Ewout Steyerberg
Hoogleraar Klinische Biostatistiek en Medische Besliskunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. E.W. Steyerberg
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9700
- e.w.steyerberg@lumc.nl
- 0000-0002-7787-0122
Ewout Steyerberg is hoogleraar klinische biostatistiek en medische besliskunde, en is verbonden aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum en het Erasmus MC. Hij is afdelingshoofd van de afdeling Biomedical Data Sciences. Hij was eerder Fellow van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie voor Wetenschappen en bracht sabbaticals door aan Duke University (Durham, NC) en Harvard (Boston, MA)
Meer informatie over Ewout Steyerberg
Ewout Steyerberg is hoogleraar klinische biostatistiek en medische besliskunde, en is verbonden aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum en het Erasmus MC. Hij is afdelingshoofd van de afdeling Biomedical Data Sciences. Hij was eerder Fellow van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie voor Wetenschappen en bracht sabbaticals door aan Duke University (Durham, NC) en Harvard (Boston, MA)
Biomedical Data Sciences
De afdeling Biomedical Data Sciences bestaat uit 4 onderzoeksecties. Advanced Data Management (ADM) is gericht op hoge kwaliteit bij dataverzameling en verwerking; Moleculaire Epidemiologie probeert de biologie te ontrafelen, bijvoorbeeld van reuma en veroudering; Medische Statistiek is gericht op het ontwikkelen en toepassen van biostatistische methoden; en Medische Besliskunde is gericht op het beschrijven en evalueren van medische beslissingen. Professor Steyerberg is met name betrokken bij de laatste 2 secties (Medische Statistiek en Medische Besliskunde). Zijn onderzoek gaat vooral over predictie. Hij heeft allerlei meer geavanceerde modelleringsmethoden, met name regressie technieken, toegepast in talloze klinische gebieden. Hij is vooral geïnteresseerd in biostatistiek, kosten-effectiviteit, en kwaliteit van zorg onderzoek. Moderne thema’s hebben zijn bijzondere aandacht, zoals “comparative effectiveness”, “Big Data”, “Machine Learning”, “Value-based Health Care”, en “Precision Medicine”. Professor Steyerberg’s methodologische onderzoek concentreert zich op de rol van predictie modellen en gerandomiseerde klinische trials voor betere besluitvorming in individuele patiënten.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
In 1985 ging Ewout Steyerberg geneeskunde studeren in Leiden. Hij haalde in 1986 zijn propedeuse geneeskunde en ging vervolgens verder met de studie Biomedische Wetenschappen. Hij studeerde in 1991 cum laude af na een jaar stage bij de afdeling Medische Statistiek, waar hij ook student-assistent was. Hij promoveerde in 1996 aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op een proefschrift getiteld “Prognostische modellering voor klinische besluitvorming” https://repub.eur.nl/pub/22495/. Hij verbleef vervolgens aan de “Duke University” (Durham, North Carolina, USA) om zich verder te verdiepen in prognostische modellering, en verwierf vervolgens een KNAW fellowship en vele subsidies, vaak in samenwerking met clinici. In 2003 en 2005 deed hij sabbaticals aan Dana Farber / Harvard Cancer Center, Boston, MA. In 2006 werd hij hoogleraar aan het Erasmus MC (oratie 7 december 2007, “Kansrijk Beslissen” https://repub.eur.nl/pub/13237/ ), en in 2017 stapte hij over naar het LUMC om de afdeling Biomedical Data Sciences te gaan leiden, als hoogleraar Klinische Biostatistiek en Medische Besliskunde (oratie 23 maart 2018, “Kansen Grijpen”).
Lees het boek van E. Steyerberg hier:
Clinical Prediction Models: A Practical Approach to Development, Validation, and Updating
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Feb. 1991: cum laude doctoraal Biomedische Wetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden
1995: Society for Medical Decision Making: studenten prijs
1996: TALENT stipendium van NWO voor onderzoek aan Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
1999-2003: Fellowship van de KNAW
2005: Marx Research fellowship van Dana-Farber / Harvard Cancer Center, Boston, MA, USA
2016: John M. Eisenberg Award voor “Practical Application of Medical Decision Making Research” van de “Society for Medical Decision Making”
Volg E.Steyerberg op:
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Hoogleraar Klinische Biostatistiek en Medische Besliskunde
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Biomedical Data Sciences
- Zian, A.; Overdevest, G.M.; Schutte, P.J.; Klok, F.A.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Moojen, W.A. & Gaag, N.A. van der (2024), Aspin: neurosurgical aspirin intervention prognostic study, Trials 25(1).
- Susanne Pinto, Dominika Šajbenová, Elisa Benincà, Sam Nooij, Elisabeth M Terveer, Josbert J Keller, Andrea E van der Meulen–de Jong, Johannes A Bogaards & Ewout W Steyerberg (2024), Dynamics of Gut Microbiota After Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Ulcerative Colitis: Success Linked to Control of Prevotellaceae , Journal of Crohn's and Colitis.
- Butcher, S.C.; Essayagh, B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Benfari, G.; Antoine, C.; Grigioni, F.; Tourneau, T. le; Roussel, J.C.; Wijngaarden, A. van; Marsan, N.A.; Tribouilloy, C.; Rusinaru, D.; Hochstadt, A.; Topilsky, Y.; Michelena, H.I.; Delgado, V.; Bax, J.J. & Enriquez-Sarano, M. (2023), Factors influencing post-surgical survival in degenerative mitral regurgitation, European Heart Journal 44(10).
- Rekkas, A.; Rijnbeek, P.R.; Kent, D.M.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Klaveren, D. van (2023), Estimating individualized treatment effects from randomized controlled trials, BMC Medical Research Methodology 23(1).
- Dang, R.H.; Dekkers, N.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Baldaque-Silva, F.; Omae, M.; Haasnoot, K.J.C.; Tilburg, L. van; Nobbenhuis, K.; Kraan, J. van der; Langers, A.M.J.; Hooft, J.E. van; Graaf, W. de; Koch, A.D.; Didden, P.; Moons, L.M.G.; Hardwick, J.C.H. & Boonstra, J.J. (2023), Predicting procedure duration of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection at Western endoscopy centers, Endoscopy International Open 11(08): E724-E732.
- Erp, I.A.M. van; Essen, T.A. van; Lingsma, H.; Pisica, D.; Singh, R.D.; Dijck, J.T.J.M. van; Volovici, V.; Kolias, A.; Peppel, L.D.; Heijenbrok-Kal, M.; Ribbers, G.M.; Menon, D.K.; Hutchinson, P.; Depreitere, B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Maas, A.I.R.; Ruiter, G.C.W. de; Peul, W.C. & CENTER-TBI Investigators (2023), Early surgery versus conservative treatment in patients with traumatic intracerebral hematoma, Acta Neurochirurgica 165.
- Pastena, M. de; Bodegraven, E.A. van; Mungroop, T.H.; Vissers, F.L.; Jones, L.R.; Marchegiani, G.; Balduzzi, A.; Klompmaker, S.; Paiella, S.; Rad, S.T.; Koerkamp, B.G.; Eijck, C. van; Busch, O.R.; Hingh, I. de; Luyer, M.; Barnhill, C.; Seykora, T.; Maxwell, T.T.; Rooij, T. de; Tuveri, M.; Malleo, G.; Esposito, A.; Landoni, L.; Casetti, L.; Alseidi, A.; Salvia, R.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Abu Hilal, M.; Vollmer, C.M.; Besselink, M.G. & Bassi, C. (2023), Distal Pancreatectomy Fistula Risk Score (D-FRS) development and international validation, Annals of Surgery 277(5): E1099-E1105.
- Vermij, L.; Putter, H.; Jobsen, J.; Powell, M.; Boer, S. de; Leary, A.; Fyles, A.; Khaw, P.; Lutgens, L.; Jürgenliemk-Schulz, I.; Jong, M. de; Haverkort, D.; Nout, R.; Smit, V.; Steyerberg, E.; Bosse, T.; Creutzberg, C. & Horeweg, N. (2023), Development of an evidence-based adjuvant treatment decision support tool for endometrial cancer, Radiotherapy & Oncology 182: S484-S486.
- Thomassen, D.; Steyerberg, E. & Cessie, S. le (2023), A Bayesian (meta-)regression model for treatment effects on the risk difference scale, Statistics in Medicine 42(11).
- Rekkas, A.; Klaveren, D. van; Ryan, P.B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Kent, D.M. & Rijnbeek, P.R. (2023), A standardized framework for risk-based assessment of treatment effect heterogeneity in observational healthcare databases, npj Digital Medicine 6(1).
- Roumans, C.A.M.; Bogt, R.D. van der; Nieboer, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Rizopoulos, D.; Lansdorp-Vogelaar, I.; Biermann, K.; Bruno, M.J.; Spaander, M.C.W. & ProBar Study Grp (2023), Clinical consequences of nonadherence to Barrett's esophagus surveillance recommendations, Diseases of the Esophagus 36(8).
- Villar, J.; González-Martin, J.M.; Añón, J.M.; Ferrando, C.; Soler, J.A.; Mosteiro, F.; Mora-Ordoñez, J.M.; Ambrós, A.; Fernández, L.; Montiel, R.; Vidal, A.; Muñoz, T.; Pérez-Méndez, L.; Rodríguez-Suárez, P.; Fernández, C.; Fernández, R.L.; Szakmany, T.; Burns, K.E.A.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Slutsky, A.S. (2023), Clinical relevance of timing of assessment of ICU mortality in patients with moderate-to-severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Scientific Reports 13(1).
- Chalos, V.; Venema, E.; Mulder, M.J.H.L.; Roozenbeek, B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Worp, H.B. van der; Goyal, M.; Campbell, B.C.V.; Muir, K.W.; Guillemin, F.; Bracard, S.; White, P.; Dávalos, A.; Jovin, T.G.; Hill, M.D.; Mitchell, P.J.; Demchuk, A.M.; Saver, J.L.; Lugt, A. van der; Brown, S.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Lingsma, H.F.; HERMES Collaborators & MR CLEAN Registry Investigators (2023), Development and validation of a postprocedural model to predict outcome after endovascular treatment for ischemic stroke, JAMA Neurology 80(9): 940-948.
- Essen, T.A. van; Erp, I.A.M. van; Lingsma, H.F.; Pisica, D.; Yue, J.K.; Singh, R.D.; Dijck, J.T.J.M. van; Volovici, V.; Younsi, A.; Kolias, A.; Peppel, L.D.; Heijenbrok-Kal, M.; Ribbers, G.M.; Menon, D.K.; Hutchinson, P.J.A.; Manley, G.T.; Depreitere, B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Maas, A.I.R.; Ruiter, G.C.W. de; Peul, W.C. & CENTER-TBI Investigators (2023), Comparative effectiveness of decompressive craniectomy versus craniotomy for traumatic acute subdural hematoma (CENTER-TBI), EClinicalMedicine 63.
- Candel, B.G.J.; Nissen, S.K.; Nickel, C.H.; Raven, W.; Thijssen, W.; Gaakeer, M.I.; Lassen, A.T.; Brabrand, M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Jonge, E. de & Groot, B. de (2023), Development and external validation of the International Early Warning Score for improved age- and sex-adjusted in-hospital mortality prediction in the emergency department, Critical Care Medicine 51(7): 881-891.
- Hond, A.A.H. de; Shah, V.B.; Kant, I.M.J.; Calster, B. van; Steyerberg, E.W. & Hernandez-Boussard, T. (2023), Perspectives on validation of clinical predictive algorithms, npj Digital Medicine 6(1).
- Dang, H.; Dekkers, N.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Baldaque-Silva, F.; Omae, M.; Haasnoot, K.J.C.; Tilburg, L. van; Nobbenhuis, K.; Kraan, J. van der; Langers, A.M.J.; Hooft, J.E. van; Graaf, W. de; Koch, A.D.; Didden, P.; Moons, L.M.G.; Hardwick, J.C.H. & Boonstra, J.J. (2023), Predicting procedure duration of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection at Western endoscopy centers (vol 11, pg E724, 2023), Endoscopy International Open 11(8): C5-C5.
- Yue, J.; Lee, Y.; Jain, S.; Sun, X.Y.; Essen, T. van; Pisica, D.; Belton, P.; Deng, H.; Satris, G.; Wong, J.; Kanter, J.; Tarapore, P.; Huang, M.; DiGiorgio, A.; Mukherjee, P.; Yuh, E.; Markowitz, A.; Steyerberg, E.; Lingsma, H.; Menon, D.; Maas, A. & Manley, G. (2023), PERFORMANCE OF THE IMPACT AND CRASH PROGNOSTIC MODELS FOR TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY IN A CONTEMPORARY MULTICENTER COHORT: A TRACKTBI STUDY, Journal of Neurotrauma 40(15-16): A33-A33.
- Azizpour, K.; Schutte, P.J.; Arts, M.P.; Pondaag, W.; Bouma, G.J.; Coppes, M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Peul, W.C. & Vleggeert-Lankamp, C.L.A. (2023), Clinical outcome in decompression alone versus decompression and instrumented fusion in patients with isthmic spondylolisthesis, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 38(5): 573-584.
- Hond, A.A.H. de; Kant, I.M.J.; Fornasa, M.; Cina, G.; Elbers, P.W.G.; Thoral, P.J.; Arbous, M.S. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2023), Predicting readmission or death after discharge from the ICU, Critical Care Medicine 51(2): 291-300.
- Mikolic, A.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Polinder, S.; Wilson, L.; Zeldovich, M.; Steinbuechel, N. von; Newcombe, V.F.J.; Menon, D.K.; Naalt, J. van der; Lingsma, H.F.; Maas, A.I.R.; Klaveren, D. van & CENTER-TBI Participants (2023), Prognostic models for global functional outcome and post-concussion symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury, Journal of Neurotrauma 40(15-16): 1651-1670.
- Steinbuechel, N. von; Rauen, K.; Covic, A.; Krenz, U.; Bockhop, F.; Mueller, I.; Cunitz, K.; Polinder, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Vester, J.; Zeldovich, M. & CTR TBI participants investigator (2023), Sensitivity of outcome instruments in a priori selected patient groups after traumatic brain injury, PLoS ONE 18(4).
- Langenhuijsen, L.F.S.; Janse, R.J.; Venema, E.; Kent, D.M.; Diepen, M. van; Dekker, F.W.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Jong, Y. de (2023), Systematic metareview of prediction studies demonstrates stable trends in bias and low PROBAST inter-rater agreement, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 159: 159-173.
- Calster, B. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Wynants, L. & Smeden, M. van (2023), There is no such thing as a validated prediction model, BMC Medicine 21(1).
- Kaal, A.G.; Hoek, L. op de; Hochheimer, D.T.; Brouwers, C.; Wiersinga, W.J.; Snijders, D.; Rensing, K.L.; Dijk, C.E. van; Steyerberg, E.W. & Nieuwkoop, C. van (2023), Outcomes of community-acquired pneumonia using the Pneumonia Severity Index versus the CURB-65 in routine practice of emergency departments, ERJ Open Research 9(3).
- Wu, X.; Sun, Y.Y.; Xu, X.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Helmrich, I.R.A.R.; Lecky, F.; Guo, J.Y.; Li, X.; Feng, J.F.; Mao, Q.; Xie, G.T.; Maas, A.I.R.; Gao, G.Y.; Jiang, J.Y. & CTR-TBI Participants Investigator (2023), Mortality prediction in severe traumatic brain injury using traditional and machine learning algorithms, Journal of Neurotrauma 40(13-14): 1366-1375.
- Bhattacharyay, S.; Caruso, P.F.; Åkerlund, C.; Wilson, L.; Stevens, R.D.; Menon, D.K.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Nelson, D.W.; Ercole, A. & CENTER TBI Investigators Participants (2023), Mining the contribution of intensive care clinical course to outcome after traumatic brain injury, npj Digital Medicine 6(1).
- Hudda, M.T.; Archer, L.; Smeden, M. van; Moons, K.G.M.; Collins, G.S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Wahlich, C.; Reitsma, J.B.; Riley, R.D.; Calster, B. van & Wynants, L. (2023), Minimal reporting improvement after peer review in reports of COVID-19 prediction models: systematic review, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 154: 75-84.
- Kaplan, Z.L.R.; Vlegel, M. van der; Dijck, J.T.J.M. van; Pisica, D.; Leeuwen, N. van; Lingsma, H.F.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Haagsma, J.A.; Majdan, M.; Polinder, S. & CENTER TBI Participants Invest (2023), Intramural healthcare consumption and costs after traumatic brain injury, Journal of Neurotrauma 40(19-20).
- Meijden, S.L. van der; Hond, A.A.H. de; Thoral, P.J.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Kant, I.M.J.; Cinà, G. & Arbous, M.S. (2023), Intensive care unit physicians' perspectives on artificial intelligence-based clinical decision support tools, JMIR Human Factors 10.
- Steinbuechel, N. von; Hahm, S.; Muehlan, H.; Arango-Lasprilla, J.C.; Bockhop, F.; Covic, A.; Schmidt, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.; Andelic, N.; Zeldovich, M. & CTR TBI Participants Investigators (2023), Impact of sociodemographic, premorbid, and injury-related factors on patient-reported outcome trajectories after traumatic brain injury (TBI), Journal of Clinical Medicine 12(6).
- Binuya, M.A.E.; Engelhardt, E.G.; Schats, W.; Schmidt, M.K. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2022), Methodological guidance for the evaluation and updating of clinical prediction models: a systematic review, BMC Medical Research Methodology 22(1).
- Gravesteijn, B.Y.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Lingsma, H.F. (2022), Modern learning from big data in critical care, Neurocritical Care 37: 174-184.
- McLernon, D.J.; Giardiello, D.; Calster, B. van; Wynants, L.; Geloven, N. van; Smeden, M. van; Therneau, T.; Steyerberg, E.W. & STRATOS Initiative (2022), Assessing performance and clinical usefulness in prediction models with survival outcomes, Annals of Internal Medicine.
- Meulenbroek, A.L.; Faes, M.C.; Mil, S.R. van; Buimer, M.G.; Groot, H.G.W. de; Veen, E.J.; Ho, G.H.; Boonman-de Winter, L.J.; Vries, J. de; Gorkom, R. van; Toonders, F.; Alphen, R. van; Overveld, K. van; Verbogt, N.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Laan, L. van der (2022), Multicomponent prehabilitation as a novel strategy for preventing delirium in older chronic limb threatening ischemia patients, Clinical Interventions in Aging 17: 767-776.
- Maas, A.I.R.; Ercole, A.; Keyser, V. de; Menon, D.K. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2022), Opportunities and challenges in high-quality contemporary data collection in traumatic brain injury, Neurocritical Care 37(SUPPL 2): 192-201.
- Dregmans, E.; Kaal, A.G.; Meziyerh, S.; Kolfschoten, N.E.; Aken, M.O. van; Schippers, E.F.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Nieuwkoop, C. van (2022), Analysis of variation between diagnosis at admission vs discharge and clinical outcomes among adults with possible bacteremia, Jama Network Open 5(6).
- Huijben, J.A.; Pisica, D.; Ceyisakar, I.; Stocchetti, N.; Citerio, G.; Maas, A.I.R.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Menon, D.K.; Jagt, M. van der; Lingsma, H.F. & ICU Stratum (2022), Pharmaceutical venous thrombosis prophylaxis in critically ill traumatic brain injury patients, Neurotrauma Reports 3(1): 4-14.
- Giardiello, D.; Hooning, M.J.; Hauptmann, M.; Keeman, R.; Heemskerk-Gerritsen, B.A.M.; Becher, H.; Blomqvist, C.; Bojesen, S.E.; Bolla, M.K.; Camp, N.J.; Czene, K.; Devilee, P.; Eccles, D.M.; Fasching, P.A.; Figueroa, J.D.; Flyger, H.; Garcia-Closas, M.; Haiman, C.A.; Hamann, U.; Hopper, J.L.; Jakubowska, A.; Leeuwen, F.E.; Lindblom, A.; Lubinski, J.; Margolin, S.; Martinez, M.E.; Nevanlinna, H.; Nevelsteen, I.; Pelders, S.; Pharoah, P.D.P.; Siesling, S.; Southey, M.C.; Hout, A.H. van der; Hest, L.P. van; Chang-Claude, J.; Hall, P.; Easton, D.F.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Schmidt, M.K. (2022), PredictCBC-2.0: a contralateral breast cancer risk prediction model developed and validated in similar to 200,000 patients, Breast Cancer Research 24(1).
- Buisman, F.E.; Giardiello, D.; Kemeny, N.E.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Hoppener, D.J.; Galjart, B.; Nierop, P.M.H.; Balachandran, V.P.; Cercek, A.; Drebin, J.A.; Gonen, M.; Jarnagin, W.R.; Kingham, T.P.; Vermeulen, P.B.; Wei, A.C.; Grunhagen, D.J.; Verhoef, C.; D'Angelica, M.I. & Koerkamp, B.G. (2022), Predicting 10-year survival after resection of colorectal liver metastases, European Journal of Cancer 168: 25-33.
- Heinze, G.; Smeden, M. van; Wynants, L.; Steyerberg, E. & Calster, B. van (2022), Prediction models: stepwise development and simultaneous validation is a step back.
- Saffari, S.E.; Volovici, V.; Ong, M.E.H.; Goldstein, B.A.; Vaughan, R.; Dammers, R.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Liu, N. (2022), Proper use of multiple imputation and dealing with missing covariate data, World Neurosurgery 161: 284-290.
- Geloven, N. van; Giardiello, D.; Bonneville, E.F.; Teece, L.; Ramspek, C.L.; Smeden, M. van; Snell, K.I.E.; Calster, B. van; Pohar-Perme, M.; Riley, R.D.; Putter, H. & Steyerberg, E. (2022), Validation of prediction models in the presence of competing risks, BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL.
- Singh, R.D.; Dijck, J.T.J.M. van; Essen, T.A. van; Lingsma, H.F.; Polinder, S.S.; Kompanje, E.J.O.; Zwet, E.W. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Ruiter, G.C.W. de; Depreitere, B. & Peul, W.C. (2022), Randomized evaluation of surgery in elderly with traumatic acute SubDural hematoma (RESET-ASDH trial), Trials 23(1).
- Whitehouse, D.P.; Monteiro, M.; Czeiter, E.; Vande Vyvere, T.; Valerio, F.; Ye, Z.; Amrein, K.; Kamnitsas, K.; Xu, H.Y.; Yang, Z.H.; Verheyden, J.; , T. das; Kornaropoulos, E.N.; Steyerberg, E.; Maas, A.I.R.; Wang, K.K.W.; Buki, A.; Glocker, B.; Menon, D.K.; Newcombe, V.F.J. & CENTER-TBI Participants Investigat (2022), Relationship of admission blood proteomic biomarkers levels to lesion type and lesion burden in traumatic brain injury, EBioMedicine 75.
- Villar, J.; Fernandez, C.; Gonzalez-Martin, J.M.; Ferrando, C.; Anon, J.M.; Saz-Ortiz, A.M. del; Diaz-Lamas, A.; Bueno-Gonzalez, A.; Fernandez, L.; Dominguez-Berrot, A.M.; Peinado, E.; Andaluz-Ojeda, D.; Gonzalez-Higueras, E.; Vidal, A.; Fernandez, M.M.; Mora-Ordonez, J.M.; Murcia, I.; Tarancon, C.; Merayo, E.; Perez, A.; Romera, M.A.; Alba, F.; Pestana, D.; Rodriguez-Suarez, P.; Fernandez, R.L.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Berra, L.; Slutsky, A.S. & Spanish Initiative Epidemiology St (2022), Respiratory Subsets in Patients with Moderate to Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome for Early Prediction of Death, Journal of Clinical Medicine 11(19).
- Marincowitz, C.; Gravesteijn, B.; Sheldon, T.; Steyerberg, E. & Lecky, F. (2022), Response to performance of the Hull Salford Cambridge Decision Rule: the start of the traumatic brain injury (TBI) assessment and recovery journey.
- Caudri, D.; Turkovic, L.; Klerk, N.H. de; Rosenow, T.; Murray, C.P.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Ranganathan, S.C.; Sly, P.; Stick, S.M.; Breuer, O. & AREST CF Study Grp (2022), A screening tool to identify risk for bronchiectasis progression in children with cystic fibrosis, Pediatric Pulmonology 57(1): 122-131.
- Wallisch, C.; Bach, P.; Hafermann, L.; Klein, N.; Sauerbrei, W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Heinze, G.; Rauch, G. & Topic Grp 2 STRATOS Initiative (2022), Review of guidance papers on regression modeling in statistical series of medical journals, PLoS ONE 17(1).
- Akdeniz, D.; Kramer, I.; Deurzen, C.H.M. van; Heemskerk-Gerritsen, B.A.M.; Schaapveld, M.; Westenend, P.J.; Voogd, A.C.; Jager, A.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Sleijfer, S.; Schmidt, M.K. & Hooning, M.J. (2022), Risk of metachronous contralateral breast cancer in patients with primary invasive lobular breast cancer, Cancer Medicine 12(3).
- Williams, R.D.; Markus, A.F.; Yang, C.; Duarte-Salles, T.; DuVall, S.L.; Falconer, T.; Jonnagaddala, J.; Kim, C.; Rho, Y.; Williams, A.E.; Machado, A.A.; An, M.H.; Aragon, M.; Areia, C.; Burn, E.; Choi, Y.H.; Drakos, I.; Abrahao, M.T.F.; Fernandez-Bertolin, S.; Hripcsak, G.; Kaas-Hansen, B.S.; Kandukuri, P.L.; Kors, J.A.; Kostka, K.; Liaw, S.T.; Lynch, K.E.; Machnicki, G.; Matheny, M.E.; Morales, D.; Nyberg, F.; Park, R.W.; Prats-Uribe, A.; Pratt, N.; Rao, G.; Reich, C.G.; Rivera, M.; Seinen, T.; Shoaibi, A.; Spotnitz, M.E.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Suchard, M.A.; You, S.C.; Zhang, L.; Zhou, L.L.; Ryan, P.B.; Prieto-Alhambra, D.; Reps, J.M. & Rijnbeek, P.R. (2022), Seek COVER, BMC Medical Research Methodology 22(1).
- Richter, S.; Winzeck, S.; Czeiter, E.; Amrein, K.; Kornaropoulos, E.N.; Verheyden, J.; Sugar, G.; Yang, Z.H.; Wang, K.V.; Maas, A.I.R.; Steyerberg, E.; Buki, A.; Newcombe, V.F.J.; Menon, D.K. & Collaborative European NeuroTrauma (2022), Serum biomarkers identify critically ill traumatic brain injury patients for MRI, Critical Care 26(1).
- Thomas, I.; Dickens, A.M.; Posti, J.P.; Czeiter, E.; Duberg, D.; Sinioja, T.; Krakstrom, M.; Helmrich, I.R.A.R.; Wang, K.K.W.; Maas, A.I.R.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Menon, D.K.; Tenovuo, O.; Hyotylainen, T.; Buki, A.; Oresic, M. & CENTER-TBI Participants Investigat (2022), Serum metabolome associated with severity of acute traumatic brain injury, Nature Communications 13(1).
- Roumans, C.A.M.; Zellenrath, P.A.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lansdorp-Vogelaar, I.; Doukas, M.; Biermann, K.; Alderliesten, J.; Ingen, G. van; Nagengast, W.B.; Karrenbeld, A.; Borg, F. ter; Hage, M.; Borg, P.C.J. ter; Bakker, M.A. den; Alkhalaf, A.; Moll, F.C.P.; Brouwer-Hol, L.; Baarlen, J. van; Quispel, R.; Tilburg, A. van; Burger, J.P.W.; Tilburg, A.J.P. van; Ooms, A.H.A.G.; Tang, T.J.; Romberg-Camps, M.J.L.; Goudkade, D.; Bruno, M.J.; Rizopoulos, D. & Spaander, M.C.W. (2022), Sex differences in neoplastic progression in Barrett's esophagus, Cancers 14(13).
- Tomer, A.; Nieboer, D.; Roobol, M.J.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Rizopoulos, D. (2022), Shared decision making of burdensome surveillance tests using personalized schedules and their burden and benefit, Statistics in Medicine 41(12): 2115-2131.
- Essen, T.A. van; Lingsma, H.F.; Pisica, D.; Singh, R.D.; Volovici, V.; Boogert, H.F. den; Younsi, A.; Peppel, L.D.; Heijenbrok-Kal, M.H.; Ribbers, G.M.; Walchenbach, R.; Menon, D.K.; Hutchinson, P.; Depreitere, B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Maas, A.I.R.; Ruiter, G.C.W. de; Peul, W.C. & CENTER-TBI Collaboration Grp (2022), Surgery versus conservative treatment for traumatic acute subdural haematoma, The Lancet Neurology 21(7): 620-631.
- Ullah, W.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Tchantchaleishvili, V. (2022), The checklist for administrative and research databases-related studies, Artificial Organs 46(9): 1754-1759.
- Bhattacharyay, S.; Milosevic, I.; Wilson, L.; Menon, D.K.; Stevens, R.D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Nelson, D.W.; Ercole, A. & CTR TBI Investigators Participants (2022), The leap to ordinal, PLoS ONE 17(7).
- Essen, T.A. van; Lingsma, H.F.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Ruiter, G.C.W. de; Maas, A.I.R. & Peul, W.C. (2022), Treatment of acute subdural haematoma Authors' reply.
- Brand, C.L. van den; Foks, K.A.; Lingsma, H.F.; Naalt, J. van der; Jacobs, B.; Jong, E. de; Boogert, H.F. den; Sir,; Patka, P.; Polinder, S.; Gaakeer, M.I.; Schutte, C.E.; Jie, K.E.; Visee, H.F.; Hunink, M.G.M.; Reijners, E.; Braaksma, M.; Schoonman, G.G.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dippel, D.W.J. & Jellema, K. (2022), Update of the CHIP (CT in Head Injury Patients) decision rule for patients with minor head injury based on a multicenter consecutive case series, Injury 53(9): 2979-2987.
- Gravesteijn, B.; Krijkamp, E.; Alphen, A. van; Busschbach, J.; Geleijnse, G.; Helmrich, I.R.; Bruinsma, S.; Lint, C. van; Veen, E. van; Steyerberg, E.; Verhoef, K.; Saase, J. van; Lingsma, H. & Jong, R.B. de (2022), Update on a Model to Minimize Population Health Loss in Times of Scarce Surgical Capacity During the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond, Value in Health 25(5): 785-786.
- Huinink, S.T.; Jong, D.C. de; Nieboer, D.; Thomassen, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.; Bodelier, A.G.L.; West, R.L.; Romkens, T.E.H.; Hoentjen, F.; Mallant, R.C.; Tuyl, B.A.C. van; Mares, W.G.N.; Wolfhagen, F.H.J.; Dijkstra, G.; Reijnders, J.G.P.; Boer, N.K. de; Tan, A.C.I.T.L.; Boeckel, P.G.A. van; Tack, G.J.; Asseldonk, D.P. van; D'Haens, G.R.A.M.; Woude, C.J. van der; Duijvestein, M. & Vries, A.C. de (2022), Validation and update of a prediction model for risk of relapse after cessation of anti-TNF treatment in Crohn's disease, European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 34(10): 983-992.
- Velde, L.A. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Numans, M.E. & Kiefte-de Jong, J.C. (2022), Food insecurity status is of added value in explaining poor health, BMJ Open 12(2).
- Geloven, N. van; Giardiello, D.; Bonneville, E.F.; Teece, L.; Ramspek, C.L.; Smeden, M. van; Snell, K.I.E.; Calster, B. van; Pohar-Perme, M.; Riley, R.D.; Putter, H.; Steyerberg, E. & STRATOS Initiative (2022), Validation of prediction models in the presence of competing risks, British Medical Journal 377.
- Meryem Baysan; MD, Mendi S. Arbous, MD; PhD,Ewout W. Steyerberg, MD, PhD; and Johanna G. van der Bom, MD & PhD (2022), Prediction of inhospital mortality in critically ill patients with sepsis, Critical Care Explorations 4(9).
- Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K.; Manley, G.T.; Abrams, M.; Akerlund, C.; Andelic, N.; Aries, M.; Bashford, T.; Bell, M.J.; Bodien, Y.G.; Brett, B.L.; Buki, A.; Chesnut, R.M.; Citerio, G.; Clark, D.; Clasby, B.; Cooper, D.J.; Czeiter, E.; Czosnyka, M.; Dams-O'Connor, K.; Keyser, V. de; Diaz-Arrastia, R.; Ercole, A.; Essen, T.A. van; Falvey, E.; Ferguson, A.R.; Figaji, A.; Fitzgerald, M.; Foreman, B.; Gantner, D.; Gao, G.Y.; Giacino, J.; Gravesteijn, B.; Guiza, F.; Gupta, D.; Gurnell, M.; Haagsma, J.A.; Hammond, F.M.; Hawryluk, G.; Hutchinson, P.; Jagt, M. van der; Jain, S.; Jain, S.; Jiang, J.Y.; Kent, H.; Kolias, A.; Kompanje, E.J.O.; Lecky, F.; Lingsma, H.F.; Maegele, M.; Majdan, M.; Markowitz, A.; McCrea, M.; Meyfroidt, G.; Mikoli, A.; Mondello, S.; Mukherjee, P.; Nelson, D.; Nelson, L.D.; Newcombe, V.; Okonkwo, D.; Oresic, M.; Peul, W.; Pisica, D.; Polinder, S.; Ponsford, J.; Puybasset, L.; Raj, R.; Robba, C.; Roe, C.; Rosand, J.; Schueler, P.; Sharp, D.J.; Smielewski, P.; Stein, M.B.; Steinbuchel, N. von; Stewart, W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Stocchetti, N.; Temkin, N.; Tenovuo, O.; Theadom, A.; Thomas, I.; Espin, A.T.; Turgeon, A.F.; Unterberg, A.; Praag, D. van; Veen, E. van; Verheyden, J.; Vande Vyvere, T.; Wang, K.K.W.; Wiegers, E.J.A.; Williams, W.H.; Wilson, L.; Wisniewski, S.R.; Younsi, A.; Yue, J.K.; Yuh, E.L.; Zeiler, F.A.; Zeldovich, M.; Zemek, R. & TBIR Participants Investigators (2022), Traumatic brain injury, The Lancet Neurology 21(11): 1004-1060.
- Meziyerh, S.; Tomer, A.; Peters-Sengers, H.; Helm, D. van der; Coemans, M.; Pieters, T.; Venhuizen, J.H.; Haitjema, S.; Moes, D.J.; Michels, W.; Fijter, H. de; Boog, P. van der; Nguyen, T.; Florquin, S.; Zuilen, A. van; Bemelman, F.; Nurmohamed, A.; Steyerberg, E.; Rizopoulos, D.; Naesens, M.; Vries, A. de & Kers, J. (2022), Development of High-Performing and Multicenter-Validated Dynamic Prediction Models With Longitudinal Measurements of Serum Creatinine and Proteinuria for Death-Censored Kidney Graft Failure, Transplantation 106(9): S376-S376.
- Kals, M.; Kunzmann, K.; Parodi, L.; Radmanesh, F.; Wilson, L.; Izzy, S.; Anderson, C.D.; Puccio, A.M.; Okonkwo, D.O.; Temkin, N.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Stein, M.B.; Manley, G.T.; Maas, A.I.R.; Richardson, S.; Diaz-Arrastia, R.; Palotie, A.; Ripatti, S.; Rosand, J.; Menon, D.K.; Genetic Assoc Neurotrauma Gain Con; CENTER-TBI; CABI; MGB & TBIcare Studies (2022), A genome-wide association study of outcome from traumatic brain injury, EBioMedicine 77.
- Buchem, M.M. van; Neve, O.M.; Kant, I.M.J.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Boosman, H. & Hensen, E.F. (2022), Analyzing patient experiences using natural language processing: development and validation of the artificial intelligence patient reported experience measure (AI-PREM), BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 22(1).
- Fahimfar, N.; Malekzadeh, R.; Fotouhi, A.; Mansournia, M.A.; Sarrafzadegan, N.; Azizi, F.; Sepanlou, S.G.; Mansourian, M.; Hadaegh, F.; Emamian, M.H.; Poustchi, H.; Talaei, M.; Pourshams, A.; Roohafza, H.; Sharafkhah, M.; Samavat, T.; Lotfaliany, M.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Khalili, D. (2022), An office-based cardiovascular prediction model developed and validated in cohort studies of a middle-income country, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 146: 1-11.
- Roumans, C.A.M.; Spaander, M.C.W.; Lansdorp-Vogelaar, I.; Biermann, K.; Bruno, M.J.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Rizopoulos, D. & ProBar Study Grp (2022), A personalized and dynamic risk estimation model, PLoS ONE 17(4).
- Rietbergen, T.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Graaf, J. de; Diercks, R.L.; Janssen, R.P.A.; Linden-van der Zwaag, H.M.J. van der; Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den; Steyerberg, E.W.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Bodegom-Vos, L. van & SMART Study Grp (2022), A tailored intervention does not reduce low value MRI's and arthroscopies in degenerative knee disease when the secular time trend is taken into account , Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 30.
- Couillard, S.; Steyerberg, E.; Beasley, R. & Pavord, I. (2022), Blood eosinophils, fractional exhaled nitric oxide and the risk of asthma attacks in randomised controlled trials: protocol for a systemic review and control arm patient-level meta-analysis for clinical prediction modelling, BMJ Open 12(4).
- Roumans, C.A.M.; Bogt, R.D. van der; Nieboer, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Rizopoulos, D.; Lansdorp-Vogelaar, I.; Biermann, K.; Bruno, M.J.; Spaander, M.C.W. & ProBar Study Grp (2022), Clinical consequences of nonadherence to Barrett's esophagus surveillance recommendations, Diseases of the Esophagus.
- Meehan, A.J.; Lewis, S.J.; Fazel, S.; Fusar-Poli, P.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Stahl, D. & Danese, A. (2022), Clinical prediction models in psychiatry: a systematic review of two decades of progress and challenges, Molecular Psychiatry 27(6): 2700-2708.
- Akerlund, C.A.I.; Holst, A.; Stocchetti, N.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Menon, D.K.; Ercole, A.; Nelson, D.W. & CENTER-TBI Participants Investigat (2022), Clustering identifies endotypes of traumatic brain injury in an intensive care cohort, Critical Care 26(1).
- Maas, A.I.R. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2022), Commentary: Prognostic Models for Traumatic Brain Injury Have Good Discrimination But Poor Overall Model Performance for Predicting Mortality and Unfavorable Outcomes, Neurosurgery 91(6): E164-E165.
- Volovici, V.; Pisica, D.; Gravesteijn, B.Y.; Dirven, C.M.F.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Ercole, A.; Stocchetti, N.; Nelson, D.; Menon, D.K.; Citerio, G.; Jagt, M. van der; Maas, A.I.R.; Haitsma, I.K.; Lingsma, H.F. & CTR-TBI Investigators Participants (2022), Comparative effectiveness of intracranial hypertension management guided by ventricular versus intraparenchymal pressure monitoring, Acta Neurochirurgica 164(7): 1693-1705.
- Helmrich, I.R.A.R.; Klaveren, D. van; Andelic, N.; Lingsma, H.; Maas, A.; Menon, D.; Polinder, S.; Roe, C.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Veen, E. van; Wilson, L. & CENTER-TBI Participants Investigat (2022), Discrepancy between disability and reported well-being after traumatic brain injury, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 93(7): 785-796.
- Austin, P.C.; Harrell, F.E.; Lee, D.S. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2022), Empirical analyses and simulations showed that different machine and statistical learning methods had differing performance for predicting blood pressure, Scientific Reports 12(1).
- Oosterhoff, J.H.F.; Gravesteijn, B.Y.; Karhade, A.V.; Jaarsma, R.L.; Kerkhoffs, G.M.M.J.; Ring, D.V.; Schwab, J.H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Doornberg, J.N. & Machine Learning Consortium (2022), Feasibility of machine learning and logistic regression algorithms to predict outcome in orthopaedic yrauma surgery, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 104(6): 544-551.
- Gulati, G.; Upshaw, J.; Wessler, B.S.; Brazil, R.J.; Nelson, J.; Klaveren, D. van; Lundquist, C.M.; Park, J.G.; McGinnes, H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Calster, B. van & Kent, D.M. (2022), Generalizability of cardiovascular disease clinical prediction models, Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 15(4): 248-260.
- Hond, A.A.H. de; Leeuwenberg, A.M.; Hooft, L.; Kant, I.M.J.; Nijman, S.W.J.; Os, H.J.A. van; Aardoom, J.J.; Debray, T.P.A.; Schuit, E.; Smeden, M. van; Reitsma, J.B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Chavannes, N.H. & Moons, K.G.M. (2022), Guidelines and quality criteria for artificial intelligence-based prediction models in healthcare: a scoping review, npj Digital Medicine 5(1).
- Velickovic, V.M.; Spelman, T.; Clark, M.; Probst, S.; Armstrong, D.G. & Steyerberg, E. (2022), Individualized risk prediction for improved chronic wound management, Advances In Wound Care 12(7).
- Ceyisakar, I.E.; Leeuwen, N. van; Steyerberg, E.W. & Lingsma, H.F. (2022), Instrumental variable analysis to estimate treatment effects, BMC Medical Research Methodology 22(1).
- Hond, A.A.H. de; Kant, I.M.J.; Honkoop, P.J.; Smith, A.D.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Sont, J.K. (2022), Machine learning did not beat logistic regression in time series prediction for severe asthma exacerbations, Scientific Reports 12(1).
- Kent, D.M. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2022), Machine learning to deal with missing disability status: Ascertainment and imputation of outcomes should be distinguished.
- Meyfroidt, G.; Bouzat, P.; Casaer, M.P.; Chesnut, R.; Hamada, S.R.; Helbok, R.; Hutchinson, P.; Maas, A.I.R.; Manley, G.; Menon, D.K.; Newcombe, V.F.J.; Oddo, M.; Robba, C.; Shutter, L.; Smith, M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Stocchetti, N.; Taccone, F.S.; Wilson, L.; Zanier, E.R. & Citerio, G. (2022), Management of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: an update for the intensivist, Intensive Care Medicine 48(6): 649-666.
- Meyfroidt, G.; Bouzat, P.; Casaer, M.P.; Chesnut, R.; Hamada, S.R.; Helbok, R.; Hutchinson, P.; Maas, A.I.R.; Manley, G.; Menon, D.K.; Newcombe, V.F.J.; Oddo, M.; Robba, C.; Shutter, L.; Smith, M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Stocchetti, N.; Taccone, F.S.; Wilson, L.; Zanier, E.R. & Citerio, G. (2022), Correction to: Management of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury, Intensive Care Medicine 48(7): 989-991.
- Tomer, A.; Nieboer, D.; Roobol, M.J.; Bjartell, A.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Rizopoulos, D. & Movember Foundation1s Global Actio (2021), Personalised biopsy schedules based on risk of Gleason upgrading for patients with low-risk prostate cancer on active surveillance, BJU International 127(1): 96-107.
- Maas, A.I.R.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Citerio, G. (2021), Tranexamic acid in traumatic brain injury: systematic review and meta-analysis trumps a large clinical trial?, Intensive Care Medicine 47(1): 74-76.
- Kunzmann, K.; Wernisch, L.; Richardson, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lingsma, H.; Ercole, A.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D. & Wilson, L. (2021), Imputation of ordinal outcomes, Journal of Neurotrauma 38(4): 455-463.
- Mikolic, A.; Polinder, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Helmrich, I.R.A.R.; Giacino, J.T.; Maas, A.I.R.; Naalt, J. van der; Voormolen, D.C.; Steinbuchel, N. von; Wilson, L.; Lingsma, H.F.; Klaveren, D. van & CENTER TBI Study Pa (2021), Prediction of global functional outcome and post-concussive symptoms after mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Journal of Neurotrauma 38(2): 196-209.
- Hoesseini, A.; Leeuwen, N. van; Sewnaik, A.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Jong, R.J.B. de; Lingsma, H.F. & Offerman, M.P.J. (2021), Key Aspects of Prognostic Model Development and Interpretation From a Clinical Perspective, JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
- Helmrich, I.R.A.R.; Klaveren, D. van; Dijkland, S.A.; Lingsma, H.F.; Polinder, S.; Wilson, L.; Steinbuechel, N. von; Naalt, J. van der; Maas, A.I.R.; Steyerberg, E.W. & CENTER TBI Collaborators (2021), Development of prognostic models for Health-Related Quality of Life following traumatic brain injury, Quality of Life Research 31.
- Plas-Krijgsman, W. van der; Giardiello, D.; Putter, H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Bastiaannet, E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Glas, N.A. de (2021), The PORTRET-tool: A prediction tool for older patients with breast cancer that predicts recurrence, survival and other-cause mortality, Cancer Research 81(4).
- Venema, E.; Wessler, B.S.; Paulus, J.K.; Salah, R.; Raman, G.; Leung, L.Y.; Koethe, B.C.; Nelson, J.; Park, J.G.; Klaveren, D. van; Steyerberg, E.W. & Kent, D.M. (2021), Large-scale validation of the prediction model risk of bias assessment Tool (PROBAST) using a short form, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 138: 32-39.
- Plas-Krijgsman, W.G. van der; Giardiello, D.; Putter, H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Bastiaannet, E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Kroep, J.R. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Glas, N.A. de (2021), Development and validation of the PORTRET tool to predict recurrence, overall survival, and other-cause mortality in older patients with breast cancer in the Netherlands: a population-based study, The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2(11): E704-E711.
- Mungroop, T.H.; Klompmaker, S.; Wellner, U.F.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Coratti, A.; D'Hondt, M.; Pastena, M. de; Dokmak, S.; Khatov, I.; Saint-Marc, O.; Wittel, U.; Abu Hilal, M.; Fuks, D.; Poves, I.; Keck, T.; Boggi, U.; Besselink, M.G. & European Consortium Minimally Inva (2021), Updated Alternative Fistula Risk Score (ua-FRS) to Include Minimally Invasive Pancreatoduodenectomy Pan-European Validation, Annals of Surgery 273(2): 334-340.
- Eyck, B.; Wilk, B.J. van der; Noordman, B.J.; Wijnhoven, B.P.L.; Lagarde, S.M.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Coene, P.P.L.O.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Doukas, M.; Gaast, A. van der; Heisterkamp, J.; Kouwenhoven, E.A.; Nieuwenhuijzen, G.A.P.; Pierie, J.P.E.N.; Rosman, C.; Sandick, J.W. van; Sangen, M.J.C. van der; Sosef, M.N.; Zaag, E.S. van der; Spaander, M.C.W.; Valkema, R.; Lingsma, H.F.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lanschot, J.J.B. van & SANO Study Grp (2021), Updated protocol of the SANO trial, Trials 22(1).
- Leighton, S.; Mallikarjun, P.; Krishnadas, R.; Cavanagh, J.; Rogers, S.; Upthegrove, R.; Birchwood, M.; Marwaha, S.; Steyerberg, E.; Gkoutos, G.; Broome, M.; Liddle, P.; Everard, L.; Singh, S.; Freemantle, N.; Fowler, D.; Jones, P.; Sharma, V.; Murray, R.; Wykes, T.; Drake, R.; Buchan, I. & Lewis, S. (2021), Development and validation of a non-remission risk prediction model in First Episode Psychosis: an analysis of two longitudinal studies, BJPsych Open 7: S36-S36.
- Austin, P.C.; Harrell, F.E. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2021), Predictive performance of machine and statistical learning methods, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 30(6): 1465-1483.
- Bzdok, D.; Varoquaux, G. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2021), Prediction, Not Association, Paves the Road to Precision Medicine, JAMA Psychiatry 78(2): 127-128.
- Chichareon, P.; Klaveren, D. van; Modolo, R.; Kogame, N.; Takahashi, K.; Chang, C.C.; Tomaniak, M.; Yuan, J.Q.; Xie, L.H.; Song, Y.; Qiao, S.B.; Yang, Y.J.; Guan, C.D.; Zurakowski, A.; Geuns, R.J. van; Sabate, M.; Ong, P.J.; Wykrzykowska, J.J.; Piek, J.J.; Garg, S.; Hamm, C.; Steg, G.; Vranckx, P.; Valgimigli, M.; Windecker, S.; Juni, P.; Onuma, Y.; Steyerberg, E.; Xu, B. & Serruys, P.W. (2021), Predicting 2-year all-cause mortality after contemporary PCI: Updating the logistic clinical SYNTAX score, Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions.
- Koohi, F.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Cheraghi, L.; Abdshah, A.; Azizi, F. & Khalili, D. (2021), Validation of the Framingham hypertension risk score in a middle eastern population, BMC Public Health 21(1).
- Alblas, M.; Peterse, E.F.P.; , M.M. du; Zauber, A.G.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Leeuwen, N. van & Lansdorp-Vogelaar, I. (2021), Cost-effectiveness of prophylactic hysterectomy in first-degree female relatives with Lynch syndrome of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer in the United States, Cancer Medicine 10(19): 6835-6844.
- Muhlberger, N.; Sroczynski, G.; Gogollari, A.; Jahn, B.; Pashayan, N.; Steyerberg, E.; Widschwendter, M. & Siebert, U. (2021), Cost effectiveness of breast cancer screening and prevention: a systematic review with a focus on risk-adapted strategies, European Journal of Health Economics 22(8): 1311-1344.
- Egmond, S. van; Vries, E. de; Hollestein, L.; Bastiaens, M.; Roos, K.P. de; Kuijpers, D.; Steyerberg, E.; Wakkee, M.; Mosterd, K.; Nijsten, T. & Bekker-Grob, E.W. de (2021), What do patients and dermatologists prefer regarding low-risk basal cell carcinoma follow-up care?, PLoS ONE 16(3).
- Wiegers, E.J.A.; Trapani, T.; Gabbe, B.J.; Gantner, D.; Lecky, F.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K.; Murray, L.; Rosenfeld, J.V.; Vallance, S.; Lingsma, H.F.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Cooper, D.J.; CENTER TBI OzENTER TBI Investigat & Collaboration Grps CENTER TBI OzEN (2021), Characteristics, management and outcomes of patients with severe traumatic brain injury in Victoria, Australia compared to United Kingdom and Europe, Injury 52(9): 2576-2587.
- Eyck, B.; Lanschot, J.J.B. van; Hulshof, M.C.C.M.; Wilk, B.J. van der; Shapiro, J.; Hagen, P. van; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Wijnhoven, B.P.L.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Nieuwenhuijzen, G.A.P.; Hospers, G.A.P.; Bonenkamp, J.J.; Cuesta, M.A.; Blaisse, R.J.B.; Busch, O.R.; Creemers, G.J.M.; Punt, C.J.A.; Plukker, J.T.M.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Bilgen, E.J.S.; Sangen, M.J.C. van der; Rozema, T.; Kate, F.J.W. ten; Beukema, J.C.; Piet, A.H.M.; Rij, C.M. van; Reinders, J.G.; Tilanus, H.W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Gaast, A. van der & CROSS Study Grp (2021), 10-year Outcome of a Randomized Trial Comparing Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy and Surgery with Surgery Alone for Esophageal Cancer (CROSS trial), Annals of Surgical Oncology 28(SUPPL 1): S147-S147.
- Verbeek, J.F.M.; Nieboer, D.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Roobol, M.J. (2021), Assessing a Patient's Individual Risk of Biopsy-detectable Prostate Cancer: Be Aware of Case Mix Heterogeneity and A Priori Likelihood, EUROPEAN UROLOGY ONCOLOGY 4(5): 813-816.
- Hond, A. de; Raven, W.; Schinkelshoek, L.; Gaakeer, M.; Avest, E. ter; Sir, O.; Lameijer, H.; Hessels, R.A.; Reijnen, R.; Jonge, E. de; Steyerberg, E.; Nickel, C.H. & Groot, B. de (2021), Machine learning for developing a prediction model of hospital admission of emergency department patients, International Journal of Medical Informatics 152.
- Steinbuechel, N. von; Rauen, K.; Krenz, U.; Wu, Y.J.; Covic, A.; Plass, A.M.; Cunitz, K.; Mueller, I.; Bockhop, F.; Polinder, S.; Wilson, L.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.; Zeldovich, M. & Linguistic Validation Grp CENTER (2021), Translation and linguistic validation of outcome instruments for traumatic brain injury research and clinical practice, Journal of Clinical Medicine 10(13).
- Beumer, B.R.; Takagi, K.; Vervoort, B.; Buettner, S.; Umeda, Y.; Yagi, T.; Fujiwara, T.; Steyerberg, E.W. & IJzermans, J.N.M. (2021), ASO Visual Abstract: Prediction of Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence After Resection-An International Validation of the ERASL Risk Models, Annals of Surgical Oncology 28(SUPPL 3): 505-506.
- Munter, L. de; Polinder, S.; Havermans, R.J.M.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Jongh, M.A.C. de (2021), Prognostic factors for recovery of health status after injury, BMJ Open 11(1).
- Steyerberg, E.W.; Wreede, L.C. de; Klaveren, D. van & Bossuyt, P.M.M. (2021), Personalized decision making on genomic testing in early breast cancer, Medical Decision Making 41(3): 354-365.
- Kooten, R.T. van; Voeten, D.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Hillegersberg, R. van; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & Wouters, M.W.J.M. (2021), Patient-related prognostic factors for anastomotic leakage, major complications, and short-term mortality following esophagectomy for cancer, Annals of Surgical Oncology 29.
- Kooten, R.T. van; Voeten, D.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Hillegersberg, R. van; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. & Wouters, M.W.J.M. (2021), ASO Visual Abstract: Patient-Related Prognostic Factors for Anastomotic Leakage, Major Complications, and Short-Term Mortality Following Esophagectomy for Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses, Annals of Surgical Oncology.
- Villar, J.; Gonzalez-Martin, J.M.; Ambros, A.; Mosteiro, F.; Martinez, D.; Fernandez, L.; Soler, J.A.; Parra, L.; Solano, R.; Soro, M.; Campo, R. del; Gonzalez-Luengo, R.I.; Civantos, B.; Montiel, R.; Pita-Garcia, L.; Vidal, A.; Anon, J.M.; Ferrando, C.; Diaz-Dominguez, F.J.; Mora-Ordonez, J.M.; Fernandez, M.M.; Fernandez, C.; Fernandez, R.L.; Rodriguez-Suarez, P.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Kacmarek, R.M. & Spanish Initiative Epidemiology St (2021), Stratification for Identification of Prognostic Categories In the Acute RESpiratory Distress Syndrome (SPIRES) Score, Critical Care Medicine 49(10): E920-E930.
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Bastiaannet, E.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Steup, W.H.; Hamaker, M.M.; Sonneveld, D.J.A.; Burghgraef, T.A.; Bos, F. van den & Portielje, J.E.A. (2021), A prediction model for severe complications after elective colorectal cancer surgery in patients of 70 years and older, Cancers 13(13).
- Borensztajn, D.; Zachariasse, J.M.; Greber-Platzer, S.; Alves, C.F.; Freitas, P.; Smit, F.J.; Lei, J. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Maconochie, I. & Moll, H.A. (2021), Shortness of breath in children at the emergency department, PLoS ONE 16(5).
- Wong, A.K.I.; Charpignon, M.; Kim, H.; Josef, C.; Hond, A.A.H. de; Fojas, J.J.; Tabaie, A.; Liu, X.L.; Mireles-Cabodevila, E.; Carvalho, L.; Kamaleswaran, R.; Madushani, R.W.M.A.; Adhikari, L.; Holder, A.L.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Buchman, T.G.; Lough, M.E. & Celi, L.A. (2021), Analysis of discrepancies between pulse oximetry and arterial oxygen saturation measurements by race and ethnicity and association with organ dysfunction and mortality, Jama Network Open 4(11).
- Bruinsma, S.M.; Nieboer, D.; Roobol, M.J.; Bangma, C.H.; Verbeek, J.F.M.; Gnanapragasam, V.; Hemelrijck, M. van; Frydenberg, M.; Lee, L.S.; Valdagni, R.; Logothetis, C.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Movember Fdn Global Action Plan (2021), Risk-Based Selection for Active Surveillance: Results of the Movember Foundation's Global Action Plan Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance (GAP3) Initiative, The Journal of Urology 206(1): 62-68.
- Faisal, M.; Mohammed, M.A.; Richardson, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Fiori, M. & Beatson, K. (2021), Predictive accuracy of enhanced versions of the on-admission National Early Warning Score in estimating the risk of COVID-19 for unplanned admission to hospital, BMC Health Services Research 21(1).
- Nijman, R.G.; Borensztajn, D.H.; Zachariasse, J.M.; Hajema, C.; Freitas, P.; Greber-Platzer, S.; Smit, F.J.; Alves, C.F.; Lei, J. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Maconochie, I.K. & Moll, H.A. (2021), A clinical prediction model to identify children at risk for revisits with serious illness to the emergency department, PLoS ONE 16(7).
- Rietbergen, T.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Diercks, R.L.; Janssen, R.P.A.; Linden-van der Zwaag, H.M.J. van der; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Bodegom-Vos, L. van & SMART Study Grp (2021), Performing a knee arthroscopy among patients with degenerative knee disease, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 30(May 2022).
- Ceyisakar, I.E.; Leeuwen, N. van; Dippel, D.W.J.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Lingsma, H.F. (2021), Ordinal outcome analysis improves the detection of between-hospital differences in outcome, BMC Medical Research Methodology 21(1).
- Marincowitz, C.; Gravesteijn, B.; Sheldon, T.; Steyerberg, E. & Lecky, F. (2021), Performance of the Hull Salford Cambridge Decision Rule (HSC DR) for early discharge of patients with findings on CT scan of the brain, Emergency Medicine Journal 39(3).
- Gravesteijn, B.Y.; Sewalt, C.A.; Venema, E.; Nieboer, D.; Steyerberg, E.W. & CENTER-TBI Collaborators (2021), Missing Data in Prediction Research: A Five-Step Approach for Multiple Imputation, Illustrated in the CENTER-TBI Study, Journal of Neurotrauma 38(13): 1842-1857.
- Synnot, A.; Gruen, R.L.; Menon, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Buki, A.; Peul, W.C.; Elliott, J.H. & Maas, A. (2021), A new approach to evidence synthesis in traumatic brain injury: a living systematic review, Journal of Neurotrauma 38(8): 1069-1071.
- Kooten, R.T. van; Bahadoer, R.R.; Peeters, K.C.M.J.; Hoeksema, J.H.L.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Wouters, M.W.J.M. & Tollenaar, R.A.E.M. (2021), Preoperative risk factors for major postoperative complications after complex gastrointestinal cancer surgery: a systematic review, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 47(12): 3049-3058.
- Gravesteijn, B.; Krijkamp, E.; Busschbach, J.; Geleijnse, G.; Helmrich, I.R.; Bruinsma, S.; Lint, C. van; Veen, E. van; Steyerberg, E.; Verhoef, K.; Saase, J. van; Lingsma, H.; Jong, R.B. de & Value Based Operation Room Triage (2021), Minimizing population health loss in times of scarce surgical capacity during the Coronavirus disease 2019 crisis and beyond, Value in Health 24(5): 648-657.
- Lecky, F.E.; Otesile, O.; Marincowitz, C.; Majdan, M.; Nieboer, D.; Lingsma, H.F.; Maegele, M.; Citerio, G.; Stocchetti, N.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Menon, D.K.; Maas, A.I.R.; Moyer, C.; Moyer, C.; Moyer, C.; Moyer, C. & Moyer, C. (2021), The burden of traumatic brain injury from low-energy falls among patients from 18 countries in the CENTER-TBI Registry, PLoS Medicine 18(9).
- Chalkou, K.; Steyerberg, E.; Egger, M.; Manca, A.; Pellegrini, F. & Salanti, G. (2021), A two-stage prediction model for heterogeneous effects of treatments, Statistics in Medicine 40(20).
- Zachariasse, J.M.; Espina, P.R.; Borensztajn, D.M.; Nieboer, D.; Maconochie, I.K.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lei, J. van der; Greber-Platzer, S. & Moll, H.A. (2021), Improving triage for children with comorbidity using the ED-PEWS: an observational study, Archives of Disease in Childhood.
- O'Malley, T.J.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Tchantchaleishvili, V. (2021), Practical Use of Bayes Rule: Applying Odds Ratio to Fine-Tune Known Risk.
- Beumer, B.R.; Takagi, K.; Vervoort, B.; Buettner, S.; Umeda, Y.; Yagi, T.; Fujiwara, T.; Steyerberg, E.W. & IJzermans, J.N.M. (2021), Prediction of early recurrence after surgery for liver tumor (ERASL), Annals of Surgical Oncology 28(13): 8211-8220.
- Hond, A. de; Raven, W.; Kant, I.; Schinkelshoek, L.; Steyerberg, E. & Groot, B. de (2021), Prediction of hospital admission from the emergency department: Clinician involvement, intended use, and interpretability, International Journal of Medical Informatics 155.
- Sewalt, C.A.; Gravesteijn, B.Y.; Nieboer, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Hartog, D. den & Klaveren, D. van (2021), Identifying trauma patients with benefit from direct transportation to Level-1 trauma centers, BMC Emergency Medicine 21(1).
- Wiegers, E.J.A.; Lingsma, H.F.; Huijben, J.A.; Cooper, D.J.; Citerio, G.; Frisvold, S.; Helbok, R.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K.; Moore, E.M.; Stocchetti, N.; Dippel, D.W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Jagt, M. van der; CENTER-TBI Collaboration Grp & OzENTER-TBI Collaboration Grp (2021), Fluid balance and outcome in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury (CENTER-TBI and OzENTER-TBI) : a prospective, multicentre, comparative effectiveness study, The Lancet Neurology 20(8): 627-638.
- Wessler, B.S.; Nelson, J.; Park, J.G.; McGinnes, H.; Gulati, G.; Brazil, R.; Calster, B. van; Klaveren, D. van; Venema, E.; Steyerberg, E.; Paulus, J.K. & Kent, D.M. (2021), External validations of cardiovascular clinical prediction models: a large-scale review of the literature, Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 14(8).
- Hara, H.; Shiomi, H.; Klaveren, D. van; Kent, D.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Garg, S.; Onuma, Y.; Kimura, T. & Serruys, P.W. (2021), External Validation of the SYNTAX Score II 2020, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 78(12): 1227-1238.
- Maas, A.I.R. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2021), Commentary: Disability Rating Scale in the First Few Weeks After a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury as a Predictor of 6-Month Functional Outcome, Neurosurgery 88(3): E242-E243.
- Takahashi, K.; Klaveren, D. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Onuma, Y. & Serruys, P.W. (2021), Concerns with the new SYNTAX score Reply.
- Austin, P.C.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Putter, H. (2021), Fine-Gray subdistribution hazard models to simultaneously estimate the absolute risk of different event types, Statistics in Medicine 40(19).
- Reps, J.M.; Kim, C.; Williams, R.D.; Markus, A.F.; Yang, C.; Duarte-Salles, T.; Falconer, T.; Jonnagaddala, J.; Williams, A.; Fernandez-Bertolin, S.; DuVall, S.L.; Kostka, K.; Rao, G.; Shoaibi, A.; Ostropolets, A.; Spotnitz, M.E.; Zhang, L.; Casajust, P.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Nyberg, F.; Kaas-Hansen, B.S.; Choi, Y.H.; Morales, D.; Liaw, S.T.; Abrahao, M.T.F.; Areia, C.; Matheny, M.E.; Lynch, K.E.; Aragon, M.; Park, R.W.; Hripcsak, G.; Reich, C.G.; Suchard, M.A.; You, S.C.; Ryan, P.B.; Prieto-Alhambra, D. & Rijnbeek, P.R. (2021), Implementation of the COVID-19 vulnerability index across an international network of health care data sets, JMIR Medical Informatics 9(4).
- Steinbuechel, N. von; Rauen, K.; Bockhop, F.; Covic, A.; Krenz, U.; Plass, A.M.; Cunitz, K.; Polinder, S.; Wilson, L.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.; Wu, Y.J.; Zeldovich, M. & CTR-TBI Participants Investi (2021), Psychometric characteristics of the patient-reported outcome measures applied in the CENTER-TBI study, Journal of Clinical Medicine 10(11).
- Buttner, S.; Galjart, B.; Beumer, B.R.; Vugt, J.L.A. van; Eijck, C.H.J. van; Polak, W.G.; Jonge, J. de; Homs, M.Y.V.; Driel, L.M.J.W. van; Pawlik, T.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Ijzermans, J.N.M. & Koerkamp, B.G. (2021), Quality and performance of validated prognostic models for survival after resection of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis, HPB 23(1): 25-36.
- Pablo, G.S. de; Studerus, E.; Vaquerizo-Serrano, J.; Irving, J.; Catalan, A.; Oliver, D.; Baldwin, H.; Danese, A.; Fazel, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Stahl, D. & Fusar-Poli, P. (2021), Implementing precision psychiatry: a systematic review of individualized prediction models for clinical practice, Schizophrenia Bulletin 47(2): 284-297.
- Pavlou, M.; Qu, C.; Omar, R.Z.; Seaman, S.R.; Steyerberg, E.W.; White, I.R. & Ambler, G. (2021), Estimation of required sample size for external validation of risk models for binary outcomes, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 30(10): 2187-2206.
- Mahdiui, M. el; Simon, J.; Smit, J.M.; Kuneman, J.H.; Rosendael, A.R. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Geest, R.J. van der; Szaraz, L.; Herczeg, S.; Szegedi, N.; Geller, L.; Delgado, V.; Merkely, B.; Bax, J.J. & Maurovich-Horvat, P. (2021), Posterior left atrial adipose tissue attenuation assessed by computed tomography and recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 14(4): 404-411.
- Volovici, V. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2021), Lost in translation between evidence and recommendations: expert opinion is needed to define "Level I", World Neurosurgery 150: 39-41.
- Ercole, A.; Dixit, A.; Nelson, D.W.; Bhattacharyay, S.; Zeiler, F.A.; Nieboer, D.; Bouamra, O.; Menon, D.K.; Maas, A.I.R.; Dijkland, S.A.; Lingsma, H.F.; Wilson, L.; Lecky, F.; Steyerberg, E.W. & CENTER-TBI Investigators (2021), Imputation strategies for missing baseline neurological assessment covariates after traumatic brain injury, PLoS ONE 16(8).
- Venema, E.; Roozenbeek, B.; Mulder, M.J.H.L.; Brown, S.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Demchuk, A.M.; Muir, K.W.; Davalos, A.; Mitchell, P.J.; Bracard, S.; Berkhemer, O.A.; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Roos, Y.B.W.E.M.; Zwam, W.H. van; Lugt, A. van der; Hill, M.D.; White, P.; Campbell, B.C.V.; Guillemin, F.; Saver, J.L.; Jovin, T.G.; Goyal, M.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Lingsma, H.F.; HERMES Collaborators & MR CLEAN Registry Investigators (2021), Prediction of outcome and endovascular treatment benefit validation and update of the MR PREDICTS decision tool, Stroke 52(9): 2764-2772.
- Hara, H.; Shiomi, H.; Klaveren, D. van; Kent, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Garg, S.; Onuma, Y.; Kimura, T. & Serruys, P.W. (2021), Long-term prediction of mortality and comparative treatment benefit following percutaneous or surgical revascularization, European Heart Journal 42: 2703-2703.
- Neupane, S.; Nevalainen, J.; Raitanen, J.; Talala, K.; Kujala, P.; Taari, K.; Tammela, T.L.J.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Auvinen, A. (2021), Prognostic index for predicting prostate cancer survival in a randomized screening trial, Cancers 13(3).
- LA van der Velde, EW Steyerberg, ME Numans & JC Kiefte-de Jong (2021), The added value of food insecurity status in predicting poor health: a cross-sectional study among disadvantaged families in the Netherlands, BMJ Open.
- Kaal, A.; Snel, L.; Dane, M.; Burgel, N. van; Ottens, T.; Broekman, W.; Bouazzaoui, L. el; Kolfschoten, N.; Schippers, E.; Steyerberg, E.; Meziyerh, S. & Nieuwkoop, C. van (2021), Diagnostic yield of bacteriological tests and predictors of severe outcome in adult patients with COVID-19 presenting to the emergency department, Emergency Medicine Journal 38(9): 685-+.
- Ramspek, C.L.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Riley, R.D.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dekkers, O.M.; Dekker, F.W. & Diepen, M. van (2021), Prediction or causality? A scoping review of their conflation within current observational research, European Journal of Epidemiology 36(9): 889-898.
- Eyck, B.; Lanschot, J.J.B. van; Hulshof, M.C.C.M.; Wilk, B.J. van der; Shapiro, J.; Hagen, P. van; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Wijnhoven, B.P.L.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Nieuwenhuijzen, G.A.P.; Hospers, G.A.P.; Bonenkamp, J.J.; Cuesta, M.A.; Blaisse, R.J.B.; Busch, O.R.; Creemers, G.J.M.; Punt, C.J.A.; Plukker, J.T.M.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Bilgen, E.J.S.; Sangen, M.J.C. van der; Rozema, T.; Kate, F.J.W. ten; Beukema, J.C.; Piet, A.H.M.; Rij, C.M. van; Reinders, J.G.; Tilanus, H.W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Gaast, A. van der & CROSS Study Grp (2021), Ten-year outcome of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy plus surgery for esophageal cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 39(18): 1995-+.
- Walgaard, C.; Jacobs, B.C.; Lingsma, H.F.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Berg, B. van den; Doets, A.Y.; Leonhard, S.E.; Verboon, C.; Huizinga, R.; Drenthen, J.; Arends, S.; Budde, I.K.; Kleyweg, R.P.; Kuitwaard, K.; Meulen, M.F.G. van der; Samijn, J.P.A.; Vermeij, F.H.; Kuks, J.B.M.; Dijk, G.W. van; Wirtz, P.W.; Eftimov, F.; Kooi, A.J. van der; Garssen, M.P.J.; Gijsbers, C.J.; Rijk, M.C. de; Visser, L.H.; Blom, R.J.; Linssen, W.H.J.P.; Kooi, E.L. van der; Verschuuren, J.J.G.M.; Koningsveld, R. van; Dieks, R.J.G.; Gilhuis, H.J.; Jellema, K.; Ree, T.C. van der; Bienfait, H.M.E.; Faber, C.G.; Lovenich, H.; Engelen, B.G.M. van; Groen, R.J.; Merkies, I.S.J.; Oosten, B.W. van; Pol, W.L. van der; Meulen, W.D.M. van der; Badrising, U.A.; Stevens, M.; Breukelman, A.J.J.; Zwetsloot, C.P.; Graaff, M.M. van der; Wohlgemuth, M.; Hughes, R.A.C.; Cornblath, D.R.; Doorn, P.A. van & Dutch GBS Study Grp (2021), Second intravenous immunoglobulin dose in patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome with poor prognosis (SID-GBS): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial, The Lancet Neurology 20(4): 275-283.
- Buchem, M.M. van; Boosman, H.; Bauer, M.P.; Kant, I.M.J.; Cammel, S.A. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2021), The digital scribe in clinical practice: a scoping review and research agenda, npj Digital Medicine 4(1).
- Wynants, L.; Calster, B. van; Bonten, M.M.J.; Collins, G.S.; Debray, T.P.A.; Vos, M. de; Haller, M.C.; Heinze, G.; Moons, K.G.M.; Riley, R.D.; Schuit, E.; Smits, L.J.M.; Snell, K.I.E.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Wallisch, C. & Smeden, M. van (2020), Prediction models for diagnosis and prognosis of covid-19 infection: systematic review and critical appraisal, BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 369.
- Kramer, I.; Hooning, M.J.; Mavaddat, N.; Hauptmann, M.; Keeman, R.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Giardiello, D.; Antoniou, A.C.; Pharoah, P.D.P.; Canisius, S.; Abu-Ful, Z.; Andrulis, I.L.; Anton-Culver, H.; Aronson, K.J.; Augustinsson, A.; Becher, H.; Beckmann, M.W.; Behrens, S.; Benitez, J.; Bermisheva, M.; Bogdanova, N.V.; Bojesen, S.E.; Bolla, M.K.; Bonanni, B.; Brauch, H.; Bremer, M.; Brucker, S.Y.; Burwinkel, B.; Castelao, J.E.; Chan, T.L.; Chang-Claude, J.; Chanock, S.J.; Chenevix-Trench, G.; Choi, J.Y.; Clarke, C.L.; Collee, J.M.; Couch, F.J.; Cox, A.; Cross, S.S.; Czene, K.; Daly, M.B.; Devilee, P.; Dork, T.; dos-Santos-Silva, I.; Dunning, A.M.; Dwek, M.; Eccles, D.M.; Evans, D.G.; Fasching, P.A.; Flyger, H.; Gago-Dominguez, M.; Garcia-Closas, M.; Garcia-Saenz, J.A.; Giles, G.G.; Goldgar, D.E.; Gonzalez-Neira, A.; Haiman, C.A.; Hakansson, N.; Hamann, U.; Hartman, M.; Heemskerk-Gerritsen, B.A.M.; Hollestelle, A.; Hopper, J.L.; Hou, M.F.; Howell, A.; Ito, H.; Jakimovska, M.; Jakubowska, A.; Janni, W.; John, E.M.; Jung, A.; Kang, D.; Kets, C.M.; Khusnutdinova, E.; Ko, Y.D.; Kristensen, V.N.; Kurian, A.W.; Kwong, A.; Lambrechts, D.; Marchand, L. le; Li, J.M.; Lindblom, A.; Mannermaa, A.; Manoochehri, M.; Margolin, S.; Matsuo, K.; Mavroudis, D.; Meindl, A.; Milne, R.L.; Mulligan, A.M.; Muranen, T.A.; Neuhausen, S.L.; Nevanlinna, H.; Newman, W.G.; Olshan, A.F.; Olson, J.E.; Olsson, H.; Park-Simon, T.W.; Peto, J.; Petridis, C.; Plaseska-Karanfilska, D.; Presneau, N.; Pylkas, K.; Radice, P.; Rennert, G.; Romero, A.; Roylance, R.; Saloustros, E.; Sawyer, E.J.; Schmutzler, R.K.; Schwentner, L.; Scott, C.; See, M.H.; Shah, M.; Shen, C.Y.; Shu, X.O.; Siesling, S.; Slager, S.; Sohn, C.; Southey, M.C.; Spinelli, J.J.; Stone, J.; Tapper, W.J.; Tengstrom, M.; Teo, S.H.; Terry, M.B.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Tomlinson, I.; Troester, M.A.; Vachon, C.M.; Ongeval, C. van; Veen, E.M. van; Winqvist, R.; Wolk, A.; Zheng, W.; Ziogas, A.; Easton, D.F.; Hall, P.; Schmidt, M.K.; NBCS Collaborators; ABCTB Investigators & kConFab Investigators (2020), Breast Cancer Polygenic Risk Score and Contralateral Breast Cancer Risk, American Journal of Human Genetics 107(5): 837-848.
- Czeiter, E.; Amrein, K.; Gravesteijn, B.Y.; Lecky, F.; Menon, D.K.; Mondello, S.; Newcombe, V.F.J.; Richter, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Vande Vyvere, T.; Verheyden, J.; Xu, H.Y.; Yang, Z.H.; Maas, A.I.R.; Wang, K.K.W.; Buki, A. & CENTER-TBI Participants (2020), Blood biomarkers on admission in acute traumatic brain injury, EBioMedicine 56.
- Gravesteijn, B.Y.; Nieboer, D.; Ercole, A.; Lingsma, H.F.; Nelson, D.; Calster, B. van; Steyerberg, E.W. & CENTER-TBI Collaborators (2020), Machine learning algorithms performed no better than regression models for prognostication in traumatic brain injury, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 122: 95-107.
- Chalos, V.; Ende, N.A.M. van der; Lingsma, H.F.; Mulder, M.J.H.L.; Venema, E.; Dijkland, S.A.; Berkhemer, O.A.; Yoo, A.J.; Broderick, J.P.; Palesch, Y.Y.; Yeatts, S.D.; Roos, Y.B.W.E.M.; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Zwam, W.H. van; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Lugt, A. van der; Roozenbeek, B.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Berkhemer, O.A.; Fransen, P.S.S.; Beumer, D.; Berg, L.A. van den; Lingsma, H.F.; Yoo, A.J.; Schonewille, W.J.; Vos, J.A.; Nederkoorn, P.J.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Walderveen, M.A.A. van; Staals, J.; Hofmeijer, J.; Oostayen, J.A. van; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Boiten, J.; Brouwer, P.A.; Emmer, B.J.; Bruijn, S.F. de; Dijk, L.C. van; Kappelle, L.J.; , R.H. lo; Dijk, E.J. van; Vries, J. de; Kort, P.L.M. de; Rooij, W.J.J. van; Berg, J.S.P. van den; Hasselt, B.A.A.M. van; Aerden, L.A.M.; Dallinga, R.J.; Visser, M.C.; Bot, J.C.J.; Vroomen, P.C.; Eshghi, O.; Schreuder, T.H.C.M.L.; Heijboer, R.J.J.; Keizer, K.; Tielbeek, A.V.; Hertog, H.M. den; Gerrits, D.G.; Berg-Vos, R.M. van den; Karas, G.B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Flach, H.Z.; Marquering, H.A.; Sprengers, M.E.S.; Jenniskens, S.F.M.; Beenen, L.F.M.; Berg, R. van den; Koudstaal, P.J. & MR CLEAN Investigators (2020), National institutes of health stroke scale an alternative primary outcome measure for trials of acute treatment for ischemic stroke, Stroke 51(1): 282-290.
- Dijkland, S.A.; Helmrich, I.R.A.R.; Nieboer, D.; Jagt, M. van der; Dippel, D.W.J.; Menon, D.K.; Stocchetti, N.; Maas, A.I.R.; Lingsma, H.F.; Steyerberg, E.W. & CENTER-TBI Participants Investig (2020), Outcome prediction after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury, Journal of Neurotrauma 38(10).
- Voormolen, D.C.; Zeldovich, M.; Haagsma, J.A.; Polinder, S.; Friedrich, S.; Maas, A.I.R.; Wilson, L.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Covic, A.; Andelic, N.; Plass, A.M.; Wu, Y.J.; Asendorf, T.; Steinbuechel, N. von & CENTER-TBI Participants (2020), Outcomes after complicated and uncomplicated mild traumatic brain injury at three- and six-months post-injury, Journal of Clinical Medicine 9(5).
- Gravesteijn, B.Y.; Sewalt, C.A.; Ercole, A.; Akerlund, C.; Nelson, D.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.; Lingsma, H.F.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Collaborative European NeuroTrauma (2020), Toward a new multi-dimensional classification of traumatic brain injury, Journal of Neurotrauma 37(7): 1002-1010.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Ramspek, C.L.; Dekker, F.W.; Heus, P.; Hooft, L.; Moons, K.G.M.; Peul, W.C.; Collins, G.S.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Diepen, M. van (2020), TRIPOD statement: a preliminary pre-post analysis of reporting and methods of prediction models, BMJ Open 10(9).
- Lagendijk, J.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Daalderop, L.A.; Been, J.V.; Steegers, E.A.P. & Posthumus, A.G. (2020), Validation of a prognostic model for adverse perinatal health outcomes, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Giardiello, D.; Kramer, I.; Hooning, M.J.; Hauptmann, M.; Lips, E.H.; Sawyer, E.; Thompson, A.M.; Munck, L. de; Siesling, S.; Wesseling, J.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Schmidt, M.K. (2020), Contralateral breast cancer risk in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer, npj Breast Cancer 6(1).
- Steyerberg, E.W. & Calster, B. van (2020), Redefining significance and reproducibility for medical research: A plea for higher P-value thresholds for diagnostic and prognostic models, European Journal of Clinical Investigation 50(5).
- Takahashi, K.; Serruys, P.W.; Fuster, V.; Farkouh, M.E.; Spertus, J.A.; Cohen, D.J.; Park, S.J.; Park, D.W.; Ahn, J.M.; Kappetein, A.P.; Head, S.J.; Thuijs, D.J.F.M.; Onuma, Y.; Kent, D.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Klaveren, D. van; SYNTAXES Trial Investigator; FREEDOM Trial Investigator; BEST Trial Investigator & PRECOMBAT Trial Investigator (2020), Redevelopment and validation of the SYNTAX score II to individualise decision making between percutaneous and surgical revascularisation in patients with complex coronary artery disease: secondary analysis of the multicentre randomised controlled SYNTAXES trial with external cohort validation, The Lancet 396(10260): 1399-1412.
- Calster, B. van; Smeden, M. van; Cock, B. de & Steyerberg, E.W. (2020), Regression shrinkage methods for clinical prediction models do not guarantee improved performance, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 29(11): 3166-3178.
- Kent, D.M.; Klaveren, D. van; Paulus, J.K.; D'Agostino, R.; Goodman, S.; Hayward, R.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Patrick-Lake, B.; Morton, S.; Pencina, M.; Raman, G.; Ross, J.S.; Selker, H.P.; Varadhan, R.; Vickers, A.; Wong, J.B. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2020), The predictive approaches to treatment effect heterogeneity (PATH) statement , Annals of Internal Medicine 172(1): W1-W25.
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Bastiaannet, E.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Bos, F. van den & Portielje, J.E.A. (2020), Risk prediction models for postoperative outcomes of colorectal cancer surgery in the older population - a systematic review, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 11(8): 1217-1228.
- Verbakel, J.Y.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Uno, H.; Cock, B. de; Wynants, L.; Collins, G.S. & Calster, B. van (2020), ROC curves for clinical prediction models part 1. ROC plots showed no added value above the AUC when evaluating the performance of clinical prediction models, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 126: 207-216.
- Calster, B. van; Wynants, L.; Collins, G.S.; Verbakel, J.Y. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2020), ROC curves for clinical prediction models part 3. The ROC plot, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 126: 220-223.
- Zachariasse, J.M.; Borensztajn, D.M.; Nieboer, D.; Alves, C.F.; Greber-Platzer, S.; Keyzer-Dekker, C.M.G.; Maconochie, I.K.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Smit, F.J. & Moll, H.A. (2020), Sex-specific differences in children attending the emergency department, BMJ Open 10(9).
- Richter, S.; Stevenson, S.; Newman, T.; Wilson, L.; Maas, A.I.R.; Nieboer, D.; Lingsma, H.F.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Newcombe, V.F.J. (2020), Study design features associated with patient attrition in studies of traumatic brain injury: a systematic review, Journal of Neurotrauma 37(17): 1845-1853.
- Bach, P.; Wallisch, C.; Klein, N.; Hafermann, L.; Sauerbrei, W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Heinze, G.; Rauch, G. & Grp 2 STRATOS Initiative (2020), Systematic review of education and practical guidance on regression modeling for medical researchers who lack a strong statistical background: study protocol, PLoS ONE 15(12).
- Kent, D.M.; Paulus, J.K.; Klaveren, D. van; D'Agostino, R.; Goodman, S.; Hayward, R.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Patrick-Lake, B.; Morton, S.; Pencina, M.; Raman, G.; Ross, J.S.; Selker, H.P.; Varadhan, R.; Vickers, A.; Wong, J.B. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2020), The predictive approaches to treatment effect heterogeneity (PATH) statement, Annals of Internal Medicine 172(1): 35-+.
- Giardiello, D.; Kramer, I.; Hooning, M.J.; Hauptmann, M.; Lips, E.; Sawley, E.; Thompson, A.; Munck, L. de; Siesling, S.; Wesseling, J.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Schmidt, M.K. (2020), Contralateral breast cancer in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer in the Netherlands, European Journal of Cancer 138: S12-S12.
- Luijken, K.; Wynants, L.; Smeden, M. van; Calster, B. van; Steyerberg, E.W. & Groenwold, R.H.H. (2020), Changing predictor measurement procedures affected the performance of prediction models in clinical examples, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 119: 7-18.
- Wijk, R.P.J. van; Dijck, J.T.J.M. van; Timmers, M.; Veen, E. van; Citerio, G.; Lingsma, H.F.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K.; Peul, W.C.; Stocchetti, N.; Kompanje, E.J.O.; Akerlund, C.; Amrein, K.; Andelic, N.; Andreassen, L.; Anke, A.; Antoni, A.; Audibert, G.; Azouvi, P.; Azzolini, M.L.; Bartels, R.; Barzo, P.; Beauvais, R.; Beer, R.; Bellander, B.M.; Belli, A.; Benali, H.; Berardino, M.; Beretta, L.; Blaabjerg, M.; Bragge, P.; Brazinova, A.; Brinck, V.; Brooker, J.; Brorsson, C.; Buki, A.; Bullinger, M.; Cabeleira, M.; Caccioppola, A.; Calappi, E.; Calvi, M.R.; Cameron, P.; Lozano, G.C.; Carbonara, M.; Cavallo, S.; Chevallard, G.; Chieregato, A.; Ceyisakar, I.; Coburn, M.; Coles, J.; Cooper, J.D.; Correia, M.; Covic, A.; Curry, N.; Czeiter, E.; Czosnyka, M.; Dahyot-Fizelier, C.; Dark, P.; Dawes, H.; Keyser, V. de; Degos, V.; Corte, F. della; Boogert, H. den; Depreitere, B.; Dilvesi, D.; Dixit, A.; Donoghue, E.; Dreier, J.; Duliere, G.L.; Ercole, A.; Esser, P.; Ezer, E.; Fabricius, M.; Feigin, V.L.; Foks, K.; Frisvold, S.; Furmanov, A.; Gagliardo, P.; Galanaud, D.; Gantner, D.; Gao, G.Y.; George, P.; Ghuysen, A.; Giga, L.; Glocker, B.; Golubovic, J.; Gomez, P.A.; Gratz, J.; Gravesteijn, B.; Grossi, F.; Gruen, R.L.; Gupta, D.; Haagsma, J.A.; Haitsma, I.; Helbok, R.; Helseth, E.; Horton, L.; Huijben, J.; Hutchinson, P.J.; Jacobs, B.; Jankowski, S.; Jarrett, M.; Jiang, J.Y.; Johnson, F.; Jones, K.; Karan, M.; Kolias, A.G.; Kompanje, E.; Kondziella, D.; Koraropoulos, E.; Koskinen, L.O.; Kovacs, N.; Kowark, A.; Lagares, A.; Lanyon, L.; Laureys, S.; Lecky, F.; Ledoux, D.; Lefering, R.; Legrand, V.; Lejeune, A.; Levi, L.; Lightfoot, R.; Lingsma, H.; Castano-Leon, A.M.; Maegele, M.; Majdan, M.; Manara, A.; Manley, G.; Martino, C.; Marechal, H.; Mattern, J.; McMahon, C.; Melegh, B.; Menon, D.; Menovsky, T.; Misset, B.; Mulazzi, D.; Muraleedharan, V.; Murray, L.; Negru, A.; Nelson, D.; Newcombe, V.; Nieboer, D.; Nyiradi, J.; Olubukola, O.; Oresic, M.; Ortolano, F.; Palotie, A.; Parizel, P.M.; Payen, J.F.; Perera, N.; Perlbarg, V.; Persona, P.; Peul, W.; Piippo-Karjalainen, A.; Pirinen, M.; Ples, H.; Polinder, S.; Pomposo, I.; Posti, J.P.; Puybasset, L.; Radoi, A.; Ragauskas, A.; Raj, R.; Rambadagalla, M.; Rhodes, J.; Richardson, S.; Richter, S.; Ripatti, S.; Rocka, S.; Roe, C.; Roise, O.; Rosand, J.; Rosenfeld, J.V.; Rosenlund, C.; Rosenthal, G.; Rossaint, R.; Rossi, S.; Rueckert, D.; Rusnak, M.; Sahuquillo, J.; Sakowitz, O.; Sanchez-Porras, R.; Sandor, J.; Schafer, N.; Schmidt, S.; Schoechl, H.; Schoonman, G.; Schou, R.F.; Schwendenwein, E.; Sewalt, C.; Skandsen, T.; Smielewski, P.; Sorinola, A.; Stamatakis, E.; Stanworth, S.; Stevens, R.; Stewart, W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Sundstrom, N.; Synnot, A.; Takala, R.; Tamas, V.; Tamosuitis, T.; Taylor, M.S.; Ao, B. te; Tenovuo, O.; Theadom, A.; Thomas, M.; Tibboel, D.; Tolias, C.; Trapani, T.; Tudora, C.M.; Vajkoczy, P.; Vallance, S.; Valeinis, E.; Vamos, Z.; Steen, G. van der; Naalt, J. van der; Essen, T.A. van; Hecke, W. van; Heugten, C. van; Praag, D. van; Vande Vyvere, T.; Vargiolu, A.; Vega, E.; Velt, K.; Verheyden, J.; Vespa, P.M.; Vik, A.; Vilcinis, R.; Volovici, V.; Steinbuchel, N. von; Voormolen, D.; Vulekovic, P.; Wang, K.K.W.; Wiegers, E.; Williams, G.; Wilson, L.; Winzeck, S.; Wolf, S.; Yang, Z.H.; Ylen, P.; Younsi, A.; Zeiler, F.A.; Zelinkova, V.; Ziverte, A.; Zoerle, T. & CENTER-TB1 Investigators (2020), Informed consent procedures in patients with an acute inability to provide informed consent, Journal of Critical Care 59: 6-15.
- Roessel, S. van; Strijker, M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Groen, J.V.; Mieog, J.S.; Groot, V.P.; He, J.; Pastena, M. de; Marchegiani, G.; Bassi, C.; Suhool, A.; Jang, J.Y.; Busch, O.R.; Halimi, A.; Zarantonello, L.; Koerkamp, B.G.; Samra, J.S.; Mittal, A.; Gill, A.J.; Bolm, L.; Eijck, C.H. van; Abu Hilal, M.; Chiaro, M. del; Keck, T.; Alseidi, A.; Wolfgang, C.L.; Malleo, G. & Besselink, M.G. (2020), International validation and update of the Amsterdam model for prediction of survival after pancreatoduodenectomy for pancreatic cancer, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 46(5): 796-803.
- Saadati, H.; Baradaran, H.R.; Danaei, G.; Ostovar, A.; Hadaegh, F.; Janani, L.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Khalili, D. (2020), Iranian general populations' and health care providers' preferences for benefits and harms of statin therapy for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 20(1).
- Giardiello, D.; Antoniou, A.C.; Mariani, L.; Easton, D.F. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2020), Letter to the editor: a response to Ming's study on machine learning techniques for personalized breast cancer risk prediction.
- Janki, S.; Dehghan, A.; Wetering, J. van de; Steyerberg, E.W.; Klop, K.W.J.; Kimenai, H.J.A.N.; Rizopoulos, D.; Hoorn, E.J.; Stracke, S.; Weimar, W.; Volzke, H.; Hofman, A. & Ijzermans, J.N.M. (2020), Long-term prognosis after kidney donation, European Journal of Epidemiology 35(7): 699-707.
- Cammel, S.A.; Vos, M.S. de; Soest, D. van; Hettne, K.M.; Boer, F.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Boosman, H. (2020), How to automatically turn patient experience free-text responses into actionable insights, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 20(1).
- Blomaard, L.C.; Speksnijder, C.; Lucke, J.A.; Gelder, J. de; Anten, S.; Schuit, S.C.E.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Gussekloo, J.; Groot, B. de & Mooijaart, S.P. (2020), Geriatric screening, triage urgency, and 30-day mortality in older emergency department patients, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 68(8).
- Roumans, C.A.M.; Bogt, R.D. van der; Steyerberg, E.; Rizopoulos, D.; Lansdorp-Vogelaar, I.; Sharma, P.; Spaander, M.C.W. & Bruno, M.J. (2020), Adherence to recommendations of Barrett's esophagus surveillance guidelines, Endoscopy 52(1): 17-28.
- Huijben, J.A.; Wiegers, E.J.A.; Lingsma, H.F.; Citerio, G.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K.; Ercole, A.; Nelson, D.; Jagt, M. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Helbok, R.; Lecky, F.; Peul, W.; Birg, T.; Zoerle, T.; Carbonara, M.; Stocchetti, N. & CTR-TBI Investigators Participants (2020), Changing care pathways and between-center practice variations in intensive care for traumatic brain injury across Europe, Intensive Care Medicine 46(5): 995-1004.
- Steyerberg, E.W. (2020), External validation and comparison of prostate cancer risk calculators incorporating multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for prediction of clinically significant prostate cancer, The Journal of Urology 203(4): 726-726.
- Tran, A.; Taljaard, M.; Abdulaziz, K.E.; Matar, M.; Lampron, J.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Vaillancourt, C. (2020), Early identification of the need for major intervention in patients with traumatic hemorrhage, Canadian Journal of Surgery 63(5): E422-E430.
- Pan, J.; Adab, P.; Cheng, K.K.; Jiang, C.Q.; Zhang, W.S.; Zhu, F.; Jin, Y.L.; Thomas, G.N.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Lam, T.H. (2020), Development and validation of a prediction model for airflow obstruction in older Chinese, Respiratory Medicine 173.
- Giardiello, D.; Hauptmann, M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Adank, M.A.; Akdeniz, D.; Blom, J.C.; Blomqvist, C.; Bojesen, S.E.; Bolla, M.K.; Brinkhuis, M.; Chang-Claude, J.; Czene, K.; Devilee, P.; Dunning, A.M.; Easton, D.F.; Eccles, D.M.; Fasching, P.A.; Figueroa, J.; Flyger, H.; Garcia-Closas, M.; Haeberle, L.; Haiman, C.A.; Hall, P.; Hamann, U.; Hopper, J.L.; Jager, A.; Jakubowska, A.; Jung, A.; Keeman, R.; Koppert, L.B.; Kramer, I.; Lambrechts, D.; Marchand, L. le; Lindblom, A.; Lubinski, J.; Manoochehri, M.; Mariani, L.; Nevanlinna, H.; Oldenburg, H.S.A.; Pelders, S.; Pharoah, P.D.P.; Shah, M.; Siesling, S.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Southey, M.C.; Tapper, W.J.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Broek, A.J. van den; Deurzen, C.H.M. van; Leeuwen, F.E. van; Ongeval, C. van; Van't Veer, L.J.; Wang, Q.; Wendt, C.; Westenend, P.J.; Hooning, M.J. & Schmidt, M.K. (2020), Prediction of contralateral breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 181(2): 423-434.
- Gravesteijn, B.Y.; Sewalt, C.A.; Ercole, A.; Lecky, F.; Menon, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Maas, A.I.R.; Lingsma, H.F.; Klimek, M. & CENTER-TBI Collaborators (2020), Variation in the practice of tracheal intubation in Europe after traumatic brain injury, Anaesthesia 75(1): 45-53.
- Dijkland, S.A.; Jaja, B.N.R.; Jagt, M. van der; Roozenbeek, B.; Vergouwen, M.D.I.; Suarez, J.I.; Torner, J.C.; Todd, M.M.; Bergh, W.M. van den; Saposnik, G.; Zumofen, D.W.; Cusimano, M.D.; Mayer, S.A.; , B.W.Y. lo; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Schweizer, T.A.; Macdonald, R.L.; Lingsma, H.F. & SAHIT Collaboration (2020), Between-center and between-country differences in outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the Subarachnoid Hemorrhage International Trialists (SAHIT) repository, Journal of Neurosurgery 133(4): 1132-1140.
- Rekkas, A.; Paulus, J.K.; Raman, G.; Wong, J.B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Rijnbeek, P.R.; Kent, D.M. & Klaveren, D. van (2020), Predictive approaches to heterogeneous treatment effects: a scoping review, BMC Medical Research Methodology 20(1).
- Gravesteijn, B.Y.; Sewalt, C.A.; Stocchetti, N.; Citerio, G.; Ercole, A.; Lingsma, H.F.; Steinbuchel, N. von; Steyerberg, E.W.; Wilson, L.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K.; Lecky, F.E. & CENTER-TBI Collaborators (2020), Prehospital management of traumatic brain injury across Europe, Prehospital Emergency Care 25(5).
- Munter, L. de; Polinder, S.; Haagsma, J.A.; Kruithof, N.; Ree, C.L.P. van de; Steyerberg, E.W. & Jongh, M. de (2020), Prevalence and prognostic factors for psychological distress after trauma, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 101(5): 877-884.
- Munter, L. de; Geraerds, A.J.L.M.; Jongh, M.A.C. de; Vlegel, M. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Haagsma, J.A. & Polinder, S. (2020), Prognostic factors for medical and productivity costs, and return to work after trauma, PLoS ONE 15(3).
- Helmrich, I.R.A.R.; Lingsma, H.F.; Turgeon, A.F.; Yamal, J.M. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2020), Prognostic research in traumatic brain injury, Journal of Neurotrauma 38(18).
- Zachariasse, J.M.; Nieboer, D.; Maconochie, I.K.; Smit, F.J.; Alves, C.F.; Greber-Platzer, S.; Tsolia, M.N.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Avillach, P.; Lei, J. van der & Moll, H.A. (2020), Development and validation of a Paediatric Early Warning Score for use in the emergency department: a multicentre study, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 4(8): 583-591.
- Huijben, J.A.; Wiegers, E.J.A.; Ercole, A.; Keizer, N.F. de; Maas, A.I.R.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Citerio, G.; Wilson, L.; Polinder, S.; Nieboer, D.; Menon, D.; Lingsma, H.F. & Jagt, M. van der (2020), Quality indicators for patients with traumatic brain injury in European intensive care units, Critical Care 24(1).
- Leeuwen, N. van; Walgaard, C.; Doorn, P.A. van; Jacobs, B.C.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Lingsma, H.F. (2019), Efficient design and analysis of randomized controlled trials in rare neurological diseases: An example in Guillain-Barre syndrome, PLoS ONE 14(2).
- Roos, V.H.; Mangas-Sanjuan, C.; Rodriguez-Girondo, M.; Medina-Prado, L.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Bossuyt, P.M.M.; Dekker, E.; Jover, R. & Leerdam, M.E. van (2019), Effects of Family History on Relative and Absolute Risks for Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 17(13): 2657-+.
- Costa, F.; Klaveren, D. van; Feres, F.; James, S.; Raber, L.; Pilgrim, T.; Hong, M.K.; Kim, H.S.; Colombo, A.; Steg, P.G.; Bhatt, D.L.; Stone, G.W.; Windecker, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Valgimigli, M. & PRECISE-DAPT Study Investigators (2019), Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Duration Based on Ischemic and Bleeding Risks After Coronary Stenting, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 73(7): 741-754.
- McLernon, D.J.; Lee, A.J.; Maheshwari, A.; Eekelen, R. van; Geloven, N. van; Putter, H.; Eijkemans, M.J.; Steeg, J.W. van der; Veen, F. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Mol, B.W. & Bhattacharya, S. (2019), Predicting the chances of having a baby with or without treatment at different time points in couples with unexplained subfertility, Human Reproduction 34(6): 1126-1138.
- Pauwels R. W. M., van der Woude C. J., Nieboer D., Steyerberg E. W., Casanova M. J., Gisbert J. P., Lobo A. J., Lees C. W., Kennedy N. A., Molnar T., Szanto K., Louis E., Mary J. -Y., Lukas M., Duijvestein M., Bots S., D'Haens G. R. A. M. & de Vries A. C. (2019), Prediction model to safely cease anti-TNF therapy in Crohn's disease: individual patient data meta-analysis (IPD-MA), Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 13: S159-S159.
- derPloeg, J.M. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Zwolsman, S.E.; derVaart, C.H. van & Roovers, J.P.W.R. (2019), Stress urinary incontinence after vaginal prolapse repair: development and internal validation of a prediction model with and without the stress test, Neurourology and Urodynamics 38(4): 1086-1092.
- Calster, B. van; McLernon, D.J.; Smeden, M. van; Wynants, L.; Steyerberg, E.W. & STRATOS Initiative (2019), Calibration: the Achilles heel of predictive analytics, BMC Medicine 17(1).
- Giardiello, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Hauptmann, M.; Adank, M.A.; Akdeniz, D.; Blomqvist, C.; Bojesen, S.E.; Bolla, M.K.; Brinkhuis, M.; Chang-Claude, J.; Czene, K.; Devilee, P.; Dunning, A.M.; Easton, D.F.; Eccles, D.M.; Fasching, P.A.; Figueroa, J.; Flyger, H.; Garcia-Closas, M.; Haeberle, L.; Haiman, C.A.; Hall, P.; Hamann, U.; Hopper, J.L.; Jager, A.; Jakubowska, A.; Jung, A.; Keeman, R.; Kramer, I.; Lambrechts, D.; Marchand, L. le; Lindblom, A.; Lubinski, J.; Manoochehri, M.; Mariani, L.; Nevanlinna, H.; Oldenburg, H.S.A.; Pelders, S.; Pharoah, P.D.P.; Shah, M.; Siesling, S.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Southey, M.C.; Tapper, W.J.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Broek, A.J. van den; Deurzen, C.H.M. van; Leeuwen, F.E. van; Ongeval, C. van; Van't Veer, L.J.; Wang, Q.; Wendt, C.; Westenend, P.J.; Hooning, M.J. & Schmidt, M.K. (2019), Prediction and clinical utility of a contralateral breast cancer risk model, Breast Cancer Research 21(1).
- Foks, K.A.; Dijkland, S.A.; Lingsma, H.F.; Polinder, S.; Brand, C.L. van den; Jellema, K.; Jacobs, B.; Naalt, J. van der; Sir, O.; Jie, K.E.; Schoonman, G.G.; Hunink, M.G.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Gaakeer, M.I.; Schutte, C.E.; Visee, H.F.; Boogert, H. den; Reijners, E.; Braaksma, M.; Jong, E. de & Patka, P. (2019), Risk of Intracranial Complications in Minor Head Injury: The Role of Loss of Consciousness and Post-Traumatic Amnesia in a Multi-Center Observational Study, Journal of Neurotrauma 36(16): 2377-2384.
- Fustolo-Gunnink, S.F.; Fijnvandraat, K.; Klaveren, D. van; Stanworth, S.J.; Curley, A.; Onland, W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Kort, E. de; d'Haens, E.J.; Hulzebos, C.V.; Huisman, E.J.; Boode, W.P. de; Lopriore, E.; Bom, J.G. van der & PLANET-2 MATISSE Collaborators (2019), Preterm neonates benefit from low prophylactic platelet transfusion threshold despite varying risk of bleeding or death, Blood 134(26): 2354-2360.
- Steyerberg, E.W.; Wiegers, E.; Sewalt, C.; Buki, A.; Citerio, G.; Keyser, V. de; Ercole, A.; Kunzmann, K.; Lanyon, L.; Lecky, F.; Lingsma, H.; Manley, G.; Nelson, D.; Peul, W.; Stocchetti, N.; Steinbuchel, N. von; Vande Vyvere, T.; Verheyden, J.; Wilson, L.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K. & CENTER-TBI Participants Investigat (2019), Case-mix, care pathways, and outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury in CENTER-TBI: a European prospective, multicentre, longitudinal, cohort study, Lancet Neurology 18(10): 923-934.
- Dijkland, S.A.; Foks, K.A.; Polinder, S.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Maas, A.I.R.; Lingsma, H.F. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2019), Prognosis in Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review of Contemporary Models and Validation Studies, Journal of Neurotrauma.
- Mijderwijk, H.J.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Steiger, H.J.; Fischer, I. & Kamp, M.A. (2019), Fundamentals of Clinical Prediction Modeling for the Neurosurgeon, Neurosurgery 85(3): 302-311.
- Richter, S.; Stevenson, S.; Newman, T.; Wilson, L.; Menon, D.K.; Maas, A.I.R.; Nieboer, D.; Lingsma, H.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Newcombe, V.F.J. (2019), Handling of Missing Outcome Data in Traumatic Brain Injury Research: A Systematic Review, Journal of Neurotrauma 36(19): 2743-2752.
- Luijken, K.; Groenwold, R.H.H.; Calster, B. van; Steyerberg, E.W. & Smeden, M. van (2019), Impact of predictor measurement heterogeneity across settings on the performance of prediction models: A measurement error perspective, Statistics in Medicine 38(18): 3444-3459.
- Siregar, S.; Nieboer, D.; Versteegh, M.I.M.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Takkenberg, J.J.M. (2019), Methods for updating a risk prediction model for cardiac surgery: a statistical primer, Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 28(3): 333-338.
- Klaveren, D. van; Balan, T.A.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Kent, D.M. (2019), Models with interactions overestimated heterogeneity of treatment effects and were prone to treatment mistargeting, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 114: 72-83.
- Tomer, A.; Rizopoulos, D.; Nieboer, D.; Drost, F.J.; Roobol, M.J. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2019), Personalized Decision Making for Biopsies in Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Programs, Medical Decision Making 39(5): 499-508.
- Venema, E.; Lingsma, H.F.; Chalos, V.; Mulder, M.J.H.L.; Lahr, M.M.H.; Lugt, A. van der; Es, A.C.G.M. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Hunink, M.G.M.; Dippel, D.W.J. & Roozenbeek, B. (2019), Personalized Prehospital Triage in Acute Ischemic Stroke A Decision-Analytic Model, Stroke 50(2): 313-320.
- Tomer, A.; Nieboer, D.; Roobol, M.J.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Rizopoulos, D. (2019), Personalized schedules for surveillance of low-risk prostate cancer patients, Biometrics 75(1): 153-162.
- Steyerberg Ewout W. (2019), Pitfalls in prediction model development and validation in small data sets, Bone Marrow Transplantation 54: 143-143.
- Munter, L. de; Polinder, S.; Ree, C.L.P. van de; Kruithof, N.; Lansink, K.W.W.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Jongh, M.A.C. de (2019), Predicting health status in the first year after trauma, British Journal of Surgery 106(6): 701-710.
- Zeiler, F.A.; Ercole, A.; Beqiri, E.; Cabeleira, M.; Thelin, E.P.; Stocchetti, N.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K.; Czosnyka, M.; Smielewski, P.; Anke, A.; Beer, R.; Helbok, R.; Bellander, B.M.; Nelson, D.; Buki, A.; Chevallard, G.; Chieregato, A.; Citerio, G.; Czeiter, E.; Depreitere, B.; Eapen, G.; Frisvold, S.; Jankowski, S.; Kondziella, D.; Koskinen, L.O.; Meyfroidt, G.; Moeller, K.; Piippo-Karjalainen, A.; Raj, R.; Radoi, A.; Sahuquillo, J.; Ragauskas, A.; Rocka, S.; Rhodes, J.; Rossaint, R.; Stevanovic, A.; Sakowitz, O.; Sundstrom, N.; Takala, R.; Tamosuitis, T.; Tenovuo, O.; Vajkoczy, P.; Vargiolu, A.; Vilcinis, R.; Wolf, S.; Younsi, A. & CTR-TBI High Resolution ICU HR ICU (2019), Association between Cerebrovascular Reactivity Monitoring and Mortality Is Preserved When Adjusting for Baseline Admission Characteristics in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Study, Journal of Neurotrauma.
- McFadyen, C.A.; Zeiler, F.A.; Newcombe, V.; Synnot, A.; Steyerberg, E.; Gruen, R.L.; Rosand, J.; Palotie, A.; Maas, A.I.R. & Menon, D.K. (2019), Apolipoprotein E4 Polymorphism and Outcomes from Traumatic Brain Injury: A Living Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Journal of Neurotrauma: 1-13.
- Volovici, V.; Ercole, A.; Citerio, G.; Stocchetti, N.; Haitsma, L.K.; Huijben, J.A.; Dirven, C.M.F.; Jagt, M. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Nelson, D.; Cnossen, M.C.; Maas, A.I.R.; Polinder, S.; Menon, D.K. & Lingsma, H.F. (2019), Intensive care admission criteria for traumatic brain injury patients across Europe, Journal of Critical Care 49: 158-161.
- Licher, S.; Leening, M.J.G.; Yilmaz, P.; Wolters, F.J.; Heeringa, J.; Bindels, P.J.E.; Vernooij, M.W.; Stephan, B.C.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Ikram, M.K.; Ikram, M.A. & Alzheimers Dis Neuroimaging Initia (2019), Development and Validation of a Dementia Risk Prediction Model in the General Population: An Analysis of Three Longitudinal Studies, American Journal of Psychiatry 176(7): 543-551.
- Kranendonk, K.R. van; Treumiet, K.M.; Boers, A.M.M.; Berkhemer, O.A.; Berg, L.A. van den; Chalos, V.; Lingsma, H.F.; Zwam, W.H. van; Lugt, A. van der; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Dippel, D.W.J.; Roos, Y.B.W.E.M.; Marquering, H.A.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Fransen, P.S.S.; Beumer, D.; Yoo, A.J.; Schonewille, W.J.; Vos, J.A.; Nederkoorn, P.J.; Wenner, M.J.H.; Walderveen, M.A.A. van; Staals, J.; Hofmeijer, J.; Oostayen, J.A. van; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Boiten, J.; Brouwer, P.A.; Emmet, B.J.; Bruijn, S.F. de; Dijk, L.C. van; Kappelle, L.J.; , R.H. lo; Dijk, E.J. van; Vries, J. de; Kort, P.L.M. de; Rooij, W.J.J. van; Berg, J.S.P. van den; Hassell, B.A.A.M. van; Aerden, L.A.M.; Dallinga, R.J.; Visser, M.C.; Bot, J.C.J.; Vroomen, P.C.; Eshghi, O.; Schreuder, T.H.C.M.L.; Heijboer, R.J.J.; Keizer, K.; Tielbeek, A.V.; Hertog, H.M. den; Gerrits, D.G.; Berg-Vos, R.M. van den; Karas, G.B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Flach, H.Z.; Sprengers, M.E.S.; Jenniskens, S.F.M.; Beenen, L.F.M.; Berg, R. van den; Koudstaal, P.J. & MR CLEAN Investigators (2019), Clinical and Imaging Markers Associated With Hemorrhagic Transformation in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke, Stroke 50(8): 2037-2043.
- Steyerberg, E.W.; Wiegers, E.; Sewalt, C.; Buki, A.; Citerio, G.; Keyser, V. de; Ercole, A.; Kunzmann, K.; Lanyon, L.; Lecky, F.; Lingsma, H.; Manley, G.; Nelson, D.; Peul, W.; Stocchetti, N.; Steinbuchel, N. von; Vande Vyvere, T.; Verheyden, J.; Wilson, L.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K. & CENTER-TBI Participants Investigat (2019), Case-mix, care pathways, and outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury in CENTER-TBI: a European prospective, multicentre, longitudinal, cohort study, Lancet Neurology 18(10): 923-934.
- Houweling, T.A.J.; Klaveren, D. van; , S. das; Azad, K.; Tripathy, P.; Manandhar, D.; Neuman, M.; Jonge, E. de; Been, J.V.; Steyerberg, E. & Costello, A. (2019), A prediction model for neonatal mortality in low- and middle-income countries: an analysis of data from population surveillance sites in India, Nepal and Bangladesh, International Journal of Epidemiology 48(1): 186-198.
- Sokoreli, I.; Cleland, J.G.; Pauws, S.C.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Vries, J.J.G. de; Riistama, J.M.; Dobbs, K.; Bulemfu, J. & Clark, A.L. (2019), Added value of frailty and social support in predicting risk of 30-day unplanned re-admission or death for patients with heart failure: An analysis from OPERA-HF, International Journal of Cardiology 278: 167-172.
- Fustolo-Gunnink, S.F.; Fijnvandraat, K.; Klaveren, D. van; Stanworth, S.J.; Curley, A.; Onland, W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Kort, E. de; d'Haens, E.J.; Hulzebos, C.V.; Huisman, E.J.; Boode, W.P. de; Lopriore, E.; Bom, J.G. van der & PLANET-2 MATISSE Collaborators (2019), Preterm neonates benefit from low prophylactic platelet transfusion threshold despite varying risk of bleeding or death, Blood 134(26): 2354-2360.
- Steyerberg, E.W.; Nieboer, D.; Debray, T.P.A. & Houwelingen, H.C. van (2019), Assessment of heterogeneity in an individual participant data meta-analysis of prediction models: An overview and illustration, Statistics in Medicine 38(22): 4290-4309.
- Verbeek, J.F.M.; Nieboer, D.; Parker, C.; Kattan, M.W.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Roobol, M.J. (2019), A Tool for Shared Decision Making on Referral for Prostate Biopsy in the Primary Care Setting: Integrating Risks of Cancer with Life Expectancy, Journal of Personalized Medicine 9(2).
- Ageron, F.X.; Gayet-Ageron, A.; Steyerberg, E.; Bouzat, P. & Roberts, I. (2019), Prognostic model for traumatic death due to bleeding: cross-sectional international study, BMJ Open 9(5).
- Bosma, L.B.E.; Rein, N. van; Hunfeld, N.G.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Melief, P.H.G.J. & Bemt, P.M.L.A. van den (2019), Development of a multivariable prediction model for identification of patients at risk for medication transfer errors at ICU discharge, PLoS ONE 14(4).
- Wolff, R.F.; Moons, K.G.M.; Riley, R.D.; Whiting, P.F.; Westwood, M.; Collins, G.S.; Reitsma, J.B.; Kleijnen, J.; Mallett, S.; Altman, D.; Bossuyt, P.; Cook, N.R.; D'Amico, G.; Debray, T.P.A.; Deeks, J.; Groot, J. de; Angelantonio, E. di; Fahey, T.; Harrell, F.; Hayden, J.A.; Heymans, M.W.; Hooft, L.; Hyde, C.; Ioannidis, J.; Iorio, A.; Kaptoge, S.; Knottnerus, A.; Leeflang, M.; Nixon, F.; Perel, P.; Phillips, B.; Raatz, H.; Riemsma, R.; Rovers, M.; Rutjes, A.W.S.; Sauerbrei, W.; Sauerland, S.; Scheibler, F.; Scholten, R.; Schuit, E.; Steyerberg, E.; Tan, T.; Riet, G. ter; Windt, D. van der; Vergouwe, Y.; Vickers, A.; Wood, A.M.; PROBAST Grp; PROBAST Steering Grp & PROBAST Delphi Grp (2019), PROBAST: A Tool to Assess the Risk of Bias and Applicability of Prediction Model Studies, Annals of Internal Medicine 170(1): 51-+.
- Calster, B. van; Steyerberg, E.W. & Collins, G.S. (2019), Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Medical Prediction Should Be Nonproprietary and Readily Available, JAMA Internal Medicine 179(5): 731-731.
- von Steinbuechel Nicole, Gorbunova Anastasia, Fardzadeh Haghish Ebad, Steyerberg Ewout, Polinder Suzanne, Wilson Lindsay, Real Ruben, Maas Andrew & Menon David (2019), Assessing Outcome after TBI across Europe - Further Experiences from Center-TBI, Brain Injury 33: 169-169.
- Christodoulou, E.; Ma, J.; Collins, G.S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Verbakel, J.Y. & Calster, B. van (2019), A systematic review shows no performance benefit of machine learning over logistic regression for clinical prediction models, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 110: 12-22.
- Austin, P.C.; Ceyisakar, I.E.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lingsma, H.F. & Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. (2019), Ranking hospital performance based on individual indicators: can we increase reliability by creating composite indicators?, BMC Medical Research Methodology 19.
- Helmrich, I.R.A.R.; Klaveren, D. van & Steyerberg, E.W. (2019), Research Note: Prognostic model research: overfitting, validation and application, Journal of Physiotherapy 65(4): 243-245.
- Akdeniz, D.; Schmidt, M.K.; Seynaeve, C.M.; McCool, D.; Giardiello, D.; Broek, A.J. van den; Hauptmann, M.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Hooning, M.J. (2019), Risk factors for metachronous contralateral breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis, The Breast 44: 1-14.
- Austin, P.C. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2019), The Integrated Calibration Index (ICI) and related metrics for quantifying the calibration of logistic regression models, Statistics in Medicine 38(21): 4051-4065.
- Huijben, J.A.; Wiegers, E.J.A.; Keizer, N.F.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.; Ercole, A.; Citerio, G.; Lecky, F.; Wilson, L.; Cnossen, M.C.; Polinder, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Jagt, M.D.; Lingsma, H.F.; Aries, M.; Badenes, R.; Beishuizen, A.; Bilotta, F.; Chieregato, A.; Cingolani, E.; Cnossen, M.; Coburn, M.; Coles, J.P.; Delargy, M.; Depreitere, B.; Flaatten, H.; Golyk, V.; Grauwmeijer, E.; Haitsma, I.; Helbok, R.; Hoedemaekers, C.; Jacobs, B.; Jellema, K.; Koskinen, L.O.D.; Maegele, M.; Delgado, M.C.M.; Moller, K.; Moreno, R.; Nelson, D.; Oldenbeuving, A.W.; Payen, J.F.; Pejakovic, J.; Ribbbers, G.M.; Rossaint, R.; Schoonman, G.G.; Steiner, L.A.; Stocchetti, N.; Silvio, F.; Takala, R.; Tenovuo, O.; Valeinis, E.; Bergh, W.M. van den; Essen, T. van; Leeuwen, N. van; Verhofstad, M.H.J.; Vos, P.E. & Delphi Panel (2019), Development of a quality indicator set to measure and improve quality of ICU care for patients with traumatic brain injury, Critical Care 23.
- Bussel, E.F. van; Richard, E.; Busschers, W.B.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Gool, W.A. van; Charante, E.P.V. van & Hoevenaar-Blom, M.P. (2019), A cardiovascular risk prediction model for older people: Development and validation in a primary care population, Journal of Clinical Hypertension 21(8): 1145-1152.
- Jong, V.M.T. de; Eijkemans, M.J.C.; Calster, B. van; Timmerman, D.; Moons, K.G.M.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Smeden, M. van (2019), Sample size considerations and predictive performance of multinomial logistic prediction models, Statistics in Medicine 38(9): 1601-1619.
- Calster, B. van; Verbakel, J.Y.; Christodoulou, E.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Collins, G.S. (2019), Statistics versus machine learning: definitions are interesting (but understanding, methodology, and reporting are more important), Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 116: 137-138.
- Mungroop, T.H.; Rijssen, L.B. van; Klaveren, D. van; Smits, F.J.; Woerden, V. van; Linnemann, R.J.; Pastena, M. de; Klompmaker, S.; Marchegiani, G.; Ecker, B.L.; Dieren, S. van; Bonsing, B.; Busch, O.R.; Dam, R.M. van; Erdmann, J.; Eijck, C.H. van; Gerhards, M.E.; Goor, H. van; Harst, E. van der; Hingh, I.H. de; Jong, K.P. de; Kazemier, G.; Luyer, M.; Shamali, A.; Barbaro, S.; Armstrong, T.; Takhar, A.; Hamady, Z.; Klaase, J.; Lips, D.J.; Molenaar, I.Q.; Nieuwenhuijs, V.B.; Rupert, C.; Santvoort, H.C. van; Scheepers, J.J.; Schelling, G.P. van der; Bassi, C.; Vollmer, C.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Abu Hilal, M.; Koerkamp, B.G.; Besselink, M.G. & Dutch Pancreatic Canc Grp (2019), Alternative Fistula Risk Score for Pancreatoduodenectomy (a-FRS) Design and International External Validation, Annals of Surgery 269(5): 937-943.
- Volovici, V.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Cnossen, M.C.; Haitsma, I.K.; Dirven, C.M.F.; Maas, A.I.R. & Lingsma, H.F. (2019), Evolution of Evidence and Guideline Recommendations for the Medical Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Journal of Neurotrauma 36(22): 3183-3189.
- Steyerberg, E.W.; Nieboer, D.; Debray, T.P.A. & Houwelingen, H.C. van (2019), Assessment of heterogeneity in an individual participant data meta-analysis of prediction models: An overview and illustration, Statistics in Medicine 38(22): 4290-4309.
- Strijker, M.; Chen, J.W.; Mungroop, T.H.; Jamieson, N.B.; Eijck, C.H. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Wilmink, J.W.; Koerkamp, B.G.; Laarhoven, H.W. van & Besselink, M.G. (2019), Systematic review of clinical prediction models for survival after surgery for resectable pancreatic cancer, British Journal of Surgery 106(4): 342-354.
- Helmrich Isabel Retel, Dijkland Simone, Cnossen Maryse, Polinder Suzanne, Gravesteijn Benjamin, Nieboer Daan, von Steinbuechel Nicole, Real Ruben, Wilson Lindsay, Maas Andrew, Steyerberg Ewout & Lingsma Hester (2019), The Development of a Prognostic Model for Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury, Brain Injury 33: 173-173.
- Essen, T.A. van; Boogert, H.F. den; Cnossen, M.C.; Ruiter, G.C.W. de; Haitsma, I.; Polinder, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Menon, D.; Maas, A.I.R.; Lingsma, H.F.; Peul, W.C.; Ackerlund, C.; Adams, H.; Agnoletti, V.; Allanson, J.; Amrein, K.; Andaluz, N.; Andelic, N.; Andreassen, L.; Antun, A.; Anke, A.; Antoni, A.; Ardon, H.; Audibert, G.; Auslands, K.; Azouvi, P.; Azzolini, M.L.; Baciu, C.; Badenes, R.; Bartels, R.; Barzo, P.; Bauerfeind, U.; Beauvais, R.; Beer, R.; Belda, F.J.; Bellander, B.M.; Belli, A.; Bellier, R.; Benali, H.; Benard, T.; Berardino, M.; Beretta, L.; Beynon, C.; Bilotta, F.; Binder, H.; Biqiri, E.; Blaabjerg, M.; Boogert, H. den; Bouzat, P.; Bragge, P.; Brazinova, A.; Brinck, V.; Brooker, J.; Brorsson, C.; Buki, A.; Bullinger, M.; Calappi, E.; Calvi, M.R.; Cameron, P.; Carbayo, L.G.; Carbonara, M.; Carise, E.; Carpenter, K.; Castano-Leon, A.M.; Causin, F.; Chevallard, G.; Chieregato, A.; Citerio, G.; Cnossen, M.; Coburn, M.; Coles, J.; Coles-Kemp, L.; Collett, J.; Cooper, J.D.; Correia, M.; Covic, A.; Curry, N.; Czeiter, E.; Czosnyka, M.; Dahyot-Fizelier, C.; Damas, F.; Damas, P.; Dawes, H.; Keyser, V. de; Francesco, D.; Depreitere, B.; Ruiter, G.C.W. de; Dilvesi, D.; Ding, S.H.; Dippel, D.; Dixit, A.; Donoghue, E.; Dreier, J.; Duliere, G.L.; Eapen, G.; Engemann, H.; Ercole, A.; Esser, P.; Ezer, E.; Fabricius, M.; Feigin, V.L.; Feng, J.F.; Foks, K.; Fossi, F.; Francony, G.; Freo, U.; Frisvold, S.; Furmanov, A.; Gagliardo, P.; Galanaud, D.; Gantner, D.; Gao, G.; Geleijns, K.; George, P.; Ghuysen, A.; Giga, L.; Giraud, B.; Glocker, ben; Golubovic, J.; Gomez, P.A.; Grossi, F.; Gruen, R.L.; Gupta, D.; Haagsma, J.A.; Haitsma, I.; Hartings, J.A.; Helbok, R.; Helseth, E.; Hertle, D.; Hoedemaekers, A.; Hoefer, S.; Horton, L.; Huijben, J.; Hutchinson, P.J.; Haberg, A.K.; Jacobs, B.; Jankowski, S.; Jarrett, M.; Jelaca, B.; Jiang, J.Y.; Jones, K.; Kamnitsas, K.; Karan, M.; Katila, A.; Kaukonen, M.; Kerforne, T.; Kivisaari, R.; Kolias, A.G.; Kolumban, B.; Kompanje, E.; Kolundzija, K.; Kondziella, D.; Koskinen, L.O.; Kovacs, N.; Lagares, A.; Lanyon, L.; Laureys, S.; Lecky, F.; Ledig, C.; Lefering, R.; Legrand, V.; Lei, J.; Levi, L.; Lightfoot, R.; Lingsma, H.; Loeckx, D.; Lozano, A.; Maas, A.I.R.; MacDonald, S.; Maegele, M.; Majdan, M.; Major, S.; Manara, A.; Manley, G.; Martin, D.; Martin, L.F.; Martino, C.; Maruenda, A.; Marechal, H.; Masala, A.; Mattern, J.; McFadyen, C.; McMahon, C.; Melegh, B.; Menon, D.; Menovsky, T.; Morganti-Kossmann, C.; Mulazzi, D.; Muraleedharan, V.; Murray, L.; Muhlan, H.; Nair, N.; Negru, A.; Nelson, D.; Newcombe, V.; Nieboer, D.; Noirhomme, Q.; Nyiradi, J.; Oddo, M.; Oldenbeuving, A.; Oresic, M.; Ortolano, F.; Palotie, A.; Parizel, P.M.; Patruno, A.; Payen, J.F.; Perera, N.; Perlbarg, V.; Persona, P.; Peul, W.; Piippo-Karjalainen, A.; Pili, F.S.; Pirinen, M.; Ples, H.; Poca, M.A.; Polinder, S.; Pomposo, I.; Posti, J.; Puybasset, L.; Radoi, A.; Ragauskas, A.; Raj, R.; Rambadagalla, M.; Real, R.; Rehorcikova, V.; Rhodes, J.; Ripatti, S.; Rocka, S.; Roe, C.; Roise, O.; Roks, G.; Rosand, J.; Rosenfeld, J.; Rosenlund, C.; Rosenthal, G.; Rossaint, R.; Rossi, S.; Rueckert, D.; Rusnak, M.; Sacchi, M.; Sahakian, B.; Sahuquillo, J.; Sakowitz, O.; Sala, F.; Sanchez-Porras, R.; Sandor, J.; Santos, E.; Sasu, L.; Savo, D.; Schaffer, N.; Schipper, I.; Schlosser, B.; Schmidt, S.; Schoechl, H.; Schoonman, G.; Schou, R.F.; Schwendenwein, E.; Scholl, M.; Sir, O.; Skandsen, T.; Smakman, L.; Smeets, D.; Smielewski, P.; Sorinola, A.; Stamatakis, E.; Stanworth, S.; Steinbuchel, N.; Stevanovic, A.; Stevens, R.; Stewart, W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Stocchetti, N.; Sundstrom, N.; Synnot, A.; Taccone, F.S.; Takala, R.; Tamas, V.; Tanskanen, P.; Taylor, M.S.; Ao, B.T.; Tenovuo, O.; Telgmann, R.; Teodorani, G.; Theadom, A.; Thomas, M.; Tibboel, D.; Tolias, C.; Tshibanda, J.F.L.; Trapani, T.; Tudora, C.M.; Vajkoczy, P.; Vallance, S.; Valeinis, E.; Steen, G. van der & Jagt, M. van der (2019), Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study (vol 161, pg 453, 2019), Acta Neurochirurgica 161(3): 451-455.
- Essen, T.A. van; Boogert, H.F. den; Cnossen, M.C.; Ruiter, G.C.W. de; Haitsma, I.; Polinder, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Menon, D.; Maas, A.I.R.; Lingsma, H.F.; Peul, W.C.; Cecilia, A.; Hadie, A.; Vanni, A.; Judith, A.; Krisztina, A.; Norberto, A.; Nada, A.; Lasse, A.; Azasevac, A.; Audny, A.; Anna, A.; Hilko, A.; Gerard, A.; Kaspars, A.; Philippe, A.; Luisa, A.M.; Camelia, B.; Rafael, B.; Ronald, B.; Pal, B.; Ursula, B.; Romuald, B.; Ronny, B.; Javier, B.F.; Bo-Michael, B.; Antonio, B.; Remy, B.; Habib, B.; Thierry, B.; Maurizio, B.; Luigi, B.; Christopher, B.; Federico, B.; Harald, B.; Erta, B.; Morten, B.; Hugo, D.; Pierre, B.; Peter, B.; Alexandra, B.; Vibeke, B.; Joanne, B.; Camilla, B.; Andras, B.; Monika, B.; Emiliana, C.; Rosa, C.M.; Peter, C.; Guillermo, C.L.; Marco, C.; Elsa, C.; Carpenter, K.; Ana, C.L.; Francesco, C.; Giorgio, C.; Arturo, C.; Giuseppe, C.; Maryse, C.; Mark, C.; Jonathan, C.; Lizzie, C.K.; Johnny, C.; Jamie, D.C.; Marta, C.; Amra, C.; Nicola, C.; Endre, C.; Marek, C.; Claire, D.F.; Francois, D.; Pierre, D.; Helen, D.; Veronique, D.; Francesco, D.C.; Bart, D.; Godard, C.W.D.; Dula, D.; Ding, S.H.; Diederik, D.; Abhishek, D.; Emma, D.; Jens, D.; Guy-Loup, D.; George, E.; Heiko, E.; Ari, E.; Patrick, E.; Erzsebet, E.; Martin, F.; Valery, L.F.; Feng, J.F.; Kelly, F.; Francesca, F.; Gilles, F.; Ulderico, F.; Shirin, F.; Alex, F.; Pablo, G.; Damien, G.; Dashiell, G.; Gao, G.Y.; Karin, G.; Pradeep, G.; Alexandre, G.; Lelde, G.; Benoit, G.; , G. ben; Jagos, G.; Pedro, A.G.; Francesca, G.; Russell, L.G.; Deepak, G.; Juanita, A.H.; Iain, H.; Jed, A.H.; Raimund, H.; Eirik, H.; Daniel, H.; Astrid, H.; Stefan, H.; Lindsay, H.; Jilske, H.; Peter, J.H.; Kristine, H.A.; Bram, J.; Stefan, J.; Mike, J.; Bojan, J.; Jiang, J.Y.; Kelly, J.; Konstantinos, K.; Mladen, K.; Ari, K.; Maija, K.; Thomas, K.; Riku, K.; Angelos, G.K.; Balint, K.; Erwin, K.; Ksenija, K.; Daniel, K.; Lars-Owe, K.; Noemi, K.; Alfonso, L.; Linda, L.; Steven, L.; Fiona, L.; Christian, L.; Rolf, L.; Valerie, L.; Jin, L.; Leon, L.; Roger, L.; Hester, L.; Dirk, L.; Angels, L.; Andrew, I.R.M.; Stephen, M.; Marc, M.; Marek, M.; Sebastian, M.; Alex, M.; Geoffrey, M.; Didier, M.; Francisco, M.L.; Costanza, M.; Armando, M.; Hugues, M.; Alessandro, M.; Julia, M.; Charles, M.; Catherine, M.; Bela, M.; David, M.; Tomas, M.; Cristina, M.K.; Davide, M.; Visakh, M.; Lynnette, M.; Holger, M.; Nandesh, N.; Ancuta, N.; David, N.; Virginia, N.; Daan, N.; Quentin, N.; Jozsef, N.; Mauro, O.; Annemarie, O.; Matej, O.; Fabrizio, O.; Aarno, P.; Paul, M.P.; Adriana, P.; Jean-Francois, P.; Natascha, P.; Vincent, P.; Paolo, P.; PeulWilco; Anna, P.K.; Sebastien, P.F.; Matti, P.; Horia, P.; Antonia, P.M.; Suzanne, P.; Inigo, P.; Jussi, P.; Louis, P.; Andreea, R.; Arminas, R.; Rahul, R.; Malinka, R.; Ruben, R.; Veronika, R.; Jonathan, R.; Samuli, R.; Saulius, R.; Cecilie, R.; Olav, R.; Gerwin, R.; Jonathan, R.; Jeffrey, R.; Christina, R.; Guy, R.; Rolf, R.; Sandra, R.; Daniel, R.; Martin, R.; Marco, S.; Barbara, S.; Juan, S.; Oliver, S.; Francesca, S.; Renan, S.P.; Janos, S.; Edgar, S.; Luminita, S.; Davide, S.; Nadine, S.; Inger, S.; Barbara, S.; Silke, S.; Herbert, S.; Guus, S.; Frederik, S.R.; Elisabeth, S.; Michael, S.; Ozcan, S.; Toril, S.; Lidwien, S.; Dirk, S.; Peter, S.; Abayomi, S.; Emmanuel, S.; Simon, S.; Nicole, S.; Ana, S.; Robert, S.; William, S.; Ewout, W.S.; Nino, S.; Nina, S.; Anneliese, S.; Silvio, T.F.; Riikka, T.; Viktoria, T.; Paivi, T.; Steven, T.M.; Braden, T.A.; Olli, T.; Ralph, T.; Guido, T.; Alice, T.; Matt, T.; Dick, T.; Christos, T.; Luaba, T.J.F.; Tony, T.; Maria, T.C.; Peter, V.; Shirley, V.; Egils, V.; Gregory, V.; Mathieu, V.; Joukje, V.; Jeroen, T.J.M.V.; Thomas, A.V.; Wim, V.; Caroline, V.; Dominique, V.; Thijs, V.V.; Julia, V.; Audrey, V.; Alessia, V.; Emmanuel, V.; Kimberley, V.; Jan, V.; Paul, M.V.; Anne, V.; Rimantas, V.; Giacinta, V.; Carmen, V.L.; Victor, V.; Daphne, V.; Peter, V.; Zoltan, V. & De (2019), Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study, Acta Neurochirurgica 161(3): 435-449.
- Volovici, V.; Ercole, A.; Citerio, G.; Stocchetti, N.; Haitsma, I.K.; Huijben, J.A.; Dirven, C.M.F.; Jagt, M. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Nelson, D.; Cnossen, M.C.; Maas, A.I.R.; Polinder, S.; Menon, D.K.; Lingsma, H.F. & CENTER-TBI Collaborators (2019), Variation in Guideline Implementation and Adherence Regarding Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment: A CENTER-TBI Survey Study in Europe, World Neurosurgery 125: E515-E520.
- Brankovic, M.; Kardys, I.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lemeshow, S.; Markovic, M.; Rizopoulos, D. & Boersma, E. (2019), Understanding of interaction (subgroup) analysis in clinical trials, European Journal of Clinical Investigation 49(8).
- Sewalt, C.A.; Venema, E.; Wiegers, E.J.A.; Lecky, F.E.; Schuit, S.C.E.; Hartog, D. den; Steyerberg, E.W. & Lingsma, H.F. (2019), Trauma models to identify major trauma and mortality in the prehospital setting, British Journal of Surgery.
- Wynants, L.; Smeden, M. van; McLernon, D.J.; Timmerman, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Calster, B. van & Topic Grp Evaluating Diagnosti (2019), Three myths about risk thresholds for prediction models, BMC Medicine 17(1).
- Husain-Syed, F.; Birk, H.W.; Ronco, C.; Schormann, T.; Tello, K.; Richter, M.J.; Wilhelm, J.; Sommer, N.; Steyerberg, E.; Bauer, P.; Walmrath, H.D.; Seeger, W.; McCullough, P.A.; Gall, H. & Ghofrani, H.A. (2019), Doppler-Derived Renal Venous Stasis Index in the Prognosis of Right Heart Failure, Journal of the American Heart Association 8(21).
- Cnossen, M.C.; Naalt, J. van der; Spikman, J.M.; Nieboer, D.; Yue, J.K.; Winkler, E.A.; Manley, G.T.; Steinbuechel, N. von; Polinder, S.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Lingsma, H.F. (2018), Prediction of Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Journal of Neurotrauma 35(22): 2691-2698.
- Shah, N.D.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Kent, D.M. (2018), Big Data and Predictive Analytics Recalibrating Expectations, Journal of the American Medical Association 320(1): 27-28.
- Munter, L. de; Polinder, S.; Nieboer, D.; Lansink, K.W.W.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Jongh, M.A.C. de (2018), Performance of the modified TRISS for evaluating trauma care in subpopulations: A cohort study, Injury 49(9): 1648-1653.
- Huijben, J.A.; Volovici, V.; Cnossen, M.C.; Haitsma, I.K.; Stocchetti, N.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K.; Ercole, A.; Citerio, G.; Nelson, D.; Polinder, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lingsma, H.F.; Jagt, M. van der & CTR-TBI Investigators Participants (2018), Variation in general supportive and preventive intensive care management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study, Critical Care 22.
- Dijkland, S.A.; Voormolen, D.C.; Venema, E.; Roozenbeek, B.; Polinder, S.; Haagsma, J.A.; Nieboer, D.; Chalos, V.; Yoo, A.J.; Schreuders, J.; Lugt, A. van der; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Roos, Y.B.W.E.M.; Zwam, W.H. van; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Lingsma, H.F. & MR CLEAN Investigators (2018), Utility-Weighted Modified Rankin Scale as Primary Outcome in Stroke Trials A Simulation Study, Stroke 49(4): 965-+.
- Klaveren, D. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Serruys, P.W. & Kent, D.M. (2018), The proposed 'concordance-statistic for benefit' provided a useful metric when modeling heterogeneous treatment effects, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 94: 59-68.
- Kent, D.M.; Steyerberg, E. & Klaveren, D. van (2018), Personalized evidence based medicine: predictive approaches to heterogeneous treatment effects, BMJ 363.
- Noordman, B.J.; Wijnhoven, B.P.L.; Lagarde, S.M.; Boonstra, J.J.; Coene, P.P.L.O.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Doukas, M.; Gaast, A. van der; Heisterkamp, J.; Kouwenhoven, E.A.; Nieuwenhuijzen, G.A.P.; Pierie, J.P.E.N.; Rosman, C.; Sandick, J.W. van; Sangen, M.J.C. van der; Sosef, M.N.; Spaander, M.C.W.; Valkema, R.; Zaag, E.S. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lanschot, J.J.B. van & SANO-study Grp (2018), Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy plus surgery versus active surveillance for oesophageal cancer: a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial, BMC Cancer 18.
- Calster, B. van; Wynants, L.; Verbeek, J.F.M.; Verbakel, J.Y.; Christodoulou, E.; Vickers, A.J.; Roobol, M.J. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2018), Reporting and Interpreting Decision Curve Analysis: A Guide for Investigators, European Urology 74(6): 796-804.
- Noordman, B.J.; Spaander, M.C.W.; Valkema, R.; Wijnhoven, B.P.L.; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Shapiro, J.; Biermann, K.; Gaast, A. van der; Hillegersberg, R. van; Hulshof, M.C.C.M.; Krishnadath, K.K.; Lagarde, S.M.; Nieuwenhuijzen, G.A.P.; Oostenbrug, L.E.; Siersema, P.D.; Schoon, E.J.; Sosef, M.N.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lanschot, J.J.B. van & SANO study grp (2018), Detection of residual disease after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for oesophageal cancer (preSANO): a prospective multicentre, diagnostic cohort study, Lancet Oncology 19(7): 965-974.
- Ojha, R.P. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2018), Real-world data on antiviral treatments for hepatitis C virus infections: Can we define intention to treat or per protocol analyses?, Journal of Hepatology 69(2): 551-553.
- Sokoreli, I.; Pauws, S.C.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Vries, G.J. de; Riistama, J.M.; Tesanovic, A.; Kazmi, S.; Pellicori, P.; Cleland, J.G. & Clark, A.L. (2018), Prognostic value of psychosocial factors for first and recurrent hospitalizations and mortality in heart failure patients: insights from the OPERA-HF study, European Journal of Heart Failure 20(4): 689-696.
- de Munter Leonie, Polinder Suzanne, Haagsma Juanita, Kruithof Nena, van de Ree Cornelis, Steyerberg Ewout & de Jongh Mariska (2018), Prevalence and risk factors for psychological distress after trauma: a prospective cohort study, Quality of Life Research 27: S152-S153.
- Steyerberg, E.W. & Claggett, B. (2018), Towards personalized therapy for multiple sclerosis: limitations of observational data, Brain 141.
- Hart, L.M. 't; Vogelzangs, N.; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Brahimaj, A.; Nano, J.; Heijden, A.A.W.A. van der; Dijk, K.W. van; Slieker, R.C.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Ikram, M.A.; Beekman, M.; Boomsma, D.I.; Duijn, C.M. van; Slagboom, P.E.; Stehouwer, C.D.A.; Schalkwijk, C.G.; Arts, I.C.W.; Dekker, J.M.; Dehghan, A.; Muka, T.; Kallen, C.J.H. van der; Nijpels, G. & Greevenbroek, M.M.J. van (2018), Blood Metabolomic Measures Associate With Present and Future Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 103(12): 4569-4579.
- Lagendijk, J.; Vos, A.A.; Bertens, L.C.M.; Denktas, S.; Bonsel, G.J.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Been, J.V. & Steegers, E.A.P. (2018), Antenatal non-medical risk assessment and care pathways to improve pregnancy outcomes: a cluster randomised controlled trial, European Journal of Epidemiology 33(6): 579-589.
- Compagne, K.C.J.; Clephas, P.R.D.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Roos, Y.B.W.E.M.; Berkhemer, O.A.; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Zwam, W.H. van; Es, A.C.G.M. van; Dippel, D.W.J.; Lugt, A. van der; Bos, D.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Lugt, A. van der; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Roos, Y.B.W.E.M.; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Zwam, W.H. van; Berkhemer, O.A.; Fransen, P.S.S.; Beumer, D.; Berg, L.A. van den; Schonewille, W.J.; Vos, J.A.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Roos, Y.B.W.E.M.; Nederkoorn, P.J.; Wermer, M.J.H.; Walderveen, M.A.A. van; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Zwam, W.H. van; Staals, J.; Hofmeijer, E.; Oostayen, J.A. van; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Boiten, J.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Brouwer, P.A.; Emmer, B.J.; Bruijn, S.F. de; Dijk, L.C. van; Kappelle, L.J.; , R.H. lo; Dijk, E.J. van; Vries, J. de; Kort, P.L.M. de; Berg, J.S.P. van den; Rooij, W.J.J. van; Hasselt, B.A.A.M. van; Aerden, L.A.M.; Dallinga, R.J.; Visser, M.C.; Bot, J.C.J.; Vroomen, P.C.; Eshghi, O.; Schreuder, T.H.C.M.L.; Heijboer, R.J.J.; Keizer, K.; Tielbeek, A.V.; Hertog, H.M. den; Gerrits, D.G.; Berg-Vos, R.M. van den; Karas, G.B.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Zwam, W.H. van; Lugt, A. van der; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Walderveen, M.A.A. van; Bot, J.C.J.; Marquering, H.A.; Beenen, L.F.; Sprengers, M.E.S.; Jenniskens, S.F.M.; Berg, R. van den; Berkhemer, O.A.; Yoo, A.J.; Roos, Y.B.W.E.M.; Koudstaal, P.J.; Boiten, J.; Dijk, E.J. van; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Wermer, M.J.H.; Flach, H.Z.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lingsma, H.F. & MR CLEAN Investigators (2018), Intracranial Carotid Artery Calcification and Effect of Endovascular Stroke Treatment MR CLEAN Subgroup Analysis, Stroke 49(12): 2961-2968.
- Edlinger, M.; Dorler, J.; Ulmer, H.; Wanitschek, M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Alber, H.F. & Calster, B. van (2018), An ordinal prediction model of the diagnosis of non-obstructive coronary artery and multi-vessel disease in the CARDIIGAN cohort, International Journal of Cardiology 267: 8-12.
- Cnossen, M.C.; Essen, T.A. van; Ceyisakar, I.E.; Polinder, S.; Andriessen, T.M.; Naalt, J. van der; Haitsma, L.; Horn, J.; Franschman, G.; Vos, P.E.; Peul, W.C.; Menon, D.K.; Maas, A.I.R.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Lingsma, H.F. (2018), Adjusting for confounding by indication in observational studies: a case study in traumatic brain injury, Clinical Epidemiology 10: 841-852.
- Leeuwen, N. van; Lingsma, H.F.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Nieboer, D.; Trompet, S. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2018), Regression discontinuity was a valid design for dichotomous outcomes in three randomized trials, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 98: 70-79.
- Giardiello D., Hooning M. J., Hauptmann M., Oldenburg H., Adank M., Jager A., Steyerberg E. W. & Schmidt M. K. (2018), Prediction of contralateral breast cancer risk using individual patient data, European Journal of Cancer 92: S44-S44.
- Alblas, M.; Velt, K.B.; Pashayan, N.; Widschwendter, M.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Vergouwe, Y. (2018), Prediction models for endometrial cancer for the general population or symptomatic women: A systematic review, Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 126: 92-99.
- Sewalt Charlie A., Gravesteijn Benjamin Y., Polinder Suzanne, Maas Andrew I. R., Steyerberg Ewout W. & Lingsma Hester F. (2018), EUROPEAN PRACTICE VARIATION IN TRANSFERS TO LEVEL 1 TRAUMA CENTERS IN TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY, Journal of Neurotrauma 35(16): A216-A216.
- Goverde, A.; Spaander, M.C.W.; Nieboer, D.; Ouweland, A.M.W. van den; Dinjens, W.N.M.; Dubbink, H.J.; Tops, C.J.; Broeke, S.W. ten; Bruno, M.J.; Hofstra, R.M.W.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Wagner, A. (2018), Evaluation of current prediction models for Lynch syndrome: updating the PREMM5 model to identify PMS2 mutation carriers, Familial Cancer 17(3): 361-370.
- Kent, D.M.; Steyerberg, E. & Klaveren, D. van (2018), Personalized evidence based medicine: predictive approaches to heterogeneous treatment effects, BMJ 363.
- Ojha, R.P.; Asdahl, P.H.; Steyerberg, E. & Schroeder, H. (2018), Predicting bacterial infections among pediatric cancer patients with febrile neutropenia: External validation of the PICNICC model, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 65(4).
- Steyerberg, E.W.; Uno, H.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Calster, B. van & Collaborators (2018), Poor performance of clinical prediction models: the harm of commonly applied methods, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 98: 133-143.
- Noordman, B.J.; Verdam, M.G.E.; Lagarde, S.M.; Shapiro, J.; Hulshof, M.C.C.M.; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Wijnhoven, B.P.L.; Nieuwenhuijzen, G.A.P.; Bonenkamp, J.J.; Cuesta, M.A.; Plukker, J.T.M.; Bilgen, E.J.S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Gaast, A. van der; Sprangers, M.A.G.; Lanschot, J.J.B. van & CROSS Study Grp (2018), Impact of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy on health-related quality of life in long-term survivors of esophageal or junctional cancer: results from the randomized CROSS trial, Annals of Oncology 29(2): 445-451.
- Akdeniz D., Kramer I., Van Deurzen C. H. M., Schaapveld M., Westenend P. J., Voogd A. C., Jager A., Steyerberg E. W., Sleijfer S., Schmidt M. K. & Hooning M. J. (2018), Higher risk of metachronous contralateral breast cancer in patients with invasive lobular breast cancer, European Journal of Cancer 92: S46-S46.
- Lingsma, H.F.; Bottle, A.; Middleton, S.; Kievit, J.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. (2018), Evaluation of hospital outcomes: the relation between length-of-stay, readmission, and mortality in a large international administrative database, BMC Health Services Research 18.
- Widschwendter, M.; Jones, A.; Evans, I.; Reiser, D.; Dillner, J.; Sundstrom, K.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Vergouwe, Y.; Wegwarth, O.; Rebitschek, F.G.; Siebert, U.; Sroczynski, G.; Beaufort, I.D. de; Bolt, I.; Cibula, D.; Zikan, M.; Bjorge, L.; Colombo, N.; Harbeck, N.; Dudbridge, F.; Tasse, A.M.; Knoppers, B.M.; Joly, Y.; Teschendorff, A.E.; Pashayan, N. & FORECEE 4C Consortium (2018), Epigenome-based cancer risk prediction: rationale, opportunities and challenges, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 15(5): 292-309.
- Foks, K.A.; Brand, C.L. van den; Lingsma, H.F.; Naalt, J. van der; Jacobs, B.; Jong, E. de; Boogert, H.F. den; Sir, O.; Patka, P.; Polinder, S.; Gaakeer, M.I.; Schutte, C.E.; Jie, K.E.; Visee, H.F.; Hunink, M.G.M.; Reijners, E.; Braaksma, M.; Schoonman, G.G.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Jellema, K. & Dippel, D.W.J. (2018), External validation of computed tomography decision rules for minor head injury: prospective, multicentre cohort study in the Netherlands, BMJ 362.
- Munter, L. de; Bogt, N.C.W. ter; Polinder, S.; Sewalt, C.A.; Steyerberg, E.W. & Jongh, M.A.C. de (2018), Improvement of the performance of survival prediction in the ageing blunt trauma population: A cohort study, PLoS ONE 13(12).
- de Munter Leonie, Polinder Suzanne, van de Ree Cornelis, Kruithof Nena, Steyerberg Ewout & de Jongh Mariska (2018), Prediction models for functional outcome after trauma: a prospective cohort study, Quality of Life Research 27: S47-S48.
- Os, H.J.A. van; Ramos, L.A.; Hilbert, A.; Leeuwen, M. van; Walderveen, M.A.A. van; Kruyt, N.D.; Dippel, D.W.J.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Schaaf, I.C. van der; Lingsma, H.F.; Schonewille, W.J.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Olabarriaga, S.D.; Zwinderman, K.H.; Venema, E.; Marquering, H.A.; Wermer, M.J.H. & MR CLEAN Registry Investigators (2018), Predicting Outcome of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke: Potential Value of Machine Learning Algorithms, Frontiers in Neurology 9.
- Gravesteijn Benjamin Y., Sewalt Charlie A., Steyerberg Ewout W., Maas Andrew, Lingsma Hester F. & Klimek Markus (2018), PRACTICE VARIATION OF INTUBATION IN TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY IN EUROPE, Journal of Neurotrauma 35(16): A108-A109.
- Tran, A.; Matar, M.; Lampron, J.; Steyerberg, E.; Taljaard, M. & Vaillancourt, C. (2018), Early identification of patients requiring massive transfusion, embolization or hemostatic surgery for traumatic hemorrhage: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 84(3): 505-516.
- Volovici, V.; Huijben, J.A.; Ercole, A.; Stocchetti, N.; Dirven, C.M.F.; Jagt, M. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lingsma, H.F.; Menon, D.K.; Maas, A.I.R. & Haitsma, I.K. (2018), Ventricular Drainage Catheters versus Intracranial Parenchymal Catheters for Intracranial Pressure Monitoring-Based Management of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Journal of Neurotrauma.
- Van Essen Thomas A., Den Boogert Hugo F., Cnossen Maryse C., De Ruiter Godard C. W., Haitsma Iain, Polinder Suzanne, Steyerberg Ewout W., Menon David K., Maas Andrew I. R., Lingsma Hester F. & Peul Wilco C. (2018), VARIATION IN NEUROSURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY: A SURVEY IN 68 CENTERS PARTICIPATING IN THE CENTER-TBI STUDY, Journal of Neurotrauma 35(16): A184-A185.
- Essen, T.A. van; Dijkman, M.D.; Cnossen, M.C.; Moudrous, W.; Ardon, H.; Schoonman, G.G.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Peul, W.C.; Lingsma, H.F. & Ruiter, G.C.W. de (2018), Comparative Effectiveness of Surgery for Traumatic Acute Subdural Hematoma in an Aging Population, Journal of Neurotrauma.
- Steyerberg, E.W. (2018), Validation in prediction research: the waste by data splitting COMMENTARY, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 103: 131-133.
- Fusar-Poli, P.; Hijazi, Z.; Stahl, D. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2018), The Science of Prognosis in Psychiatry A Review, JAMA Psychiatry 75(12): 1289-1297.
- Ridder, I.R. de; Dijkland, S.A.; Scheele, M.; Hertog, H.M. den; Dirks, M.; Westendorp, W.F.; Nederkoorn, P.J.; Beek, D. van de; Ribbers, G.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lingsma, H.F. & Dippel, D.W.J. (2018), Development and validation of the Dutch Stroke Score for predicting disability and functional outcome after ischemic stroke: A tool to support efficient discharge planning, European Stroke Journal 3(2): 165-173.
- Van Essen Thomas A., Peppel Lianne, Van Dijck Jeroen, Dijkman Mark, Lingsma Hester F., Heijenbrok-Kal Majanka, De Ruiter Godard, Steyerberg Ewout W., Ribbers Gerard & Peul Wilco C. (2018), THE NET-QURE STUDY: AN OBSERVATIONAL COHORT STUDY ON NEUROSURGICAL AND REHABILITATION STRATEGIES FOR TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY, Journal of Neurotrauma 35(16): A213-A213.
- Broeke, S.W. ten; Elsayed, F.A.; Pagan, L.; Olderode-Berends, M.J.W.; Garcia, E.G.; Gille, H.J.P.; Hest, L.P. van; Letteboer, T.G.W.; Kolk, L.E. van der; Mensenkamp, A.R.; Os, T.A. van; Spruijt, L.; Redeker, B.J.W.; Suerink, M.; Vos, Y.J.; Wagner, A.; Wijnen, J.T.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Tops, C.M.J.; Wezel, T. van & Nielsen, M. (2018), SNP association study in PMS2-associated Lynch syndrome, Familial Cancer 17(4): 507-515.
- Walgaard, C.; Jacobs, B.C.; Lingsma, H.F.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Cornblath, D.R.; Doorn, P.A. van & Dutch GBS Study Grp (2018), Second IVIg course in Guillain-Barre syndrome patients with poor prognosis (SID-GBS trial): Protocol for a double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 23(4): 210-215.
- Gelder, J. de; Lucke, J.A.; Blomaard, L.C.; Booijen, A.M.; Fogteloo, A.J.; Anten, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Alsma, J.; Schuit, S.C.E.K.N.; Brink, A.; Groot, B. de; Blauw, G.J. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2018), Optimization of the APOP screener to predict functional decline or mortality in older emergency department patients: Cross-validation in four prospective cohorts, Experimental Gerontology 110: 253-259.
- Calster, B. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Collins, G.S. & Smits, T. (2018), Consequences of relying on statistical significance: Some illustrations, European Journal of Clinical Investigation 48(5).
- Zachariasse, J.M.; Nieboer, D.; Oostenbrink, R.; Moll, H.A. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2018), Multiple performance measures are needed to evaluate triage systems in the emergency department, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 94: 27-34.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Revesz, D.; Tamminga, H.J.; Punt, C.J.A.; Koopman, M.; Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B.D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Vet, H.C.W. de & Coupe, V.M.H. (2018), Inventory of oncologists' unmet needs for tools to support decision-making about palliative treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 18.
- Hofstede, S.N.; Bodegom-Vos, L. van; Kringos, D.S.; Steyerberg, E. & Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. (2018), Mortality, readmission and length of stay have different relationships using hospital-level versus patient-level data: an example of the ecological fallacy affecting hospital performance indicators, BMJ Quality and Safety 27(6): 474-483.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Revesz, D.; Tamminga, H.J.; Punt, C.J.A.; Koopman, M.; Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B.D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Jansma, I.P.; Vet, H.C.W. de & Coupe, V.M.H. (2018), Clinical Usefulness of Tools to Support Decision-making for Palliative Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review, Clinical Colorectal Cancer 17(1): E1-E12.
- Nieboer, D.; Tomer, A.; Rizopoulos, D.; Roobol, M.J. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2018), Active surveillance: a review of risk-based, dynamic monitoring, Translational Andrology and Urology 7(1): 106-115.
- Huijben, J.A.; Jagt, M. van der; Cnossen, M.C.; Kruip, M.J.H.A.; Haitsma, I.K.; Stocchetti, N.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K.; Ercole, A.; Maegele, M.; Stanworth, S.J.; Citerio, G.; Polinder, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lingsma, H.F. & CTR-TBI Investigators & Particip (2018), Variation in Blood Transfusion and Coagulation Management in Traumatic Brain Injury at the Intensive Care Unit: A Survey in 66 Neurotrauma Centers Participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury Study, Journal of Neurotrauma 35(2): 323-332.
- Jaja, B.N.R.; Saposnik, G.; Lingsma, H.F.; Macdonald, E.; Thorpe, K.E.; Mamdani, M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Molyneux, A.; Manoel, A.L.D.; Schatlo, B.; Hanggi, D.; Hasan, D.; Wong, G.K.C.; Etminan, N.; Fukuda, H.; Torner, J.; Schaller, K.L.; Suarez, J.I.; Stienen, M.N.; Vergouwen, M.D.I.; Rinkel, G.J.E.; Spears, J.; Cusimano, M.D.; Todd, M.; Roux, P. le; Kirkpatrick, P.; Pickard, J.; Bergh, W.M. van den; Murray, G.; Johnston, S.C.; Yamagata, S.; Mayer, S.; Schweizer, T.A.; Macdonald, R.L. & SAHIT Collaboration (2018), Development and validation of outcome prediction models for aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: the SAHIT multinational cohort study, British Medical Journal 360.
- Venema, E.; Mulder, M.J.H.L.; Roozenbeek, B.; Broderick, J.P.; Yeatts, S.D.; Khatri, P.; Berkhemer, O.A.; Emmer, B.J.; Roos, Y.B.W.E.M.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Zwam, W.H. van; Lugt, A. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dippel, D.W.J. & Lingsma, H.F. (2017), Selection of patients for intra-arterial treatment for acute ischaemic stroke: development and validation of a clinical decision tool in two randomised trials, BMJ 357.
- Shapiro, J.; Biermann, K.; Klaveren, D. van; Offerhaus, G.J.A.; Kate, F.J.W. ten; Meijer, S.L.; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Wijnhoven, B.P.L. & Lanschot, J.J.B. van (2017), Prognostic Value of Pretreatment Pathological Tumor Extent in Patients Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy Plus Surgery for Esophageal or Junctional Cancer, Annals of Surgery 265(2): 356-362.
- Bosch, T.P.P. van den; Hilbrands, L.B.; Kraaijeveld, R.; Litjens, N.H.R.; Rezaee, F.; Nieboer, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Gestel, J.A. van; Roelen, D.L.; Clahsen-van Groningen, M.C.; Baan, C.C. & Rowshani, A.T. (2017), Pretransplant Numbers of CD16(+) Monocytes as a Novel Biomarker to Predict Acute Rejection After Kidney Transplantation: A Pilot Study, American Journal of Transplantation 17(10): 2659-2667.
- Stalenhoef, J.E.; Starre, W.E. van der; Vollaard, A.M.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Delfos, N.M.; Leyten, E.M.S.; Koster, T.; Ablij, H.C.; van't Wout, J.W.; Dissel, J.T. van & Nieuwkoop, C. van (2017), Hospitalization for community-acquired febrile urinary tract infection: validation and impact assessment of a clinical prediction rule, BMC Infectious Diseases 17.
- Eekelen, R. van; Geloven, N. van; Wely, M. van; McLernon, D.J.; Eijkemans, M.J.; Repping, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Mol, B.W.; Bhattacharya, S. & Veen, F. van der (2017), Constructing the crystal ball: how to get reliable prognostic information for the management of subfertile couples, Human Reproduction 32(11): 2153-2158.
- McLernon, D.; Velde, E. te; Steyerberg, E.; Lee, A.; Mol, B. & Bhattacharya, S. (2017), A dynamic approach to estimating the chances of a live birth in couples with unexplained subfertility with and without treatment: a population-based record-linkage study, Human Reproduction 32: 324-324.
- Sotomi, Y.; Onuma, Y.; Cavalcante, R.; Ahn, J.M.; Lee, C.W.; Klaveren, D. van; Winter, R.J. de; Wykrzykowska, J.J.; Farooq, V.; Morice, M.C.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Park, S.J. & Serruys, P.W. (2017), Geographical Difference of the Interaction of Sex With Treatment Strategy in Patients With Multivessel Disease and Left Main Disease: A Meta-Analysis From SYNTAX (Synergy Between PCI With Taxus and Cardiac Surgery), PRECOMBAT (Bypass Surgery Versus Angioplasty Using Sirolimus-Eluting Stent in Patients With Left Main Coronary Artery Disease), and BEST (Bypass Surgery and Everolimus-Eluting Stent Implantation in the Treatment of Patients With Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease) Randomized Controlled Trials, Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions 10(5).
- Jairam, A.P.; Timmermans, L.; Eker, H.H.; Pierik, R.E.G.J.M.; Klaveren, D. van; Steyerberg, E.W.; Timman, R.; Ham, A.C. van der; Dawson, I.; Charbon, J.A.; Schuhmacher, C.; Mihaljevic, A.; Izbicki, J.R.; Fikatas, P.; Knebel, P.; Fortelny, R.H.; Kleinrensink, G.J.; Lange, J.F.; Jeekel, H.J. & PRIMA Trialist Grp (2017), Prevention of incisional hernia with prophylactic onlay and sublay mesh reinforcement versus primary suture only in midline laparotomies (PRIMA): 2-year follow-up of a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial, Lancet 390(10094): 567-576.
- Costa, F.; Klaveren, D. van; James, S.; Heg, D.; Raber, L.; Feres, F.; Pilgrim, T.; Hong, M.K.; Kim, H.S.; Colombo, A.; Steg, P.G.; Zanchin, T.; Palmerini, T.; Wallentin, L.; Bhatt, D.L.; Stone, G.W.; Windecker, S.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Valgimigli, M. & PRECISE-DAPT Study Investigators (2017), Derivation and validation of the predicting bleeding complications in patients undergoing stent implantation and subsequent dual antiplatelet therapy (PRECISE-DAPT) score: a pooled analysis of individual-patient datasets from clinical trials, Lancet 389(10073): 1025-1034.
- Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.K.; Adelson, P.D.; Andelic, N.; Bell, M.J.; Belli, A.; Bragge, P.; Brazinova, A.; Burki, A.; Chesnut, R.M.; Citerio, G.; Coburn, M.; Cooper, D.J.; Crowder, A.T.; Czeiter, E.; Czosnyka, M.; Diaz-Arrastia, R.; Dreier, J.P.; Duhaime, A.C.; Ercole, A.; Essen, T.A. van; Feigin, V.L.; Gao, G.Y.; Giacino, J.; Gonzalez-Lara, L.E.; Gruen, R.L.; Gupta, D.; Hartings, J.A.; Hill, S.; Jiang, J.Y.; Ketharanathan, N.; Kompanje, E.J.O.; Lanyon, L.; Laureys, S.; Lecky, F.; Levin, H.; Lingsma, H.F.; Maegele, M.; Majdan, M.; Manley, G.; Marsteller, J.; Mascia, L.; McFadyen, C.; Mondello, S.; Newcombe, V.; Palotie, A.; Parizel, P.M.; Peul, W.; Piercy, J.; Polinder, S.; Puybasset, L.; Rasmussen, T.E.; Rossaint, R.; Smielewski, P.; Soderberg, J.; Stanworth, S.J.; Stein, M.B.; Steinbuchel, N. von; Stewart, W.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Stocchetti, N.; Synnot, A.; Ao, B.T.; Tenovuo, O.; Theadom, A.; Tibboel, D.; Videtta, W.; Wang, K.K.W.; Williams, W.H.; Wilson, L.; Yaffe, K. & InTBIR Participants Investigators (2017), Traumatic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research, Lancet Neurology 16(12): 987-1048.
- Smedinga, H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Beukers, W.; Klaveren, D. van; Zwarthoff, E.C. & Vergouwe, Y. (2017), Prediction of Multiple Recurrent Events: A Comparison of Extended Cox Models in Bladder Cancer, American Journal of Epidemiology 186(5): 612-623.
- Cnossen, M.C.; Huijben, J.A.; Jagt, M. van der; Volovici, V.; Essen, T. van; Polinder, S.; Nelson, D.; Ercole, A.; Stocchetti, N.; Citerio, G.; Peul, W.C.; Maas, A.I.R.; Menon, D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Lingsma, H.F. & CENTER-TBI Investigators (2017), Variation in monitoring and treatment policies for intracranial hypertension in traumatic brain injury: a survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study, Critical Care 21.
- Mulder, M.J.H.L.; Venema, E.; Roozenbeek, B.; Broderick, J.P.; Yeatts, S.D.; Khatri, P.; Berkhemer, O.A.; Roos, Y.B.W.E.M.; Majoie, C.B.L.M.; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Zwam, W.H. van; Lugt, A. van der; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dippel, D.W.J. & Lingsma, H.F. (2017), Towards personalised intra- arterial treatment of patients with acute ischaemic stroke: a study protocol for development and validation of a clinical decision aid, BMJ Open 7(3).
- Klaveren, D. van; Wong, J.B.; Kent, D.M. & Steyerberg, E.W. (2017), Biases in Individualized Cost-effectiveness Analysis: Influence of Choices in Modeling Short-Term, Trial-Based, Mortality Risk Reduction and Post-Trial Life Expectancy, Medical Decision Making 37(7): 770-778.
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