Gerrit van der Kooij
- Naam
- Dr. G. van der Kooij
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

Zie Engelstalig profiel Gerrit van der Kooij
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Near Eastern
- Linde S.J. van der, Dries M.H. van den, Kooij G. van der, Kooij H., Taha H., Taha L., Hense M. & Vos C. (2013), Teacher's Handbook for Archaeological Heritage in Palestine, Tell Balata. Leiden/Ramallah: Tell Balata Archaeological Park Project.
- Kooij G. van der (2012), Chapter 3: Tell Deir ‘Alla: The Middle and Late Bronze Age Chronology. In: Fischer P.M. (red.), The Chronology of the Jordan Valley during the Middle and Late Bronze Ages: Pella, Tell Abu al-Kharaz and Tell Deir cAlla. Wenen: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 199-226.
- Kooij G. van der (2011), Near Eastern Archaeology and the Public in the 17th to Early 20th Century in the Netherlands. In: Düring B.S., Wossink A. & Akkermans P.M.M.G. (red.), Correlates of Complexity. Essays in Archaeology and Assyriology. Dedicated to Diederik J.W. Meijer on his 65th Birthday. Leiden: NINO. 105-142.
- Kaptijn E., Kooij G. van der & Kafafi Z. (2011), Deir ‘Alla Regional Project, 2010 – Field 81 and Field 27, Munjazat 2008: .
- Kooij G. van der, Kafafi Z. & Veldhuijzen A. (2010), Tall Dayr Alla Regional project 2009: Geophysical survey at Tall Hammeh and Field 81, and excavations at Tall Dayr Alla and Tall Hammeh, Munjazat 2009: .
- Kafafi Z. & Kooij G. van der (2010), A preliminary report on the 1996-2004 excavations at Tell Deir ‘Alla, Newsletter of the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology 30: 4-7.
- Kooij G. van der (2009), The names of Jerusalem before Islam, Ch.4. In: Kafafi Z. & Schick R. (red.), Jerusalem before Islam. Oxford: Bar International series. 23-27.
- Kafafi Z. & Kooij G. van der (2009), Results of the 2009 season of excavations at Tall Deir ‘Alla and Tall al-Hammeh, Jordan Valley, Newsletter of the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology 229: 11-15.
- Hourani F., Kaptijn E., Petit L.P., Kooij G. van der & al-Ghul O. (2009), Dayr ‘Alla Regional Project: Settling the Steppe. Third campaign 2006, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 52: .
- Kooij G. van der & Taha H. (2008), The Water Tunnel System at Khirbet Bal'ama. Ramallah: Khirbet Bal'ama Archaeological Project.
- Kooij G. van der (2008), Deir Alla LB clay tablets. In: Maraqten M. & Kafafi Z. (red.), Festschrift M. Ibrahim.
- Kooij G. van der (2008), Four "kaderartikelen": Betalingsverkeer, kleding, tell en archeologie, en wapens. In: , NBV-Studiebijbel.
- Kooij G. van der (2008), Stratigraphic Pull-offs: a documenting and teaching tool at Dayr ‘Alla. In: Gebel H. & Kafafi Z. (red.), Modesty and Patience. Studies and Memories in Honour of Nabil Qadi (Abu Salim). Berlin: Ex Oriente. 61-84.
- Kooij G. van der (2008), Tell Balata-Sichem, Jaarboek EOL : .
- Kooij G. van der & Al-Karaimeh S. (2008), Umm Qays/ Bani Kanana irrigation survey, 2008 pilot, Munjazat 2008: 8-10.
- Kooij G. van der & Kafafi Z. (2008), Preliminary report about the last four excavation seasons at Tell Deir Alla, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan : .
- Kooij G. van der (2007), Irrigation Systems at Deir Alla, Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan IX: 133-144.
- Kooij G. van der (2007), Tell Deir Alla: wisselvalligheden van bestaan in de Jordaanvallei, Monumenten 28(11): 10-13.
- Kooij G. van der & Kafafi Z. (2007), Archaeological study of Dayr ‘Alla and Region, Munjazat 2007: 48-49.
- Kooij G. van der (2007), Khirbet Balama, Monumenten 28(11): 14-17.
- Kooij G. van der (2007), Mind over matter of matter over mind?, Schrift: tijdschrift over de bijbel 230: 39-42.
- Petit L.P., Kaptijn E., Hourani F., al-Ghul O., Grootveld E.B. & Kooij G. van der (2007), Dayr 'Alla Regional Project: Setlling the Steppe (Second Campaign 2005), Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 50: .
- Kooij G. van der (2006), Lemma "Deir Alla, Tell". In: , The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. Nashville.
- Kooij G. van der (2006), Tell Deir ʻAlla: The Middle and Late Bronze Age Chronology. In: Fischer P.M. (red.), The chronology of the Jordan Valley during the Middle and Late Bronze Ages: Pella, Tell Abu Al-Kharaz, and Tell Deir ʻAlla. Wenen: Verlag der Österreichishen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 199-226.
- Kooij G. van der (2006), The Jordan Valley and the vicissitudes of life at Deir 'Alla during the Bronze and Iron Ages. Nigro L. & Taha H. (red.), Tell es-Sultan/ Jericho in the context of the Jordan Valley. . Rome 41-60.
- Taha H. & Kooij G. van der (red.) (2006), Khirbet Bal'ama Archaeological Project, Vol IV: A Hoard of Silver Coins at Qabatiya. Ramallah: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Department of Antiquiti.
- Kooij G. van der & Ghul O. (2006), Dayr Alla; Settling the steppe, Munjazat 2005: 17-17.
- Kooij G. van der (2006), In memoriam Henk Franken (1917-2005), Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 49: 11-13.
- Kooij G. van der & Kafafi Z. (2006), Excavations at Dayr 'Alla, seasons 1996, 1998, 2000, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 49: .
- Kaptijn E., Petit L.P., Grootveld E.B., Kooij G. van der, Hourani F. & al-Ghul O. (2006), Dayr 'Alla Regional Project: Settling the Steppe. First campaign 2004, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 49: 89-99.
- Groot N.C.F., Dik J., Kooij G. van der, Alkemade P.F.A., Sivel V.G.M. & Tichelaar F.D. (2006), Dark and shiny: the discovery of chromite in Bronze Age faience, Archaeometry 48,2: 229-236.
- Kooij G. van der (2005), Irrigation systems at Deir Alla, Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan 8: .
- Kooij G. van der (2004), Julius Euting as a background for modern analysis of Ancient Moabite, Hebrew and Aramaic writing. In: Niehr H. & Reichert A. (red.), Julius Euting (1839-1913) and the exploration of Arabia. Tübingen.
- Kooij G. van der (2004), The names of Jerusalem before Islam. In: Kafafi Z. (red.), Jerusalem 5000 Years; 1: Jerusalem before Islam. Amman: The Royal Academy for Islamic Civilization Research, Al Albait Foundation.
- Kooij G. van der (2004), Tell Deir 'Alla: The Middle and Late Bronze Age Chronology. In: Fischer P.M. (red.), The Chronology of the Jordan Valley during the Middle and Late Bronze Ages: Pella, Tell Abu al-Kharaz and Tell Deir 'Alla. Wenen: Verlag der Österreichischen Academie der Wissenschaften.
- Kooij G. van der (2004), Het wankele archeologische fundament van de Joodse staat Israël: de rol van archeologie in de contemporaine geschiedenis van Israël, Theologisch Debat 1: 42-47.
- Kooij G. van der (2004), Tell Deir 'Alla: from Urban Centre to Graveyard, Strata: Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 22: 69-72.
- Kooij G. van der (15 juni 2004), Man and writing at Tell Deir 'Alla. lezingreeks. Irbid, Jordan. [lezing].
- Kooij G. van der (1997), Excavations at Tell Deir Alla, seasons 1987 and 1994, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 41: .
- Kooij G. van der & Kafafi Z. (1997), Excavations at Deir Alla, Newletter of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology of Yarmouk University 18: .