Franco Donati
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. F. Donati
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-8287-2413
Voor meer informatie, zie de Engelse versie
Universitair docent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Blanco C.F., Pauliks N., Donati F., Engberg N. & Weber J. (2024), Machine Learning to support prospective Life Cycle Assessment of emerging chemical technologies, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry : 100979.
- Xicotencatl B.M., Kleijn E.G.M., Nielen S.S. van, Donati F., Sprecher B. & ukker A. (2023), Data implementation matters: Effect of software choice and LCI database evolution on a comparative LCA study of permanent magnets, Journal of Industrial Ecology 27(5): 1252-1265.
- Donati F. (26 april 2023), Software and data for circular economy assessment (Dissertatie. Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Tukker A.
- Donati F. & Tukker A. (2022), Environmental pressures and value added related to imports and exports of the Dutch agricultural sector, Sustainability 14(10): 6057.
- Donati F., Dente S.M.R., Li C., Vilaysouk X., Froemelt A., Nishant R., Liu G., Tukker A. & Hashimoto S. (2022), The future of artificial intelligence in the context of industrial ecology, Journal of Industrial Ecology 26(4): 1175-1181.
- Donati F., Niccolson S.I., Koning A. de, Daniels B., Christis M., Boonen K., Geerken T., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2021), Modeling the circular economy in environmentally extended input-output: a web application, Journal of Industrial Ecology 25(1): 36-50.
- Donati F., Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Sigüenza-Sánchez C.P., Koning A. de, Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2020), Modeling the circular economy in environmentally extended input-output tables: Methods, software and case study, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 152: 104508.
- Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Siguenza Sanchez C.P., Donati F., Merciai S., Schmidt J., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2020), Corrigendum to “The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011” [Resour. Conserv. Recy. 151 (2019) 104452], Resources, Conservation and Recycling 154: 104604.
- Cetinay Iyicil H., Donati F., Heijungs R. & Sprecher B. (2020), Efficient computation of environmentally extended input-output scenario and circular economy modeling, Journal of Industrial Ecology 24(5): 976-985.
- Donati F. (16 juli 2020), Data and Tools for a Sustainable Circular Economy. Circular Conversations. Rotterdam. [blog].
- Donati F. & Tukker A. (2020), Milieudruk Nederlandse landbouwimport groter dan die van de -export, ESB news 105(4791S): 12-17.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Siguenza -Sanchez C.P., Donati F., Merciai S., Schmidt J., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2019), The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 151: 104452.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Sigüenza-Sanchez C.P., Donati F., Rodrigues J.F.D. & Tukker A. (2018), Assessing circularity interventions: a review of EEIOA-based studies, Journal of Economic Structures 7(14): 1-24.