Frits Sweijen
Gast promovendus
- Naam
- Dr. F. Sweijen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5737
- 0000-0002-6470-7967

Gast promovendus
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Sweijen F. (18 april 2024), Prying eyes on radio skies: pushing the high-resolution low-frequency frontier with LOFAR (Dissertatie. Leiden Observatory, Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Röttgering H.J.A., Weeren R.J. van.
- Boyde B., Wood A., Dorrian G., Sweijen F., de Gasperin F., Mevius M., Beser K. & Themens D. (2024), Wavelet analysis of differential TEC measurements obtained using LOFAR, Radio Science 59(4): .
- Boyde B., Wood A., Dorrian G., de Gasperin F., Sweijen F., Mevius M. & Beser K. (2024), Statistics of small-scale ionospheric waves in European mid-latitudes observed using LOFAR, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2024 14 april 2024 - 19 april 2024 nr. 6223. Vienna, Austria: EGU.
- Jurlin N., Morganti R., Sweijen F., Morabito L.K., Brienza M., Barthel P. & Miley G.K. (2024), Nuclear regions as seen with LOFAR international baselines. A high-resolution study of the recurrent activity, Astronomy & Astrophysics 682: A118.
- Timmerman R., Weeren R.J. van, Botteon A., Röttgering H.J.A., Morabito L.K. & Sweijen F. (2024), The first high-redshift cavity power measurements of cool-core galaxy clusters with the International LOFAR Telescope, Astronomy & Astrophysics 687: A31.
- Jong J.M.G.H.J. de, Weeren R.J. van, Sweijen F., Oonk J.B.R., Shimwell T.W., Offringa A.R., Morabito L.K., Rottgering H.J.A., Kondapally R., Escott E.L., Best P.N., Bondi M., Ye H. & Petley J.W. (2024), Into the depths: unveiling ELAIS-N1 with LOFAR's deepest sub-arcsecond wide-field images, Astronomy and Astrophysics 689: A80.
- Callingham J.R., Shimwell T.W., Vedantham H.K., Bassa C.G., O'Sullivan S.P., Yiu T.W.H., Bloot S., Best P.N., Hardcastle M.J., Haverkorn M., Kavanagh R.D., Lamy L., Pope B.J.S., Röttgering H.J.A., Schwarz D.J., Tasse C., Weeren R.J. van, White G.J., Zarka P., Bomans D.J., Bonafede A., Bonato M., Botteon A., Bruggen M., Chyży K.T., Drabent A., Emig K.L., Gloudemans A.J., Gürkan G., Hajduk M., Hoang D.N., Hoeft M., Iacobelli M., Kadler M., Kunert-Bajraszewska M., Mingo B., Morabito L.K., Nair D.G., Pérez-Torres M., Ray T.P., Riseley C.J., Rowlinson A., Shulevski A., Sweijen F., Timmerman R., Vaccari M. & Zheng J. (2023), V-LoTSS: The circularly polarised LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics 670: A124.
- Cordun C.M., Timmerman R., Miley G.K., Weeren R.J. van, Sweijen F., Morabito L.K. & Röttgering H.J.A. (2023), VLBI imaging of high-redshift galaxies and protoclusters at low radio frequencies with the International LOFAR Telescope, Astronomy and Astrophysics 676: A29.
- Sweijen F., Lyu Y., Wang L., Gao F., Röttgering H.J.A., Weeren R.J. van, Morabito L.K., Best P.N., Małek K., Williams W.L., Prandoni I., Bonato M. & Bondi M. (2023), Piercing the dusty veil of hyper-luminous infrared galaxies: Sub-arcsecond 144 MHz ILT observations of HLIRGs in the Lockman Hole, Astronomy and Astrophysics 671: A85.
- Groeneveld C., Weeren R.J. van, Miley G.K., Morabito L., Gasperin F. de, Callingham J.R., Sweijen F., Brüggen M., Botteon A., Offringa A., Brunetti G., Moldon J., Bondi M. & Röttgering H.J.A. (2022), Pushing subarcsecond resolution imaging down to 30 MHz with the trans-European International LOFAR Telescope, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A9.
- Shimwell T.W., Hardcastle M.J., Tasse C., Best P.N., Röttgering H.J.A., Williams W.L., Botteon A., Drabent A., Mechev A., Shulevski A., Weeren R.J. van, Bester L., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Callingham J.R., Chyży K.T., Conway J.E., Dijkema T.J., Duncan K., de Gasperin F., Hale C.L., Haverkorn M., Hugo B., Jackson N., Mevius M., Miley G.K., Morabito L.K., Morganti R., Offringa A., Oonk J.B.R., Rafferty D., Sabater J., Smith D.J.B., Schwarz D.J., Smirnov O., O'Sullivan S.P., Vedantham H., White G.J., Albert J.G., Alegre L., Asabere B., Bacon D.J., Bonafede A., Bonnassieux E., Brienza M., Bilicki M., Bonato M., Calistro Rivera G., Cassano R., Cochrane R., Croston J.H., Cuciti V., Dallacasa D., Danezi A., Dettmar R.J., Di Gennaro G., Edler H.W., Enßlin T.A., Emig K.L., Franzen T.M.O., García-Vergara C., Grange Y.G., Gürkan G., Hajduk M., Heald G., Heesen V., Hoang D.N., Hoeft M., Horellou C., Iacobelli M., Jamrozy M., Jelić V., Kondapally R., Kukreti P., Kunert-Bajraszewska M., Magliocchetti M., Mahatma V., Małek K., Mandal S., Massaro F., Meyer-Zhao Z., Mingo B., Mostert R.I.J., Nair D.G., Nakoneczny S.J., Nikiel-Wroczyński B., Orrú E., Pajdosz-Śmierciak U., Pasini T., Prandoni I., van Piggelen H.E., Rajpurohit K., Retana-Montenegro E., Riseley C.J., Rowlinson A., Saxena A., Schrijvers C., Sweijen F., Siewert T.M., Timmerman R., Vaccari M., Vink J., West J.L., Wołowska A., Zhang X. & Zheng J. (2022), The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey : V. Second data release, Astronomy and Astrophysics 659: A1.
- Kukreti P., Morganti R., Shimwell T.W., Morabito L.K., Beswick R.J., Brienza M., Hardcastle M.J., Sweijen F., Jackson N., Miley G.K., Moldon J., Oosterloo T. & Gasperin F. de (2022), Unmasking the history of 3C 293 with LOFAR sub-arcsecond imaging, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A6.
- Morabito L.K., Sweijen F., Radcliffe J.F., Best P.N., Kondapally R., Bondi M., Bonato M., Duncan K.J., Prandoni I., Shimwell T.W., Williams W.L., Weeren R.J. van, Conway J.E. & Calistro Rivera G. (2022), Identifying active galactic nuclei via brightness temperature with sub-arcsecond international LOFAR telescope observations, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(4): 5758-5774.
- Bonnassieux E., Sweijen F., Brienza M., Rajpurohit K., John Riseley C., Bonafede A., Jackson N., Morabito L.K., Brunetti G., Harwood J., Kappes A., Rottgering H.J., Tasse C. & Weeren R. van (2022), Spectral analysis of spatially resolved 3C295 (sub-arcsecond resolution) with the International LOFAR Telescope, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A10.
- Harwood J.J., Mooney S., Morabito L.K., Quinn J., Sweijen F., Groeneveld C., Bonnassieux E., Kappes A. & Moldon J. (2022), The resolved jet of 3C 273 at 150 MHz: sub-arcsecond imaging with the LOFAR international baselines, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A8.
- Sweijen F., Morabito L.K., Harwood J., Weeren R.J. van, Röttgering H.J.A., Callingham J.R., Jackson N., Miley G. & Moldon J. (2022), High-resolution international LOFAR observations of 4C 43.15: spectral ages and injection indices in a high-z radio galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A3.
- Jackson N., Badole S., Morgan J., Chhetri R., Prūsis K., Nikolajevs A., Morabito L., Brentjens M., Sweijen F., Iacobelli M., Orrù E., Sluman J., Blaauw R., Mulder H., van Dijk P., Mooney S., Deller A., Moldon J., Callingham J.R., Harwood J., Hardcastle M., Heald G., Drabent A., McKean J.P., Asgekar A., Avruch I.M., Bentum M.J., Bonafede A., Brouw W.N., Brüggen M., Butcher H.R., Ciardi B., Coolen A., Corstanje A., Damstra S., Duscha S., Eislöffel J., Falcke H., Garrett M., de Gasperin F., Griessmeier J.-M., Gunst A.W., Haarlem M.P. van, Hoeft M., Horst A.J. van der, Jütte E., Koopmans L.V.E., Krankowski A., Maat P., Mann G., Miley G.K., Nelles A., Norden M., Paas M., Pandey V.N., Pandey-Pommier M., Pizzo R.F., Reich W., Rothkaehl H., Rowlinson A., Ruiter M., Shulevski A., Schwarz D.J., Smirnov O., Tagger M., Vocks C., Weeren R.J. van, Wijers R., Wucknitz O., Zarka P., Zensus J.A. & Zucca P. (2022), Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope: II. Completion of the LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A2.
- Morabito L.K., Jackson N.J., Mooney S., Sweijen F., Badole S., Kukreti P., Venkattu D., Groeneveld C., Kappes A., Bonnassieux E., Drabent A., Iacobelli M., Croston J.H., Best P.N., Bondi M., Callingham J.R., Conway J.E., Deller A.T., Hardcastle M.J., McKean J.P., Miley G.K., Moldon J., Röttgering H.J.A., Tasse C., Shimwell T.W., Weeren R.J. van, Anderson J.M., Asgekar A., Avruch I.M., van Bemmel I.M., Bentum M.J., Bonafede A., Brouw W.N., Butcher H.R., Ciardi B., Corstanje A., Coolen A., Damstra S., de Gasperin F., Duscha S., Eislöffel J., Engels D., Falcke H., Garrett M.A., Griessmeier J., Gunst A.W., Haarlem M.P. van, Hoeft M., Horst A.J. van der, Jütte E., Kadler M., Koopmans L.V.E., Krankowski A., Mann G., Nelles A., Oonk J.B.R., Orru E., Paas H., Pandey V.N., Pizzo R.F., Pandey-Pommier M., Reich W., Rothkaehl H., Ruiter M., Schwarz D.J., Shulevski A., Soida M., Tagger M., Vocks C., Wijers R.A.M.J., Wijnholds S.J., Wucknitz O., Zarka P. & Zucca P. (2022), Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope. I. : Foundational calibration strategy and pipeline, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A1.
- Sweijen F., Weeren R.J. van, Röttgering H.J.A., Morabito L.K., Jackson N., Offringa A.R., van der Tol S., Veenboer B., Oonk J.B.R., Best P.N., Bondi M., Shimwell T.W., Tasse C. & Thomson A.P. (2022), Deep sub-arcsecond wide-field imaging of the Lockman Hole field at 144 MHz, Nature Astronomy 6: 350-356.
- Timmerman R., Weeren R.J. van, Botteon A., Röttgering H.J.A., McNamara B.R., Sweijen F., Bîrzan L. & Morabito L.K. (2022), Measuring cavity powers of active galactic nuclei in clusters using a hybrid X-ray-radio method. : A new window on feedback opened by subarcsecond LOFAR-VLBI observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics 668: A65.
- Timmerman R., Weeren R.J. van, Callingham J.R., Cotton W.D., Perley R., Morabito L.K., Gizani N.A.B., Bridle A.H., O'Dea C.P., Baum S.A., Tremblay G.R., Kharb P., Kassim N.E., Röttgering H.J.A., Botteon A., Sweijen F., Tasse C., Brüggen M., Moldon J., Shimwell T. & Brunetti G. (2022), Origin of the ring structures in Hercules A. : Sub-arcsecond 144 MHz to 7 GHz observations , Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A5.
- Kukreti P., Morganti R., Shimwell T.W., Morabito L.K., Beswick R.J., Brienza M., Hardcastle M.J., Sweijen F., Jackson N., Miley G.K., Moldon J., Oosterloo T. & Gasperin F. de (2021), Unmasking the history of 3C 293 with LOFAR sub-arcsecond imaging, Astronomical Notes 342(9-10): 1107-1111.
- Spingola C., McKean J.P., Vegetti S., Powell D., Auger M.W., Koopmans L.V.E., Fassnacht C.D., Lagattuta D.J., Rizzo F., Stacey H.R. & Sweijen F. (2020), SHARP - VI. Evidence for CO (1-0) molecular gas extended on kpc-scales in AGN star-forming galaxies at high redshift, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 495(2): 2387-2407.