Erwin Bakker
- Naam
- Dr. E.M. Bakker
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7115

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Meer informatie op mijn persoonlijke webpagina
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- He K., Pu N., Lao M., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2023), Dual selective knowledge transfer for few-shot classification, Applied Intelligence 53(22): 27779-27789.
- Lao M., Pu N., Liu Y., He. K., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2023), COCA: COllaborative CAusal Regularization for Audio-Visual Question Answering. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 7 februari 2024 - 14 februari 2024. Washington, DC, U.S.A.: AAAI Press. 12995-13003.
- Chen W., Liu Y., Wang W., Bakker E.M., Georgiou T., Fieguth P.W., Liu L. & Lew M.S. (2023), Deep Learning for Instance Retrieval: A Survey, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45(6): 7270-7292.
- Lao M., Pu N., Liu Y., Zhong Z., Bakker E.M., Sebe N. & Lew M.S. (2023), Multi-Domain Lifelong Visual Question Answering via Self-Critical Distillation, MM '23: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia. ACM International Conference on Multimedia 30 oktober 2023 - 2 november 2023. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Association for Computing Machinery. 4747 - 4758.
- Chen W., Liu Y., Wang W., Bakker E.M., Georgiou T.K., Fieguth P., Liu L. & Lew M.S.K. (2022), Deep image retrieval: a survey. arXiv. [working paper].
- Yu Z., Wu S., Dou Z. & Bakker E.M. (2022), Deep hashing with self-supervised asymmetric semantic excavation and margin-scalable constraint, Neurocomputing 483: 87-104.
- Zou X., Wu S., Zhang N. & Bakker E.M. (2022), Multi-label modality enhanced attention based self-supervised deep cross-modal hashing, Knowledge-Based Systems 239: 107927.
- Pu N., Liu Y., Chen W., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2022), Meta reconciliation normalization for lifelong person re-identification, MM '22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM international conference on multimedia. the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 10 oktober 2022 - 14 oktober 2022. New York, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. 541-549.
- Pu N., Chen W., Liu Y., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2021), Lifelong person re-identification via adaptive knowledge accumulation, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). CVPR 2021: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 19 juni 2021 - 25 juni 2021: IEEE. 7901-7910 .
- Chen W., Liu Y., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2021), Integrating information theory and adversarial learning for cross-modal retrieval, Pattern Recognition 117: 107983.
- Pu N., Chen W., Liu Y., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2020), Dual Gaussian-based variational subspace disentanglement for visible-infrared person re-identification. Atrey P.K. & Li Z. (red.), MM '20: proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on multimedia. ACM Multimedia Conference 2020 12 oktober 2020 - 16 oktober 2020. New York, NY, U.S.A.: ACM. 2149-2158.
- Chen W., Liu Y., Wang W., Tuytelaars T., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2020), On the exploration of incremental learning for fine-grained image retrieval. The 31st British Machine Vision Virtual Conference. BMVC 2020 7 september 2020 - 10 september 2020. Durham, U.K.: BMVC.
- Chen W., Pu N., Liu Y., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2019), Domain Uncertainty Based On Information Theory for Cross-Modal Hash Retrieval, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 8 juli 2019 - 12 juli 2019. Shanghai, China: IEEE. 43-48.
- Liu Y., Guo Y., Liu L., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2019), CycleMatch: A cycle-consistent embedding network for image-text matching, Pattern Recognition 93: 365-379.
- Guo Y., Liu Y., Lao S., Bakker E.M., Bai L. & Lew M.S.K. (2018), Bag of Surrogate Parts Feature for Visual Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20(6): 1525-1536.
- Guo Y., Liu Y., Bakker E.M., Guo Y. & Lew M.S.K. (2018), CNN-RNN: A Large-scale Hierarchical Image Classification Framework, Multimedia Tools and Applications 77(8): 10251-10271.
- Wu S., Oerlemans A., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2017), Deep binary codes for large scale image retrieval, Neurocomputing 257: 5-15.
- Liu Y., Guo Y., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2017), Learning a Recurrent Residual Fusion Network for Multimodal Matching, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) (2017). International Conference on Computer Vision 2017 22 oktober 2017 - 29 oktober 2017: IEEE Xplore. 4127-4136.
- Wu S., Oerlemans A., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2017), A comprehensive evaluation of local detectors and descriptors, Signal Processing: Image Communication 59: 150-167.
- Bakker E.M. (2016), Major events in multimedia information retrieval, International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval 5(4): 201-202.
- Bakker E.M. (2016), Open and free datasets for multimedia retrieval, International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval 5(3): 135-136.
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2013), An evaluation of content-based duplicate image detection methods for web search, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. article 202.
- Thomee B., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2013), Visual concept detection in the MIRFLICKR/ImageCLEF benchmark, Computer vision and image understanding : CVIU 117(5): 451-452.
- D'Este F. & Bakker E.M. (2010), Articulatory Speech Synthesis with Parallel Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the Sixteenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging 2010. . Delft: ASCI Research School.
- Li Xiaomeng & Bakker E.M. (2010), A General Music Summarization Scheme using DHMMs, Proceedings of the Sixteenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging 2010. . Delft: ASCI Research School.
- Thomee B., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2010), TOP-SURF: a visual words toolkit, Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM'10). 1473-1476.
- Schie H.T.M. van, Vos R.J. de, Jonge S. de, Bakker E.M., Heijboer M.P., Verhaar J.A.N., Tol J.L. & Weinans H. (2009), Ultrasonographic tissue characterisation of human Achilles tendons: quantification of tendon structure through a novel non-invasive approach, Br. J. Sports Med. : .
- Oerlemans A.A.J., Lew M.S. & Bakker E.M. (2009), Visual Concept Detection using MOD Salient Points, Proceedings 21st Benelux Conference on Aritificial Intelligence. .
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2009), Large Scale Evaluation of Image Copy Detection Methods, Proceedings of the 15th annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging. 15th annual conference of the Advanced School for Comkputing and Imaging paper 19.
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2009), An Exploration-Based Interface for Interactive Image Retrieval, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing 192-197.
- Spek van der H.L.A., Bakker E.M. & Wijshoff H.A.G. (2009), Characterizing the performance penalties induced by irregular code using pointer structures and indirection arrays of the intel core 2 architecture, CF 09: Proceedings of the 6th ACM comference on Computing frontiers. : ACM. 221-224.
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2009), Combining Visual Exploration and Searching for Interactive Texture Retrieval, Proceedings of the 21st Benelux Conference of Artificial Intelligence. 21st Benelux Conference of Artificial Intelligence paper 16.
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2009), Deep Exploration for Experiential Image Retrieval, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Multimedia. 17th International Conference on Multimedia 673-676.
- Schie H.T.M. van, Bakker E.M., Chedchutham W., Jonker A.M., Lest C.H.A. van de & Weeren P.R. van (2009), Monitoring of the repair process of surgically created lesions in equine superficial digital flexor tendons by use of computerized ultrasonography, Am. J. Vet. Res. 70(1): 37-48.
- Spek H.L.A. van der, Bakker E.M. & Wijshoff H.A.G. (2008), A compile/run-time environment for the automatic transformation of linked list data structures, International Journal of Parallel Programming 36(6): 592-623.
- Spek H.L.A. van der, Bakker E.M. & Wijshoff H.A.G. (2008), A Benchmark Package for the Compiler Evaluation of Irregular/Sparse Codes, Proceedings Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI 2008). 89-96.
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2008), Using an Artificial Imagination for Texture Retrieval, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. .
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2008), Large Scale Image Copy Evaluation, ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval. . New York: ACM. 59-66.
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2008), Using an Artificial Imagination for Content-Based Image Retrieval, Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging. 116-120.
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2008), Large scale image copy detection evaluation, Multimedia Information Retrieval 2008. 59-66.
- Yu F., Oerlemans A.A.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2007), Automatic Registration of Microtubule Images, Proc. of ASCI. 471-476.
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2007), An Artificial Imagination for Interactive Search, IEEE HCI, IEEE International Workshop, HCI 2007. : Springer. 19-28.
- Lew M.S., Bakker E.M., Sebe N. & Huang T.S. (2007), Human Computer Intelligent Interaction: A Survey, IEEE HCI, IEEE International Workshop, HCI 2007. : Springer. 1-5.
- Lew M.S., Sebe N., Huang T.S. & Bakker E.M. (2007), Computer Vision in Human Computer Interaction, IEEE HCI - LNCS, IEEE International Workshop, HCI 2007. : Springer.
- Spek H.L.A. van der, Bakker E.M. & Wijshoff H.A.G. (2007), SPARK00: A Benchmark Package for the Compiler Evaluation of Irregular/Sparse Codes ASCI 2008, Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging. . LIACS Technical Report.
- Thomee B., Huiskes M.J., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S. (2007), Visual Information Retrieval Using Synthesized Imagery, Proceedings of the 6th ACM international conference on Image and video retrieval. 127-130.
- Sebe N., Bakker E.M., Cohen I., Gevers T. & Huang T. (2005), Bimodal Emotion Recognition, Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, Measuring Behaviour. 11-14.
- Sebe N., Bakker E.M., Cohen I., Gevers T. & Huang T. (2005), Bimodal Emotion Recognition, Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, Measuring Behaviour. . Wageningen: Noldus Information Technology. 11-14.
- Schie E.C.M. van, Bakker E.M., Jonker A.M. & Weeren P.R. van (1998), Utrasonographic tissue characterization of equine SDF tendons by means of gray level statistics: a critical evaluation, A.M. J. Vet. Res. : .
- Schie E.C.M. van & Bakker E.M. (1998), Structure-related echoes in utrasonographic images of equine SDF tendons, Am. J. Vet. Res. : .
- Schie E.C.M. van, Bakker E.M. & Weeren P.R. van (1998), Ultrasonographic evaluation of equine tendons: a quantitative in vitro study of the effects of amplifier gain level, transducer-tilt and transducer-displacement, Vet.Rad. & Ultrasound 5(39): .