Gerard Jan Blauw
Bijzonder hoogleraar Interne Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder ouderengeneeskunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. G.J. Blauw
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 8121
- 0000-0001-9283-654X

Gerard Jan Blauw is hoogleraar interne geneeskunde – ouderengeneeskunde en mede trekker van het profileringsgebied “Veroudering” van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Tevens is werkzaam als internist ouderengeneeskunde bij het Haaglanden Medisch Centrum (HMC) en directeur van het Bronovo Behandeladviescentrum Ouderengeneeskunde.
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Gerard Jan Blauw is hoogleraar interne geneeskunde – ouderengeneeskunde en mede trekker van het profileringsgebied “Veroudering” van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Tevens is werkzaam als internist ouderengeneeskunde bij het Haaglanden Medisch Centrum (HMC) en directeur van het Bronovo Behandeladviescentrum Ouderengeneeskunde.
Met de vergrijzing van de samenleving en de toenemende levensverwachting veranderd zowel de zorgvraag als het zorgaanbod. Op hoge leeftijd wordt daarbij een toename gezien van chronische aandoeningen en het ontstaan van nieuwe aandoeningen. Het samen optreden van deze verschillende factoren (multiproblematiek) maakt dat ziektesymptomen vaak aspecifiek zijn en een grote impact hebben op het functioneren van ouderen. Internisten ouderengeneeskunde richten zich vooral op medisch specialistische diagnostiek en behandeling van oudere (kwetsbare) patiënten, rekening houdend met hun biografie, biologische leeftijd en sociale context en met als doel het zelfstandig functioneren en de kwaliteit van leven te optimaliseren.
Met de demografische ontwikkelingen en de krimpende ziekenhuiszorg zal de zorg opnieuw ingericht moeten worden, waarbij zowel 1e- als 2e-lijn zorgverleners over de muren van het ziekenhuis heen in een netwerk moeten gaan samenwerken. In de toekomst is taakherschikking in de zorg voor kwetsbare oudere patiënten noodzakelijk, net als een toenemende ondersteuning door technische en digitale middelen. Ik zie het als een uitdaging om hierin het voortouw in te nemen.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Gerard Jan Blauw Blauw heeft zijn opleiding geneeskunde gedaan aan de Universiteit Leiden. In 1989 is hij cum laude gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam zijn onderzoek naar de vasculaire effecten van serotonine bij de mens. Sinds zijn specialisatie tot internist in 1995 is hij werkzaam bij de sectie ouderengeneeskunde van de afdeling interne geneeskunde van het LUMC met als bijzondere wetenschappelijke interesse vasculaire aspecten van cognitieve veroudering. Hij heeft 156 wetenschappelijke publicaties op zijn naam staan. Sinds 2008 is Blauw ook verbonden aan het Haaglanden Medisch Centrum waar hij het Bronovo Behandeladviescentrum Ouderengeneeskunde heeft opgericht, een innovatief anderhalfde lijnscentrum voor ouderen met multimorbiditeit en cognitieve stoornissen. In 2012 werd Blauw benoemd tot hoogleraar interne geneeskunde ouderengeneeskunde.
Bijzonder hoogleraar Interne Geneeskunde, in het bijzonder ouderengeneeskunde
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Interne Geneeskunde
- Zonneveld, M.H.; Noordam, R.; Sabayan, B.; Stott, D.J.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Blauw, G.J.; Jukema, J.W.; Sattar, N. & Trompet, S. (2023), Weight loss, visit-to-visit body weight variability and cognitive function in older individuals, Age and Ageing 52(1).
- Hemels, M.E.W. & Blauw, G.J. (2023), Geriatric cardiology in one's own backyard?, Netherlands Heart Journal 32.
- Blauw, G.J. (2023), Could pre-hospital geriatrician triage be an useful intervention to prevent emergency hospital attendances for frail older patients?, European Geriatric Medicine 14(5): 983-984.
- Nemeth, B.; Kaaij, M. van der; Nelissen, R.; Wijnen, J.K. van; Drost, K. & Blauw, G.J. (2022), Correction: Prevention of hip fractures in older adults residing in long-term care facilities with a hip airbag, BMC Geriatrics 22(1).
- Nemeth, B.; Kaaij, M. van der; Nelissen, R.; Wijnen, J.K. van; Drost, K. & Blauw, G.J. (2022), Prevention of hip fractures in older adults residing in long-term care facilities with a hip airbag, BMC Geriatrics 22(1).
- Vliet, N.A. van; Kamphuis, A.E.P.; Elzen, W.P.J. den; Blauw, G.J.; Gussekloo, J.; Noordam, R. & Heemst, D. van (2022), Thyroid function and risk of anemia, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 107(2): E643-E652.
- Zonneveld, M.H.; Noordam, R.; Sabayan, B.; Stott, D.J.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Blauw, G.J.; Jukema, W.J.; Sattar, N. & Trompet, S. (2022), WEIGHT LOSS, VISIT-TO-VISIT BODY WEIGHT VARIABILITY AND COGNITIVE FUNCTION IN A COHORT OF OLDER PEOPLE WITH OR AT RISK OF ATHEROSCLEROTIC CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, Atherosclerosis 355: E216-E217.
- Luo, J.; Cessie, S. le; Blauw, G.J.; Franceschi, C.; Noordam, R. & Heemst, D. van (2022), Systemic inflammatory markers in relation to cognitive function and measures of brain atrophy, Geroscience 44(4): 2259-2270.
- Vliet, N.A. van; Heemst, D. van; Almeida, O.P.; Asvold, B.O.; Aubert, C.E.; Bae, J. bin; Barnes, L.E.; Bauer, D.C.; Blauw, G.J.; Brayne, C.; Cappola, A.R.; Ceresini, G.; Comijs, H.C.; Dartigues, J.F.; Degryse, J.M.; Dullaart, R.P.F.; Eersel, M.E.A. van; Elzen, W.P.J. den; Ferrucci, L.; Fink, H.A.; Flicker, L.; Grabe, H.J.; Han, J.W.; Helmer, C.; Huisman, M.; Ikram, M.A.; Imaizumi, M.; Jongh, R.T. de; Jukema, J.W.; Kim, K.W.; Kuller, L.H.; Lopez, O.L.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Moon, J.H.; Moutzouri, E.; Nauck, M.; Parle, J.; Peeters, R.P.; Samuels, M.H.; Schmidt, C.O.; Schminke, U.; Slagboom, P.E.; Stordal, E.; Vaes, B.; Volzke, H.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Yamada, M.; Yeap, B.B.; Rodondi, N.; Gussekloo, J.; Trompet, S. & Thyroid Studies Collaboration (2021), Association of Thyroid dysfunction with cognitive function an individual participant data analysis, JAMA Internal Medicine 181(11).
- (2021), Familial longevity is associated with lower baseline bone turnover but not differences in bone turnover in response to rhTSH, Aging.
- Zutinic, A.; Roelfsema, F.; Pijl, H.; Ballieux, B.E.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Blauw, G.J. & Heemst, D. van (2021), Familial longevity is associated with lower baseline bone turnover but not differences in bone turnover in response to rhTSH, Aging 13(17): 21029-21039.
- Zutinic, A.; Blauw, G.J. & Heemst, D. van (2021), Determining the frequency of thyroid parameter measurements following rhTSH administration in a healthy, older population, MethodsX 8.
- Bos, M.M.; Vries, L. de; Rensen, P.C.N.; Dijk, K.W. van; Blauw, G.J.; Heemst, D. van & Noordam, R. (2021), Apolipoprotein E genotype, lifestyle and coronary artery disease, Atherosclerosis 328: 33-37.
- Sijp, M.P.L. van der; Eijk, M. van; Niggebrugge, A.H.P.; Putter, H.; Blauw, G.J. & Achterberg, W.P. (2021), Prognostic factors for short-term recovery of independence in a multistate model for patients with a hip fracture, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 22(6): 1307-1312.
- Holstein, Y. van; Deudekom, F.J. van; Trompet, S.; Postmus, I.; Boogaard, A.U. den; Elst, M.J.T. van der; Glas, N.A. de; Heemst, D. van; Labots, G.; Altena, M.; Slingerland, M.; Liefers, G.J.; Bos, F. van den; Bol, J.M. van der; Blauw, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2021), Design and rationale of a routine clinical care pathway and prospective cohort study in older patients needing intensive treatment, BMC Geriatrics 21(1).
- Deudekom, F.J. van; Kallenberg, M.H.; Berkhout-Byrne, N.C.; Blauw, G.J.; Boom, H.; Bresser, J. de; Buchem, M.A. van; Gaasbeek, A.; Hammer, S.; Lagro, J.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Witjes-Ane, M.N.; Rabelink, T.J.; Buren, M. van & Mooijaart, S.P. (2020), Patterns and characteristics of cognitive functioning in older patients approaching end stage kidney disease, the COPE-study, BMC Nephrology 21(1).
- Sijp, M.P.L. van der; Eijk, M. van; Niggebrugge, A.H.P.; Putter, H.; Blauw, G.J. & Achterberg, W.P. (2020), Prognostic factors for short-term recovery of independence in a multistate model for patients with a hip fracture, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 22(6).
- Sijp, M.P.L. van der; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Eijk, M.; Vojinovic, D.; Niggebrugge, A.H.P.; Blauw, G.J.; Achterberg, W.P. & Slagboom, P.E. (2020), The prognostic value of metabolic profiling in older patients with a proximal femoral fracture, Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation 11.
- Zutinic, A.; Blauw, G.J.; Pijl, H.; Ballieux, B.E.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Roelfsema, F. & Heemst, D. van (2020), Circulating thyroid hormone profile in response to a triiodothyronine challenge in familial longevity, Journal of the Endocrine Society 4(10).
- Zutinic, A.; Pijl, H.; Ballieux, B.E.; Roelfsema, F.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Blauw, G.J. & Heemst, D. van (2020), Familial longevity is associated with an attenuated thyroidal response to recombinant human thyroid stimulating hormone, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105(7): E2572-E2580.
- Sijp, M.P.L. van der; Eijk, M. van; Tong, W.H.; Niggebrugge, A.H.P.; Schoones, J.W.; Blauw, G.J. & Achterberg, W.P. (2020), Independent factors associated with long-term functional outcomes in patients with a proximal femoral fracture: a systematic review, Experimental Gerontology 139.
- Spoel, E. van der; Roelfsema, F.; Akintola, A.A.; Jansen, S.W.; Slagboom, P.E.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Blauw, G.J.; Pijl, H. & Heemst, D. van (2020), Interrelationships between pituitary hormones as assessed from 24-hour serum concentrations in healthy older subjects, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 105(4).
- Bos, M.M.; Heemst, D. van; Donga, E.; Mutsert, R. de; Rosendaal, F.R.; Blauw, G.J.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Biermasz, N.R. & Noordam, R. (2019), The Association between Habitual Sleep Duration and Sleep Quality with Glycemic Traits: Assessment by Cross-Sectional and Mendelian Randomization Analyses, Journal of Clinical Medicine 8(5).
- Blauw, L.L.; Noordam, R.; Soidinsalo, S.; Blauw, C.A.; Li-Gao, R.F.; Mutsert, R. de; Berbee, J.F.P.; Wang, Y.A.; Heemst, D. van; Rosendaal, F.R.; Jukema, J.W.; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Wurtz, P.; Dijk, K.W. van & Rensen, P.C.N. (2019), Mendelian randomization reveals unexpected effects of CETP on the lipoprotein profile, European Journal of Human Genetics 27(3): 422-431.
- Spoel, E. van der; Oei, N.; Cachucho, R.; Roelfsema, F.; Berbee, J.F.P.; Blauw, G.J.; Pijl, H.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M. & Heemst, D. van (2019), The 24-hour serum profiles of bone markers in healthy older men and women, BONE 120: 61-69.
- Deudekom, F.J. van; Velden, L.A. van der; Zijl, W.H.; Schimberg, A.S.; Langeveld, A.P.; Slingerland, M.; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2019), Geriatric assessment and 1-year mortality in older patients with cancer in the head and neck region: A cohort study, Head and Neck 41(8): 2477-2483.
- Bos, M.M.; Noordam, R.; Blauw, G.J.; Slagboom, P.E.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Heemst, D. van (2019), The ApoE e4 Isoform: Can the Risk of Diseases be Reduced by Environmental Factors?, Journals of Gerontology, Series A 74(1): 99-107.
- Bos, M.M.; Noordam, R.; Berg, R. van den; Mutsert, R. de; Rosendaal, F.R.; Blauw, G.J.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Biermasz, N.R. & Heemst, D. van (2019), Associations of sleep duration and quality with serum and hepatic lipids: The Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity Study, Journal of Sleep Research 28(4).
- Lucke, J.A.; Gelder, J. de; Blomaard, L.C.; Fogteloo, A.J.; Alsma, J.; Schuit, S.C.E.; Brink, A.; Groot, B. de; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2019), CAM-ICU may not be the optimal screening tool for early delirium screening in older emergency department patients: a prospective cohort study, European Journal of Emergency Medicine 26(6): 428-432.
- Lucke, J.A.; Gelder, J. de; Blomaard, L.C.; Heringhaus, C.; Alsma, J.; Schuit, S.C.E.K.N.; Brink, A.; Anten, S.; Blauw, G.J.; Groot, B. de & Mooijaart, S.P. (2019), Vital signs and impaired cognition in older emergency department patients: the APOP study., PLoS ONE.
- Hermans, M.P.J.; Eindhoven, D.C.; Winden, L.A.M. van; Grooth, G.J. de; Blauw, G.J.; Muller, M. & Schalij, M.J. (2019), Frailty score for elderly patients is associated with short-term clinical outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention, Netherlands Heart Journal 27(3): 127-133.
- Deudekom, F.J. van; Gelder, J. de; Lucke, J.A.; Oostendorp-Lange, A.; Anten, S.; Blauw, G.J.; Groot, B. de & Mooijaart, S.P. (2018), Determinants of self-rated health in older adults before and 3 months after an emergency department visit: a prospective study., European Journal of Emergency Medicine.
- Looijaard, S.M.L.M.; Oudbier, S.J.; Reijnierse, E.M.; Blauw, G.J.; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2018), SINGLE PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES CANNOT IDENTIFY GERIATRIC OUTPATIENTS WITH SARCOPENIA, The Journal of frailty & aging 7(4): 262-267.
- Reijnierse Esmee M., Trappenburg Marijke C., Blauw Gerard Jan, Meskers Carel G. M. & Maier Andrea B. (2018), Replacing gait speed in definitions of sarcopenia for a subjective measure: Diagnostic accuracy of modified definitions, Australasian Journal on Ageing 37: 20-20.
- Lucke, J.A.; Gelder, J. de; Clarijs, F.; Heringhaus, C.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Fogteloo, A.J.; Blauw, G.J.; Groot, B. de & Mooijaart, S.P. (2018), Early prediction of hospital admission for emergency department patients: a comparison between patients younger or older than 70 years, Emergency Medicine Journal 35(1): 18-27.
- Hoang Phuong Thanh Silvie Bui, Reijnierse Esmee M., Iseli Rebecca, Blauw Gerard Jan, Meskers Carel G. M., Lim Wen Kwang & Maier Andrea B. (2018), Orthostatic hypotension is not associated with falls and frailty in a cohort of geriatric outpatients, Australasian Journal on Ageing 37: 34-34.
- Yeung Suey S. Y., Reijnierse Esmee M., Trappenburg Marijke C., Blauw Gerard J., Hogrel Jean-Yves, McPhee Jamie S., Piasecki Mathew, Sipila Sarianna, Salpakoski Anu, Butler-Browne Gillian, Paasuke Mati, Gapeyeva Helena, Narici Marco V., Meskers Carel G. M. & Maier Andrea B. (2018), Handgrip strength cannot be assumed a proxy for overall muscle strength, Australasian Journal on Ageing 37: 32-32.
- Yeung Suey S. Y., Reijnierse Esmee M., Trappenburg Marijke C., Blauw Gerard J., Meskers Carel G. M. & Maier Andrea B. (2018), Handgrip strength is less significantly associated with health characteristics compared to knee extension strength among geriatric outpatients, Australasian Journal on Ageing 37: 37-38.
- Yeung, S.S.Y.; Reijnierse, E.M.; Trappenburg, M.C.; Blauw, G.J.; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2018), Knee extension strength measurements should be considered as part of the comprehensive geriatric assessment, BMC Geriatrics 18.
- Reijnierse Esmee M., Iseli Rebecca, Blauw Gerard Jan, Meskers Carel G. M., Lim Kwang & Maier Andrea B. (2018), Orthostatic hypotension is not associated with cognition in a cohort of geriatric outpatients, Australasian Journal on Ageing 37: 34-35.
- Timmermans, S.T.; Reijnierse, E.M.; Pasma, J.H.; Trappenburg, M.C.; Blauw, G.J.; Maier, A.B. & Meskers, C.G.M. (2018), Blood pressure change does not associate with Center of Pressure movement after postural transition in geriatric outpatients, BMC Geriatrics 18.
- Lucke, J.A.; Mast, R.C. van der; Gelder, J. de; Heim, N.; Groot, B. de; Mooijaart, S.P. & Blauw, G.J. (2018), The Six-Item Cognitive Impairment Test Is Associated with Adverse Outcomes in Acutely Hospitalized Older Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study, Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 8(2): 259-267.
- Gelder, J. de; Lucke, J.A.; Groot, B. de; Fogteloo, A.J.; Anten, S.; Heringhaus, C.; Dekkers, O.M.; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2018), Predictors and Outcomes of Revisits in Older Adults Discharged from the Emergency Department, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 66(4): 735-741.
- Gelder, J. de; Lucke, J.A.; Blomaard, L.C.; Booijen, A.M.; Fogteloo, A.J.; Anten, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Alsma, J.; Schuit, S.C.E.K.N.; Brink, A.; Groot, B. de; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2018), Optimization of the APOP screener to predict functional decline or mortality in older emergency department patients: Cross-validation in four prospective cohorts, Experimental Gerontology 110: 253-259.
- Lucke, J.A.; Gelder, J. de; Heringhaus, C.; Mast, R.C. van der; Fogteloo, A.J.; Anten, S.; Blauw, G.J.; Groot, B. de & Mooijaart, S.P. (2018), Impaired cognition is associated with adverse outcome in older patients in the Emergency Department; the Acutely Presenting Older Patients (APOP) study, Age and Ageing 47(5): 679-684.
- Blauw, L.; Noordam, R.; Soidinsalo, S.; Blauw, C.A.; Li-Gao, R.; Mutsert, R. de; Berbee, J.F.P.; Wang, Y.; Heemst, D. van; Rosendaal, F.R.; Jukema, J.W.; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Wurtz, P.; Dijk, K.W. van & Rensen, P.C.N. (2018), GENETICALLY-DETERMINED CETP CONCENTRATION DECREASES LARGE HDL AND INCREASES SMALL VLDL WITHOUT AFFECTING LDL, Atherosclerosis 275: E25-E25.
- Christen, T.; Trompet, S.; Noordam, R.; Blauw, L.L.; Gast, K.B.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Dijk, K.W. van; Rosendaal, F.R.; Mutsert, R. de; Jukema, W. & NEO Study (2018), Mendelian randomization analysis of cholesteryl ester transfer protein and subclinical atherosclerosis: A population-based study, Journal of Clinical Lipidology 12(1): 137-144.
- Bos, M.; Noordam, R.; Berg, R. van den; Mutsert, R. de; Rosendaal, F.; Blauw, G.; Rensen, P.; Biermasz, N. & Heemst, D. van (2018), ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN MEASURES OF SLEEP WITH SERUM AND HEPATIC LIPID PROFILE: THE NETHERLANDS EPIDEMIOLOGY OF OBESITY STUDY, Atherosclerosis 275: E77-E77.
- Sengupta Prasenjit, Reijnierse Esmee M., Yeung Suey S. Y., Koyama Alain K., Blauw Gerard-Jan, Lim Wen Kwang, Meskers Carel G. M. & Maier Andrea B. (2018), Concurrence of frailty and multimorbidity in geriatric outpatients, Australasian Journal on Ageing 37: 31-32.
- Schoenmaker, M.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Meijer, P.H.E.M. de; Beekman, M.; Blauw, G.J.; Slagboom, P.E. & Westendorp, R.G.J. (2017), Evidence of genetic enrichment for exceptional survival using a family approach: the Leiden Longevity Study (Reprinted from EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS, vol 13, pg 1025-1032, 2005), European Journal of Human Genetics 25: S91-S94.
- Vliet, N.A. van; Spoel, E. van der; Beekman, M.; Slagboom, P.E.; Blauw, G.J.; Gussekloo, J.; Westendorp, R.G.J. & Heemst, D. van (2017), Thyroid status and mortality in nonagenarians from long-lived families and the general population, Aging 9(10): 2220-+.
- Reijnierse, E.M.; Jong, N. de; Trappenburg, M.C.; Blauw, G.J.; Butler-Browne, G.; Gapeyeva, H.; Hogrel, J.Y.; McPhee, J.S.; Narici, M.V.; Sipila, S.; Stenroth, L.; Lummel, R.C. van; Pijnappels, M.; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2017), Assessment of maximal handgrip strength: how many attempts are needed?, Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 8(3): 466-474.
- Deudekom, F.J. van; Postmus, I.; Ham, D.J. van der; Pothof, A.B.; Broekhuizen, K.; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2017), External validity of randomized controlled trials in older adults, a systematic review, PLoS ONE 12(3).
- Mahinrad, S.; Vriend, A.E.; Jukema, J.W.; Heemst, D. van; Sattar, N.; Blauw, G.J.; Macfarlane, P.W.; Clark, E.N.; Craen, A.J.M. de & Sabayan, B. (2017), Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Cognitive Decline in Old Age, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 58(1): 275-283.
- Gelder, J. de; Haenen, E.; Lucke, J.A.; Klop, H.G.; Blomaard, L.C.; Smit, R.A.J.; Mesri, K.; Groot, B. de; Fogteloo, A.J.; Anten, S.; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2017), Optimising the ISAR-HP to screen efficiently for functional decline in older patients, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 75(9): 379-385.
- Gelder, J. de; Haenen, E.; Lucke, J.A.; Klop, H.G.; Blomaard, L.C.; Smit, R.A.J.; Mesri, K.; Groot, B. de; Fogteloo, A.J.; Anten, S.; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2017), Optimising the ISAR-HP to screen efficiently for functional decline in older patients, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 75(9): 379-385.
- Reijnierse, E.M.; Jong, N. de; Trappenburg, M.C.; Blauw, G.J.; Browne, G.B.; Gapeyeva, H.; Hogrel, J.Y.; McPhee, J.S.; Narici, M.V.; Sipila, S.; Stenroth, L.; Lummel, R.C. van; Pijnappels, M.; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2017), Assessment of maximal handgrip strength: how many attempts are needed?, Australasian Journal on Ageing 36: 35-36.
- Mahinrad, S.; Vriend, A.E.; Jukema, J.W.; Heemst, D. van; Sattar, N.; Blauw, G.J.; Macfarlane, P.W.; Clark, E.N.; Craen, A.J.M. de & Sabayan, B. (2017), Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Cognitive Decline in Old Age, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 58(1).
- Spoel E. van der, jansen S.W., Akintola A.A., Ballieux B.E., Cobbaert C.M., Slagboom P.E., Blauw J.G., Westendorp R.G.J., Pijl H., Roelfsema F. & Heemst D. van (2016), Growth hormone secretion is diminished and tightly controlled in humans enriched for familial longevity, Aging Cell 15(6): 1126-1131.
- Gelder, J. de; Lucke, J.A.; Groot, B. de; Fogteloo, A.J.; Anten, S.; Mesri, K.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Heringhaus, C.; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2016), Predicting adverse health outcomes in older emergency department patients: the APOP study, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 74(8): 342-352.
- Heim, N.; Rolden, H.; Fenema, E.M. van; Weverling-Rijnsburger, A.W.E.; Tuijl, J.P.; Jue, P.; Oleksik, A.M.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Mooijaart, S.P.; Blauw, G.J.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Mast, R.C. van der & Everdinck, I.E.C. van (2016), The development, implementation and evaluation of a transitional care programme to improve outcomes of frail older patients after hospitalisation, Age and Ageing 45(5): 642-651.
- Gelder, J. de; Lucke, J.A.; Heim, N.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Lourens, S.D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Groot, B. de; Fogteloo, A.J.; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2016), Predicting mortality in acutely hospitalized older patients: a retrospective cohort study, Internal and Emergency Medicine 11(4): 587-594.
- Spoel, E. van der; Jansen, S.W.; Akintola, A.A.; Ballieux, B.E.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Slagboom, P.E.; Blauw, G.J.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Pijl, H.; Roelfsema, F. & Heemst, D. van (2016), Growth hormone secretion is diminished and tightly controlled in humans enriched for familial longevity, Aging Cell 15(6): 1126-1131.
- Hofman, S.E.; Lucke, J.A.; Heim, N.; Gelder, J. de; Fogteloo, A.J.; Heringhaus, C.; Groot, B. de; Craen, A.J.M. de; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2016), Prediction of 90-day mortality in older patients after discharge from an emergency department: a retrospective follow-up study, BMC Emergency Medicine 16.
- Spoel, E. van der; Roelfsema, F.; Jansen, S.W.; Akintola, A.A.; Ballieux, B.E.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Blauw, G.J.; Slagboom, P.E.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Piji, H. & Heemst, D. van (2016), Familial longevity is not associated with Major Differences in the hypothalamic-Pituitary-gonadal axis in healthy Middle-aged Men, Frontiers in Endocrinology 7.
- Rooden, S. van; Buijs, M.; Vliet, M.E. van; Versluis, M.J.; Webb, A.G.; Oleksik, A.M.; Wiel, L. van de; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Blauw, G.J.; Weverling-Rynsburger, A.W.E.; Goos, J.D.C.; Flier, W.M. van der; Koene, T.; Scheltens, P.; Barkhof, F.; Rest, O. van de; Slagboom, P.E.; Buchem, M.A. van & Grond, J. van der (2016), Cortical phase changes measured using 7-T MRI in subjects with subjective cognitive impairment, and their association with cognitive function, NMR in Biomedicine 29(9): 1289-1294.
- Reijnierse, E.M.; Trappenburg, M.C.; Blauw, G.J.; Verlaan, S.; Schueren, M.A.E. de van der; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2016), Common Ground? The Concordance of Sarcopenia and Frailty Definitions.
- Rooden, S. van; Doan, N.T.; Versluis, M.J.; Goos, J.D.C.; Webb, A.G.; Oleksik, A.M.; Flier, W.M. van der; Scheltens, P.; Barkhof, F.; Weverlinge-Rynsburger, A.W.E.; Blauw, G.J.; Reiber, J.H.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Milles, J. & Grond, J. van der (2015), 7T T-2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging reveals cortical phase differences between early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease, Neurobiology of Aging 36(1): 20-26.
- Reijnierse, E.M.; Trappenburg, M.C.; Leter, M.J.; Blauw, G.J.; Sipila, S.; Sillanpaa, E.; Narici, M.V.; Hogrel, J.Y.; Butler-Browne, G.; McPhee, J.S.; Gapeyeva, H.; Paasuke, M.; Schueren, M.A.E.D. van der; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2015), The Impact of Different Diagnostic Criteria on the Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Healthy Elderly Participants and Geriatric Outpatients, Gerontology 61(6): 491-496.
- Reijnierse, E.M.; Trappenburg, M.C.; Leter, M.J.; Blauw, G.J.; Schueren, M.A.E. de van der; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2015), The Association between Parameters of Malnutrition and Diagnostic Measures of Sarcopenia in Geriatric Outpatients, PLoS ONE 10(8).
- Stijntjes, M.; Pasma, J.H.; Vuuren, M. van; Blauw, G.J.; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2015), Low Cognitive Status Is Associated with a Lower Ability to Maintain Standing Balance in Elderly Outpatients, Gerontology 61(2): 124-130.
- Heim, N.; Fenema, E.M. van; Weverling-Rijnsburger, A.W.E.; Tuijl, J.P.; Jue, P.; Oleksik, A.M.; Verschuur, M.J.; Haverkamp, J.S.; Blauw, G.J.; Mast, R.C. van der & Westendorp, R.G.J. (2015), Optimal screening for increased risk for adverse outcomes in hospitalised older adults, Age and Ageing 44(2): 239-244.
- Groot, C. de; Felius, A.; Trompet, S.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Blauw, G.J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Delemarre-van de Waal, H.A. & Grond, J. van der (2015), Association of the fat mass and obesity-associated gene risk allele, rs9939609A, and reward-related brain structures, Obesity 23(10): 2118-2122.
- Mooijaart, S.P.; Broekhuizen, K.; Trompet, S.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Gussekloo, J.; Oleksik, A.; Heemst, D. van; Blauw, G.J. & Muller, M. (2015), Evidence-based medicine in older patients: how can we do better?, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 73(5): 211-218.
- Sala, M.; Roos, A. de; Blauw, G.J.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Jukema, J.W.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Buchem, M.A. van; Craen, A.J.M. de & Grond, J. van der (2015), Association between changes in brain microstructure and cognition in older subjects at increased risk for vascular disease, BMC Neurology 15.
- Pasma, J.H.; Stijntjes, M.; Ou, S.S.; Blauw, G.J.; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2014), Walking speed in elderly outpatients depends on the assessment method, AGE 36(6).
- Rooden, S. van; Goos, J.D.C.; Opstal, A.M. van; Versluis, M.J.; Webb, A.G.; Blauw, G.J.; Flier, W.M. van der; Scheltens, P.; Barkhof, F.; Buchem, M.A. van & Grond, J. van der (2014), Increased Number of Microinfarcts in Alzheimer Disease at 7-T MR Imaging, Radiology 270(1): 205-211.
- Pasma, J.H.; Bijlsma, A.Y.; Klip, J.M.; Stijntjes, M.; Blauw, G.J.; Muller, M.; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2014), Blood Pressure Associates with Standing Balance in Elderly Outpatients, PLoS ONE 9(9).
- Bijlsma, A.Y.; Pasma, J.H.; Lambers, D.; Stijntjes, M.; Blauw, G.J.; Meskers, C.G.M. & Maier, A.B. (2013), Muscle Strength Rather Than Muscle Mass Is Associated With Standing Balance in Elderly Outpatients, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 14(7): 493-498.
- Willems, J.M.; Vlasveld, T.; Elzen, W.P.J. den; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Rabelink, T.J.; Craen, A.J.M. de & Blauw, G.J. (2013), Performance of Cockcroft-Gault, MDRD, and CKD-EPI in estimating prevalence of renal function and predicting survival in the oldest old, BMC Geriatrics 13.
- Verra WC, de Craen AJ, Jaspars CC, Gussekloo J, Blauw GJ, Westendorp RG, Maier AB & Nelissen RG (2012), Total joint replacement in the past does not relate to a deteriorated functional level and health status in the oldest old., Journal of Aging Research 2012: 968389.
- Mihaylova, B.; Emberson, J.; Blackwell, L.; Keech, A.; Simes, J.; Barnes, E.H.; Voysey, M.; Gray, A.; Collins, R.; Baigent, C.; Lemos, J. de; Braunwald, E.; Blazing, M.; Murphy, S.; Downs, J.R.; Gotto, A.; Clearfield, M.; Holdaas, H.; Gordon, D.; Davis, B.; Koren, M.; Dahlof, B.; Poulter, N.; Sever, P.; Knopp, R.H.; Fellstrom, B.; Holdaas, H.; Jardine, A.; Schmieder, R.; Zannad, F.; Goldbourt, U.; Kaplinsky, E.; Colhoun, H.M.; Betteridge, D.J.; Durrington, P.N.; Hitman, G.A.; Fuller, J.; Neil, A.; Wanner, C.; Krane, V.; Sacks, F.; Moye, L.; Pfeffer, M.; Hawkins, C.M.; Braunwald, E.; Kjekshus, J.; Wedel, H.; Wikstrand, J.; Barter, P.; Keech, A.; Tavazzi, L.; Maggioni, A.; Marchioli, R.; Tognoni, G.; Franzosi, M.G.; Maggioni, A.; Bloomfield, H.; Robins, S.; Collins, R.; Armitage, J.; Keech, A.; Parish, S.; Peto, R.; Sleight, P.; Pedersen, T.R.; Ridker, P.M.; Holman, R.; Meade, T.; Simes, J.; Keech, A.; MacMahon, S.; Marschner, I.; Tonkin, A.; Shaw, J.; Serruys, P.W.; Nakamura, H.; Knatterud, G.; Furberg, C.; Byington, R.; Macfarlane, P.; Cobbe, S.; Ford, I.; Murphy, M.; Blauw, G.J.; Packard, C.; Shepherd, J.; Kjekshus, J.; Pedersen, T.; Wilhelmsen, L.; Braunwald, E.; Cannon, C.; Murphy, S.; Collins, R.; Armitage, J.; Bowman, L.; Parish, S.; Peto, R.; Sleight, P.; Baigent, C.; Landray, M.; Collins, R.; Rosa, J. la; Rossouw, J.; Probstfield, J.; Shepherd, J.; Cobbe, S.; Macfarlane, P.; Ford, I. & Cholesterol Treatment Trialists (2012), The effects of lowering LDL cholesterol with statin therapy in people at low risk of vascular disease: meta-analysis of individual data from 27 randomised trials, Lancet 380(9841): 581-590.
- Emberson, J.R.; Kearney, P.M.; Blackwell, L.; Newman, C.; Reith, C.; Bhala, N.; Holland, L.; Peto, R.; Keech, A.; Collins, R.; Simes, J.; Baigent, C. & Cholesterol Treatment Trialists (2012), Lack of Effect of Lowering LDL Cholesterol on Cancer: Meta-Analysis of Individual Data from 175,000 People in 27 Randomised Trials of Statin Therapy, PLoS ONE 7(1): -.
- Blauw GJ & Maier AB (2012), [Comprehensive geriatric assessment: unfeasible and undesirable].
- Willems, J.M.; Elzen, W.P.J. den; Vlasveld, L.T.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Gussekloo, J.; Craen, A.J.M. de & Blauw, G.J. (2012), No increased mortality risk in older persons with unexplained anaemia.
- Willems, J.M.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Luijt, P.A. van; Westendorp, R.G.J. & Blauw, G.J. (2012), Haemoglobin predicts length of hospital stay after hip fracture surgery in older patients.
- Taekema, D.G.; Ling, C.H.Y.; Kurrle, S.E.; Cameron, I.D.; Meskers, C.G.M.; Blauw, G.J.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Craen, A.J.M. de & Maier, A.B. (2012), Temporal relationship between handgrip strength and cognitive performance in oldest old people, Age and Ageing 41(4): 506-512.
- Mutsaerts, H.J.M.M.; Palm-Meinders, I.H.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Reiber, J.H.C.; Blauw, G.J.; Buchem, M.A. van; Grond, J. van der; Box, F.M.A. & PROSPER Study Grp (2011), Diastolic Carotid Artery Wall Shear Stress Is Associated With Cerebral Infarcts and Periventricular White Matter Lesions, Stroke 42(12): 3497-3501.
- Es, A.C.G.M. van; Grond, J. van der; Craen, A.J.M. de; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Bollen, E.L.E.M.; Blauw, G.J.; Greenberg, S.M.; Buchem, M.A. van & PROSPER Study Grp (2011), Cerebral microbleeds and cognitive functioning in the PROSPER study, Neurology 77(15): 1446-1452.
- Groot, R.H.M. de; Stein, A.D.; Jolles, J.; Boxtel, M.P.J. van; Blauw, G.J.; Bor, M. van de & Lumey, L.H. (2011), Prenatal famine exposure and cognition at age 59 years., International Journal of Epidemiology.
- Taekema, D.G.; Ling, C.H.Y.; Blauw, G.J.; Meskers, C.G.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Craen, A.J.M. de & Maier, A.B. (2011), Circulating levels of IGF1 are associated with muscle strength in middle-aged- and oldest-old women.
- Rozing, M.P.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Frolich, M.; Heijmans, B.T.; Beekman, M.; Wijsman, C.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Blauw, G.J.; Slagboom, P.E.; Heemst, D. van & LLS Grp (2010), Low Serum Free Triiodothyronine Levels Mark Familial Longevity: The Leiden Longevity Study, Journals of Gerontology, Series A 65(4): 365-368.
- Es, A.C.G.M. van; Grond, J. van der; Dam, V.H. ten; Craen, A.J.M. de; Blauw, G.J.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Admiraal-Behloul, F.; Buchem, M.A. van & PROSPER Study Grp (2010), Associations between Total Cerebral Blood Flow and Age Related Changes of the Brain, PLoS ONE 5(3).
- (2010), Cholesterol absorbtion and synthesis markers in individuals with and without a CHD event during paravastatin therapy: insights from the PROSPER trial, Journal of Lipid Research.
- Baigent, C.; Blackwell, L.; Emberson, J.; Holland, L.E.; Reith, C.; Bhala, N.; Peto, R.; Barnes, E.H.; Keech, A.; Simes, J.; Collins, R. & Cholesterol Treatment Trialists (2010), Efficacy and safety of more intensive lowering of LDL cholesterol: a meta-analysis of data from 170 000 participants in 26 randomised trials, Lancet 376(9753): 1670-1681.
- Matthan, N.R.; Resteghini, N.; Robertson, M.; Ford, I.; Shepherd, J.; Packard, C.; Buckley, B.M.; Jukema, J.W.; Lichtenstein, A.H.; Schaefer, E.J. & PROSPER Grp (2010), Cholesterol absorption and synthesis markers in individuals with and without a CHD event during pravastatin therapy: insights from the PROSPER trial, Journal of Lipid Research 51(1): 202-209.
- Iakoubova, O.A.; Robertson, M.; Tong, C.H.; Rowland, C.M.; Catanese, J.J.; Blauw, G.J.; Jukema, J.W.; Murphy, M.B.; Devlin, J.J.; Ford, I. & Shepherd, J. (2010), KIF6 Trp719Arg polymorphism and the effect of statin therapy in elderly patients: results from the PROSPER study, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation 17(4): 455-461.
- Rozing, M.P.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Frolich, M.; Goeij, M.C.M. de; Heijmans, B.T.; Beekman, M.; Wijsman, C.A.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Blauw, G.J.; Slagboom, P.E.; Heemst, D. van & Leiden Longevity Study Grp (2010), Favorable Glucose Tolerance and Lower Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Offspring without Diabetes Mellitus of Nonagenarian Siblings: The Leiden Longevity Study, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 58(3): 564-569.
- Trompet, S.; Vliet, P. van; Craen, A.J.M. de; Jolles, J.; Buckley, B.M.; Murphy, M.B.; Ford, I.; Macfarlane, P.W.; Sattar, N.; Packard, C.J.; Stott, D.J.; Shepherd, J.; Bollen, E.L.E.M.; Blauw, G.J.; Jukema, J.W. & Westendorp, R.G.J. (2010), Pravastatin and cognitive function in the elderly. Results of the PROSPER study, Journal of Neurology 257(1): 85-90.
- Elzen, W.P.J. den; Willems, J.M.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Blauw, G.J.; Ferrucci, L.; Assendelft, W.J.J. & Gussekloo, J. (2010), Effect of erythropoietin levels on mortality in old age: the Leiden 85-plus Study, CMAJ 182(18): 1953-1958.
- Elzen, W.P.J. den; Gussekloo, J.; Willems, J.M.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Blauw, G.J.; Assendelft, W.J.J. & Westendorp, R.G.J. (2010), PREDICTIVE VALUE OF LOW FERRITIN IN OLDER PERSONS WITH ANEMIA WITH AND WITHOUT INFLAMMATION: THE LEIDEN 85-PLUS STUDY, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 58(8): 1601-1603.
- Willems, J.M.; Trompet, S.; Blauw, G.J.; Westendorp, R.G.J. & Craen, A.J.M. de (2010), White Blood Cell Count and C-Reactive Protein Are Independent Predictors of Mortality in the Oldest Old, The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 65(7): 764-768.
- Bemmel, T. van; Delgado, V.; Bax, J.J.; Gussekloo, J.; Blauw, G.J.; Westendorp, R.G. & Holman, E.R. (2010), Impact of valvular heart disease on activities of daily living of nonagenarians: the Leiden 85-plus study a population based study., BMC Geriatrics 10: 17.
- Elderen, S.G.C. van; Roos, A. de; Craen, A.J.M. de; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Blauw, G.J.; Jukema, J.W.; Bollen, E.L.E.M.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Buchem, M.A. van & Grond, J. van der (2010), Progression of brain atrophy and cognitive decline in diabetes mellitus: a 3-year follow-up., Neurology 75(11): 997-1002.
- Elderen, S.G.C. van; Roos, A. de; Craen, A.J.M. de; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Blauw, G.J.; Jukema, J.W.; Bollen, E.L.E.M.; Middelkoop, H.A.M.; Buchem, M.A. van & Grond, J. van der (2010), Progression of brain atrophy and cognitive decline in diabetes mellitus, Neurology 75(11): 997-1002.
- Palm-Meinders IH, Box FM, de Craen AJ, Blauw GJ, van Buchem MA & van der Grond J (2009), Diastolic wall shear stress in the internal carotid artery is associated with different cardiovascular risk factors than systolic wall shear stress., Cerebrovascular Diseases 28(2): 185-90.
- Rozing MP, Westendorp RG, Frölich M, de Craen AJ, Beekman M, Heijmans BT, Mooijaart SP, Blauw GJ, Slagboom PE, van Heemst D & Group OB (2009), Human insulin/IGF-1 and familial longevity at middle age., Aging 1(8): 714-22.
- null
- Trompet, S.; Jukema, J.W.; Katan, M.B.; Blauw, G.J.; Sattar, N.; Buckley, B.; Caslake, M.; Ford, I.; Shepherd, J.; Westendorp, R.G.J. & Craen, A.J.M. de (2009), Apolipoprotein e genotype, plasma cholesterol, and cancer: a Mendelian randomization study.
- Westendorp RG, van Heemst D, Rozing MP, Frölich M, Mooijaart SP, Blauw GJ, Beekman M, Heijmans BT, de Craen AJ, Slagboom PE & (2009), Nonagenarian siblings and their offspring display lower risk of mortality and morbidity than sporadic nonagenarians: The Leiden Longevity Study., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 57(9): 1634-7.
- van Bemmel T, Holman ER, Gussekloo J, Blauw GJ, Bax JJ & Westendorp RG (2009), Low blood pressure in the very old, a consequence of imminent heart failure: the Leiden 85-plus Study., Journal of Human Hypertension 23(1): 27-32.
- Westendorp RGJ, van Heemst D, Rozing MP, Frolich M, Mooijaart SP, Blauw GJ, Beekman M, Heijmans BT, de Craen AJM & Slagboom PE (2009), Nonagenarian Siblings and Their Offspring Display Lower Risk of Mortality and Morbidity than Sporadic Nonagenarians: The Leiden Longevity Study, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 57(9): 1634-1637.
- Sattar N, Murray HM, Welsh P, Blauw GJ, Buckley BM, Cobbe S, de Craen AJM, Lowe GD, Jukema JW, Macfarlane PW, Murphy MB, Stott DJ, Westendorp RGJ, Shepherd J, Ford I & Packard CJ (2009), Are Markers of Inflammation More Strongly Associated with Risk for Fatal Than for Nonfatal Vascular Events?, PLoS Medicine 6(6).
- Sattar N, Murray HM, Welsh P, Blauw GJ, Buckley BM, de Craen AJ, Ford I, Forouhi NG, Freeman DJ, Jukema JW, Macfarlane PW, Murphy MB, Packard CJ, Stott DJ, Westendorp RGJ & Shepherd J (2009), Are elevated circulating intercellular adhesion molecule 1 levels more strongly predictive of diabetes than vascular risk? Outcome of a prospective study in the elderly, Diabetologia 52(2): 235-239.
- Trompet S, Jukema JW, Katan MB, Blauw GJ, Sattar N, Buckley B, Caslake M, Ford I, Shepherd J, Westendorp RGJ & de Craen AJM (2009), Apolipoprotein E Genotype, Plasma Cholesterol, and Cancer: A Mendelian Randomization Study, American Journal of Epidemiology 170(11): 1415-1421.
- van Bemmel T, Holman ER, Gussekloo J, Blauw GJ, Bax JJ & Westendorp RGJ (2009), Low blood pressure in the very old, a consequence of imminent heart failure: the Leiden 85-plus Study, Journal of Human Hypertension 23(1): 27-32.
- Palm-Meinders IH, Box FMA, de Craen AJM, Blauw GJ, van Buchem MA & van der Grond J (2009), Diastolic Wall Shear Stress in the Internal Carotid Artery Is Associated with Different Cardiovascular Risk Factors than Systolic Wall Shear Stress, Cerebrovascular Diseases 28(2): 185-190.
- Ferrarini L, Palm WM, Olofsen H, van der Landen R, Blauw GJ, Westendorp RGJ, Bollen ELEM, Middelkoop HAM, Relber JHC, van Buchem MA & Admiraal-Behloul F (2008), MMSE scores correlate with local ventricular enlargement in the spectrum from cognitively normal to Alzheimer disease, NeuroImage 39(4).
- Trompet S, de Craen AJM, Slagboom P, Shepherd J, Blauw GJ, Murphy MB, Bollen ELEM, Buckley BM, Ford I, Gaw A, Macfarlane PW, Packard CJ, Stott DJ, Jukema JW & Westendorp RGJ (2008), Genetic variation in the interleukin-1 beta-converting enzyme associates with cognitive function. The PROSPER study, Brain 131.
- Heijmans BT, Tobi EW, Stein AD, Putter H, Blauw GJ, Susser ES, Slagboom PE & Lumey LH (2008), Persistent epigenetic differences associated with prenatal exposure to famine in humans, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(44).
- Polisecki, E.; Peter, I.; Robertson, M.; McMahon, A.D.; Ford, I.; Packard, C.; Shepherd, J.; Jukema, J.W.; Blauw, G.J.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Trompet, S.; Buckley, B.M.; Murphy, M.B.; Ordovas, J.M. & Schaefer, E.J. (2008), Genetic variation at the PCSK9 locus moderately lowers low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, but does not significantly lower vascular disease risk in an elderly population, Atherosclerosis 200(1).
- van Es ACGM, van der Grond J, de Craen AJM, Admiraal-Behloul F, Blauw GJ & van Buchem MA (2008), Risk factors for cerebral microbleeds in the elderly, Cerebrovascular Diseases 26(4).
- Sattar N, McConnachie A, Shaper AG, Blauw GJ, Buckley BM, de Craen AJ, Ford I, Forouhi NG, Freeman DJ, Jukema JW, Lennon L, Macfarlane PW, Murphy MB, Packard CJ, Stott DJ, Westendorp RG, Whincup PH, Shepherd J & Wannamethee SG (2008), Can metabolic syndrome usefully predict cardiovascular disease and diabetes? Outcome data from two prospective studies, Lancet 371(9628).
- Trompet, S.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Slagboom, P.; Shepherd, J.; Blauw, G.J.; Murphy, M.B.; Bollen, E.L.E.M.; Buckley, B.M.; Ford, I.; Gaw, A.; Macfarlane, P.W.; Packard, C.J.; Stott, D.J.; Westendorp, R.G.J.; Jukema, J.W. & PROSPER Grp (2008), Lymphotoxin-alpha C804A polymorphism is a risk factor for stroke. The PROSPER study, Experimental Gerontology 43(8).
- van Es ACGM, van der Grond J, de Craen AJM, Admiraal-Behloul F, Blauw GJ & van Buchem MA (2008), Caudate nucleus hypointensity in the elderly is associated with markers of neurodegeneration on MRI, Neurobiology of Aging 29(12).
- Box FMA, Van der Geest RJ, Van der Grond J, Van Osch MJP, Zwinderman AH, Palm-Meinders NH, Doornbos J, Blauw GJ, Buchem MA & Reiber JHC (2007), Reproducibility of wall shear stress assessment with the paraboloid method in the internal carotid artery with velocity encoded MRI in healthy young individuals, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 26(3).
- Trompet S, Pons D, De Craen AJM, Slagboom P, Shepherd J, Blauw GJ, Murphy MB, Cobbe SM, Bollen ELEM, Buckley BM, Ford I, Hyland M, Gaw A, Macfarlane PW, Packard CJ, Norrie J, Perry IJ, Stott DJ, Sweeney BJ, Twomey C, Westendorp RGJ & Jukema JW (2007), Genetic variation in the interleukin-10 gene promoter and risk of coronary and cerebrovascular events - The PROSPER study, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1100.
- Box FMA, van der Grond J, de Craen AJM, Palm-Meinders IH, van der Geest RJ, Jukema W, Reiber JHC, van Buchem MA & Blauw GJ (2007), Pravastatin decreases wall shear stress and blood velocity in the internal carotid artery without affecting flow volume - Results from the PROSPER MRI study, Stroke 38(4).
- ten Dam VH, van den Heuvel DMJ, de Craen AJM, Bollen ELEM, Murray HM, Westendorp RGJ, Blauw GJ & van Buchem MA (2007), Decline in total cerebral blood flow is linked with increase in periventricular but not deep white matter hyperintensities, Radiology 243(1).
- Polisecki, E.; Muallem, H.; Maeda, N.; Trompet, S.; Julkema, W.; McMahon, A.; Robetson, M.; Ford, I.; Blauw, G.; Murphy, M.; Shepherd, J. & Schaefer, E. (2007), Variation at the PCSK9 and LDLR locus, LDL levels, and heart disease in PROSPER, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 27(6).
- Lumey LH, Stein AD, Kahn HS, van der Pal-de Bruin KM, Blauw GJ, Zybert PA & Susser ES (2007), Cohort Profile: The Dutch Hunger Winter Families study, International Journal of Epidemiology 36(6).
- Sattar N, Murray HM, McConnachie A, Blauw GJ, Bollen ELEM, Buckley BM, Cobbe SM, Ford I, Gaw A, Hyland M, Jukema JW, Kamper AM, Macfarlane PW, Murphy MB, Packard CJ, Perry IJ, Stott DJ, Sweeney BJ, Twomey C, Westendorp RGJ & Shepherd J (2007), C-reactive protein and prediction of coronary heart disease and global vascular events in the prospective study of pravastatin in the elderly at risk (PROSPER), Circulation 115(8).
- Packard CJ, Westendorp RGJ, Stott DJ, Caslake MJ, Murray HM, Shepherd J, Blauw GJ, Murphy MB, Bollen ELEM, Buckley BM, Cobbe SM, Ford I, Gaw A, Hyland M, Jukema JW, Kamper AM, Macfarlane PW, Jolles J, Perry IJ, Sweeney BJ & Twomey C (2007), Association between apolipoprotein E-4 and cognitive decline in elderly adults, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 55(11).
- Schoenmaker M, de Craen AJM, de Meijer PHEM, Beekman M, Blauw GJ, Slagboom PE & Westendorp RGJ (2006), Evidence of genetic enrichment for exceptional survival using a family approach: the Leiden Longevity Study, European Journal of Human Genetics 14(1).
- de Craen AM, Blauw GJ & Westendorp RGJ (2006), Cholesterol and risk of stroke - Cholesterol, stroke, and age, British medical journal 333(7559).
- van den Heuvel DMJ, ten Dam VH, de Craen AJM, Admiraal-Behloul F, van Es ACGM, Palm WM, Spilt A, Bollen ELEM, Blauw GJ, Launer L, Westendorp RGJ & van Buchem MA (2006), Measuring longitudinal white matter changes: Comparison of a visual rating scale with a volumetric measurement, American Journal of Neuroradiology 27(4).
- van Bemmel T, Woittiez K, Blauw GJ, van der Sman-de Beer F, Dekker FW, Westendorp RGJ & Gussekloo J (2006), Prospective study of the effect of blood pressure on renal function in old age: The Leiden 85-plus study, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 17(9).
- de Craen AJM, Gussekloo J, Blauw GJ, Willems CG & Westendorp RGJ (2006), Randomised controlled trial of unsolicited occupational therapy in community-dwelling elderly people: The LOTIS trial, PLoS clinical trials 1(1).
- van den Heuvel DMJ, ten Dam VH, de Craen AJM, Admiraal-Behloul F, Olofsen H, Bollen ELEM, Jolles J, Murray HM, Blauw GJ, Westendorp RGJ & van Buchem MA (2006), Increase in periventricular white matter hyperintensities parallels decline in mental processing speed in a non-demented elderly population, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 77(2).
- van Bemmel T, Gussekloo J, Westendorp RGJ & Blauw GJ (2006), In a population-based prospective study, no association between high blood pressure and mortality after age 85 years, Journal of Hypertension 24(2).
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- Spilt A, Goekoop R, Westendorp RGJ, Blauw GJ, de Craen AJM & van Buchem MA (2006), Not all age-related white matter hyperintensities are the same: A magnetization transfer imaging study, American Journal of Neuroradiology 27(9).
- Beekman M, Blauw GJ, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Brandt BW, Westendorp RGJ & Slagboom PE (2006), Chromosome 4q25, microsomal transfer protein gene, and human longevity: Novel data and a meta-analysis of association studies, Journals of Gerontology, Series A 61(4).
- Versluis CE, van der Mast RC, van Buchem MA, Bollen ELEM, Blauw GJ, Eekhof JAH, van der Wee NJA & de Craen AJM (2006), Progression of cerebral white matter lesions is not associated with development of depressive symptoms in elderly subjects at risk of cardiovascular disease. The PROSPER study.
- Spilt A, Geeraedts T, de Craen AJM, Westendorp RGJ, Blauw GJ & van Buchem MA (2005), Age-related changes in normal-appearing brain tissue and white matter hyperintensities: More of the same or something else?, American Journal of Neuroradiology 26(4).
- ten Dam VH, van den Heuvel DMJ, van Buchem MA, Westendorp RGJ, Bollen ELEM, Ford I, de Craen AJM & Blauw GJ (2005), Effect of pravastatin on cerebral infarcts and white matter lesions, Neurology 64(10).
- ten Dam VH, Box FMA, de Craen AJM, van den Heuvel DMJ, Bollen ELEM, Murray HM, van Buchem MA, Westendorp RGJ & Blauw GJ (2005), Lack of effect of pravastatin on cerebral blood flow or parenchymal volume loss in elderly at risk for vascular disease, Stroke 36(8).
- Packard CJ, Ford I, Robertson M, Shepherd J, Blauw GJ, Murphy MB, Bollen ELEM, Buckley BM, Cobbe SM, Gaw A, Hyland M, Jukema JW, Kamper AM, Macfarlane PW, Perry IJ, Stott DJ, Sweeney BJ, Twomey C & Westendorp RGJ (2005), Plasma lipoproteins and apolipoproteins as predictors of cardiovascular risk and treatment benefit in the PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER), Circulation 112(20).
- Spilt A, Weverling-Rijnsburger AWE, Middelkoop HAM, van Der Flier WM, Gussekloo J, de Craen AJM, Bollen ELEM, Blauw GJ, van Buchem MA & Westendorp RGJ (2005), Late-onset dementia: Structural brain damage and total cerebral blood flow, Radiology 236(3).
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- van den Heuvel DMJ, Admiraal-Behloul F, ten Dam VH, Olofsen H, Bollen ELEM, Murray HM, Blauw GJ, Westendorp RGJ, de Craen AJM & van Buchem MA (2004), Different progression rates for deep white matter hyperintensities in elderly men and women, Neurology 63(9).
- Weverling-Rijnsburger AWE, Blauw GJ & Meinders AE (2004), Effect of atorvastatin on impaired vascular function in healthy old men, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 29(2).
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- Shepherd J, Blauw GJ, Murphy MB, Bollen ELEM, Buckley BM, Cobbe SM, Ford I, Gaw A, Hyland M, Jukema JW, Kamper AM, Macfarlane PW, Meinders AE, Norrie J, Packard CJ, Perry IJ, Stott DJ, Sweeney BJ, Twomey C & Westendorp RGJ (2002), Pravastatin in elderly individuals at risk of vascular disease (PROSPER): a randomised controlled trial, Lancet 360(9346).
- Ford I, Blauw GJ, Murphy MB, Shepherd J, Cobbe SM, Bollen ELEM, Buckley BM, Jukema JW, Hyland M, Gaw A, Lagaay AM, Perry IJ, Macfarlane PW, Norrie J, Meinders AE, Sweeney BJ, Packard CJ, Westendorp RGJ, Twomey C & Stott DJ (2002), A prospective study of pravastatin in the elderly at risk (PROSPER): Screening experience and baseline characteristics, Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine 3.
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- Kamper AM, Paul LC & Blauw GJ (2002), Prostaglandins are involved in acetylcholine- and 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced, nitric oxide-mediated vasodilatation in human forearm, Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 40(6).
- van der Post J, Noordzij LAW, de Kam ML, Blauw GJ, Cohen AF & van Gerven JMA (2002), Evaluation of tests of central nervous system performance after hypoxemia for a model for cognitive impairment, Journal of Psychopharmacology 16(4).
- Spilt A, Box FMA, van der Geest RJ, Reiber JHC, Kunz P, Kamper AM, Blauw GJ & van Buchem MA (2002), Reproducibility of total cerebral blood flow measurements using phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 16(1).
- Spilt A, Van den Boom R, Kamper AM, Blauw GJ, Bollen ELEM & van Buchem MA (2002), MR assessment of cerebral vascular response: A comparison of two methods, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 16(5).
- Houx PJ, Shepherd J, Blauw GJ, Murphy MB, Ford I, Bollen EL, Buckley B, Stott DJ, Jukema W, Hyland M, Gaw A, Norrie J, Kamper AM, Perry IJ, MacFarlane PW, Meinders AE, Sweeney BJ, Packard CJ, Twomey C, Cobbe SM & Westendorp RG (2002), Testing cognitive function in elderly populations: the PROSPER study, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 73(4).
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- Jonkers IJAM, de Ree MAV, Smelt AHM, de Man FHAF, Jansen H, Meinders AE, van der Laarse A & Blauw GJ (2002), Insulin resistance but not hypertriglyceridemia per se is associated with endothelial dysfunction in chronic hypertriglyceridermia, Cardiovascular Research 53(2).
- van de Ree MA, Huisman MV, de Man FH, van der Vijver JC, Meinders AE & Blauw GJ (2001), Impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation in type 2 diabetes mellitus and the lack of effect of simvastatin, Cardiovascular Research 52(2).
- van Dijk MA, Kamper AM, van Veen S, Souverijn JHM & Blauw GJ (2001), Effect of simvastatin on renal function in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 16(11).
- Weverling-Rijnsburger AWE, Blauw GJ & Westendorp RGJ (2001), Cholesterol and all-cause mortality in Honolulu, Lancet 358(9296).
- Jonkers IJ, de Man FH, van der Laarse A, Frolich M, Leuven JAG, Kamper AM, Blauw GJ & Smelt AH (2001), Bezafibrate reduces heart rate and blood pressure in patients with hypertriglyceridemia, Journal of Hypertension 19(4).
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- Kamper AM, de Craen AJM & Blauw GJ (2001), Forearm blood flow measurements using computerized R-wave triggered strain-gauge venous occlusion plethysmography: unilateral vs. bilateral measurements, Clinical Physiology -Oxford- 21(5).
- Remarque EJ, Bollen ELEM, Weverling-Rijnsburger AWE, Laterveer JC, Blauw GJ & Westendorp RGJ (2001), Patients with Alzheimer's disease display a pro-inflammatory phenotype, Experimental Gerontology 36(1).
- Blauw GJ, Shepherd J & Murphy MB (2001), Dementia and statins, Lancet 357(9259).
- Blauw GJ, Bollen ELEM, van Buchem MA & Westendorp RGJ (2001), Dementia at old age: a clinical end-point of atherosclerotic disease, European Heart Journal Supplements 3(N).
- van Mil AHM, Westendorp RGJ, Bollen ELEM, Lagaay AM & Blauw GJ (2000), HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors in the prevention of stroke.
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- Gussekloo J, Schaap MCL, Frolich M, Blauw GJ & Westendorp RGJ (2000), C-reactive protein is a strong but nonspecific risk factor of fatal stroke in elderly persons.
- Kemme MJB, Burggraaf J, Schoemaker RC, Cohen AF & Blauw GJ (2000), No evidence for functional involvement of 5-HT2B receptors in serotonin-induced vasodilatation in the human forearm, Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 36(6).
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