Freya Baetens
Hoogleraar Europees Recht
- Naam
- F. Baetens
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-1730-5412

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Hoogleraar Europees Recht
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Baetens F. & Zhang S. (2024), China: an emerging rule-maker in international investment law?. In: de la Rasilla I. & Cai C. (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of China and international law. Cambridge Law Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 423-449.
- Baetens F. & Van den Bogaert S.C.G. (red.) (2023), The EU and the WTO: ever the twain shall meet. Liber Amicorum Marco Bronckers. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
- Crawford J. & Baetens F. (2023), The creation of states in international law. In: Lyons D. (red.), Leading works in international law. Analysing Leading Works in Law. London: Routledge. 37-53.
- Baetens F. (2023), Regional courts. In: Cordero-Moss G. (red.), Independence and impartiality of international adjudicators. Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law. Cambridge: Intersentia. 283-301.
- Baetens F. & Crawford J. (2023), Assistance from an unexpected corner?: International Trade Law’s contribution to combatting pandemics. In: Baetens F. & Van den Bogaert S. (red.), The EU and the WTO: ever the twain shall meet. Liber Amicorum Marco Bronckers. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. 337-357.
- Crawford J., Baetens F. & Cameron R. (2023), Functions of the International Court of Justice. In: Espósito C. & Parlett K. (red.), The Cambridge Companion to the International Court of Justice. Cambridge Companions to Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 13-45.
- Baetens F. (2023), Comparing arbitration to judicial litigation: assets and challenges. In: Godry Farias E.N., Rivas G., Favero Vaughn G. & Verdías Mezzera M. (red.), Pro-arbitration revisited: a tribute to Professor George Bermann from his students over the years: Juris. 251-256.
- Baetens F. (2023), World Trade Organization rules before investment tribunals: facilitating cross-fertilisation while appreciating particularities, The Journal of World Investment & Trade 24(1): 1-36.
- Baetens F. (2023), Symposium "Beyond state consent to international jurisdiction – from courts to law": foreword, Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 22(3): 459-461.
- Baetens F. (2023), Nederlandse bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van Afrikaanse landen in de mondiale waardeketen: [factsheet]. Parlement en Wetenschap. [policy paper].
- Baetens F. & Bronckers M.C.E.J. (19 januari 2022), The EU’s Anti-Coercion Instrument: a big stick for big targets. EJIL:Talk!: European Journal of International Law. [blog].
- Baetens F., Bronckers M.C.E.J., Kuijper P.J., Voermans W.J.M. & Wessel R.A. (30 juni 2020), Why the Netherlands Should Ratify CETA. EJIL Talk!, blog of the European Journal of International Law. [blog].
- Baetens F. (2019), First to Rise and First to Fall: The Court of Cartago (1907–1918). In: Rasilla I. de la & Viñuales J.E. (red.), Experiments in International Adjudication: Historical Accounts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 211-239.
- Baetens F. (red.) (2019), Legitimacy of Unseen Actors in International Adjudication. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Baetens F. (2019), Unseen Actors in International Courts and Tribunals: Challenging the Legitimacy of International Adjudication. In: Baetens F. (red.), Legitimacy of Unseen Actors in International Adjudication. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-28.
- Baetens F. (2019), Invoking Human Rights: A Useful Line of Attack or A Defence Tool for States in Investor State Dispute Settlement?. In: Scheinin M. (red.), Human Rights Norms in ‘Other' International Courts. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 227-262.
- Baetens F. (2019), Combating climate change through the promotion of green investment: from Kyoto to Paris without regime-specific dispute settlement. In: Miles K. (red.), Research Handbook on Environment and Investment Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 107-130.
- Baetens F. (2018), Ejusdem Generis and Noscitur a Sociis. In: Klingler J., Parkhomenko Y. & Salonidis C. (red.), Between the Lines of the Vienna Convention? Canons and Other Principles of Interpretation in Public International Law. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 133-160.
- Baetens F. (2018), “No deal is better than a bad deal”? The fallacy of the WTO fall-back option as a post-Brexit safety net, Common Market Law Review 55(2/3): 133-174.
- Baetens F. & Kluwen T. (2018), International Court of Justice. In: Martel G. (red.), The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy: Wiley. 918-932.
- Baetens F. (17 oktober 2018), The Feasibility of Falling Back: the UK, the EU and the WTO – After Brexit. Regulating for Globalization: Trade, Labor and EU Law Perspectives: Wolters Kluwer. [blog].
- Baetens F. (2017), The Iron Rhine case: On the right track to sustainable development?. In: Cordonier Segger M.C. & Weeramantry C.G. (red.), Sustainable Development Principles in the Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals 1992–2012. Routledge Research in International Environmental Law. London: Routledge. 297-316.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Baetens F. (2017), Financial Payments as a Remedy in WTO Dispute Settlement Proceedings: An Update. In: Bourgeois J., Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Quick R. (red.), WTO dispute settlement: time to take stock. College of Europe Studies = Cahiers du Collège d'Europe nr. 19. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang. 67-98.
- Baetens F. (2017), Diplomatic Protection. In: Wolfrum R., Grote R. & Lachenmann F. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Choi W.-M. & Baetens F. (2017), Regional Co-operation and Organization: Asian States. In: Wolfrum R., Minnerop-Röben P. & Lachenmann F. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Baetens F. (2017), Decolonization: Belgian Territories. In: Wolfrum R., Minnerop-Röben P. & Lachenmann F. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Baetens F. (2017), European Community and Union, Association of Overseas Countries and Territories. In: Wolfrum R., Minnerop-Röben P. & Lachenmann F. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Adinolfi G., Baetens F., Caiado J., Lupone A. & Micara A.G. (red.) (2017), International Economic Law: Contemporary Issues. Cham: Springer.
- Baetens F. (2017), Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of Investor-State Dispute Settlement as Compared to WTO Dispute Settlement. In: Bourgeois J., Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Quick R. (red.), WTO dispute settlement: time to take stock. College of Europe Studies = Cahiers du Collège d'Europe nr. 19. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang. 145-164.
- Baetens F. (2017), Pacta Sunt Servanda. In: Cottier T. & Nadakavukaren Schefer K. (red.), Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 283-285.
- Baetens F. (2017), State Responsibility. In: Cottier T. & Nadakavukaren Schefer K. (red.), Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 285-289.
- Baetens F. (2017), Keeping the Status Quo or Embarking on a New Course? Setting Aside, Refusal of Enforcement, Annulment and Appeal. In: Kulick A. (red.), Reassertion of control over the investment treaty regime. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 103-127.
- Baetens F. (2017), L'importance des dispositions transitoires pour les traités bilatéraux d'investissement conclus entre les États membres de l'UE et les États tiers, Cahiers de Droit Européen 53(3): 611-647.
- Baetens F. (2017), Judicial Review of International Adjudicatory Decisions: A Cross-Regime Comparison of Annulment and Appellate Mechanisms, Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8(3): 432-459.
- Baetens F. (2017), Expropriation in International Investment Law. In: Carter T. (red.), Oxford Bibliographies in International Law. Oxford Bibliographies Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Baetens F. (21 december 2017), Increasing importance of the transitory mechanism regulating EU Member States’ BITs with third countries: good intentions but problematic implementation?. Regulating for Globalization: Trade, Labor and EU Law Perspectives: Wolters Kluwer. [blog].
- Baetens F., Gruni G. & Rijpma J.J. (red.) (2016), Special Issue: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: an EU Perspective on Global Economic Governance (Guest Editorial). Legal Issues of Economic Integration.
- Baetens F. (2016), Internationaal Recht als Faciliterend Instrument voor Duurzaamheid: Het Principe van Duurzame Ontwikkeling in Internationale Geschillenbeslechting. In: Goldstein S., Beemster H., Ganzen B. van & Smit C. (red.), Recht en Duurzame Ontwikkeling. Reeks Mordenate College nr. 4. Apeldoorn-Antwerpen: Maklu. 31-44.
- Baetens F. (2016), The European Union’s Proposed Investment Court System: Addressing Criticisms of Investor-State Arbitration while Raising New Challenges, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 43(4): 367-384.
- Baetens F. (2016), De giftigste acroniemen in Europa: EU-handels- en investeringsverdragen en het investeerder-staat geschillenbeslechtingsmechanisme, SEW: Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht 64(6): 251-261.
- Baetens F. (2016), The rule of law or the perception of the beholder? Why investment arbitrators are under fire and trade adjudicators are not: a response to Joost Pauwelyn, AJIL Unbound 109: 302-308.
- Baetens F. (2016), Clarifying the Meaning of ‘Investment’ and the Temporal Scope of Treaties: Republiek Ecuador v Chevron Corporation (USA) en Texaco Petroleum Company, Hoge Raad (Dutch Supreme Court), Judgment, 26 September 2014, The Journal of World Investment & Trade 17(3): 463-470.
- Baetens F. (2015), Transatlantic Investment Treaty Protection – A Response to Poulsen, Bonnitcha and Yackee, CEPS Special Reports 2015(103): 1-14.
- Chinkin C. & Baetens F. (2015), Editor's Preface. In: Chinkin C. & Baetens F. (red.), Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility − Essays in Honour of James Crawford. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xi-xii.
- Baetens F. (2015), Invoking, establishing and remedying State responsibility in mixed multi-party disputes: lessons from Eurotunnel. In: Chinkin C. & Baetens F. (red.), Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility – Essays in Honour of James Crawford. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 421-441.
- Chinkin C. & Baetens F. (red.) (2015), Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility − Essays in Honour of James Crawford. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Baetens F. (2015), Transatlantic Treaty Investment Protection – a Response to Poulsen, Bonnitcha and Yackee. In: Hamilton D.S. & Pelkmans J. (red.), Rule-Makers or Rule-Takers? Exploring the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Rowman and Littlefield International. 187-206.
- Anoniem (2015), Why the Iron Rhine is not on track: Choosing between environmental protection and economic development [Waarom de Ijzeren Rijn niet op de rails raakt: Kiezen tussen milieubescherming en economische ontwikkeling] (vertaling Baetens F.), Neerlandia. Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor taal, cultuur en maatschappij 119(2): 26-27.
- Baetens F. (2015), Investment chapters including dispute settlement mechanisms in bilateral trade agreements, Royal Dutch Society of International Law Journal 142: 35-74.
- Baetens F. (2015), (In)direct Horizontal Effect or Drittwirkung of International Rules on Discrimination against Migrant Workers. In: Goodwin-Gill G.S. & Weckel P. (red.), Protection des migrants et des réfugiées au XXIe siècle, aspects de droit international = Migration and Refugee Protection in the 21st Century, International Legal Aspects. Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations nr. 16. The Hague: Académie de droit international de La Haye. 219-243.
- Baetens F., Milanovic M. & Tzanakopoulous A. (2014), Présentation. In: Pellet A. (red.), Le droit international entre souveraineté et communauté. Paris: Éditions Pedone. 3-10.
- Baetens F. (2014), Escaping Darwin’s Nightmare: Development, Implementation and Enforcement of Legal Strategies to Maintain Biodiversity. In: Lachmayer K., Busch J., Kelleher J. & Turcanu G. (red.), International Constitutional Law in Legal Education. Proceedings of the Erasmus Intensive Programme NICLAS 2007-2012. Vienna: Facultas. 101-122.
- Baetens F. (2014), Facilitating post-conflict reconstruction: is the UN Peacebuilding Commission successfully filling an institutional gap or marking a missed opportunity?. In: Stahn C., Easterday J.S. & Iverson J. (red.), Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 347-375.
- Baetens F. & Caiado J. (red.) (2014), Frontiers of International Economic Law – Legal Tools to Confront Interdisciplinary Challenges. USA: Martinus Nijhoff Brill.
- Baetens F. (2014), Bespreking van: Alvarez J. (2011), The Public International Law Regime Governing International Investment. Brill Hague Academy Series. Leiden: Brill. Netherlands International Law Review .
- Baetens F., Scarlat A., S. N. & Dumbryte A. (2014), Analysing the practice of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in dealing with annulment requests on appeal, Annotated Leading Cases XLIII: .
- Baetens F., Kreijen G. & Varga A. (2014), Multi-party investment arbitration: determining breach and compensation under the new extra-EU investment agreements, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 47(5): 1203-1260.
- Baetens F. & Prislan V. (2014), The Dissemination of International Scholarship: The Future of Books and Book Reviews, Leiden Journal of International Law 27(3): 1-11.
- Baetens F. & Cheah W.L. (2013), Being an International Law Lecturer in the 21st century: Where tradition meets innovation, Cambridge International Law Journal 2(4): 974-1011.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Baetens F. (2013), Reconsidering financial remedies in WTO dispute settlement, Journal of International Economic Law 16(2): 281-311.
- Baetens F. (2013), No Law is an Island, Entire of Itself: How International Investment Law Interacts with Other Fields of Public International Law. In: Baetens F. (red.), Investment Law Within International Law: Integrationist Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xxvii-xlii.
- Baetens F. (2013), Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements and the Trade/Investment Divide: Is the Whole More than the Sum of its Parts?. In: Hofmann R., Tams C. & Schill S. (red.), Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements: A New Ordering Paradigm for International Investment Relations?: Nomos. 91-128.
- Baetens F. (red.) (2013), Investment law Within International Law: Integrationist Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Von Bernstorff J., Baetens F. & Jacobs M. (2013), Steuerung der Außenwirtschaftsförderung in Deutschland, USA und den Niederlanden im Rechtsvergleich, INEF Forschungsreihe Menschenrechte, Unternehmensverantwortung und Nachhaltige Entwicklung 14: 1-59.
- Baetens F. (2013), Procedural Issues Relating to Shared Responsibility in Arbitral Proceedings, Journal of International Dispute Settlement 4(2): 319-341.
- Baetens F. (2012), Enforcement of Arbitral Awards: “to ICSID or Not to ICSID” is Not the Question. In: Weiler T. & Laird I. (red.), Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law. New York: Juris. 211-228.
- Baetens F. & Koppe E.V. (2012), Tussen New York en Genève: VN-Kroniek, NJCM-Bulletin: Nederlands tijdschrift voor de mensenrechten 37(1): 136-150.
- Baetens F. (2012), The Contemporary Relevance of the 1899 and 1907 Hague Conferences, OBO International Relations : .
- Baetens F. (2011), The Overseas Countries and Territories Association (OCTA) and its Relationship with the European Community: The Added Value of a Concerted Approach. In: Kochenov D. (red.), On Bits of Europe Everywhere – Overseas Possessions of the EU Member States in the Legal-Political Context of European Law. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV. 383-399.
- Baetens F. (2011), The Kyoto Protocol assessed through the lens of investor-State arbitration: Reconciling climate change and investment protection objectives. In: Cordonier Segger M.-C., Gehring M.W. & Newcombe A. (red.), Sustainable Development in World Investment Law. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International. 681-715.
- Weiler T. & Baetens F. (red.) (2011), New Directions in International Economic Law - In Memoriam Thomas Waelde. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Baetens F. (2011), Een “enkeltje Den Haag”? Internationaalrechtelijke beschouwingen over het conflict in Libië en de recente VN Veiligheidsraad Resolutie. Internationale Spectator: 170-172.
- Baetens F. (2011), Uncharted Interaction between Legal Systems: International Investment Law and Other Fields of Public International Law. Newsletter of the School of Human Rights Research: 7-9.
- Baetens F. & Koppe E.V. (2011), Tussen New York en Genève: VN Kroniek, NJCM-Bulletin: Nederlands tijdschrift voor de mensenrechten 36(6/7): 825-837.
- Baetens F. (2011), When international rules interact: International investment law and the law of armed conflict, Investment Treaty News 3(1): 11-12.
- Baetens F. (2011), [Bespreking van: Yarwood, L. (2011) State Accountability under International Law – Holding states accountable for a breach of jus cogens norms. S.l.: Routledge], Common Market Law Review 48(5): 1748-1750.
- Baetens F. & Yotova R. (2011), The Abyei Arbitration: A Model Procedure for Intra-State Dispute Settlement in Resource-Rich Conflict Areas?, Goettingen Journal of International Law 3(1): 417-446.
- Baetens F. (2010), Foreign Investment Law and Climate Change: Legal Conflicts Arising from Implementing the Kyoto Protocol Through Private Investment. Sustainable Development Law on Climate Change Working Paper Series nr. 1. Montreal, Canada: CISDL.
- Baetens F. (2010), The Concept of Equality in International Human Rights, Trade and Investment Law: A Catalyst for Sustainable Development. In: French D. (red.), Global Justice and Sustainable Development. Legal aspects of sustainable development nr. 7. Leiden: Brill. 251-272.
- Choi C.M. & Baetens F. (2010), Like Products. In: Wolfrum R. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law nr. VI. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 876-886.
- Baetens F. (2010), International Congress of Women (1915). In: Wolfrum R. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law nr. V. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 455-459.
- Baetens F. & Hestermeyer H.P. (2010), Article XVI GATT - subsidies. In: Wolfrum R., Stoll P-T. & Hestermeyer H.P. (red.), WTO - Trade and Goods (Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law). Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV. 365-385.
- Baetens F. (2010), Discrimination on the Basis of Nationality: Determining Likeness in Human Rights and Investment Law. In: Schill S. (red.), International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 279-316.
- Baetens F. (2010), European Community, the Association of Overseas Countries and Territories. In: Wolfrum R. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law nr. III. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 807-814.
- Baetens F. (2010), Decolonization of Belgian Territories. In: Wolfrum R. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law nr. II. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 1098-1104.
- Baetens F. & Kohoutek K. (2010), The UN Peacebuilding Commission. In: Wolfrum R. (red.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law nr. X. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 406-416.
- Baetens F. (2010), Bespreking van: Breitenmoser S., Ehrenzeller B., Sassoli M., Stoffel W. & Pfeifer B.W. (2007), Human rights, democracy and the rule of law: liber amicorum Luzius Wildhaber. Zurich: Dike. Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht = Heidelberg Journal of International Law 70(4): 821-824.
- Baetens F. (2010), Bespreking van: Haugen H.M. (2007), The Right to Food and the TRIPS Agreement, with a Particular Emphasis on Developing Countries’ Measures for Food Production and Distribution. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. International Community Law Review 12(1): 139-142.
- Baetens F. (2009), [Bespreking van: Hestermeyer, H. (2007) Human Rights and the WTO, The Case of Patents and Access to Medicines. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press], International & Comparative Law Quarterly 58(3): 747-748.
- Baetens F. (2009), Bespreking van: Muchlinski P. & Ortino F. (2008), The Oxford Handbook on International Investment Law (3). Oxford: Oxford University Press. European journal of international law 20(3): 939-942.
- Baetens F. (2009), Review of: Broude T., Shany Y. (2008) The Shifting Allocation of Authority in International Law: Considering Sovereignty, Supremacy and Subsidiarity, Essays in Honour of Professor Ruth Lapidoth, Studies in International Law, The Cambridge Law Journal 68: 225-226.
- Baetens F. (2008), Financing investments under Islamic law: a world apart?. Chinkin C., Nouwen S. & Ward C. (red.), ILA Report of the seventy-third conference. . London: ILA. 1095-1099.
- Baetens F. (2008), Bespreking van: Cottier T. & Pauwelyn J. (2005), ‘Human Rights and International Trade. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Journal of International Economic Law 11: 176-178.
- Baetens F. (2008), Bespreking van: Amato G. & Ziller J. (2007), The European Constitution, Cases and Materials in EU and Member States nr. 1: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. Cambridge Student Law Review 4: 146-149.
- Baetens F. (2008), Muddling the waters of treaty interpretation? Relevant rules of international law in the MOX Plant OSPAR Arbitration and EC Biotech case, Nordic Journal of International Law 77: 197-216.
- Baetens F. (2007), Bespreking van: Petersmann E.U. (2005), Reforming the World Trading System: Legitimacy, Efficiency and Democratic Governance nr. 4. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. International & Comparative Law Quarterly 56: 959-960.
- Baetens F. (2007), Safe until proven harmful? Risk regulation in situations of scientific uncertainty: the GMO case, Casenote and comment, The Cambridge Law Journal 66(2): 276-278.
- Baetens F. (2004), Clementie bij kartelvorming: Spijtoptanten worden beloond, Juristenkrant (99): .
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