Fachrizal Afandi
- Naam
- Dr. F. Afandi
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- f.afandi@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-9213-8637

Voor meer informatie zie de Engelstalige profielpagina van Fachrizal Afandi
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut
- Afandi F. & Bedner A.W. (2022), Between upholding the rule of law and maintaining security: criminal justice actors in Indonesia's constitution. In: Crouch M. (red.), Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 67-88.
- Afandi F. (21 januari 2021), Maintaining order: Public prosecutors in post-authoritarian countries, the case of Indonesia (Dissertatie. Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Leiden University) Meijers-reeks nr. MI-362. Promotor(en): Bedner A.W. & Crijns J.H.
- Afandi F. (11 mei 2020), Penegak hukum Indonesia bertindak sewenang-wenang selama pandemi: perlunya sistem pemidanaan rasional [Indonesian Law Enforcers used pandemic as the pretext for abuse: it is important to have rational punishment]. The Conversation.
- Afandi F. (2019), The Justice System Postman. In: Crouch M. (red.), The Politics of Court Reform: Judicial Change and Legal Culture in Indonesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 86-106.
- Afandi F. (4 maart 2019), Breaking logjam on revised penal code deliberation. Jakarta Post.
- Afandi F. & Asad M. (22 maart 2019), Diaspora must promote peaceful Islam. Jakarta Post.
- Afandi F. (11 januari 2018), 100th anniversary of Wetboek van Strafrecht voor Nederlandsch-Indie. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Afandi F. (2016), Kematian Siyono dan Momentum Mengembalikan Fitrah Prapenuntutan: Sebuah Model Evaluasi Sistem Peradilan Pidana berbasis Sosio-Legal [The Siyono Case and the Momentum to Strengthen the Pre-prosecution Process: A Socio Legal Evaluation Model for the Criminal Justice System], Teropong: Jurnal Peradilan Indonesia 4: .
- Afandi F. (2016), Perbandingan Praktik Praperadilan Dan Pembentukan Hakim Pemeriksa Pendahuluan Dalam Peradilan Pidana Indonesia [Comparative Study of the Pretrial Practice and the Examining Judge in the New Draft of Indonesian Criminal Procedure], Mimbar Hukum 28(1): 93-106.
- Afandi F. (7 maart 2016), Mendudukkan Kembali Makna Deponering [How Should we Use the Deponering Concept?]. Jawa Pos.
- Afandi F. (1 juni 2016), Memeriksa Keabsahan Penetapan Tersangka atau Menguji pokok perkara? [Questioning the validity of the "suspect status" or Examining the main case?]. Hukum Online.
- Afandi F. (27 juni 2016), Polemik Asas Oportunitas: Kewenangan yang Rentan Disalahgunakan? [Is the discretion in the opportunity principle being missed?. Gatra News.
- Afandi F. (4 januari 2016), Presiden dan Pemberantasan Korupsi [President and the Corruption Eradication]. Jawa Pos.
- Afandi F. (2015), Pelaksanaan Asas KUHAP dalam Peradilan Kasus Jakarta International School [Examining the Jakarta International School trial through the Principle of Criminal Procedural Code]. In: Ginting M.S. [et al.] (red.), Melindungi Anak Membela Kepentingan Hak Tersangka, Eksaminasi atas Putusan Perkara Kekerasan Seksual di Jakarta International School. Senen, Jakarta Pusat: KontraS dan MaPPI FH UI. 205-209.
- Afandi F. (2015), Malicious Prosecution in Forest Destruction Cases: Strengthening Access to Criminal Justice for the Forest Farmer. Malang: Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University.
- Afandi F. (2015), Problematika Pelaksanaan Diversi Dalam Penyidikan Pidana Dengan Pelaku Anak di Kepolisian Resort Malang [Juvenile Diversion Program in the Malang District Police], Arena Hukum 8(1): .
- Afandi F. (18 augustus 2015), Kemerdekaan berlalu lintas dan Potret Perilaku Hukum Kita [The Traffic Law and the Society]. DetikNews.com.
- Afandi F., Putri N.D., Widodo M.F.S. & Rahman L.A. (2014), Problematika Pemberian Bantuan Hukum Pasca Pemberlakuan Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 Tentang Bantuan Hukum [The problems of Legal Aid Services since the enactment of law no. 16/2011 concerning Legal Aid], Journal Keadilan Sosial [Journal of Social Justice] 4: 33-44.