Friedo Dekker
Hoogleraar Onderwijs in wetenschappelijke vorming
- Naam
- Prof.dr. F.W. Dekker
- Telefoon
- 071 5265230
- 0000-0002-2433-2494

Friedo W. Dekker is hoogleraar klinische epidemiologie. Zijn leeropdracht is onderwijs in wetenschappelijke vorming, en hij is programmaleider en duaal manager van een onderzoeksgroep op het gebied van onderzoek van onderwijs. Zijn klinisch onderzoek betreft met name patiënten met chronisch nierfalen, met name etiologie, predictie, en patiënt gerapporteerde uitkomsten (PROMs).
Friedo W. Dekker is hoogleraar klinische epidemiologie. Zijn leeropdracht is onderwijs in wetenschappelijke vorming, en hij is programmaleider en duaal manager van een onderzoeksgroep op het gebied van onderzoek van onderwijs. Zijn klinisch onderzoek betreft met name patiënten met chronisch nierfalen, met name etiologie, predictie, en patiënt gerapporteerde uitkomsten (PROMs).
Onderwijs in Wetenschappelijke Vorming
Alle aankomend artsen moeten in staat zijn om wetenschappelijk onderzoek te gebruiken, enerzijds om hun vak te kunnen bijhouden en op de hoogte te blijven van nieuwe ontwikkelingen, en anderzijds om klinische beslissingen mede te baseren op wetenschappelijk bewijs (evidence based medicine). Hierbij past dat studenten onderwijs krijgen in het zoeken van informatie en het kritisch lezen van wetenschappelijke artikelen. Het zelf uitvoeren van een leer-onderzoek is daarbij een belangrijke vorm van actief leren, waarmee, uniek in Nederland, studenten geneeskunde in het LUMC al in het eerste jaar van hun studie aan de slag gaan.
Daarnaast is ook van belang dat studenten met talent en ambitie voor het doen van onderzoek gestimuleerd worden hun talenten verder te ontwikkelen, en daarmee te kunnen bijdragen aan de verdere ontwikkeling van het vak. Hiertoe is een uitgebreid honours programma ontwikkeld waarbij studenten al in de bachelor cursussen kunnen volgen en echt onderzoek kunnen gaan doen, zowel in het laboratorium als in de kliniek. De klinische epidemiologie, waarin de methoden en technieken van klinisch onderzoek centraal staan, is dan ook bij uitstek een afdeling van waaruit studenten onderwijs krijgen in het doen van klinisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Het onderzoek dat de afdeling zelf verricht, rondom diverse aandoeningen waaronder nierziekten, biedt studenten daarbij voorbeelden en inspiratie.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Friedo W. Dekker studeerde Geneeskunde aan de universiteit van Leiden. In 1993 promoveerde hij op een proefschrift getiteld ‘Asthma and COPD in general practice – studies on the quality of care’. Daarna werkte hij in het AMC bij de afdeling Klinische epidemiologie en biostatistiek waar hij betrokken raakte bij onderzoek onder patiënten met chronisch nierfalen die behandeld worden met dialyse. Sinds 2000 werkt hij bij de afdeling Klinische epidemiologie in het LUMC waar hij zijn onderzoek in de nefrologie verder uitbouwde en in 2010 benoemd werd als hoogleraar. De titel van zijn oratie is ‘Ruimte voor talent’. Inmiddels heeft hij met zijn onderzoeksgroep ruim 500 publicaties op zijn naam staan met een H-index > 80 (Web of Science), waaronder enkele series educatieve artikelen in nefrologische tijdschriften waarin epidemiologische methoden worden uitgelegd.
Zijn hele loopbaan is hij al actief in het onderwijs met betrekking tot wetenschappelijke vorming en klinische epidemiologie, eerst aan huisartsen in opleiding en bij het begeleiden van wetenschappelijke stages, later aan studenten medische informatiekunde (AMC) en promovendi, en tegenwoordig aan studenten, promovendi en medisch specialisten in verschillende richtingen. Daarbij ontwikkelde hij nieuwe activerende werkvormen waarvoor hij onder meer de professor G.J. Tammeling onderwijsprijs ontving en waarover hij diverse artikelen publiceerde. Hij was lange tijd coördinator van de lijn Academische en Wetenschappelijke vorming in het curriculum Geneeskunde, was verantwoordelijk voor het Honours onderwijs in het LUMC, en geeft al sinds 2008 een jaarlijkse Masterclass klinische epidemiologie in Noordwijk. Sinds 2016 is hij tevens programmaleider en duaal manager van een onderzoeksgroep op het gebied van onderzoek van onderwijs bij het onderwijs expertisecentrum centrum van het directoraat onderwijs en opleidingen (DOO) in het LUMC.
Dekker was een van de editors van het tijdschrift Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, lid van de wetenschappelijke raad van de Nierstichting, en lid van het bestuur van de Nederlandse Federatie voor Nefrologie. Hij was ook voorzitter van de Nederlandse vereniging voor epidemiologie, en actief in de Nederlandse vereniging voor medisch onderwijs (NVMO). Tevens was hij voorzitter van de visitatiecommissie voor de opleiding Geneeskunde in Vlaanderen, en later voor de opleidingen Epidemiologie in Nederland en Vlaanderen.
Volg Friedo. W. Dekker op:
Hoogleraar Onderwijs in wetenschappelijke vorming
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Reumatologie
- Klinische Epidemiologie
- Milders, J.; Ramspek, C.L.; Meuleman, Y.; Bos, W.J.W.; Michels, W.M.; Konijn, W.S.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2024), Dealing with an uncertain future: a survey study on what patients with chronic kidney disease actually want to know, Clinical Kidney Journal 17(8).
- Bakker, C.R. den; Ommering, B.W.C.; Beaufort, A.J. de; Dekker, F.W. & Bustraan, J. (2024), The bumpy ride to a medical PhD degree: a qualitative study on factors influencing motivation, BMC Medical Education 24(1).
- Wijk, E.V. van; Blankenstein, F.M. van; Donkers, J.; Janse, R.J.; Bustraan, J.; Adelmeijer, L.G.M.; Dubois, E.A.; Dekker, F.W. & Langers, A.M.J. (2024), Does 'summative' count? The influence of the awarding of study credits on feedback use and test-taking motivation in medical progress testing, Advances in Health Sciences Education.
- Zoccali, C.; Tripepi, G.; Carioni, P.; Fu, E.L.; Dekker, F.; Stel, V.; Jager, K.J.; Mallamaci, F.; Hymes, J.L.; Maddux, F.W. & Stuard, S. (2024), Antihypertensive drug treatment and the risk for intra-hemodialysis hypotension, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 19(10): 1310-1318.
- Zoccali, C.; Tripepi, G.; Stel, V.; Fu, E.L.; Mallamaci, F.; Dekker, F. & Jager, K.J. (2024), Biomarkers in clinical epidemiology studies, Clinical Kidney Journal 17(6).
- Lundström, U.H.; Ramspek, C.L.; Dekker, F.W.; Diepen, M. van; Carrero, J.J.; Hedin, U. & Evans, M. (2024), Clinical impact of the Kidney Failure Risk Equation for vascular access planning, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 39(12): 2079-2087.
- Zoccali, C.; Tripepi, G.; Stel, V.; Fu, E.L.; Mallamaci, F.; Dekker, F. & Jager, K.J. (2024), Decoy receptors as biomarkers for exploring aetiology and designing new therapies, Clinical Kidney Journal 17(8).
- Jongejan, M.; Gelinck, A.; Geloven, N. van; Dekker, F.W. & Vleming, L.J. (2024), Effect of absolute blood volume measurement-guided fluid management on the incidence of intradialytic hypotension-associated events: a randomised controlled trial, Clinical Kidney Journal 17(5).
- Lengton, R.; Dekker, F.W.; Rossum, E.F.C. van; Fijter, J.W. de; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dijk, K.W. van; Rabelink, T.J.; Cessie, S. le; Mutsert, R. de & Hoogeveen, E.K. (2024), Hypertension and diabetes, but not leptin and adiponectin, mediate the relationship between body fat and chronic kidney disease, Endocrine 85(3): 1141-1153.
- Driehuis, E.; Janse, R.J.; Roeterdink, A.J.; Konijn, W.S.; Lieshout, T.S. van; Vogels, T.J.F.M.; Goto, N.A.; Groenou, M.I.B. van; Dekker, F.W.; Jaarsveld, B.C. van; Abrahams, A.C. & DOMESTICO Study Grp (2024), Informal caregiver burden in dialysis care and how it relates to patients' health-related quality of life and symptoms, Clinical Kidney Journal 17(11).
- Lombardi, G.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Caskey, F.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Evans, M.; Heimburger, O.; Pippias, M.; Torino, C.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Gambaro, G.; Stel, V.S.; Jager, K.J.; Ferraro, P.M. & EQUAL study investigators (2024), Longitudinal serum bicarbonate and mortality risk in older patients with advanced chronic kidney disease: analyses from the EQUAL cohort, Clinical Kidney Journal 17(11).
- Chesnaye, N.C.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.; Zoccali, C.; Jager, K.J. & Stel, V.S. (2024), Non-linear relationships in clinical research, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.
- Janse, R.; Milders, J.; Rotmans, J.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2024), Prediction models for hospitalization in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease: systematic review, external validation and development study, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 39: I981-I981.
- Letts, M.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Pippias, M.; Caskey, F.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Diepen, M. van; Evans, M.; Torino, C.; Vilasi, A.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Hole, B.; Hayward, S. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2024), Prescribing patterns in older people with advanced chronic kidney disease towards the end of life, Clinical Kidney Journal 17(11).
- Hayward, S.J.L.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Hole, B.; Aylward, R.; Meuleman, Y.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Dekker, F.W.; Evans, M.; Jager, K.J.; Wanner, C.; Caskey, F.J. & EQUAL Investigators (2024), Protein biomarkers and major cardiovascular events in older people with advanced CKD, KIDNEY MEDICINE 6(1).
- Windahl, K.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Irving, G.F.; Stenvinkel, P.; Almquist, T.; Liden, M.K.; Drechsler, C.; Szymczak, M.; Krajewska, M.; Rooij, E. de; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Caskey, F.J.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Evans, M. & EQUAL Study Invest (2024), The safety of a low-protein diet in older adults with advanced chronic kidney disease, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 39(11): 1867-1875.
- Rooij, E.N.M. de; Hoogeveen, E.K.; Romijn, F.P.H.T.M.; Kooy, S.W. van der; Veighey, K.V.; Dekker, F.W.; Kooten, C. van; Cobbaert, C.M. & Fijter, J.W. de (2024), Urinary beta-2 microglobulin increases whereas TIMP-2 and IGFBP7 decline after unilateral nephrectomy in healthy kidney donors, Scientific Reports 14(1).
- Janse, R.J.; Stel, V.S.; Jager, K.J.; Tripepi, G.; Zoccali, C.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2024), When impact trials are not feasible, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 40(1).
- Zomer, B.; Ruiter, M.S.; Dekker, F.W.; Goertz, E.G.; Haan, M.W. de; Hemmelder, M.H.; Hiligsmann, M.J.; Konijn, W.S.; Loon, M.M. van; Maessen, J.M.; Mees, B.M.; Rotmans, J.; Schurink, G.W.; Vleugels, M.J.J.; Snoeijs, M.G. & FLOW Study Grp (2024), FLOW: Flow dysfunction of hemodialysis vascular access, The Journal of Vascular Access.
- Luppino, F.S.; Hollander-Gijsman, M.E. den; Dekker, F.W.; Bartlema, K.A. & Diepen, M. van (2023), Estimating skills level in recreational skiing, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 33(1): 55-63.
- Fu, E.L.; Levey, A.S.; Coresh, J.; Grams, M.E.; Faucon, A.L.; Elinder, C.G.; Dekker, F.W.; Delanaye, P.; Inker, L.A. & Carrero, J.J. (2023), Accuracy of GFR estimating equations based on creatinine, cystatin C or both in routine care, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.
- Fu, E.L.; Levey, A.S.; Coresh, J.; Elinder, C.G.; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W.; Paik, J.M.; Barany, P.; Grams, M.E.; Inker, L.A. & Carrero, J.J. (2023), Accuracy of GFR estimating equations in patients with discordances between creatinine and cystatin C-based estimations, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 34(7): 1241-1251.
- Veltkamp, D.M.J.; Wang, Y.M.; Meuleman, Y.; Dekker, F.W.; Michels, W.M.; Boog, P.J.M. van der & Vries, A.P.J. de (2023), Age and gender differences in symptom experience and health-related quality of life in kidney transplant recipients: a cross-sectional study, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 38(7): 1707-1718.
- Zoccali, C.; Stel, V.; Dekker, F. & Jager, K.J. (2023), A new methodological series in CKJ, Clinical Kidney Journal 16(12).
- Magagnoli, L.; Cozzolino, M.; Caskey, F.J.; Evans, M.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Krajewska, M.; Drechsler, C.; Stenvinkel, P.; Pippias, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Rooij, E.N.M. de; Wanner, C.; Chesnaye, N.C. & Jager, K.J. (2023), Association between CKD-MBD and mortality in older patients with advanced CKD, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 38(11): 2562-2575.
- Chesnaye, N.C.; Caskey, F.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Rooi, E.N.M. de; Evans, M.; Heimburger, O.; Pippias, M.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J.; Bahner, U.; Seeger, W.; Cupisti, A.; Sagliocca, A.; Ferraro, A.; Mele, A.; Naticchia, A.; Cosaro, A.; Ranghino, A.; Stucchi, A.; Pignataro, A.; Blasio, A. de; Pani, A.; Tsalouichos, A.; Antonio, B.; Iorio, B.R.D.; Alessandra, B.; Abaterusso, C.; Somma, C.; D'alessandro, C.; Torino, C.; Zullo, C.; Pozzi, C.; Bergamo, D.; Ciurlino, D.; Motta, D.; Russo, D.; Favaro, E.; Vigotti, F.; Ansali, F.; Conte, F.; Cianciotta, F.; Giacchino, F.; Cappellaio, F.; Pizzarelli, F.; Greco, G.; Porto, G.; Bigatti, G.; Marinangeli, G.; Cabiddu, G.; Fumagalli, G.; Caloro, G.; Piccoli, G.; Capasso, G.; Gambaro, G.; Tognarelli, G.; Bonforte, G.; Conte, G.; Toscano, G.; Rosso, G. del; Capizzi, I.; Baragetti, I.; Oldrizzi, L.; Gesualdo, L.; Biancone, L.; Magnano, M.; Ricardi, M.; Bari, M.D.; Laudato, M.; Sirico, M.L.; Ferraresi, M.; Provenzano, M.; Malaguti, M.; Palmieri, N.; Murrone, P.; Cirillo, P.; Dattolo, P.; Acampora, P.; Nigro, R.; Boero, R.; Scarpioni, R.; Sicoli, R.; Malandra, R.; Savoldi, S.; Bertoli, S.; Borrelli, S.; Maxia, S.; Maffei, S.; Mangano, S.; Cicchetti, T.; Rappa, T.; Palazzo, V.; Simone, W. de; Schrander, A.; Dam, B. van; Siegert, C.; Gaillard, C.; Beerenhout, C.; Verburgh, C.; Janmaat, C.; Hoogeveen, E.; Hoorn, E.; Dekker, F.; Boots, J.; Boom, H.; Eijgenraam, J.W.; Kooman, J.; Rotmans, J.; Jager, K.; Vogt, L.; Raasveld, M.; Vervloet, M.; Buren, M. van; Diepen, M. van; Chesnaye, N.; Leurs, P.; Voskamp, P.; Blankestijn, P.; Esch, S. van; Boorsma, S.; Berger, S.; Konings, C.; Aydin, Z.; Musiala, A.; Szymczak, A.; Olczyk, E.; Augustyniak-Bartosik, H.; Miskowiec-Wisniewska, I.; Manitius, J.; Pondel, J.; Jedrzejak, K.; Nowanska, K.; Nowak, L.; Szymczak, M.; Durlik, M.; Dorota, S.; Nieszporek, T.; Heleniak, Z.; Jonsson, A.; Blom, A.L.; Rogland, B.; Wallquist, C.; Vargas, D.; Dimeny, E.; Sundelin, F.; Uhlin, F.; Welander, G.; Hernandez, I.B.; Groentoft, K.C.; Stendahl, M.; Svensson, M.; Evans, M.; Heimburger, O.; Kashioulis, P.; Melander, S.; Almquist, T.; Jensen, U.; Woodman, A.; McKeever, A.; Ullah, A.; McLaren, B.; Harron, C.; Barrett, C.; O'Toole, C.; Summersgill, C.; Geddes, C.; Glowski, D.; McGlynn, D.; Sands, D.; Caskey, F.; Roy, G.; Hirst, G.; King, H.; McNally, H.; Masri-Senghor, H.; Murtagh, H.; Rayner, H.; Turner, J.; Wilcox, J.; Berdeprado, J.; Wong, J.A.T.; Banda, J.; Jones, K.; Haydock, L.; Wilkinson, L.; Carmody, M.; Weetman, M.; Joinson, M.; Dutton, M.; Matthews, M.; Morgan, N.; Bleakley, N.; Cockwell, P.; Roderick, P.; Mason, P.; Kalra, P.; Sajith, R.; Chapman, S.; Navjee, S.; Crosbie, S.; Brown, S.; Tickle, S.; Mathavakkannan, S. & Kuan, Y. (2023), Clinical and patient-reported trajectories at end-of-life in older patients with advanced CKD, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 38(11): 2494-2502.
- El-Magd, E.S.; Schouten, R.W.; Nadort, E.; Shaw, P.K.C.; Smets, Y.F.C.; Vleming, L.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Broekman, B.F.P.; Honig, A. & Siegert, C.E.H. (2023), Dialysis withdrawal and symptoms of anxiety and depression, BMC Nephrology 24(1).
- Haapio, M.; Diepen, M. van; Steenkamp, R.; Helve, J.; Dekker, F.W.; Caskey, F. & Finne, P. (2023), Predicting mortality after start of long-term dialysis-International validation of one- and two-year prediction models, PLoS ONE 18(2).
- Terwee, C.B.; Willik, E.M. van der; Breda, F. van; Jaarsveld, B.C. van; Putte, M. van de; Jetten, I.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Meuleman, Y. & Ittersum, F.J. van (2023), Responsiveness and minimal important change of seven PROMIS computerized adaptive tests (CAT) in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease, Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 7(1).
- Wang, Y.M.; Boog, P. van der; Hemmelder, M.H.; Dekker, F.W.; Vries, A. de & Meuleman, Y. (2023), Understanding health-related quality of life in kidney transplant recipients, Transplant International 36.
- Langenhuijsen, L.F.S.; Janse, R.J.; Venema, E.; Kent, D.M.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Jong, Y. de (2023), Systematic metareview of prediction studies demonstrates stable trends in bias and low PROBAST inter-rater agreement, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 159: 159-173.
- Ocak, G.; Khairoun, M.; Thans, M.V.; Meeder, D.; Moeniralam, H.; Dekker, F.W.; Verhaar, M.C.; Bos, W.J.W. & Kaasjager, K.A.H. (2023), Migration background and COVID-19 related intensive care unit admission and mortality in the Netherlands, PLoS ONE 18(4).
- Luppino, F.; Diepen, M. van; Hollander-Gijsman, M. den; Bartlema, K. & Dekker, F. (2023), Level of overestimation among Dutch recreational skiers, Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 33(6): E172-E180.
- Oevelen, M. van; Bonenkamp, A.A.; Sluijs, A.V. van der; Bos, W.J.W.; Douma, C.E.; Buren, M. van; Meuleman, Y.; Dekker, F.W.; Jaarsveld, B.C. van; Abrahams, A.C. & DOMESTICO Study Grp (2023), Health-related quality of life and symptom burden in patients on haemodialysis, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 39(3).
- Carrero, J.J.; Fu, E.L.; Vestergaard, S.V.; Jensen, S.K.; Gasparini, A.; Mahalingasivam, V.; Bell, S.; Birn, H.; Heide-Jorgensen, U.; Clase, C.M.; Cleary, F.; Coresh, J.; Dekker, F.W.; Gansevoort, R.T.; Hemmelgarn, B.R.; Jager, K.J.; Jafar, T.H.; Kovesdy, C.P.; Sood, M.M.; Stengel, B.; Christiansen, C.F.; Iwagami, M. & Nitsch, D. (2023), Defining measures of kidney function in observational studies using routine health care data: methodological and reporting considerations, Kidney International 103(1): 53-69.
- Rijn, A.L. van; Roos, R.; Dekker, F.W.; Rotmans, J.I. & Feltkamp, M.C.W. (2023), Torque teno virus load as marker of rejection and infection in solid organ transplantation, Reviews in Medical Virology 33(1).
- Torino, C.; Mallamaci, F.; Sarafidis, P.; Papagianni, A.; Ekart, R.; Hojs, R.; Klinger, M.; Letachowicz, K.; Fliser, D.; Seiler-Mussler, S.; Lizzi, F.; Siamopoulos, K.; Balafa, O.; Ntounousi, E.; Slotki, I.; Shavit, L.; Stavroulopoulos, A.; Massy, Z.A.; Seidowsky, A.; Battaglia, Y.; Martinez-Castelao, A.; Villalobos, G.; Fiaccadori, E.; Regolisti, G.; Hannedouche, T.; Bachelet, T.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Tripepi, R.; Tripepi, G.; Gargani, L.; Sicari, R.; Picano, E.; London, G.M. & Zoccali, C. (2023), The long-term effect of a lung-ultrasound intervention on the risk for death, heart failure and myocardial infarction in dialysis patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 39(2).
- Willik, E.M. van der; Breda, F. van; Jaarsveld, B.C. van; Putte, M. van de; Jetten, I.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Meuleman, Y.; Ittersum, F.J. van & Terwee, C.B. (2023), Validity and reliability of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) using computerized adaptive testing in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 38(5).
- Zoccali, C.; Mallamaci, F.; Tripepi, G.; Fu, E.L.; Stel, V.S.; Dekker, F.W. & Jager, K.J. (2023), The long-term benefits of early intensive therapy in chronic diseases-the legacy effect, Clinical Kidney Journal 16(11): 1917-1924.
- Bakker, C.R. den; Beaufort, A.J. de; Dekker, F.W. & Ommering, B.W.C. (2023), Exploring Fairness in Scholarly Development: Are We Creating Knowledge Storing Zombies or Curious, Creative and Critical Healthcare Professionals?
- Meuleman, Y.; Bent, Y. van der; Gentenaar, L.; Caskey, F.J.; Bart, H.A.J.; Konijn, W.S.; Bos, W.J.W.; Hemmelder, M.H. & Dekker, F.W. (2023), Exploring patients' perceptions about chronic kidney disease and their treatment, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 31.
- Bakker, C.R. den; Beaufort, A.J. de; Dekker, F.W. & Ommering, B.W.C. (2023), Exploring fairness in scholarly development, Advances in Medical Education and Practice 14: 913-917.
- Lengton, R.; Willik, E.M. van der; Rooij, E.N.M. de; Meuleman, Y.; Cessie, S. le; Michels, W.M.; Hemmelder, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Hoogeveen, E.K. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2023), Effect of residual kidney function and dialysis adequacy on chronic pruritus in dialysis patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 38(6): 1508-1518.
- Rooij, E.N.M. de; Fijter, J.W. de; Cessie, S. le; Hoorn, E.J.; Jager, K.J.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Evans, M.; Windahl, K.; Caskey, F.J.; Torino, C.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W.; Hoogeveen, E.K. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2023), Serum potassium and risk of death or kidney replacement therapy in older people with CKD stages 4-5, American Journal of Kidney Diseases 82(3): 257-+.
- Astley, M.; Caskey, F.J.; Evans, M.; Torino, C.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Pippias, M.; Rooij, E. de; Porto, G.; Stel, V.S.; Dekker, F.W.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J.; Chesnaye, N.C. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2023), The impact of gender on the risk of cardiovascular events in older adults with advanced chronic kidney disease, Clinical Kidney Journal 16(12).
- Canney, M.; Induruwage, D.; Tang, M.L.; Pinho, N.A. de; Er, L.; Zhao, Y.S.; Djurdjev, O.; Ahn, Y.H.; Behnisch, R.; Calice-Silva, V.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Borst, M.H. de; Dember, L.M.; Dionne, J.; Ebert, N.; Eder, S.; Fenton, A.; Fukagawa, M.; Furth, S.L.; Hoy, W.E.; Imaizumi, T.; Jager, K.J.; Jha, V.; Kang, H.G.; Kitiyakara, C.; Mayer, G.; Oh, K.H.; Onu, U.; Pecoits-Filho, R.; Reichel, H.; Richards, A.; Schaefer, F.; Schaeffner, E.; Scheppach, J.B.; Sola, L.; Ulasi, I.; Wang, J.W.; Yadav, A.K.; Zhang, J.Z.; Feldman, H.; Taal, M.W.; Stengel, B.; Levin, A. & ISN INET-CKD Investigators (2023), Regional variation in hemoglobin distribution among individuals with CKD: the ISN International Network of CKD Cohorts, Kidney International Reports 8(10): 2056-2067.
- Fu, E.; Levey, A.; Coresh, J.; Elinder, C.G.; Rotmans, J.; Dekker, F.W.; Paik, J.; Barany, F.P.; Grams, M.; Inker, L. & Carrero, J.J. (2023), ACCURACY OF ESTIMATED GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE EQUATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH DISCORDANCES BETWEEN CREATININE AND CYSTATIN C-BASED ESTIMATIONS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 38: I532-I533.
- Klatte, D.C.F.; Boekestijn, B.; Onnekink, A.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Geest, L.G. van der; Wasser, M.N.J.M.; Feshtali, S.; Luelmo, S.A.C.; Morreau, H.; Potjer, T.P.; Inderson, A.; Boonstra, J.J.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Hooft, J.E. van; Bonsing, B.A.; Leerdam, M.E. van & Dutch Pancreatic Canc Grp (2023), Surveillance for pancreatic cancer in high-risk individuals leads to improved outcomes, Gastroenterology 164(7).
- Wijk, E.V. van; Janse, R.J.; Ruijter, B.N.; Rohling, J.H.T.; Kraan, J. van der; Crobach, S.; Jonge, M. de; Beaufort, A.J. de; Dekker, F.W. & Langers, A.M.J. (2023), Use of very short answer questions compared to multiple choice questions in undergraduate medical students, PLoS ONE 18(7).
- Milders, J.; Ramspek, C.L.; Janse, R.J.; Bos, W.J.W.; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2023), Prognostic models in nephrology, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
- Klatte, D.C.F.; Boekestijn, B.; Onnekink, A.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Geest, L.G. van der; Wasser, M.N.J.M.M.; Feshtali, S.; Mieog, J.S.D.; Morreau, H.; Potjer, T.P.; Inderson, A.; Boonstra, J.J.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Luelmo, S.; Hooft, J.E. van; Bonsing, B.A. & Leerdam, M.E. van (2023), Comparison of pancreatic cancer outcomes diagnosed in surveillance and the general population: A propensity score-matched analysis., Journal of Clinical Oncology 41: 690-690.
- Schutter, R.; Sanders, J.S.F.; Ramspek, C.L.; Crop, M.J.; Bemelman, F.J.; Christiaans, M.H.L.; Hilbrands, L.B.; Vries, A.P.J. de; Wetering, J. van de; Zuilen, A.D.V.; Diepen, M. van; Leuvenink, H.G.D.; Dekker, F.W. & Moers, C. (2023), Considerable variability among transplant nephrologists in judging deceased donor kidney offers, Kidney International Reports 8(10): 2008-2016.
- Rooij, E.N.M. de; Meuleman, Y.; Fijter, J.W. de; Cessie, S. le; Jager, K.J.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Evans, M.; Pagels, A.A.; Caskey, F.J.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W.; Hoogeveen, E.K. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2022), Quality of life before and after the start of dialysis in older patients, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 17(8): 1159-1167.
- Klatte, D.C.F.; Boekestijn, B.; Wasser, M.N.J.M.; Shahbazi, S.F.; Ibrahim, I.S.; Mieog, J.S.D.; Luelmo, S.A.C.; Morreau, H.; Potjer, T.P.; Inderson, A.; Boonstra, J.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Hooft, J.E. van; Bonsing, B.A. & Leerdam, M.E. van (2022), Pancreatic Cancer Surveillance in Carriers of a Germline CDKN2A Pathogenic Variant: Yield and Outcomes of a 20-Year Prospective Follow-Up, Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(28): 3267-+.
- Nadort, E.; Schouten, R.W.; Boeschoten, R.E.; Smets, Y.; Shaw, P.C.; Vleming, L.J.; Dekker, M.J.E.; Westerman, M.; Hoogeveen, E.K.; Bos, W.J.W.; Schouten, M.; Farhat, K.; Dekker, F.W.; Oppen, P. van; Broekman, B.F.P. & Siegert, C.E.H. (2022), Internet-based treatment for depressive symptoms in hemodialysis patients, General Hospital Psychiatry 75: 46-53.
- Nadort, E.; Rijkers, N.; Schouten, R.W.; Hoogeveen, E.K.; Bos, W.J.W.; Vleming, L.J.; Westerman, M.; Schouten, M.; Dekker, M.J.E.; Smets, Y.F.C.; Shaw, P.C.; Farhat, K.; Dekker, F.W.; Oppen, P. van; Siegert, C.E.H. & Broekman, B.F.P. (2022), Depression, anxiety and quality of life of hemodialysis patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 158.
- Fu, E.L.; Clase, C.M.; Janse, R.J.; Lindholm, B.; Dekker, F.W.; Jardine, M.J. & Carrero, J.J. (2022), Comparative effectiveness of SGLT2i versus GLP1-RA on cardiovascular outcomes in routine clinical practice, International Journal of Cardiology 352: 172-179.
- Endt, V.H.W. van der; Milders, J.; Vries, B.B.L.P. de; Trines, S.A.; Groenwold, R.H.H.; Dekkers, O.M.; Trevisan, M.; Carrero, J.J.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W. & Jong, Y. de (2022), Comprehensive comparison of stroke risk score performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis among 6 267 728 patients with atrial fibrillation, EP Europace 24(11): 1739-1753.
- Maarse, B.C.E.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Schouten, R.; Michels, W.M.; Bos, W.J.W.; Szymczak, M.; Krajewska, M.; Evans, M.; Heimburger, O.; Caskey, F.J.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Meuleman, Y. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2022), Associations between depressive symptoms and disease progression in older patients with chronic kidney disease , Clinical Kidney Journal 15(4): 786-797.
- Sluijs, A.V. van der; Bonenkamp, A.A.; Wallene, V.A. van; Hoekstra, T.; Lissenberg-Witte, B.I.; Dekker, F.W.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Verhaar, M.C.; Jaarsveld, B.C. van; Abrahams, A.C. & DOMESTICO Study Grp (2022), Differences in hospitalisation between peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis patients, European Journal of Clinical Investigation 52(6).
- Lengton, R.; Schouten, R.W.; Nadort, E.; Rossum, E.F.C. van; Dekker, F.W.; Siegert, C.E.H. & Hoogeveen, E.K. (2022), Association between lipophilic beta-blockers and depression in diabetic patients on chronic dialysis, Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes 15.
- Willik, E.M. van der; Milders, J.; Bart, J.A.J.; Bos, W.J.W.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Dam, M.A.G.J. ten; Hemmelder, M.H.; Dekker, F.W. & Meuleman, Y. (2022), Discussing results of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) between patients and healthcare professionals in routine dialysis care, BMJ Open 12(11).
- Rooij, E. de; Meuleman, Y.; Fijter, J.W. de; Jager, K.J.; Chesnaye, N.; Evans, M.; Pagels, A.; Caskey, F.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W. & Hoogeveen, E. (2022), SYMPTOM BURDEN AND INDIVIDUAL SYMPTOMS BEFORE AND AFTER DIALYSIS INITIATION IN OLDER PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37: I859-I860.
- Rao, A.; MacNeill, S.J.; Luijtgaarden, M.W.M. van de; Chesnaye, N.C.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Torino, C.; Postorino, M.; Szymczak, M.; Evans, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Jager, K.J.; Ben-Shlomo, Y. & Caskey, F.J. (2022), Using datasets to ascertain the generalizability of clinical cohorts, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37(3): 540-547.
- Kaptein, F.H.J.; Stals, M.A.M.; Kapteijn, M.Y.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Dirven, L.; Duinen, S.G. van; Eijk, R. van; Huisman, M.V.; Klaase, E.E.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Versteeg, H.H.; Buijs, J.T.; Koekkoek, J.A.F. & Klok, F.A. (2022), Incidence and determinants of thrombotic and bleeding complications in patients with glioblastoma, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 20(7).
- Janse, R.J.; Fu, E.L.; Dahlstrom, U.; Benson, L.; Lindholm, B.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W.; Lund, L.H.; Carrero, J.J. & Savarese, G. (2022), Use of guideline-recommended medical therapy in patients with heart failure and chronic kidney disease, European Journal of Heart Failure 24(11): 2185-2195.
- Nadort, E.; Geenen, N.J.K. van; Schouten, R.W.; Boeschoten, R.E.; Shaw, P.C.; Vleming, L.J.; Schouten, M.; Farhat, K.; Dekker, F.W.; Oppen, P. van; Siegert, C.E.H. & Broekman, B.F.P. (2022), Validation of two screening tools for anxiety in hemodialysis patients, Journal of Personalized Medicine 12(7).
- Bakker, C.R. den; Hendriks, R.A.; Houtlosser, M.; Dekker, F.W. & Norbart, A.F. (2022), Twelve tips for fostering the next generation of medical teachers, Medical Teacher.
- Dai, L.; Massy, Z.A.; Stenvinkel, P.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Larabi, I.A.; Alvarez, J.C.; Caskey, F.J.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Krajewska, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Evenepoel, P.; Evans, M. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2022), The association between TMAO, CMPF, and clinical outcomes in advanced chronic kidney disease, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 116(6): 1842-1851.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Boekee, R.; Evans, M.; Heimburger, O.; Snead, C.M.; Caskey, F.J.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Krajewska, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Snoeijs, M.G.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Diepen, M. van & EQUAL Study Investigators (2022), Predicting kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, and death in advanced CKD patients, Kidney International Reports 7(10): 2230-2241.
- Voorend, C.G.N.; Oevelen, M. van; Verberne, W.R.; Wittenboer, I.D. van den; Dekkers, O.M.; Dekker, F.; Abrahams, A.C.; Buren, M. van; Mooijaart, S.P. & Bos, W.J.W. (2022), Survival of patients who opt for dialysis versus conservative care: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37(8): 1529-1544.
- Fu, E.L.; Coresh, J.; Grams, M.E.; Clase, C.M.; Elinder, C.G.; Paik, J.; Ramspek, C.; Inker, L.A.; Levey, A.S.; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2022), Removing race from the CKD-EPI equation and its impact on prognosis in a predominantly White European population, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.
- Gates, E.; Hole, B.; Hayward, S.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Meuleman, Y.; Dekker, F.W.; Evans, M.; Heimburger, O.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J.; Roderick, P.; Caskey, F. & EQUAL Investigators (2022), Converting from face-to-face to postal follow-up and its effects on participant retention, response rates and errors, BMC Medical Research Methodology 22(1).
- Zoccali, C.; Vanholder, R.; Wagner, C.A.; Anders, H.J.; Blankestijn, P.J.; Bruchfeld, A.; Capasso, G.; Cozzolino, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Fliser, D.; Fouque, D.; Gansevoort, R.T.; Goumenos, D.; Jager, K.J.; Massy, Z.A.; Oostrom, T.A.J.; Rychlik, I.; Soler, M.J.; Stevens, K.; Spasovski, G. & Wanner, C. (2022), Funding kidney research as a public health priority: challenges and opportunities, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37(1): 21-28.
- Chesnaye, N.C.; Meuleman, Y.; Rooij, E.N.M. de; Hoogeveen, E.K.; Dekker, F.W.; Evans, M.; Pagels, A.A.; Caskey, F.J.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2022), Health-related quality-of-life trajectories over time in older men and women with advanced chronic kidney disease, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 17(2): 205-214.
- Wang, Y.M.; Veltkamp, D.M.J.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Hemmelder, M.H.; Dekker, F.W.; Vries, A.P.J. de & Meuleman, Y. (2022), Illness perceptions and medication nonadherence to immunosuppressants after successful kidney transplantation, Transplant International 36.
- Willik, E.M. van der; Lengton, R.; Hemmelder, M.H.; Hoogeveen, E.K.; Bart, H.A.J.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Dam, M.A.G.J. ten; Bos, W.J.W.; Dekker, F.W. & Meuleman, Y. (2022), Itching in dialysis patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37(9).
- Heggen, B.D.C.; Ramspek, C.L.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Haan, M.W. de; Hemmelder, M.H.; Hiligsmann, M.J.C.; Loon, M.M. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Tordoir, J.H.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Schurink, G.W.H.; Snoeijs, M.G.J. & OASIS Study Grp (2022), Optimising Access Surgery in Senior Haemodialysis Patients (OASIS), BMJ Open 12(2).
- Bonenkamp, A.A.; Sluijs, A.V. van der; Dekker, F.W.; Struijk, D.G.; Fijter, C.W. de; Vermeeren, Y.M.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Verhaar, M.C.; Jaarsveld, B.C. van; Abrahams, A.C. & DOMESTICO Study Grp (2022), Technique failure in peritoneal dialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis International.
- Rooij, E.N.M. de; Dekker, F.W.; Cessie, S. le; Hoorn, E.J.; Fijter, J.W. de; Hoogeveen, E.K. & Netherlands Cooperative Study Adeq (2022), Serum potassium and mortality risk in hemodialysis patients, KIDNEY MEDICINE 4(1).
- Nadort, E.; Schouten, R.W.; Luijkx, X.; Shaw, P.K.C.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Smets, Y.F.C.; Vleming, L.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Broekman, B.F.P.H. & Siegert, C.E.H. (2022), Symptom dimensions of anxiety and depression in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis compared to haemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis International 42(3): 259-269.
- Janse, R.J.; Fu, E.L.; Clase, C.M.; Tomlinson, L.; Lindholm, B.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2022), Stopping versus continuing renin-angiotensin-system inhibitors after acute kidney injury and adverse clinical outcomes, Clinical Kidney Journal 15(6).
- Bakker, C.R. den; Ommering, B.W.; Leeuwen, T.N. van; Dekker, F.W. & Beaufort, A.J. de (2022), Assessing publication rates from medical students' mandatory research projects in the Netherlands, BMJ Open 12(4).
- Windahl, K.; Irving, G.F.; Almquist, T.; Liden, M.K.; Stenvinkel, P.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Drechsler, C.; Szymczak, M.; Krajewska, M.; Fu, E.L.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Roderick, P.; Caskey, F.J.; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W.; Jager, K.J.; Evans, M. & EQUAL study invest Tora (2022), Patient-reported measures and lifestyle are associated with deterioration in nutritional status in CKD stage 4-5, Journal of Renal Nutrition 32(2): 161-169.
- Chesnaye, N.C.; Al-Sodany, E.; Szummer, K.; Barany, P.; Heimburger, O.; Almquist, T.; Melander, S.; Uhlin, F.; Dekker, F.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J. & Evans, M. (2022), Association of longitudinal high-sensitivity troponin T with Mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 79(4): 327-336.
- Morelle, J.; Marechal, C.; Yu, Z.Z.; Debaix, H.; Corre, T.; Lambie, M.; Verduijn, M.; Dekker, F.; Bovy, P.; Evenepoel, P.; Bammens, B.; Selgas, R.; Bajo, M.A.; Coester, A.M.; Sow, A.; Hautem, N.; Struijk, D.G.; Krediet, R.T.; Balligand, J.L.; Goffin, E.; Crott, R.; Ripoche, P.; Davies, S. & Devuyst, O. (2021), AQP1 promoter variant, water transport, and outcomes in peritoneal dialysis, New England Journal of Medicine 385(17): 1570-1580.
- Terhuerne, J.; Diepen, M. van; Kramann, R.; Erpenbeck, J.; Dekker, F.; Marx, N.; Floege, J.; Becker, M. & Schlieper, G. (2021), Speckle-tracking echocardiography in comparison with ejection fraction for prediction of cardiovascular mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease, Clinical Kidney Journal 14(6): 1579-1585.
- Jong, Y. de; Ramspek, C.L.; Zoccali, C.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2021), Appraising prediction research, Nephrology 26(12).
- Ommering, B.W.C.; Blankenstein, F.M. van; Diepen, M. van & Dekker, F.W. (2021), Academic success experiences, Teaching and Learning in Medicine 33(4): 423-433.
- Jong, Y. de; Fu, E.L.; Diepen, M. van; Trevisan, M.; Szummer, K.; Dekker, F.W.; Carrero, J.J. & Ocak, G. (2021), Validation of risk scores for ischaemic stroke in atrial fibrillation across the spectrumof kidney function, European Heart Journal 42(15): 1476-+.
- Jong, Y. de; Willik, E.M. van der; Milders, J.; Voorend, C.G.N.; Morton, R.L.; Dekker, F.W.; Meuleman, Y. & Diepen, M. van (2021), A meta-review demonstrates improved reporting quality of qualitative reviews following the publication of COREQ- and ENTREQ-checklists, regardless of modest uptake, BMC Medical Research Methodology 21(1).
- Trevisan, M.; Fu, E.L.; Xu, Y.; Jager, K.; Zoccali, C.; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2021), Pharmacoepidemiology for nephrologists (part 1): concept, applications and considerations for study design, Clinical Kidney Journal 14(5): 1307-1316.
- Fu, E.L.; Diepen, M. van; Xu, Y.; Trevisan, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C.; Jager, K. & Carrero, J.J. (2021), Pharmacoepidemiology for nephrologists (part 2): potential biases and how to overcome them, Clinical Kidney Journal 14(5): 1317-1326.
- Oevelen, M. van; Abrahams, A.C.; Bos, W.J.W.; Emmelot-Vonk, M.H.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Diepen, M. van; Jaarsveld, B.C. van; Sluijs, A.V. van der; Voorend, C.G.N.; Buren, M. van; Net, J.B. van der; Voorend, C.G.N.; Buren, M. van & DIALOGICA Study Grp (2021), DIALysis or not: outcomes in older kidney patients with GerIatriC Assessment (DIALOGICA): rationale and design, BMC Nephrology 22(1).
- Fu, E.; Evans, M.; Carrero, J.J.; Putter, H.; Clase, C.M.; Caskey, F.; Szymczak, M.; Torino, C.; Chesnaye, N.; Jager, K.J.; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2021), WHEN TO INITIATE DIALYSIS TO REDUCE MORTALITY AND CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS IN ADVANCED CKD: A NATIONWIDE COHORT STUDY, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36.
- Fu, E.L.; Evans, M.; Carrero, J.J.; Putter, H.; Clase, C.M.; Caskey, F.J.; Szymczak, M.; Torino, C.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Jager, K.J.; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2021), Timing of dialysis initiation to reduce mortality and cardiovascular events in advanced chronic kidney disease, BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 375.
- Steenbeek, E.D.; Ramspek, C.L.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W. & Achterberg, W.P. (2021), The association between pain perception and care dependency in older nursing home residents, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 22(3): 676-681.
- Fu, E.L.; Evans, M.; Clase, C.M.; Tomlinson, L.A.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2021), Stopping renin-angiotensin system inhibitors in patients with advanced CKD and risk of adverse outcomes, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 32(2): 424-435.
- Stel, V.S.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Tripepi, G.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C. & Jager, K.J. (2021), Points of attention when conducting etiological research, Nephrology 26(9): 701-707.
- Wang, Y.M.; Snoep, J.D.; Hemmelder, M.H.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Bos, W.J.W.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Dekker, F.W.; Vries, A.P.J. de & Meuleman, Y. (2021), Outcomes after kidney transplantation, let's focus on the patients' perspectives, Clinical Kidney Journal 14(6): 1504-1513.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Verberne, W.R.; Buren, M. van; Dekker, F.W.; Bos, W.J.W. & Diepen, M. van (2021), Predicting mortality risk on dialysis and conservative care, Clinical Kidney Journal 14(1): 189-196.
- Baas, E.M.; Romijn, M.; Pal, S.M. van der; Vrijlandt, E.J.L.E.; Rotteveel, J.; Finken, M.J.J.; Hille, E.T.M.; Groot, C.H. de; Kloosterboer-Boerrigter, H.; Ouden, A.L. den; Rijpstra, A.; Verloove-Vanhorick, S.P.; Vogelaar, J.A.; Kok, J.H.; Ilsen, A.; Lans, M. van der; Boelen-van der Loo, W.J.C.; Lundqvist, T.; Heymans, H.S.A.; Duiverman, E.J.; Geven, W.B.; Duiverman, M.L.; Geven, L.I.; Vrijlandt, E.J.L.E.; Mulder, A.L.M.; Gerver, A.; Kollee, L.A.A.; Reijmers, L.; Sonnemans, R.; Wit, J.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Finken, M.J.J.; Weisglas-Kuperus, N.; Keijzer-Veen, M.G.; Heijden, A.J. van der; Goudoever, J.B. van; Weissenbruch, M.M. van; Cranendonk, A.; Delemarre-van de Waal, H.A.; Groot, L. de; Samsom, J.F.; Vries, L.S. de; Rademaker, K.J.; Moerman, E.; Voogsgeerd, M.; Kleine, M.J.K. de; Andriessen, P.; Dielissen-van Helvoirt, C.C.M.; Mohamed, I.; Straaten, H.L.M. van; Baerts, W.; Slots-Kloosterboer, G.W.V.; Tuller-Pikkemaat, E.M.J.; Ens-Dokkum, M.H.; Steenbrugge, G.J. van & Dutch POPS 19 Col (2021), No association between glucocorticoid receptor polymorphisms and long-term respiratory outcome after very preterm birth.
- Wang, Y.M.; Hemmelder, M.H.; Bos, W.J.W.; Snoep, J.D.; Vries, A.P.J. de; Dekker, F.W. & Meuleman, Y. (2021), Mapping health-related quality of life after kidney transplantation by group comparisons: a systematic review, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36(12): 2327-2339.
- Janmaat, C.J.; Diepen, M. van; Meuleman, Y.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Drechsler, C.; Torino, C.; Wanner, C.; Postorino, M.; Szymczak, M.; Evans, M.; Caskey, F.J.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Investigators, E.S. (2021), Kidney function and symptom development over time in elderly patients with advanced chronic kidney disease, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36(5): 862-870.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Riley, R.D.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dekkers, O.M.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2021), Prediction or causality? A scoping review of their conflation within current observational research, European Journal of Epidemiology 36(9): 889-898.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Evans, M.; Wanner, C.; Drechsler, C.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Szymczak, M.; Krajewska, M.; Torino, C.; Porto, G.; Hayward, S.; Caskey, F.; Dekker, F.W.; Jager, K.J.; Diepen, M. van & EQUAL Study Investigators (2021), Kidney failure prediction models, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 32(5): 1174-1186.
- Hayward, S.; Hole, B.; Denholm, R.; Duncan, P.; Morris, J.E.; Fraser, S.D.S.; Payne, R.A.; Roderick, P.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Wanner, C.; Drechsler, C.; Postorino, M.; Porto, G.; Szymczak, M.; Evans, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Jager, K.J.; Caskey, F.J. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2021), International prescribing patterns and polypharmacy in older people with advanced chronic kidney disease, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36(3): 503-511.
- Chesnaye, N.C.; Dekker, F.W.; Evans, M.; Caskey, F.J.; Torino, C.; Postorino, M.; Szymczak, M.; Ramspek, C.L.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2021), Renal function decline in older men and women with advanced chronic kidney disease-results from the EQUAL study, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36(9): 1656-1663.
- Verberne, W.R.; Wittenboer, I.D. van den; Voorend, C.G.N.; Abrahams, A.C.; Buren, M. van; Dekker, F.W.; Jaarsveld, B.C. van; Loon, I.N. van; Mooijaart, S.P.; Ocak, G.; Delden, J.J.M. van & Bos, W.J.W. (2021), Health-related quality of life and symptoms of conservative care versus dialysis in patients with end-stage kidney disease: a systematic review, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36(8): 1418-1433.
- Roeden, S. van; Oevelen, M. van; Abrahams, A.C.; Dekker, F.W.; Rotmans, J.I.; Meijvis, S.C.A. & DUCATHO Study Grp (2021), The best solution down the line: an observational study on taurolidine- versus citrate-based lock solutions for central venous catheters in hemodialysis patients, BMC Nephrology 22(1).
- Willik, E.M. van der; Hemmelder, M.H.; Bart, H.A.J.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Hoogendijk-van den Akker, J.M.; Bos, W.J.W.; Dekker, F.W. & Meuleman, Y. (2021), Routinely measuring symptom burden and health-related quality of life in dialysis patients, Clinical Kidney Journal 14(6): 1535-1544.
- Ommering, B.W.C.; Blankenstein, F.M. van; Diepen, M. van; Gruis, N.A.; Kool, A. & Dekker, F.W. (2021), The importance of motivation in selecting undergraduate medical students for extracurricular research programmes, PLoS ONE 16(11).
- Rooij, E. de; Meuleman, Y.; Fijter, J.W. de; Jager, K.J.; Chesnaye, N.; Evans, M.; Caskey, F.; Torino, C.; Szymczak, M.; Drechsler, C.; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W. & Hoogeveen, E. (2021), HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE (HRQOL) AND SYMPTOM BURDEN BEFORE AND AFTER START OF DIALYSIS IN OLDER PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36.
- Ommering, B.W.C.; Blankenstein, F.M. van & Dekker, F.W. (2021), First steps in the physician-scientist pipeline, BMJ Open 11(9).
- Ramspek, C.L.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C. & Diepen, M. van (2021), External validation of prognostic models: what, why, how, when and where?, Clinical Kidney Journal 14(1): 49-58.
- Wang, Y.M.; Heemskerk, M.B.A.; Michels, W.M.; Vries, A.P.J. de; Dekker, F.W. & Meuleman, Y. (2021), Donor type and 3-month hospital readmission following kidney transplantation, BMC Nephrology 22(1).
- Ramspek, C.L.; Moumni, M. el; Wali, E.; Heemskerk, M.B.A.; Pol, R.A.; Crop, M.J.; Jansen, N.E.; Hoitsma, A.; Dekker, F.W.; Diepen, M. van & Moers, C. (2021), Development and external validation study combining existing models and recent data into an up-to-date prediction model for evaluating kidneys from older deceased donors for transplantation, Kidney International 99(6): 1459-1469.
- Janse, R.J.; Hoekstra, T.; Jager, K.J.; Zoccali, C.; Tripepi, G.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2021), Conducting correlation analysis: important limitations and pitfalls, Clinical Kidney Journal 14(11): 2332-2337.
- Fu, E.L.; Clase, C.M.; Evans, M.; Lindholm, B.; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W.; Diepen, M. van & Carrero, J.J. (2021), Comparative effectiveness of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors and calcium channel blockers in individuals with advanced CKD, American Journal of Kidney Diseases 77(5): 719-+.
- Sluijs, A.V. van der; Abrahams, A.C.; Rookmaaker, M.B.; Verhaar, M.C.; Bos, W.J.W.; Blankestijn, P.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Diepen, M. van & Ocak, G. (2021), Bleeding risk of haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36(1): 170-175.
- Roumeliotis, S.; Abd ElHafeez, S.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Stel, V.S.; Pitino, A.; Zoccali, C. & Tripepi, G. (2021), Be careful with ecological associations, Nephrology 26(6): 501-505.
- Sluijs, A.V. van der; Jaarsveld, B.C. van; Allen, J.; Altabas, K.; Bechade, C.; Bonenkamp, A.A.; Burkhalter, F.; Clause, A.L.; Corbett, R.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Eden, G.; Francois, K.; Gudmundsdottir, H.; Lundstrom, U.H.; Laforcade, L. de; Lambie, M.; Martin, H.; Pajek, J.; Panuccio, V.; Ros-Ruiz, S.; Steubl, D.; Vega, A.; Wojtaszek, E.; Davies, S.J.; Biesen, W. van & Abrahams, A.C. (2021), Assisted peritoneal dialysis across Europe, Peritoneal Dialysis International 41(6): 533-541.
- Bakker, E.A.; Zoccali, C.; Dekker, F.W.; Eijsvogels, T.M.H. & Jager, K.J. (2021), Assessing physical activity and function in patients with chronic kidney disease: a narrative review, Clinical Kidney Journal 14(3): 768-779.
- Zoccali, C.; Torino, C.; Mallamaci, F.; Sarafidis, P.; Papagianni, A.; Ekart, R.; Hojs, R.; Klinger, M.; Letachowicz, K.; Fliser, D.; Seiler-Mussler, S.; Lizzi, F.; Wiecek, A.; Miskiewicz, A.; Siamopoulos, K.; Balafa, O.; Slotki, I.; Shavit, L.; Stavroulopoulos, A.; Covic, A.; Siriopol, D.; Massy, Z.A.; Seidowsky, A.; Battaglia, Y.; Martinez-Castelao, A.; Polo-Torcal, C.; Coudert-Krier, M.J.; Rossignol, P.; Fiaccadori, E.; Regolisti, G.; Hannedouche, T.; Bachelet, T.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Tripepi, R.; Tripepi, G.; Gargani, L.; Sicari, R.; Picano, E. & London, G.M. (2021), A randomized multicenter trial on a lung ultrasound-guided treatment strategy in patients on chronic hemodialysis with high cardiovascular risk see commentary, Kidney International 100(6): 1325-1333.
- Jong, Y. de; Willik, E.M. van der; Milders, J.; Meuleman, Y.; Morton, R.L.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2021), Person centred care provision and care planning in chronic kidney disease: which outcomes matter? A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Care planning in CKD: which outcomes matter?, BMC Nephrology 22(1).
- Schroijen, M.A.; Mutsert, R. de; Dekker, F.W.; Vries, A.P.J. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Rosendaal, F.R. & Dekkers, O.M. (2021), The association of glucose metabolism and kidney function in middle-aged adults, CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL 14(11): 2383-2390.
- Trevisan, M.; Fu, E.L.; Xu, Y.; Savarese, G.; Dekker, F.; Lund, L.H.; Clase, C.M.; Sjolander, A. & Carrero, J.J. (2021), Stopping mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists after hyperkalaemia: trial emulation in data from routine care, European Journal of Heart Failure 23(10): 1698-1707.
- Willik, E.M. van der; Zwet, E.W. van; Hoekstra, T.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Hemmelder, M.H.; Zoccali, C.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Meuleman, Y. (2021), Funnel plots of patient-reported outcomes to evaluate health-care quality: basic principles, pitfalls and considerations, Nephrology 26(2): 95-104.
- Klatte, D. C. F.; Wiegersma, J. S.; Dekker, F. W. & Gansevoort, R. T. (2021), Nefrotoxiciteit van protonpompremmers, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 165.
- Straaten T.F.K. van der, Rieffe C., Soede W., Netten A.P., Dirks E., Oudesluys-Murphy A.M., Dekker F.W., Bohringer S. & Frijns J.H.M. (2020), Quality of life of children with hearing loss in special and mainstream education: a longitudinal study, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 128: 109701.
- Vereijken M.W.C., Rijst R.M. van der, Dekker F.W. & Driel J.H. van (2020), Authentic research practices throughout the curriculum in medical education: Student beliefs and perceptions, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 57(5): 532-542.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Janmaat, C.J.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Dekker, F.W. & Rotmans, J.I. (2020), Patency outcomes of arteriovenous fistulas and grafts for hemodialysis access: a trade-off between non-maturation and long-term complications, Kidney 360.
- Ommering, B.W.C.; Wijnen-Meijer, M.; Dolmans, D.H.J.M.; Dekker, F.W. & Blankenstein, F.M. van (2020), Promoting positive perceptions of and motivation for research among undergraduate students to stimulate future research involvement, BMC Medical Education 20.
- Jager, K.J.; Tripepi, G.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C. & Stel, V.S. (2020), Where to look for the most frequent biases?, Nephrology 25(6): 435-441.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Ramspek, C.L.; Dekker, F.W.; Heus, P.; Hooft, L.; Moons, K.G.M.; Peul, W.C.; Collins, G.S.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Diepen, M. van (2020), TRIPOD statement: a preliminary pre-post analysis of reporting and methods of prediction models, BMJ Open 10(9).
- Breugom, A.J.; Bastiaannet, E.; Guren, M.G.; Korner, H.; Boelens, P.G.; Dekker, F.W.; Kapiteijn, E.; Gelderblom, H.; Larsen, I.K.; Liefers, G.J. & Velde, C.J.H. van de (2020), Treatment strategies and overall survival for incurable metastatic colorectal cancer - A EURECCA international comparison including 21,196 patients from the Netherlands and Norway, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 46(6): 1167-1173.
- Mallamaci, F.; Torino, C.; Sarafidis, P.; Ekart, R.; Loutradis, C.; Siamopoulos, K.; Giudice, A. del; Aucella, F.; Morosetti, M.; Raptis, V.; Bikos, A.; Papagianni, A.; Balafa, O.; Pappas, E.; Tripepi, R.; Marino, C.; Tripepi, G.; Ferro, C.; Malyszko, J.; Dekker, F.W.; Jager, K.J.; London, G.M. & Zoccali, C. (2020), Treatment-resistant hypertension in the hemodialysis population, Journal of Hypertension 38(9): 1849-1856.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Jong, Y. de; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2020), Towards the best kidney failure prediction tool: a systematic review and selection aid, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 35(9): 1527-1538.
- Haverkamp, G.L.G.; Braam, A.W.; Loosman, W.L.; Beukel, T.O. van den; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W.; Siegert, C.E.H. & Honig, A. (2020), Religiousness and symptoms of depression in native and immigrant chronic dialysis patients in the Netherlands, Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 27(1): 127-138.
- Straaten, T.F.K. van der; Rieffe, C.; Soede, W.; Netten, A.P.; Dirks, E.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Bohringer, S.; Frijns, J.H.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2020), Quality of life of children with hearing loss in special and mainstream education, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 128.
- Ommering, B.W.C.; Wijnen-Meijer, M.; Dolmans, D.H.J.M.; Dekker, F.W. & Blankenstein, F.M. van (2020), Promoting positive perceptions of and motivation for research among undergraduate medical students to stimulate future research involvement: a grounded theory study, BMC Medical Education 20(1).
- Willik, E.M. van der; Terwee, C.B.; Bos, W.J.W.; Hemmelder, M.H.; Jager, K.J.; Zoccali, C.; Dekker, F.W. & Meuleman, Y. (2020), Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), Nephrology 26(5).
- Willik, E.M. van der; Zwet, E. van; Ittersum, F.J. van; Hemmelder, M.H.; Dekker, F.W. & Meuleman, Y. (2020), FUNNEL PLOTS OF PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOMES (PROS) TO EVALUATE NEPHROLOGICAL CARE: BASIC PRINCIPLES AND CONSIDERATIONS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 35: 1786-1786.
- Bosdriesz, J.R.; Stel, V.S.; Diepen, M. van; Meuleman, Y.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C. & Jager, K.J. (2020), Evidence-based medicine-when observational studies are better than randomized controlled trials, Nephrology 25(10): 737-743.
- Rooij, E. de; Dekker, F.W.; Cessie, S. le; Fijter, J.W. de & Hoogeveen, E.K. (2020), ESPECIALLY HYPOKALEMIA IS A RISK FACTOR FOR ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY IN INCIDENT HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 35: 1759-1759.
- Hornung, P.; Khairoun, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Kaasjager, K.A.H.; Huisman, A.; Jakulj, L.; Bos, W.J.W.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Verhaar, M.C. & Ocak, G. (2020), Dosage reduction of low weight heparin in patients with renal dysfunction, PLoS ONE 15(10).
- Hornung, P.; Khairoun, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Kaasjager, K.A.H.; Huisman, A.; Jakulj, L.; Bos, W.J.; Rosendaai, F.; Verhaar, M. & Ocak, G. (2020), DOSAGE REDUCTION OF LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT HEPARIN IN PATIENTS WITH RENAL DYSFUNCTION: EFFECTS ON ANTI-XA LEVELS AND CLINICAL OUTCOMES, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 35: 1141-1141.
- Diepen, A.T.N. van; Coester, A.M.; Janmaat, C.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Struijk, D.G. & Krediet, R.T. (2020), Comparison of longitudinal membrane function in peritoneal dialysis patients according to dialysis fluid biocompatibility, Kidney International Reports 5(12): 2183-2194.
- Jong, Y. de; Ramspek, C.L.; Endt, V.H.W. van der; Rookmaaker, M.B.; Blankestijn, P.J.; Vernooij, R.W.M.; Verhaar, M.C.; Bos, W.J.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Ocak, G. & Diepen, M. van (2020), A systematic review and external validation of stroke prediction models demonstrates poor performance in dialysis patients, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 123: 69-79.
- Fu, E.L.; Uijl, A.; Dekker, F.W.; Lund, L.H.; Savarese, G. & Carrero, J.J. (2020), Association between beta-blocker use and mortality/morbidity in patients with heart failure with reduced, midrange, and preserved ejection fraction and advanced chronic kidney disease, Circulation: Heart Failure 13(11).
- Chesnaye, N.C.; Tripepi, G.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C.; Zwinderman, A.H. & Jager, K.J. (2020), An introduction to joint models-applications in nephrology, Clinical Kidney Journal 13(2): 143-149.
- Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Zoccali, C. (2020), A new series of advanced-level research methods papers, Clinical Kidney Journal 13(2): 142-142.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Ommering B.W.C., Van der Wurff L.J., Van Leeuwen T.N. & Dekker F.W. (2019), Scientific activity by medical students: the relationship between academic publishing during medical school and publication careers after graduation, Perspectives on Medical Education 8(4): 223-229.
- Ottenhoff-de Jonge M.W., Rijst R.M. van der, Gesundheit N., Staveren L.N. van, Assendelft W.J.J., Dekker F.W., Scherpbier A.J.J.A. & Kramer A.W.M. (2019), From critic to inspirer: four profiles reveal the belief system and commitment to educational mission of medical academics, BMC Medical Education 19: 268.
- Ommering, B.W.C.; Blankenstein, F.M. van; Wijnen-Meijer, M.; Diepen, M. van & Dekker, F.W. (2019), Fostering the physician-scientist workforce : a prospective cohort study to investigate the effect of undergraduate medical students' motivation for research on actual research involvement, BMJ Open 9(7).
- Haverkamp, G.L.G.; Loosman, W.L.; Schouten, R.W.; Franssen, C.F.M.; Kema, I.P.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W.; Shaw, P.K.C.; Smets, Y.F.C.; Vleming, L.J.; Jaarsveld, B.C. van; Honig, A. & Siegert, C.E. (2019), Longitudinal Associations Between Inflammation and Depressive Symptoms in Chronic Dialysis Patients, Psychosomatic Medicine 81(1): 74-80.
- Hollanders, J.J.; Schaefer, N.; Pal, S.M. van der; Oosterlaan, J.; Rotteveel, J.; Finken, M.J.J.; Hille, E.T.M.; Groot, C.H. de; Kloosterboer-Boerrigter, H.; Ouden, A.L. den; Rijpstra, A.; Verloove-Vanhorick, S.P.; Vogelaar, J.A.; Kok, J.H.; Ilsen, A.; Lans, M. van der; Boelen-van der Loo, W.J.C.; Lundqvist, T.; Heymans, H.S.A.; Duiverman, E.J.; Geven, W.B.; Duiverman, M.L.; Geven, L.I.; Vrijlandt, E.J.L.E.; Mulder, A.L.M.; Gerver, A.; Kollee, L.A.A.; Reijmers, L.; Sonnemans, R.; Wit, J.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Finken, M.J.J.; Weisglas-Kuperus, N.; Keijzer-Veen, M.G.; Heijden, A.J. van der; Goudoever, J.B. van; Weissenbruch, M.M. van; Cranendonk, A.; Delemarre-van de Waal, H.A.; Groot, L. de; Samsom, J.F.; Vries, L.S. de; Rademaker, K.J.; Moerman, E.; Voogsgeerd, M.; Kleine, M.J.K. de; Andriessen, P.; Dielissen-van Helvoirt, C.C.M.; Mohamed, I.; Straaten, H.L.M. van; Baerts, W.; Slots-Kloosterboer, G.W.V.; Tuller-Pikkemaat, E.M.J.; Ens-Dokkum, M.H.; Steenbrugge, G.J. van & Dutch POPS-19 Collaborative Study (2019), Long-Term Neurodevelopmental and Functional Outcomes of Infants Born Very Preterm and/or with a Very Low Birth Weight, Neonatology 115(4): 310-319.
- Meuwese, C.L.; Diepen, M. van; Cappola, A.R.; Sarnak, M.J.; Shlipak, M.G.; Bauer, D.C.; Fried, L.P.; Iacoviello, M.; Vaes, B.; Degryse, J.; Khaw, K.T.; Luben, R.N.; Asvold, B.O.; Bjoro, T.; Vatten, L.J.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Trompet, S.; Iervasi, G.; Molinaro, S.; Ceresini, G.; Ferrucci, L.; Dullaart, R.P.F.; Bakker, S.J.L.; Jukema, J.W.; Kearney, P.M.; Stott, D.J.; Peeters, R.P.; Franco, O.H.; Volzke, H.; Walsh, J.P.; Bremner, A.; Sgarbi, J.A.; Maciel, R.M.B.; Imaizumi, M.; Ohishi, W.; Dekker, F.W.; Rodondi, N.; Gussekloo, J.; Elzen, W.P.J. den & Thyroid Studies Collaboration (2019), Low thyroid function is not associated with an accelerated deterioration in renal function, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34(4): 650-659.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Janmaat, C.J.; Wilschut, E.D.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Dekker, F.W. & Rotmans, J.I. (2019), No consensus on physicians' preferences on vascular access management after kidney transplantation: Results of a multi-national survey, Journal of Vascular Access 20(1): 52-59.
- Janmaat, C.J.; Diepen, M. van; Tsonaka, R.; Jager, K.J.; Zoccali, C. & Dekker, F.W. (2019), Pitfalls of linear regression for estimating slopes over time and how to avoid them by using linear mixed-effects models, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34(4): 561-566.
- Oevelen, M. van; Abrahams, A.C.; Weijmer, M.C.; Nagtegaal, T.; Dekker, F.W.; Rotmans, J.I.; Meijvis, S.C.A.; Bijlsma, J.A.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Brug, A. van de; Douma, C.E.; Hoorn, E.J.; IJpelaar, D.H.T.; Krol-van Straaten, M.J.; Mui, K.W.; Tordoir, J.H.M.; Vincent, H.H.; Zonnebeld, N. & DUCATHO Study Grp (2019), Precurved non-tunnelled catheters for haemodialysis are comparable in terms of infections and malfunction as compared to tunnelled catheters: A retrospective cohort study, JOURNAL OF VASCULAR ACCESS 20(3): 307-312.
- Ommering, B.W.C.; Blankenstein, F.M. van; Wijnen-Meijer, M.; Diepen, M. van & Dekker, F.W. (2019), Fostering the physician–scientist workforce: a prospective cohort study to investigate the effect of undergraduate medical students’ motivation for research on actual research involvement, BMJ Open 9(7).
- Marielle A Schroijen Merel van Diepen Jaap F Hamming Friedo W Dekker Olaf M Dekkers (2019), Mortality after amputation in dialysis patients is high but not modified by diabetes status., Clinical Kidney Journal.
- Schouten, R.W.; Haverkamp, G.L.; Loosman, W.L.; Shaw, P.K.C.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Smets, Y.F.C.; Vleming, L.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Honig, A. & Siegert, C.E.H. (2019), Anxiety Symptoms, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Patients Receiving Maintenance Dialysis: A Cohort Study, American Journal of Kidney Diseases 74(2): 158-166.
- Chesnaye, N.C.; Szummer, K.; Barany, P.; Heimburger, O.; Magin, H.; Almquist, T.; Uhlin, F.; Dekker, F.W.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J.; Evans, M.; Cupisti, A.; Sagliocca, A.; Ferraro, A.; Musiala, A.; Mele, A.; Naticchia, A.; Cosaro, A.; Woodman, A.; Ranghino, A.; Stucchi, A.; Jonsson, A.; Schneider, A.; Pignataro, A.; Schrander, A.; Torp, A.; McKeever, A.; Szymczak, A.; Blom, A.L.; Blasio, A. de; Pani, A.; Tsalouichos, A.; Ullah, A.; McLaren, B.; Dam, B. van; Iwig, B.; Antonio, B.; Iorio, B.R. di; Rogland, B.; Perras, B.; Alessandra, B.; Harron, C.; Wallquist, C.; Siegert, C.; Barrett, C.; Gaillard, C.; Abaterusso, C.; Beerenhout, C.; O'Toole, C.; Somma, C.; Marx, C.; Drechsler, C.; Summersgill, C.; Blaser, C.; D'alessandro, C.; Emde, C.; Torino, C.; Zullo, C.; Pozzi, C.; Geddes, C.; Verburgh, C.; Janmaat, C.; Bergamo, D.; Ciurlino, D.; Motta, D.; Glowski, D.; McGlynn, D.; Vargas, D.; Krieter, D.; Russo, D.; Fuchs, D.; Sands, D.; Hoogeveen, E.; Irmler, E.; Dimeny, E.; Favaro, E.; Platen, E.; Olczyk, E.; Hoorn, E.; Vigotti, F.; Caskey, F.; Ansali, F.; Conte, F.; Cianciotta, F.; Giacchino, F.; Cappellaio, F.; Pizzarelli, F.; Sundelin, F.; Greco, G.; Roy, G.; Porto, G.; Bigatti, G.; Marinangeli, G.; Cabiddu, G.; Hirst, G.; Fumagalli, G.; Caloro, G.; Piccoli, G.; Capasso, G.; Gambaro, G.; Tognarelli, G.; Bonforte, G.; Conte, G.; Toscano, G.; Rosso, G. del; Welander, G.; Augustyniak-Bartosik, H.; Boots, J.; Schmidt-Gurtler, H.; King, H.; McNally, H.; Schlee, H.; Boom, H.; Naujoks, H.; Masri-Senghor, H.; Murtagh, H.; Rayner, H.; Miskowiec-Wisniewska, I.; Schlee, I.; Capizzi, I.; Casar, S.; Hernandez, I.B.; Baragetti, I.; Manitius, J.; Turner, J.; Eijgenraam, J.W.; Kooman, J.; Beige, J.; Pondel, J.; Wilcox, J.; Berdeprado, J.; Rothele, J.; Wong, J.; Rotmans, J.; Banda, J.; Mazur, J.; Hahn, K.; Jezdrzejak, K.; Nowanska, K.; Blouin, K.; Neumeier, K.; Jones, K.; Anding-Rost, K.; Grontoft, K.C.; Oldrizzi, L.; Haydock, L.; Vogt, L.; Wilkinson, L.; Gesualdo, L.; Schramm, L.; Biancone, L.; Nowak, L.; Raasveld, M.; Szymczak, M.; Durlik, M.; Magnano, M.; Vervloet, M.; Ricardi, M.; Carmody, M.; Bari, M. di; Laudato, M.; Sirico, M.L.; Stendahl, M.; Svensson, M.; Weetman, M.; Buren, M. van; Joinson, M.; Ferraresi, M.; Dutton, M.; Postorino, M.; Diepen, M. van; Matthews, M.; Provenzano, M.; Hopf, M.; Malaguti, M.; Wuttke, N.; Morgan, N.; Palmieri, N.; Frischmuth, N.; Bleakley, N.; Murrone, P.; Cockwell, P.; Leurs, P.; Roderick, P.; Voskamp, P.; Kashioulis, P.; Ichtiaris, P.; Blankestijn, P.; Kirste, P.; Schulz, P.; Mason, P.; Kalra, P.; Cirillo, P.; Dattolo, P.; Acampora, P.; Sajith, R.; Nigro, R.; Boero, R.; Scarpioni, R.; Sicoli, R.; Malandra, R.; Aign, S.; Esch, S. van; Chapman, S.; Biribauer, S.; Navjee, S.; Crosbie, S.; Brown, S.; Tickle, S.; Manan, S.; Roser, S.; Savoldi, S.; Bertoli, S.; Borrelli, S.; Boorsma, S.; Heidenreich, S.; Melander, S.; Maxia, S.; Maffei, S.; Mangano, S.; Palm, S.; Konings, C.; Mathavakkannan, S.; Schwedler, S.; Delrieux, S.; Renker, S.; Schattel, S.; Dorota, S.; Cicchetti, T.; Nieszporek, T.; Stephan, T.; Schmiedeke, T.; Weinreich, T.; Leimbach, T.; Rappa, T.; Stovesand, T.; Bahner, U.; Jensen, U.; Palazzo, V.; Simone, W. de; Seeger, W.; Kuan, Y.; Heleniak, Z.; Aydin, Z. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2019), Association Between Renal Function and Troponin T Over Time in Stable Chronic Kidney Disease Patients, Journal of the American Heart Association 8(21).
- Fu, E.L.; Trevisan, M.; Clase, C.M.; Evans, M.; Lindholm, B.; Rotmans, J.I.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2019), Association of Acute Increases in Plasma Creatinine after Renin-Angiotensin Blockade with Subsequent Outcomes, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 14(9): 1336-1345.
- Schouten, R.W.; Harmse, V.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Ballegooijen, W. van; Siegert, C.E.H. & Honig, A. (2019), Dimensions of Depressive Symptoms and Their Association With Mortality, Hospitalization, and Quality of Life in Dialysis Patients: A Cohort Study, Psychosomatic Medicine 81(7): 649-658.
- Sluijs, A.V. van der; Bonenkamp, A.A.; Dekker, F.W.; Abrahams, A.C.; Jaarsveld, B.C. van & DOMESTICO Study Grp (2019), Dutch nOcturnal and hoME dialysis Study To Improve Clinical Outcomes (DOMESTICO): rationale and design.
- Esmeijer, K.; Dekkers, O.M.; Fijter, J.W. de; Dekker, F.W. & Hoogeveen, E.K. (2019), Effect of different types of statins on kidney function decline and proteinuria: a network meta-analysis, Scientific Reports 9.
- Schouten, R.W.; Haverkamp, G.L.; Loosman, W.L.; Shaw, P.K.C.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Smets, Y.F.C.; Vleming, L.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Honig, A. & Siegert, C.E.H. (2019), Ethnic Differences in the Association of Depressive Symptoms with Clinical Outcome in Dialysis Patients, Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 6(5): 990-1000.
- Ottenhoff-de Jonge, M.W.; Rijst, R.M. van der; Gesundheit, N.; Staveren, L.N. van; Assendelft, W.J.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Scherpbier, A.J.J.A. & Kramer, A.W.M. (2019), From critic to inspirer: four profiles reveal the belief system and commitment to educational mission of medical academics, BMC Medical Education 19.
- Fu, E.L.; Franko, M.A.; Obergfell, A.; Dekker, F.W.; Gabrielsen, A.; Jernberg, T. & Carrero, J.J. (2019), High-sensitivity C-reactive protein and the risk of chronic kidney disease progression or acute kidney injury in post-myocardial infarction patients, American Heart Journal 216: 20-29.
- Fu, E.L.; Groenwold, R.H.H.; Zoccali, C.; Jager, K.J.; Diepen, M. van & Dekker, F.W. (2019), Merits and caveats of propensity scores to adjust for confounding, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34(10): 1629-1635.
- Willik, E.M. van der; Meuleman, Y.; Prantl, K.; Rijn, G. van; Bos, W.J.W.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Bart, H.A.J.; Hemmelder, M.H. & Dekker, F.W. (2019), Patient-reported outcome measures: selection of a valid questionnaire for routine symptom assessment in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease - a four-phase mixed methods study.
- Ocak, G.; Ramspek, C.; Roolunaaker, M.B.; Blankestijn, P.J.; Verhaar, M.C.; Bos, W.J.W.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2019), Performance of bleeding risk scores in dialysis patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34(7): 1223-1231.
- Ramspek, C.; Verberne, W.; Dekker, F.; Bos, W.J.; Diepen, M. van & Buren, M. van (2019), PREDICTING MORTALITY RISK ON DIALYSIS AND CONSERVATIVE CARE; DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A DECISION AID FOR PRE-DIALYSIS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34.
- Sarafidis, P.A.; Mallamaci, F.; Loutradis, C.; Ekart, R.; Torino, C.; Karpetas, A.; Raptis, V.; Bikos, A.; Papagianni, A.; Balafa, O.; Siamopoulos, K.; Pisani, G.; Morosetti, M.; Giudice, A. del; Aucella, F.; Lullo, L. di; Tripepi, R.; Tripepi, G.; Jager, K.; Dekker, F.; London, G. & Zoccali, C. (2019), Prevalence and control of hypertension by 48-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in haemodialysis patients: a study by the European Cardiovascular and Renal Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of the ERA-EDTA, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34(9): 1542-1548.
- Waaijer, C.J.F.; Ommering, B.W.C.; Wurff, L.J. van der; Leeuwen, T.N. van; Dekker, F.W. & NVMO Special Interest Grp Sci Educ (2019), Scientific activity by medical students: the relationship between academic publishing during medical school and publication careers after graduation, Perspectives on Medical Education 8(4): 223-229.
- Nadort, E.; Schouten, R.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Honig, A.; Oppen, P. van & Siegert, C.E.H. (2019), The (cost) effectiveness of guided internet-based self-help CBT for dialysis patients with symptoms of depression: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial.
- Voskamp, P.W.M.; Diepen, M. van; Evans, M.; Caskey, F.J.; Torino, C.; Postorino, M.; Szymczak, M.; Klinger, M.; Wallquist, C.; Luijtgaarden, M.W.M. van de; Chesnaye, N.C.; Wanner, C.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2019), The impact of symptoms on health-related quality of life in elderly pre-dialysis patients: effect and importance in the EQUAL study, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34(10): 1707-1715.
- Ommering, B.W.C.; Diepen, M. van; Blankenstein, F.M. van; Jong, P.G.M. de & Dekker, F.W. (2019), Twelve tips to offer a short authentic and experiential individual research opportunity to a large group of undergraduate students, Medical Teacher 42(10).
- Luijtgaarden, M.W.M. van de; Caskey, F.J.; Wanner, C.; Chesnaye, N.C.; Postorino, M.; Janmaat, C.J.; Rao, A.; Torino, C.; Klinger, M.; Drechsler, C.; Heimburger, O.; Szymczale, M.; Evans, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Jager, K.J. & EQUAL Study Investigators (2019), Uraemic symptom burden and clinical condition in women and men of >= 65years of age with advanced chronic kidney disease: results from the EQUAL study, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34(7): 1189-1196.
- Rijken, J.A.; Hulsteijn, L.T. van; Dekkers, O.M.; Niemeijer, N.D.; Leemans, C.R.; Eijkelenkamp, K.; Horst-Schrivers, A.N.A. van der; Kerstens, M.N.; Berkel, A. van; Timmers, H.J.L.M.; Kunst, H.P.M.; Bisschop, P.H.L.T.; Dreijerink, K.M.A.; Dooren, M.F. van; Hes, F.J.; Jansen, J.C.; Corssmit, E.P.M. & Hensen, E.F. (2019), Increased Mortality in SDHB but Not in SDHD Pathogenic Variant Carriers, Cancers 11(1).
- Ali, S.R.; Bryce, J.; Cools, M.; Korbonits, M.; Beun, J.G.; Taruscio, D.; Danne, T.; Dattani, M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Linglart, A.; Netchine, I.; Nordenstrom, A.; Patocs, A.; Persani, L.; Reisch, N.; Smythe, A.; Sumnik, Z.; Visser, W.E.; Hiort, O.; Pereira, A.M.; Ahmed, S.F. & Endo ERN (2019), The current landscape of European registries for rare endocrine conditions, European Journal of Endocrinology 180(1): 89-98.
- Steffensen, C.; Dekkers, O.M.; Lyhne, J.; Pedersen, B.G.; Rasmussen, F.; Rungby, J.; Poulsen, P.L. & Jorgensen, J.O.L. (2019), Hypercortisolism in Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: A Prospective Study of 384 Newly Diagnosed Patients, Hormone and Metabolic Research 51(1): 62-68.
- Ropers, F.G.; Pham, E.N.B.; Kant, S.G.; Rotteveel, L.J.C.; Rings, E.H.H.M.; Verbist, B.M. & Dekkers, O.M. (2019), Assessment of the Clinical Benefit of Imaging in Children With Unilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 145(5): 431-443.
- Falstie-Jensen, A.M.; Kjaersgaard, A.; Lorenzen, E.L.; Jensen, J.D.; Reinertsen, K.V.; Dekkers, O.M.; Ewertz, M. & Cronin-Fenton, D.P. (2019), Hypothyroidism and the risk of breast cancer recurrence and all-cause mortality - a Danish population-based study, Breast Cancer Research 21.
- Broersen, L.H.A.; Haalen, F.M. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Lobatto, D.J.; Verstegen, M.J.T.; Furth, W.R. van; Dekkers, O.M. & Pereira, A.M. (2019), Microscopic versus endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery in the Leiden cohort treated for Cushing's disease: surgical outcome, mortality, and complications, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 14.
- Broersen, L.H.A.; Haalen, F.M. van; Kienitz, T.; Dekkers, O.M.; Strasburger, C.; Pereira, A.M. & Biermasz, N.R. (2019), The incidence of adrenal crisis in the postoperative period of HPA axis insufficiency after surgical treatment for Cushing's syndrome, European Journal of Endocrinology 181(2): 201-210.
- Feller, M.; Rodondi, N. & Dekkers, O.M. (2019), Thyroid Hormone Therapy for Subclinical Hypothyroidism Reply, Journal of the American Medical Association 321(8): 803-804.
- Spoel, E. van der; Choi, J.; Roelfsema, F.; Cessie, S. le; Heemst, D. van & Dekkers, O.M. (2019), Comparing Methods for Measurement Error Detection in Serial 24-h Hormonal Data, Journal of Biological Rhythms 34(4): 347-363.
- Meuleman, T.; Baden, N.; Haasnoot, G.W.; Wagner, M.M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Cessie, S. le; Picavet, C.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Claas, F.H.J. & Bloemenkamp, K.W.M. (2019), Oral sex is associated with reduced incidence of recurrent miscarriage, Journal of Reproductive Immunology 133: 1-6.
- Ljimani, A.; Caroli, A.; Laustsen, C.; Francis, S.; Mendichovszky, I.A.; Bane, O.; Nery, F.; Sharma, K.; Pohlmann, A.; Dekkers, I.A.; Vallee, J.P.; Derlin, K.; Notohamiprodjo, M.; Lim, R.P.; Palmucci, S.; Serai, S.D.; Periquito, J.; Wang, Z.J.; Froeling, M.; Thoeny, H.C.; Prasad, P.; Schneider, M.; Niendorf, T.; Pullens, P.; Sourbron, S. & Sigmund, E.E. (2019), Consensus-based technical recommendations for clinical translation of renal diffusion-weighted MRI, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.
- Dekkers, I.A.; Boer, A. de; Sharma, K.; Cox, E.F.; Lamb, H.J.; Buckley, D.L.; Bane, O.; Morris, D.M.; Prasad, P.V.; Semple, S.I.K.; Gillis, K.A.; Hockings, P.; Buchanan, C.; Wolf, M.; Laustsen, C.; Leiner, T.; Haddock, B.; Hoogduin, J.M.; Pullens, P.; Sourbron, S. & Francis, S. (2019), Consensus-based technical recommendations for clinical translation of renal T1 and T2 mapping MRI, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.
- Mendichovszky, I.; Pullens, P.; Dekkers, I.; Nery, F.; Bane, O.; Pohlmann, A.; Boer, A. de; Ljimani, A.; Odudu, A.; Buchanan, C.; Sharma, K.; Laustsen, C.; Harteveld, A.; Golay, X.; Pedrosa, I.; Alsop, D.; Fain, S.; Caroli, A.; Prasad, P.; Francis, S.; Sigmund, E.; Fernandez-Seara, M. & Sourbron, S. (2019), Technical recommendations for clinical translation of renal MRI: a consensus project of the Cooperation in Science and Technology Action PARENCHIMA, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.
- Schroijen M, De Mutsert R, Rosendaal F, Rabelink T & Dekkers O (2019), Association of glucose metabolism and kidney function in middle-aged adults, Diabetologia 62: S481-S482.
- (2019), Towards the best kidney failure prediction tool: a systematic review and selection aid., Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.
- Ommering B.W.C., Blankenstein F.M. van, Waaijer C.J.F. & Dekker F.W. (2018), Future physician-scientists: could we catch them young? Factors influencing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for research among first-year medical students, Perspectives on Medical Education 7(4): 248-255.
- Vereijken M.W.C., Rijst R.M. van der, Driel J.H. van & Dekker F.W. (2018), Student learning outcomes, perceptions and beliefs in the context of strengthening research integration into the first year of medical school, Advances in Health Sciences Education 23(2): 371–385.
- Vereijken M.W.C., Rijst R.M. van der, Driel J.H. van & Dekker F.W. (2018), Novice supervisors’ practices and dilemmatic space in supervision of student research projects, Teaching in Higher Education 23(4): 522-542.
- Vereijken M.W.C., Rijst R.M. van der, Beaufort A.J. de, Driel J.H. van & Dekker F.W. (2018), Fostering first-year student learning through research integration into teaching: Student perceptions, beliefs about the value of research and student achievement, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 55(4): 425-432.
- Vereijken, M.W.C.; Rijst, R.M. van der; Beaufort, A.J. de; Driel, J.H. van & Dekker, F.W. (2018), Fostering first-year student learning through research integration into teaching, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 55(4): 425-432.
- Ommering, B.W.C.; Blankenstein, F.M. van; Waaijer, C.J.F. & Dekker, F.W. (2018), Future physician-scientists: could we catch them young? , Perspectives on Medical Education 7(4): 248-255.
- Hemke, A.C.; Heemskerk, M.B.A.; Diepen, M. van; Kramer, A.; Meester, J. de; Heaf, J.G.; Diez, J.M.A.; Guinea, M.T.; Finne, P.; Brunet, P.; Vikse, B.E.; Caskey, F.J.; Traynor, J.P.; Massy, Z.A.; Couchoud, C.; Groothoff, J.W.; Nordio, M.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Hoitsma, A.J. (2018), Performance of an easy-to-use prediction model for renal patient survival: an external validation study using data from the ERA-EDTA Registry, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 33(10): 1786-1793.
- (2018), Using an extracurricular Honors program to engage future physician into scientific research in early stages of medical training, Medical Science Educator.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Janmaat, C.J.; Wilschut, E.D.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Dekker, F.W. & Rotmans, J.I. (2018), No consensus on physicians' preferences on vascular access management after kidney transplantation: Results of a multi-national survey., Journal of Vascular Access.
- Voskamp, P.W.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Rookmaaker, M.B.; Verhaar, M.C.; Bos, W.J.W.; Diepen, M. van & Ocak, G. (2018), Vitamin K antagonist use and renal function in pre-dialysis patients, Clinical Epidemiology 10: 623-630.
- Voskamp, P.W.M.; Rookmaaker, M.B.; Verhaar, M.C.; Dekker, F.W. & Ocak, G. (2018), Vitamin K antagonist use and mortality in dialysis patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 33(1): 170-176.
- Loosman, W.L.; Jong, R.W. de; Haverkamp, G.L.G.; Beukel, T.O. van den; Dekker, F.W.; Siegert, C.E.H. & Honig, A. (2018), The Stability of Type D Personality in Dialysis Patients, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 25(1): 85-92.
- Windahl, K.; Irving, G.F.; Almquist, T.; Liden, M.K.; Luijtgaarden, M. van de; Chesnaye, N.C.; Voskamp, P.; Stenvinkel, P.; Klinger, M.; Szymczak, M.; Torino, C.; Postorini, M.; Drechsler, C.; Caskey, F.J.; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W.; Jager, K.J. & Evans, M. (2018), Prevalence and Risk of Protein-Energy Wasting Assessed by Subjective Global Assessment in Older Adults With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: Results From the EQUAL Study, Journal of Renal Nutrition 28(3): 165-174.
- Meuleman, Y.; Hoekstra, T.; Dekker, F.W.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Dijk, S. van & ESMO Study Grp (2018), Perceived Sodium Reduction Barriers Among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: Which Barriers Are Important and Which Patients Experience Barriers?, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 25(1): 93-102.
- Fijter, C.W.H. de; Diepen, A.T.N. van; Amiri, F.; Dekker, F.W. & Krediet, R.T. (2018), Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) argue against the limited use of peritoneal dialysis in end-stage renal disease, Clinical Nephrology 90(2): 94-101.
- Ocak, G.; Noordzij, M.; Rookmaaker, M.B.; Cases, A.; Couchoud, C.; Heaf, J.G.; Jarraya, F.; Meester, J. de; Groothoff, J.W.; Waldum-Grevbo, B.E.; Palsson, R.; Resic, H.; Remon, C.; Finne, P.; Stendahl, M.; Verhaar, M.C.; Massy, Z.A.; Dekker, F.W. & Jager, K.J. (2018), Mortality due to bleeding, myocardial infarction and stroke in dialysis patients, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 16(10): 1953-1963.
- Janmaat, C.J.; Diepen, M. van; Gasparini, A.; Evans, M.; Qureshi, A.R.; Arnlov, J.; Barany, P.; Elinder, C.G.; Rotmans, J.I.; Vervloet, M.; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2018), Lower serum calcium is independently associated with CKD progression, Scientific Reports 8.
- Polinder-Bos, H.A.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W.; Hoogeveen, E.K.; Franssen, C.F.M.; Gansevoort, R.T. & Gaillard, C.A.J.M. (2018), Lower body mass index and mortality in older adults starting dialysis (vol 8, 12858, 2018), Scientific Reports 8.
- Vesseur, A.; Free, R.; Snels, C.; Dekker, F.; Mylanus, E.; Verbist, B. & Frijns, J. (2018), Hearing Restoration in Cochlear Nerve Deficiency: the Choice Between Cochlear Implant or Auditory Brainstem Implant, a Meta-analysis, Otology and Neurotology 39(4): 428-437.
- Horvath-Puho, E.; Suttorp, M.M.; Frederiksen, H.; Hoekstra, T.; Dekkers, O.M.; Pedersen, L.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Dekker, F.W. & Sorensen, H.T. (2018), Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents and cardiovascular events in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome and multiple myeloma, Clinical Epidemiology 10: 1371-1380.
- Voskamp, P.W.M.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W. & Hoogeveen, E.K. (2018), Dyslipidemia and risk of renal replacement therapy or death in incident pre-dialysis patients, Scientific Reports 8.
- Haverkamp, G.L.; Loosman, W.L.; Schouten, R.W.; Franssen, C.F.; Kema, I.P.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W.; Siegert, C.E. & Honig, A. (2018), Differences in the association of inflammation and tryptophan with depressive symptoms between white and non-white chronic dialysis patients, General Hospital Psychiatry 50: 76-82.
- Loosman, W.L.; Haverkamp, G.L.G.; Beukel, T.O. van den; Hoekstra, T.; Dekker, F.W.; Shaw, P.K.C.; Smets, Y.F.C.; Vleming, L.J.; Wee, P.M. ter; Siegert, C.E.H. & Honig, A. (2018), Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Dutch Immigrant and Native Dialysis Patients, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 20(6): 1339-1346.
- Janmaat, C.J.; Diepen, M. van; Hagen, C.C.E. van; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W. & Dekkers, O.M. (2018), Decline of kidney function during the pre-dialysis period in chronic kidney disease patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Clinical Epidemiology 10: 613-622.
- Esmeijer, K.; Geleijnse, J.M.; Giltay, E.J.; Stijnen, T.; Dekker, F.W.; Fijter, J.W. de; Kromhout, D. & Hoogeveen, E.K. (2018), Body-fat indicators and kidney function decline in older post-myocardial infarction patients: The Alpha Omega Cohort Study, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 25(1): 90-99.
- Voorzaat, B.M.; Bogt, K.E.A. van der; Janmaat, C.J.; Schaik, J. van; Dekker, F.W.; Rotmans, J.I. & Dutch Vasc Access Study Grp (2018), Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation Failure in a Large Cohort of Hemodialysis Patients in the Netherlands, World Journal of Surgery 42(6): 1895-1903.
- Rijst R.M. van der, Vereijken M.W.C., Driel J.H. van & Dekker F.W. (2017), Student learning outcomes, perceptions and beliefs in the context of strengthening research integration into the first year of medical education, Advances in Health Sciences Education 23(2): 371-385.
- Dekker, F.W.; Ramspek, C.L. & Diepen, M. van (2017), Con: Most clinical risk scores are useless, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 32(5).
- Put, C.E. van der; Bouwmeester-Landweer, M.B.R.; Landsmeer-Beker, E.A.; Wit, J.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Kousemaker, N.P.J. & Baartman, H.E.M. (2017), Screening for potential child maltreatment in parents of a newborn baby: The predictive validity of an Instrument for early identification of Parents At Risk for child Abuse and Neglect (IPARAN), Child Abuse and Neglect 70: 160-168.
- Haverkamp, G.L.; Loosman, W.L.; Franssen, C.F.; Kema, I.P.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W.; Honig, A. & Siegert, C.E. (2017), The role of tryptophan degradation in the association between inflammatory markers and depressive symptoms in chronic dialysis patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 32(6): 1040-1047.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Voskamp, P.W.M.; Ittersum, F.J. van; Krediet, R.T.; Dekker, F.W.; Diepen, M. van & NECOSAD Study Grp (2017), Prediction models for the mortality risk in chronic dialysis patients: a systematic review and independent external validation study, Clinical Epidemiology 9: 451-464.
- Netten, A.P.; Rieffe, C.; Soede, W.; Dirks, E.; Korver, A.M.H.; Konings, S.; Briaire, J.J.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Frijns, J.H.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2017), Can You Hear What I Think? Theory of Mind in Young Children With Moderate Hearing Loss, Ear and Hearing 38(5): 588-597.
- Schuett, K.; Savvaidis, A.; Maxeiner, S.; Lysaja, K.; Jankowski, V.; Schirmer, S.H.; Dimkovic, N.; Boor, P.; Kaesler, N.; Dekker, F.W.; Floege, J.; Marx, N. & Schlieper, G. (2017), Clot Structure: A Potent Mortality Risk Factor in Patients on Hemodialysis, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 28(5): 1622-1630.
- Voskamp, P.W.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Diepen, M. van; Hoogeveen, E.K. & PREPARE-2 Study Grp (2017), Effect of dual compared to no or single renin-angiotensin system blockade on risk of renal replacement therapy or death in predialysis patients: PREPARE-2 study, Journal of the American Society of Hypertension 11(10): 635-643.
- Janmaat, C.J.; Diepen, M. van; Krediet, R.T.; Hemmelder, M.H.; Dekker, F.W. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2017), Effect of glomerular filtration rate at dialysis initiation on survival in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease: what is the effect of lead-time bias?, Clinical Epidemiology 9: 217-230.
- Meuleman, Y.; Chilcot, J.; Dekker, F.W.; Halbesma, N. & Dijk, S. van (2017), Health-Related Quality of Life Trajectories During Predialysis Care and Associated Illness Perceptions, Health Psychology 36(11): 1083-1091.
- Ittersum, F.J. van; Hemke, A.C.; Dekker, F.W.; Hilbrands, L.B.; Christiaans, M.H.L.; Roodnat, J.I.; Hoitsma, A.J. & Diepen, M. van (2017), Increased risk of graft failure and mortality in Dutch recipients receiving an expanded criteria donor kidney transplant, Transplant International 30(1): 14-28.
- Polinder-Bos, H.A.; Nacak, H.; Dekker, F.W.; Bakker, S.J.L.; Gaillard, C.A.J.M. & Gansevoort, R.T. (2017), Low Urinary Creatinine Excretion Is Associated With Self-Reported Frailty in Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease, Kidney International Reports 2(4): 676-685.
- Netten, A.P.; Dekker, F.W.; Rieffe, C.; Soede, W.; Briaire, J.J. & Frijns, J.H.M. (2017), Missing Data in the Field of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery: Need for Improvement, Ear and Hearing 38(1): 1-6.
- Hoogeveen, E.K.; Rothman, K.J.; Voskamp, P.W.M.; Mutsert, R. de; Halbesma, N.; Dekker, F.W. & PREPARE-2 Study Grp (2017), Obesity and risk of death or dialysis in younger and older patients on specialized pre-dialysis care, PLoS ONE 12(9).
- Ramspek, C.L.; Nacak, H.; Diepen, M. van; Buren, M. van; Krediet, R.T.; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2017), Pre-dialysis decline of measured glomerular filtration rate but not serum creatinine-based estimated glomerular filtration rate is a risk factor for mortality on dialysis, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 32(1): 89-96.
- Berkhout-Byrne, N.; Gaasbeek, A.; Mallat, M.J.K.; Rabelink, T.J.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Dekker, F.W. & Buren, M. van (2017), Regret about the decision to start dialysis: a cross-sectional Dutch national survey, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 75(6): 225-234.
- Meuleman, Y.; Hoekstra, T.; Dekker, F.W.; Navis, G.; Vogt, L.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Bos, W.J.W.; Montfrans, G.A. van; Dijk, S. van & ESMO Study Grp (2017), Sodium Restriction in Patients With CKD: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Self-management Support, American Journal of Kidney Diseases 69(5): 576-586.
- Zoccali, C.; Vanholder, R.; Massy, Z.A.; Ortiz, A.; Sarafidis, P.; Dekker, F.W.; Fliser, D.; Fouque, D.; Heine, G.H.; Jager, K.J.; Kanbay, M.; Mallamaci, F.; Parati, G.; Rossignol, P.; Wiecek, A.; London, G. & European Renal Cardiovascular Medi (2017), The systemic nature of CKD, Nature Reviews Nephrology 13(6).
- Klatte, D.C.F.; Gasparini, A.; Xu, H.; Deco, P. de; Trevisan, M.; Johansson, A.L.V.; Wettermark, B.; Arnlov, J.; Janmaat, C.J.; Lindholm, B.; Dekker, F.W.; Coresh, J.; Grams, M.E. & Carrero, J.J. (2017), Association Between Proton Pump Inhibitor Use and Risk of Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease, Gastroenterology 153(3): 702-710.
- Vereijken M.W.C., Rijst R.M. van der, Driel J.H. van & Dekker F.W. (2016), Bevorderen van integratie van onderzoek en onderwijs voor het leren van studenten in het medisch onderwijs: een curriculumperspectief. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2016 25 mei 2016 - 27 mei 2016.
- Vereijken M.W.C., Rijst R.M. van der, Driel J.H. van & Dekker F.W. (2016), Novice supervisors’ research supervision pedagogies and dilemmas in undergraduate research projects. Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference 7 december 2016 - 9 december 2016.
- Vereijken M.W.C., Rijst R.M. van der, Driel J.H. van & Dekker F.W. (2016), Vroeg op weg naar succes? Het effect van een sterkere onderzoek integratie in de bachelor op studieprestaties in het eerste jaar geneeskunde. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medisch Onderwijs 17 november 2016 - 18 november 2016.
- Vereijken M.W.C., Rijst R.M. van der, Driel J.H. van & Dekker F.W. (2016), Fostering research-teaching integration within institutes: first-year students’ perceptions, beliefs about research in learning and achievement in the context of curriculum change. International Conference on Higher Education: EARLI SIG 4 13 juli 2016 - 15 juli 2016.
- Finken, M.J.J.; Schrevel, M.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Kharagjitsingh, A.V.; Dekker, F.W.; Koeleman, B.P.; Roep, B.O. & Wit, J.M. (2016), Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and growth until adulthood after very premature birth, Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 34(5): 564-570.
- Kallenberg, M.H.; Kleinveld, H.A.; Dekker, F.W.; Munster, B.C. van; Rabelink, T.J.; Buren, M. van & Mooijaart, S.P. (2016), Functional and Cognitive Impairment, Frailty, and Adverse Health Outcomes in Older Patients Reaching ESRD-A Systematic Review, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 11(9): 1624-1639.
- Breugom, A.J.; Dongen, D.T. van; Bastiaannet, E.; Dekker, F.W.; Geest, L.G.M. van der; Liefers, G.J.; Marinelli, A.W.K.S.; Mesker, W.E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Steup, W.H.; Tseng, L.N.L.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Dekker, J.W.T. (2016), Association Between the Most Frequent Complications After Surgery for Stage I-III Colon Cancer and Short-Term Survival, Long-Term Survival, and Recurrences, Annals of Surgical Oncology 23(9): 2858-2865.
- Beukel, T.O. van den; Hommel, K.; Kamper, A.L.; Heaf, J.G.; Siegert, C.E.H.; Honig, A.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Norredam, M. (2016), Differences in survival on chronic dialysis treatment between ethnic groups in Denmark: a population-wide, national cohort study, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31(7): 1160-1167.
- Sjolund, J.; Anton, D.G.; Bayes, L.Y.; Hoekstra, T.; Dekker, F.W. & Mendoza, J.M. (2016), Diuretics, Limited Ultrafiltration, and Residual Renal Function in Incident Hemodialysis Patients: A Case Series, Seminars in Dialysis 29(5): 410-415.
- Voskamp Pauline W. M., Dekker Friedo W., van Diepen Merel & Hoogeveen Ellen K. (2016), DUAL COMPARED TO SINGLE RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM INHIBITION AND RISK OF RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY OR DEATH IN PREDIALYSIS PATIENTS: PREPARE-2 STUDY, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31: 186-187.
- Janmaat Cynthia J., van Diepen Merel, Krediet Raymond T., Hemmelder Marc H. & Dekker Friedo W. (2016), EFFECT OF GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE AT DIALYSIS INITIATION ON SURVIVAL IN PATIENTS WITH ADVANCED CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - TAKING ACCOUNT OF LEAD-TIME BIAS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31: 20-21.
- Shafi, T.; Michels, W.M.; Levey, A.S.; Inker, L.A.; Dekker, F.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Hoekstra, T.; Schwartz, G.J.; Eckfeldt, J.H. & Coresh, J. (2016), Estimating residual kidney function in dialysis patients without urine collection, Kidney International 89(5): 1099-1110.
- Parati, G.; Ochoa, J.E.; Bilo, G.; Agarwal, R.; Covic, A.; Dekker, F.W.; Fliser, D.; Heine, G.H.; Jager, K.J.; Gargani, L.; Kanbay, M.; Mallamaci, F.; Massy, Z.; Ortiz, A.; Picano, E.; Rossignol, P.; Sarafidis, P.; Sicari, R.; Vanholder, R.; Wiecek, A.; London, G.; Zoccali, C. & European Renal Assoc-European Dial (2016), Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease Part 1 Out-of-Office Blood Pressure Monitoring: Methods, Thresholds, and Patterns, Hypertension 67(6): 1093-1101.
- Parati, G.; Ochoa, J.E.; Bilo, G.; Agarwal, R.; Covic, A.; Dekker, F.W.; Fliser, D.; Heine, G.H.; Jager, K.J.; Gargani, L.; Kanbay, M.; Mallamaci, F.; Massy, Z.; Ortiz, A.; Picano, E.; Rossignol, P.; Sarafidis, P.; Sicari, R.; Vanholder, R.; Wiecek, A.; London, G.; Zoccali, C. & European Renal Assoc-European Dial (2016), Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease Part 2 Role of Ambulatory and Home Blood Pressure Monitoring for Assessing Alterations in Blood Pressure Variability and Blood Pressure Profiles, Hypertension 67(6): 1102-1110.
- Sjoelund Jessica, Bayes Liz, Hoekstra Tiny, Contreras Gabriel, Dekker Friedo W. & Menodza Jair Munoz (2016), LIMITED ULTRAFILTRATION AND DIURETICS TO PRESERVE RESIDUAL RENAL FUNCTION IN INCIDENT HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS: A CASE SERIES, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31: 1536-1536.
- Janmaat C. J., van Diepen M., Gasparini A., Evans M., Qureshi A. R., Arnlov J., Barany P., Elinder C. G., Rotmans J. I., Vervloet M., Dekker F. W. & Carrero J. J. (2016), LOWER CALCIUM IS ASSOCIATED WITH KIDNEY FUNCTION DECLINE IN INDIVIDUALS WITH CHRONICKIDNEY DISEASE, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31: 1449-1449.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Nacak, H.; Diepen, M. van; Buren, M. van; Krediet, R.T.; Rotmans, J.I. & Dekker, F.W. (2016), PRE-DIALYSIS DECLINE OF MEASURED GFR BASED ON 24H URINE, BUT NOT ESTIMATED GFR BASED ONSERUM CREATININE IS A RISK FACTOR FOR MORTALITY, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31: 190-190.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Voskamp, P.W.M.; Krediet, R.T.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2016), PREDICTION MODELS FOR THE MORTALITY RISK IN CHRONIC DIALYSIS PATIENTS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL VALIDATION STUDY, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31: 20-20.
- Haverkamp, G.L.G.; Loosman, W.L.; Beukel, T.O. van den; Hoekstra, T.; Dekker, F.W.; Shaw, P.K.C.; Smets, Y.F.C.; Vleming, L.J.; Wee, P.M. ter; Honig, A. & Siegert, C.E.H. (2016), The association of acculturation and depressive and anxiety symptoms in immigrant chronic dialysis patients, General Hospital Psychiatry 38(1): 26-30.
- Pippias, M.; Jager, K.J.; Kramer, A.; Leivestad, T.; Sanchez, M.B.; Caskey, F.J.; Collart, F.; Couchoud, C.; Dekker, F.W.; Finne, P.; Fouque, D.; Heaf, J.G.; Hemmelder, M.H.; Kramar, R.; Meester, J. de; Noordzij, M.; Palsson, R.; Pascual, J.; Zurriaga, O.; Wanner, C. & Stel, V.S. (2016), The changing trends and outcomes in renal replacement therapy: data from the ERA-EDTA Registry, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31(5): 831-841.
- Haverkamp Gertrud L. G., Schouten Robbert W., Loosman Wim L., Franssen Casper F., Kema Ido P., van Diepen Merel, Dekker FriedoW, Honig Adriaan & Siegert Carl E. (2016), THE ROLE OF TRYPTOPHAN DEGRADATION IN THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN INFLAMMATORY MARKERS AND DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS IN CHRONIC DIALYSIS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31: 207-207.
- Nacak, H.; Bolignano, D.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F. & Biesen, W. van (2016), Timing of start of dialysis in diabetes mellitus patients: a systematic literature review, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31(2): 306-316.
- Evans, M.; Suttorp, M.M.; Bellocco, R.; Hoekstra, T.; Qureshi, A.R.; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2016), Trends in haemoglobin, erythropoietin-stimulating agents and iron use in Swedish chronic kidney disease patients between 2008 and 2013, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31(4): 628-635.
- (2016), Obesity and kidney function decline in 60-80 years old state-of-the-art drug-treated post-myocardial infarction patients.
- Vereijken M.W.C., Beaufort A.J. de, Buis D.T.P., Dijkerman M., Swenne C.A., Adelmeijer E.G.M. & Dekker F.W. (2015), Wetenschappelijke vorming: invloed van een curriculumherziening op academische schrijfvaardigheid van eerstejaars geneeskunde. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medisch Onderwijs, Rotterdam. 12 november 2015 - 13 november 2015. [conferentie poster].
- Nacak, H.; Diepen, M. van; Qureshi, A.R.; Carrero, J.J.; Stijnen, T.; Dekker, F.W. & Evans, M. (2015), Uric acid is not associated with decline in renal function or time to renal replacement therapy initiation in a referred cohort of patients with Stage III, IV and V chronic kidney disease, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30(12): 2039-2045.
- Netten, A.P.; Rieffe, C.; Theunissen, S.C.P.M.; Soede, W.; Dirks, E.; Korver, A.M.H.; Konings, S.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Frijns, J.H.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2015), Early identification: Language skills and social functioning in deaf and hard of hearing preschool children, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 79(12): 2221-2226.
- Barreto, D.L.; Hoekstra, T.; Halbesma, N.; Leegte, M.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Krediet, R.T. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2015), THE ASSOCIATION OF EFFLUENT CA125 WITH PERITONEAL DIALYSIS TECHNIQUE FAILURE, Peritoneal Dialysis International 35(7): 683-690.
- Meuleman Yvette, de Goeij Moniek C. M., Halbesma Nynke, Chilcot Joseph, Dekker Friedo W. & van Dijk Sandra (2015), Illness Perceptions in Patients on Predialysis Care: Associations With Time Until Start of Dialysis and Decline of Kidney Function, Psychosomatic Medicine 77(8): 946-954.
- Zoccali, C.; Bolignano, D.; D'Arrigo, G.; Dekker, F.W.; Fliser, D.; Heine, G.H.; Jager, K.J.; Kanbay, M.; Mallamaci, F.; Massy, Z.; Ortiz, A.; Parati, G.; Rossignol, P.; Tripepi, G.; Vanholder, R.; Wiecek, A.; London, G. & ERA-EDTA (2015), Validity of Vascular Calcification as a Screening Tool and as a Surrogate End Point in Clinical Research, Hypertension 66(1): 3-9.
- Suttorp, M.M.; Hoekstra, T.; Mittelman, M.; Ott, I.; Krediet, R.T.; Dekker, F.W. & Putter, H. (2015), Treatment with high dose of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents and mortality: analysis with a sequential Cox approach and a marginal structural model, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 24(10): 1068-1075.
- Westland, G.J.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Halbesma, N.; Dekker, F.W. & Verburgh, C.A. (2015), The Nutritional Status of Patients Starting Specialized Predialysis Care, Journal of Renal Nutrition 25(3): 265-270.
- Loosman, W.L.; Hoekstra, T.; Dijk, S. van; Terwee, C.B.; Honig, A.; Siegert, C.E.H. & Dekker, F.W. (2015), Short-Form 12 or Short-Form 36 to measure quality-of-life changes in dialysis patients?, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30(7): 1170-1176.
- Bell, S.; Dekker, F.W.; Vadiveloo, T.; Marwick, C.; Deshmukh, H.; Donnan, P.T. & Diepen, M. van (2015), Risk of postoperative acute kidney injury in patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery-development and validation of a risk score and effect of acute kidney injury on survival: observational cohort study, BMJ 351.
- Meuleman, Y.; Brinke, L. ten; Kwakernaak, A.J.; Vogt, L.; Rotmans, J.I.; Bos, W.J.W.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Navis, G.; Montfrans, G.A. van; Hoekstra, T.; Dekker, F.W. & Dijk, S. van (2015), Perceived Barriers and Support Strategies for Reducing Sodium Intake in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: a Qualitative Study, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 22(4): 530-539.
- Vogelzang, J.L.; Stralen, K.J. van; Noordzij, M.; Diez, J.A.; Carrero, J.J.; Couchoud, C.; Dekker, F.W.; Finne, P.; Fouque, D.; Heaf, J.G.; Hoitsma, A.; Leivestad, T.; Meester, J. de; Metcalfe, W.; Palsson, R.; Postorino, M.; Ravani, P.; Vanholder, R.; Wallner, M.; Wanner, C.; Groothoff, J.W. & Jager, K.J. (2015), Mortality from infections and malignancies in patients treated with renal replacement therapy: data from the ERA-EDTA registry, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30(6): 1028-1037.
- Tripepi Giovanni, Heinze Georg, Jager Kitty J., Stel Vianda S., Dekker Friedo W. & Zoccali Carmine (2015), Lag-censoring analysis: lights and shades, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30(5): 700-705.
- Hemke, A.C.; Heemskerk, M.B.A.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W. & Hoitsma, A.J. (2015), Improved Mortality Prediction in Dialysis Patients Using Specific Clinical and Laboratory Data, American Journal of Nephrology 42(2): 158-167.
- Drechsler, C.; Evenepoel, P.; Vervloet, M.G.; Wanner, C.; Ketteler, M.; Marx, N.; Floege, J.; Dekker, F.W.; Brandenburg, V.M. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2015), High levels of circulating sclerostin are associated with better cardiovascular survival in incident dialysis patients: results from the NECOSAD study, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30(2): 288-293.
- Suttorp Marit M., Siegerink Bob, Jager Kitty J., Zoccali Carmine & Dekker Friedo W. (2015), Graphical presentation of confounding in directed acyclic graphs, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30(9): 1418-1423.
- Rothuizen, T.C.; Ocak, G.; Verschuren, J.J.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Rabelink, T.J.; Jukema, J.W. & Rotmans, J.I. (2015), Candidate Gene Analysis of Mortality in Dialysis Patients, PLoS ONE 10(11).
- Buiten, M.S.; Bie, M.K. de; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W.; Buren, M. van; Rabelink, T.J.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Schalij, M.J.; Laarse, A. van der & Jukema, J.W. (2015), Serum Cardiac Troponin-I is Superior to Troponin-T as a Marker for Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Clinically Stable Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease, PLoS ONE 10(8).
- Rothuizen, T.C.; Ocak, G.; Verschuren, J.J.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Rabelink, T.J.; Jukema, J.W. & Rotmans, J.I. (2014), CANDIDATE GENE ANALYSIS OF MORTALITY IN DIALYSIS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 29: 481-481.
- Goeij, M.C.M. de; Rotmans, J.I.; Eijgenraam, J.W.; Dekker, F.W. & Halbesma, N. (2014), Course of Symptoms and Health-Related Quality of Life during Specialized Pre-Dialysis Care, PLoS ONE 9(4).
- Suttorp, M.M.; Hoekstra, T.; Ocak, G.; Diepen, A.T.N. van; Ott, I.; Mittelman, M.; Rabelink, T.J.; Krediet, R.T. & Dekker, F.W. (2014), Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents and thrombotic events in dialysis patients, Thrombosis Research 134(5): 1081-1086.
- Suttorp, M.M.; Hoekstra, T.; Ocak, G.; Diepen, A.T.N. van; Ott, I.; Mittelman, M.; Rabelink, T.J.; Krediet, R.T. & Dekker, F.W. (2014), ERYTHROPOIESIS-STIMULATING AGENTS AND THROMBOTIC EVENTS IN DIALYSIS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 29: 233-233.
- Diepen, A.T. van; Hoekstra, T.; Rotmans, J.I.; Boer, M.G. de; Lecessie, S.; Suttorp, M.M.; Struijk, D.G.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T. & Dekker, F.W. (2014), FIRST DIALYSIS MODALITY AND THE RISK FOR DIALYSIS TECHNIQUE AND NON-DIALYSIS TECHNIQUE RELATED INFECTIONS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 29: 274-274.
- Goeij, M.C.M. de; Meuleman, Y.; Dijk, S. van; Grootendorst, D.C.; Dekker, F.W.; Halbesma, N. & PREPARE-2 Study Grp (2014), Haemoglobin levels and health-related quality of life in young and elderly patients on specialized predialysis care, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 29(7): 1391-1398.
- Nacak, H.; Diepen, M. van; Suttorp, M.M.; Hoorn, E.J.; Rotmans, J.I. & Dekker, F.W. (2014), HYPONATRAEMIA IS A RISK FACTOR FOR INCREASED CARDIOVASCULAR AND NON-CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY IN INCIDENT DIALYSIS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 29: 526-526.
- Mjoen, G.; Hallan, S.; Dekker, F.W. & Holdaas, H. (2014), Kidney donors at increased risk? Additional studies are needed Reply, Kidney International 86(3): 650-650.
- Mjoen, G.; Hallan, S.; Hartmann, A.; Foss, A.; Midtvedt, K.; Oyen, O.; Reisaeter, A.; Pfeffer, P.; Jenssen, T.; Leivestad, T.; Line, P.D.; Ovrehus, M.; Dale, D.O.; PihIstrom, H.; Holme, I.; Dekker, F.W. & Holdaas, H. (2014), Long-term risks for kidney donors, Kidney International 86(1): 162-167.
- Jager, D.J. de; Vervloet, M.G. & Dekker, F.W. (2014), Noncardiovascular mortality in CKD: an epidemiological perspective, Nature Reviews Nephrology 10(4): 208-214.
- Diepen, A.T. van; Hoekstra, T.; Mutsert, R. de; Rotmans, J.I.; Boer, M. de; Suttorp, M.M.; Struijk, D.G.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T. & Dekker, F.W. (2014), PROTEIN ENERGY WASTING IS A RISK FACTOR FOR INFECTIOUS COMPLICATIONS IN BOTH HEMODIALYSIS AND PERITONEAL DIALYSIS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 29: 299-299.
- Diepen, M. van; Schroijen, M.A.; Dekkers, O.M.; Rotmans, J.I.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W. & Dekker, F.W. (2014), Predicting Mortality in Patients with Diabetes Starting Dialysis, PLoS ONE 9(3).
- Goeij, M.C.M. de; Halbesma, N.; Dekker, F.W.; Wijsman, C.A.; Heemst, D. van; Maier, A.B.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Slagboom, P.E.; Westendorp, R.G.J. & Craen, A.J.M. de (2014), Renal function in familial longevity: the Leiden Longevity Study, Experimental Gerontology 51: 65-70.
- Ocak, G.; Vossen, C.Y.; Lijfering, W.M.; Verduijn, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Rosendaal, F.R. & Cannegieter, S.C. (2014), Role of Hemostatic Factors on the Risk of Venous Thrombosis in People With Impaired Kidney Function, Circulation 129(6): 683-691.
- Ocak, G.; Drechsler, C.; Vossen, C.Y.; Vos, H.L.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Reitsma, P.H.; Hoffmann, M.M.; Marz, W.; Ouwehand, W.H.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Wanner, C. & Verduijn, M. (2014), Single Nucleotide Variants in the Protein C Pathway and Mortality in Dialysis Patients, PLoS ONE 9(5).
- Kramann, R.; Erpenbeck, J.; Schneider, R.K.; Rohl, A.B.; Hein, M.; Brandenburg, V.M.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.; Marx, N.; Floege, J.; Becker, M. & Schlieper, G. (2014), Speckle Tracking Echocardiography Detects Uremic Cardiomyopathy Early and Predicts Cardiovascular Mortality in ESRD, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25(10): 2351-2365.
- Buiten, M.S.; Bie, M.K. de; Bouma-de Krijger, A.; Dam, B. van; Dekker, F.W.; Jukema, J.W.; Rabelink, T.J. & Rotmans, J.I. (2014), Soluble Klotho is not independently associated with cardiovascular disease in a population of dialysis patients, BMC Nephrology 15.
- Diepen, A.T.N. van; Hoekstra, T.; Rotmans, J.I.; Boer, M.G.J. de; Cessie, S. le; Suttorp, M.M.; Struijk, D.G.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T. & Dekker, F.W. (2014), The association between dialysis modality and the risk for dialysis technique and non-dialysis technique-related infections, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 29(12): 2244-2250.
- Buiten, M.S.; Bie, M.K. de; Dam, B. van; Bouma-De Krijger, A.; Dekker, F.W.; Jukema, J.W.; Rabelink, T.J. & Rotmans, J.I. (2014), THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SOLUBLE KLOTHO AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN DIALYSIS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 29: 47-47.
- Jansen, D.L.; Rijken, M.; Kaptein, A.A.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W. & Groenewegen, P.P. (2014), The Role of Social Support in Dialysis Patients' Feelings of Autonomy and Self-Esteem: Is Support More Beneficial for Patients With Specific Illness Perceptions?, Families, Systems and Health 32(3): 313-327.
- Meuwese, C.L.; Gussekloo, J.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Dekker, F.W. & Elzen, W.P.J. den (2014), Thyroid Status and Renal Function in Older Persons in the General Population, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 99(8): 2689-2696.
- Nacak, H.; Diepen, M. van; Goeij, M.C.M. de; Rotmans, J.I.; Dekker, F.W. & PREPARE-2 Study Grp (2014), Uric acid: association with rate of renal function decline and time until start of dialysis in incident pre-dialysis patients, BMC Nephrology 15.
- (2014), Research-Tutored Learning: An Effective Way for Students to Benefit Research by Critical Appraisal, Medical Science Educator 23.
- Dijk, S. van; Beukel, T.O. van den; Kaptein, A.A.; Honig, A.; Cessie, S. le; Siegert, C.E.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Dekker, F.W. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2013), How baseline, new-onset, and persistent depressive symptoms are associated with cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality in incident patients on chronic dialysis, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 74(6): 511-517.
- Korver, A.M.H.; Konings, S.; Meuwese-Jongejeugd, A.; Straaten, H.L.M. van; Uilenburg, N.; Dekker, F.W.; Wever, C.C.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2013), National study of Newborn Hearing Screening: programme sensitivity and characteristics of undetected children, Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Belgica 9: 37-44.
- Meuwese, C.L.; Carrero, J.J.; Cabezas-Rodriguez, I.; Heimburger, O.; Barany, P.; Lindholm, B.; Qureshi, A.R.; Ripsweden, J.; Dekker, F.W. & Stenvinkel, P. (2013), Nonthyroidal illness: a risk factor for coronary calcification and arterial stiffness in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis?, Journal of Internal Medicine 274(6): 584-593.
- Fernandes, N.M.D.; Hoekstra, T.; Beukel, T.O. van den; Tirapani, L.; Bastos, K.; Pecoits, R.; Qureshi, A.R.; Dekker, F.W.; Bastos, M.G. & Divino, J.C. (2013), Association of Ethnicity and Survival in Peritoneal Dialysis: A Cohort Study of Incident Patients in Brazil, American Journal of Kidney Diseases 62(1): 89-96.
- Broek, J.S. van den; Hoekstra, T.; Drechsler, C.; Brandenburg, V.M.; Dekker, F.W. & Vervloet, M.G. (2013), ASSOCIATION OF MAGNESIUM LEVEL WITH REDUCED CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY IN INCIDENT DIALYSIS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28: 11-11.
- Suttorp, M.M.; Hoekstra, T.; Mittelman, M.; Ott, I.; Franssen, C.F.M. & Dekker, F.W. (2013), Effect of Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents on Blood Pressure in Pre-Dialysis Patients, PLoS ONE 8(12).
- Nacak, H.; Diepen, M. van; Goeij, M.C.M. de & Dekker, F.W. (2013), HYPERURICEMIA IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH DECLINE OF KIDNEY FUNCTION IN PRE-DIALYSIS PATIENTS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28: 148-148.
- Goeij, M.C.M. de; Diepen, M. van; Jager, K.J.; Tripepi, G.; Zoccali, C. & Dekker, F.W. (2013), Multiple imputation: dealing with missing data, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28(10): 2415-2420.
- Suttorp, M.M.; Hoekstra, T.; Rotmans, J.I.; Ott, I.; Mittelman, M.; Krediet, R.T. & Dekker, F.W. (2013), Erythropoiesis-stimulating agent resistance and mortality in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients, BMC Nephrology 14.
- Hemke, A.C.; Heemskerk, M.B.A.; Diepen, M. van; Weimar, W.; Dekker, F.W. & Hoitsma, A.J. (2013), Survival prognosis after the start of a renal replacement therapy in the Netherlands: a retrospective cohort study, BMC Nephrology 14.
- Noordzij, M.; Leffondre, K.; Stralen, K.J. van; Zoccali, C.; Dekker, F.W. & Jager, K.J. (2013), When do we need competing risks methods for survival analysis in nephrology?, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28(11): 2670-2677.
- Vries, J.J.C. de; Zwet, E.W. van; Dekker, F.W.; Kroes, A.C.M.; Verkerk, P.H. & Vossen, A.C.T.M. (2013), The apparent paradox of maternal seropositivity as a risk factor for congenital cytomegalovirus infection: a population-based prediction model, Reviews in Medical Virology 23(4): 241-249.
- Tripepi Giovanni, Heinze Georg, Jager Kitty J., Stel Vianda S., Dekker Friedo W. & Zoccali Carmine (2013), Risk prediction models, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28(8): 1975-1980.
- Meuwese, C.L.; Dekkers, O.M.; Stenvinkel, P.; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2013), Nonthyroidal illness and the cardiorenal syndrome, Nature Reviews Nephrology 9(10): 599-609.
- Bie, M.K. de; Koopman, M.G.; Gaasbeek, A.; Dekker, F.W.; Maan, A.C.; Swenne, C.A.; Scherptong, R.W.; Dessel, P.F. van; Wilde, A.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Rabelink, T.J. & Jukema, J.W. (2013), Incremental prognostic value of an abnormal baseline spatial QRS-T angle in chronic dialysis patients, EP-Europace 15(2): 290-296.
- Jansen, D.L.; Heijmans, M.J.W.M.; Rijken, M.; Spreeuwenberg, P.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Dekker, F.W.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Kaptein, A.A. & Groenewegen, P.P. (2013), Illness perceptions and treatment perceptions of patients with chronic kidney disease: Different phases, different perceptions?, British Journal of Health Psychology 18(2): 244-262.
- Beukel, T.O. van den; Goeij, M.C.M. de; Dekker, F.W.; Siegert, C.E.H.; Halbesma, N. & PREPARE Study Grp (2013), Differences in Progression to ESRD between Black and White Patients Receiving Predialysis Care in a Universal Health Care System, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 8(9): 1540-1547.
- Luijtgaarden, M.W.M. van de; Noordzij, M.; Biesen, W. van; Couchoud, C.; Cancarini, G.; Bos, W.J.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Gorriz, J.L.; Iatrou, C.; Wanner, C.; Finne, P.; Stojceva-Taneva, O.; Cala, S.; Stel, V.S.; Tomson, C. & Jager, K.J. (2013), Conservative care in Europe-nephrologists' experience with the decision not to start renal replacement therapy, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28(10): 2604-2612.
- Verschuren, J.J.W.; Ocak, G.; Dekker, F.W.; Rabelink, T.J.; Jukema, J.W. & Rotmans, J.I. (2013), Candidate Gene Analysis of Arteriovenous Fistula Failure in Hemodialysis Patients, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 8(8): 1358-1366.
- Meuwese C. L., Carrero J. J., Cabezas-Rodriguez I., Heimburger O., Barany P., Lindholm B., Qureshi A. R., Ripsweden J., Dekker F. W. & Stenvinkel P. (2013), NON-THYROIDAL ILLNESS - A NOVEL RISK FACTOR FOR CORONARY CALCIFICATION AND ARTERIAL STIFFNESS IN DIALYSIS PATIENTS?
- Jager, D.J. de; Halbesma, N.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Cessie, S. le; Dekker, F.W.; Grootendorst, D.C. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2013), Is the decline of renal function different before and after the start of dialysis?, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28(3): 698-705.
- Schroijen, M.A.; Luijtgaarden, M.W.M. van de; Noordzij, M.; Ravani, P.; Jarraya, F.; Collart, F.; Prutz, K.G.; Fogarty, D.G.; Leivestad, T.; Prischl, F.C.; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W.; Jager, K.J. & Dekkers, O.M. (2013), Survival in dialysis patients is different between patients with diabetes as primary renal disease and patients with diabetes as a co-morbid condition, Diabetologia 56(9): 1949-1957.
- Ocak, G.; Vossen, C.Y.; Verduijn, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Cannegieter, S.C. & Lijfering, W.M. (2013), Risk of venous thrombosis in patients with major illnesses: results from the MEGA study, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 11(1): 116-123.
- Ocak, G.; Lijfering, W.M.; Verduijn, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Cannegieter, S.C. & Vossen, C.Y. (2013), Risk of venous thrombosis in patients with chronic kidney disease: identification of high-risk groups, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 11(4): 627-633.
- Drechsler, C.; Broek, H. van den; Vervloet, M.; Hoekstra, T.; Dekker, F.; Ketteler, M. & Brandenburg, V. (2013), SCLEROSTIN LEVELS AND CLINICAL OUTCOMES IN INCIDENT DIALYSIS PATIENTS: RESULTS FROM THE NECOSAD STUDY, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28: 441-441.
- Stel Vianda S., Dekker FriedoW., Zoccali Carmine & Jager Kitty J. (2013), Instrumental variable analysis, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28(7): 1694-1699.
- Ocak, G.; Rotmans, J.I.; Vossen, C.Y.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W. & Verduijn, M. (2013), Type of arteriovenous vascular access and association with patency and mortality, BMC Nephrology 14.
- Jager, K.J.; Ocak, G.; Drechsler, C.; Caskey, F.J.; Evans, M.; Postorino, M.; Dekker, F.W. & Wanner, C. (2012), The EQUAL study: a European study in chronic kidney disease stage 4 patients.
- Verduijn, M.; Marechal, C.; Coester, A.M.; Sampimon, D.E.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Goffin, E.; Krediet, R.T. & Devuyst, O. (2012), The -174G/C variant of IL6 as risk factor for mortality and technique failure in a large cohort of peritoneal dialysis patients.
- Pequeriaux, N.C.; Fijnheer, R.; Gemen, E.F.; Barendrecht, A.D.; Dekker, F.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Beutler, J.J.; Boeschoten, E.W. & Roest, M. (2012), Plasma concentration of von Willebrand factor predicts mortality in patients on chronic renal replacement therapy.
- Stralen, K.J. van; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C. & Jager, K.J. (2012), Measuring Agreement, More Complicated Than It Seems, Nephron Clinical Practice 120(3): C162-C167.
- Luijtgaarden, M.W.M. van de; Noordzij, M.; Tomson, C.; Couchoud, C.; Cancarini, G.; Ansell, D.; Bos, W.J.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Gorriz, J.L.; Iatrou, C.; Garneata, L.; Wanner, C.; Cala, S.; Stojceva-Taneva, O.; Finne, P.; Stel, V.S.; Biesen, W. van & Jager, K.J. (2012), Factors Influencing the Decision to Start Renal Replacement Therapy: Results of a Survey Among European Nephrologists, American Journal of Kidney Diseases 60(6): 940-948.
- Goeij, M.C.M. de; Jager, D.J. de; Grootendorst, D.C.; Voormolen, N.; Sijpkens, Y.W.J.; Dijk, S. van; Hoogeveen, E.K.; Kooman, J.P.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Halbesma, N. & PREPARE 1 Study Grp (2012), Association of Blood Pressure with the Start of Renal Replacement Therapy in Elderly Compared with Young Patients Receiving Predialysis Care, American Journal of Hypertension 25(11): 1175-1181.
- Goeij, M.C.M. de; Liem, M.; Jager, D.J. de; Voormolen, N.; Sijpkens, Y.W.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Halbesma, N. & PREPARE-1 Study Grp (2012), Proteinuria as a Risk Marker for the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients on Predialysis Care and the Role of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor/Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker Treatment, Nephron Clinical Practice 121(1-2): C73-C82.
- Dijk, S. van; Beukel, T.O. van den; Dekker, F.W.; Cessie, S. le; Kaptein, A.A.; Honig, A.; Siegert, C.E.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Verduijn, M. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2012), Short-Term Versus Long-Term Effects of Depressive Symptoms on Mortality in Patients on Dialysis, Psychosomatic Medicine 74(8): 854-860.
- Beukel, T.O. van den; Verduijn, M.; Cessie, S. le; Jager, K.J.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Siegert, C.E.H.; Honig, A. & Dekker, F.W. (2012), The role of psychosocial factors in ethnic differences in survival on dialysis in the Netherlands.
- Beukel, T.O. van den; Siegert, C.E.H.; Dijk, S. van; Wee, P.M. ter; Dekker, F.W. & Honig, A. (2012), Comparison of the SF-36 Five-item Mental Health Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory for the screening of depressive symptoms in chronic dialysis patients.
- Biesen, W. van; Dekker, F.; Heimburger, O.; Jager, K.; Lameire, N.; Lindley, E.; Vanholder, R.; Zoccali, C. & Tattersall, J. (2012), European guidelines on when to start dialysis: check the facts first before commenting, Kidney International 81(11): 1149-1149.
- Michels, W.M.; Verduijn, M.; Parikova, A.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Struijk, D.G.; Dekker, F.W. & Krediet, R.T. (2012), TIME COURSE OF PERITONEAL FUNCTION IN AUTOMATED AND CONTINUOUS PERITONEAL DIALYSIS, Peritoneal Dialysis International 32(6): 605-611.
- Cessie, S. le; Debeij, J.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Cannegieter, S.C. & Vandenbroucke, J.P. (2012), Quantification of Bias in Direct Effects Estimates Due to Different Types of Measurement Error in the Mediator, EPIDEMIOLOGY 23(4): 551-560.
- Temme, J.; Kramer, A.; Jager, K.J.; Lange, K.; Peters, F.; Muller, G.A.; Kramar, R.; Heaf, J.G.; Finne, P.; Palsson, R.; Reisaeter, A.V.; Hoitsma, A.J.; Metcalfe, W.; Postorino, M.; Zurriaga, O.; Santos, J.P.; Ravani, P.; Jarraya, F.; Verrina, E.; Dekker, F.W. & Gross, O. (2012), Outcomes of male patients with Alport syndrome undergoing renal replacement therapy., Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 7(12): 1969-76.
- Fernandes, N.; Beukel, T. van den; Hoekstra, T.; Tirapani, L.; Bastos, K.D.; Pecoits, R.; Qureshi, A.R.; Bastos, M.; Dekker, F. & Divino, J.C. (2012), THE RELEVANCE OF ANCESTRALLY ADMIXED POPULATION ON SURVIVAL IN INCIDENT PERITONEAL DIALYSIS PATIENTS IN BRAZIL.
- Meuwese, C.L.; Dekker, F.W.; Lindholm, B.; Qureshi, A.R.; Heimburger, O.; Barany, P.; Stenvinkel, P. & Carrero, J.J. (2012), Baseline Levels and Trimestral Variation of Triiodothyronine and Thyroxine and Their Association with Mortality in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 7(1): 131-138.
- Meuleman, Y.; Goeij, M. de; Halbesma, N.; Dekker, F. & Dijk, S. van (2012), The predictive value of illness perceptions for time until start of dialysis in pre-dialysis patients, Psychology and Health 27: 91-91.
- Meuleman, Y.; Hoekstra, T.; Brinke, L. ten; Dekker, F. & Dijk, S. van (2012), Self-management to support hypertensive kidney patients: The ESMO study, Psychology and Health 27: 278-278.
- Moret, K.E.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Dekker, F.W.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Houterman, S.; Beerenhout, C.H.; Kooman, J.P. & Grp, N.S. (2012), Agreement between different parameters of dialysis dose in achieving treatment targets: results from the NECOSAD study.
- Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W. & Dekker, F.W. (2012), Are the high mortality rates in dialysis patients mainly due to cardiovascular causes?
- Hoogeveen, E.K.; Halbesma, N.; Rothman, K.J.; Stijnen, T.; Dijk, S. van; Dekker, F.W.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Mutsert, R. de & Netherlands Cooperative Study Adeq (2012), Obesity and Mortality Risk among Younger Dialysis Patients, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 7(2): 280-288.
- Diepen, M. van; Schroijen, M.; Dekkers, O. & Dekker, F. (2012), PREDICTING MORTALITY IN DIABETIC INCIDENT DIALYSIS PATIENTS.
- Ocak, G.; Stralen, K.J. van; Rosendaal, F.R.; Verduijn, M.; Ravani, P.; Palsson, R.; Leivestad, T.; Hoitsma, A.J.; Ferrer-Alamar, M.; Finne, P.; Meester, J. de; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W. & Jager, K.J. (2012), Mortality due to pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and stroke among incident dialysis patients.
- Dekker F, Wiendels NJ, de Valk V, van der Vliet C, Knuistingh Neven A, Assendelft WJ & Ferrari MD (2011), Triptan overuse in the Dutch general population: a nationwide pharmaco-epidemiology database analysis in 6.7 million people., Cephalalgia 31(8): 943-52.
- Boer, A. de; Melchers, D.; Vink, S.; Dekker, F.; Beaart, L. & Jong, Z. de (2011), Real patient learning integrated in a preclinical block musculoskeletal disorders. Does it make a difference?, Clinical Rheumatology 30(8): 1029-1037.
- Drechsler, C.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Pilz, S.; Tomaschitz, A.; Krane, V.; Dekker, F.; Marz, W.; Ritz, E. & Wanner, C. (2011), Wasting and Sudden Cardiac Death in Hemodialysis Patients: A Post Hoc Analysis of 4D (Die Deutsche Diabetes Dialyse Studie), American Journal of Kidney Diseases 58(4): 599-607.
- Tattersall, J.; Dekker, F.; Heimburger, O.; Jager, K.J.; Lameire, N.; Lindley, E.; Biesen, W. van; Vanholder, R.; Zoccali, C. & ERBP Advisory Board (2011), When to start dialysis: updated guidance following publication of the Initiating Dialysis Early and Late (IDEAL) study.
- Noordzij, M.; Zoccali, C.; Dekker, F.W. & Jager, K.J. (2011), Adding Up the Evidence: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, Nephron Clinical Practice 119(4): C310-C316.
- Jager, D.J. de; Voormolen, N.; Krediet, R.T.; Dekker, F.W.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Grootendorst, D.C. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2011), Association between time of referral and survival in the first year of dialysis in diabetics and the elderly.
- Drechsler, C.; Verduijn, M.; Pilz, S.; Krediet, R.T.; Dekker, F.W.; Wanner, C.; Ketteler, M.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Brandenburg, V. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2011), Bone Alkaline Phosphatase and Mortality in Dialysis Patients, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 6(7): 1752-1759.
- Carrero, J.J.; Jager, D.J. de; Verduijn, M.; Ravani, P.; Meester, J. de; Heaf, J.G.; Finne, P.; Hoitsma, A.J.; Pascual, J.; Jarraya, F.; Reisaeter, A.V.; Collart, F.; Dekker, F.W. & Jager, K.J. (2011), Cardiovascular and Noncardiovascular Mortality among Men and Women Starting Dialysis, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 6(7): 1722-1730.
- Drechsler, C.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Wanner, C.; Dekker, F.W. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2011), Changes in parathyroid hormone and body mass index and the association with mortality in dialysis patients.
- Mazairac, A.H.A.; Wit, G.A. de; Penne, E.L.; Weerd, N.C. van der; Jong, B. de; Grooteman, M.P.C.; Dorpel, M.A. van den; Buskens, E.; Dekker, F.W.; Nube, M.J.; Wee, P.M. ter; Boeschoten, E.W.; Bots, M.L.; Blankestijn, P.J. & CONTRAST Investigators (2011), Changes in quality of life over time-Dutch haemodialysis patients and general population compared.
- Michels, W.M.; Verduijn, M.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Cessie, S. le; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Krediet, R.T. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2011), Decline in Residual Renal Function in Automated Compared with Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 6(3): 537-542.
- Wal, W.M. van der; Noordzij, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Korevaar, J.C.; Geskus, R.B. & Netherlands Cooperative Study Adeq (2011), Full loss of residual renal function causes higher mortality in dialysis patients; findings from a marginal structural model.
- Verduijn, M.; Jager, K.J.; Zoccali, C. & Dekker, F.W. (2011), Genetic Association Studies: Discovery of the Genetic Basis of Renal Disease, Nephron Clinical Practice 119(3): C236-C239.
- Ocak, G.; Halbesma, N.; Cessie, S. le; Hoogeveen, E.K.; Dijk, S. van; Kooman, J.; Dekker, F.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W. & Verduijn, M. (2011), Haemodialysis catheters increase mortality as compared to arteriovenous accesses especially in elderly patients.
- Tripepi, G.; Jager, K.J.; Stel, V.S.; Dekker, F.W. & Zoccali, C. (2011), How to Deal with Continuous and Dichotomic Outcomes in Epidemiological Research: Linear and Logistic Regression Analyses, Nephron Clinical Practice 118(4): C399-C406.
- Mutsert, R. de; Jager, D.J. de; Jager, K.J.; Zoccali, C. & Dekker, F.W. (2011), Interaction on an Additive Scale, Nephron Clinical Practice 119(2): C154-C157.
- Chmielewski, M.; Verduijn, M.; Drechsler, C.; Lindholm, B.; Stenvinkel, P.; Rutkowski, B.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T. & Dekker, F.W. (2011), Low cholesterol in dialysis patients-causal factor for mortality or an effect of confounding?
- Graaf, M.A. de; Jager, K.J.; Zoccali, C. & Dekker, F.W. (2011), Matching, an Appealing Method to Avoid Confounding?, Nephron Clinical Practice 118(4): C315-C318.
- Meuwese, C.L.; Stenvinkel, P.; Dekker, F.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2011), Monitoring of inflammation in patients on dialysis: forewarned is forearmed, Nature Reviews Nephrology 7(3): 166-176.
- Balafa, O.; Halbesma, N.; Struijk, D.G.; Dekker, F.W. & Krediet, R.T. (2011), Peritoneal Albumin and Protein Losses Do Not Predict Outcome in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 6(3): 561-566.
- Noordzij, M.; Cranenburg, E.M.; Engelsman, L.F.; Hermans, M.M.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Brandenburg, V.M.; Bos, W.J.W.; Kooman, J.P.; Dekker, F.W.; Ketteler, M.; Schurgers, L.J.; Krediet, R.T.; Korevaar, J.C. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2011), Progression of aortic calcification is associated with disorders of mineral metabolism and mortality in chronic dialysis patients.
- Michels, W.M.; Dijk, S. van; Verduijn, M.; Cessie, S. le; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Krediet, R.T. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2011), QUALITY OF LIFE IN AUTOMATED AND CONTINUOUS AMBULATORY PERITONEAL DIALYSIS, Peritoneal Dialysis International 31(2): 138-147.
- Jager, D.J. de; Mutsert, R. de; Jager, K.J.; Zoccali, C. & Dekker, F.W. (2011), Reporting of Interaction, Nephron Clinical Practice 119(2): C158-C161.
- Noordzij, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C. & Jager, K.J. (2011), Sample Size Calculations, Nephron Clinical Practice 118(4): C319-C323.
- Stel, V.S.; Dekker, F.W.; Tripepi, G.; Zoccali, C. & Jager, K.J. (2011), Survival Analysis I: The Kaplan-Meier Method, Nephron Clinical Practice 119(1): C83-C88.
- Stel, V.S.; Dekker, F.W.; Tripepi, G.; Zoccali, C. & Jager, K.J. (2011), Survival Analysis II: Cox Regression, Nephron Clinical Practice 119(3): C255-C260.
- Grootendorst, D.C.; Michels, W.M.; Richardson, J.D.; Jager, K.J.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Krediet, R.T. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2011), The MDRD formula does not reflect GFR in ESRD patients.
- Kolesnyk, I.; Noordzij, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Boeschoten, E.W. & Krediet, R.T. (2011), TREATMENT WITH ANGIOTENSIN II INHIBITORS AND RESIDUAL RENAL FUNCTION IN PERITONEAL DIALYSIS PATIENTS, Peritoneal Dialysis International 31(1): 53-59.
- Meuwese, C.L.; Snaedal, S.; Halbesma, N.; Stenvinkel, P.; Dekker, F.W.; Qureshi, A.R.; Barany, P.; Heimburger, O.; Lindholm, B.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2011), Trimestral variations of C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha are similarly associated with survival in haemodialysis patients.
- Muntinghe, F.L.H.; Vegter, S.; Verduijn, M.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Navis, G. & Postma, M. (2011), Using a genetic, observational study as a strategy to estimate the potential cost-effectiveness of pharmacological CCR5 blockade in dialysis patients, Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 21(7): 417-425.
- Ocak, G.; Vossen, C.Y.; Rotmans, J.I.; Lijfering, W.M.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Parlevliet, K.J.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W. & Verduijn, M. (2011), Venous and arterial thrombosis in dialysis patients, Thrombosis and Haemostasis 106(6): 1046-1052.
- Drechsler, C.; Verduijn, M.; Pilz, S.; Dekker, F.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Ritz, E.; Wanner, C.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Brandenburg, V. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2011), Vitamin D status and clinical outcomes in incident dialysis patients: results from the NECOSAD study.
- Borsje, B.W.; Wesenbeeck, B.K. van; Dekker, F.; Paalvast, P.; Bouma, T.J.; Katwijk, M.M. van & Vries, M.B. de (2011), How ecological engineering can serve in coastal protection, Ecological Engineering 37(2): 113-122.
- Dijk, S. van; Beukel, T. van den; Dekker, F.; Honig, A.; Siegert, C.; Cessie, S. le; Boeschoten, E.; Krediet, R. & Verduijn, M. (2011), Short and long-term associations between depressive symptoms and mortality in end-stage renal disease patients, Psychology and Health 26: 55-56.
- Korver, A.M.H.; Admiraal, R.J.C.; Kant, S.G.; Dekker, F.W.; Wever, C.C.; Kunst, H.P.M.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M. & DECIBEL-Collaborative Study Grp (2011), Causes of Permanent Childhood Hearing Impairment, Laryngoscope 121(2): 409-416.
- Goeij, M.C.M. de; Voormolen, N.; Halbesma, N.; Jager, D.J. de; Boeschoten, E.W.; Sijpkens, Y.W.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Grootendorst, D.C. & Prepare-1 Study Grp (2011), Association of blood pressure with decline in renal function and time until the start of renal replacement therapy in pre-dialysis patients: a cohort study.
- Verduijn, M.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Dekker, F.W.; Jager, K.J. & Cessie, S. le (2011), The analysis of competing events like cause-specific mortality-beware of the Kaplan-Meier method, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 26(1): 56-61.
- Carrero, J.J.; Mutsert, R. de; Axelsson, J.; Dekkers, O.M.; Jager, K.J.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Dekker, F.W. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2011), Sex differences in the impact of diabetes on mortality in chronic dialysis patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 26(1): 270-276.
- Verduijn, M.; Prein, R.A.; Stenvinkel, P.; Carrero, J.J.; Cessie, S. le; Witasp, A.; Nordfors, L.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W. & Dekker, F.W. (2011), Is fetuin-A a mortality risk factor in dialysis patients or a mere risk marker? A Mendelian randomization approach, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 26(1): 239-245.
- Finken, M.J.J.; Meulenbelt, I.; Dekker, F.W.; Frolich, M.; Walther, F.J.; Romijn, J.A.; Slagboom, P.E.; Wit, J.M. & Dutch POPS-19 Collaborative Study (2011), Abdominal Fat Accumulation in Adults Born Preterm Exposed Antenatally to Maternal Glucocorticoid Treatment Is Dependent on Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene Variation, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 96(10): E1650-E1655.
- Euser, A.M.; Finken, M.J.J.; Kharagjitsingh, A.V.; Alizadeh, B.Z.; Roep, B.O.; Meulenbelt, I.; Dekker, F.W. & Wit, J.M. (2011), IGF1 Promoter Polymorphism and Cranial Growth in Individuals Born Very Preterm, Hormone Research in Paediatrics 76(1): 27-34.
- Goeij, M.C.M. de; Voormolen, N.; Halbesma, N.; Jager, D.J. de; Boeschoten, E.W.; Sijpkens, Y.W.J.; Dekker, F.W.; Grootendorst, D.C. & Prepare-1 Study Grp (2011), Association of blood pressure with decline in renal function and time until the start of renal replacement therapy in pre-dialysis patients: a cohort study.
- Esch, C.E.H.; Rijssen, M.J.L. van; Roos, A.; Koning, F.; Dekker, F.W.; Mearin, M.L.; Helmerhorst, F.M. & Schweizer, J.J. (2011), Screening for unrecognized coeliac disease in subfertile couples, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 46(12): 1423-1428.
- Schroijen, M.A.; Dekkers, O.M.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Noordzij, M.; Romijn, J.A.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2011), Survival in dialysis patients is not different between patients with diabetes as primary renal disease and patients with diabetes as a co-morbid condition.
- (2011), Science Education in Medical Curriculum: Teaching Science or Training Scientists? , Medical Science Educator 21(Suppl 3).
- Grootendorst, D.C.; Jager, K.J.; Zoccali, C. & Dekker, F.W. (2010), Observational studies are complementary to randomized controlled trials., Nephron Clinical Practice 114(3): c173-7.
- Sharafeldin, E.; Soonawala, D.; Vandenbroucke, J.P.; Hack, E. & Visser, L.G. (2010), Health risks encountered by Dutch medical students during an elective in the tropics and the quality and comprehensiveness of pre-and post-travel care, BMC Medical Education 10.
- Noordzij, M.; Tripepi, G.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C.; Tanck, M.W. & Jager, K.J. (2010), Sample size calculations: basic principles and common pitfalls (vol 25, pg 1388, 2010), Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25(10): 3461-3462.
- Stralen, K.J. van; Stel, V.S.; Reitsma, J.B.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C. & Jager, K.J. (2010), Diagnostic methods I: sensitivity, specificity, and other measures of accuracy (vol 75, pg 1257, 2009), Kidney International 77(4): 368-368.
- Stralen, K.J. van; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C. & Jager, K.J. (2010), Case-Control Studies - An Efficient Observational Study Design, Nephron Clinical Practice 114(1): C1C4.
- Ocak, G.; Verduijn, M.; Vossen, C.Y.; Lijfering, W.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Gansevoort, R.T. & Mahmoodi, B.K. (2010), Chronic kidney disease stages 1-3 increase the risk of venous thrombosis, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 8(11): 2428-2435.
- Meer, V. van der; Wielders, H.P.M.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Kanter, J.S. de; Sijpkens, Y.W.J.; Assendelft, W.J.J.; Gussekloo, J.; Dekker, F.W. & Groeneveld, Y. (2010), Chronic kidney disease in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 or hypertension in general practice, British Journal of General Practice 60(581): 884-890.
- Drechsler, C.; Pilz, S.; Obermayer-Pietsch, B.; Verduijn, M.; Tomaschitz, A.; Krane, V.; Espe, K.; Dekker, F.; Brandenburg, V.; Marz, W.; Ritz, E. & Wanner, C. (2010), Vitamin D deficiency is associated with sudden cardiac death, combined cardiovascular events, and mortality in haemodialysis patients, European Heart Journal 31(18): 2253-2261.
- Tsakiris, D.J.; Stel, V.S.; Finne, P.; Fraser, E.; Heaf, J.; Meester, J. de; Schmaldienst, S.; Dekker, F.; Verrina, E. & Jager, K.J. (2010), Incidence and outcome of patients starting renal replacement therapy for end-stage renal disease due to multiple myeloma or light-chain deposit disease: an ERA-EDTA Registry study, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25(4): 1200-1206.
- Meuwese, C.L.; Euser, A.M.; Ballieux, B.E.; Vliet, H.A. van; Finken, M.J.J.; Walther, F.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Wit, J.M. (2010), Growth-restricted preterm newborns are predisposed to functional adrenal hyperandrogenism in adult life, European Journal of Endocrinology 163(4): 681-689.
- Keijzer-Veen, M.G.; Dulger, A.; Dekker, F.W.; Nauta, J. & Heijden, B.J. van der (2010), Very preterm birth is a risk factor for increased systolic blood pressure at a young adult age, Pediatric Nephrology 25(3): 509-516.
- Meuwese, C.L.; Halbesma, N.; Stenvinkel, P.; Dekker, F.W.; Molanaei, H.; Qureshi, A.R.; Barany, P.; Heimburger, O.; Lindholm, B.; Krediet, R.T.; Boeschoten, E.W. & Carrero, J.J. (2010), Variations in C-reactive protein during a single haemodialysis session do not associate with mortality, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25(11): 3717-3723.
- Valkenburg-van den Berg, A.W.; Houtman-Roelofsen, R.L.; Oostvogel, P.M.; Dekker, F.W.; Dorr, P.J. & Sprij, A.J. (2010), Timing of Group B Streptococcus Screening in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review, Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 69(3): 174-183.
- Kolesnyk, I.; Dekker, F.W.; Boeschoten, E.W. & Krediet, R.T. (2010), TIME-DEPENDENT REASONS FOR PERITONEAL DIALYSIS TECHNIQUE FAILURE AND MORTALITY, Peritoneal Dialysis International 30(2): 170-177.
- Jager, K.J.; Stel, V.S.; Zoccali, C.; Wanner, C. & Dekker, F.W. (2010), The issue of studying the effect of interventions in renal replacement therapy-to what extent may we be deceived by selection and competing risk?, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25(12): 3836-3839.
- Riezebos, R.K.; Nauta, K.J.; Honig, A.; Dekker, F.W. & Siegert, C.E.H. (2010), The association of depressive symptoms with survival in a Dutch cohort of patients with end-stage renal disease, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25(1): 231-236.
- Tripepi, G.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Zoccali, C. (2010), Stratification for Confounding - Part 2: Direct and Indirect Standardization, Nephron Clinical Practice 116(4): C322C325.
- Tripepi, G.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Zoccali, C. (2010), Stratification for Confounding - Part 1: The Mantel-Haenszel Formula, Nephron Clinical Practice 116(4): C317C321.
- Tripepi, G.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Zoccali, C. (2010), Statistical methods for the assessment of prognostic biomarkers(part II): calibration and re-classification, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25(5): 1402-1405.
- Tripepi, G.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Zoccali, C. (2010), Statistical methods for the assessment of prognostic biomarkers (Part I): Discrimination, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25(5): 1399-1401.
- Tripepi, G.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Zoccali, C. (2010), Selection Bias and Information Bias in Clinical Research, Nephron Clinical Practice 115(2): C94C99.
- Noordzij, M.; Tripepi, G.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C.; Tanck, M.W. & Jager, K.J. (2010), Sample size calculations: basic principles and common pitfalls, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25(5): 1388-1393.
- Keijzer-Veen, M.G.; Devos, A.S.; Meradji, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Nauta, J. & Heijden, B.J. van der (2010), Reduced renal length and volume 20 years after very preterm birth, Pediatric Nephrology 25(3): 499-507.
- Beukel, T.O. van den; Jager, K.J.; Siegert, C.E.H.; Schoones, J.W. & Dekker, F.W. (2010), Racial minority groups on dialysis in Europe a literature review, Clinical Nephrology 74: S78S84.
- Voormolen, N.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Urlings, T.A.J.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Sijpkens, Y.W.; Huisman, R.M.; Krediet, R.T.; Dekker, F.W. & PREPARE Study Grp (2010), Prevalence of Anemia and Its Impact on Mortality and Hospitalization Rate in Predialysis Patients, Nephron Clinical Practice 115(2): C133C141.
- Michels, W.M.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Verduijn, M.; Elliott, E.G.; Dekker, F.W. & Krediet, R.T. (2010), Performance of the Cockcroft-Gault, MDRD, and New CKD-EPI Formulas in Relation to GFR, Age, and Body Size, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 5(6): 1003-1009.
- Grootendorst, D.C.; Jager, K.J.; Zoccali, C. & Dekker, F.W. (2010), Observational Studies Are Complementary to Randomized Controlled Trials, Nephron Clinical Practice 114(3): C173C177.
- Verduijn, M.; Siegerink, B.; Jager, K.J.; Zoccali, C. & Dekker, F.W. (2010), Mendelian randomization: use of genetics to enable causal inference in observational studies, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 25(5): 1394-1398.
- Tripepi, G.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Zoccali, C. (2010), Measures of Effect in Epidemiological Research, Nephron Clinical Practice 115(2): C91C93.
- Noordzij, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C. & Jager, K.J. (2010), Measures of Disease Frequency: Prevalence and Incidence, Nephron Clinical Practice 115(1): E17E20.
- Bos, W.J.W.; Manen, J.G. van; Noordzij, M.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T. & Dekker, F.W. (2010), Is the inverse relation between blood pressure and mortality normalized in 'low-risk' dialysis patients?, Journal of Hypertension 28(3): 439-445.
- Euser, A.M.; Dekker, F.W. & Hallan, S.I. (2010), Intrauterine growth restriction: no unifying risk factor for the metabolic syndrome in young adults, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation 17(3): 314-320.
- Kolesnyk, I.; Struijk, D.G.; Dekker, F.W. & Krediet, R.T. (2010), Effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers in patients with chronic kidney disease, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 68(1): 15-23.
- Krediet, R.T. & Dekker, F.W. (2010), DIALYSIS Can plasma creatinine levels guide initiation of dialysis?, Nature Reviews Nephrology 6(10): 563-564.
- Stralen, K.J. van; Dekker, F.W.; Zoccali, C. & Jager, K.J. (2010), Confounding, Nephron Clinical Practice 116(2): C143C147.
- Wal, W.M. van der; Noordzij, M.; Dekker, F.W.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Krediet, R.T.; Korevaar, J.C. & Geskus, R.B. (2010), Comparing Mortality in Renal Patients on Hemodialysis versus Peritoneal Dialysis Using a Marginal Structural Model, International Journal of Biostatistics 6(1).
- Kaptein, A.A.; Dijk, S. van; Broadbent, E.; Falzon, L.; Thong, M. & Dekker, F.W. (2010), Behavioural research in patients with end-stage renal disease: A review and research agenda, Patient Education and Counseling 81(1): 23-29.
- Heimans, L.; Vlieg, A.V. & Dekker, F.W. (2010), Are claims of advertisements in medical journals supported by RCTs?, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 68(1): 46-49.
- Chmielewski, M.; Verduijn, M. & Dekker, F.W. (2010), ApoE genotype as risk factor in dialysis patients, Atherosclerosis 212(2): 695-696.
- Jong, Z. de; Nies, J.A.B. van; Peters, S.W.M.; Vink, S.; Dekker, F.W. & Scherpbier, A. (2010), Interactive seminars or small group tutorials in preclinical medical education: results of a randomized controlled trial, BMC Medical Education 10.
- Eyk, H.J. van; Hooiveld, M.H.W.; Leeuwen, T.N. van; Wurff, B.L.J. van der; Craen, A.J.M. de; Dekker, F.W. & NVMO Special Interest Grp Sci Educ (2010), Scientific output of Dutch medical students, Medical Teacher 32(3): 231-235.
- Koopman, J.J.E.; Rozing, M.P.; Kramer, A.; Jager, D.J. de; Ansell, D.; Meester, J.M.J. de; Prutz, K.G.; Finne, P.; Heaf, J.G.; Palsson, R.; Kramar, R.; Jager, K.J.; Dekker, F.W. & Westendorp, R.G.J. (2010), Senescence rates in patients with end-stage renal disease: a critical appraisal of the Gompertz model., Aging Cell.
- Mooyaart, A.L.; Zutinic, A.; Bakker, S.J.L.; Grootendorst, D.C.; Kleefstra, N.; Valkengoed, I.G.M. van; Bohringer, S.; Bilo, H.J.G.; Dekker, F.W.; Bruijn, J.A.; Navis, G.; Janssen, B.; Baelde, H.J. & Heer, E. de (2010), Association Between CNDP1 Genotype and Diabetic Nephropathy Is Sex Specific, Diabetes 59(6): 1555-1559.
- Korver, A.M.H.; Konings, S.; Dekker, F.W.; Beers, M.; Wever, C.C.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M. & DECIBEL Collaborative Study Grp (2010), Newborn Hearing Screening vs Later Hearing Screening and Developmental Outcomes in Children With Permanent Childhood Hearing Impairment, Journal of the American Medical Association 304(15): 1701-1708.
- Noordzij, M.; Voormolen, N.M.C.; Boeschoten, E.W.; Dekker, F.W.; Bos, W.J.; Krediet, R.T.; Korevaar, J.C. & NECOSAD Study Grp (2009), Disordered mineral metabolism is not a risk factor for loss of residual renal function in dialysis patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 24(5): 1580-1587.
- de Mutsert R, Grootendorst DC, Boeschoten EW, Dekker FW & Krediet RT (2009), Is Obesity Associated with a Survival Advantage in Patients Starting Peritoneal Dialysis?, Contributions to Nephrology 163: 124-131.
- Stel VS, Dekker FW, Ansell D, Augustijn H, Casino FG, Collart F, Finne P, Ioannidis GA, Salomone M, Traynor JP, Zurriaga O, Verrina E & Jager KJ (2009), Residual renal function at the start of dialysis and clinical outcomes, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 24(10): 3175-3182.
- Schlieper G, Grootendorst DC, Dekker FW, Dimkovic N & Floege J (2009), Response to 'Vascular access calcification may be only an intermediate factor for mortality', Kidney International 75(10): 1118-1118.
- Grootendorst DC, Jager KJ, Zoccali C & Dekker FW (2009), Screening: why, when, and how, Kidney International 76(7): 694-699.
- Michels WM, Verduijn M, Boeschoten EW, Dekker FW & Krediet RT (2009), Similar Survival on Automated Peritoneal Dialysis and Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis in a Large Prospective Cohort, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 4(5): 943-949.
- Noordzij M, Dekker FW, Zoccali C & Jager KJ (2009), Study Designs in Clinical Research, Nephron Clinical Practice 113(3): C218C221.
- de Mutsert R, Grootendorst DC, Boeschoten EW, Brandts H, van Manen JG, Krediet RT & Dekker FW (2009), Subjective global assessment of nutritional status is strongly associated with mortality in chronic dialysis patients, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89(3): 787-793.
- Noordzij M, Hooft L, Dekker FW, Zoccali C & Jager KJ (2009), Systematic reviews and meta-analyses: when they are useful and when to be careful, Kidney International 76(11): 1130-1136.
- Drechsler C, Krane V, Grootendorst DC, Ritz E, Winkler K, Marz W, Dekker F & Wanner C (2009), The association between parathyroid hormone and mortality in dialysis patients is modified by wasting, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 24(10): 3151-3157.
- de Mutsert R, Jager KJ, Zoccali C & Dekker FW (2009), The effect of joint exposures: examining the presence of interaction, Kidney International 75(7): 677-681.
- Drechsler C, de Mutsert R, Grootendorst DC, Boeschoten EW, Krediet RT, le Cessie S, Wanner C, Dekker FW & (2009), Association of body mass index with decline in residual kidney function after initiation of dialysis.
- van den Tillaart SA, Kenter GG, Peters AA, Dekker FW, Gaarenstroom KN, Fleuren GJ & Trimbos JB (2009), Nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy: local recurrence rate, feasibility, and safety in cervical cancer patients stage IA to IIA., International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 19(1): 39-45.
- Grootendorst DC, Jager KJ, Zoccali C & Dekker FW (2009), Screening: why, when, and how., Kidney International 76(7): 694-9.
- de Jager DJ, Grootendorst DC, Jager KJ, van Dijk PC, Tomas LMJ, Ansell D, Collart F, Finne P, Heaf JG, De Meester J, Wetzels JFM, Rosendaal FR & Dekker FW (2009), Cardiovascular and Noncardiovascular Mortality Among Patients Starting Dialysis, Journal of the American Medical Association 302(16): 1782-1789.
- van den Tillaart SAHM, Kenter GG, Peters AAW, Dekker FW, Gaarenstroom KN, Fleuren GJ & Trimbos JBMZ (2009), Nerve-Sparing Radical Hysterectomy Local Recurrence Rate, Feasibility, and Safety in Cervical Cancer Patients Stage IA to IIA, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 19(1): 39-45.
- Ergina PL, Cook JA, Blazeby JM, Boutron I, Clavien PA, Reeves BC, Seiler CM, , Altman DG, Aronson JK, Barkun JS, Campbell WB, Cook JA, Feldman LS, Flum DR, Glasziou P, Maddern GJ, Marshall JC, McCulloch P, Nicholl J, Strasberg SM, Meakins JL, Ashby D, Black N, Bunker J, Burton M, Campbell M, Chalkidou K, Chalmers I, de Leval M, Deeks J, Grant A, Gray M, Greenhalgh R, Jenicek M, Kehoe S, Lilford R, Littlejohns P, Loke Y, Madhock R, McPherson K, Rothwell P, Summerskill B, Taggart D, Tekkis P, Thompson M, Treasure T, Trohler U & Vandenbroucke J (2009), Challenges in evaluating surgical innovation.
- Thong MSY, van Dijk S, Noordzij M, Boeschoten EW, Krediet RT, Dekker FW & Kaptein AA (2009), Symptom clusters in incident dialysis patients: associations with clinical variables and quality of life, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 24(1): 225-230.
- van Dijk S, Scharloo M, Kaptein AA, Thong MSY, Boeschoten EW, Grootendorst DC, Krediet RT & Dekker FW (2009), Patients' representations of their end-stage renal disease: relation with mortality, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 24(10): 3183-3185.
- de Mutsert R, Grootendorst DC, Boeschoten EW, Brandts H, van Manen JG, Krediet RT & Dekker FW (2009), Subjective global assessment of nutritional status is strongly associated with mortality in chronic dialysis patients, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89(3): 787-793.
- Korver AMH, de Vries JJC, Konings S, de Jong JW, Dekker FW, Vossen ACTM, Frijns JHM & Oudesluys-Murphy AM (2009), DECIBEL-study: congenital cytomegalovirus infection in young children with bilateral permanent hearing, Journal of Clinical Virology 46: S10S11.
- Korver AMH, de Vries JJC, de Jong JW, Dekker FW, Vossen ACTM & Oudesluys-Murphy AM (2009), Awareness of congenital cytomegalovirus among doctors in the Netherlands, Journal of Clinical Virology 46: S11S15.
- Finken MJJ, Meulenbelt I, Dekker FW, Frolich M, Romijn J, Slagboom E & Wit JM (2009), Adverse body composition in adult life after perinatal glucocorticoid therapy in prematurely born individuals carrying the 363S variant of the N363S polymorphism in the glucocorticoid receptor gene, Hormone Research 72: 426-426.
- Meuwese C, Finken MJJ, Euser AM, Ballieux B, Dekker FW, Walther FJ & Wit JM (2009), Growth-restricted preterm newborns are predisposed to functional adrenal hyperandrogenism in adult life, Hormone Research 72: 211-211.
- de Jager DJ, Grootendorst DC, Jager KJ, van Dijk PC, Tomas LM, Ansell D, Collart F, Finne P, Heaf JG, De Meester J, Wetzels JF, Rosendaal FR & Dekker FW (2009), Cardiovascular and noncardiovascular mortality among patients starting dialysis., Journal of the American Medical Association 302(16): 1782-9.
- Kolesnyk I, Noordzij M, Dekker FW, Boeschoten EW & Krediet RT (2009), A positive effect of AII inhibitors on peritoneal membrane function in long-term PD patients, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 24(1): 272-277.
- Valkenburg-van den Berg AW, Sprij AJ, Dekker FW, Dorr PJ & Kanhai HHH (2009), Association between colonization with Group B Streptococcus and preterm delivery: A systematic review, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 88(9): 958-967.
- de Mutsert R, Grootendorst DC, Indemans F, Boeschoten EW, Krediet RT & Dekker FW (2009), Association Between Serum Albumin and Mortality in Dialysis Patients Is Partly Explained by Inflammation, and Not by Malnutrition.
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