Geert Booij
Emeritus hoogleraar Morfologie en het lexicon
- Naam
- Prof.dr. G.E. Booij
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2125
- 0000-0003-1197-0259

Emeritus hoogleraar Morfologie en het lexicon
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL diversen
- Booij G.E. (2019), The morphology of Dutch. Second, revised edition. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.
- Booij G.E. (2019), The role of schemas in Construction Morphology, Word Structure 12(2): 385-395.
- Booij G.E. (2019), Compounds and multi-word expressions in Dutch. In: Schlücker B. (red.), Complex lexical units: compounds and multiword expressions. Berlin: De Gruyter. 95-126.
- Booij G.E. (2019), Fifty years of morphological theory in the Netherlands, Linguistics in the Netherlands 36(1): 8-12.
- Wouden T. van der, Booij G.E. & Audring J. (2018), Repliek: de Nederlandse morfologie in het Taalportaal, Nederlandse Taalkunde 23(2): 185-189.
- Booij G.E. (2018), The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology. Studies in Morphology nr. 4. Cham: Springer.
- Booij G.E. (2018), Partial motivation, multiple motivation: The role of output constraints in morphology. In: Booij G.E. (red.), The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology. Cham: Springer. 59-80.
- Booij G.E. (2018), Phonology and the Dutch-Polish connection: a personal memoir. In: Czaplicki B., Łukaszewicz B. & Opalińska M. (red.), Phonology, fieldwork and generalizations. Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag. 13-25.
- Booij G.E. & Audring J. (2018), Category change in construction morphology. In: Coussé E., Goethem K. van, Norde M. & Vanderbauwhede G. (red.), Category change from a constructional perspective. Constructional Approaches to Language nr. 20. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 209-228.
- Kooij J.G. & Booij G.E. (2018), Dutch. In: Comrie B. (red.), The world’s major languages. London: Routledge. 112-126.
- Booij G.E. (2017), Inheritance and motivation in Construction Morphology. In: Gisborne N. & Hippisley A. (red.), Defaults in morphological theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 18-39.
- Booij G.E. & Santen A.J. van (2017), Morfologie. De woordstructuur van het Nederlands. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Booij G.E. (2017), Bespreking van: Lieber R. & Štekauer P. (2014), The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Language 93(3): 717-720.
- Booij G.E. & Audring J. (2017), Construction Morphology and the Parallel Architecture of Grammar, Cognitive Science 41(S2): 277-302.
- Booij G.E. (2016), Construction Morphology. In: Hippisley A. & Stump G. (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. 424-448.
- Booij G.E. (2016), Morphology: the structure of words. In: Allan K. (red.), The Routledge Handbook of Linguistics. London & New York: Routledge. 104-117.
- Booij G.E. (2016), Dutch word formation. In: Müller P.O., Ohnheiser I., Olsen S. & Rainer F. (red.), Word Formation. An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 2357-2380.
- Booij G.E. (2016), Construction Morphology. In: Aronoff M. (red.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Audring J. & Booij G.E. (2016), Cooperation and coercion, Linguistics: an Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 54(4): 617-637.
- Booij G.E. (2016), Morphology: the structure of words. In: Allan K. (red.), The Routledge Handbook of Linguistics. London: Routledge. 104-117.
- Booij G.E. (2016), Bespreking van: Giegerich H. (2015), Lexical structures. Compounding and the modules of grammar. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. English language and Linguistics 20(3): 376-379.
- Booij G.E. (2015), The nominalization of Dutch particle verbs: schema unification and second order schemas, Nederlandse Taalkunde 20(3): 285-314.
- Booij G.E. (2015), Word formation in Construction Morphology. In: Müller P.O., Ohnheiser I., Olsen S. & Rainer F. (red.), Word Formation. An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe. Volume 1. Berlin: De Guyter Mouton. 188-202.
- Booij G.E. & Veer B. van der (2015), Allomorphy in OT: The Italian mobile diphthongs. In: Bonet E., Lloret M.-R. & Mascaró J. (red.), Understranding allomorphy. Perspectives from Optimality Theory. Sheffield & Bristol: Equinox. 45-69.
- Booij G.E. & Masini F. (2015), The role of second order schemas in the construction of complex words. In: Bauer L., Körtvélyessy L. & Stekauer P. (red.), Semantics of complex words. Cham: Springer. 47-66.
- Booij G.E. (2015), The structure of words. In: Taylor J. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of the Word. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 157-174.
- Booij G.E. (2015), The structure of words. In: Taylor J. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of the word. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 157-174.
- Booij G.E. (2015), Bespreking van: Bauer L., Lieber R. & Plag I. (2013), The Oxford Reference Guide to English Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Word Structure 8(1): 140-143.
- Hüning M. & Booij G.E. (2014), From compounding to derivation. The emergence of derivational affixes through ‘constructionalization’, Folia Linguistica Historica 48(2): 579-604.
- Booij G.E. (2014), Word formation in Construction Morphology. In: Müller P.O., Ohnheiser I., Olsen S. & Rainer F. (red.), Word Formation. An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe.. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Booij G.E. (2014), Dutch word formation. In: Müller P.O., Ohnheiser I., Olsen S. & Rainer F. (red.), Word Formation. An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Booij G.E. & Hüning M. (2014), Affixoids and constructional idioms. In: Boogaart R., Colleman T. & Rutten G. (red.), Extending the scope of construction grammar. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 77-106.
- Booij G.E. & Hüning M. (2014), Affixoids and constructional idioms. In: Boogaart R., Colleman T. & Rutten G. (red.), Extending the scope of construction-based grammar. Berlin: De Gruyter. 77-105.
- Kishimoto H. & Booij G.E. (2014), Complex negative adjectives in Japanese: the relation between syntactic and morphological constructions, Word Structure 7(1): 55-87.
- Booij G.E. (2014), Language use and the architecture of grammar: A Construction morphology perspective, Suvremena lingvistika 40(78): 193-212.
- Booij G.E. (2013), Morphology in CxG. In: Trousdaele G. & Hoffmann T. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 255-273.
- Albright A., Booij G.E. & Plag I. (red.) (2013), . Morphology.
- Booij G.E. (2013), Construction Morphology. In: Spencer A. & Zwicky A. (red.), The Handbook of Morphology, 2nd edition. London: Blackwell-Routledge.
- Booij G.E. (2013), Morphological change. In: Aronoff M. (red.), Oxford Bibliographies in linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Los B.L.J., Blom C., Booij G.E., Elenbaas M.B. & Van Kemenade A. (2012), Morphosyntactic change: A comparative study of particles and prefixes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Booij G.E. (2012), The grammar of words. An introduction to linguistic morphology. 3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Booij G.E. (2012), Staan alle woorden in Van Dale?. In: Boogaard M. & Jansen M. (red.), De taalcanon. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. 153-156.
- Booij G.E. (2012), Allomorphy and the architecture of grammar. In: Botma B. & Noske R. (red.), Phonological explorations: empirical, theoretical, and diachronic issues. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 9-24.
- Booij G.E. (2012), Construction Morphology and the interaction of syntax and word formation. In: Fabrégas A., Felíu E., Martín J. & Pazó J. (red.), Los limites de la morfologia. Estudios ofrecidos a Soledad Varela Ortega. Madrid: Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 105-113.
- Booij G.E., Ralli A., Scalise S. & Karasimos A. (2012), Morphology and the architecture of grammar. On-line proceedings of the 8th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Cagliari, 14-17 September 2011. [overig].
- Booij G.E. (2012), Construction Morphology, a brief introduction, Morphology 22: 343-346.
- Booij G.E. (2012), Constructiemorfologie als morfologisch onderzoeksparadigma, Nederlandse Taalkunde 17: 326-339.
- Booij G.E. (2011), Morpheme structure constraints. In: Oostendorp M. van, Ewen C.J., Hume E. & Rice K. (red.), The Blackwell Companion to Phonology, Volume 4. Phonological interfaces. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 2049-2070.
- Booij G.E. (2010), Construction Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Booij G.E., Ralli A., Scalise S. & Karasimos A. (2010), Morphology and diachrony. On-line proceedings of the 7th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Cyprus, 10-13 September 2009. Patras: U Patras, Greece.
- Pluymaekers M, Ernestus M, Baayen R.H. & Booij G.E. (2010), Morphological effects on fine phonetic detail: The case of Dutch -igheid. In: Fougeron C., Kühnert B., D'Ímperio M. & Vallée N. (red.), Laboratory Phonology 10. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 511-532.
- Booij G.E. (2010), Compound construction: Schemas or analogy?. In: Scalise S. & Vogel I. (red.), Cross-disciplinary issues in compounding. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins. 93-107.
- Booij G.E. (2010), Constructions and lexical units. In: Olsen Susan (red.), New impulses in word formation. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag. 81-100.
- Booij G.E. (2010), Construction Morphology, Language and Linguistics Compass 4(7): 543-555.
- Audring J. & Booij G.E. (2009), Genus als probleemcategorie, Taal en Tongval 61: 13-37.
- Booij G.E. (2009), Morphological analysis. In: Heine B. & Narrog H. (red.), The Oxford handbook of lnguistic analysisl. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 507-529.
- Booij G.E. (2009), Lexical integrity as a morphological universal, a constructionist view. In: Scalise S., Magni E. & Bisetto A. (red.), Universals of Language today. Berlin: Springer. 83-100.
- Booij G.E. (2009), Hoofdzaken. In: Beijk E. & et al. (red.), Fons Verborum. Feestbundel Fons Moerdijk. Amsterdam: Gopher. 351-358.
- Booij G.E. (2009), Productiviteit, creativiteit, en écriture artiste. In: Boogaart R., Lalleman J., Mooijaart M. & Wal M. van der (red.), Woorden wisselen. Voor Ariane van Santen bij haar afscheid van de Leidse universiteit. Leiden: Stichting Neerlandistiek Leiden. 27-36.
- Booij G.E. (2009), Compounding and construction morphology. In: Lieber R. & Stekauer P. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Compounding. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 201-216.
- Booij G.E. (2009), La morphologie constructionnelle - un apercu. In: Jacques Francois (red.), La morphologie lexicale: un domaine autonome de la grammaire?. Paris: Peeters. 13-32.
- Booij G.E. (2009), Lexical storage and phonological change. Hanson Christin & Inkelas Sharon (red.), The nature of the word. Essays in honor of Paul Kiparsky. . Cambridge Mass.: The MIT Press. 487-505.
- Booij G.E., Ralli A. & Scalise S. (red.) (2009), Morphology meets dialectology. Special issue of Morphology 19(1). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Booij G.E. (2008), Paradigmatic morphology. Fradin Bernard (red.), La raison morphologique. Hommage á la memoire de Danielle Corbin. . Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 29-38.
- Booij G.E. (2008), Constructional idioms as products of language change: the aan het + infinitive construction in Dutch. Bergs Alexander & Diewald Gabriele (red.), Construction grammar and language change. . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 79-104.
- Booij G.E. (2008), Composition et morphologie des constructions. Amiot Dany (red.), La composition dans une perspective typologique. . Artois: Artois Presses Universitaires. 49-73.
- Booij G.E. (2008), Pseudo-incorporation in Dutch, Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik 46: 3-26.
- Booij G.E., Ducceschi L., Fradin B., Guevara E., Ralli A. & Scalise S. (2007), On-line Proceedings of the 5th Meditteranean Morphology Meeting, Fréjus, 15-18 Sept 2005. Bologna: University of Bologna.
- Booij G.E. (2007), The Grammar of Words. An Introduction to Morphology, 2nd edition. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
- Booij G.E. (2007), Construction morphology and the lexicon. Montermini F., Boyé G. & Hathout N. (red.), Selected Proceedings of the 5th Décembrettes: Morphology in Toulouse. . Somerville: Cascadilla Press. 34-44.
- Booij G.E. (2007), Polysemy and construction morphology. Moerdijk A. & Santen A.J. van (red.), Leven met woorden. . Leiden: Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie. 355-364.
- Booij G.E. (2007), Taalkunde als psychologie. Chomsky's Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, Radix 33: 164-170.
- Booij G.E. & Audring J. (2007), Uitgezwaaid en aangezwaaid. Morfologische en syntactische participiumconstructies, Nederlandse Taalkunde 12: 52-62.
- Booij G.E. & Los B.L.J. (2006), De oorsprong van ghe- als negatief-polair element in het Middelnederlands, Taal en Tongval 58: pm-pm.
- Booij G.E. (2006), Inflection and derivation. Brown Keith (red.), Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. . New York: Elsevier. 654-661.
- Booij G.E. (2006), Lexical phonology and morphology. Brown Keith (red.), Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. . New York: Elsevier. 94-97.
- Booij G.E. (2006) Boekbespreking. Bespreking van: Meesters G. (2005), Marginale morfologie in het Nederlands. Gent: KANTI. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 122: 187-188.
- Booij G.E. & Marle J. van (red.) (2005), Yearbook of Morphology. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Booij G.E. (2005), Morphology and the tripartite parallel architecture of the grammar. Grossmann Maria & Thornton Anne M. (red.), La Formazione della Parole: Atti del XXXVII Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI), L'Aquila, 25-27 settembre 2003. . Bulzoni/Roma: Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI). 109-125.
- Booij G.E. & Santen A.J. van (1998), Morfologie - de woordstructuur van het Nederlands. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Booij G.E. & Weijer J.M. van de (red.) (1997), Phonology in Progress - Progress in Phonology. Den Haag: HAG.
- Santen A.J. van & Booij G.E. (1995), Morfologie: de woordstructuur van het Nederlands. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Lid bestuur Stichting Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie, Leiden