Erik de Maaker
Universitair Hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. E. de Maaker
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6612
- 0000-0001-6371-1297

Erik de Maaker is universitair hoofddocent aan het Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie van de Universiteit Leiden. Hij doet onderzoek naar waarderingen van plaats en verwantschap, voornamelijk in Zuid-Azië. Hij werkt aan thema's als religie, etniciteit, verwantschap, migratie, milieu, kennis, erfgoed, materialiteit, visualiteit, persoonlijkheid en de levenscyclus. Hij heeft veel gepubliceerd over de hooglanden van oostelijk Zuid-Azië, waarbij hij zich vooral richt op de uitdagingen waarmee mensen geconfronteerd worden als gevolg van culturele verandering en snelle economische ontwikkeling.
Het volledige profiel en al het nieuws en publicaties zijn te vinden op de Engelstalige versie van de profielwebsite van Erik de Maaker.
Universitair Hoofddocent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
- Maaker E. de, Ramila B., Feitsma M., Groffen M., Haeser E., Lee R., Karthika M., Sterenborg L. & Dungen S. van den (2024), Tales of a T-shirt: questioning the global garment chain from a co-creative student perspective. Delft: TU Delft OPEN Publishing.
- Maaker E. de (2024), Beyond the local and the global. In: Kruijer L.W., Versluys M.J. & Lilley I. (red.), Rooted cosmopolitanism, heritage and the question of belonging: achaeological and anthropological perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge. 249-255.
- Maaker E. de (2022), Rethinking ethnographies on Garo Hills. In: Wouters J.J.P & Heneise M.T. (red.), Routledge handbook of Highland Asia. Abingdon: Routledge. 298-311.
- Maaker E. de (2022), Customary Law. In: Wouters J.J.P & Subba T. (red.), The routledge companion to Northeast India. Abingdon: Routledge. 104-108.
- Maaker E. de & Tula M. (2022), Introduction: reinterpreting customary land relationships. In: Maaker E. de & Tula M. (red.), Unequal Land Relations in North East India: Custom, Gender and the Market. Guwahati: North Eastern Social Research Centre. 1-30.
- Maaker E. de (2022), Dialoguing events: an audiovisual toolkit for extended participatory observation. In: Grasseni G., Barendregt B., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A., Maeckelbergh M., Postma M. & Westmoreland M.R. (red.), Audiovisual and digital ethnography: a practical and theoretical guide. London: Routledge. 89-113.
- Maaker E. de (2022), Reworking culture: relatedness, rites, and resources in Garo Hills, North East India. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Maaker E. de & Smyer Yü D. (red.) (2022), Special issue: storying multi-species relationships, commoning and the state in the Himalayas. European Bulletin of Himalayan Research. Paris: CNRS/UPR 299/Centre d'Etudes Himalayenne.
- Maaker E. de (2022), Reimagining spaces, species and societies in the Himalayas, European Bulletin of Himalayan Research 58: 1-9 (2).
- Smyer Yü D & de Maaker E. (2021), Environmental humanities in the new Himalayas: symbiotic indigeneity, commoning, sustainability. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Grasseni C., Barendregt B.A., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A.L., Maeckelbergh M.E., Postma M.A. & Westmoreland M.R. (2021), Audiovisual and digital ethnography at Leiden. In: Grasseni C., Barendregt B.A., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A.L., Maeckelbergh M.E., Postma M.A. & Westmoreland M.R. (red.), Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography; A Practical and Theoretical Guide. London: Routledge. 1-11.
- Schleiter M. & Maaker E. de (2020), Media, indigeneity and nation in South Asia. Oxon: Routledge.
- Maaker E. de (2020), Cultural records, stereotypes, and the conflation of past and present in the creation of Garo documentary films . In: Schleiter M. & Maaker E. de (red.), Media, Indigeneity and Nation in South Asia. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge. 196-212.
- Pottgiesser U., Fatoric S., Hein C., Maaker E. de & Roders A.P. (2020), LDE heritage conference on heritage and the sustainable development goals: proceedings. Delft: TU Delft Open.
- Maaker E. de (2020), Unequal land relations in North East India: custom, gender and the market [Markets, Ethics and Agency: Changing Land Utilization and Social Transformation in the Uplands of Northeast India] (vertaling Maaker E. de & Tula M.). Guwahati: North Eastern Social Research Centre .
- Maaker E. de (2020), Who owns the hills? Ownership, inequality, and communal sharing in the borderlands of India [Markets, Ethics and Agency: Changing Land Utilization and Social Transformation in the Uplands of Northeast India] (vertaling Maaker E. de.), Asian Ethnology 79(2): 359-377.
- Maaker E. de & Tooker D. (red.) (2020), Agrarian Change in Zomia, special issue of Asian Ethnology. Asian Ethnology. Nagoya: Nanzan University.
- Maaker E. de (2020), Borderland narratives [Markets, Ethics and Agency: Changing Land Utilization and Social Transformation in the Uplands of Northeast India] (vertaling Maaker E. de & Janowski M.), Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 9(2): 151-160.
- Janowski M. & Maaker E. de (red.) (2020), Special issue of the Journal South East Asian Studies on 'Stories across Borders: Myths of Origin and their Contestation in the Borderlands of Southeast Asia', guest edited by Monica Janowski and Erik de Maaker. . Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.
- Maaker E. de (2020), Screening indigeneity and nation [Markets, Ethics and Agency: Changing Land Utilization and Social Transformation in the Uplands of Northeast India] (vertaling Maaker E. de & Schleiter M. ). In: Schleiter M. & Maaker E. de (red.), Media, Indigeneity and Nation in South Asia. Media, Culture and Social Change in Asia. Abingdon: Routledge. 1-25.
- Rosetti I., Naldini S. & Maaker E. de (2020), Exploring heritage as culture: disciplines, theories, method. In: Pottgiesser U., Fatoric S., Hein C., Maaker E. de & Roders A.P. (red.), Proceedings of the LDE Heritage Conference. Delft: TU Delft Open. 533-535.
- Maaker E. de (2020), From Marginal Zone to Borderland? Ethnographies, Histories and Politics in North East India. In: Sarkar S. & Modwell N.Y. (red.), Oral Traditions, Continuities and Transformations in Northeast India and Beyond. New Delhi: Routledge. 188.
- Maaker E. de (2020), Rites of Inheritance: Assessing Gifts, Mothers, and Marriages. In: Marak Q. & Chaudhury S. (red.), Cultural Heritage of Meghalaya. Abingdon: Routledge. 329-350.
- Grasseni C., Barendregt B.A., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A.L., Maeckelbergh M.E., Postma M.A. & Westmoreland M.R. (2020), Audiovisual and digital ethnography: a practical and theoretical guide. London: Routledge.
- De Maaker E. & Samuels A., Anthropologies of and with Asia, at Leiden University. Leiden Anthropology Blog. [blog].
- De Maaker E. (2019), Garo: The Garo Ethnic Community. In: Carrin M., Boivin M., Toffin G., Hockings P., Rousseleau R., Subba T. & Lambs-Tyche H. (red.), Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Religions of the Indigenous People of South Asia Online: Brill.
- Maaker E. de (2019), Nokdangko Man·rikani: Gamrangko Sualani, Ma.gipa Ong.rikani aro Bia Ka.anirang [Markets, Ethics and Agency: Changing Land Utilization and Social Transformation in the Uplands of Northeast India] (vertaling Maaker E. de.). Tura: Tua Book Room.
- Maaker E. de (2017), On the Nature of Indigenous Land: Ownership, Access and Farming in upland Northeast India. In: Uddin N., Gerharz E. & Chakkarath P. (red.), Indigeneity on the Move: Varying Manifestations of a Contested Concept. New York: Berghahn. 29-48.
- De Maaker E. (2015), Ambiguous Mortal Remains, Substitute Bodies, and other Materializations of the Dead among the Garo of Northeast India. In: Berger P. & Kroesen J. (red.), Ultimate Ambiguities: Investigating Death and Liminality. New York: Berghahn Books. 15-36.
- De Maaker E. (2015) Book review: Borderland lives in Northern South Asia. Bespreking van: Gellner D.N. (2013), Borderland lives in Northern South Asia. Durham / London: Duke University Press. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 38(2): 349-350.
- De Maaker E. (2014), Researching Garo death rites. In: Chaudhuri S.K. & Chaudhuri S.S. (red.), Fieldwork in South Asia: Memories, Moments and Experiences. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications. 167-186.
- De Maaker E. (2014) Book review: Beatrix Hauser, 2012, Promising rituals: Gender and performativity in Eastern India. Bespreking van: Hauser B., Promising Rituals: Gender and Performativity in Eastern India. Contributions to Indian Sociology 48(442-445).
- De Maaker E. (2014), Why do South Asian documentaries matter?: IIAS, The Newsletter 68(summer): 30.
- De Maaker E. & Van Schendel W. (2014), Asian borderlands: Introducing their permeability, strategic uses and meanings, Journal of Borderlands Studies 29(1): 3-11.
- De Maaker E. (2013), Have the mitdes gone silent? Conversion, rhetoric, and the continuing importance of the lower Deities in Northeast India. In: Young R. & Seitz J.A. (red.), Asia in the Making of Christianity nr. 35. Leiden: Brill. 135-159.
- Maaker E. de (2013), Performing the Garo nation? Garo Wangala dancing between faith and folklore, Asian Ethnology 72(2): 221-239.
- Maaker E. de (2012) Becoming a Borderland: The Politics of Space and Identity in Colonial Northeastern India. Bespreking van: , Becoming a Borderland: The Politics of Space and Identity in Colonial Northeastern India.. 640. Assam. Seminar 640(640): 98-99.
- Maaker E. de, Dubois F., Polit K. & Riphagen M. (2011), From ritual ground to stage. In: Grimes R.L., Hüsken U., Simon U. & Venbrux E. (red.), Ritual, media and conflict. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. 35-61.
- Maaker E. de (2011), Negotiations at death: Assessing gifts, mothers, and marriages. In: Hüsken U. & Neubert F. (red.), Negotiating Rites. New York: Oxford University Press. 43-57.
- Maaker E. de, Venbrux E. & Quartier T. (2011), Reinventing "All Souls' Day": Spirituality, contemporary art, and the remembrance of the dead. In: Ahn Gregor (red.), Ritual dynamics and the science of ritual. Reflexivity, media and visuality. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 617-634.
- Maaker E. de & Schleiter M. (red.) (2010), . IIAS Newsletter 53, special issue The Focus 'Indigenous' India.
- Maaker E. de (2010), Functie bij : Asian Borderlands Research Network (ABRN). [overig].
- Maaker E. de & Schleiter M. (2010), Indigeneity as a cultural practice: 'Tribe' and the state in India. Introduction to the focus section 'Indigenous India', IIAS Newsletter 53, special issue The Focus 'Indigenous' India 53: 16-17.
- Venbrux E., Maaker E. de, Heessels M. & Wojtkowiak J. (2009), Kunst als religie. Allerzielen Allicht van Ida van der Lee op de Nieuwe Oosterbegraafplaats in Amsterdam. In: Verdult P. (red.), God en kunst. Over het verschijnen en verdwijnen van het religieuze in de kunst. Tielt: Lannoo. 272-287.
- Maaker E. de (2009), Narratives of Garo Witchcraft. In: Jansen J., Luning S.W.J. & Maaker E. de (red.), Traditions on the move. Essays in Honour of Jarich Oosten. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers. 147-157.
- Jansen J., Luning S.W.J. & Maaker E. de (red.) (2009), Traditions on the move. Essays in honour of Jarich Oosten. Amsterdam: Rozenberg.
- Maaker E. de (2008), Een nieuw bestaan voor de doden: Ritueel en spiritualiteit in het kunstproject Allerzielen Alom. In: Lee I. van der (red.), Allerzielen Alom: Kunst tot Gedenken. Zoetermeer: Meinema.
- Maaker E. de, Quartier T., Wojtkowiak J. & Venbrux E. (2008), Kreatives Totengedenken: Rituelle erinnerungsräume in einem Niederländischen Kunstprojekt. In: , Jaarboek voor liturgieonderzoek. Groningen 155-176.
- Maaker E. de (2007), From the Songsarek faith to Christianity: Religious change and cultural continuity in West Garo Hills, South Asia 30(3): 517-530.
- Maaker E. de, Nijland D.J. & Geirnaert-Martin D. (2007), Ashes of life, the annual rituals of Laboya, Sumba 1996. An ethnographic multimedia DVD. Göttingen: IWF Knowledge and Media (release no. C 12594).
- Maaker E. de (2007), De transformatie van een traditie: post-seculiere vieringen van Allerzielen in Nederland. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2007), Rituals for a Garo Nation. Paper presented at the seminar: Ritual dynamics of conlicts. [overig].
- Maaker E. de & Joshi V. (2007), Editor of Northeast India and beyond: Region and culture, special issue of South Asia: Journal of South Asian studies. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2007), Comment on the policy of the Indian government towards the Burmese military rulers in relation to the volatile situation in Northeast India. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2007), Garo perspectives on illness and healing. [overig].
- Maaker E. de & Joshi V. (2007), Introduction in Northeast India and beyond: Region and culture, South Asia 30(3): 381-390.
- Maaker E. de (2006), De doden onder de levenden. In: Senten M. (red.), Verwondering, wetenschap in Nederland 2006. Amsterdam/Den Haag: Boom Publishers. 206-208.
- Maaker E. de (2006), Recording, constructing and reviewing Teyyam, the annual visit of the God Vishnumurti. In: Crawford P. & Postma M. (red.), Reflecting Visual Ethnography: Using the camera in anthropological research. Leiden/ Aarhus: CNWS Publishers/ Intervention Press. 103-118.
- Maaker E. de (2006), On the efficacy of the funerals of Songsarek Garo. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2006), On the efficacy of the death rituals of Songsarek Garo. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (30 maart 2006), Negotiating life: Garo death rituals and the transformation of society (Dissertatie. Research School CNWS, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Oosten J.G. & Schendel H.W. van.
- Maaker E. de (2006), Tribes of mind? Exploring, contesting and redefining notions of tribe. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2006), Functie bij : Organized by IWF Knowledge and Media. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2006), Towards an understanding of the changing Hill Societies of Northeastern India. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2006), Towards an understanding of the Changing Hill Societies of Northeastern India. Leiden: Leiden University. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2002), "It's Not Niam" The Articulation Of Kin Relations On Death Of A Garo. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2002), "The Negotiation of Kinship: Mortuary Rituals of the Garo of North Eastern India.". Leiden: CNWS. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2002), Dynamics of Death. Mortuary rituals and social transformation among the Garo, North Eastern India. Utrecht: Wotro Researchers Day. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2002), Between Own And Other: Garo Perceptions Of Descent, Affinity And Seniority. . Leiden.
- Maaker E. de & Nijland D.J. (2001), Ashes of life, the annual rituals of Laboya, Sumba 1996. Part II: Padu Patyala. Leiden: Institute for Cultural and Social Studies. [overig].
- Maaker E. de (2000), Integrating Ethnographic Research and Filmmaking: Video Elicitation for a Performance Oriented Analysis of the Teyyam Ritual [Dynamics of Death. Mortuary rituals and social transformation among the Garo, North Eastern India] (vertaling Maaker E. de), Visual Anthropology 13(2): 185-197.