Erik van Geest
- Naam
- Dr. E.P. van Geest
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Diensten
- LIC/D/NMR-department
- Can B.S., Blümel N.V.V., Geest E.P. van, Makurat M., Ruitenbeek J.M. van & Schneider G.F. (2024), A Perspective on graphene junctions for recognition tunneling, Applied Physics Letters 124(21): 210501.
- Geest E.P. van, Götzfried S. K., Klein D. M., Salitra N., Popal S., Husiev Y., Griend C.J. van der, Zhou X., Siegler M. A., Schneider G.F. & Bonnet S.A. (2023), A Lock-and-Kill anticancer photoactivated chemotherapy agent: this article is part of a Special Issue celebrating the 50thAnniversary of the American Society for Photobiology, Photochemistry and Photobiology 99(2): 777-786.
- Geest E.P. van (14 januari 2021), Molecular and Nano-engineering with iron, ruthenium and carbon: Hybrid structures for sensing (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Bonnet S. & Schneider G.F.
- Zheng S., Spa S., Geest E.P. van, Ruitenbeek J.M. van & Bonnet S.A. (2021), Highly ordered, self-assembled monolayers of a spin-crossover complex with in-plane interactions, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2021(28): 2814-2821.
- Fu W., Jiang L., Geest E.P. van, Macedo Coelho Lima L. & Schneider G.F. (2017), Sensing at the surface of graphene field-effect transistors, Advanced Materials 29(6): 1603610.
- Startup op basis van een project in mijn Phd bij UL. Huidige activiteit: opstellen businessplan.
- Voorzitter