Gavin Robinson
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. G.L. Robinson
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0009-0007-9210-055X
Dr. Gavin Robinson is universitair docent bij eLaw - Centrum voor Recht en Digitale Technologie.
Dr. Gavin Robinson is universitair docent bij eLaw - Centrum voor Recht en Digitale Technologie.
Zie de Engelse content voor details.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- eLaw@Leiden
- Robinson G.L. (2024), Like Oil and Water?: Effective Data Protection and Direct Cooperation on Digital Evidence. In: Franssen V. & Tosza S. (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Digital Evidence in Criminal Investigations. Cambridge Law Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. in prep.
- Robinson G.L. (2023), Targeted Retention of Communications Metadata: Future-proofing the Fight against Serious Crime in Europe?, European Papers 8(2): 713-740.
- Robinson G.L., Vries S. de & Duivenvoorde B. (2023), Introduction: future-proof regulation and enforcement for the digitalised age, European Papers 8(2): 579-582.
- Robinson G.L. (2023), Where Engel fears to tread?: Applicable law, choice of forum and ne bis in idem in a composite administrative punitive legal order. In: Luchtman M., Ligeti K. & Vervaele J. (red.), EU enforcement authorities: punitive law enforcement in a composite legal order. Hart Studies in European Criminal Law nr. 19. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 197-224.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2023), Composite enforcement and comprehensive judicial protection. In: Luchtman M., Ligeti K. & Vervaele J. (red.), EU enforcement authorities: punitive law enforcement in a composite legal order. Hart Studies in European Criminal Law nr. 19. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 65-106.
- Masson A. & Robinson G.L. (red.) (2021), Mapping legal innovation: trends and perspectives. Cham: Springer.
- Robinson G.L. (2021), Notes on the ECHR and the Disunited Kingdom ‘after’ Brexit: in memoriam Scott Crosby, New Journal of European Criminal Law 12(1): 4-13.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2021), Sword, shield and cloud: toward a European system of public-private orders for electronic evidence in criminal matters?. In: Mitsilegas V. & Vavoula N. (red.), Surveillance and privacy in the Digital Age: European, Transatlantic and Global Perspectives. Hart Studies in European Criminal Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 27-70.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2021), The handling of digital evidence in Luxembourg. In: Caianiello M. & Camon A. (red.), Digital forensic evidence: towards common European standards in antifraud administrative and criminal investigations. Collezione di Giustizia Penale nr. 7. Milano: Wolters Kluwer - CEDAM. 123-162.
- Robinson G.L. (22 mei 2021), Digital forensics standards: enforcement under the radar of EU plans for electronic evidence. RENFORCE Blog. Utrecht: The Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE) (Utrecht University). [blog].
- Robinson G.L. (2020), Bespreking van: Lennon G., King C. & McCartney C. (eds.) (2019), Counter-terrorism, constitutionalism and miscarriages of justice: a Festschrift for professor Clive Walker. Oxford: Hart Publishing. New Journal of European Criminal Law 11(2): 258-261.
- Robinson G.L. (2 maart 2020), Crime, security, and data adequacy in the UK: the next sting in Brexit’s tail. Blog of the DCU Brexit Institute. Dublin: Dublin City University. [blog].
- Robinson G.L. (2019), A democratic dénouement?: The European Union vs terrorist content online [Um desfecho democrático? União Europeia vs conteúdo terrorista online], Revista Publicum 5(2): 184-200.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2019), Overprosecution and negotiated justice in Europe. In: Kempen P.H. van & Jendly M. (red.), Overuse in the criminal justice system: on criminalization, prosecution and imprisonment. International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation nr. 47. Cambridge: Intersentia. 101-128.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (red.) (2018), Preventing and resolving conflicts of jurisdiction in EU Criminal Law: a European Law Institute instrument. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Robinson G.L. (2018), Choice of forum and cybercrime. In: Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (red.), Preventing and resolving conflicts of jurisdiction in EU Criminal Law: a European Law Institute instrument. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 182-203.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2018), Transnational enforcement of production orders for electronic evidence: beyond mutual recognition?. In: Kert R. & Lehner A. (red.), Vielfalt des Strafrechts im internationalen Kontext: Festschrift für Frank Höpfel zum 65. Geburtstag. Vienna: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. 625-644.
- Robinson G.L. (2018), The European Commission’s proposal for a regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online, eucrim - The European Criminal Law Associations' Forum 2018(4): 234-240.
- Marriott J. & Robinson G.L. (2017), To score and to protect?: Big data (and privacy) meet SME credit risk in the UK, International Data Privacy Law 7(1): 48-69.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2017), "Bespoke" UK-EU police and judicial cooperation post-Brexit, Criminology in Europe: Newsletter of the European Society of Criminology 16(2): 11-14.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2017), Cross-border access to electronic evidence: policy and legislative challenges. In: Carrera S. & Mitsilegas V. (red.), Constitutionalising the Security Union: effectiveness, rule of law and rights in countering terrorism and crime. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies. 99-111.
- Schmitz S. & Robinson G.L. (2017), Das NetzDG und die CPS Guidelines zur Verfolgung strafbarer Inhalte in sozialen Medien. In: Taeger J. (red.), Recht 4.0 - Innovationen aus den rechtswissenschaftlichen Laboren: Tagungsband DSRI-Herbstakademie 2017. Oldenburg: Oldenburger Verlag für Wirtschaft, Informatik und Recht. 289-304.
- Ligeti K. & Robinson G.L. (2017), Transversal report on judicial protection. In: Luchtman M. & Vervaele J. (red.), Investigatory powers and procedural safeguards: Improving OLAF’s legislative framework through a comparison with other EU law enforcement authorities (ECN/ESMA/ECB). Utrecht: Utrecht University / RENFORCE. 219-246.
- Robinson G.L. (2014), Bespreking van: Campbell L. (2013), Organised crime and the law: a comparative analysis. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh-Hart. New Journal of European Criminal Law 5(1): 110-114.
- Robinson G.L. (2012), Data protection reform, passenger name record and telecommunications data retention: mass surveillance measures in the E.U. and the need for a comprehensive legal framework, Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft 95(4): 394-416.