Gerard Kempen
- Naam
- Prof.dr. G.A.M. Kempen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Kempen G.A.M. & Harbusch K. (2008), Comparing linguistice judgments and corpus frequencies as windows on grammatical competence: A study of argument linearization in German clauses. In: Steube Anita (red.), The Discourse Potential of Underspecified Structures. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 179-192.
- Vosse T.G. & Kempen G.A.M. (2008), Parsing verb-final clauses in german: Garden- path and ERP effects modeled by a parallel dynamic parser. Love B.C., McRae K. & Sloutsky V.M. (red.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. Washington DC: Cognitive Science Society. 261-266.
- Harbusch K. & Kempen G.A.M. (2006), ELLEIPO: A module that computes coordinative ellipsis for language generators that don't, EACL-2006: 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. . Trento, Italy 115-118.
- Sprenger S.A., Levelt W.J.M. & Kempen G.A.M. (2006), Lexical access during the production of idiomatic phrases, Journal of Memory and Language 54: 161-184.
- Harbusch K., Kempen G.A.M., Breugel C.F. & Koch M.U. (2006), A generation-oriented workbench for Performance Grammar: Capturing linear order variability in German and Dutch, Proceedings of the Fourth International Natural Language Generation Conference. . Sydney Australie 9-11.
- Kempen G.A.M. & Harbusch K. (2005), The relationship between grammaticality ratings and corpus frequencies: A case study into word order variability in the midfield of German clauses. In: Kepser S. & Reis M. (red.), Linquistice Evidence- Empirical, Theoretical and Computational Perspectives. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. 329-349.
- Kempen G.A.M. & Harbusch K. (2004), Generating natural word orders in a semi-free word order language: Treebank-based linearization preferences for German. In: Gelbukh A. (red.), Computational linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Berlin: Springer Verlag. 350-354.
- Kempen G.A.M. & Harbusch K. (2004), How flexible is constituent order in the midfield of German subordinate clauses? A corpus study revealing unexpected rigidity. Kepser S. & Reis M. (red.), Pre-proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence. Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives. . Tübingen: Sonderforschungsbereich Linguistic Data Structures. 81-85.
- Kempen G.A.M. & Harbusch K. (2004), A corpus study into word order variation in German subordinate clauses: Animacy affects linearization independently of grammatical function assignment. In: Pechmann T. & Habel C. (red.), Multidisciplinary approaches to language production. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 173-181.
- Kempen G.A.M. (2004), Terug naar Wundt: Pleidooi voor integraal onderzoek van taal, taalkennis en taalgedrag, 'Gij letterdames en gij letterheren': Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor taalkundig en letterkundig onderzoek in Nederland. Reeks Verkenningen Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam: KNAW. 174-188.
- Kempen G.A.M. (2004), Interactive visualization of syntactic structure assembly for grammar-intensive first- and second-language instruction. Delmonte R., Delcloque Ph. & Tonelli S. (red.), Proceedings of InSTIL/ICALL Symposium on NLP and speech technologies in advanced language learning systems. . Venice, Italy 183-186.
- Kempen G.A.M. & Harbusch K. (2003), Dutch and German verb constructions in Performance Grammar. In: Seuren P. & Kempen G.A.M. (red.), Verb constructions in German and Dutch. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 185-221.
- Kempen G.A.M. & Harbusch K. (2003), Word under scrambling as a consequence of incremental sentence production. In: Härtl H. & Tappe H. (red.), Mediating between concepts and grammar. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. 141-164.
- Kempen G.A.M. (2003), Language generation. In: Frawley W.J. (red.), International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (Second edition). New York: Oxford University Press. 362-364.
- Kempen G.A.M. & Harbusch K. (2003), An artificial opposition between grammaticality and frequency: comment on Bornkessel, Schlesewsky & Friederici (2002), Cognition 90: 205-210.
- Seuren P.A.M. & Kempen G.A.M. (2003), Verb constructions in German and Dutch. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Kempen G.A.M. & Harbusch K. (2002), Performance Grammar: A declarative definition. Nijholt Anton, Theune Mariët & Hondorp Hendri (red.), Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001. . Amsterdam: rodopi. 148-162.
- Harbusch K. & Kempen G.A.M. (2002), A quantitative model of word order and movement in English, Dutch and German complement contructions, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. COLING-2002. Taipei (Taiwan); San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann 328-334.
- Kempen G.A.M. (2000), Could grammatical encoding and grammatical decoding be subserved by the same processing module?, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23: 38-39.
- Vosse T.G. & Kempen G.A.M. (2000), Syntactic structure assembly in human parsing: A computational model based on competitive inhibition and a lexicalist grammar, Cognition 75: 105-143.
- Kempen G.A.M. (1999), Fiets en (centri)fuge, Onze Taal 68: 88.
- Kempen G.A.M. (1999), Visual Grammar: Multimedia for grammar and spelling instructon in primary education. Cameron K.C. (red.), CALL: Media, design, and applications. . Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. 223-238.
- Kempen G.A.M. (1998), Sentence parsing, Language comprehension: A biological perspective 2: 213-228.
- Kempen G.A.M. (1998), Visual Grammar: Multimedia for grammar and spelling instruction in primary education, Computer assisted language learning: Media, design and applications : .
- Kempen G.A.M. (1998), Comparing and explaning the trajectories of first and second language acquisition: in search of the right mix of psychological and linguistic factors, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 1: 29-30.
- Kempen G.A.M. & Harbusch K. (1998), A 'tree adjoining' grammar without adjoining: The case of scrambling in German, Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks : .
- Kempen G.A.M. (1997), Van taalbarrière naar linguïstische snelwegen. Inrichting van een technische taalinfrastructuur voor het Nederlands, Voorzetten / Nederlandse Taalunie 49: 43-48.
- Kempen G.A.M. & Diesveld P.J.M. (1997), CD-ROM Taaltris. In: , Educational software package for language instruction. Utrecht: A.W. Bruna Informatica.
- Kempen G.A.M. (1997), Taalpsychologieweek, Natuur en Techniek : Wetenschappelijke Scheurkalender '98 : 1-7.
- Dijkstra T. & Kempen G.A.M. (1997), Het taalgebruikersmodel, De Taalcentrale : 39-40.