Evert Jan van Leeuwen
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. E.J. van Leeuwen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3949
- e.j.van.leeuwen@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-4704-3492

Evert Jan van Leeuwen is universitair docent aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
Meer informatie over Evert Jan van Leeuwen
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Moderne Engelstalige letterkunde
- Leeuwen E.J. van, Wroth W. & Peters N. 7 januari 2025, Aflevering 73: Carel van Nievelt. Radio Horzelnest. Leiden University [podcast].
- Leeuwen E.J. van 21 juni 2023, De verborgen effecten van reclameboodschappen. Natuur Leiden S02/E05 [podcast].
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2023), Animal ownership and ecological consciousness in three American horror texts, Comparative American Studies 21(1-2): 131-146.
- Leeuwen E.J. van & N.G.J. Peeters 1 april 2022, Aflevering 35: H.P. Lovecraft. Radio Horzelnest. Leiden University [podcast].
- Leeuwen E.J. van Fernández Jiménez M. (2022), Pernicious Properties: From Haunted to Horror Houses: An Interview with Evert Jan van Leeuwen, Revista Española de Estudios Norteamericanos 3(2): 44-56.
- Pacolet J., Leeuwen E.J. van & Peeters N 19 augustus 2022, Aflevering 41: Stephen King. Radio Horzelnes. Leiden University [podcast].
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2021), Telescope of the Imagination: Utopian and Dystopian Futures in the Dutch Republic 1780-1799: Charles Brockden Brown Society Conference . Past Futures: Thinking in Crisis 14 oktober 2021 - 16 december 2021.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2021), De Dubbelspraakvertaler: Lakenhal tentoonstelling If Things Grow Wrong (Lakenhal Museum). [overig].
- Leeuwen E.J. van (5 november 2021), Squid Game and the Significance of Derivative Television. leidenartsinsocietyblog. Leiden: LUCAS. [blog].
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2020), Martha Peake and the Madness of "Free Trade". In: Foley M. & Duncan R. (red.), Patrick McGrath and his Worlds nr. 39. Oxon: Routledge. 32-48.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2020), Poe’s Presidential Prophecy: King Pest Reincarnated as King Trump, The Satirist : .
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2020), "Ontworteld" kort verhaal in bundel Zonderlingen (Godijn Publishing). [overig].
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2020), Bespreking van: Barnard Philip, Emmett Hilary & Shapiro Stephen (2019), The Oxford Handbook of Charles Brockden Brown . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Early American Literature 55(2): 565-570.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2020), Bespreking van: Nally Claire (2019), Steampunk: gender, subculture & the neoVictorian . London: Bloomsbury Academic,. Journal of Gender Studies 29(6): 730-731.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2019) Leren in het duister: horror en fantasie als onderwijsmateriaal. Bespreking van: Fabrizi M.A. (2018), Horror Literature and Dark Fantasy: Callenging Genres. Critical Literarcy Teaching Series: Challenging Authors and Genres nr. 10. Leiden: Brill. Vooys: tijdschrift voor letteren 37(1): 74-77.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2019), Dennis Wheatley's Satanic Continent. In: Newton M.S. & Leeuwen E.J. van (red.), Haunted Europe: Continental Connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media. New York: Routledge. 123-140.
- Newton M.S. & Leeuwen E.J. van (red.) (2019), Haunted Europe: Continental Connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media. New York: Routledge.
- Newton M.S. & Leeuwen E.J. van (2019), Introduction. In: Newton M.S. & Leeuwen E.J. van (red.), Haunted Europe: Continental Connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media. New York: Routledge. 1-16.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2019), Public reading of Richard Matheson's "Born of Man and Woman" (Taal Museum). [overig].
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2019), Devil's Advocates House of Usher. Leighton Buzzard: Auteur.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2018), The Void (2016) Film Recensie. [overig].
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2018), Horror films en heavy metal - koek en ei in Tilburg, DeNachtvlinders.nl : .
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2018), The Meg, Fallen Kingdom en de ecohorrortraditie, DeNachtvlinders.nl : .
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2018), Utopianism. In: Elbert M.M. (red.), Nathaniel Hawthorne in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 115-125.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2018), “1818 Frankenstein in 2018” – Waar ging het boek ook al weer over?, DeNachtvlinders.nl : .
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2018), Fantastic Metal Albums as Genre Art: Teaching Metal in the Literary Studies Classroom. Hardwired VI: So far, so good, so what? Approaching the Metal Realities 3 mei 2018 - 5 mei 2018.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2017), Bespreking van: Broughton L. (2016), THE EURO-WESTERN: REFRAMING GENDER RACE AND THE ‘OTHER’ IN FILM. London: I.B. Tauris. Journal of European Popular Culture 8(1): 97-100.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2016), Hero of Horror: Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). In: Franssen G. & Honings R. (red.), Celebrity Authorship and Afterlives in English and American Literature. London: Palgrave.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2015), From Hell House to Homecoming: Haunted House Fictions as Allegories of Personality Growth, Studies in Gothic Fashion 4(1/2): 42-56.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (19 oktober 2015), New William Godwin Discovery. Archive Spotlight. GB: British Society for Romantic Studies. [blog].
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2015), “The Price of Being Godwin” ISECS, Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL. .
- Leeuwen E.J. van (red.) (2014), Poetic Meditations on Death: A Gothic and Romantic Literary Genre of the Long Eighteenth Century (1693-1858) . Lewiston: EMP.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2014) Review of "Paul Kléber Monod, Solomon's Secret Arts: The Occult in the Age of Enlightenment" and "John V. Fleming, The Dark Side of the Enlightenment: Wizards, Alchemists, and Spiritual Seekers in the Age of Enlightenment". Bespreking van: Kléber Monod Paul & Fleming John V. (2013), Solomon's Secret Arts: The Occult in the Age of Enlightenment and The Dark Side of the Enlightenment: Wizards, Alchemists, and Spiritual Seekers in the Age of Enlightenment. New Haven and New York: Yale YP and Norton. The BARS Review (44).
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2014), Griezelig Beroemd: de vereenzelviging van horrorauteur en horrorfictie, Vooys: tijdschrift voor letteren 32(4): 6-16.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2013), The Graveyard Aesthetics of Revolutionary Elegiac Verse: Remembering the Revolution as a Sacred Cause. In: McDonnell Michael A., Corbould Clare, Clarke Frances M. & Fitzhugh Brundage W. (red.), Remembering the Revolution: Memory, History and Nation Making from Independence to the Civil War. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. 75-92.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2013), Bespreking van: (2011), David Sandner, Critical Discourses of the Fantastic, 1712-1831. Farnham: Ashgate. BARS Bulletin and Review 42: 32-33.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2013), Hawthorne and the 'old Dutch Wizards': Matter and Spirit in the Marble Faun, Nathaniel Hawthorne Review 39(1): 35-56.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2011), Alchemical Construction of Genders in Anglo-American Fiction, 1799-1852: Visions of Utopia as Androgynous. Lewiston NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2011), Monstrous Masculinity and Emotional Torture in William Godwin's Fleetwood; or the New Man of Feeling. In: Ruberg W. & Steenbergh K. (red.), Sexed Sentiments: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Gender and Emotion. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 117-140.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2011), Theodore Roszak's The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein: A Countercultural Perspective on Alchemy, Gender and the Scientific Revolution. In: Tinkler-Villani V.M. & Barfoot C.C. (red.), Restoring the Mystery of the Rainbow: Literature's Refraction of Science volume 1. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 449-466.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2011), The Religious Sublime in An Essay on the History and Reality of Apparitions (1727). In: Makikalli A. & Mueller A.K.E. (red.), Positioning Daniel Defoe's Non-Fiction: Form, Function, Genre. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 169-185.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2010), "Though Hermes never taught thee": The Anti-Patriarchal Tendency of Charles Brockden Brown's Mercurial Outcast Carwin, the Biloquist, European Journal of American Studies (1): .
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2010), Godwin, Bulwer and Poe: Intellectual Elitism and the Utopian Impulse of Popular Fiction. In: Leeuwen E.J. van & Corporaal M.C.M. (red.), The Literary Utopias of Cultural Communities 1790-1910. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 47-66.
- Leeuwen E.J. van & Corporaal M.C.M. (red.) (2010), The Literary Utopias of Cultural Communities, 1790-1910. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2009), Funeral Sermons and Graveyard Poetry: the Ecstasy of Death and Bodily Resurrection, Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 32(3): 353-372.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2008), Gothic Eurowesterns: A Grotesque Perspective on a Hollywood Myth [herschreven en geillustreerde versie van artikel dat eerder verscheen in 2005 op www.kiez21.org], Bright Lights Film Journal 60: .
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2008), The Celluloid Reality of Everyday Life in John Updike's In the Beauty of the Lilies, Perspectives 2(2): 31-43.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2008), Gothic Eurowesterns: A Grotesque Perspective on a Hollywood Myth, Bright Lights Film Journal online(60): .
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2008), "Monstrous Masculinity in Godwin's Fleetwood" at Gender and Emotion Workshop Limerick, Ireland. Gender and Emotion International, Interdisciplinary Workshop 20 juni 2008 - 20 juni 2008.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2008) Review. Bespreking van: Fulford T. (2006), Romantic Indians: Native Americans, British Literature, & Transatlantic Culture 1756-1830 nr. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press. English Studies 89: 499-500.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2007), The Western Goes Dutch: Catholic Cowboys, Civilized Indians, and a Miniaturized West in the Ardensoog Series. In: Varner P. (red.), Westerns: Paperback Novels and Movies from Hollywood. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 199-215.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2007), "Roger Chillingworth and The Scarlet Letter's Androgynous Ideal: A Case-Study in Transatlantic Interfigurality, Essenses 14(1): 5-23.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2006), “Utopie en ironie. De genderloze toekomstvisie van de Amerikaanse auteur Charles Brockden Brown (1771-1810)”, Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis 26: 81-103.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (7 september 2006), Anarchic alchemists: dissident androgyny in Anglo-American gothic fiction from Godwin to Melville (Dissertatie, Faculty of Arts, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Haen T.L. d', Kardux J.C. & Tinkler-Villani V.M.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2006), Exploring and Colonising the Arctic: Subversive Verisimilitude in Hogg’s Allan Gordon and Poe’s Arthur Gordon Pym, Perspectives 2(1): 75-92.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2005), The Gothic Eurowestern:Ghosts, Wanderers and Fantastic Landscapes in Grotesque Perspective, Kiez21 : .
- Leeuwen E.J. van (3 september 2005), Kinderen van de canon. Reformatorisch Dagblad: 1-1.
- Leeuwen E.J. van (2004), “Public Similarity/Private Difference: Genre and Identity Construction in Jane Austen and Charles Brocken Brown”, Frame. Tijdschrift voor Literatuurwetenschap 17(2-3): 39-54.