Eugénie Stapert
- Naam
- Dr. E.L. Stapert
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2125
- 0000-0001-9382-0611

Eugénie Stapert is een Universitair Docent aan het Centre for Linguistics.
Meer informatie over Eugénie Stapert
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Russische Studies
- Pakendorf B. & Stapert E.L. (2020), Sakha and Dolgan, the North Siberian Turkic languages. In: Robbeets M. & Savelyev A. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Däbritz C.L., Kudryakova N. & Stapert E.L. (2019), INEL Dolgan Corpus." Version 1.0: In: Wagner-Nagy, Beáta; Arkhipov, Alexandre; Ferger, Anne; Jettka, Daniel; Lehmberg, Timm (eds.). The INEL corpora of indigenous Northern Eurasian languages. Hamburg: Archived in Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora. [database].
- Stapert E.L. (26 september 2013), Contact-induced change in Dolgan : an investigation into the role of linguistic data for the reconstruction of a people’s (pre)history (Dissertatie, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University) LOT dissertation series nr. 336. Promotor(en): Mous M.P.G.M. & Pakendorf B.