Frank Israel
Emeritus hoogleraar Nabije sterrenstelsels
- Naam
- Prof.dr. F.P. Israel
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5891

Frank Israel is Professor bij de Sterrewacht Leiden.
Frank Israel behaalde zijn PhD bij de Sterrewacht Leiden met zijn thesis “Radio investigations of galactic and extragalacic HII regions”. Zijn interesses liggen bij het interstellaire medium, centra van sterrenstelsels, stervorming, de Locale Groep en dwerg sterrenstelsels & Magelhaense Wolken.
Naast zijn onderzoek is Israel voorzitter van Stichting Skepsis, een Nederlandse skeptische organisatie die zich ten doel stelt buitengewone beweringen aan een kritisch, wetenschappelijk verantwoord onderzoek te onderwerpen en voor te lichten over pseudowetenschappen en het paranormale.
Emeritus hoogleraar Nabije sterrenstelsels
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Israel F.P., Güsten R. & Lundgren A. (2024), Central molecular zones in galaxies: 13CO6-5 and molecular gas conditions in bright nearby galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics 691: A289.
- Teng Y.-H., Sandstrom K., Sun J., Leroy A., Bolatto A., Chiang I.-D., Gong M., Usero A., Liu D., Schinnerer E., Israel F. & Phangs Team (2024), Revealing the drivers of CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor Variation and its impact on star formation efficiency across nearby galaxies, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #243 7 januari 2024 - 11 januari 2024. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society nr. 243. Washington: AAS Publishing. 252.04D.
- Teng Y.-H., Sandstrom K.M., Sun J., Gong M., Bolatto A.D., Chiang I.-D., Leroy A.K., Usero A., Glover S.C.O., Klessen R.S., Liu D., Querejeta M., Schinnerer E., Bigiel F., Cao Y., Chevance M., Eibensteiner C., Grasha K., Israel F.P., Murphy E.J., Neumann L., Pan H.-A., Pinna F., Sormani M.C., Smith J.D., Walter F. & Williams T.G. (2023), The physical drivers and observational tracers of CO-to-H2 conversion factor variations in nearby barred galaxy centers, The Astrophysical Journal 950(2): 119.
- Israel F.P. (2023), Central molecular zones in galaxies: multitransition survey of dense gas tracers HCN, HNC, and HCO+, Astronomy and Astrophysics 671: A59.
- Teng Y.-H., Sandstrom K., Sun J., Leroy A., Johnson L., Bolatto A., Kruijssen D., Schruba A., Usero A., Barnes A., Bigiel F., Blanc G., Groves B., Israel F.P., Liu D., Rosolowsky E., Schinnerer E., Smith J.-D. & Walter F. (2023), Connecting CO-to-H2 conversion factors to molecular gas properties in nearby barred galaxy centers, American Astronomical Society meeting abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #241 8 januari 2023 - 12 januari 2023. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society nr. 55. Washington: AAS Publishing. 155.04.
- Teng Y.-H., Sandstrom K.M., Sun J., Leroy A.K., Johnson L.C., Bolatto A.D., Kruijssen J.M.D., Schruba A., Usero A., Barnes A.T., Bigiel F., Blanc G.A., Groves B., Israel F.P., Liu D., Rosolowsky E., Schinnerer E., Smith J.D. & Walter F. (2022), Molecular gas properties and CO-to-H2 conversion factors in the central kiloparsec of NGC 3351, The Astrophysical Journal 925(1): 72.
- Miura R.E., Espada D., Hirota A., Henkel C., Verley S., Kobayashi M.I.N., Matsushita S., Israel F.P., Vila-Vilaro B., Morokuma-Matsui K., Ott J., Vlahakis C., Peck A.B., Aalto S., Hogerheijde M.R., Neumayer N., Iono D., Kohno K., Takemura H. & Komugi S. (2021), A giant molecular cloud catalogue in the molecular disc of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504(4): 6198-6215.
- Teng Y., Sandstrom K., Sun J., Schinnerer E., Smith J., Bolatto A., Israel F.P., Leroy A., Walter F., Groves B., Usero A., Rosolowsky E., Schruba A., Kruijssen D., Bigiel F. & Blanc G. (2021), ALMA observations and multi-line modeling of the galaxy center of NGC 3351, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. AAS 2021 4 januari 2021 - 11 januari 2021 nr. 53: AAS. 126.08.
- Oudshoorn L.H.T., Israel F.P., Brinchmann J., Kloppenburg M.B.C., Brown A.G.A., Bally J., Gull T.R. & Boyd P.T. (2021), The peculiar nebula Simeis 57: II. Distance, nature and excitation, Astronomy and Astrophysics 650: A171.
- Bellocchi E., Martín-Pintado J., Güsten R., Requena-Torres M.A., Harris A., Werf P.P. van der, Israel F.P., Weiss A., Kramer C., García-Burillo S. & Stutzki J. (2020), The multi-phase ISM in the nearby composite AGN-SB galaxy NGC 4945: large-scale (parsecs) mechanical heating, Astronomy and Astrophysics 642: A166.
- Israel F.P. (2020), Central molecular zones in galaxies: 12CO-to-13CO ratios, carbon budget, and X factors, Astronomy and Astrophysics 635: A131.
- Kramer C., Nikola T., Anderl S., Bertoldi F., Boquien M., Braine J., Buchbender C., Combes F., Henkel C., Hermelo I., Israel F.P., Relaño M., Röllig M., Schuster K., Tabatabaei F., Tak F. van der, Verley S., Werf P.P. van der, Wiedner M. & Xilouris E.M. (2020), Gas and dust cooling along the major axis of M 33 (HerM33es). Herschel/PACS [C II] and [O I] observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics 639: A61.
- Armijos-Abendaño J., Martín-Pintado J., Requena-Torres M.A., González-Alfonso E., Güsten R., Weiß A., Harris A.I., Israel F.P., Kramer C., Stutzki J. & Werf P.P. van der (2019), Herschel water maps towards the vicinity of the black hole Sgr A*, 624: A112.
- Espada D., Verley S., Miura R.E., Israel F.P., Henkel C., Matsushita S., Vila-Vilaro B., Ott J., Morokuma-Matsui K., Peck A.B., Hirota A., Aalto S., Quillen A.C., Hogerheijde M.R., Neumayer N., Vlahakis C., Iono D. & Kohno K. (2019), Star Formation Efficiencies at Giant Molecular Cloud Scales in the Molecular Disk of the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A), 887(1): 88.
- Jameson K.E., Bolatto A.D., Wolfire M., Warren S.R., Herrera-Camus R., Croxall K., Pellegrini E., Smith J.-D., Rubio M., Indebetouw R., Israel F.P., Meixner M., Roman-Duval J., Loon J.T. van, Muller E., Verdugo C., Zinnecker H. & Okada Y. (2018), First Results from the Herschel and ALMA Spectroscopic Surveys of the SMC: The Relationship between [C II]-bright Gas and CO-bright Gas at Low Metallicity, The Astrophysical Journal 853(2): 111.
- Tibbs C.T., Israel F.P., Laureijs R.J., Tauber J.A., Partridge B., Peel M.W. & Fauvet L. (2018), Planck observations of M33, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477(4): 4968-4980.
- Shimwell T.W., Rottgering H.J.A., Best P.N., Williams W.L., Dijkema T.J., Gasperin F. de, Hardcastle M.J., Heald G.H., Hoang D.N., Horneffer A., Intema H., Mahony E.K., Mandal S., Mechev A.P., Morabito L.K., Oonk J.B.R., Rafferty D.A., Retana-Montenegro E., Sabater J., Tasse C., Weeren R.J., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Chyży K.T., Conway J.E., Haverkorn M., Jackson N., Jarvis M.J., McKean J.P., Miley G.K., Morganti R., White G.J., Wise M.W., Bemmel I.M., Beck R., Brienza M., Bonafede A., Calistro Rivera G.E., Cassano R., Clarke A.O., Cseh D., Deller A., Drabent A., Driel W., Engels D., Falcke H., Ferrari C., Fröhlich S., Garrett M.A., Harwood J.J., Heesen V., Hoeft M., Horellou C., Israel F.P., Kapińska A.D., Kunert-Bajraszewska M., McKay D.J., Mohan N.R., Orrú E., Pizzo R.F., Prandoni I., Schwarz D.J., Shulevski A., Sipior M., Smith D.J.B., Sridhar S.S., Steinmetz M., Stroe A., Varenius E., Werf P.P., Zensus J.A. & Zwart J.T.L. (2017), The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. I. Survey description and preliminary data release, 598: A104.
- Gratier P., Braine J., Schuster K., Rosolowsky E., Boquien M., Calzetti D., Combes F., Kramer C., Henkel C., Herpin F., Israel F.P., Koribalski B.S., Mookerjea B., Tabatabaei F.S., Röllig M., Tak F.F.S., Werf P.P. van der & Wiedner M. (2017), The molecular gas mass of M 33, 600: A27.
- McCoy M., Ott J., Meier D.S., Muller S., Espada D., Martín S., Israel F.P., Henkel C., Impellizzeri V., Aalto S., Edwards P.G., Brunthaler A., Neumayer N., Peck A.B., Werf P.P. van der & Feain I. (2017), ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical Conditions in Centaurus A, 851: 76.
- Liu L., Weiß A., Perez-Beaupuits J.P., Güsten R., Liu D., Gao Y., Menten K.M., Werf P.P. van der, Israel F.P., Harris A., Martin-Pintado J., Requena-Torres M.A. & Stutzki J. (2017), HIFI Spectroscopy of H2O Submillimeter Lines in Nuclei of Actively Star-forming Galaxies, 846: 5.
- Espada D., Matsushita S., Miura R.E., Israel F.P., Neumayer N., Martin S., Henkel C., Izumi T., Iono D., Aalto S., Ott J., Peck A.B., Quillen A.C. & Kohno K. (2017), Disentangling the Circumnuclear Environs of Centaurus A. III. An Inner Molecular Ring, Nuclear Shocks, and the CO to Warm H2 Interface, 843: 136.
- Gordon K.D., Roman-Duval J., Bot C., Meixner M., Babler B., Bernard J.-P., Bolatto A., Boyer M.L., Clayton G.C., Engelbracht C., Fukui Y., Galametz M., Galliano F., Hony S., Hughes A., Indebetouw R., Israel F.P., Jameson K., Kawamura A., Lebouteiller V., Li A., Madden S.C., Matsuura M., Misselt K., Montiel E., Okumura K., Onishi T., Panuzzo P., Paradis D., Rubio M., Sandstrom K., Sauvage M., Seale J., Sewilo M., Tchernyshyov K. & Skibba R. (2017), Erratum: Dust and Gas in the Magellanic Clouds from the HERITAGE Herschel Key Project. I. Dust Properties and Insights into the Origin of the Submm Excess Emission (2014, ApJ, 797, 85), 837(1): 98.
- Israel F.P., Güsten R., Meijerink R., Requena-Torres M.A. & Stutzki J. (2017), The outflow of gas from the Centaurus A circumnuclear disk. Atomic spectral line maps from Herschel/PACS and APEX, 599: A53.
- Mookerjea B., Israel F.P., Kramer .C., Nikola T., Braine J., Ossenkopf V., Röllig M., Henkel C., Werf P.P. van der, Tak F. & Wiedner M.C. (2016), Velocity resolved [C ii] spectroscopy of the center and the BCLMP 302 region of M 33 (HerM 33es), Astronomy and Astrophysics 586: A37.
- Röllig M., Simon R., Güsten R., Stutzki J., Israel F.P. & Jacobs K. (2016), [C II] 158 μm and [N II] 205 μm emission from IC 342. Disentangling the emission from ionized and photo-dissociated regions, Astronomy and Astrophysics 591: A33.
- Requena-Torres M.A., Israel F.P., Okada Y., Güsten R., Stutzki J., Risacher C., Simon R. & Zinnecker H. (2016), Carbon gas in SMC low-metallicity star-forming regions, Astronomy and Astrophysics 589: A28.
- Röllig M., Simon R., Güsten R., Stutzki J., Israel F.P. & Jacobs K. (2016), [CII] 158 {$μ$}m and [NII] 205{$μ$}m emission in IC342, EAS Publications Series. nr. 75 97-100.
- Wall W.F., Puerari I., Tilanus R.P.J., Israel F.P., Austermann J.E., Aretxaga I., Wilson G., Yun M., Scott K.S., Perera T.A., Roberts C.M. & Hughes D.H. (2016), Continuum observations of M 51 and M 83 at 1.1 mm with AzTEC, 459: 1440-1467.
- Jameson K.E., Bolatto A.D., Leroy A.K., Meixner M., Roman-Duval J., Gordon K., Hughes A., Israel F.P., Rubio M., Indebetouw R., Madden S.C., Bot C., Hony S., Cormier D., Pellegrini EW., Galametz M. & Sonneborn G. (2016), The Relationship Between Molecular Gas, H I, and Star Formation in the Low-mass, Low-metallicity Magellanic Clouds, 825: 12.
- Mok A., Wilson C.D., Golding J., Warren B.E., Israel F.P., Serjeant S., Knapen J.H., Sánchez-Gallego J.R., Barmby P., Bendo G.J., Rosolowsky E. & Werf P.P. van der (2016), The JCMT nearby galaxies legacy survey - X. Environmental effects on the molecular gas and star formation properties of spiral galaxies, 456: 4384-4406.
- Galametz M., Hony S., Albrecht M., Galliano F., Cormier D., Lebouteiller V., Lee M.Y., Madden S.C., Bolatto A., Bot C., Hughes A., Israel F.P., Meixner M., Oliviera J.M., Paradis D., Pellegrini E., Roman-Duval J., Rubio M., Sewilo M., Fukui Y., Kawamura A. & Onishi T. (2016), The dust properties and physical conditions of the interstellar medium in the LMC massive star-forming complex N11, 456: 1767-1790.
- Lee M.Y., Madden S.C., Lebouteiller V., Gusdorf A., Godard B., Wu R., Galametz M., Cormier D., Le Petit F., Roueff E., Bron E., Carlson L., Chevance M., Fukui Y., Galliano F., Hony S., Hughes A., Indebetouw R., Israel F.P., Kawamura A., Le Bourlot J., Lesaffre P., Meixner M., Muller E., Nayak O., Onishi T., Roman-Duval J. & Sewilo M. (2016), Radiative and mechanical feedback into the molecular gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud. I. N159W, Astronomy and Astrophysics 596: A85.
- Kazandjian M., Pelupessy F.I., Meijerink R., Israel F.P. & Spaans M. (2016), Modelling mechanical heating in star-forming galaxies: CO and 13CO Line ratios as sensitive probes, Astronomy and Astrophysics 595: A125.
- Kazandjian M., Pelupessy F.I., Meijerink R., Israel F.P., Coppola C.M., Rosenberg M.J. & Spaans M. (2016), Constraining cloud parameters using high density gas tracers in galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics 595: A124.
- Ade P.A.R., Aghanim N., Arnaud M., Ashdown M., Aumont J., Baccigalupi C., Banday A.J., Barreiro R.B., Bartolo N., Battaner E., Battye R., Benabed K., Bendo G.J., Benoit-Lévy A., Bernard J.-P., Bersanelli M., Bielewicz P., Bonaldi A., Bonavera L., Bond J.R., Borrill J., Bouchet F.R., Burigana C., Butler R.C., Calabrese E., Cardoso J.-F., Catalano A., Chamballu A., Chary R.-R., Chen X., Chiang H.C., Christensen P.R., Clements D.L., Colombo L.P.L., Combet C., Couchot F., Coulais A., Crill B.P., Curto A., Cuttaia F., Danese L., Davies R.D., Davis R.J., Bernardis P. de, Rosa A. de, Zotti G. de, Delabrouille J., Dickinson C., Diego J.M., Dole H., Donzelli S., Doré O., Douspis M., Ducout A., Dupac X., Efstathiou G., Elsner F., Enßlin T.A., Eriksen H.K., Finelli F., Forni O., Frailis M., Fraisse A.A., Franceschi E., Frejsel A., Galeotta S., Ganga K., Giard M., Giraud-Héraud Y., Gjerløw E., González-Nuevo J., Gorski K.M., Gregorio A., Gruppuso A., Hansen F.K., Hanson D., Harrison D.L., Henrot-Versillé S., Hernández-Monteagudo C., Herranz D., Hildebrandt S.R., Hivon E., Hobson M., Holmes W.A., Hornstrup A., Hovest W., Huffenberger K.M., Hurier G., Israel F.P., Jaffe A.H., Jaffe T.R., Jones W.C., Juvela M., Keihänen E., Keskitalo R., Kisner T.S., Kneissl R., Knoche J., Kunz M., Kurki-Suonio H., Lagache G., Lähteenmäki A., Lamarre J.-M., Lasenby A., Lattanzi M., Lawrence C.R., Leonardi R., Levrier F., Liguori M., Lilje P.B., Linden-Vørnle M., López-Caniego M., Lubin P.M., Macías-Pérez J.F., Madden S., Maffei B., Maino D., Mandolesi N., Maris M., Martin P.G., Martínez-González E., Masi S., Matarrese S., Mazzotta P., Mendes L., Mennella A., Migliaccio M., Miville-Deschênes M.-A., Moneti A., Montier L., Morgante G., Mortlock D., Munshi D., Murphy J.A., Naselsky P., Nati F., Natoli P., Nørgaard-Nielsen H.U., Noviello F., Novikov D., Novikov I., Oxborrow C.A., Pagano L., Pajot F., Paladini R., Paoletti D., Partridge B., Pasian F., Pearson T.J., Peel64 M., Perdereau O., Perrotta F., Pettorino V., Piacentini F., Piat M., Pierpaoli E., Pietrobon D., Plaszczynski S., Pointecouteau E., Polenta G., Popa L., Pratt G.W., Prunet S., Puget J.-L., Rachen J.P., Reinecke M., Remazeilles M., Renault C., Ricciardi S., Ristorcelli I., Rocha G., Rosset C., Rossetti M., Roudier G., Rubiño-Martín J.A., Rusholme B., Sandri M., Savini G., Scott D., Spencer L.D., Stolyarov V., Sudiwala R., Sutton D., Suur-Uski A.-S., Sygnet J.-F., Tauber J.A., Terenzi L., Toffolatti L., Tomasi M., Tristram M., Tucci M., Umana G., Valenziano L., Valiviita J., Tent B. van, Vielva P., Villa F., Wade L.A., Wandelt B.D., Watson R., Wehus I.K., Yvon D., Zacchei A. & Zonca A. (2015), Planck intermediate results XXV. The Andromeda galaxy as seen by Planck, 582: A28.
- Israel F.P., Rosenberg M.J. & Werf P.P. van der (2015), Neutral carbon and CO in 76 (U)LIRGs and starburst galaxy centers. A method to determine molecular gas properties in luminous galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics 578: A95.
- Rosenberg M.J.F., Werf P.P. van der, Aalto S., Armus L., Charmandaris V., Díaz-Santos T., Evans A.S., Fischer J., Gao Y., González-Alfonso E., Greve T.R., Harris A.I., Henkel C., Israel F.P., Isaak K.G., Kramer C., Meijerink R., Naylor D.A., Sanders D.B., Smith H.A., Spaans M., Spinoglio L., Stacey G.J., Veenendaal I., Veilleux S., Walter F., Weiß A., Wiedner M.C., Wiel M.H.D. & Xilouris E.M. (2015), The Herschel Comprehensive (U)LIRG Emission Survey (HERCULES): CO Ladders, Fine Structure Lines, and Neutral Gas Cooling, The Astrophysical Journal 801(2): 72.
- Boquien M., Calzetti D., Aalto S., Boselli A., Braine J., Buat V., Combes F., Israel F.P., Kramer C., Lord S., Relaño M., Rosolowsky E., Stacey G., Tabatabaei F., Tak F. van der, Werf P.P. van der, Verley S. & Xilouris M. (2015), Measuring star formation with resolved observations: the test case of M 33, Astronomy and Astrophysics 578: A8.
- Kazandjian M., Meijerink R., Pelupessy F.I., Israel F.P. & Spaans M. (2015), Diagnostics of the molecular component of photon-dominated regions with mechanical heating. II. Line intensities and ratios, Astronomy and Astrophysics 574: A127.
- Roman-Duval J., Gordon K., Meixner M., Bot C., Bolatto A., Hughes A., Wong T., Babler B., Bernard J., Clayton G., Fukui Y., Galametz M., Galliano F., Glover S., Hony S., Israel F., Jameson K., Lebouteiller V., Lee M., Li A., Madden S., Misselt K., Montiel E., Okumura K., Onishi T., Panuzzo P., Reach W., Remy-Ruyer A., Robitaille T., Rubio M., Sauvage M., Seale J., Sewilo M., Staveley-Smith L. & Zhukovska S. (2014), Dust and Gas in the Magellanic Clouds from the HERITAGE Herschel Key Project. II. Gas-to-dust Ratio Variations across Interstellar Medium Phases, 797: 86.
- Israel F.P., Güsten R., Meijerink R., Loenen A., Requena-Torres M., Stutzki J., Werf P.P. van der, Harris A., Kramer C., Martin-Pintado J. & Weiss (2014), The molecular circumnuclear disk (CND) in Centaurus A. A multi-transition CO and [CI] survey with Herschel, APEX, JCMT, and SEST, Astronomy and Astrophysics 562: A96.
- Rosenberg M.J., Meijerink R., Israel F.P., Werf P.P. van der, Xilouris E. & Weiß A. (2014), Molecular gas heating in Arp 299, Astronomy and Astrophysics 568: A90.
- Gordon K., Roman-Duval J., Bot C., Meixner M., Babler B., Bernard J., Bolatto A., Boyer M., Clayton G., Engelbracht C., Fukui Y., Galametz M., Galliano F., Hony S., Hughes A., Indebetouw R., Israel F., Jameson K., Kawamura A., Lebouteiller V., Li A., Madden S., Matsuura M., Misselt K., Montiel E., Okumura K., Onishi T., Panuzzo P., Paradis D., Rubio M., Sandstrom K., Sauvage M., Seale J., Sewiło M., Tchernyshyov K. & Skibba R. (2014), Dust and Gas in the Magellanic Clouds from the HERITAGE Herschel Key Project. I. Dust Properties and Insights into the Origin of the Submillimeter Excess Emission, 797: 85.
- Tabatabaei F., Braine J., Xilouris E., Kramer C., Boquien M., Combes F., Henkel C., Relano M., Verley S., Gratier P., Israel F.P., Wiedner M., Röllig M., Schuster K. & Werf P.P. van der (2014), Variation in the dust emissivity index across M 33 with Herschel and Spitzer (HerM 33es), Astronomy and Astrophysics 561: A95.
- Papadopoulos P., Zhang Z., Xilouris E., Weiss A., Werf P.P. van der, Israel F.P., Greve T., Isaak K. & Gao Y. (2014), Molecular Gas Heating Mechanisms, and Star Formation Feedback in Merger/Starbursts: NGC 6240 and Arp 193 as Case Studies, The Astrophysical Journal 788(2): 153.
- Calapa M., Calzetti D., Draine B., Boquien M., Kramer C., Xilouris M., Verley S., Braine J., Relaño M., Werf P., Israel F., Hermelo I. & Albrecht M. (2014), The Heating of Mid-infrared Dust in the Nearby Galaxy M33: A Testbed for Tracing Galaxy Evolution, 784: 130.
- Tan B.-K., Leech J., Rigopoulou D., Warren B.E., Wilson C.D., Attewell D., Azimlu M., Bendo G.J., Butner H.M., Brinks E., Chanial P., Clements D.L., Heesen V., Israel F., Knapen J.H., Matthews H.E., Mortier A.M.J., Muehle S., Sánchez-Gallego J.R., Tilanus R.P.J., Usero A., Werf P. van der & Zhu M. (2013), The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey - IX. (CO)-C-12 J=3 -> 2 observations of NGC 2976 and NGC 3351, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 436(1): 921-933.
- Kramer C., Abreu-Vicente J., García-Burillo S., Relaño M., Aalto S., Boquien M., Braine J., Buchbender C., Gratier P., Israel F.P., Nikola T., Röllig M., Verley S., Werf P.P. van der & Xilouris E. (2013), Gas and dust cooling along the major axis of M 33 (HerM33es). ISO/LWS [C ii] observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics 553: A114.
- Herrera C., Rubio M., Bolatto A., Boulanger F., Israel F.P. & Rantakyrö F. (2013), Millimeter dust emission compared with other mass estimates in N11 molecular clouds in the LMC, Astronomy and Astrophysics 554: A91.
- Galametz M., Hony S., Galliano F., Madden S., Albrecht M., Bot C., Cormier D., Engelbracht C., Fukui Y., Israel F., Kawamura A., Lebouteiller V., Li A., Meixner M., Misselt K., Montiel E., Okumura K., Panuzzo P., Roman-Duval J., Rubio M., Sauvage M., Seale J., Sewiło M. & Loon J. (2013), The thermal dust emission in N158-N159-N160 (LMC) star-forming complex mapped by Spitzer, Herschel and LABOCA, 431: 1596-1617.
- Meijerink R., Kristensen L., Weiß A., Werf P., Walter F., Spaans M., Loenen A., Fischer J., Israel F., Isaak K., Papadopoulos P., Aalto S., Armus L., Charmandaris V., Dasyra K., Diaz-Santos T., Evans A., Gao Y., González-Alfonso E., Güsten R., Henkel C., Kramer C., Lord S., Martín-Pintado J., Naylor D., Sanders D., Smith H., Spinoglio L., Stacey G., Veilleux S. & Wiedner M. (2013), Evidence for CO Shock Excitation in NGC 6240 from Herschel SPIRE Spectroscopy, 762: L16.
- Rosenberg M., Werf P., Loenen E. & Israel F. (2013), Climbing the CO Ladder: An Automated CO Excitation Analysis Tool, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. nr. 221 #235.07.
- Relaño M., Verley S., Pérez I., Kramer C., Calzetti D., Xilouris E., Boquien M., Abreu-Vicente J., Combes F., Israel F.P., Tabatabaei F., Braine J., Buchbender C., González M., Gratier P., Lord S., Mookerjea B., Quintana-Lacaci G. & Werf P.P. van der (2013), Spectral energy distributions of H ii regions in M 33 (HerM33es), Astronomy and Astrophysics 552: A140.
- Vlahakis C., Werf P., Israel F. & Tilanus R. (2013), A CO J = 3-2 map of M51 with HARP-B: radial properties of the spiral structure, 433: 1837-1861.
- Meixner M., Panuzzo P., Roman-Duval J., Engelbracht C., Babler B., Seale J., Hony S., Montiel E., Sauvage M., Gordon K., Misselt K., Okumura K., Chanial P., Beck T., Bernard J., Bolatto A., Bot C., Boyer M., Carlson L., Clayton G., Chen C., Cormier D., Fukui Y., Galametz M., Galliano F., Hora J., Hughes A., Indebetouw R., Israel F., Kawamura A., Kemper F., Kim S., Kwon E., Lebouteiller V., Li A., Long K., Madden S., Matsuura M., Muller E., Oliveira J., Onishi T., Otsuka M., Paradis D., Poglitsch A., Reach W., Robitaille T., Rubio M., Sargent B., Sewiło M., Skibba R., Smith L., Srinivasan S., Tielens A., Loon J. & Whitney B. (2013), The HERSCHEL Inventory of The Agents of Galaxy Evolution in the Magellanic Clouds, a Herschel Open Time Key Program, Astronomical Journal 146: 62.
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