Eva Michaels
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. E.M. Michaels
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9500
- e.m.michaels@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-8795-156X

Zie voor meer informatie over Eva Michaels de Engelse pagina.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Intelligence
- Michaels E.M. (2024), Caught off guard? : evaluating how external experts in Germany warned about Russia’s war on Ukraine, Intelligence and National Security 39(3): 420-442.
- Michaels E.M. & Sus M. (2024), (Not) Coming of age?: unpacking the European Union’s quest for strategic autonomy in security and defence, European Security 33(3): 383-405.
- Kissack R., Michaels E.M. & Fernández Ó. (2024), Parliamentary acceptability of EU military deployments in member states: beyond rubber-stamping?, Journal of European Integration : 1-28.
- Michaels E.M. & Sus M. (2024), Strategic Autonomy in Security and Defence as an Impracticability? How the European Union’s Rhetoric Meets Reality. In: Oriol Costa Eduard Soler i Lecha Martijn C. Vlaskamp (red.), EU Foreign Policy in a Fragmenting International Order. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 55-83.
- Michaels Eva (29 juni 2023), European Strategic Autonomy 2.0: What Europe Needs to get Right. Strategic Europe: Carnegie Europe.
- Michaels Eva (2022), Renewing Realist Constructivism: Does It Have Potential as a Theory of Foreign Policy?, Teoria Polityki 6: 101-122.
- Michaels Eva (2022), How surprising was ISIS’ rise to power for the German intelligence community? Reconstructing estimates of likelihood prior to the fall of Mosul, Intelligence and National Security 37(2): 157-176.
- Meyer Christoph O. Eva Michaels Nikki Ikani Aviva Guttmann and Michael S. Goodman (red.) (2022), Estimative Intelligence in European Foreign Policymaking: Learning Lessons from an Era of Surprise. Intelligence, Surveillance and Secret Warfare. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Guttmann Aviva and Eva Michaels (2022), How Germany and the UK Anticipated ISIS’ Rise to Power in Syria and Iraq. In: Christoph O. Meyer Eva Michaels Nikki Ikani Aviva Guttmann and Michael S. Goodman (red.), Estimative Intelligence in European Foreign Policymaking: Learning Lessons from an Era of Surprise. Intelligence, Surveillance and Secret Warfare. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 96-128.
- Nikki Ikani Meyer Christoph O. Eva Michaels and Aviva Guttmann (2022), Expectations from Estimative Intelligence and Anticipatory Foreign Policy: A Realistic Appraisal. In: Christoph O. Meyer Eva Michaels Nikki Ikani Aviva Guttmann and Michael S. Goodman (red.), Estimative Intelligence in European Foreign Policymaking: Learning Lessons from an Era of Surprise. Intelligence, Surveillance and Secret Warfare. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 27-68.
- Guttmann Aviva Nikki Ikani Christoph O. Meyer and Eva Michaels (2022), Introduction: Estimative Intelligence and Anticipatory Foreign Policy. In: Christoph O. Meyer Eva Michaels Nikki Ikani Aviva Guttmann and Michael S. Goodman (red.), Estimative Intelligence in European Foreign Policymaking: Learning Lessons from an Era of Surprise. Intelligence, Surveillance and Secret Warfare. Edinburg: Edinburgh University Press. 1-26.
- Kissack Robert Eva Michaels and Óscar Fernández (2022), Unpacking National Parliamentary Perceptions of CSDP Operations, 2016-2021. Barcelona: ENGAGE Working Paper 8.
- Michaels Eva and Robert Kissack (2021), Evaluating the National Acceptability of EU External Action: Conceptual Framework for the ENGAGE Project. Barcelona: ENGAGE Working Paper 2.
- Meyer Christoph O. Eva Michaels Aviva Guttmann and Ana Albulescu, What Lessons to Learn for Intelligence Production and Use in German Foreign Policy from ISIS’ Rise to Power and Russia’s Actions in Ukraine in 2013-2014?. The Policy Institute.
- Michaels Eva and Bahar Karimi (2021), Overview of Expert Claims and EU Policy Responses to ISIS’ Rise to Power in Iraq and Syria (King's College London, INTEL Research Project). [database].
- Michaels Eva (2021), Germany’s Anticipation of and Response to ISIS’ Rise to Power: Overview of Open-source Expert Claims and Policy Responses (King's College London, INTEL Research Project). [database].
- Michaels Eva (2019), Repubblica Centrafricana: Pace, Ottavo Tentativo, Nigrizia (5): .
- Michaels Eva, Tensions Running High in Gabon: Royal Institute for International Relations.
- Meyer Christoph O. Eric Sangar and Eva Michaels (2018), How Do Non-Governmental Organizations Influence Media Coverage of Conflict? The Case of the Syrian Conflict, 2011-2014, Media, War & Conflict 11(1): 149-171.
- Meyer Christoph O. and Eva Michaels (2016), Utilising Open Sources for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution: Potential, Limitation and Recommendations. Brussels: European Policy Brief.
- Strickmann Eva (2014), Review of National Security Cultures: Patterns of Global Governance, edited by Emil J. Kirchner and J. Sterling, Journal of Common Market Studies 52(2): 442.
- Major Claudia and Eva Strickmann (2012), Les Défis Logistiques des Opérations de l'UE. In: Olivier Kempf (red.), La Logistique, une Fonction Opérationnelle Oubliée. Paris: L’Harmattan. 71-85 .
- Brockmann Katrin and Eva Strickmann (2012), EU-NATO Beziehungen: Von der Unverantwortlichkeit interorganisationeller Konkurrenz. In: Kölner Forum für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik (red.), Transatlantische Perspektiven für die Ära Obama: Aufbruch zu neuen Ufern oder „business as usual“?. Köln: Kölner Wissenschaftsverlag. 75-111.
- Meyer Christoph O. and Eva Strickmann (2011), Solidifying Constructivism: How Material and Ideational Factors Interact in European Defence, Journal of Common Market Studies 49(1): 61-81.
- Major Claudia and Eva Strickmann, You Can’t Always Get What You Want – Logistical Challenges in EU Military Operations. SWP Working Paper (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik).
- Strickmann Eva (2010), Sorting out the Grains and Bridging Divides‘: Africa’s Rise on the Global Scene. In: Franco Algieri and Arnold Kammel (red.), Strukturen globaler Akteure: Eine Analyse ausgewählter Staaten, Regionen und der EU. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 135-155.
- Strickmann Eva (2009), Scenarios and Strategic Options for Coping with Climate Change. In: David Bosold and Kathrin Brockmann (red.), Anticipating the Future: Scenarios and Strategic Options for a New Global Order. Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations. 51-56.
- Strickmann Eva (2009), Clausewitz und die Effektivität militärischer ESVP-Operationen in Afrika. In: Clausewitz-Gesellschaft (red.), Jahrbuch 2008. Hamburg: Zentrum Operative Information. 167-182 .
- Strickmann Eva, EU and NATO Efforts to Counter Piracy off Somalia – a Drop in the Ocean?. European Security Review (International Security Information Service Europe).
- Strickmann Eva (2009), Review of Krieg ohne Raum: Asymmetrische Konflikte in einer entgrenzten Welt, by Rüdiger Voigt, Zeitschrift für Politik 56(4): 497-500.
- Strickmann Eva (2008), Clausewitz im Zeitalter der neuen Kriege: Der Krieg in Ruanda (1990-1994) im Spiegel der „wunderlichen Dreifaltigkeit“. Staatlichkeit im Wandel nr. 7. Berlin & Cambridge / Massachusetts: Galda.
- Hochleiter Erich and Eva Strickmann (2008), The New Security Context of the European Union. In: Erich Hochleiter (red.), Globale Akteure: das zukünftige Sicherheitsumfeld der Europäischen Union. Vienna: Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy. 129-134.
- Strickmann Eva, Der NATO-Gipfel von Bukarest: Aufwind für die EU-NATO-Beziehungen?. AIES Fokus (Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy).
- Strickmann Eva, ESVP-Mission im Tschad und der Zentralafrikanischen Republik. AIES Aktuelle (Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy).
- Strickmann Eva (2008), Conference Report: The Lisbon Treaty and ESDP. In: Sven Biscop and Franco Algieri (red.), The Lisbon Treaty and ESDP: Transformation and Integration. Brussels: Academia Press. 43-53.
- Strickmann Eva (2007), Clausewitz und neue Kriegsformen. In: Lennart Souchon (red.), Carl von Clausewitz – Konflikte und Strategien. Hamburg: Internationales Clausewitz-Zentrum. 14-39.
- honorary appointment as senior fellow