizza, F.; Lammers, G.J.; Fronczek, R.; Santamaria, J.; Gaig, C.; Partinen, M.; Overeem, S.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Silva, A.M. da; Sonka, K.; Rio-Villegas, R. del; Tafti, M.; Wierzbicka, A.; Hogl, B.; Young, P.; Bassetti, C.L.; Feketova, E.; Mathis, J.; Paiva, T.; Canellas, F.; Kornum, B.R.; Lecendreux, M.; Baumann, C.R.; Luca, G.; Khatami, R. & European Narcolepsy Network (2016), Classification of Narcolepsy with Cataplexy versus Narcolepsy without Cataplexy, and Narcolepsy type 1 versus Narcolepsy type 2: a machine learning approach, Journal of Sleep Research 25: 81-81.
- Edlow, B.L. & Lammers, G.J. (2016), Bringing posttraumatic sleep-wake disorders out of the dark, Neurology 86(21): 1934-1935.
- Berg, R. van den; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Donga, E.; Dijk, M. van; Dijk, J.G. van; Lammers, G.J.; Kralingen, K.W. van; Prehn, C.; Adamski, J.; Romijn, J.A.; Dijk, K.W. van; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Biermasz, N.R. (2016), A single night of sleep curtailment increases plasma acylcarnitines: Novel insights in the relationship between sleep and insulin resistance, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 589: 145-151.
- Holst, R.J. van; Cruijsen, L. van der; Mierlo, P. van; Lammers, G.J.; Cools, R.; Overeem, S. & Aarts, E. (2016), Aberrant Food Choices after Satiation in Human Orexin-Deficient Narcolepsy Type 1, SLEEP 39(11): 1951-1959.
- Khatami, R.; Luca, G.; Baumann, C.R.; Bassetti, C.L.; Bruni, O.; Canellas, F.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Rio-Villegas, R. del; Feketeova, E.; Ferri, R.; Geisler, P.; Hogl, B.; Jennum, P.; Kornum, B.R.; Lecendreux, M.; Martins-Da-Silva, A.; Mathis, J.; Mayer, G.; Paiva, T.; Partinen, M.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Plazzi, G.; Santamaria, J.; Sonka, K.; Riha, R.; Tafti, M.; Wierzbicka, A.; Young, P.; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S. & European Narcolepsy Network (2016), The European Narcolepsy Network (EU-NN) database, Journal of Sleep Research 25(3): 356-364.
- Cox, F.M.E.; Lammers, G.J.; Thijs, R.D. & Visser, G.H. (2016), Pearls & Oy-sters: Diagnostic challenges in nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, Neurology 86(14): e151-e153.
- Wijnans, L.; Dodd, C.; Ridder, M. de; Romio, S.; Weibel, D.; Overeem, S.; Lammers, G.J.; Bonhoeffer, J.; Black, S. & Sturkenboom, M. (2016), Pandemic influenza vaccine & narcolepsy: simulations on the potential impact of bias, Expert Review of Vaccines 15(5): 573-584.
- Tafti, M.; Lammers, G.J.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Overeem, S.; Mayer, G.; Nowak, J.; Pfister, C.; Dubois, V.; Eliaou, J.F.; Eberhard, H.P.; Liblau, R.; Wierzbicka, A.; Geisler, P.; Bassetti, C.L.; Mathis, J.; Lecendreux, M.; Khatami, R.; Heinzer, R.; Haba-Rubio, J.; Feketeova, E.; Baumann, C.R.; Kutalik, Z. & Tiercy, J.M. (2016), Narcolepsy-Associated HLA Class I Alleles Implicate Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity, SLEEP 39(3): 581-587.
- Schie, M.K.M. van; Werth, E.; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S.; Baumann, C.R. & Fronczek, R. (2016), Improved vigilance after sodium oxybate treatment in narcolepsy: a comparison between in-field and in-laboratory measurements, Journal of Sleep Research 25(4): 486-496.
- Fronczek, R.; Heide, A. van der; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Lammers, G.J. & Koning, F. (2016), H1N1 HA-specific T-cells can be readily detected in narcolepsy type 1, Journal of Sleep Research 25: 98-98.
- Heide, A. van der; Werth, E.; Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Reijntjes, R.H.A.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Someren, E.J.W. van; Baumann, C.R. & Fronczek, R. (2016), Core Body and Skin Temperature in Type 1 Narcolepsy in Daily Life; Effects of Sodium Oxybate and Prediction of Sleep Attacks, SLEEP 39(11): 1941-1949.
- Joustra, S.D.; Reijntjes, R.H.; Pereira, A.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Biermasz, N.R. & Thijs, R.D. (2016), The Role of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus in Cardiac Autonomic Control during Sleep, PLoS ONE 11(3).
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Someren, E.J.W. van; Louter, M.A.; Schoonman, G.G.; Lammers, G.J.; Rijsman, R.M.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2016), Restless legs syndrome in migraine patients: prevalence and severity, European Journal of Neurology 23(6): 1110-1116.
- Meijden, W.P. van der; Fronczek, R.; Reijntjes, R.H.A.M.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Biermasz, N.R.; Lammers, G.J.; Dijk, J.G. van & Thijs, R.D. (2015), Time- and state-dependent analysis of autonomic control in narcolepsy: higher heart rate with normal heart rate variability independent of sleep fragmentation, Journal of Sleep Research 24(2): 206-214.
- Heide, A. van der; Schie, M.K.M. van; Lammers, G.J.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Arnulf, I.; Mayer, G.; Bassetti, C.L.; Ding, C.L.; Lehert, P. & Dijk, J.G. van (2015), Comparing Treatment Effect Measurements in Narcolepsy: The Sustained Attention to Response Task, Epworth Sleepiness Scale and Maintenance of Wakefulness Test, SLEEP 38(7): 1051-1058.
- Heide, A. van der; Hegeman-Kleinn, I.M.; Peeters, E.; Lammers, G.J. & Fronczek, R. (2015), Immunohistochemical screening for antibodies in recent onset type 1 narcolepsy and after H1N1 vaccination, Journal of Neuroimmunology 283: 58-62.
- Heide, A. van der; Hegeman-Kleinn, I.M.; Peeters, E.; Lammers, G.J. & Fronczek, R. (2015), Immunohistochemical screening for auto-antibodies in recent onset type 1 narcolepsy and after H1N1 vaccination, European Journal of Neurology 22: 262-262.
- Bassetti, C.L.; Ferini-Strambi, L.; Brown, S.; Adamantidis, A.; Benedetti, F.; Bruni, O.; Cajochen, C.; Dolenc-Groselj, L.; Ferri, R.; Gais, S.; Huber, R.; Khatami, R.; Lammers, G.J.; Luppi, P.H.; Manconi, M.; Nissen, C.; Nobili, L.; Peigneux, P.; Pollmacher, T.; Randerath, W.; Riemann, D.; Santamaria, J.; Schindler, K.; Tafti, M.; Someren, E. van & Wetter, T.C. (2015), Neurology and psychiatry: waking up to opportunities of sleep. State of the art and clinical/research priorities for the next decade, European Journal of Neurology 22(10): 1337-1354.
- Niemeijer, N.D.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Reijntjes, R.H.A.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Dijk, J.G. van & Thijs, R.D. (2015), Sleep-mediated heart rate variability after bilateral carotid body tumor resection., SLEEP 38(04).
- Heide, A.; Verduijn, W.; Haasnoot, G.; Drabbels, J.; Lammers, G. & Claas, F. (2015), HLA dosage effect in narcolepsy with cataplexy, Immunogenetics 67(1): 1-6.
- Heide, A. van der; Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Pijl, H.; Reijntjes, R.H.A.M.; Overeem, S.; Lammers, G.J.; Someren, E.J.W. van & Fronczek, R. (2015), The effects of sodium oxybate on core body and skin temperature regulation in narcolepsy, Journal of Sleep Research 24(5): 566-575.
- Mayer, G. & Lammers, G.J. (2014), The MSLT: More Objections than Benefits as a Diagnostic Gold Standard?, SLEEP 37(6): 1027-1028.
- Joustra, S.D.; Thijs, R.D.; Berg, R. van den; Dijk, M. van; Pereira, A.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Someren, E.J.W. van; Romijn, J.A. & Biermasz, N.R. (2014), Alterations in diurnal rhythmicity in patients treated for nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenoma: a controlled study and literature review, European Journal of Endocrinology 171(2): 217-228.
- Wong, T.H.; Chiu, W.Z.; Breedveld, G.J.; Li, K.W.; Verkerk, A.J.M.H.; Hondius, D.; Hukema, R.K.; Seelaar, H.; Frick, P.; Severijnen, L.A.; Lammers, G.J.; Lebbink, J.H.G.; Duinen, S.G. van; Kamphorst, W.; Rozemuller, A.J.; Bakker, E.B.; Neumann, M.; Willemsen, R.; Bonifati, V.; Smit, A.B.; Swieten, J. van; Netherlands Brain Bank & Int Parkinsonism Genetics Network (2014), PRKAR1B mutation associated with a new neurodegenerative disorder with unique pathology, Brain 137: 1361-1373.
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Meijden, W.P. van der; Buijserd-Amesz, P.P. & Lammers, G.J. (2014), Weight loss persists in narcolepsy patients using sodium oxybate, Journal of Sleep Research 23: 294-294.
- Heide, A. van der; Verduijn, W.; Haasnoot, G.; Drabbels, J.; Lammers, G.J. & Claas, F. (2014), HLA dosage effect in narcolepsy with cataplexy: additional evidence for a direct involvement of the HLA-DQ molecule in the development of the disease, Journal of Sleep Research 23: 289-290.
- Sturzenegger, C.; Baumann, C.R.; Kallweit, U.; Lammers, G.J. & Bassetti, C.L. (2014), Swiss Narcolepsy Scale: a valid tool for the identification of hypocretin-1 deficient patients with narcolepsy, Journal of Sleep Research 23: 297-297.
- Schie, M.K.M. van; Alblas, E.E.; Thijs, R.D.; Fronczek, R.; Lammers, G.J. & Dijk, J.G. van (2014), The influences of task repetition, napping, time of day, and instruction on the Sustained Attention to Response Task, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 36(10): 1055-1065.
- Hulsteijn, L.T. van; Duinen, N. van; Ninaber, M.K.; Romijn, J.A.; Dijk, J.G. van; Kralingen, K.W. van; Havekes, B.; Smid, L.; Lammers, G.J.; Jansen, J.C.; Smit, J.W.; Thijs, R.D. & Corssmit, E.P.M. (2014), Carotid body tumors are not associated with an increased risk for sleep-disordered breathing, Sleep and Breathing 18(1): 103-109.
- Baumann, C.R.; Mignot, E.; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S.; Arnulf, I.; Rye, D.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Honda, M.; Owens, J.A.; Plazzi, G. & Scammell, T.E. (2014), Challenges in Diagnosing Narcolepsy without Cataplexy: A Consensus Statement, SLEEP 37(6): 1035-1042.
- Wamsley, E.; Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Scammell, T.E.; Lammers, G.J. & Stickgold, R. (2014), Delusional Confusion of Dreaming and Reality in Narcolepsy, SLEEP 37(2): 419-+.
- Tafti, M.; Hor, H.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S.; Mayer, G.; Javidi, S.; Iranzo, A.; Santamaria, J.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Vicario, J.L.; Arnulf, I.; Plazzi, G.; Bayard, S.; Poli, F.; Pizza, F.; Geisler, P.; Wierzbicka, A.; Bassetti, C.L.; Mathis, J.; Lecendreux, M.; Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Heide, A. van der; Heinzer, R.; Haba-Rubio, J.; Feketeova, E.; Hogl, B.; Frauscher, B.; Beneto, A.; Khatami, R.; Canellas, F.; Pfister, C.; Scholz, S.; Billiard, M.; Baumann, C.R.; Ercilla, G.; Verduijn, W.; Claas, F.H.J.; Dubois, V.; Nowak, J.; Eberhard, H.P.; Pradervand, S.; Hor, C.N.; Testi, M.; Tiercy, J.M.; Kutalik, Z. & EU-NN (2014), DQB1 Locus Alone Explains Most of the Risk and Protection in Narcolepsy with Cataplexy in Europe, SLEEP 37(1): 19-U228.
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Aziz, A.; Overeem, S.; Kalsbeek, A.; Pijl, H. & Lammers, G.J. (2014), Glucose and Fat Metabolism in Narcolepsy and the Effect of Sodium Oxybate: A Hyperinsulinemic-Euglycemic Clamp Study, SLEEP 37(4): 795-801.
- Wijnans, L.; Lecomte, C.; Vries, C. de; Weibel, D.; Sammon, C.; Hviid, A.; Svanstrom, H.; Molgaard-Nielsen, D.; Heijbel, H.; Dahlstrom, L.A.; Hallgreng, J.; Sparen, P.; Jennum, P.; Mosseveld, M.; Schuemie, M.; Maas, N. van der; Partinen, M.; Romio, S.; Trotta, F.; Santuccio, C.; Menna, A.; Plazzi, G.; Moghadam, K.K.; Ferro, S.; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S.; Johansen, K.; Kramarz, P.; Bonhoeffer, J. & Sturkenboom, M.C.J.M. (2013), The incidence of narcolepsy in Europe: Before, during, and after the influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic and vaccination campaigns, Vaccine 31(8): 1246-1254.
- Oosterhout, W.P.J. van; Someren, E.J.W. van; Louter, M.A.; Schoonman, G.G.; Lammers, G.J.; Ferrari, M.D. & Terwindt, G.M. (2013), Restless Legs Syndrome in Migraine; More Prevalent and More Severe, Cephalalgia 33(S8): 144-144.
- Dauvilliers, Y.; Bassetti, C.; Lammers, G.J.; Amulf, I.; Mayer, G.; Rodenbeck, A.; Lehert, P.; Ding, C.L.; Lecomte, J.M.; Schwartz, J.C. & HARMONY I Study Grp (2013), Pitolisant versus placebo or modafinil in patients with narcolepsy: a double-blind, randomised trial, Lancet Neurology 12(11): 1068-1075.
- Poli, F.; Overeem, S.; Lammers, G.J.; Plazzi, G.; Lecendreux, M.; Bassetti, C.L.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Keene, D.; Khatami, R.; Li, Y.L.; Mayer, G.; Nohynek, H.; Pahud, B.; Paiva, T.; Partinen, M.; Scammell, T.E.; Shimabukuro, T.; Sturkenboom, M.; Dinthers, K. van; Wiznitzer, M. & Bonhoeffer, J. (2013), Narcolepsy as an adverse event following immunization: Case definition and guidelines for data collection, analysis and presentation, Vaccine 31(6): 994-1007.
- Maurovich-Horvat, E.; Kemlink, D.; Hogl, B.; Frauscher, B.; Ehrmann, L.; Geisler, P.; Ettenhuber, K.; Mayer, G.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Calvo, E.; Lammers, G.J.; Heide, A. van der; Ferini-Strambi, L.; Plazzi, G.; Poli, F.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Jennum, P.; Leonthin, H.; Mathis, J.; Wierzbicka, A.; Puertas, F.J.; Beitinger, P.A.; Arnulf, I.; Riha, R.L.; Tormasiova, M.; Slonkova, J.; Nevsimalova, S.; Sonka, K. & European Narcolepsy Network (2013), Narcolepsy and pregnancy: a retrospective European evaluation of 249 pregnancies, Journal of Sleep Research 22(5): 496-512.
- Faraco, J.; Lin, L.; Kornum, B.R.; Kenny, E.E.; Trynka, G.; Einen, M.; Rico, T.J.; Lichtner, P.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Arnulf, I.; Lecendreux, M.; Javidi, S.; Geisler, P.; Mayer, G.; Pizza, F.; Poli, F.; Plazzi, G.; Overeem, S.; Lammers, G.J.; Kemlink, D.; Sonka, K.; Nevsimalova, S.; Rouleau, G.; Desautels, A.; Montplaisir, J.; Frauscher, B.; Ehrmann, L.; Hogl, B.; Jennum, P.; Bourgin, P.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Iranzo, A.; Bassetti, C.; Chen, W.M.; Concannon, P.; Thompson, S.D.; Damotte, V.; Fontaine, B.; Breban, M.; Gieger, C.; Klopp, N.; Deloukas, P.; Wijmenga, C.; Hallmayer, J.; Onengut-Gumuscu, S.; Rich, S.S.; Winkelmann, J. & Mignot, E. (2013), ImmunoChip Study Implicates Antigen Presentation to T Cells in Narcolepsy, PLoS Genetics 9(2).
- Verduijn, W.; Heide, A. van der; Drabbels, J.J.M.; Haasnoot, G.W.; Roelen, D.L.; Lammers, G.J. & Claas, F.H.J. (2013), EVIDENCE FOR A MODULATING EFFECT OF THE TRANS DQB1-DQA1 ALLELES ON THE SUSCEPTIBILITY FOR NARCOLEPSY WITH CATAPLEXY IN DQB1*06:02-DQA1*01:02-POSITIVE PATIENTS, Tissue Antigens 81(5): 283-283.
- Luca, G.; Haba-Rubio, J.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Lammers, G.J.; Overeem, S.; Donjacour, C.E.; Mayer, G.; Javidi, S.; Iranzo, A.; Santamaria, J.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Hor, H.; Kutalik, Z.; Plazzi, G.; Poli, F.; Pizza, F.; Arnulf, I.; Lecendreux, M.; Bassetti, C.; Mathis, J.; Heinzer, R.; Jennum, P.; Knudsen, S.; Geisler, P.; Wierzbicka, A.; Feketeova, E.; Pfister, C.; Khatami, R.; Baumann, C.; Tafti, M. & Nn, E. (2013), Clinical, polysomnographic and genome-wide association analyses of narcolepsy with cataplexy: a European Narcolepsy Network study, Journal of Sleep Research 22(5): 482-495.
- Peraita-Adrados, R. & Lammers, G.J. (2013), A patient with narcolepsy with cataplexy and multiple sclerosis: two different diseases that may share pathophysiologic mechanisms?, Sleep Medicine 14(7): 695-696.
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Pardi, D.; Aziz, N.A.; Frolich, M.; Roelfsema, F.; Overeem, S.; Pijl, H. & Lammers, G.J. (2013), Plasma Total Ghrelin and Leptin Levels in Human Narcolepsy and Matched Healthy Controls: Basal Concentrations and Response to Sodium Oxybate, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 9(8): 797-803.
- Dijk, M. van; Donga, E.; Schie, M.K.M. van; Lammers, G.J.; Zwet, E.W. van; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Romijn, J.A. & Dijk, J.G. van (2013), Impaired sustained attention in adult patients with type 1 diabetes is related to diabetes per se.
- M.K.M. van Schie, R.D. Thijs, R. Fronczek, H.A.M. Middelkoop, G.J. Lammers & J.G. van Dijk. (2012), Sustained attention to response task (SART) shows impaired vigilance in a spectrum of disorders of excessive daytime sleepiness., Journal of Sleep Research 21(4).
- Schie, M.K.M. van; Alblas, E.E.; Thijs, R.D.; Fronczek, R.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Lammers, G.J. & Dijk, J.G. van (2012), The influence of time of the day and napping in between test sessions on performance on the sustained attention to response task in healthy controls, Journal of Sleep Research 21: 201-201.
- Schie, M.K.M. van; Thijs, R.D.; Fronczek, R.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Lammers, G.J. & Dijk, J.G. van (2012), Sustained attention to response task (SART) shows impaired vigilance in a spectrum of disorders of excessive daytime sleepiness, Journal of Sleep Research 21(4): 390-395.
- Fronczek, R.; Baumann, C.R.; Heide, A. van der; Werth, E.; Donjacour, C.; Someren, E.J. van & Lammers, G. (2012), SLEEP ATTACKS IN HUMAN NARCOLEPSY ARE HERALDED BY CHANGES IN SKIN TEMPERATURE, SLEEP 35: A270-A271.
- Fortuyn, H.A.D.; Fronczek, R.; Smitshoek, M.; Overeem, S.; Lappenschaar, M.; Kalkman, J.; Renier, W.; Buitelaar, J.; Lammers, G.J. & Bleijenberg, G. (2012), Severe fatigue in narcolepsy with cataplexy, Journal of Sleep Research 21(2): 163-169.
- Algera, C. & Lammers, G.J. (2012), Restless legs syndrome, British medical journal 345: -.
- Heide, A. van der; Verduijn, W.; Claas, F.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Tafti, M. & Lammers, G. (2012), HLA-DQB1*06:03 IS NOT PROTECTIVE IN NARCOLEPSY WITHOUT CATAPLEXY AND IDIOPATHIC HYPERSOMNIA, SLEEP 35: A17-A17.
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Lammers, G.J. & Lecendreux, M. (2012), Endocrine aspects of pharmacotherapy in narcolepsy, Journal of Sleep Research 21: 45-45.
- Slats, D.; Claassen, J.A.H.R.; Lammers, G.J.; Melis, R.J.; Verbeek, M.M. & Overeem, S. (2012), Association between Hypocretin-1 and Amyloid-beta(42) Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels in Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Controls, Current Alzheimer Research 9(10): 1119-1125.
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M. & Lammers, G.J. (2012), A remarkable effect of alemtuzumab in a patient suffering from narcolepsy with cataplexy, Journal of Sleep Research 21(4): 479-480.
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Kalsbeek, A.; Overeem, S.; Lammers, G.J.; Pevet, P.; Bothorel, B.; Pijl, H. & Aziz, N.A. (2012), Altered Circadian Rhythm of Melatonin Concentrations in Hypocretin-Deficient Men, Chronobiology International 29(3): 356-362.
- Fronczek, R.; Geest, S. van; Frolich, M.; Overeem, S.; Roelandse, F.W.C.; Lammers, G.J. & Swaab, D.F. (2012), Hypocretin (orexin) loss in Alzheimer's disease, Neurobiology of Aging 33(8): 1642-1650.
- Hor, H.; Bartesaghi, L.; Kutalik, Z.; Vicario, J.L.; Andres, C. de; Pfister, C.; Lammers, G.J.; Guex, N.; Chrast, R.; Tafti, M. & Peraita-Adrados, R. (2011), A Missense Mutation in Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein as a Cause of Familial Narcolepsy with Cataplexy, American Journal of Human Genetics 89(3): 474-479.
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Aziz, N.A.; Roelfsema, F.; Frolich, M.; Overeem, S.; Lammers, G.J. & Pijl, H. (2011), Effect of sodium oxybate on growth hormone secretion in narcolepsy patients and healthy controls, AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism 300(6): E1069-E1075.
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Aziz, N.A.; Frolich, M.; Roelfsema, F.; Overeem, S.; Lammers, G.J. & Pijl, H. (2011), Sodium oxybate increases prolactin secretion in narcolepsy patients and healthy controls, European Journal of Endocrinology 164(3): 363-370.
- Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Fronczek, R.; Cessie, S. le; Lammers, G.J. & Dijk, J.G. van (2011), Month of birth is not a risk factor for narcolepsy with cataplexy in the Netherlands, Journal of Sleep Research 20(4): 522-525.
- Dijk, M. van; Donga, E.; Dijk, J.G. van; Lammers, G.J.; Kralingen, K.W. van; Dekkers, O.M.; Corssmit, E.P.M. & Romijn, J.A. (2011), Disturbed subjective sleep characteristics in adult patients with long-standing type 1 diabetes mellitus, Diabetologia 54(8): 1967-1976.
- Biermasz, N.R.; Joustra, S.D.; Donga, E.; Pereira, A.M.; Duinen, N. van; Dijk, M. van; Klaauw, A.A. van der; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Lammers, G.J.; Kralingen, K.W. van; Dijk, J.G. van & Romijn, J.A. (2011), Patients Previously Treated for Nonfunctioning Pituitary Macroadenomas Have Disturbed Sleep Characteristics, Circadian Movement Rhythm, and Subjective Sleep Quality, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 96(5): 1524-1532.
- Lammers, G.J. (2011), Intranasal hypocretin-1: Making sense of scents?, Sleep Medicine 12(10): 939-940.
- Overeem, S.; Nues, S.J. van; Zande, W.L. van der; Donjacour, C.E.; Mierlo, P. van & Lammers, G.J. (2011), The clinical features of cataplexy: A questionnaire study in narcolepsy patients with and without hypocretin-1 deficiency, Sleep Medicine 12(1): 12-18.
- Dimitrova, A.; Fronczek, R.; Ploeg, J. van der; Scammell, T.; Gautam, S.; Pascual-Leone, A. & Lammers, G.J. (2011), Reward-Seeking Behavior in Human Narcolepsy, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 7(3): 293-301.
- Aziz, N.A.; Anguelova, G.V.; Marinus, J.; Lammers, G.J. & Roos, R.A.C. (2010), Sleep and circadian rhythm alterations correlate with depression and cognitive impairment in Huntington's disease, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 16(5): 345-350.
- Donjacour, C.; Pardi, D.; Aziz, A.; Overeem, S.; Pijl, H. & Lammers, G. (2010), NORMAL 24 HOUR GHRELIN LEVELS IN HUMAN NARCOLEPSY AND IN RESPONSE TO SODIUM OXYBATE, SLEEP 33: A269-A269.
- Donga, E.; Dijk, M. van; Dijk, J.G. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Lammers, G.J.; Kralingen, K.W. van; Corssmit, E.P.M. & Romijn, J.A. (2010), A single night of partial sleep deprivation induces insulin resistance in multiple metabolic pathways in healthy subjects.
- Donga, E.; Dijk, M. van; Dijk, J.G. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Lammers, G.J.; Kralingen, K. van; Hoogma, R.P.L.M.; Corssmit, E.P.M. & Romijn, J.A. (2010), Partial sleep restriction decreases insulin sensitivity in type 1 diabetes., Diabetes Care 33(7): 1573-7.
- Lammers, G.J.; Bassetti, C.; Billiard, M.; Black, J.; Broughton, R.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Strambi, L.F.; Garcia-Borreguero, D.; Goswami, M.; Hogl, B.; Iranzo, A.; Jennum, P.; Khatami, R.; Lecendreux, M.; Mayer, G.; Mignot, E.; Montplaisir, J.; Nevsimalova, S.; Peraita-Adrados, R.; Plazzi, G.; Scammell, T.; Silber, M.; Sonka, K.; Tafti, M. & Thorpy, M. (2010), Sodium oxybate is an effective and safe treatment for narcolepsy, Sleep Medicine 11(1): 105-106.
- Hor, H.; Kutalik, Z.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Valsesia, A.; Lammers, G.J.; Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Iranzo, A.; Santamaria, J.; Adrados, R.P.; Vicario, J.L.; Overeem, S.; Arnulf, I.; Theodorou, I.; Jennum, P.; Knudsen, S.; Bassetti, C.; Mathis, J.; Lecendreux, M.; Mayer, G.; Geisler, P.; Beneto, A.; Petit, B.; Pfister, C.; Burki, J.V.; Didelot, G.; Billiard, M.; Ercilla, G.; Verduijn, W.; Claas, F.H.J.; Vollenwider, P.; Waeber, G.; Waterworth, D.M.; Mooser, V.; Heinzer, R.; Beckmann, J.S.; Bergmann, S. & Tafti, M. (2010), Genome-wide association study identifies new HLA class II haplotypes strongly protective against narcolepsy, Nature Genetics 42(9): 786U80.
- Cvetkovic-Lopes, V.; Bayer, L.; Dorsaz, S.; Maret, S.; Pradervand, S.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Lecendreux, M.; Lammers, G.J.; Donjacour, C.E.H.M.; Pasquier, R.A. du; Pfister, C.; Petit, B.; Hor, H.; Muhlethaler, M. & Tafti, M. (2010), Elevated Tribbles homolog 2-specific antibody levels in narcolepsy patients, Journal of Clinical Investigation 120(3): 713-719.
- Donga, E.; Dijk, M. van; Dijk, J.G. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Lammers, G.J.; Kralingen, K. van; Hoogma, R.P.L.M.; Corssmit, E.P.M. & Romijn, J.A. (2010), Partial Sleep Restriction Decreases Insulin Sensitivity in Type 1 Diabetes, Endocrine Reviews 31(3): S2548-S2548.
- Van Rooij FG, Schelhaas HJ, Lammers GJ, Verbeek MM & Overeem S (2009), CSF hypocretin-1 levels are normal in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 10(5-6): 487-489.
- Hor H, Kutalik Z, Dauvilliers Y, Valsesia A, Lammers G, Iranzo A, Adrados RP, Overeem S, Sven B & Tafti M (2009), GENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION STUDY IDENTIFIES NEW NARCOLEPSY SUSCEPTEBILITY GENES, SLEEP 32: A248A248.
- Fronczek R, Baumann CR, Lammers GJ, Bassetti CL & Overeem S (2009), Hypocretin/orexin disturbances in neurological disorders, Sleep Medicine Reviews 13(1): 9-22.
- Fortuyn HAD, Lappenschaar GA, Nienhuis FJ, Furer JW, Hodiamont PP, Rijnders CA, Lammers GJ, Renier WO, Buitelaar JK & Overeem S (2009), Psychotic symptoms in narcolepsy: phenomenology and a comparison with schizophrenia, General Hospital Psychiatry 31(2): 146-154.
- Donjacour C, Hazewinkel A, Cessie SL, Overeem S, Lammers G & Pijl H (2009), SLEEP DURATION AND QUALITY IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS, SLEEP 32: A145A146.
- Overeem S, Black JL & Lammers GJ (2008), Narcolepsy: Immunological aspects, Sleep Medicine Reviews 12(2).
- Fronczek R, Overeem S, Lee SYY, Hegeman IM, van Pelt J, van Duinen SG, Lammers GJ & Swaab DF (2008), Hypocretin (orexin) loss and sleep disturbances in Parkinsons Disease, Brain 131.
- Fronczek R, Overeem S, Lee SL, Hegeman IM, Van Pelt J, Van Duinen S, Lammers G & Swaab DF (2008), Hypocretin defects in Parkinson's disease, Journal of Sleep Research 17: 62-62.
- Fronczek R, Aziz AN, Van Geest S, Lee SL, Overeem S, Hegeman IM, Lammers G & Swaab DF (2008), Assessment of hypocretin functioning in various neurological disorders, Journal of Sleep Research 17: 88-89.
- Fronczek R, Raymann RJEM, Overeem S, Romeijn N, van Dijk JG, Lammers GJ & Van Someren EJW (2008), Manipulation of skin temperature improves nocturnal sleep in narcolepsy, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 79(12).
- Fronczek R, Raymann R, Romejin N, Overeem S, Van Dijk G, Lammers G & Van Someren E (2008), Manipulation of skin temperature improves nocturnal sleep in narcolepsy, SLEEP 31.
- Peraita-Adrados R, Hor H, Vicario JL, Pfister C, Lammers GJ & Tafti M (2008), Familial narcolepsy-cataplexy, obesity, and type 2 diabetes with hypocretin deficiency, Journal of Sleep Research 17: 27-27.
- Aziz A, Fronczek R, Maat-Schieman M, Unmehopa U, Roelandse F, Overeem S, van Duinen S, Lammers GJ, Swaab D & Roos R (2008), Hypocretin and melanin-concentrating hormone in patients with Huntington disease.
- Droogleever Fortuyn HA, Fronczek R, Smitshoek AF, Overeem S, Buitelaar Y, Renier W, Lammers G & Bleijenberg G (2008), Prevalence and impact of severe fatigue-separate from sleepiness-in patients with narcolepsy, SLEEP 31.
- Hor H, Vicario J, Pfister C, Lammers G, Tafti M & Peraita-Adrados R (2008), Familial narcolepsy, obesity and type 2 diabetes with hypocretin deficiency, SLEEP 31.
- Fronczek R, Raymann RJEM, Romeijn N, Overeem S, Fischer M, van Dijk JG, Lammers GJ & Someren EJW (2008), Manipulation of core body and skin temperature improves vigilance and maintenance of wakefulness in narcolepsy, SLEEP 31(2).
- Abdo WF, Bloem BR, Kremer HPH, Lammers GJ, Verbeek MM & Overeem S (2008), CSF hypocretin-1 levels are normal in multiple-system atrophy, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 14(4).
- Wintzen AR, Lammers GJ & van Dijk JG (2007), Does modafinil enhance activity of patients with myotonic dystrophy? A double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study, Journal of Neurology 254(1).
- Fronczek R, Overeem S, Lee SYY, Hegeman IM, van Pelt J, van Duinen SG, Lammers GJ & Swaab DF (2007), Hypocretin (orexin) loss in Parkinson's disease, Brain 130.
- de Bruijn SFTM, Agema WRP, Lammers GJ, Van der Wall EE, Wolterbeek R, Holman ER, Bollen ELEM & Bax JJ (2007), Transesophageal echocardiography: Not for everyone? - Response, Stroke 38(9).
- Overeem S, Afink J, Bakker M, Lammers GJ, Zwarts M, Bloem BR & van Dijk JG (2007), High frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex: No diagnostic value for narcolepsy/cataplexy, Journal of Neurology 254(10).
- Fronczek R, Verschuuren J & Lammers GJ (2007), Response to intravenous immunoglobulins and placebo in a patient with narcolepsy with cataplexy, Journal of Neurology 254(11).
- Fronczek R, Overeem S, Lammers GJ, van Dijk JG & Van Someren EJW (2006), Altered skin-temperature regulation in narcolepsy relates to sleep propensity, SLEEP 29(11).
- Smit LS, Lammers GJ & Catsman-Berrevoets CE (2006), Cataplexy leading to the diagnosis of Niemann-Pick disease type C, Pediatric Neurology 35(1).
- de Bruijn SFTM, Agema WRP, Lammers GJ, van der Wall EE, Wolterbeek R, Holman ER, Bollen ELEM & Bax JJ (2006), Transesophageal echocardiography is superior to transthoracic echocardiography in management of patients of any age with transient ischemic attack or stroke, Stroke 37(10).
- Overeem S, Verschuuren JJ, Fronczek R, Schreurs L, den Hertog H, Hegeman-Kleinn IM, van Duinen SG, Unmehopa UA, Swaab DF & Lammers GJ (2006), Immunohistochemical screening for autoantibodies against lateral hypothalamic neurons in human narcolepsy, Journal of Neuroimmunology 174(1-2).
- Billiard M, Bassetti C, Dauvilliers Y, Dolenc-Groselj L, Lammers GJ, Mayer G, Pollmacher T, Reading P & Sonka K (2006), EFNS guidelines on management of narcolepsy, European Journal of Neurology 13(10).
- Fronczek R, Middelkoop HAM, van Dijk G & Lammers GJ (2006), Focusing on vigilance instead of sleepiness in the assessment of narcolepsy: High sensitivity of the sustained attention to response task (SART), SLEEP 29(2).
- Oosterloo M, Lammers GJ, Overeem S, de Noord I & Kooij JJS (2006), Possible confusion between primary hypersomnia and adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Psychiatry Research 143(2-3).
- Lammers G.J., Brookhuis K., Declerck A.C., Eling P., Linskens I., Overeem S., Smit A., Weerd A. de & Coenen A. (2005), Vigilance evaluation and measurement. In: Ruigt G.S.F., Bemmel A.L. van, Boer T. de, Hofman W. & Luijtelaar G. (red.), Sleep-wake research in the Netherlands.. Sleep-wake research in the Netherlands. Enschede 21-35.
- van der Helm-van Mil AHM, van Vugt JPP, Lammers GJ & Harinck HIJ (2005), Hypernatremia from a hunger strike as a cause of osmotic myelinolysis, Neurology 64(3).
- Kok SW, Roelfsema F, Overeem S, Lammers GJ, Frolich M, Meinders AE & Pijl H (2005), Altered setting of the pituitary-thyroid ensemble in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic men, AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism 288(5).
- Fronczek R, Lammers GJ, Balesar R, Unmehopa UA & Swaab DF (2005), The number of hypothalamic hypocretin (orexin) neurons is not affected in Prader-Willi syndrome, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 90(9).
- Overeem S, Dalmau J, Bataller L, Nishino S, Mignot E, Verschuuren J & Lammers GJ (2004), Hypocretin-1 CSF levels in anti-Ma2 associated encephalitis, Neurology 62(1).
- Hoff JI, Bloem BR, Ferrari MD, Lammers GJ & Bloem BR (2004), A breathtaking headache, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 75(3).
- Deboer T, Overeem S, Visser NAH, Duindam H, Frolich M, Lammers GJ & Meijer JH (2004), Convergence of circadian and sleep regulatory mechanisms on hypocretin-1, Neuroscience 129(3): 727-732.
- Overeem S, Taal W, Gezici EO, Lammers GJ & Van Dijk JG (2004), Is motor inhibition during laughter due to emotional or respiratory influences?, Psychophysiology 41(2).
- Deboer T, Overeem S, Visser NAH, Duindam H, Frolich M, Lammers GJ & Meijer JH (2004), Convergence of circadian and sleep regulatory mechanisms on hypocretin-1, Neuroscience 129(3).
- Overeem S, Reijntjes R, Huyser W, Jan Lammers G & Gert van Dijk J (2004), Corticospinal excitability during laughter: implications for cataplexy and the comparison with REM sleep atonia, Journal of Sleep Research 13(3).
- Kok SW, Roelfsema F, Overeem S, Lammers GJ, Frolich M, Meinders AE & Pijl H (2004), Pulsatile LH release is diminished, whereas FSH secretion is normal, in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic men, AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism 287(4).
- Marinus J, Visser M, van Hilten JJ, Lammers GJ & Stiggelbout AM (2003), Assessment of sleep and sleepiness in Parkinson disease, SLEEP 26(8).
- Overeem S, Kok SW, Lammers GJ, Vein AA, Frolich M, Meinders AE, Roelfsema F & Pijl H (2003), Somatotropic axis in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic humans: altered circadian distribution of GH-secretory events, AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism 284(3).
- Overeem S, Geleijns K, Garssen MPJ, Jacobs BC, van Doorn PA & Lammers GJ (2003), Screening for anti-ganglioside antibodies in hypocretin-deficient human narcolepsy, Neuroscience Letters 341(1).
- Overeem S, Steens SCA, Good CD, Ferrari MD, Mignot E, Frackowiak RSJ, van Buchem MA & Lammers GJ (2003), Voxel-based morphometry in hypocretin-deficient narcolepsy, SLEEP 26(1).
- Lammers GJ (2003), Are headache and narcolepsy associated?, Cephalalgia 23(8).
- Kok SW, Overeem S, Visscher TLS, Lammers GJ, Seidell JC, Pijl H & Meinders AE (2003), Hypocretin deficiency in narcoleptic humans is associated with abdominal obesity, Obesity Research 11(9).
- Lammers GJ & Overeem S (2003), Pharmacological management of narcolepsy, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 4(10).
- Nishino S, Kanbayashi T, Fujiki N, Uchino M, Ripley B, Watanabe M, Lammers GJ, Ishiguro H, Shoji S, Nishida Y, Overeem S, Toyoshima I, Yoshida Y, Shimizu T, Taheri S & Mignot E (2003), CSF hypocretin levels in Guillain-Barre syndrome and other inflammatory neuropathies, Neurology 61(6).
- Wirtz PW, Smitt PAES, Hoff JI, de Leeuw B, Lammers GJ, van Duinen SG & Verschuuren JJ (2002), Anti-Ri antibody positive opsoclonus-myoclonus in a male patient with breast carcinoma, Journal of Neurology 249(12).
- Kok SW, Meinders AE, Overeem S, Lammers GJ, Roelfsema F, Frolich M & Pijl H (2002), Reduction of plasma leptin levels and loss of its circadian rhythmicity in hypocretin (orexin)-deficient narcoleptic humans, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87(2).
- Overeem S, Scammell TW & Lammers GJ (2002), Hypocretin/orexin and sleep: implications for the pathophysiology and diagnosis of narcolepsy, Current Opinion in Neurology 15(6).
- Kok SW, Roelfsema F, Overeem S, Lammers GJ, Strijers RL, Frolich M, Meinders AE & Pijl H (2002), Dynamics of the pituitary-adrenal ensemble in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic humans: Blunted basal adrenocorticotropin release and evidence for normal time-keeping by the master pacemaker, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87(11).
- Mignot E, Lammers GJ, Ripley B, Okun M, Nevsimalova S, Overeem S, Vankova J, Black J, Harsh J, Bassetti C, Schrader H & Nishino S (2002), The role of cerebrospinal fluid hypocretin measurement in the diagnosis of narcolepsy and other hypersomnias, Archives of Neurology -Chigago- 59(10).
- Overeem S, Steens SC, Good CD, Ferrari MD, Mignot E, Frackowiak RS, van Buchem MA & Lammers GJ (2002), Voxel-based morphometry in hypocretin-deficient narcolepsy, SLEEP 25.
- Overeem S, van Hilten JJ, Ripley B, Mignot E, Nishino S & Lammers GJ (2002), Normal hypocretin-1 levels in Parkinson's disease patients with excessive daytime sleepiness, Neurology 58(3).
- Ripley B, Overeem S, Fujiki N, Nevsimalova S, Uchino M, Yesavage J, Di Monte D, Dohi K, Melberg A, Lammers GJ, Nishida Y, Roelandse FWC, Hungs M, Mignot E & Nishino S (2001), CSF hypocretin/orexin levels in narcolepsy and other neurological conditions, Neurology 57(12).
- Overeem S, Mignot E, van Dijk JG & Lammers GJ (2001), Narcolepsy: Clinical features, new pathophysiologic insights, and future perspectives.
- Nishino S, Ripley B, Overeem S, Nevsimalova S, Lammers GJ, Vankova J, Okun M, Rogers W, Brooks S & Mignot E (2001), Low cerebrospinal fluid hypocretin (orexin) and altered energy homeostasis in human narcolepsy, Annals of Neurology 50(3).
- Lammers GJ, Overeem S, Tijssen MAJ & van Dijk JG (2000), Effects of startle and laughter in cataplectic subjects: a neurophysiological study between attacks.
- Peyron C, Faraco J, Rogers W, Ripley B, Overeem S, Charnay Y, Nevsimalova S, Aldrich M, Reynolds D, Albin R, Li R, Hungs M, Pedrazzoli M, Padigaru M, Kucherlapati M, Fan J, Maki R, Lammers GJ, Bouras C, Kucherlapati R, Nishino S & Mignot E (2000), A mutation in a case of early onset narcolepsy and a generalized absence of hypocretin peptides in human narcoleptic brains, Nature Medicine 6(9).
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